ABSTRAK Apotek adalah suatu sarana pelayanan kesehatan, tempat pengabdian
apoteker yang telah mengucapkan sumpah jabatan, tempat dilakukannya praktek
kefarmasian, dan tempat penyaluran perbekalan farmasi kepada masyarakat.
Apoteker sebagai penanggungjawab apotek memiliki peranan penting dalam
pelayanan kesehatan dalam bidang kefarmasian. Tujuan dilaksanakan PKP supaya
apoteker memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker di apotek, memperoleh
wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan
praktek kefarmasian di apotek serta memperoleh gambaran nyata tentang
permasalahan praktek kefarmasian. Peserta PKP melakukan praktik kefarmasian
dan mendapatkan tugas khusus untuk melakukan pelayanan telefarma, yaitu
pelayanan kefarmasian melalui komunikasi jarak jauh, dalam hal ini melalui
telepon. Telefarma bertujuan untuk memantau kepatuhan pasien dan memantau
efek samping obat. Peserta PKP paham mengenai peran dan fungsi apoteker
dalam aspek manajerial, yaitu: melakukan pengawasan seluruh aspek pelayanan
kefarmasian, pengelolaan perbekalan farmasi dan perbekalan kesehatan dimulai
dari pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, pengelolaan, dan penyaluran sediaan
farmasi di apotek. Peserta PKP mendapatkan wawasan, pengetahuan,
keterampilan, dan pengalaman dalam pengkajian resep, penyerahan obat,
pelayanan informasi obat, konseling, pelayanan kefarmasian di rumah,
pemantauan terapi obat, dan pengawasan efek samping obat. Gambaran nyata
permasalahan yang sering terjadi di apotek adalah penolakan resep karena obat
tidak tersedia.
ABSTRACT The pharmacy is a health-care facilities, places pharmacist do practicepharmaceutical care and the distribution medicine to public. Pharmacist as aresponsible pharmacist pharmacy has an important role in health care especially inpharmacy. The goals of this internship are to make pharmacist student understandjobs and duties as a pharmacist in pharmacy, to get knowledge, skills, andexperience abaout pharmaceutical care as well as to know about problems atpharmacy. Student did pharmaceutical practice and got duties to do telepharmacyservice over the phone. The purpose of telepharmacy are to monitor patientcompliance and drug side effects. Student understand the role and function of the pharmacist in the managerial aspects, namely: to supervise all aspects of pharmacy services, management of pharmaceutical supplies and medical suppliesstarting from procurement, receipt, storage, management and distributionpharmaceutical. Student get knowledge, skills, and experience in the assessmentof prescriptions, compounding and dispensing, counseling, home pharmacy care,monitoring drug therapy,and drug side effects. A real picture of the problems thatoften occur in the pharmacy is rejection prescription because drug out.;The pharmacy is a health-care facilities, places pharmacist do practicepharmaceutical care and the distribution medicine to public. Pharmacist as aresponsible pharmacist pharmacy has an important role in health care especially inpharmacy. The goals of this internship are to make pharmacist student understandjobs and duties as a pharmacist in pharmacy, to get knowledge, skills, andexperience abaout pharmaceutical care as well as to know about problems atpharmacy. Student did pharmaceutical practice and got duties to do telepharmacyservice over the phone. The purpose of telepharmacy are to monitor patientcompliance and drug side effects. Student understand the role and function of the pharmacist in the managerial aspects, namely: to supervise all aspects of pharmacy services, management of pharmaceutical supplies and medical suppliesstarting from procurement, receipt, storage, management and distributionpharmaceutical. Student get knowledge, skills, and experience in the assessmentof prescriptions, compounding and dispensing, counseling, home pharmacy care,monitoring drug therapy,and drug side effects. A real picture of the problems thatoften occur in the pharmacy is rejection prescription because drug out."