"Perilaku menggemari idola K-pop dapat berdampak pada hubungan romantis penggemarnya. Salah satunya adalah romantic beliefs penggemar yang berperan penting pada tahap awal membangun sebuah hubungan romantis. Sebelumnya, mayoritas penelitian lebih berfokus pada hubungan parasosial yang intensitas perilakunya lebih ringan dibandingkan celebrity worship. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkaya literatur celebrity worship dengan melihat peran setiap tingkatan celebrity worship (entertainment-social, intense-personal feelings, dan borderline-pathological) dalam memprediksi romantic beliefs penggemar K-pop. Penelitian diikuti oleh 238 penggemar K-pop berumur 18-25 tahun (80.3% perempuan) dan diuji menggunakan alat ukur Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS) dan Romantic Beliefs Scale (RBS). Uji hierarchical multiple regression menunjukkan bahwa entertainment-social (R2 = 0.045, p < .05), intense-personal feelings (R2 = 0.090, p < .05), dan borderline-pathological (R2 = 0.100, p < .05) dapat memprediksi romantic beliefs secara signifikan bahkan setelah status hubungan romantis dan status pernikahan orang tua dikontrol. Semakin tinggi intensitas celebrity worship penggemar K-pop, maka semakin ideal romantic beliefs-nya. Hasil ini dapat digunakan untuk melengkapi literasi mengenai celebrity worship serta dijadikan pertimbangan oleh pelaku intervensi dan manajemen artis K-pop dalam melakukan tindakan yang berkaitan dengan penggemar K-pop
......The behavior of worshiping K-pop idols can have an impact on the fans’ romantic relationships in real life, including their romantic beliefs. Romantic beliefs play an important role in the beginning stage of a relationship. Previous research mainly focused on parasocial relationships which are less intense than celebrity worship. The purpose of the study was to examine the role of each level of celebrity worship (entertainment-social, intense-personal feelings, and borderline-pathological) in predicting K-pop fans’ romantic beliefs. In this study, 238 K-pop fans between the ages of 18 to 25 years (80.3% female) participated and were tested using Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS) and Romantic Beliefs Scale (RBS). Hierarchical multiple regression showed that entertainment-social (R2 = 0.045, p < .05), intense-personal feelings (R2 = 0.090, p < .05), and borderline-pathological (R2 = 0.100, p < .05) could significantly predict romantic beliefs even after controlling the fans’ relationship status and their parent’s marital status. Therefore, the higher the intensity of a fan’s celebrity worship, the more ideal their romantic beliefs are. This finding provides new information to the existing literature regarding celebrity worship and can be taken into consideration by interventionists and K-pop artist management when taking actions related to K-pop fans"