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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Astien Amalia Hidayah
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Sella turcica merupakan anatomi yang penting untuk diteliti dikarenakan deformitas bentuknya dapat menjadi petunjuk utama adanya kelainan skeletal. Hal ini dapat mempengaruhi fungsi fossa hipofisis dikarenakan letaknya yang berada di tengah fossa hipofisis dan dapat menghambat pertumbuhan tulang pada regio kraniofasial seperti maksila, mandibula, palatal dan frontonasal. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui bentuk variasi morfologi sella turcica pada kelompok umur tertentu di RSKGM FKG UI. Metode: Radiograf sefalometri lateral digital pada pasien dengan rentang usia 17 tahun ke atas sebesar 258 sampel ditracing dan bentuk morfologi sella turcica dinilai. Hasil: Frekuensi morfologi sella turcica tertinggi yaitu morfologi normal sebesar 52,3%, diikuti dengan morfologi irregular sella turcica sebesar 13,2%, morfologi bridging sella turcica sebesar 10,9%, morfologi oblique dan pyramidal sebesar 9,7%, dan morfologi double contour sebesar 4,3%. Kesimpulan: Bentuk variasi morfologi sella turcica di RSKGM FKG UI yang paling sering ditemukan adalah morfologi normal. ......Background: Sella turcica is an anatomy that is important to study because its deformity form can be indication key of the presence of skeletal abnormalities. This may affect the  function of the pituitary fossa due to its location in the center of the pituitary fossa and can inhibit bone growth in the craniofacial region such as the maxilla, mandible, palatal, and frontonasal. Objective: To determine the shape of the morphological variation of sella turcica in certain age groups in RSKGM FKG UI. Methods: Lateral cephalometric digital radiographs in patients with an age range of 17 years and over by 258 samples traced and the morphological forms of sella turcica assessed. Results: The most frequence morphology of sella turcica is the normal morphology which is 52,3%, followed by the irregular morphology of sella turcica is 13,2%, the morphology of sella turcica is 10,9%, oblique and pyramidal morphology is 9,7%, and the morphology of double contour is 4,3%. Conclusion: The most shape of the morphological variation of sella turcica that can be found in RSKGM FKG UI is normal morphology.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Mutiah Sari
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Salah satu bagian dalam menentukan diagnosis dan rencana perawatan ortodonti adalah analisis profil jaringan lunak pasien. E-line & Profil wajah merupakan metode yang dapat dipakai dalam menentukan profil jaringan lunak. Pengukuran E-line dan Profil Wajah dinyatakan dapat dilakukan antara Sefalogram dan foto Ekstra Oral. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan posisi Ls, Li dari E-line dan Profil Wajah pada Sefalogram dan foto Ekstra Oral. Metode Penelitian: Didapatkan 55 sampel penelitian berupa Sefalogram lateral dan foto Ekstra Oral lateral. Dilakukan tabulasi data dan diuji komparatif sederhana dengan Chi-square untuk membandingkan posisi Ls, Li dari E-line dan Profil Wajah pada sefalogram dan foto ekstra oral. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna untuk posisi Ls terhadap garis E-line antara Sefalogram dan foto Ekstra Oral (p< 0,05), terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna untuk posisi Li terhadap garis E-line antara Sefalogram dan foto Ekstra Oral (p<0,05). Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna untuk Profil Wajah antara Sefalogram dan foto Ekstra Oral (p<0,05). Kesimpulan: Posisi Ls, Li dari E-line dan Profil Wajah pada Sefalogram dan foto Ekstra Oral adalah berbeda. ABSTRACT
Background: Factors in determining the diagnosis and orthodontic treatment plan is the analysis of soft tissue profile of the patient. E-line measurement and profile can be done in the face of otherwise sefalogram and extra-oral photos. Purpose: To determine differences in position Ls, Li from E-line and soft tissue profile on sefalogram and extra-oral photos. Methods: There were 55 samples of research in the form of sefalogram lateral and lateral extra-oral photos. Conducted a comparative tabulation of the data and then tested with Chi-square to compare the position Ls, Li from E-line and soft tissue profile on sefalogram and extra-oral photos. Results: There were significant differences Ls position to the line E-line at sefalogram and extra-oral photograph (p <0.05), there were significant differences Li position to the line E-line at sefalogram and extra-oral photograph (p <0.05 ), there were significant differences in the facial profile and photo sefalogram extra-oral (p <0.05). Conclusion: The position Ls, Li from E-line and soft tissue profile on sefalogram and extra-oral photograph is different. ;Background: Factors in determining the diagnosis and orthodontic treatment plan is the analysis of soft tissue profile of the patient. E-line measurement and profile can be done in the face of otherwise sefalogram and extra-oral photos. Purpose: To determine differences in position Ls, Li from E-line and soft tissue profile on sefalogram and extra-oral photos. Methods: There were 55 samples of research in the form of sefalogram lateral and lateral extra-oral photos. Conducted a comparative tabulation of the data and then tested with Chi-square to compare the position Ls, Li from E-line and soft tissue profile on sefalogram and extra-oral photos. Results: There were significant differences Ls position to the line E-line at sefalogram and extra-oral photograph (p <0.05), there were significant differences Li position to the line E-line at sefalogram and extra-oral photograph (p <0.05 ), there were significant differences in the facial profile and photo sefalogram extra-oral (p <0.05). Conclusion: The position Ls, Li from E-line and soft tissue profile on sefalogram and extra-oral photograph is different. , Background: Factors in determining the diagnosis and orthodontic treatment plan is the analysis of soft tissue profile of the patient. E-line measurement and profile can be done in the face of otherwise sefalogram and extra-oral photos. Purpose: To determine differences in position Ls, Li from E-line and soft tissue profile on sefalogram and extra-oral photos. Methods: There were 55 samples of research in the form of sefalogram lateral and lateral extra-oral photos. Conducted a comparative tabulation of the data and then tested with Chi-square to compare the position Ls, Li from E-line and soft tissue profile on sefalogram and extra-oral photos. Results: There were significant differences Ls position to the line E-line at sefalogram and extra-oral photograph (p <0.05), there were significant differences Li position to the line E-line at sefalogram and extra-oral photograph (p <0.05 ), there were significant differences in the facial profile and photo sefalogram extra-oral (p <0.05). Conclusion: The position Ls, Li from E-line and soft tissue profile on sefalogram and extra-oral photograph is different. ]
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Avi Aisyah Ramadini
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk melihat perbedaan gambaran jaringan lunak wajah pria dan wanita khususnya ras Deutro-Melayu. Profil wajah lurus dipilih karena profil wajah lurus tidak mengindikasikan adanya disproporsi dental dan fasial sehingga individu dengan profil wajah lurus diindikasikan memiliki oklusi normal serta penampilan wajah dan dental yang dapat diterima. Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran jaringan lunak wajah pasien pria dan wanita ras Deutro-Melayu dengan profil wajah lurus di RSKGM FKG UI beserta perbedaannya. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan 56 rekam medis dan sefalogram lateral pasien pria dan wanita berusia 18-25 tahun ras Deutro-Melayu sebelum perawatan ortodonsia. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan uji T tidak berpasangan dan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil: 8 parameter pengukuran menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara pria dan wanita (p<0,05) yakni pada kecembungan fasial, kecembungan fasial total, sudut nasofrontal, sudut mentolabial, sudut servikomental, posisi hidung terhadap bidang fasial, posisi bibir atas terhadap bidang fasial, dan posisi bibir bawah terhadap bidang fasial. Pria menunjukkan hasil pengukuran yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan wanita, kecuali pada sudut nasofrontal yang secara statistik menunjukkan nilai rerata wanita lebih besar dibandingkan pria. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara gambaran jaringan lunak wajah pria dan wanita ras Deutro-Melayu dengan profil wajah lurus. ...... Background: It is necessary to conduct research to see the difference of facial soft tissue profile in male and female especially Deutro-Malay race. Straight face profile is selected because it does not indicate any dental and facial disproportions, so that individuals with straight facial profiles are indicated to have normal occlusion and acceptable facial and dental appearance. Objective: To compare the difference of facial soft tissue image in Deutro-Malay male and female with straight facial profile. Method: This study used medical records and lateral cephalograms of 56 male and female patients aged 18-25 with Deutro-Malay race before orthodontic treatment. Measurement performed with independent sample T-test and Mann-Whitney test. Result: 8 measurement parameters showed significant difference (p<0,05) those are facial convexity, total facial convexity, nasofrontal angle, mentolabial angle, cervicomental angle, position of nose to facial plane, position of upper lip to facial plane, and position of lower lip to facial plane. Male showed larger measurements than female, except in nasofrontal angle that statistically showed that female's mean score was greater than male. Conclusion: There is a significant difference between facial soft tissue image in Deutro-Malay male and female with straight facial profile.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Prabu Alfarikhi
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Profil wajah lurus merupakan profil wajah yang dianggap ideal dan menarik secara estetika. Perlu diketahui gambaran skeletal wajah pria dan wanita yang memiliki profil wajah lurus sebagai acuan dalam perawatan ortodonti. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran skeletal wajah antara pria dan wanita ras Deutro-Melayu yang memiliki profil wajah lurus beserta perbedaanya. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain potong lintang. Penelitian ini menggunakan 58 sefalogram lateral dari rekam medik pasien berusia 18-25 tahun, sebelum dilakukan perawatan ortodontik di RSKGM FKG UI. Dilakukan uji T tidak berpasangan dan uji Mann-Whitney Hasil: Pria menunjukan nilai rerata sudut Y-axis, FMIA, IMPA, dan sudut interinsisal lebih besar daripada wanita. Nilai rerata sudut SNA, SNB, ANB, sudut fasial, sudut kecembungan, FMA, dan I-SN pada pria lebih kecil daripada wanita. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara gambaran skeletal wajah pria dan wanita ras Deutro-Melayu dengan profil wajah lurus. ...... Background: Straight facial profile is considered as a profile that ideal and aesthetically attractive. The facial skeletal image of male and female with straight facial profile is used as a reference in orthodontic treatment. Objective: This research’s aim is to understand the facial skeletal image of Deutro-Malay male and female with straight facial profile and its difference. Method: This research is an analytic observational research with cross sectional design. This research used 58 lateral cephalograms from medical records of patients within 18-25 years old, before the orthodontic treatment is applied in RSKGM FKG UI. Independent T test and Mann-Whitney test are conducted. Result: Male’s facial skeletal image shows the average point of Y-axis, FMIA, IMPA dan interincisal angle is bigger than female’s. The angle’s average point of SNA, SNB, ANB, facial angle and convexity angle, FMA and I-SN angle of male’s facial skeletal image are smaller than found in female. Conclusion: There is no significant differences between facial skeletal image of Deutro-Malay male and female race with straight facial profile.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayudatia Nurazizah
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Analisis hasil pengukuran baik linier dan angular pada parameter kesimetrisan dentokraniofasial merupakan hal yang penting dalam perawatan ortodonti dan bedah ortognati. Radiografik metode dua dimensi dan tiga dimensi dapat dijadikan pilihan dalam menganalisa hasil pengukuran kesimetrisan. Hasil pengukuran ini berfungsi dalam diagnosis, rencana perawatan, hingga evaluasi hasil perawatan. Belum ada penelitian mengenai perbedaan hasil pengukuran dengan kedua metode tersebut. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil pengukuran linier dan anguler parameter kesimetrisan dentokraniofasial secara dua dimensi menggunakan sefalogram posteroanterior pada dari rekonstruksi CBCT dan secara tiga dimensi dari hasil CBCT. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang pada enam belas hasil CBCT pasien Asimetri. Sefalogram posteroanterior didapatkan dari hasil rekonstruksi CBCT. Pengukuran linier dan angular dilakukan pada radiograf Posteroanterior dan CBCT yang sama menggunakan 18 parameter. Uji Interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) dilakukan untuk melihat reliabilitas interobserver dan intraobserver. Uji T berpasangan digunakan untuk melihat perbedaan kedua metode. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada hasil pengukuran seluruh parameter menggunakan kedua metode kecuali pada parameter Puncak Cusp Molar Pertama Atas (U6CP) ke Orbita Line. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan hasil pengukuran hampir pada seluruh parameter kesimetrisan dentokraniofasial dengan metode dua dan tiga dimensi. ......Introduction: Analysis of linear and angular measurement of dentocraniofacial asymmetry parameters is essential in orthodontic treatment and orthognatic surgery. The results of these mesurements can be used for diagnosis, treatment plan and evaluation of treatment. Two dimensional and three dimensional radiographic methods may be an option in analyzing asymmetry measurement results and there is no recent study about this matter. Objective: This study was to determine the differences in linear and angular measurements of dentocraniofacial symmetry parameters in two dimensions on reconstructed posteroanterior cephalograms from CBCT and in three dimensions from CBCT itself. Methods: This study was cross-sectional on sixteen CBCT of Asymmetry patients. A posteroanterior cephalogram was reconstructed from the CBCT. Linear and angular measurements were performed on the same Posteroanterior and CBCT radiographs using 18 parameters. The Interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) test was carried out to see interobserver and intraobserver reliability. The Pair T-Test is used to see the differences between the two methods. Results: There are significant differences in measurement results of all parameters using those two methods except for the U6CP to Orbita Line parameters. Conclusion: Even though there are significant differences in almost all linear and angular symmetry parameters measurements, the diagnostic results produced by both methods remain the same.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library