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Damara Andalia
Latar belakang Glaukoma masih merupakan salah satu penyebab kebutaan
terbesar di dunia. Belakangan ini, ketebalan RFNL dan GCIPL diketahui memiliki
hubungan terhadap perubahan struktural yang disebabkan oleh glaukoma.
Tujuan untuk mengkaji kemampuan diagnostik dari pengukuran ketebalan RFNL
dan GCIPL dalam mendeteksi glaukoma pada tahap awal.
Metode Enam puluh empat mata dengan sudut bilik mata sempit (32 glaukoma,
32 non-glaukoma) dari 48 pasien menjalani pengukuran menggunakan Cirrus
OCT dengan protokol 3,4 mm pemindaian cepat RFNL peripapilar. Pengukuran
dilakukan pada sisi superior, inferior, nasal, temporal dari GCIPL dan RFNL,
begitu juga dengan GCIPL superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal,
inferonasal, dan minimal.
Hasil Semua parameter yang diuji pada studi ini menunjukkan angka yang lebih
rendah pada kelompok PACG dibandingkan kelompok PAC. Rerata ketebalan
RFNL dan ketebalan GCIPL inferotemporal masing-masing memiliki nilai
spesifitias dan sensitifitas yang paling baik. Parameter dengan determinan terbaik
adalah ketebalan GCIPL inferotemporal dengan sensitifitas dan spesifitas masingmasing
Ketebalan GCIPL dan RFNL peripapil memiliki potensi besar
sebagai parameter diagnostik seperti skrining dan evaluasi respon terapi.
Background Glaucoma remains one of the biggest causes of blindness
worldwide. Recently, RFNL and GCIPL thickness were shown to be correlated
with early structural changes caused by glaucoma.
Objective to evaluate the diagnostic performance of RFNL and GCIPL thickness
measurement in detecting early glaucoma
Method Sixty-four eyes with primary angle closure (32 glaucomatous, 32 nonglaucomatous)
patients underwent peripapillar scanning using Cirrus OCT
using 3,4 mm protocol fast RNFL peripapillary thickness scan. The measurement
includes superior, inferior, nasal, temporal, mean GCIPL and RFNL, as well as
superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal, inferonasal, minimal GCIPL.
Result All parameters studied were significantly thinner in PACG group
compared to PAC group. Mean RFNL thickness and inferotemporal GCIPL has
the highest specificity and sensitivity, respectively, in detecting glaucoma.
Parameter with the best determinant is inferotemporal GCIPL thickness with
sensitivity and specificity, 75% and 71.9%, respectively.
Conclusion Peripapillary RFNL and GCIPL could be a potential diagnostic
parameter in detecting early glaucoma and monitoring therapy response in
glaucoma patients. ;Background Glaucoma remains one of the biggest causes of blindness
worldwide. Recently, RFNL and GCIPL thickness were shown to be correlated
with early structural changes caused by glaucoma.
Objective to evaluate the diagnostic performance of RFNL and GCIPL thickness
measurement in detecting early glaucoma
Method Sixty-four eyes with primary angle closure (32 glaucomatous, 32 nonglaucomatous)
patients underwent peripapillar scanning using Cirrus OCT
using 3,4 mm protocol fast RNFL peripapillary thickness scan. The measurement
includes superior, inferior, nasal, temporal, mean GCIPL and RFNL, as well as
superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal, inferonasal, minimal GCIPL.
Result All parameters studied were significantly thinner in PACG group
compared to PAC group. Mean RFNL thickness and inferotemporal GCIPL has
the highest specificity and sensitivity, respectively, in detecting glaucoma.
Parameter with the best determinant is inferotemporal GCIPL thickness with
sensitivity and specificity, 75% and 71.9%, respectively.
Conclusion Peripapillary RFNL and GCIPL could be a potential diagnostic
parameter in detecting early glaucoma and monitoring therapy response in
glaucoma patients. ;Background Glaucoma remains one of the biggest causes of blindness
worldwide. Recently, RFNL and GCIPL thickness were shown to be correlated
with early structural changes caused by glaucoma.
Objective to evaluate the diagnostic performance of RFNL and GCIPL thickness
measurement in detecting early glaucoma
Method Sixty-four eyes with primary angle closure (32 glaucomatous, 32 nonglaucomatous)
patients underwent peripapillar scanning using Cirrus OCT
using 3,4 mm protocol fast RNFL peripapillary thickness scan. The measurement
includes superior, inferior, nasal, temporal, mean GCIPL and RFNL, as well as
superotemporal, superonasal, inferotemporal, inferonasal, minimal GCIPL.
Result All parameters studied were significantly thinner in PACG group
compared to PAC group. Mean RFNL thickness and inferotemporal GCIPL has
the highest specificity and sensitivity, respectively, in detecting glaucoma.
Parameter with the best determinant is inferotemporal GCIPL thickness with
sensitivity and specificity, 75% and 71.9%, respectively.
Conclusion Peripapillary RFNL and GCIPL could be a potential diagnostic
parameter in detecting early glaucoma and monitoring therapy response in
glaucoma patients. "
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan tulisan ini adalah membandingkan penurunan tekanan intraokular (TIO) setelah pemberian obat tetes mata travoprost 0,004% dengan setelah pemberian timolol 0,5% pada glaukoma primer sudut tertutup kronik..."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edi S. Affandi
"Tujuan tulisan ini adalah untuk membandingkan penurunan tekanan intraokuler (TIO) setelah pemberian obat tetes mata Trovoprost 0,004% dengan setelah pemberian timolol 0,5% pada glaukoma primer sudut tertutup kronik. Penelitian prospektif yang dilakukan dari April 2005 sampai Juli 2005 di Departemen Mata Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkitsumo (RSCM) Jakarta pada pasien glaukoma primer sudut tertutup kronik. Subjek dibagi secara acak menjadi 2 grup: grup pertama diberi tetes mata Travoprost 0,004% sekali sehari, dan grup ke dua diberi timolol 0,5% dim kali sehari. Dua minggu sesudah pengobatan dengan obat yang pertama, obat diganti dengan obat yang kedua. Tekanan intraokuler dicatat sebelum pengobatan dimulai, pada hari 1, hari 7 dan hari 14. Masa wash out terlaksanakan selama tiga minggu sebelum terapi awal dan setelah dilakukkan cross over. Enam belas pasien (32 mata) memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan diikutsertakan pada penelitian ini. Sebelum terapi, TIO pada grup Travoprost sebesar 25.38 ± 3,01 sedangkan pada grup timolol sebesar 25,88 ± 2,55 mmHg (p=0,354). Pada hari ke 7 pengobatan, TIO untuk masing-masing sebesar 16,75 ± 1,92 dan 21,25 +_ 3,09 (p=0,00l). Sedangkan pada hari ke 14 pengobatan, TIO untuk masing-masing grup sebesar 13,94 ±_ 2,02 dan 19,25 ± 2,18 (p=000). Dengan demikian Travoprost secara statistik bermakna menurunkan TIO lebih cepat dan besar dari pada timolol (p<0.05). Telex mala Travoprost 0,004% menurunkan tekanan intraokuler lebih cepai dan lebih besar daripada teles mata limolol 0,5%. (Med J Indones 2006; 15:242-5).

The objective of this study is to compare the reduction of intraocular pressure (IOP) after instillation of Travoprost compared with timolol in chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma. A prospective randomized, crossover study was conducted from April 2005 to July 2005 at Department of Ophthalmology, National Central General. Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta on subjects with chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma. Subjects were randomly divided into 2 groups: those taking Tmvoprost once daily and those taking timolol twice daily. Two weeks after treatment with the first drug, the second drug was substituted. Intraocular pressure was recorded before therapy, at day 1, day 7, and day 14. There was a wash out period of three weeks prior to initial treatment and after the cross over. Sixteen subjects (32 eyes) met the inclusion criteria and were included in this study. The mean baseline (OP in the Travoprost group was 25.38 ±3.01 mmHg, while in the timolol group it was 25.88 ±2.55 mmHg (p=0.354). At dav 7, the IOP were consecutively 16.75 ± 1.92 mmHg and 21.25 ± 3.09 mmHg (p=0.00i) and at day 14 IOP were 13.94 + 2.02 mmHg and 19.25 + 2.18 mmHg (p=000). This showed that Travoprost decreased the IOP faster and greater than timolol. The mean baseline IOP was 25.38 ± 3.01 mmHg was decreased to 11.44 ± 1.90 mmHg with Travoprost. In the timolol group, the mean baseline IOP of 25.88 ± 2.55 mmHg was decreased to 6.63 ± 2.25 mmHg. Statistically, Travoprost significantly reduced the IOP faster and greater than timolol "
[place of publication not identified]: Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siholita, Magda
"Tujuan: membandingkan penurunan TIO setelah pemberian obat tetes mata travoprost 0,004% dengan penurunan TIO setelah pemberian timomol 0,5% pada glaukoma primer sudut tertutup kronis (GPSTp kronis).
Metode: penelitian ini merupakan penelitian prospektif, randomisasi, dengan cross over design pada 32 mata dari 16 subjek GPSTp kronis. Subyek dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok: kelompok travoprost dan kelompok timolol. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 8 subyek. Dua minggu setelah pemberian obat, dilakukan penyilangan kelompok. Tekanan intraocular diukur sebelum terapi, dan pada hari ke-1, hari ke-7, hari ke-14 setelah terapi. Periode wash out dilakukan pada saat sebelum diberikan perlakukan dan setelah cross over. Setiap wash out berlangsung selama 3 minggu.
Hasil: Kelompok travoprost mempunyai TIO awal rerata 25,38±2,55 mmHg, penurunan TIO mencapai 11,44±2,55 mmHg, penurunan TIO mencapai 6,63±2,25 mmHg. Dengan uji statistic, travoprost menurunkan TIO lebih besar dibandingkan timolol secara bermakna (p<0,05)
Kesimpulan: Obat tetes mata travoprost 0,004% menunrunkan TIO lebih besar dibandingkan obat tetes mata timolol 0,5%.

Objective: To compare the reduction of intraocular after taking travoprost VS timolol in chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma.
Method: We performed a prospective, randomized, crossover study of 32 eyes of 16 patients with chronic primary angle-closure glaucoma. Patients were randomized to 2 group: those taking travoprost once daily or those taking timolol twice daily. Each group comprise of 8 patients. Two weeks after treatment with the first drug, the second drug was substituted. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was recorded before the start of therapy, at day 1, at day 7, and at day 14. Wash out period conducted prior to initial treatment and after the cross over. The duration of wash out period was three weeks.
Results: The mean baseline IOP was 25.38±3.01 mmHg, which decreased by 11.44±1.90 mmHg with travoprost. The mean baseline IP was 25.88±2.55 mmHg, which decreased by 6.63±2.25 mmHg with timolol. By statistic test, travoprost reduced the IOP greater than timolol significantly (p<0.05).
Conclusion: 0.004% travoprost eyedrops reduce the IOP greater than 0.5timolol eyedrops.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simbolon, Stephanus
Glaukoma primer merupakan glaukoma yang paling sering muncul, dan trabekulektomi merupakan tatalaksana operatif lini pertamanya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat perbandingan bagaimana trabekulektomi menurunkan tekanan intraokular pada kedua bentuk glaukoma primer dalam jangka waktu antara 1-6 bulan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain potong lintang, yaitu dengan mengambil data sekunder dari rekam medik pasien berupa data pra-intervensi dan pasca intervensi dalam waktu yang sama. Intervensi adalah trabekulektomi. Waktu antara pasca trabekulektomi dengan trabekulektomi dilaksanakan minimal 1 bulan dan maksimal 6 bulan. Peneliti mengambil 90 pasien sebagai sampel, 38 di antaranya adalah pasien POAG dan 52 lainnya pasien PACG. Melalui trabekulektomi, penurunan tekanan intraokular pada PACG lebih besar dibandingkan pada POAG. Namun penurunan tekanan intraokular hasil trabekulektomi pada pasien POAG dibandingkan dengan pasien PACG tidak menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan. Penelitian selanjutnya membutuhkan tekanan intraokular pra-operasi yang cenderung sama untuk mengetahui hasil yang lebih objektif.

Primary glaucoma is the most common form of glaucoma, and trabeculectomy is the first line for operative management for it. This research is intended to find out the comparison between how trabeculectomy lower intraocular pressure in both kinds of primary glaucoma patients within a short period 1 6 months . This research uses cross sectional design by taking secondary data from glaucoma patients rsquo medical record and seeing the intraocular pressure before and after trabeculectomy at the same time. The time between the post operation data and the operation is a month at minimum and six months at most. Researcher took 90 patients as samples, 38 are POAG patients and the other 52 are PACG patients. The result shows that the intraocular pressure lowering effect trabeculectomy in PACG patients is bigger than in POAG patients. The difference of intraocular pressure lowering effect by trabeculectomy among PACG patients is not significant compared to POAG patients. The upcoming research will need the same pra operation intraocular pressure patients to objectify the results more."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library