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Hani Ferrani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang penggunaan antibiotik profilaksis pada pasien bedah sesar di RSUD dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran dan kesesuaian penggunaan antibiotik profilaksis pada pasien bedah sesar berdasarkan rekomendasi WHO dan Permenkes. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian non-eksperimental dengan jenis studi deskriptif dan data diperoleh dari penelusuran rekam medis secara retrospektif dan wawancara. Analisis data meliputi karakteristik pasien berdasarkan usia dan indikasi, gambaran penggunaan antibiotik profilaksis pada pasien bedah sesar berdasarkan jenis, dosis, waktu pemberian, dan cara pemberian, serta kejadian infeksi luka operasi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa kejadian bedah sesar paling banyak terjadi pada ibu dengan usia 20 ndash; 35 tahun 73 dengan indikasi terbanyak yaitu pre eklamsia berat PEB 13,33 . Antibiotik profilaksis yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Cefazolin 53,33 , dengan dosis 2 gram 54,67 , diberikan 100 secara intravena, dengan waktu pemberian yang paling sering yaitu > 60 menit 47,33 . Jenis antibiotik yang digunakan 60,66 sesuai. Dosis dan cara pemberian antibiotik 100 sesuai. Waktu pemberian antibiotik 52,67 sesuai. Terdapat 2 kasus ILO 1,33 dari 150 sampel pasien bedah sesar yang mendapatkan antibiotik profilaksis.
This study discusses the use of prophylactic antibiotics in patients with cesarean section at dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga. The purpose of this study was to determine the description and appropriateness of prophylactic antibiotic use in cesarean section patients based on the recommendation of WHO and Permenkes. This study is a non experimental study with descriptive study type and data obtained from retrospective by tracking data from the medical record document of patient who where undergoing cesarean section uring 2016 and interview. Data analysis included patient characteristics by age and indications, use of antibiotic prophylaxis in patients with cesarean sections based on the type, dose, timing and mode of administration, and the incidence of surgical site infection. The result of the research shows that the incidence of cesarean section is most common in women aged 20 35 years 73 with the highest indication of severe pre eclampsia PEB 13.33 . Antibiotic prophylaxis is the most widely used is Cefazolin 53.33 , with a dose of 2 g 54.67 , given intravenously 100 , with the most frequent time of administration that is 60 minutes 47.33 . The type of antibiotic used is 60.66 accordingly. Dosage and method of administration of antibiotics 100 appropriate. The timing of antibiotics is 52.67 appropriate. There are 2 cases of ILO 1.33 of the 150 samples of caesarean section patients receiving prophylactic antibiotics.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isnani Dewi Saefina
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas kepatuhan dokter dalam penggunaan antibiotik profilakaksis terhadap pedoman penggunaan antibiotik di RSUP Fatmawati 2017. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengarui tingkat kepatuhan dokter penggunaan antibiotik profilakaksis terhadap pedoman penggunaan antibiotik, menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Data diperoleh menggunakan bantuan kuesioner dan melakukan telaah dokumen rekam medis. Hasil dalam penelitan ini menunjukan bahwa sebagian dokter patuh 63.6 , berpengetahuan baik 77.3 , bersikap positif 63.6 , memiliki motivasi tinggi 63.6 menyatakan persepsi kurang mendukung terhadap insentif 59.1 , kurang mendukung terhadap sanksi 59.1 dan 81.8 memperoleh supervisi. Berdasarkan hasi uji statistik chi square didapat nilai alpha p 0.05 artinya tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kepatuhan dokter dalam menggunakan antibiotik profilaksis sesuai dengan pedoman. ......This research is to analiyze doctor rsquo s compliance in antibiotic prophylaxis usage towards the antibiotic guidline a RSUP Fatmawati 2017. The purpose of this research to determine factore relate docyor rsquo s compliance in antibiotic prophulaxis usage, using a cross sectional quantitative method. This research uses data obtained form questionnaire and medical records. Data analysis shows that 63,6 doctors are comply toward the guideline., 77,3 have good knowledge, 63,6 have positive attitude, 63,6 have high motivation, 59,1 stated less supportive towards incentive, 59,1 stated less supportive towards incentive, and 81.8 get supervision. Based on statistical analysis, knowledge and education are significant factors of doctors rsquo s compliance. Age, sex, attitude, incentive, motivation, sanction are not significant factors P value 0.05.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Astram
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Asam pipemidat efektif pada 94 kasus infeksi saluran kemih akut, 87,5 infeksi saluran kemih kronis. Asam pipemidat diekskresi di urin sebanyak 85 dosis dalam bentuk aktif sehingga memberikan efek uroseptik. Metodelogi: Penelitian ini dibagi 2 kelompok masing-masing 20 pasien, terdiri dari pasien yang menjalani operasi TURP, litotripsi batu buli dan urethrotomi interna di RSU Kardinah April 2016 - Mei 2016. Kelompok intervensi diberikan asam pipemidat, pada kelompok kontrol diberikan ceftazidime. Hasil: Asam pipemidat memiliki efektivitas yang tidak berbeda dengan antibiotik kontrol sebagai profilaksis infeksi pasca operasi. Asam pipemidat terbukti memberikan waktu perawatan yang lebih singkat. Kesimpulan: Asam pipemidat dapat digunakan sebagai profilaksis pada operasi endourologi traktus urinarius bawah dan memberikan waktu perawatan yang lebih singkat.
Introduction Pipemidat acid effective 94 in acute urinary tract infection case, 87,5 chronic urinary tract infection. Pipemidat excretion in urine approximately 85 of total doses in active form so that give uroseptic effect. Methods Study divided into 2 groups, each group have 20 patients that were done TURP, bladder stone lithotripsy and internal urethrotomy in Kardinah General Hospital on April 2016 ndash Mei 2016. Intervention group was given pipemidat acid while control group used ceftazidime. Result pipemidat acid have no significant effectivity with control antibiotic as prophylaxis to prevent infection after operation. Pipemidat acid gives in short length of stay. Conclusion pipemidat acid can be used as prophylactic therapy in lower urinary tract endourology surgery and give a short time in length of stay.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firyal Fairuztsana Nugraha
Abstrak :
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) merupakan virus yang menginfeksi sel darah putih yang menyebabkan turunnya kekebalan tubuh manusia. Layanan program penanggulangan HIV/AIDS diberikan mulai dari tingkat puskesmas sebagai layanan kesehatan dasar. Penggunaan terapi ARV sebagai pengobatan HIV/AIDS menunjukkan penurunan angka kematian dan kesakitan, meningkatkan kualitas hidup ODHA, dan meningkatkan harapan masyarakat. Profilaksis antimikroba diindikasikan pada pasien dengan imunosupresi berat dan mengakibatkan peningkatan risiko infeksi oportunistik. Tujuan utama tugas khusus ini yaitu dilakukan profil untuk mengetahui pasien aktif dan pasien baru, pasien meninggal atau rujuk/pindah, penggunaan obat ARV, dan penggunaan obat profilaksis di Puskesmas Kecamatan Matraman. Berdasarkan hasil profil, jumlah pasien aktif, pasien baru, pasien yang dirujuk atau pindah, pasien putus obat atau lost to follow up, dan pasien meninggal pada tahun 2022 berturut-turut sebanyak 81; 21; 12; 20; dan 2 orang dengan menggunakan empat regimen obat ARV, yaitu regimen TLE sebanyak 59 orang, TLD sebanyak 40 orang, Duviral + NVP sebanyak 2 orang, dan Duviral + EFV sebanyak 1 orang. Pasien yang menggunakan TPT dengan regimen 3HP (45 orang) dan 6H (25 orang), serta 32 orang tidak menggunakan TPT. Pasien yang menggunakan terapi profilaksis kotrimoksasol sebanyak 52 orang dan pasien yang belum pernah menggunakan sebanyak 51 orang. ...... Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that infects white blood cells causing a decrease in human immunity. HIV/AIDS prevention program services are provided starting from the District Health Center level as basic health services. The use of ARV therapy as HIV/AIDS treatment has shown a decrease in mortality and morbidity, improved the quality of life of PLWHA, and increased community hope. Antimicrobial prophylaxis is indicated in patients with severe immunosuppression and results in an increased risk of opportunistic infections. The main objective of this special assignment is to conduct a profile to determine active and new patients, dead or referred/moved patients, the use of ARV drugs, and the use of prophylactic drugs at the Matraman District Health Center. Based on the results of the profile, the number of active patients, new patients, patients who were referred or moved, patients who dropped out or lost to follow up, and patients who died in 2022 were 81; 21; 12; 20; and 2 people, respectively, using four ARV drug regimens, namely TLE regimens for 59 people, TLD for 40 people, Duviral + NVP for 2 people, and Duviral + EFV for 1 person. Patients who used TPT with regimens 3HP (45 people) and 6H (25 people), and 32 people did not use TPT. Patients who used cotrimoxazole prophylaxis therapy were 52 people and patients who had never used it were 51 people.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Armen Muchtar, Author
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2006
PGB 0173
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ken Ayu Mastini
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Pemberian kotrimoksazol diberikan sebagai standar pencegahan primer terhadap infeksi toksoplasmosis dan pneumonia Pneumocystis jirovecii (PCP) pada pasien HIV dengan CD4 kurang dari 200 sel/mm3 dan pasien tuberkulosis. Beberapa penelitian di luar negeri mendapatkan bahwa pemberian profilaksis kotrimoksazol belum sesuai dengan panduan nasional, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk menilai kepatuhan dokter dalam meresepkan profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol. Tujuan : mengetahui pola peresepan dokter terutama dalam memulai, menghentikan, dosis obat, efek samping, durasi pemberian dan persentase lama pemberian profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol pada pasien HIV Metode : Studi ini merupakan studi kohort retrospektif dan mengambil data semua pasien HIV usia lebih dari 18 tahun yang berobat ke UPT HIV RSCM tahun 2004-2013 dan memenuhi kriteria pemberian profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol. Variabel yang diteliti adalah pola inisiasi peresepan, penghentian peresepan, dosis, durasi, persentase lama pemberian, serta ada tidaknya efek samping kotrimoksazol Hasil : Sejumlah 3818 pasien mempunyai indikasi pemberian kotrimoksazol dengan nilai tengah usia pasien adalah 29 tahun, pria (79,1%), tuberkulosis (58,5%), stadium 3 dan 4 (86%). Nilai tengah CD4 saat awal adalah 51 sel/mm3 (RIK 101). Profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol sudah dimulai pada 83% pasien. Pemberian dosis kotrimoksazol sudah sesuai pedoman pada 99,8% pasien. Efek samping yang dari yang paling sering sampai yang jarang terjadi adalah peningkatan transaminase (38,1%), leukopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), mual (15,4%), muntah (7,8%), trombositopenia (7,4%) dan alergi (5,3%). Efek samping yang menyebabkan penghentian peresepan adalah alergi (100%), anemia (2,4%), peningkatan transaminase (2,1%), muntah (0,8%) dan leukopenia (0,6%). Pola penghentian peresepan tidak sesuai pedoman pada 61,6% dengan nilai tengah persentase lama pemberian 87,5% (RIK 39) dan nilai tengah durasi pemberian profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol adalah 20 bulan (RIK 20). Durasi pada pasien dengan CD4≤100 sel/mm3 dan >100 sel/mm3 adalah 21 bulan (RIK 22) dan 12,5 bulan (RIK 14,75) dengan nilai p=0,000. Kesimpulan : walaupun pada saat awal 83% pasien HIV dewasa dilakukan pemberian profilaksis primer kotrimoksazol dengan pengaturan dosis yang sangat baik, namun 61,6% penghentian peresepan tidak sesuai pedoman.
Back Ground : Cotrimoxazole was standard of primary prevention against toxoplasmosis infection and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) in patients with CD4 less than 200 cell/mm3 and tuberculosis. Some study found that prophylactic use cotrimoxazole in patients with HIV was inappropriate with national guideline. It was necessary to have research in order to know clinician adherence to prescribe primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Objective : to know initiation, discontinuation, dosage, adverse events, duration and duration percentage of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV patients Methods : This was cohort retrospective study and was done in UPT HIV RSCM and subject of study were all patients more than 18 years old from 2004 to 2013 and had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variable in this study were initiation, discontinuation, dosage, duration, duration percentage and adverse events of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Result : There were 3818 patients had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis with median age of study subjects were 29 years old, 79,1% were male, 58,5% were tuberculosis, WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 were 86%. Median CD4 at beginning was 51 cell/mm3 (IQR 101). Initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was performed in 83% patients who met indication. 99,8% patients used appropriate dose of cotrimoxazole. Frequent adverse events were increasing hepatic transaminase (38,1%), leucopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), nausea (15,4%), vomiting (7,8%), thrombocytopenia (7,4%) and hypersensitivity (5,3%). Adverse event causing discontinuation were hypersensitivity (100%), anemia (2,4%), increasing hepatic transaminase (2,1%), vomiting (0,8%) and leucopenia (0,6%). Inappropriate discontinuation of cotrimoxazole was 61,6% with median duration percentage was 87,5% (IQR 39) and median of duration was 20 month (IQR 20). Duration in patients with CD4≤100 cell/mm3 and >100 cell/mm3 was 21 month (IQR 22) and 12,5 month (IQR 14,75) p=0,000. Conclusion : although initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was done in 83% adult HIV patients with appropriate dosage, but 61,6% discontinuation was inappropriate with guideline;Back Ground : Cotrimoxazole was standard of primary prevention against toxoplasmosis infection and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) in patients with CD4 less than 200 cell/mm3 and tuberculosis. Some study found that prophylactic use cotrimoxazole in patients with HIV was inappropriate with national guideline. It was necessary to have research in order to know clinician adherence to prescribe primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Objective : to know initiation, discontinuation, dosage, adverse events, duration and duration percentage of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV patients Methods : This was cohort retrospective study and was done in UPT HIV RSCM and subject of study were all patients more than 18 years old from 2004 to 2013 and had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variable in this study were initiation, discontinuation, dosage, duration, duration percentage and adverse events of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Result : There were 3818 patients had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis with median age of study subjects were 29 years old, 79,1% were male, 58,5% were tuberculosis, WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 were 86%. Median CD4 at beginning was 51 cell/mm3 (IQR 101). Initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was performed in 83% patients who met indication. 99,8% patients used appropriate dose of cotrimoxazole. Frequent adverse events were increasing hepatic transaminase (38,1%), leucopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), nausea (15,4%), vomiting (7,8%), thrombocytopenia (7,4%) and hypersensitivity (5,3%). Adverse event causing discontinuation were hypersensitivity (100%), anemia (2,4%), increasing hepatic transaminase (2,1%), vomiting (0,8%) and leucopenia (0,6%). Inappropriate discontinuation of cotrimoxazole was 61,6% with median duration percentage was 87,5% (IQR 39) and median of duration was 20 month (IQR 20). Duration in patients with CD4≤100 cell/mm3 and >100 cell/mm3 was 21 month (IQR 22) and 12,5 month (IQR 14,75) p=0,000. Conclusion : although initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was done in 83% adult HIV patients with appropriate dosage, but 61,6% discontinuation was inappropriate with guideline;Back Ground : Cotrimoxazole was standard of primary prevention against toxoplasmosis infection and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) in patients with CD4 less than 200 cell/mm3 and tuberculosis. Some study found that prophylactic use cotrimoxazole in patients with HIV was inappropriate with national guideline. It was necessary to have research in order to know clinician adherence to prescribe primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Objective : to know initiation, discontinuation, dosage, adverse events, duration and duration percentage of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV patients Methods : This was cohort retrospective study and was done in UPT HIV RSCM and subject of study were all patients more than 18 years old from 2004 to 2013 and had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variable in this study were initiation, discontinuation, dosage, duration, duration percentage and adverse events of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Result : There were 3818 patients had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis with median age of study subjects were 29 years old, 79,1% were male, 58,5% were tuberculosis, WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 were 86%. Median CD4 at beginning was 51 cell/mm3 (IQR 101). Initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was performed in 83% patients who met indication. 99,8% patients used appropriate dose of cotrimoxazole. Frequent adverse events were increasing hepatic transaminase (38,1%), leucopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), nausea (15,4%), vomiting (7,8%), thrombocytopenia (7,4%) and hypersensitivity (5,3%). Adverse event causing discontinuation were hypersensitivity (100%), anemia (2,4%), increasing hepatic transaminase (2,1%), vomiting (0,8%) and leucopenia (0,6%). Inappropriate discontinuation of cotrimoxazole was 61,6% with median duration percentage was 87,5% (IQR 39) and median of duration was 20 month (IQR 20). Duration in patients with CD4≤100 cell/mm3 and >100 cell/mm3 was 21 month (IQR 22) and 12,5 month (IQR 14,75) p=0,000. Conclusion : although initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was done in 83% adult HIV patients with appropriate dosage, but 61,6% discontinuation was inappropriate with guideline, Back Ground : Cotrimoxazole was standard of primary prevention against toxoplasmosis infection and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) in patients with CD4 less than 200 cell/mm3 and tuberculosis. Some study found that prophylactic use cotrimoxazole in patients with HIV was inappropriate with national guideline. It was necessary to have research in order to know clinician adherence to prescribe primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Objective : to know initiation, discontinuation, dosage, adverse events, duration and duration percentage of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in HIV patients Methods : This was cohort retrospective study and was done in UPT HIV RSCM and subject of study were all patients more than 18 years old from 2004 to 2013 and had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Variable in this study were initiation, discontinuation, dosage, duration, duration percentage and adverse events of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis. Result : There were 3818 patients had indication of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis with median age of study subjects were 29 years old, 79,1% were male, 58,5% were tuberculosis, WHO clinical stage 3 and 4 were 86%. Median CD4 at beginning was 51 cell/mm3 (IQR 101). Initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was performed in 83% patients who met indication. 99,8% patients used appropriate dose of cotrimoxazole. Frequent adverse events were increasing hepatic transaminase (38,1%), leucopenia (16,9%), anemia (16,5%), nausea (15,4%), vomiting (7,8%), thrombocytopenia (7,4%) and hypersensitivity (5,3%). Adverse event causing discontinuation were hypersensitivity (100%), anemia (2,4%), increasing hepatic transaminase (2,1%), vomiting (0,8%) and leucopenia (0,6%). Inappropriate discontinuation of cotrimoxazole was 61,6% with median duration percentage was 87,5% (IQR 39) and median of duration was 20 month (IQR 20). Duration in patients with CD4≤100 cell/mm3 and >100 cell/mm3 was 21 month (IQR 22) and 12,5 month (IQR 14,75) p=0,000. Conclusion : although initiation of primary cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was done in 83% adult HIV patients with appropriate dosage, but 61,6% discontinuation was inappropriate with guideline]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Na Imatul Mahanani
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Antibiotik profilaksis pada tindakan biopsi prostat transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) diberikan untuk mengurangi komplikasi infeksi. Antibiotik profilaksis yang digunakan di RSUPNCM adalah fluorokuinolon tetapi terdapat tren peningkatan resistensi. Belum tersedia data mengenai profil bakteri dan antibiogram pada swab rektal biopsi prostat di RSUPNCM sebagai acuan profilaksis dan terapi infeksi pasca biopsi prostat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan data profil bakteri dan antibiogram swab rektal pasien biopsi prostat, serta mendapatkan data jumlah pasien yang mengalami komplikasi infeksi pasca biopsi prostat di RSUPNCM. Desain penelitian adalah kohort prospektif. Menggunakan swab rektal dari 47 pasien biopsi prostat di Departemen Urologi RSUPNCM. Didapatkan bakteri Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecium, Acinetobacter haemolyticus, Morganella morganii ss morganii, dan Enterococcus faecalis. Antibiotik yang memiliki sensitvitas tinggi gentamicin, amikacin, ampicillin sulbactam, amoxicillin clavulanat, ceftazidime, piperacillin tazobactam, cefepime, imipenem, doripenem, meropenem, dan ertapenem. Antibiotik yang menunjukkan resistensi tinggi cephalothin, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, dan cefoperazone. Keluhan subyektif demam didapatkan pada 7 pasien dan tidak terdapat rawat inap ke rumah sakit. Tidak direkomendasikan pemberian fluorokuinolon sebagai antibiotik profilaksis pada tindakan biopsi prostat di RSUPNCM. Pemberian antibiotik profilaksis sebaiknya dengan profilaksis target berdasarkan hasil kultur dan resistensi swab rektal. Apabila tidak dapat dilakukan maka antibiotik profilaksis yang dapat direkomendasikan adalah amoxicillin clavulanat dan ertapenem.
ABSTRACT Prophylaxis antibiotics in trans rectal ultrasound prostate biopsy is given to reduce infection complication. The recent antibiotics in Doctor Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital is fluoroquinolone that showing increasing resistance trends. Bacterial profile and antibiogram of rectal swab patient underwent prostate biopsy is not available. This data is needed as a guidance of prophylaxis antibiotics and post biopsy infection therapy in prostate biopsy. This research aimed to obtain those data, and number of patient with infection complication post prostate biopsy. Research design was prospective cohort. Swab rectal is collected from 47 patients underwent prostate biopsy in Doctor Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterococcus faecium, Acinetobacter haemolyticus, Morganella morganii ss morganii, and Enterococcus faecalis were found. Antibiotics with high susceptible gentamicin, amikacin, ampicillin sulbactam, amoxicillin clavulanat, ceftazidime, piperacillin tazobactam, cefepime, imipenem, doripenem, meropenem, and ertapenem. Antibiotics with high resistance cephalothin, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, and cefoperazone. Subjective complaints of fever were found in 7 patients. Fluoroquinolone is not recommended as prophylaxis antibiotics in trans rectal ultrasound prostate biopsy. The targeted prophylaxis antibiotics based on rectal swab culture and resistance test should be done. If this test cannot be done, we suggest the use of amoxicillin clavulanat and ertapenem as recommended prophylaxis antibiotics.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nina Pursita
Abstrak :
Pemakaian antibiotik profilaksis pada sebagian kasus bedah caesar telah terbukti dapat mengurangi kejadian infeksi daerah operasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran penggunaan antibiotik profilaksis serta kesesuaian penggunaan antibiotik profilaksis yang digunakan pada pasien bedah caesar di Rumah Sakit Anak dan Bunda Harapan Kita Tahun 2016. Penelitian dilakukan secara observasional dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dan data diperoleh dari rekam medis pasien secara retrospektif. Data yang di analisis meliputi kesesuaian jenis antibiotik, dosis, dan waktu pemberian dibandingkan degan pedoman. Pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi sebanyak 267 pasien. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan antibiotik profilaksis yang banyak digunakan adalah seftriakson injeksi. Ditinjau dari jenis antibiotik yang digunakan, dosis, dan waktu pemberiaan kesesuaiannya masing-masing sebesar 59,18 , 74,91 , 76,40 . Secara keseluruhan, penggunaan antibiotik profilaksis pada pasien bedah caesar 28,46 mendapatkan penggunaan antibiotik profilaksis yang sesuai dan 71,54 tidak sesuai terhadap Clinical Pathway Sectio Caesarea di RSAB Harapan Kita, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists ASHP 2013, dan Drug Information Handbook 17th Edition.
The use of antibiotics prophylaxis in some cases of caesarean has been shown to reduce the incidence of surgical site infections. The purpose of this study was to know the description of the use of antibiotics prophylaxis and the suitability of antibiotics prophylaxis used in cesarean section patients at Mother and Children 39 s Hospital Harapan Kita in 2016. The study was conducted in observation using descriptive analytics method and data aquired from the patient 39 s medical records investigation retrospectively. The data analyzed included suitability of antibiotic type, dosage, and delivery time compared with guidelines. Patients who met the inclusion criteria were 267 patients. The results of the data analysis show that the widely used prophylactic antibiotics are ceftriaxone injection. Judging from the type of antibiotics used, dose of confirmity, and time of conformity, suitability was 59.18 , 74.91 , and 76.40 , respectively. Overall, the use of prophylactic antibiotics in cesarean section 28.46 of the use of appropriate prophylactic antibiotics and 71.54 were incompatible with the clinical pathway of Sectio Caesarea at Mother and Children 39 s Hospital Harapan Kita, American Society of Health System Pharmacists ASHP 2013, and Drug Information Handbook 17th Edition.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnes Cindy Nathania Usman
Abstrak :
Antibiotik profilaksis adalah antibiotik yang digunakan untuk mencegah terjadinya infeksi. Antibiotik yang biasa digunakan memiliki spektrum sempit, toksisitas rendah, memiliki sifat bakterisidal dan spesifik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat kesesuaian penggunaan antibiotik profilaksis pada pasien yang dilakukan pembedahan di Instalasi Bedah Sentral RSUP Fatmawati periode Januari ndash; Maret 2017 dengan PPAB RSUP Fatmawati tahun 2016 dan ASHP Guidelines tahun 2013. Metode penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif analitik dengan pengambilan data secara retrospektif. Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik total sampling. Pasien yang paling banyak dilakukan pembedahan adalah pasien perempuan 57,54 dan kelompok usia yang paling banyak adalah >45-55 tahun. Rencana pembedahan yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah elektif 73,75 . Divisi pembedahan yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah bedah kebidanan 20,37 . 2.191 pasien mendapatkan antibiotik profilaksis sebelum pembedahan dan persentase divisi pembedahan yang paling banyak menggunakan antibiotik profilaksis adalah bedah digestif 89,15 . Antibiotik profilaksis yang paling banyak digunakan adalah penggunaan tunggal sefazolin 41,05 . Kesesuaian penggunaan antibiotik profilaksis dengan PPAB RSUP Fatmawati tahun 2016 sebesar 51,92 dan kesesuaian penggunaan antibiotik profilaksis dengan ASHP Guidelines 2013 sebesar 43,13.
Prophylactic antibiotics are antibiotics used to prevent infection. Commonly used antibiotics have a narrow spectrum, low toxicity, have a bactericidal activity and specific. The purpose of this study is to see the suitability of the use of prophylactic antibiotics in surgical patients at the Central Surgery Installation of Fatmawati Central General Hospital January March 2017 with Antibiotic Guidelines from Fatmawati Central General Hospital 2016 and ASHP Guidelines 2013. This research method is done analitical descriptively with retrospective retrieval data. Sampling with total sampling technique. Patients most widely performed surgery were female 57.54 and the age group most was 45 55 years. The most widely performed surgical plan was elective 73.75 . The most widely performed surgical division was midwifery surgery 20.37 . 2,191 patients received prophylactic antibiotics before surgery and surgery division percentage of the most widely used surgical antibiotic prophylaxis was digestive 89.15 . The most widely used prophylactic antibiotic is cefazoline 41.05 . The compliance of prophylactic antibiotic usage with Antibiotic Guidelines from Fatmawati Central General Hospital 2016 was 51,92 and compliance of antibiotic prophylaxis with ASHP Guidelines 2013 was 43,13.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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