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Muhammad Erfa Redhani
Abstrak :
Penyelesaian Sengketa Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Melalui Peradilan Khusus Desain penyelesaian sengketa pilkada di Indonesia belum terintegrasi dengan baik sehingga seringkali aspek keadilan pemilu electoral justice guna untuk menciptakan pemilu yang bebas dan adil free and fair election belum tercapai. Padahal penyelesaian sengketa pemilihan kepala daerah seharusnya melihat sisi efektifitas dan efisiensi dari lembaga yang menangani sengketa tersebut. Dalam hal penyelesaian sengketa hasil pilkada, terdapat banyak pergantian terkait dengan lembaga yang menanganinya. Hal ini disebabkan oleh penafsiran dari pilkada bagian rezim pemilu atau pemerintahan daerah. Terakhir, UU Nomor 10 Tahun 2016 yang mengatur tentang Pilkada menentukan bahwa penyelesaian sengketa hasil pilkada ada pada Badan Peradilan Khusus. Sebelum adanya peradilan khusus tersebut, Mahkamah Konstitusi masih berwenang untuk mengadili sengketa hasil pilkada. MK menjadi peradilan transisi sebelum adanya badan peradilan khusus yang harus dibentuk sebelum pilkada serentak Tahun 2024. Desain badan peradilan khusus pilkada yang ditawarkan dalam tesis ini tidak hanya mengadili dan menyelesaikan sengketa hasil pilkada, namun juga mengintegrasikan sengketa pilkada lainnya yang memungkinkan untuk diintegrasikan. Sesuai dengan amanat UU Kekuasaan Kehakiman yaitu ada 2 dua syarat formal yang harus dipenuhi dalam membentuk badan peradilan khusus yaitu dibentuk dibawah salah satu lingkungan peradilan dibawah Mahkamah Agung dan dibentuk dengan undang-undang. Peradilan khusus pilkada tersebut dibentuk dibawah lingkungan peradilan tata usaha negara dengan kewenangan mengadili sengketa hasil pilkada dan mengadili perselisihan tata usaha negara mencakup juga perselisihan pemilihan sebagaimana yang ada pada UU 10 Tahun 2016 . Kata Kunci : Sengketa, Pilkada, Peradilan Khusus.
Dispute Resolution of Region Election Through Special Court The dispute resolution design for regional elections in Indonesia has not been well integrated so often the aspects of electoral justice in order to create free and fair election have not been reached. Whereas the resolution of the dispute over the regional head election should see the effectiveness and efficiency of the agency handling the dispute. In the case of dispute resolution of election results, there are many changes related to the agency that handles it. This is due to the interpretation of elections to the election regime or regional government. Finally, Law Number 10 Year 2016 which regulates the Pilkada determines that the resolution of the dispute over the election results is on the Special Court. Prior to the special judiciary, the Constitutional Court is still authorized to adjudicate election disputes. The Constitutional Court becomes a transitional justice before the existence of a special judicial body that must be established before the elections simultaneously in 2024. The design of the special election court body offered in this thesis not only prosecutes and resolves the dispute over election results, but also integrates other electoral disputes that allow for integration. In accordance with the mandate of Judicial Power Law, there are 2 two formal requirements that must be fulfilled in forming a special judicial body that is formed under one of the court environment under the Supreme Court and established by law. The special election court is established under the administrative court of the state with the authority to adjudicate electoral dispute cases and adjudicate state administrative disputes including electoral disputes as well as in Law Number 10 Year 2016 . Keywords Disputes, Regional head elections, Special Court
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Reza Syamsuri
Abstrak :
Tesis ini meneliti tentang permasalahan Partai Golkar pada pemilihan kepala daerah 2015 di Kabupaten Gowa. Partai Golkar merupakan partai yang terkuat di Sulawesi Selatan dengan memiliki jaringan infrastruktur yang kuat ditandai dengan penguasaannya di sebagian besar jabatan di DPRD Sulawesi Selatan dan kemenangan pasangan calon yang diusung Partai Golkar dalam pemilihan kepala daerah sejak pemilihan kepala daerah secara langsung pada tahun 2005. Menjelang Pemilihan kepala daerah 2015 terjadi konflik internal Partai Golkar dengan adanya dualisme kepengurusan di DPP yaitu kepengurusan Aburizal Bakri dan Agung Laksono. Akibatnya, Partai Golkar mengalami sejumlah permasalahan dalam Pilkada di sejumlah daerah di Indonesia, termasuk Kabupaten Gowa. Untuk mengalisis sejumlah permasalahan Partai Golkar, penulis menggunakan teori institusionalisasi partai politik dari Randal & Svasand, teori faksionalisme elit partai politik dari Francis Boucek dan teori oligarki dari Jeffrey Winters. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kajian literatur, analisis dokumen serta wawancara mendalam. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat tiga permasalahan yang menyebabkan sangat lemahnya pelembagaan Partai Golkar yang berdampak terhadap hasil pemilihan kepala daerah di Kabupaten Gowa. Permasalahan tersebut seperti; pertama, rekrutmen politik yang masih lemah. Proses rekrutmen Golkar dalam menentukan dan menetapkan calon kepala daerah tidak dilakukan sesuai dengan prosedur kebijakan dan aturan partai. Kedua, faksionalisme Partai Golkar yang bedampak terhadap tidak berjalannya mesin pemenangan partai secara maksimal dalam masa pemenangan kandidat akibat konflik internal dan dukungan dari kader yang terpecah. Ketiga, kepemimpinan yang personal dan oligarkis yang membuat pengambilan keputusan di partai semata-mata memberikan ruang kepada tumbuh kembangnya dinasti politik dan pertahanan jaringan kekuasaan di daerah. ...... This thesis examines the problems of the Golkar Party in 2015 head of regency elections in Gowa Regency. The Golkar Party is the strongest party in South Sulawesi with strong infrastructure network marked by its control in most positions in the South Sulawesi DPRD (the regional house of representative) and the victory of the candidates in the  regional head elections that was supported by the this party since direct regional elections was conducted in 2005. Closer to the regional head  election in 2015, Golkar Party faced the internal conflict with the dualism of management in the DPP (central executive board) namely the management of Aburizal Bakri and the management of Agung Laksono. As a result, the Golkar Party experienced a number of problems in the elections in the  numbers of regions in Indonesia, including Gowa Regency. To analyze the number of problems of Golkar Party, the researcher uses the theory of institutionalization of political parties from Randal & Svasand, the electoral theory of elite political parties from Francis Boucek and the oligarchic theory of Jeffrey Winters. This study uses qualitative methods, while the technique of collecting data conducted through literature review, analysis documents as well as in-depth interviews. The findings of this study indicate that there are three problems that have caused the very weak institutionalization of the Golkar Party which has an impact on the results of regional head elections in Gowa Regency. The First problem is the political recruitment is still weak. The process of Golkar recruitment in determining and assigning regional head candidates is not carried out according to party policy and rule procedures. Second, the factionalism of the Golkar Party has an impact on the failure in maximazing the the party's winning machine for its candidates due to internal conflicts and the support of cadres is divided. Third, personal and oligarchic leadership that makes decision-making in parties solely provides space for the development of political dynasties and the defense of power networks in the regions.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vidya Imanuari Pertiwi
Abstrak :
Kinship politics has become an old topic of discussion in all countries that adhere to democracy, even for a democratic example country like America. The phenomenon of kinship politics is also inseparable from democracy in Indonesia. The rise of kinship politics is reflected in the implementation of the 2020 Regional Head Elections. This has caused concern from various groups, from the general public to democracy experts. They assume that the practice of kinship politics will harm political developments in Indonesia. Based on this phenomenon, this article aims to review kinship politics in the 2020 Regional Head Elections. The review covers implementing kinship politics, the reasons for the widespread practice of kinship politics in Indonesia, and its implications for governance practices in Indonesia. The methodology used is the method of literature study or literature review. Based on the findings, kinship politics in Indonesia occurs in almost all regions in Indonesia and strengthens in the 2020 Regional Head Elections. This happens because of the pattern of patron-client. Furthermore, negative implications are found in a patronage network that leads to cases of KKN-the Indonesian acronym for corruption, collusion, and nepotism, the destruction of local democracy, and moral hazard problems. The alternative used is political party reform, where the party applies a transparent and merit-based mechanism for regeneration.
Jakarta: Bestuurskunde, 2021
324 BES 1:2 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library