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Chevy Cahyana. author
Pengoperasian suatu instalasi pembangkit listrik tenaga termal, baik yang berbahan bakar batubara, minyak bumi maupun energi nuklir, umumnya menggunakan air laut sebagai pendingin. Air pendingin yang masuk kembali ke laut memiliki temperatur di atas temperatur ambien air laut. Masuknya limbah air panas dari kanal pendingin ke laut (thermal pollution) dalam jumlah besar dapat memberikan dampak negatif bagi kehidupan biota laut di sekitarnya. Pengkajian tentang pola sebaran polutan panas dari kanal pendingin pembangkit listrik perlu dilakukan untuk dapat mengetahui luas daerah yang terkena dampak dan berapa besar perubahan temperatur yang terjadi. Simulasi sebaran panas di laut dilakukan dengan mengasumsikan pembangkit listrik
tenaga nuklir dengan kapasitas 7000 MWe beroperasi di Semenanjung Muria Jepara sebagai calon tapak PLTN di Indonesia. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan temperatur sebesar 34-360C menyebar sejauh 115 m, sementara temperatur sebesar 31-330C menyebar sejauh 1048 m dari outlet kanal pendingin.

The operation of a thermal power plant, including coal-fired, oil and nuclear energy, use sea water as coolant. Cooling water back into the sea has a temperature above the ambient temperature of sea water. The entry of warm water waste from the cooling canal to the sea (thermal pollution) in large quantities may cause negative impact on marine biota around the canal outlet. Assessment of heat pollutant dispersion pattern from power plant cooling canal needs to be done in order to know the area affected and how much the temperature changes that occur. It is assumed that 7000 MWe nuclear power plant is operated to simulate heat dispersion to ocean water body at Muria peninsula, Jepara as a candidate site of nuclear power plant at Indonesia. The simulation results show that temperature of 34-360C disperse along 115 meters,
meanwhile temperature of 31-330C disperse along 1048 meters from cooling canal outlet."
T 29864
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dodin Koswanudin
Telah dilakukan penelitian bioekologi lalat buah (Bactrocera carambolae) (Drew and Hancock) dan (Bactrocera papayae) (Drew and Hancock) selama satu tahun (Februari 2011 ? Januari 2012) di Taman Buah Mekarsari, Cileungsi, Bogor, Jatibarang, Indramayu dan
Pancoran Mas, Depok, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi penelitian sebaran populasi lalat buah B. carambolae dan B. papayae di lapangan, uji preferensi lalat buah di laboratorium, dan parasitasi parasitoid lalat buah pada tanaman belimbing, mangga, jambu bol, jambu air dan jambu biji. Penelitian sebaran populasi lalat buah dilakukan dengan cara pemasangan perangkap botol bekas air mineral yang beratraktan metil eugenol (ME) dan digantungkan pada tanaman inang ketinggian 2 m. Populasi lalat buah yang tertangkap dalam perangkap diamati dua kali dalam seminggu. Penelitian preferensi tanaman inang terhadap lalat buah dilakukan di laboratorium pada alat ?winntunel?, lalat buah betina dimasukkan dalam dalam sangkar lalat buah di bagian tengah yang dihubungkan dengan toples wadah buah inang di sekelilingnya. Melalui udara yang dialirkan dari toples buah ke sangkar lalat buah akan menarik lalat buah untuk memilih buah inang yang paling disukai. Peubah yang diamati meliputi jumlah lalat buah yang masuk, kerusakan buah, jumlah pupa dan perbandingan kelamin, pengamatan dilakukan setiap hari. Penelitian parasitasi parasotid lalat buah dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan buah-buah yang terserang sebanyak 30 buah/tanaman dibawa ke laboratorium disimpan secara terpisah satu buah dalam satu wadah toples. Buah-buah dipelihara sampai muncul imago lalat buah dan parasitoid yang muncul, diamati jenis parasitoid dan tingkat parasitasinya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa populasi lalat buah B. carambolae di Mekarsari sangat tinggi diperoleh pada belimbing Malaya, jambu biji Getas merah, jambu bol Jamaica, jambu air Citra, sementara di Indramayu sangat tinggi pada mangga Harumanis, dan di Depok populasi tertinggi pada belimbing Dewi. Populasi B. papayae tertinggi di Mekarsari pada mangga Manalagi, di Indramayu pada mangga Harumanis dan di Depok pada belimbing Dewi. Baik populasi B. carambolae maupun B. papayae tampak rendah pada belimbing di Welahan. Iklim memengaruhi fluktuasi populasi B. carambolae dan B. papayae. Preferensi dan perkembangan B. carambolae tertinggi pada belimbing Malaya diikuti mangga Manalagi dan untuk B. papayae pada pepaya California yang diikuti mangga Manalagi. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa preferensi dan perkembangan B. carambolae, B. papayae sangat rendah pada varietas belimbing Welahan. Parasitoid yang menyerang B. carambolae dan B. papayae di tiga tempat penelitian didominasi oleh dua spesies, yaitu, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata, dan Fopius arisanus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). Tingkat parasitasi D. longicaudata lebih tinggi (21,9 ? 41,6%) dibandingkan F. arisanus (16,1 ? 38,9%) pada semua tanaman inang yang diamati;

Bio-ecology research on fruit flies (Bactrocera carambolae) (Drew and Hancock), and (Bactrocera papayae) (Drew and Hancock) were conducted for one year (February 2011 - January 2012) at three different areas: The Fruit Garden Mekarsari, Cileungsi, Bogor, Jatibarang, Indramayu and Pancoran Mas , Depok, all in West Java Province. The activities included studies on dispersal of fruit flies population B. carambolae and B. papayae in the field, and preferences tests of fruit flies in laboratory, and parasitic of parasitoids of fruit flies on star fruits, mangos, guava bol, water guavas and stone guavas. The studies of dispersal of Fruit flies population distribution were conducted at the above three named areas, using used bottles of mineral water as traps containing methyl eugenol (ME) hung on the host plants at 2 m height. The Fruit flies populations trapped in the used mineral water bottles were observed twice a week. The research preference of host plants for fruit flies were conducted at the laboratory using wind tunnel equipment, and the female of fruit flies were placed in the middle of flies cages and connected to the surrounding host fruit containers. Through the air flow from containers to the cages fruit flies were attracted to choose the most preferred host fruits. The measured variables included the trapped amount of fruit flies, damage of fruits, pupa number and sex ratios, and the observations were conducted daily . The studies of parasicity of fruit flies parasitoid were conducted by collecting approximately 30 attacked fruits from each plant and kept individually in the laboratory. The fruits were retained until the imago fruit flies and parasitoids emerged, then the type of parasitoids and their level parasitoicity wer observed. The results showed that the fruit flies population B. carambolae was very high at Mekarsari derived from Malaya star fruits, guava Getas Merah, jambu bol Jamaica, water guava Citra, while the high level of population at Indramayu was observed on Harumanis mangos, and in Depok was on star fruits Dewi. The population of B. carambolae and B.papayae appeared to below on star fruits at Welahan. Climatic fluctuations affected the population of B. carambolae and B. papayae. The preference and the regeneration of B. carambolae were higher on Malaya star fruits followed by mango Manalagi (a variety of Mango) and B. papayae was from the California variety, followed by mango Manalagi. The study also showed that the preferences and regenerations of B. carambolae, B. papayae were very low on star fruit varieties Welahan. The domination of Parasitoids on B. carambolae and B. papayae attacks in the three research locations were two species namely, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata and Fopius arisanus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). The parasitoicity level of D. longicaudata was higher (21.9 to 41.6%) compared to F. arisanus (16.1 to 38.9%) on all of the observed host plants.;Bio-ecology research on fruit flies (Bactrocera carambolae) (Drew and Hancock), and (Bactrocera papayae) (Drew and Hancock) were conducted for one year (February 2011 - January 2012) at three different areas: The Fruit Garden Mekarsari, Cileungsi, Bogor, Jatibarang, Indramayu and Pancoran Mas , Depok, all in West Java Province. The activities included studies on dispersal of fruit flies population B. carambolae and B. papayae in the field, and preferences tests of fruit flies in laboratory, and parasitic of parasitoids of fruit flies on star fruits, mangos, guava bol, water guavas and stone guavas. The studies of dispersal of Fruit flies population distribution were conducted at the above three named areas, using used bottles of mineral water as traps containing methyl eugenol (ME) hung on the host plants at 2 m height. The Fruit flies populations trapped in the used mineral water bottles were observed twice a week. The research preference of host plants for fruit flies were conducted at the laboratory using wind tunnel equipment, and the female of fruit flies were placed in the middle of flies cages and connected to the surrounding host fruit containers. Through the air flow from containers to the cages fruit flies were attracted to choose the most preferred host fruits. The measured variables included the trapped amount of fruit flies, damage of fruits, pupa number and sex ratios, and the observations were conducted daily . The studies of parasicity of fruit flies parasitoid were conducted by collecting approximately 30 attacked fruits from each plant and kept individually in the laboratory. The fruits were retained until the imago fruit flies and parasitoids emerged, then the type of parasitoids and their level parasitoicity wer observed. The results showed that the fruit flies population B. carambolae was very high at Mekarsari derived from Malaya star fruits, guava Getas Merah, jambu bol Jamaica, water guava Citra, while the high level of population at Indramayu was observed on Harumanis mangos, and in Depok was on star fruits Dewi. The population of B. carambolae and B.papayae appeared to below on star fruits at Welahan. Climatic fluctuations affected the population of B. carambolae and B. papayae. The preference and the regeneration of B. carambolae were higher on Malaya star fruits followed by mango Manalagi (a variety of Mango) and B. papayae was from the California variety, followed by mango Manalagi. The study also showed that the preferences and regenerations of B. carambolae, B. papayae were very low on star fruit varieties Welahan. The domination of Parasitoids on B. carambolae and B. papayae attacks in the three research locations were two species namely, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata and Fopius arisanus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). The parasitoicity level of D. longicaudata was higher (21.9 to 41.6%) compared to F. arisanus (16.1 to 38.9%) on all of the observed host plants., Bio-ecology research on fruit flies (Bactrocera carambolae) (Drew and Hancock), and (Bactrocera papayae) (Drew and Hancock) were conducted for one year (February 2011 - January 2012) at three different areas: The Fruit Garden Mekarsari, Cileungsi, Bogor, Jatibarang, Indramayu and Pancoran Mas , Depok, all in West Java Province. The activities included studies on dispersal of fruit flies population B. carambolae and B. papayae in the field, and preferences tests of fruit flies in laboratory, and parasitic of parasitoids of fruit flies on star fruits, mangos, guava bol, water guavas and stone guavas. The studies of dispersal of Fruit flies population distribution were conducted at the above three named areas, using used bottles of mineral water as traps containing methyl eugenol (ME) hung on the host plants at 2 m height. The Fruit flies populations trapped in the used mineral water bottles were observed twice a week. The research preference of host plants for fruit flies were conducted at the laboratory using wind tunnel equipment, and the female of fruit flies were placed in the middle of flies cages and connected to the surrounding host fruit containers. Through the air flow from containers to the cages fruit flies were attracted to choose the most preferred host fruits. The measured variables included the trapped amount of fruit flies, damage of fruits, pupa number and sex ratios, and the observations were conducted daily . The studies of parasicity of fruit flies parasitoid were conducted by collecting approximately 30 attacked fruits from each plant and kept individually in the laboratory. The fruits were retained until the imago fruit flies and parasitoids emerged, then the type of parasitoids and their level parasitoicity wer observed. The results showed that the fruit flies population B. carambolae was very high at Mekarsari derived from Malaya star fruits, guava Getas Merah, jambu bol Jamaica, water guava Citra, while the high level of population at Indramayu was observed on Harumanis mangos, and in Depok was on star fruits Dewi. The population of B. carambolae and B.papayae appeared to below on star fruits at Welahan. Climatic fluctuations affected the population of B. carambolae and B. papayae. The preference and the regeneration of B. carambolae were higher on Malaya star fruits followed by mango Manalagi (a variety of Mango) and B. papayae was from the California variety, followed by mango Manalagi. The study also showed that the preferences and regenerations of B. carambolae, B. papayae were very low on star fruit varieties Welahan. The domination of Parasitoids on B. carambolae and B. papayae attacks in the three research locations were two species namely, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata and Fopius arisanus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). The parasitoicity level of D. longicaudata was higher (21.9 to 41.6%) compared to F. arisanus (16.1 to 38.9%) on all of the observed host plants.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hermawan Yulianto
Kacang kedelai merupakan komoditas pangan yang utama di Indonesia
setelah padi dan jagung. Tren penurunan produksi kedelai dari tahun 1997-2006
merupakan persoalan sekaligus ancaman terhadap ketahanan pangan nasional.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran spasial lahan pertanian tanaman
kedelai di Kabupaten Grobogan, karakteristik wilayah lahan pertanian tanaman
kedelai, serta pola hubungan spasial antara lahan pertanian tanaman kedelai dan
karakteristik wilayahnya. Analisis pola persebaran spasial dilakukan dengan
menggunakan metode Rerata Tetangga Terdekat atau ANN (Average Nearest
Neighboard) dan pembuatan model spasial menggunakan metode Analisis
Pemetaan Komposit (Composite Mapping Analysis/CMA). Dalam penelitian ini
ditunjukkan pola persebaran spasial lahan pertanian tanaman kedelai di
Kabupaten Grobogan yang cenderung mengelompok (clustered). Pola tersebut
dipengaruhi oleh faktor penggunaan lahan, iklim, topografi, geologi,
geomorfologi, jenis tanah, dan jarak (dari pusat kota, permukiman, dan jalan). Di
Kabupaten Grobogan, sebaran spasial lahan tanaman kedelai hanya dijumpai pada
lahan pertanian ?kelas dua?, yaitu sawah tadah hujan dan tegalan serta hanya
dibudidayakan sekali dalam setahun, yaitu selama musim hujan. Persebaran lahan
pertanian tanaman kedelai berada pada karakteristik wilayah yang kurang
mendukung bagi pertumbuhannya secara optimal.

Soybeans are the main food commodities in Indonesia after rice and maize.
The downward trend of the 1997-2006 soybean production is an issue as well as a
threat to national food security. This study aims to determine the spatial
distribution of soybean farms in Grobogan, regional characteristics soybean crop
farms, as well as the pattern of spatial relationship between soybean crop farms
and characteristics of territory. Analysis of the spatial distribution patterns were
calculated using ANN (Average Nearest Neighboard) and spatial modeling using
Composite Mapping Analysis. In the present study demonstrated the spatial
distribution patterns of soybean crop farms in Grobogan which tend to clustered.
The pattern is influenced by land use, climate, topography, geology,
geomorphology, soil type, and distances (from the center of town, settlements,
and roads). In Grobogan, the spatial distribution of soybean crops on agricultural
land is found only "second class", ie rainfed and upland and cultivated only once a
year, that is during the rainy season. Distribution of soybean crop farms located in
areas unfavorable characteristics for optimal growth., Soybeans are the main food commodities in Indonesia after rice and maize.
The downward trend of the 1997-2006 soybean production is an issue as well as a
threat to national food security. This study aims to determine the spatial
distribution of soybean farms in Grobogan, regional characteristics soybean crop
farms, as well as the pattern of spatial relationship between soybean crop farms
and characteristics of territory. Analysis of the spatial distribution patterns were
calculated using ANN (Average Nearest Neighboard) and spatial modeling using
Composite Mapping Analysis. In the present study demonstrated the spatial
distribution patterns of soybean crop farms in Grobogan which tend to clustered.
The pattern is influenced by land use, climate, topography, geology,
geomorphology, soil type, and distances (from the center of town, settlements,
and roads). In Grobogan, the spatial distribution of soybean crops on agricultural
land is found only "second class", ie rainfed and upland and cultivated only once a
year, that is during the rainy season. Distribution of soybean crop farms located in
areas unfavorable characteristics for optimal growth.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiara Shafina Adzra
"Pengembangan industri dan eskalasi ekonomi membuat pembangunan infrastruktur untuk pemukiman secara masif meningkat hingga kebutuhan dasar untuk bahan bangunan pun bertambah. Pemenuhan kebutuhan ini dimaksimalkan dengan produksi tambang galian yang sudah banyak dilakukan di Indonesia, khususnya Banyumas. Untuk itu, dilakukan penelitian untuk perencanaan kawasan tambang batuan baru berupa tambang batuan basalt di Kecamatan Jatilawang, Banyumas setelah ditemukannya indikasi berupa singkapan batuan basaltik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode geolistrik DC resistivity konfigurasi wenner-alpha yang selanjutnya dibuat pemodelan 2D dan 3D untuk mendapat analisis sebaran dan volume batuan basalt yang akan ditambang. Survei geolistrik menggunakan 6 lintasan sepanjang 235 meter dan 48 elektroda dengan hasilnya diolah menggunakan inversi least-square untuk mendapat penampang 2D dan metode gridding IDW Anisotropic untuk mengetahui model 3D. Dari pemodelan tersebut, didapat hasil sebaran batuan basalt berada pada pada rentang resistivitas 15,95–55,95 Ωm untuk basal resistivitas rendah hingga 55,95–452,62 Ωm untuk batuan basal masif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis survei, potensi batuan basalt yang berada di Kecamatan Jatilawang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan tambang dengan sebaran yang membentang dengan arah barat-timur. Berdasarkan pemodelan 3D, basalt di jatilawang memiliki estimasi volume sebesar 1.969.308 bank cubic meter (bcm), dengan 555.343 bcm batuan basalt resistivitas rendah dan 1.413.965 bcm batuan basal resistivitas tinggi. Batuan basalt yang bersifat masif dan lebih kuat ini berada di bagian utara penelitian yang ditunjukan dengan adanya singkapan hingga elevasi 156 meter. 

Industrial development and economic escalation have made infrastructure development for settlements massively increased that the basic needs for building materials have also increased. The fulfilment of this need is maximized by the production of quarrying which has done a lot in Indonesia, especially Banyumas. In this case, research was carried out for planning a new basalt rock mine in Jatilawang District, Banyumas after indications of basaltic rock outcrops are found. The research was carried out using the DC resistivity geoelectric method with wenner-alpha configuration which the result then made into 2D and 3D modelling to obtain an analysis of the distribution and volume of the basalt rock to be mined. The geoelectrical survey used 6 tracks with a length of 235 meters and 48 electrodes and the results were processed using the least-square inversion to obtain 2D cross-sections and the gridding IDW Anisotropic method to determine the 3D model. From this modelling, the results show that the distribution of basalt rocks is in the resistivity range of 15,95–55,95 Ωm for low resistivity basalt to 55,95–452,62 Ωm for massive basalt. Based on the results of the survey analysis, the potential for basalt rock in Jatilawang District can be used as a mining material with a distribution that stretches in a west-east direction based on 3D modelling having a volume of 1.969.308 bcm, with 555.343 bcm of low resistivity basalt rock and 1.413.965 bcm of basalt rock high resistivity. This massive and stronger basalt rock is located in the northern part of the survey which is indicated by the presence of outcrops up to an elevation of 156 meters."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ifan Fajri
"Untuk merancang suatu hitungan hidrologi ada yang menggunakan data curah hujan yang terus menerus dan dalam durasi yang sangat singkat yang menggunakan data curah hujan otomatik. Dimana data itu sangat jarang ditemukan bahkan tidak ada di Indonesia khususnya di daerah penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pola distribusi curah hujan yang sesuai didasarkan dari data curah hujan otomatik yang ada pada DAS Ciliwung-Cisadane dan peta isohyet dengan kala ulang tertentu.
Untuk memperoleh hasil diatas digunakan pendekatan analisa frekuensi. Penelitian diatas nantinya akan menghasilkan suatu pola sebaran dari data hujan otomatik kemudian pola tersebut digunakan pada daerah lain yang tidak mempunyai data pengamatan otomatik melainkan dengan data pengamatan manual. Setelah mendapatkan pola sebaran hujan selanjutnya disajikan dalam bentuk peta isohyet. Dari peta isohyet ini kita dapat memprediksikan besarnya data curah hujan di suatu daerah yang belum mempunyai data pengamatan dengan asumsi bahwa kondisi yang ada sama dengan daerah penelitian.

To design a calculation of hydrology, something applies rainfall data that is continuous and in a real brief duration using otomatic rainfall data. Where the data very rare found even there is no in Indonesia especially in research district. This research aim to determine distribution pattern of rainfall appropriate based from otomatic rainfall data of the DAS Ciliwung-Cisadane and isohyet map withcertain re- period.
To obtain result is upper applied by approach of frequency analysis. Research is upper later will yield a distribution pattern from otomatic rain data then the pattern applied at other district of which is not has otomatic observation data but with manual observation data. After getting rain distribution pattern, next is presented in the form of isohyet map. From this isohyet map we can predict level of rainfall data in a district which has not had observation data with assumption that the condition equal to research district.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Zooplankton merupakan komponen penting pada ekosistem perairan yang memiliki sebaran dalam skala ruang dan waktu. Sebaran dan keanekaragaman zooplankton merupakan salah satu indikator biologis kualitas suatu perairan.Kajian mengenai sebaran dan kelimpahan zooplankton di Danau Maninjau, Sumatera telah dilakukan Desember 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ambi Pradiptha, exminer
"Gas klorin merupakan bahan kimia yang berbahaya karena sifatnya yang beracun dankorosif. Klorin juga termasuk ke dalam Extremely Hazardous Substances EHS ataubahan yang berbahaya sekali karena gas klorin dapat menimbulkan kematian EPA,1990 . Penelitian ini membahas tentang analisis risiko kebocoran gas pada fasilitastangki penyimpanan klorin di PT XYZ dengan mengasumsikan adanya korosi padavalve dan fusible plug tangki klorin. Dianalisa menggunakan pendekatan ComputationalFluid Dynamics 3 dimensi yang diproses dengan meggunakan perangkat lunak FLACS.Desain penelitian menggunakan analisis risiko secara kualitatif dengan desain deskriptifdan menggunakan FTA untuk menentukan skenario kebocoran dengan menggunakandata sekunder. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa sebaran kebocoran gas klorin yangdihasilkan dari pemodelan berpotensi menyebar tidak hanya didalam area PT XYZnamun juga sampai ke pemukiman penduduk dengan tingkat konsentrasi yangbervariasi mulai dari angka tertinggi 300 ppmv sampai 10 ppmv. PT XYZ disarankanuntuk selalu melakukan pengecekan berkala pada fasilitas tangki klorin, melakukanpelatihan tanggap darurat kebocoran klorin dan audit berkala sebagai bentuk upayapencegahan kebocoran klorin.

Chlorine gas is a dangerous chemical because of its toxic and corrosive nature. Chlorine is also included in Extremely Hazardous Substances EHS or very dangerous materials because chlorine gas can cause death EPA, 1990 . This study discusses the gas leakage risk analysis at the chlorine storage tank facility at PT XYZ by assuming the corrosion of the valve and fusible plug of the chlorine tank. Analyzed using a 3 dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics approach processed by using FLACS software. The research design uses qualitative risk analysis with descriptive design and uses FTA to determine leakage scenarios by using secondary data. From the result of the research, it is known that the chlorine gas leak distribution generated from the modeling has the potential to spread not only within the PT XYZ area but also to the residential population with varying concentration levels ranging from the highest number of 300 ppmv to 10 ppmv. PT XYZ is advised to always conduct periodic checks on chlorine tank facilities, conduct chlorine leak emergency response training and periodic audits as a form of prevention of chlorine leakage.."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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