"Tesis ini membahas tentang permasalahan yang sedang dihadapi oleh program jaminan
sosial di bawah pemerintahan Presiden George W. Bush. Salah satu isu politik penting di
Amerika selama tiga decade. Di tahun 2043 dana jaminan sosial yang ada di dalam Trust
Fund akan mengalami kekurangan dana. Presiden Bush menawarkan solusinya dengan
mengubah sistem, menjadi kombinasi program pemerintah dan sistem privatisasi dalam
bentuk Personal Retirement Account (PRA) . Di dalam tesis ini juga dibahas penolakan
masyarakat terhadap program privatisasi program jaminan sosial dalam bentuk the
Personal Retirement Account (PRA).
This thesis is about the problem facing social security under the Bush administration. One
major political issue in the United State of America on the social security system has been
discussed over three decades. By 2043 The Trust Fund (Social Security) no longer can pay
its debt. A proposal has been set to change the social security system. President George W
Bush proposed for a transition to a combination of a govemment funded program and a
personal account, through partial privatization of the Social Security system. This thesis
also discussed the public resistance toward President Bush?s privatization program of the
Social Security Program in the form of the Personal Retirement Account (PRA)."