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Abstrak :
Sudah 50 tahun lebih Perencanaan Penataan Ruang diterapkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia. Namun sampai saat ini belum dapat dinyatakan telah berhasil diterapkan secara efektif dan optimal, baik pada tingkat nasional maupun daerah. Situasi ini termasuk kawasan pembangunan strategis nasional seperti Kawasan Jabodetabekjur. Masalah ini diteliti dalam perspektif kelembagaan penataan ruang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan teoritis penataan kelembagaan (institutional arrangment) untuk memahami kemampuan merealisasi kebijakan perencanaan penataan ruang terkait dan pilihan publik (public choice) untuk memahami dinamika pembangunan satu kawasan. Selain itu juga mekanisme perwujudan aspirasi masyarakat serta pemahaman teoritis penataan ruang menggunakan basis teori ruang dan organisasi ruang. Untuk memahami secara mendalam (eksploratif) kompleksitas dan dinamisnya permasalahan pembangunan ini maka digunakan penelitan kualitatif dengan menggunakan Kawasan Metropolis Jabodetabekjur sebagai studi kasus. Pilihan metode ini didasari oleh orientasi pemikiran penelitian pada interpretivisme atau konstruksivisme sebagai bagian kerangka pemikiran post-positivisme. Orientasi pemikiran ini mengarahkan pada proses penelitian berturut-turut melakukan konstruksi teoritis, dekonstruksi melalui kajian kondisi eksisting, dan rekonstruksi konsep alternatif sistem kelembagaan penataan ruang. Dari hasil dekonstruksi terhadap kondisi eksisting Kawasan Jabodetabekjur dan eksplorasi kondisi kapasitas kelembagaan serta mengkaji dari prinsip-prinsip Good Governance menunjukkan bahwa rencana penataan ruang tidak terrancang dengan tepat fungsi dan dapat diimplementasikan secara efektif, diantaranya ditandai dengan munculnya urban sprawl. Demikian pula dengan peran dan fungsi BKSP Jabodetabekjur yang sudah tidak lagi efektif sebagai lembaga yang berfungsi sebagai koordinator. Untuk itu dalam mengelola kawasan Metropolis Jabodetabekjur ini diperlukan peningkatan kekuatan otorita dengan membentuk lembaga semacam Dewan Metropolis yang ditetapkan dengan Undang-Undang (UU) dan dapat termasuk kategori Badan Ekstra Struktural. Dewan ini pada dasarnya terbagi atas dua unit yakni urusan yang mendasar yaitu unit yang mengatur terdiri dari para pemangku kepentingan dari pihak wakil pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah, dan pemangkukepentingan utama lainnya. Sementara itu unit kedua adalah satuan kerja pelaksana pembangunan. Dewan Metropolis Jabodetabekjur ini dikepalai oleh seorang gubernur dan memiliki otoritas mengelola wilayahnya, diantaranya yang prinsipiil adalah menetapkan dan mengangkat walikota atau bupati seperti yang diterapkan di provinsi DKI Jakarta. Ruang lingkup Dewan Metropolis memiliki ruang lingkup kerja utamanya adalah merumuskan rencana pembangunan penataan ruang dan sektor pembangunan strategis yang terkait dengan urusan lintas batas antar daerah. Dewan Metropolis ini merupakan kombinasi dari konsep lembaga otoritas Metropolis (Metropolitan) tingkat tinggi dan place bounded institution.
Over the last 50 years, the Government of Indonesia have applied spatial planning. Almost all spatial planning have not successful implemented effectively yet, either at, either at national or local level development. A similar situation also occurred in Strategic Regional Development, such as Kawasan Jabodetabekjur. This problem is scrutinized through policies and institutional arrangement perspectives of spatial planning implementation. Basically it use institutional, public choice, and spatial organization theory for understanding its dynamic problems of regional development. Moreover, a spatial theory and its spatial organization approach were applied to have better understanding of decision making on how the spatial planning policy being formulated and implemented in fulfilling public and development demand. In order to overcome the complexity and dynamic of regional development then this research apply a qualitative approach and Jabodetabekjur Metropolis area as its case study. As a post positivism research, it is applied on interpretivism and constructivism perspectives which has research steps as follows: constructing , deconstructing, and reconstructing. The restructuring of an alternative concept or theory of mainly spatial development institutional arrangement. By having the decontruction process it is found that spatial plan is not well constructed and implemented. It is shown by the emerging of urban sprawl phenomena within the Jabodetabekjur area. While by using good governance principles for understanding organization capabilities, it is also found that BKSP jabodetabekjur (Development Collborative Board for Jabodetabek Area) is unsuccessfully implemented its role and function as development coordinator board. Therefore, an alternative stronger powerfull institution and capacity such Metropolis (Metropolitan) Council. The Metropolis Council should be established under a higher and stronger Law. In terms of Indonesia?s institutional government system, the Metropolis Council is categorized as an Extra Structural Institution (at national level) and lead by governor similar to DKI Jakarta government structure. There are two main units under the Metropolis Council. First, unit for regulating which is consist of main stakeholders including central government, local governments as well as their legislative representation, and other major stakeholders. While the second unit is Implementing Body which is consist of a combinations of professionals and government employees. The Metropolis Council scope of works mainly on making Jabodetabekjur spatial plan and implementing Jabodetabekjur strategic development scheme which bounding with local cross border affairs. The Jabodetabek Metropolis Council is basically refer to a combination of High Level Metropolitan Authority and Place Bounded Institution concepts.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Biromo Nayarko
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai permasalahan tanah telantar dan implikasinya menurut Hukum Tanah Nasional serta korelasinya dengan pemanfaatan ruang berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 26 Tahun 2007 tentang Penataan Ruang, dan bagaimana solusi menurut Hukum Tanah Nasional dan Undang-Undang Nomor 26 Tahun 2007 tentang Penataan Ruang terhadap kasus penelantaran tanah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif bersifat deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan perlunya pengkajian secara holistik terhadap peraturan perundangundangan yang mengatur tanah telantar; perlunya penggantian atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 36 Tahun 1998 tentang Penertiban dan Pendayagunaan Tanah Telantar; dan terhadap kasus penelantaran tanah perlu diterapkan sanksi berupa hapusnya hak atas tanah sebagai bentuk disinsentif terhadap pelanggaran Undang-Undang yang dilakukan pemegang hak atas tanah.
This thesis is discussing about the issue of abandoned land and its implication under national land law, and its corelation with the usage of space based on Law Number 26 Year 2007 on Spatial Planning on the cases of land abandonment. This research is qualitative research with descriptive characteristic. The result of this research advice the need to have holistic analysis on the national laws that deal with abandoned land, there is a need to amend Government Regulation Number 36 Year 1998 on Control and Usage of Abandoned Land; and for land abandonment cases there is a need for sanction such as the lost of rights on the land as a dicentive means towards the violation of laws which conducted by the holders of land rights.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mita Hapsari Kartikaningsih
Abstrak :
Masyarakat merupakan mitra pemerintah dalam penataan ruang. Melibatkan masyarakat mulai dari penyusunan Rencana Tata Ruang merupakan hal penting yang tidak dapat dilepaskan dalam penyelenggaraan penataan ruang. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat dengan pendekatan positivis. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat baik faktor internal maupun faktor eksternal. Hasil penelitian ini adalah analisa factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat dalam penyusunan rencana tata ruang wilayah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang ada menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor tersebut mempengaruhi rendahnya partisipasi masyarakat. ......Public is government's partner in spatial planning. Engaging the community since the beginning of the preparation of the Spatial Plan is an important thing that cannot be released in the implementation of spatial planning. This study uses the theory of the factors that affect public participation with positivist approach. Data analysis techniques that used is descriptive analysis of the factors that affecting public participation either internal factor or external factors. The result of this study is analysis about factors that affect public participation in the preparation of spatial plan. Based on the research result those factors affect the low degree of public participation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
David Saputra
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis upaya membangun collaborative governance dalam penataan ruang di Kota Depok. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post-positivist dengan metode pengumpulan data kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dengan: (1) data primer melalui wawancara mendalam dengan pihak Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang Kota Depok, Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Depok, serta pihak pengembang perumahan atau stakeholders di Kota Depok yang terkait dengan permasalahan penelitian. Kemudian (2) data sekunder melalui literatur dan dokumentasi di lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa collaborative governance dalam penataan ruang di Kota Depok belum efektif, yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu: (1) Tidak Adanya Insentif Stakeholders untuk Berpartisipasi; (2) Kepemimpinan Fasilitatif yang Tidak Efektif; (3) Desain Kelembagaan yang Kurang Inklusif; dan (4) Uncontrol Komersialisasi/ Privatisasi yang tinggi. Untuk membangun collaborative governance dalam penataan ruang di Kota Depok sulit dilaksanakan, dikarenakan pemahaman stakeholders mengenai collaborative governance yang tidak merata. Upaya membangun kolaborasi dalam penataan ruang di Kota Depok dengan: (1) Melakukan dialog tatap muka secara berkala dan berkelanjutan setiap tahun untuk memastikan suara stakeholders terwakili dalam perumusan kebijakan; (2) Membangun kepercayaan antar stakeholders dengan adanya transparansi proses dari pemerintah maupun stakeholders, adanya sikap saling membutuhkan sehingga tidak ada yang terabaikan, serta sikap keprofesionalan dari stakeholders itu sendiri; (3) Membentuk komitmen pada proses kolaborasi dengan adanya kepercayaan antar stakeholders, sikap saling memiliki dan saling ketergantungan, adanya sikap saling menghormati hingga pemahaman bersama diantara stakeholders; (4) Dukungan politik menjadi sangat penting untuk melancarkan anggaran stakeholders dan pemerintah dalam mencapai tujuan bersama; (5) Dukungan masyarakat dengan  melibatkan dan memberdayakan masyarakat menjadi inti membangun kolaborasi; (6) Ketercukupan sumber daya menjadi objek yang krusial, tanpa sumber daya yang cukup, membangun kolaborasi susah terlaksana. ......The aims of the study are to analyse efforts to build collaborative governance in spatial planning in the Depok city. This research used post-positivist approach with qualitative data collection method. The data consists of: (1) primary data were collected through in-depth interviews with Public Works and Spatial Planning Department, Development Planning Board, and the developer of housing or stakeholders in Depok related to the research problem, and (2) secondary data were collected through the literature and documentation at the research site. This research indicates that the collaborative governance in Depoks spatial planning has not been built, which is influenced by several factors: there is no incentive for stakeholders to participate, ineffective facilitative leadership, not inclusive of institutional design, and the high of uncontrol commercialization. To build a collaborative governance in spatial planning in Depok City is difficult to implement, it because understanding of stakeholders regarding collaborative governance is uneven. The efforts to build collaboration in spatial planning in Depok City can be done by: (1) Conducting regular and ongoing face-to-face dialogue for each stakeholder represented in policy formulation; (2) Building trust between stakeholders with the transparency of the parties concerned, interdependency behaviors so that none not neglected, and also professionalism of the stakeholders themselves; (3) Establish a commitment to the collaboration process with the existence of inter-stakeholders, mutual ownership and interdependence, mutual trust and mutual interest with stakeholders; (4) Political support becomes very important to strengthen stakeholders and government budgets in achieving common goals (5) Community support by involving and empowering the community becomes the core of building collaboration;  (6) The adequacy of resources becomes a crucial object, because without sufficient resources, building collaboration is difficult to implement.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The book covers the topic of the role of public sector in the economic and territorial development across several dimensions of spatial planning, e.g. theoretical-methodological (planning cultures, leadership), executive (regional policies, services of general interest), sectoral (energy, tourism, air-quality) or social (social innovation, preservation of cultural heritage). The book delivers up-to date knowledge build on interactions between representatives of different stakeholders of economic and territorial development with the research represented by renowned experts and academicians. This is mirrored in the content of the book, delivering in a consistent form the conceptual explanations combined with the examples of the role of the public sector in fostering the local economies within the frame of spatial planning. The book reflects and transfers the expert knowledge which has been generated during more than a decade of scientific and research activities of Spa-ce.net. - Presents a comprehensive view on different aspects of the involvement of public sector in the local and regional spatial development; - Includes a combination of macro-regionally specific perspectives with the generalized knowledge; - Provides knowledge from various researchers from prestigious European scientific and research teams.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herawanti Kumalasari
Abstrak :
Indonesia mempunyai sumber panas bumi yang besar namun terletak di perbukitan dan lereng gunung sehingga rawan terhadap longsor, salah satunya adalah lapangan panas bumi X, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis tingkat risiko longsor yang ditinjau dari tingkat ancaman, kerentanan dan kapasitas serta memberikan alternatif upaya mitigasi bencana melalui penataan ruang. Metode penelitian ini adalah penilaian tingkat risiko dengan pembobotan dan skoring, kemudian sebaran spasial diinterpretasikan kedalam peta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebesar 57 wilayah studi berada pada tingkat risiko longsor sedang atau seluas luas 3.783,2 ha, hal ini disebabkan oleh sebagian besar wilayah studi berada pada tingkat ancaman longsor menengah, tingkat kerentanan tinggi dan tingkat kapasitas sedang. Alternatif upaya mitigasi untuk menjaga keberlanjutan pemanfaatan energi panas bumi ditinjau dari tiga aspek yaitu keberlanjutan ekologi, produksi panas bumi, dan sosial kemudian disusun penataan pola ruang yang dibagi menjadi tiga zona yaitu zona inti, zona penyangga dan zona pengembangan.
Indonesia has huge sources of geothermal which are located in mountain hills and slopes, it makes Indonesia prone to landslide. One of the geothermal sources can be found in X geothermal field, West Java Province. The aims of this study are to analysis the risk level of landslide reviewed by the hazard level, vulnerability and capacity and to provide an alternative form of disaster mitigation efforts through the spatial planning. The methods of this research are the assessment of the level of risk by weighting and scoring, then spatial distributions are interpreted into a map. The result of the study shows that 57 or 3.783,2 ha area of the study is in the medium risk level of landslide. It is because most area of the study is in medium risk level with high level vulnerability and medium level capacity. The alternative mitigation effort to keep the sustainability of geothermal energy consumption are reviewed in three aspects which are environmental sustainability, the production of geothermal, and social patterns that are divided into three zones core zone, buffer zone, and transition zone.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Aulia
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang melalui Izin mendirikan bangunan di Kota Bogor. Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengendalian pemanfaatan ruang melalui izin mendirikan bangunan di Kota Bogor belum berjalan secara optimal. Hal ini dilihat dari dua aspek yakni pengawasan dan penertiban. Dari segi pengawasan, pelaksanaan kewenangan masih disertai dengan minimnya tanggung jawab oleh aktor yang terlibat, bentuk pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh aktor yang terlibat belum mampu mengendalikan kegiatan pemanfaatan ruang melalui izin mendirikan bangunan, dan koordinasi antar aktor yang terlibat belum terjalin secara intens. Dari segi penertiban, pelaksanaan kewenangan oleh aktor yang terlibat belum dijalankan dengan baik, bentuk penertiban yang dilakukan oleh aktor yang terlibat belum secara maksimal menertibkan bangunan gedung yang melanggar izin mendirikan bangunan, serta koordinasi antar aktor yang terlibat belum terjalin secara maksimal.
This research is about the spatial planning control through building permit in the city of Bogor. This descriptive study used a qualitative approach with qualitative collecting data method. The results of this study indicate that spatial planning control through the building permit in the city of Bogor is not running optimally. It could be of two aspects that are supervision and enforcement. In terms of supervision, implementation of authority is accompanied with a lack of responsibility from actors who are involved, the form of controlling from actors who are involved have not able to control the utilization of space through the building permit, and coordination among involved actors have not been intensely. In terms of enforcement, the implementation of authority by involved actors have not been executed properly, the form of controlling from involved actors who were not regulated violated building permit buildings optimally, as well as coordination among involved actors have not been established maximally
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Offering in-depth perspectives on factors such as local labour markets, housing and mobility, this book investigates centralization tendencies in Scandinavia and South East Europe that help shape regional development and act as a catalyst to creating regional inequalities.
Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Abstract. The spatial planning policy as included in the Local Regulation No. 6/2006 on the spatial planning of Makassar in 2005-2015 has changed from the original blueprint. The policy changing occurred on decisions or programs, but not on institutional regulations. The decisions or programs on spatial planning that were different from the original policy were visible on the licensing decisions in the Development Region I and Development Region III. The purpose of this research was to analyze the changing of the spatial planning policy that was resulted from the behavior of the advocacy coalition who competed with each other in the utilization of strategy and political resources, which was assumed to be affecting the policy output. The study results indicated that the changing of the spatial planning policy in Makassar was resulted from the competition between the major advocacy coalition and the minor advocacy coalition in influencing the policy. The Major Advocacy Coalition used the combination of strategy and political resources more in comparison to the minor advocacy coalition. The utilization of strategy from each advocacy coalitions was effective in several cases but ineffective in other cases. The difference in the effectiveness of the utilization of strategy was on the interests in each cases. In the projects that were based on public interests, the Major Coalition was more systematic in advocating the policy core beliefs, but in other projects that were based on private interests, the Major Coalition was likely to withdraw

Abstrak. Kebijakan penataan ruang daerah yang tertuang dalam peraturan daerah nomor 6 tahun 2006 tentang rencana tata ruang wilayah Kota Makassar 2005-2015 telah mengalami perubahan dari blueprint yang telah ditetapkan. Perubahan kebijakan terjadi pada ranah keputusan/program, bukan aturan kelembagaan. Keputusan/program penataan ruang yang berbeda dengan blueprint kebijakan tampak pada keputusan-keputusan pemberian perizinan di Kawasan Pengembangan I dan Pengembangan III. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan kebijakan pemanfaatan ruang yang diakibatkan oleh perilaku koalisi advokasi yang saling bersaing dalam menggunakan strategi dan sumber daya politik, yang diasumsikan mempengaruhi output kebijakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perubahan kebijakan penataan ruang daerah di Kota Makassar terjadi akibat kompetisi koalisi advokasi mayor dan koalisi advokasi minor dalam mempengaruhi kebijakan. Koalisi Advokasi Mayor menggunakan kombinasi strategi dan sumber daya politik yang lebih banyak dibanding koalisi minor. Penggunaan strategi dari masing-masing koalisi advokasi efektif dalam beberapa kasus namun tidak efektif dalam kasuskasus yang lainnya. Perbedaan dalam efektivitas penggunaan strategi tersebut terletak pada basis kepentingan yang ada pada masing-masing kasus. Dalam proyek yang berbasis kepentingan publik, Koalisi Mayor lebih sistematis memperjuangkan policy core belief, namun dalam proyek yang berbasis kepentingan privat pihak Koalisi Mayor cenderung menarik diri.
makassar state of university, faculty of social science, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satya Laksana
Abstrak :
One of the most worrying global issues facing agricultural interests today is the rapid conversion of productive agricultural land to non-agricultural uses. Indonesia has enacted the Sustainable Agriculture Land Protection Law (Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan / LP2B) as a crucial section of the Spatial Planning Regulations. Furthermore, the law has been ratified by a number of regional regulations. However, there are still misconceptions about LP2B among stakeholders which can magnify the difficulty of implementing the regulation. Using the historical method, this descriptive paper elaborates difficulties in protecting agricultural land due to misconceptions of stakeholders within the case study in Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. Misconceptions of stakeholders encompass three aspects: (1) land ownership (2) determination process and (3) implementation of LP2B protection. Difficulties did not automatically cease when the regulations had just enacted, instead, they continue into the application stage and become discourses in various cross-institutional forums. Furthermore, this paper synthesizes the author's own conceptions to rectify the misconceptions based on academic references and relevant statutory arguments. Stakeholders referred to in this paper were bureaucrats in agricultural and other institutions related to LP2B including the Regional Development Planning Agency, and the Ministry of Spatial Planning / National Land Agency. They were represented by officials, bureaucrats, or personnel who together with the author attended various coordination meetings, dissemination, workshops, focus group discussions, and similar forums that discussing LP2B and or other related topics in the period of 2014-2019. Policy implications are discussed.
Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2020
330 BAP 3:2 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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