ABSTRAKPersoalan cross-border fishing di Indonesia seringkali luput dari perhatian baik pemerintah, penegak hukum maupun masyarakat. Kenyataanya, banyak nelayan Indonesia yang melakukan penangkapan ikan di perairan negara lain, khususnya di wilayah perairan perbatasan antara Indonesia dengan negara tetangga. Deli Serdang dipilih sebagai lokus penelitian karena menjadi salah satu kabupaten di Indonesia dengan tingkat tertinggi dalam hal penangkapan nelayan oleh pihak Malaysia. Diantara nelayan-nelayan yang mengalami penangkapan oleh pihak otoritas Malaysia, sebagian dari mereka ada yang sekedar diberi surat peringatan, ditahan oleh polisi lalu dipulangkan, hingga dijatuhi hukuman penjara. Skripsi ini menggunakan routine activity theory sebagai pendekatan yang mampu menjelaskan penyebab adanya persoalan cross-border fishing. Data diambil dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam kepada nelayan yang pernah tertangkap dan menjalani hukuman di Malaysia sebagai informan utama. Studi literatur juga dilakukan untuk melengkapi data penelitian. Hasil penelitian membuktikan ketiga unsur routine activity theory yakni motivated offender, suitable target, serta lack of capable guardianship saling bertemu dan menyebabkan terjadinya cross-border fishing. Motivated offender mewakili nelayan wilayah perbatasan, suitable target mewakili sumber daya perikanan, dan guardianship mewakili pengawasan dari pihak Indonesia dan Malaysia. Selain itu, hal lain yang memengaruhi terjadinya cross-border fishing adalah ketidakjelasan letak perbatasan antara Indonesia dengan Malaysia yang sejak lama belum terselesaikan.
ABSTRACTCross border fishing issue in Indonesia is most of time unnoticed by government, law enforcer, and society as well. In facts, there are many Indonesian fishermen who commit fishing in other countries rsquo waters, particularly in sea border area between Indonesia and neighboring countries. Deli Serdang is selected as research locus due to being one of a district with highest rates of fishermen arrests by Malaysian authority. Among those fishermen that are arrested by Malaysian authority, some of them are only given warning letter, or detained and then repatriated, or even sentenced to prison. This thesis uses routine activity theory as an approach which capables to account the causes of the presence of cross border fishing issue. The data are collected by undertake in depth interview to fishermen who had ever been arrested and sentenced in Malaysia as main informants. Study of literature is also conducted to complete research data. The research result shows that three elements of routine activity theory namely motivated offender, suitable target, and lack of capable guardianship are convergence and leading to the act of cross border fishing. Motivated offender represents fishermen in border area, suitable target represents fishery resources, and guardianship represents the surveillance from Indonesian and Malaysian sides. Moreover, another situation that affect the occurrence of cross border fishing is the obscurity of the location of the border between Indonesia and Malaysia that has been long unresolved."