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Ditemukan 61 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini memaparkan wujud spiritualitas yang dihayati oleh tiap tokoh utama dalam film Des Hommes et Des Dieux karya Xavier Beauvois. Penulis akan mengaitkan teori unsur naratif film berupa analisis alur, pengaluran, tokoh, penokohan, dan latar, dengan konsep spiritualitas. Unsur sinematografis juga digunakan untuk menunjang hasil analisis naratif. Hasil penelitian ini akan menunjukkan bahwa spiritualitas mendorong tokoh utama membangun keimanan dan menunjang hubungan mereka dengan lingkungan sekitar. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa para tokoh utama mengalami guncangan spiritualitas ketika dihadapkan pada ancaman kematian. Namun, spiritualitas pula yang pada akhirnya mendorong untuk membangun kembali keyakinan dan rela menerima takdir kematian itu.
This thesis describes a form of spirituality which is filled by the main characters in the movie Des Hommes et Des Dieux by Xavier Beauvois. To describe this form of spirituality, the author will relate the theory of narrative elements of film which consist of plot, characters, characterizations, and setting, to the concept of spirituality. Cinematographic elements will also be used to support the narrative analysis. The results of analysis will show that the spirituality of the main characters influence them to build faith and relation with their surroundings. This analysis will also show that the main characters have disturbance of their spirituality when they face the fear of death. However, spirituality also influence them in the end to rebuild conviction and willingness to accept the fate of death.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saras Ayunda Sayid
Abstrak :
Tingkat persepsi spiritualitas pada perawat berdampak pada tingkat kompetensi perawatan spiritual pada pasien. Kompetensi perawatan spiritual yang dimiliki oleh perawat sebagai acuan dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan spirtual. Persepsi spiritualitas merupakan salah satu faktor yang mendorong perawat untuk meningkatkan kompetensi perawatan spiritual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara persepsi spiritualiatas perawat dengan kompetensi perawatan spiritual terhadap pasien di RSKD. Penelitian cross=sectional ini melibatkan 84 perawat yang dipilih secara probablity sampling. Penelitian menggunakan kuesioner Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale (SSCRS-BI) dan kuesioner Spiritual Care Competence Scale (SCCS). Hasil didaptakna adanya hubungan dan pengaruh yang kuat antara persepsi spiritualitas perawat dan kompetensi perawatan spiritual pada pasien (p=0,0005; OR=12.333). Persspsi spiritualitas perawat yang tinggi meningkatan kompetensi perawatan spiritual. Rekomendasio bagi pihak rumah sakit untuk untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan spiritual pada pasien dengan mengadakan edukasi, pelatihan serta evaluasi terkait perawatan spiritual. Dengan pembekalan tersebut, diharapkan perawat dapat mengeksplorasi dan meningkatkan kompetensi keperawatan spiritual. ......The level of perceived spirituality in nurses has an impact on the level of spiritual care competence in patients. The spiritual care competence possessed by nurses is a reference in providing spirtual nursing care. Perceived spirituality is one of the factors that encourage nurses to improve spiritual care competence. This study aimed to identify the relationship between nurses' perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care competence in patients at the RSKD. This cross-sectional study involved 84 nurses selected by probablity sampling. The study used the Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale (SSCRS-BI) questionnaire and the Spiritual Care Competence Scale (SCCS) questionnaire. The results showed a strong relationship and influence between nurses' perceived spirituality and spiritual care competence in patients (p=0.0005; OR=12.333). high perceived spirituality of nurses increases spiritual care competence. Recommendations for hospitals to improve the quality of service in providing spiritual nursing care to patients by providing education, training and evaluation related to spiritual care. With this provision, nurses are expected to explore and improve spiritual nursing competence.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganilisis pengaruh religiusitas dan spiritualitas terhadap konsumsi barang syubhat rokok, karaoke, menjadi penggemar idola, atau membeli album idolanya dan bioskop . Penelitian ini menggunakan observasi 262 mahasiswa muslim FEB UI, jurusan Akuntansi, Manajemen, Ilmu Ekonomi, Ilmu Ekonomi Islam, dan Bisnis Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan model regresi logistik dan ordinary last square OLS. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa religiusitas secara signifikan mempengaruhi konsumsi rokok, pembelian album, karaoke, dan bioskop. Sementara spiritualitas hanya memiliki hubungan yang negatif dan signifikan pada jumlah pembelian album. Implikasinya bahwa memeberian pemahaman yang baik tentang konsep religiusitas dan spiritualitas yang tepat pada mahasiswa akan menurunkuan jumlah dan frekuensi konsumsi barang syubhat. rokok, menjadi penggemar idol atau pembelian album, karaoke, dan bioskop
The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of religiosity and spirituality on syubhat goods cigaretes, karaoke, respondent to be fans of idol or purchase album, and cinemas consumption. This study uses observation of 262 students majoring in accounting, management, economics, Islamic economics, and Islamic business at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia. The model of this study used logistic regression, and ordinary last square OLS. The results of this study proved that religiosity have significant influence on cigarette, purchase album, kareoke, and cinemas consumption. Furthermore, spirituality also have significant influence on respondents purchase album. The implication of this study, which give good comprehension for students will reduced volume or frequency syubhat goods cigaretes, karaoke, respondent to be fans of idol or purchase album, and cinemas consumption.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Summary: This book gathers together contributions from mental health professionals, carers and mental health service users and survivors. It addresses the stigma that can surround both mental health and spirituality and explores the spiritual in mental health care, teasing out its implications for research, education, training and good practice
London: Philadelphia Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2014
362.2 SPI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gita Nurul Utami
Abstrak :
Ekofeminisme memberikan suatu pendekatan baru terhadap dunia yang dimana tidak perlu adanya pertentangan mengenai sesuatu yang rasional atau irasional. Hal ini terdapat di dalam ekofeminisme yang menguraikan fungsi-fungsi mitos dalam relasi sosial juga lingkungan hidup. Dimana mitos-mitos ini digunakan sebagai spritualitas kritis yang memiliki kegunaan pengetahuan untuk seluruh kehidupan. Salah satu mitos yang berguna untuk manusia dan lingkungan adalah mitos mengenai hubungan manusia dengan alam dalam mengelola pertanian secara tradisional. Keberadaan mitos seperti ini membuat kita mengingat peran diri sendiri dalam menjaga dan menghargai alam. Terdapat krisis spiritualitas dan nilai-nilai mitos didalam kehidupan masyarakat modern yang memiliki hubungan dengan lingkungan. Beberapa mitos diyakini oleh kelompok-kelompok masyarakat sebagai simbol dan keyakinan mereka untuk lebih menghargai lingkungan atau alam. Artikel ini menggunakan metode ekofeminisme yang mengaitkan pengetahuan irasional dengan teori dari Charlene Spretnak dan Dewi Chandraningrum. Dengan menggunakan mitos-mitos yang dianggap sebagai pengetahuan irasional,justru masyarakat dapat lebih menghargai alam dan tidak semata-mata melihat alam sebagai objek yang dapat dieksploitasi untuk kepuasan manusia. ...... Ecofeminism provides a new place for the world, where there is no need for opposition to something rational or irrational. Ecofeminism found which describes the functions of myth in social relations as well as the environment. Where these myths are used as critical spirituality that has the use of knowledge for all life. One myth that is useful for humans and the environment is the myth about the relationship between humans and nature in managing agriculture traditionally. The existence of myths like this makes us remember the role of ourselves in maintaining and respecting nature. There is a crisis of spirituality and mythical values in the life of modern society that has a relationship with the environment. Some myths are believed by community groups as a symbol and their belief to be more respectful of the environment or nature. This article uses the ecofeminism method which links irrational knowledge with the theories of Charlene Spretnak and Dewi Chandraningrum. By using myths that are considered irrational knowledge, people can appreciate nature more and not merely see nature as an object that can be exploited for human satisfaction.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hage, Sally M.
Abstrak :
Should psychology training programs take steps to incorporate content related to spiritual and religious diversity in their curriculum? This article provides a critical discussion of research demonstrating minimal integration of spiritual and religious issues in psychology training, supervision, and course work. Unique aspects of training related to spiritual diversity and interventions across various subdisciplines in psychology are highlighted. Suggestions for integrating spiritual and religious diversity into psychology training are presented. For the benefit of students, clients, and their communities, psychologists are encouraged to obtain specialized training to enhance their spiritual and religious competency.
150 PPS 37 (2-3) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Hasan Ansori
Abstrak :
Aceh conflict is widely recognized as one of the most protracted and violent conflicts not only in Southeast Asia, but also in the globe. This study intends to look at the secessionist conflict from he social movement perspective, and specifically from the theoretical instrument of framing process. This study goes a little further by getting engaged with the strategic issue of Islam in the region. In lieu of commonly adopted macro and structural analysis of the conflict, this study methodologically instead applies micro and dynamic analysis of the conflict. In general, this study primarily argues that the framing strategy adopted by Free Aceh Movement (GAM) is clearly secular in nature, and/or far away from the Islam-nuanced religiosity and spirit. However; Islam is often exploited particularly for mass mobilization. The movement"s framing strategy mainly includes natural resources exploitation, ethnic-nationalist vision, universal value of self-determination, the history of Aceh Kingdom and human right violation.
Research and Development and Training Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic Indonesia, 2012
297 IJRLH 1:1 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
De Mello, Anthony
Gujarat: Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 2004
242 DEM p
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Darmin Tuwu
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini tentang bagaimana spiritualitas dapat meningkatkan kualitas governance dalam pelaksanaan program penanggulangan kemiskinan di Kota Kendari. Pendekatan penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah induktif kualitatif dan strategi penelitiannya adalah studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses implementasi PPM berjalan melalui tahapan-tahapan: sosialisasi, pendataan warga kaya dan miskin, penjualan profil, penandatanganan akte, dan tahap persaudaraan madani. Bentuk pemberdayaan utamanya difokuskan pada aspek pekerjaan, perumahan, pendidikan, dan bimbingan spiritual sehingga PPM dapat berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup (quality of life) dan kondisi kesejahteraan sosial (social welfare) keluarga miskin. Faktor-faktor pemungkin (enabling factors) keberhasilan PPM di samping disebabkan oleh karena agama dan kepercayaan juga disebabkan oleh nilai-nilai kemanusiaan, kesamaan pekerjaan, sosial kapital, dan budaya tolong menolong. Persaudaraan madani sebagai kekhasan pemerintah merupakan cerminan dari tata kelola pemerintahan yang baik (good spirituality governance) sehingga terbuka kemungkinan PPM direplikasi di daerah/kota lain.
This research is about how spirituality can improve the quality of governance in the implementation of poverty reduction programs in Kendari city. The research approach used is qualitative-inductive and research strategy is case study. The results showed that the process of implementation program goes through the stages: socialization, data collection rich and poor citizens, the sales profile, the signing certificate, and the stage of Madani Brotherhood. Forms of empowerment mainly focused on aspects of employment, housing, education, and spiritual guidance so that the BMP can contribute to enhancing the quality of life and the condition of social welfare poor family. Enabling factors the success of the BMP beside caused by religion and faith are also caused by the values of humanity, similarity jobs, social capital, and culture of mutual help. Madani brotherhood as typical of the government is a reflection of the ?good spirituality governance? so that brotherhood madani program can be replicated in other town or cities
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Giordan, Giuseppe
Abstrak :
This book seeks to examine the possible meanings and consequences associated with this contrast in terms of the similarities and differences that affect those who use these terms with respect to the everyday practices that they themselves employ or believe should follow from being self-defined as “religious” or “spiritual”, or not. The several chapters in this volume take up the religious-spiritual contrast specifically through investigations into practice.
Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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