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Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Diah Utami Sulistiyani
Abstrak :
Praktek penambangan secara terbuka di Indonesia telah banyak mengakibatkan kerusakan lahan. Lahan yang tertutup vegetasi memiliki fungsi lingkungan, sosial, ekonomi bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan revegetasi adalah salah satu upaya rehabilitasi lahan pascatambang untuk mengembalikan fungsi tersebut. Melalui kegiatan revegetasi, pemrakarsa tambang PT.X di Kabupaten Sukabumi berusaha untuk merehabilitasi lahan pascatambangnya, namun belum ada evaluasi berhasilnya revegetasi, padahal evaluasi berhasilnya penting dilakukan guna mengetahui adanya pemulihan fungsi lingkungan dan sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi tingkat berhasilnya revegetasi dan mengidentifikasi peran serta masyarakat sekitar dalam kegiatan revegetasi. Metode penelitian ini secara statistik deskriptif dan perbandingan dengan peraturan yang berlaku tentang berhasilnya revegetasi. Hasil penelitian yaitu hasil revegetasi atas kegiatan penanaman sudah baik, namun untuk pengelolaan material pembentuk air asam tambang belum berhasil baik, dan air keluaran areal revegetasi belum memenuhi Baku Mutu Lingkungan. Peran serta masyarakat masih sebatas lingkup kegiatan pelaksanaan dan jumlahnya masih kurang. Kesimpulannya hasil revegetasi untuk penanaman sudah baik, namun pengelolaan material pembangkit air asam tambang perlu ditelaah ulang dan peran serta masyarakat sudah ada, namun masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam jumlah, dan lingkup kegiatannya
Open pit-mining practices in Indonesia, has caused a lot of damage in our land. Land covered vegetation have the function of the environmental, social, and economic for the community. Revegetation practice is one effort among others, to rehabilitate postmining land for the purpose to restore functions mentioned above. Through revegetation practice, the PT. X mining initiator in Sukabumi District, will undertake to rehabilitate the post-mining land, however, they were no evaluation performed yet on the success of revegetation, even though the evaluation of the success of revegetation is important to determine the recovery of environmental and social function. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the success level of the revegetation and to identify local community participation on the revegetation. This method of research is descriptive statistically and the comparison with the existing regulation regarding the success of revegetation. The results from research on revegetation activity has not been all work well. The cultivation is successful but the management of material of potential acid forming is not successful yet and the water output revegetation areas do not meet the Environmental Quality Standards. Community participation is still limited scope of implementation and the numbers are still lacking. In conclusion the results of revegetation for planting is good, but the management of material potential acid forming needs to be reviewed and the communities? participation already exists, but it still needs to be improved in the number and scope of its activities.;;
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gurning, Edy Halomoan
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Lahan gambut di Kabupaten Nagan Raya telah beralih fungsi dari Hutan Rawa Gambut Tripa menjadi perkebunan kelapa sawit. Kondisi lahan semakin terdegradasi menuju kerusakan saat pengelolaan dan pemanfaatan tidak dilaksanakan dengan baik. Perlu upaya perbaikan lahan gambut, salah satunya dengan revegetasi. Untuk mencapai upaya tersebut harus diketahui terlebih dahulu model revegetasi yang tepat, komponen revegetasi yang dibutuhkan, dan nilai ekonomi pelaksanaan upaya revegetasi. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode campuran (mixed methods). Teori hutan berkelanjutan akan digunakan untuk dampak dari upaya revegetasi. Hasil yang didapat adalah model revegetasi berupa agroforestri dan biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan upaya revegetasi lahan gambut sebesar Rp. 225,25 miliar dan biaya tertinggi adlah sebesar Rp. 275,29 miliar. Proyeksi selama 10 (sepuluh) tahun setelah penanaman, upaya revegetasi berdampak terhadap aspek lingkungan yang mencakup pada ketersediaan cadangan karbon, penyerapan karbon, penghasil oksigen, dan ketersediaan air. Dampak terhadap aspek ekonomi,berupa nilai cadangan karbon, produk hutan non-kayu, penghasil oksigen, ketersediaan air, nilai atas dasar penggunaan, nilai kayu, penyerap karbon, nilai pencegah banjir, dan nilai keanekaragam hayati. Dampak terhadap aspek sosial berupa penyerapan tenaga kerja dan sebanyak 1400 orang akan menerima pendidikan dan pelatihan guna peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan terhadap upaya revegetasi.
ABSTRACT The function of peatland in Nagan Raya District has been changed as the Tripa Peatland Forest has been changed to a palm oil plantation. The land condition has been degraded as its management and utilization has not been well implemented. One type of the peatland restoration is revegetation. To be able to apply a proper revegetation process, an appropriate revegetation model should be developed to calculate the implementation cost. This study used a qualitative approach with mixed methods. Theory on sustainable forestry is used to measure the impact of revegetation effort. The result of this study shows that appropriate revegetation model for study area is agroforestry model and the lowest cost needed for revegetation process in the peatland is Rp225,25 billion and the highest cost is Rp275,29 billion. The ten-year projection after revegetation process shows that this revegetation process has certain impacts on environmental aspects, which are: carbon storage, carbon absorption, carbon producer, and water supply. Impacts on economic aspect are: value of carbon storage, non-timber products of the forest, oxygen producer, water supply, value on basic utilization, value of timber, carbon absorption, the value of flood mitigation, and the value of biodiversity. Impacts on social aspect are: employment opportunity and a total of 1400 people will be trained improving their knowledge and skill on revegetation process.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library