ABSTRAKKacang kedelai merupakan komoditas pangan yang utama di Indonesia
setelah padi dan jagung. Tren penurunan produksi kedelai dari tahun 1997-2006
merupakan persoalan sekaligus ancaman terhadap ketahanan pangan nasional.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran spasial lahan pertanian tanaman
kedelai di Kabupaten Grobogan, karakteristik wilayah lahan pertanian tanaman
kedelai, serta pola hubungan spasial antara lahan pertanian tanaman kedelai dan
karakteristik wilayahnya. Analisis pola persebaran spasial dilakukan dengan
menggunakan metode Rerata Tetangga Terdekat atau ANN (Average Nearest
Neighboard) dan pembuatan model spasial menggunakan metode Analisis
Pemetaan Komposit (Composite Mapping Analysis/CMA). Dalam penelitian ini
ditunjukkan pola persebaran spasial lahan pertanian tanaman kedelai di
Kabupaten Grobogan yang cenderung mengelompok (clustered). Pola tersebut
dipengaruhi oleh faktor penggunaan lahan, iklim, topografi, geologi,
geomorfologi, jenis tanah, dan jarak (dari pusat kota, permukiman, dan jalan). Di
Kabupaten Grobogan, sebaran spasial lahan tanaman kedelai hanya dijumpai pada
lahan pertanian ?kelas dua?, yaitu sawah tadah hujan dan tegalan serta hanya
dibudidayakan sekali dalam setahun, yaitu selama musim hujan. Persebaran lahan
pertanian tanaman kedelai berada pada karakteristik wilayah yang kurang
mendukung bagi pertumbuhannya secara optimal.
ABSTRACTSoybeans are the main food commodities in Indonesia after rice and maize.
The downward trend of the 1997-2006 soybean production is an issue as well as a
threat to national food security. This study aims to determine the spatial
distribution of soybean farms in Grobogan, regional characteristics soybean crop
farms, as well as the pattern of spatial relationship between soybean crop farms
and characteristics of territory. Analysis of the spatial distribution patterns were
calculated using ANN (Average Nearest Neighboard) and spatial modeling using
Composite Mapping Analysis. In the present study demonstrated the spatial
distribution patterns of soybean crop farms in Grobogan which tend to clustered.
The pattern is influenced by land use, climate, topography, geology,
geomorphology, soil type, and distances (from the center of town, settlements,
and roads). In Grobogan, the spatial distribution of soybean crops on agricultural
land is found only "second class", ie rainfed and upland and cultivated only once a
year, that is during the rainy season. Distribution of soybean crop farms located in
areas unfavorable characteristics for optimal growth., Soybeans are the main food commodities in Indonesia after rice and maize.
The downward trend of the 1997-2006 soybean production is an issue as well as a
threat to national food security. This study aims to determine the spatial
distribution of soybean farms in Grobogan, regional characteristics soybean crop
farms, as well as the pattern of spatial relationship between soybean crop farms
and characteristics of territory. Analysis of the spatial distribution patterns were
calculated using ANN (Average Nearest Neighboard) and spatial modeling using
Composite Mapping Analysis. In the present study demonstrated the spatial
distribution patterns of soybean crop farms in Grobogan which tend to clustered.
The pattern is influenced by land use, climate, topography, geology,
geomorphology, soil type, and distances (from the center of town, settlements,
and roads). In Grobogan, the spatial distribution of soybean crops on agricultural
land is found only "second class", ie rainfed and upland and cultivated only once a
year, that is during the rainy season. Distribution of soybean crop farms located in
areas unfavorable characteristics for optimal growth.]"