ABSTRAKHospitalisasi pada anak prasekolah merupakan pengalaman yang sering membuat
anak stress dan mengalami kecemasan.Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisa pengaruh
penggunaan rompi bergambar oleh perawat terhadap kecemasan anak prasekolah
akibat hospitalisasi. Desain penelitian quasi eksperimen post test-only non equivalent
control group. Instrumen pengukuran kecemasan anak menggunakan kuesioner yang
diisi orang tua. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 34 anak terbagi dalam kelompok
kontrol dan intervensi. Analisis untuk melihat pengaruh antara kedua variabel
menggunakan Mann Withney test Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh
penggunaan rompi bergambar terhadap kecemasan anak akibat hospitalisasi dengan p
value = 0,003. Penggunaan rompi bergambar dapat digunakan sebagai upaya untuk
menurunkan kecemasan anak akibat hospitalisasi.
ABSTRACTThe experiences of hospitalization leaded to stress and anxiety. The aim of this
research was to analyze the influence of wearing patterned vest during
hospitalization by the nurses to hospital-related anxiety. The research design was
quasi experiment post test-only non equivalent control group and the sample was 17
children in intervention group and 17 children in control group. Spance Children
Anxiety Scale was filled out by the parents to measure the level of children?s anxiety.
The data was analyzed with Mann Withney test. The research showed that there was
a significant relationship between wearing patterned vest during hospitalization by
the nurses and children?s anxiety (p value=0.003). Patterned vest uniform can be
used to decreasing children?s hospital related anxiety."