ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas pelaksanaan program KB pascapersalinan dan
pascakeguguran di Provinsi DKI Jakarta yang diatur dalam Peraturan Kepala
BKKBN Nomor : 146 Tahun 2009 dilihat dari Komunikasi, Sumber Daya dan
Sikap Pengelola dan Pelaksana Program KB.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan desain penelitian deskriptif
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa komunikasi dari tingkat pengelola masih belum
memiliki jalur koordinasi yang terprogram, selain itu perubahan kebijakan dari
Jampersal ke JKN sangat mempengaruhi komitmen pelaksana program. Masih
kurangnya tenaga bidan dan dokter terlatih sehingga program belum dapat
dilaksanakan secara optimal. Disamping itu edukasi yang disampaikan kepada
masyarakat belum fokus pada pelayanan KB MKJP. Belum adanya Peraturan
Daerah tentang pelayanan KB MKJP pascapersalinan dan pascakeguguran di DKI
Jakarta. Sebab masih kurangnya komitmen dari pengelola dan pelaksana program
dalam memprioritaskan KB MKJP pascapersalinan/pascakeguguran di DKI
Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya komitmen yang kuat dari pemerintah daerah untuk
menjadikan Program KB MKJP pascapersalinan/ pascakeguguran menjadi
program prioritas di Provinsi DKI Jakarta.
ABSTRACT"This thesis discussed about the implementation of postpartum and post abortion"
"family planning programs in DKI Jakarta Province based on The Head of National Family Planning Board (BKKBN) Regulation Number : 146/2009, focusing on communications, resources and attitudes of Family Planning (FP) Program Managers and Implementers."
"This study was a qualitative research with descriptive analytic study design."
"The study found that the communication from the management level still has no programmed coordination. In addition, policy changes from Jampersal to National Health Insurance (JKN) greatly affected the commitment of the program managers. There were still a lot of midwives and doctors not trained yet so that the program can not be implemented optimally. In addition, public education submitted was not focused on Long Acting Methods (LAM) family planning program. The absence of a Local Regulation on postpartum and post abotion LAM family planning services in Jakarta, was caused by a lack of commitment from Program Managers and Implementers in prioritizing Postpartum and Post Abortion LAM Program in DKI Jakarta."
"Therefore, a strong commitment from the government is needed to make the postpartum and post abortion LAM FP Program be a priority program in DKI Jakarta.";"This thesis discussed about the implementation of postpartum and post abortion"
"family planning programs in DKI Jakarta Province based on The Head of National Family Planning Board (BKKBN) Regulation Number : 146/2009, focusing on communications, resources and attitudes of Family Planning (FP) Program Managers and Implementers."
"This study was a qualitative research with descriptive analytic study design."
"The study found that the communication from the management level still has no programmed coordination. In addition, policy changes from Jampersal to National Health Insurance (JKN) greatly affected the commitment of the program managers. There were still a lot of midwives and doctors not trained yet so that the program can not be implemented optimally. In addition, public education submitted was not focused on Long Acting Methods (LAM) family planning program. The absence of a Local Regulation on postpartum and post abotion LAM family planning services in Jakarta, was caused by a lack of commitment from Program Managers and Implementers in prioritizing Postpartum and Post Abortion LAM Program in DKI Jakarta."
"Therefore, a strong commitment from the government is needed to make the postpartum and post abortion LAM FP Program be a priority program in DKI Jakarta.", "This thesis discussed about the implementation of postpartum and post abortion"
"family planning programs in DKI Jakarta Province based on The Head of National Family Planning Board (BKKBN) Regulation Number : 146/2009, focusing on communications, resources and attitudes of Family Planning (FP) Program Managers and Implementers."
"This study was a qualitative research with descriptive analytic study design."
"The study found that the communication from the management level still has no programmed coordination. In addition, policy changes from Jampersal to National Health Insurance (JKN) greatly affected the commitment of the program managers. There were still a lot of midwives and doctors not trained yet so that the program can not be implemented optimally. In addition, public education submitted was not focused on Long Acting Methods (LAM) family planning program. The absence of a Local Regulation on postpartum and post abotion LAM family planning services in Jakarta, was caused by a lack of commitment from Program Managers and Implementers in prioritizing Postpartum and Post Abortion LAM Program in DKI Jakarta."
"Therefore, a strong commitment from the government is needed to make the postpartum and post abortion LAM FP Program be a priority program in DKI Jakarta."]"