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Kurniah Anisah
Praktek Kerja Profesi di Apotek Hidup Baru yang bertempat di Jl. Hidup Baru
No. 15 Kav. I Kelurahan Gandaria Utara, Jakarta Selatan. Kegiatan Praktek Kerja
Profesi berlangsung selama empat minggu dari tanggal 3 Agustus hingga 29
Agustus 2015. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini agar mahasiswa dapat memahami tugas
dan tanggung jawab Apoteker dalam pengelolaan apotek, memiliki wawasan dan
pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan praktek kefarmasian di apotek serta
memiliki gambaran nyata mengenai permasalahan praktek kefarmasian.
Mahasiswa pada kegiatan ini memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab Apoteker
yaitu kegiatan pengelolaan sediaan farmasi dan kegiatan pelayanan farmasi klinik.
Wawasan dan pengalaman praktis yang didapat oleh mahasiswa meliputi
perencanaan, penerimaan, pencatatan dan pelaporan serta pengkajian resep,
dispensing disertai dengan pemberian informasi obat, swamedikasi, pengelolaan
sediaan narkotika dan psikotropika. Permasalahan dalam praktek kefarmasian di
Apotek Hidup Baru antara lain terdapat beberapa obat yang tidak tersedia, namun
dapat disiasati dengan pembelian secara langsung di apotek rekanan.
ABSTRACT Profession Internship Program at Hidup Baru Pharmacy located at Jl. Hidup Baru
No. 15 Kav. I North Gandaria, South Jakarta. Profession Internship Program
activity lasted for four weeks from August 3 until August 29, 2015. The purpose
of this program allow students to understand the duties and responsibilities of
pharmacist in pharmacy management, insight and practical experience in
pharmacy and having a real picture of the issues of pharmacy practice. Students
on these activities can understand the duties and responsibilities of pharmacist,
that is the management of pharmaceutical products and clinical pharmacy service
activities. The student acquired insight and practical experience include planning,
receiving, recording and reporting, reviewing prescription, dispensing with giving
drug information, swamedikasi, the management of narcotics and psychotropic
preparations. Problem in the practice at Hidup Baru Pharmacy, there are some
drugs that are not available and the solutions by direct purchase at the pharmacy
partners. ;Profession Internship Program at Hidup Baru Pharmacy located at Jl. Hidup Baru
No. 15 Kav. I North Gandaria, South Jakarta. Profession Internship Program
activity lasted for four weeks from August 3 until August 29, 2015. The purpose
of this program allow students to understand the duties and responsibilities of
pharmacist in pharmacy management, insight and practical experience in
pharmacy and having a real picture of the issues of pharmacy practice. Students
on these activities can understand the duties and responsibilities of pharmacist,
that is the management of pharmaceutical products and clinical pharmacy service
activities. The student acquired insight and practical experience include planning,
receiving, recording and reporting, reviewing prescription, dispensing with giving
drug information, swamedikasi, the management of narcotics and psychotropic
preparations. Problem in the practice at Hidup Baru Pharmacy, there are some
drugs that are not available and the solutions by direct purchase at the pharmacy
partners. "
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Demetria Ulin Suci Aprilla
Apotek adalah suatu sarana pelayanan kesehatan, tempat pengabdian
apoteker yang telah mengucapkan sumpah jabatan, tempat dilakukannya praktek
kefarmasian, dan tempat penyaluran perbekalan farmasi kepada masyarakat.
Apoteker sebagai penanggungjawab apotek memiliki peranan penting dalam
pelayanan kesehatan dalam bidang kefarmasian. Tujuan dilaksanakan PKP supaya
apoteker memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker di apotek, memperoleh
wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan
praktek kefarmasian di apotek serta memperoleh gambaran nyata tentang
permasalahan praktek kefarmasian. Peserta PKP melakukan praktik kefarmasian
dan mendapatkan tugas khusus untuk melakukan pelayanan telefarma, yaitu
pelayanan kefarmasian melalui komunikasi jarak jauh, dalam hal ini melalui
telepon. Telefarma bertujuan untuk memantau kepatuhan pasien dan memantau
efek samping obat. Peserta PKP paham mengenai peran dan fungsi apoteker
dalam aspek manajerial, yaitu: melakukan pengawasan seluruh aspek pelayanan
kefarmasian, pengelolaan perbekalan farmasi dan perbekalan kesehatan dimulai
dari pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, pengelolaan, dan penyaluran sediaan
farmasi di apotek. Peserta PKP mendapatkan wawasan, pengetahuan,
keterampilan, dan pengalaman dalam pengkajian resep, penyerahan obat,
pelayanan informasi obat, konseling, pelayanan kefarmasian di rumah,
pemantauan terapi obat, dan pengawasan efek samping obat. Gambaran nyata
permasalahan yang sering terjadi di apotek adalah penolakan resep karena obat
tidak tersedia.
ABSTRACT The pharmacy is a health-care facilities, places pharmacist do practice
pharmaceutical care and the distribution medicine to public. Pharmacist as a
responsible pharmacist pharmacy has an important role in health care especially in
pharmacy. The goals of this internship are to make pharmacist student understand
jobs and duties as a pharmacist in pharmacy, to get knowledge, skills, and
experience abaout pharmaceutical care as well as to know about problems at
pharmacy. Student did pharmaceutical practice and got duties to do telepharmacy
service over the phone. The purpose of telepharmacy are to monitor patient
compliance and drug side effects. Student understand the role and function of the
pharmacist in the managerial aspects, namely: to supervise all aspects of
pharmacy services, management of pharmaceutical supplies and medical supplies
starting from procurement, receipt, storage, management and distribution
pharmaceutical. Student get knowledge, skills, and experience in the assessment
of prescriptions, compounding and dispensing, counseling, home pharmacy care,
monitoring drug therapy,and drug side effects. A real picture of the problems that
often occur in the pharmacy is rejection prescription because drug out.
;The pharmacy is a health-care facilities, places pharmacist do practice
pharmaceutical care and the distribution medicine to public. Pharmacist as a
responsible pharmacist pharmacy has an important role in health care especially in
pharmacy. The goals of this internship are to make pharmacist student understand
jobs and duties as a pharmacist in pharmacy, to get knowledge, skills, and
experience abaout pharmaceutical care as well as to know about problems at
pharmacy. Student did pharmaceutical practice and got duties to do telepharmacy
service over the phone. The purpose of telepharmacy are to monitor patient
compliance and drug side effects. Student understand the role and function of the
pharmacist in the managerial aspects, namely: to supervise all aspects of
pharmacy services, management of pharmaceutical supplies and medical supplies
starting from procurement, receipt, storage, management and distribution
pharmaceutical. Student get knowledge, skills, and experience in the assessment
of prescriptions, compounding and dispensing, counseling, home pharmacy care,
monitoring drug therapy,and drug side effects. A real picture of the problems that
often occur in the pharmacy is rejection prescription because drug out.
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elsa Widowati
Praktek kerja profesi di Apotek dilaksanakan di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 298
yang beralamat di Jalan Bendungan Hilir Nomor 27, Jakarta Pusat. Praktekkerja
dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 2 November ? 30 November 2015. Pelaksanaan
praktek kerja ini bertujuan agar mahasiswa apoteker: mampu memahami tugas
dan tanggung jawab apoteker dalam pengelolaan apotek, serta melakukan praktek
pelayanan kefarmasian sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan dan etika
yang berlaku; memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman
praktis untuk melakukan praktek kefarmasian di apotek; dan memiliki gambaran
nyata tentang permasalahan praktek kefarmasian serta mempelajari strategi dan
kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka pengembangan praktek
kefarmasian.ABSTRACT Profession internship in Apothecary is held at Apotek Kimia Farma No. 298 that
is located at Jalan Bendungan Hilir Nomor 27, Central Jakarta. The profession
internship is held fromNovember 2
to November 30
2015.The goals of this
internship program are to make students:understand jobs and duties of apothecary
management, and do pharmaceutical care practice legally and ethically; to make
students have the knowledge, real vision, skills and practical experience do do
pharmaceutical practice in apothecary; and to make students experience
pharmaceutical practice problems and learn the strategy and activity in developing
pharmaceutical practice.;Profession internship in Apothecary is held at Apotek Kimia Farma No. 298 that
is located at Jalan Bendungan Hilir Nomor 27, Central Jakarta. The profession
internship is held fromNovember 2
to November 30
2015.The goals of this
internship program are to make students:understand jobs and duties of apothecary
management, and do pharmaceutical care practice legally and ethically; to make
students have the knowledge, real vision, skills and practical experience do do
pharmaceutical practice in apothecary; and to make students experience
pharmaceutical practice problems and learn the strategy and activity in developing
pharmaceutical practice.;Profession internship in Apothecary is held at Apotek Kimia Farma No. 298 that
is located at Jalan Bendungan Hilir Nomor 27, Central Jakarta. The profession
internship is held fromNovember 2
to November 30
2015.The goals of this
internship program are to make students:understand jobs and duties of apothecary
management, and do pharmaceutical care practice legally and ethically; to make
students have the knowledge, real vision, skills and practical experience do do
pharmaceutical practice in apothecary; and to make students experience
pharmaceutical practice problems and learn the strategy and activity in developing
pharmaceutical practice."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasinta Khairunissa Khalifatu Gunawan
Praktek Kerja Profesi di Apotek SamMarie Basra Jakarta Timur bertujuan untuk
mengetahui dan memahami peran apoteker di apotek baik secara manajemen dan
pelayanan farmasi kliniknya. Peran apoteker dalam manajemen apotek meliputi
perencanaan, pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, pemusnahan, pengendalian,
pencatatan dan pelaporan.Sedangkan pelayanan farmasi klinik meliputi pengkajian resep,
dispensing, pelayanan informasi obat, dan konseling. Tugas khusus yang diberikan
berjudul Analisa Tingkat Kepatuhan Dokter dalam Penulisan Resep sesuai Formularium
SMHG 2015. Tujuan dari tugas khusus ini adalah untuk mengetahui besar persentase
tingkat kepatuhan dokter dalam penulisan resep sesuai formularium SamMarie
Healthcare Group 2015 yang berlaku di Apotek SamMarie Basra.ABSTRACT Professional Internship at Apotek SamMarie Basra was held to learn and understand the
role of pharmacist in Pharmacy, especially to manage a pharmacy or to deliver
pharmaceutical care. Pharmacist has role to manage the pharmacy, such as planning,
supplying, receipt, saving, annihilation, controlling, and reporting. On the other hand,
pharmacist also has to deliver a pharmaceutical care, such as receipt assessment,
dispensing, drug information, and patient counseling. The special assignment is given
entitled Analysis Level of Compliance Doctor in accordance Formulary Prescription
Writing SMHG 2015. The aims of this special assignment is to determine the level of
compliance of a large percentage of physicians in prescribing appropriate SamMarie
Healthcare Group 2015 formulary that applies in Apotek SamMarie Basra."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zwageri Argo Pitoyo
Praktek kerja profesi di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 352 Depok periode bulan
September tahun 2015 bertujuan untuk memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab
apoteker dalam pengelolaan apotek, serta melakukan praktek pelayanan
kefarmasian sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan dan etika yang
berlaku, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan dan pengalaman praktis
untuk melakukan praktek kefarmasian di Apotek serta memiliki gambaran nyata
tentang permasalahan praktek kefarmasian serta mempelajari strategi dan
kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka pengembangan praktek
kefarmasian. Praktek kerja profesi di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 352 Depok
dilakukan selama empat minggu dengan tugas khusus yaitu analisis resep terapi
peptic ulcer.
ABSTRACT The aims of apothecary profession internship program at Apotek Kimia Farma
No. 352 Depok on September 2015 are to understand the task and responsibility
of pharmacists in the management of pharmacy , as well as doing pharmaceutical
care in accordance with the provisions and ethics which is valid for , having
insight , knowledge , skill and practical experience for doing pharmaceutical care
in pharmacy as well as having an example the problems the pharmaceutical care
strategy as well as studies and activities that can be conducted in the context of
the development of the practice of kefarmasian .The practice of the professional
work in Apotek Kimia Farma No. 352 Depok was done in four weeks by a special
assignment that is analysis of prescription peptic ulcer therapy. "
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mita Nurdiana
Praktek kerja profesi di Apotek Kimia Farma No.96 Jl. Leten S.Parman Kav. G/12
Jakarta Barat periode bulan Agustus tahun 2015 bertujuan untuk memahami tugas
dan tanggung jawab apoteker dalam pengelolaan apotek, serta melakukan praktek
pelayanan kefarmasian sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan dan etika
yang berlaku, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan dan pengalaman
praktis untuk melakukan praktek kefarmasian di Apotek serta memiliki gambaran
nyata tentang permasalahan praktek kefarmasian serta mempelajari strategi dan
kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka pengembangan praktek
kefarmasian. Praktek kerja profesi di Apotek Apotek Kimia Farma No.96 Jl.
Leten S.Parman Kav. G/12 Jakarta Barat dilakukan selama empat minggu dengan
tugas khusus yaitu Pengkajian Resep Penyakit Rheumatoid Arthritis.
ABSTRACT Profession internship in apothecary is held at Apotek Kimia Farma No.96 Jl.
Leten S.Parman Kav. G/12 Jakarta Barat on August 3rd ? August 31st 2015. The
goals of this internship program are to make students understand jobs and duties
of apothecary management, and do pharmaceutical care practice legally and
ethically; to make students have the knowledge, real vision, skills and practical
experience do do pharmaceutical practice in apothecary; and to make students
experience pharmaceutical practice problems and learn the strategy and activity in
developing pharmaceutical practice. The practice of the professional work at
Apotek Kimia Farma No.96 Jl. Leten S.Parman Kav. G/12 Jakarta Barat done in
four weeks by a special task that is Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Assessment
;Profession internship in apothecary is held at Apotek Kimia Farma No.96 Jl.
Leten S.Parman Kav. G/12 Jakarta Barat on August 3rd ? August 31st 2015. The
goals of this internship program are to make students understand jobs and duties
of apothecary management, and do pharmaceutical care practice legally and
ethically; to make students have the knowledge, real vision, skills and practical
experience do do pharmaceutical practice in apothecary; and to make students
experience pharmaceutical practice problems and learn the strategy and activity in
developing pharmaceutical practice. The practice of the professional work at
Apotek Kimia Farma No.96 Jl. Leten S.Parman Kav. G/12 Jakarta Barat done in
four weeks by a special task that is Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Assessment
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Resta Juliansyah
Praktek Kerja Profesi (PKP) di apotek bertempat di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 7 Bogor. PKP di apotek bertujuan agar mahasiswa apoteker mengerti peranan Apoteker Pengelola Apotek (APA), memiliki wawasan tentang pelaksanaan pekerjaan kefarmasian, dan memiliki gambaran nyata akan permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian yang terjadi di apotek. Kegiatan PKP ini berlangsung selama satu bulan dari tanggal 1 September sampai dengan tanggal 30 September 2015 dengan tugas khusus studi kelayakan mengenai pendirian Apotek Kimia Farma Sukahati Jl. Raya Sukahati No. 3 Cibinong, Bogor. Berdasarkan kegiatan PKP yang dilakukan, APA di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 7 Bogor secara umum telah melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan apotek terkait kegiatan teknis kefarmasian dan kegiatan nonteknis kefarmasian sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Mahasiswa apoteker telah berhasil memperoleh wawasan mengenai kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan di apotek. Kegiatan teknis kefarmasian yang dilakukan di apotek meliputi pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, penjualan, pengelolaan narkotika, pengelolaan psikotropika, dan dokumentasi resep. Adapun kegiatan nonteknis kefarmasian yang dilakukan di apotek adalah pemasukkan data resep tunai dan resep kredit, penyusunan resep dan struk pembayaran, dan pembuatan Laporan Ikhtisar Penjualan Harian (LIPH). Apotek Kimia Farma No. 7 Bogor secara umum telah melaksanakan pelayanan farmasi klinis, tetapi untuk kegiatan konseling belum dilakukan di ruangan khusus.ABSTRACT Profession Internship at pharmacy was held at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 7 in Bogor. Profession Internship at pharmacy was intended to make apothecary student understood the role of pharmacist, had insight into the implementation of pharmaceutical practice, and had a real description about the issues of pharmaceutical practice in pharmacy. This activity was held for a month from September 1st to September 30th 2015, with special assignment of feasibility study about Kimia Farma Pharmacy establishment at Jl. Raya Sukahati No. 3 Cibinong, Bogor. Based on the activities, pharmacist at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 7 generally had done the duties and responsibilities in pharmacy management related to pharmaceutical technical activities and pharmaceutical non-technical activities in accordance with the regulations of applicable laws. Apothecary student had succeed obtaining the insight into routine activities in pharmacy. Pharmaceutical technical activities in pharmacy included procurement, reception, storage, sales, management of narcotics, management of psychotropics, and prescription documentation. Non-technical activities included archiving cash prescription data and credit prescription, prescription formation and receipt of payment, and making reports overview of daily sales. Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 7 in Bogor generally had done clinical pharmacy services, however the counseling activities were not done yet in a specific room.;Profession Internship at pharmacy was held at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 7 in Bogor. Profession Internship at pharmacy was intended to make apothecary student understood the role of pharmacist, had insight into the implementation of pharmaceutical practice, and had a real description about the issues of pharmaceutical practice in pharmacy. This activity was held for a month from September 1st to September 30th 2015, with special assignment of feasibility study about Kimia Farma Pharmacy establishment at Jl. Raya Sukahati No. 3 Cibinong, Bogor. Based on the activities, pharmacist at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 7 generally had done the duties and responsibilities in pharmacy management related to pharmaceutical technical activities and pharmaceutical non-technical activities in accordance with the regulations of applicable laws. Apothecary student had succeed obtaining the insight into routine activities in pharmacy. Pharmaceutical technical activities in pharmacy included procurement, reception, storage, sales, management of narcotics, management of psychotropics, and prescription documentation. Non-technical activities included archiving cash prescription data and credit prescription, prescription formation and receipt of payment, and making reports overview of daily sales. Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 7 in Bogor generally had done clinical pharmacy services, however the counseling activities were not done yet in a specific room."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kartiko Wicaksono Widyokusumo
Praktek Kerja Profesi (PKP) di apotek bertempat di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 295. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama empat minggu dari tanggal 1 sampai dengan tanggal 30 Oktober 2015. PKP di apotek bertujuan agar mahasiswa apoteker mengerti peranan Apoteker Pengelola Apotek (APA), memiliki wawasan tentang pelaksanaan pekerjaan kefarmasian, dan memiliki gambaran nyata akan permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian yang terjadi di apotek. Berdasarkan kegiatan PKP yang dilakukan, APA di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 295 secara umum telah melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan apotek terkait kegiatan kefarmasian meliputi kegiatan manajerial dan pelayanan farmasi klinik sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Mahasiswa apoteker telah berhasil memperoleh wawasan mengenai kegiatan ? kegiatan yang dilakukan di apotek. Kegiatan manajerial yang dilakukan di apotek meliputi pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, penjualan dan pelayanan resep, pemusnahan, dan pelaporan. Adapun kegiatan pelayanan kefarmasian klinik kefarmasian dilakukan di apotek adalah pengkajian resep, dispensing dan pelayanan informasi obat. Masalah yang terjadi di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 2 adalah ketiadaan Apoteker Pendamping yang dapat menggantikan APA ketika sedang tidak ada di tempat dan seringnya terjadi kekosongan stok perbekalan farmasi. ABSTRACT Profession Internship Program located at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 295. This activity lasted for four weeks from October 1st to October 30th , 2015. Profession Internship Program in pharmacy aims to make students understand the role of Pharmacist in Charge at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No 295, have insight into the implementation of pharmacy work, and have a real picture of the issues pharmacy jobs occurred at the pharmacy. Based on the activities, Pharmacist in Charge at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 295 in general have been carrying out the duties and responsibilities in the management of activities related managerial and clinical pharmacy services. Student pharmacists have managed to gain insights about the activities - activities carried out in the pharmacy. Managerial activities performed in pharmacies include procurement, receipt, storage, sale and service of recipes, extermination, and reporting. The activities of clinical pharmacy services performed are the assessment of prescription, dispensing and drug information services. Problems that occur in Kimia Farma No. 295 is the absence Co Pharmacist in Charge who can replace the Pharmacist in charge while he/she is not in place and empty drug stock frequently occured"
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aliza Farhan
"Apotek merupakan sarana pelayanan kefarmasian tempat dilakukan praktik kefarmasian dimana apoteker sebagai penangung jawab praktik yang telah diatur dalam undang-undang. Standar pelayanan kefarmasian menjadi tolak ukur yang dipergunakan sebagai pedoman bagi tenaga kefarmasian dalam menyelenggarakan pelayanan kefarmasian. Resep tertulis dari dokter dapat menyumbangkan pemasukan yang tinggi terhadap apotek. Semakin banyak resep obat dari dokter yang masuk akan memberikan keuntungan dan membuat keuangan menjadi lebih sehat untuk operasional apotek. Analisis keuntungan apotek dapat dilihat melalui metode pareto atau ABC. Metode ini memfokuskan pengelola apotek dalam menganalisis keuntungan operasional apotek yang didapat dari resep dokter yang masuk sehingga dapat mengetahui resep dokter yang memberi pemasukan yang besar bagi omzet apotek. Penggunaan metode ini akan mengelompokkan menjadi kelompok A, B, dan C berdasarkan nilai pemakaian dan nilai investasi. Pelaksanaan analisis pareto terhadap resep yang diterima Kimia Farma 382 Depok menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis pareto. Hasil pendapatan dari resep dokter klinik audi dental untuk Apotek Kimia Farma 382 Depok pada periode februari 2023 sebesar Rp21.393.535,00.
A pharmacy is a pharmaceutical service facility where pharmaceutical practice is carried out where the pharmacist is responsible for the practice as regulated by law. Pharmaceutical service standards are benchmarks used as guidelines for pharmaceutical personnel in providing pharmaceutical services. Written prescriptions from doctors can contribute high income to pharmacies. The more drug prescriptions that come in from doctors will provide profits and make finances healthier for pharmacy operations. Pharmacy profit analysis can be seen using the Pareto or ABC method. This method focuses pharmacy managers on analyzing the operational profits of pharmacies obtained from incoming doctor's prescriptions so that they can find out which doctor's prescriptions provide large income for pharmacy turnover. Using this method will group them into groups A, B, and C based on usage value and investment value. The implementation of Pareto analysis on recipes received by Kimia Farma 382 Depok uses a quantitative approach using the Pareto analysis method. The income from prescriptions from Audi Dental clinic doctors for Kimia."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Efly Rasyidin
"Instalasi rawat nginap B adalah suatu unit rawat nginap di RSUPN DR. Cipto Mangunkusumo dengan sistem pelayanan terpadu yang berkapasitas 339 tempat tidur. Pada saat ini di Irna B kurang tersedianya informasi mengenai formularium RSCM Edisi,-V di ruang rawat, sehingga banyak dokter menulis resep obat tidak sesuai dengan formularium yang harganya relatif mahal.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah terdapat hubungan antara penulisan resep yang tidak sesuai dengan formularium rumah sakit dengan beberapa faktor yaitu pengetahuan dokter, kepemilikan buku formularium pengertian dokter dan sikap dokter terhadap buku formularium tersebut.
Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, seluruh lembaran resep dikumpulkan dari tanggal 1 sampai 31 Agustus 1997. Dari lembaran resep tersebut dihitung jumlah resep dan dihitung pula berapa persen resep yang tidak sesuai dengan formularium. Kemudian dilakukan wawancara dengan dokter penulis resep untuk mengetahui beberapa faktor yang berhubungan dengan penulisan resep tersebut. Sebagai unit analisis selanjutnya adalah dokter, kemudian dilakukan analisis bivariat dan multivariat terhadap faktor-faktor tersebut.
Hasil pengertian adalah sebagai berikut : Ditemukan 7034 resep yang ditulis oleh 121 dokter. Penulisan resep yang tidak sesuai dengan formularium RSCM edisi-V adalah 35. Ternyata faktor yang berhubungan secara bermakna dengan ketidak sesuaian penulisan resep dengan formularium adalah pengetahuan dokter tentang formularium RSCM edisi-V. Disamping itu diduga faktor pengertian dokter dan pemilikan buku formularium berperanan pula secara bermakna.
Irna B (Instalasi Rawat Nginap B) is an integrated services ward in cipto mangunkusumo hospital with 339 bed capacity which provides variety of specialities and subspecialities health care. It has been assumed that hospital formulary currently available is not informed well to the medical staffs in the ward result in a high frequency of non formulary drugs prescribing.
The purpose of the study was to know if there was a relationship between non formulary prescribing and some factors, namely the awereness, the ownership of the book, understanding and the attitude of the prescribers to wards the hospital formulary.
All prescription sheets were collected from August. I until August 31, 1997. Total prescriptions and precentage of non formulary prescriptions and precentage of non formualry prescriptions were calculated, followed by interviewing the prescribers with regards to the factors associated with such prescribing. The prescribers were used as the analysis unit, then bivariate and multivariate analysis were performed to wards those factors.
The result showed that 2462 (35%) of 7034 prescriptions prescribed by 121 physicians, were non formulary drugs. The only factor that related to prescribing was the awareness of the physicians to wards the hospital formulary. Besides, the ownership of the formulary book and the prescriber's understanding to wards the hospital formulary were assumed to play a role."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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