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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Raden Rianti Dwiyani Agusman
"Tesis ini mencoba mengaplikasikan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Dodd dan Favaro (2006) dalam karya tulisnya yang bertopik: ?Managing the Right Tension? pada lima bank terbesar berdasarkan total aset di Indonesia, namun penelitian hanya difokuskan kepada profitability vs growth tension dan today vs tomorrow tension. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, BRI dan BCA relatif telah berhasil mengendalikan kedua tension tersebut namun Mandiri, BNI, dan CIMB Niaga masih belum dapat mengendalikan tension ini dan terjebak dalam corporate cycle. Tesis ini juga mendukung hasil penelitian dari Dodd dan Favaro (2006) bahwa batting average memiliki korelasi yang positif dengan Total Shareholder Returns (TSR), namun demikian untuk kasus pada lima bank ini terdapat faktor lain yang peru diperhatikan yaitu struktur kepemilikan bank.

This thesis tries to apply the research conducted by Dodd and Favaro (2006) published in a journal: ?Managing the Right Tension? at the five biggest banks based on total asset in Indonesia but in this thesis only focusing at the first two tensions. In this thesis we found that BRI and BCA are relatively succeed in managing the two tensions but Mandiri, BNI, and CIMB Niaga still struggling in manage this two tensions and trapped in the corporate cycle. This thesis also support the research that batting average has a close relationship with TSR, but in our sample there are some other factor to be consider which is the ownership structure of the bank."
Depok: Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paulus Wirutomo
"Globalization is predicted in eliminate boundry between countries and nations in the world and it will create a global village. Globalization developed new trends such as the hegemony or transnational companies, the culture of modernity which are open in any new ideas and thoughts, and political tensions between nations due to the economic gaps
Our society should neither be skeptic nor full supportive of globalization has its winner and looser. As a response in globalization since globalization. our society should strengten normative. functional and coercive national integrity. The idea of "think globally and act locally" should be reviewed. We will not be able to response to globalization if we always maintain institutional and intelIectual framework developed by globalization. We must have development which is based on our values.This is a development based on the whole aspects of society and there must be structural support for the following values of self-sufficiency, national consensus, and anti corrupt practices
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Viriya Paramita
Penelitian ini membuktikan pernyataan Dodd dan Favaro 2006 bahwa hasil batting average yang lebih bervariasi dalam industri dibandingkan antar industri. Batting average yang menjadi pengukuran kemampuan perusahaan mengelola three tensions dianalisis pada perusahaan LQ45 dan dibandingkan satu sama lain berdasarkan industri dan pergantian chief executive officer dan dihubungkan dengan total shareholder return. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil yang searah dengan pernyataan Dodd dan Favaro 2006 bahwa hasil batting average lebih bervariasi dalam industri dibandingkan antar industri, namun tidak memiliki hubungan dengan total shareholder return. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan perbedaan hasil batting average pada pergantian chief executive officer, yang menunjukkan bahwa variasi batting average yang lebih besar dalam industri disebabkan oleh perbedaan strategi masing-masing perusahaan.

This study proves Dodd and Favaro 2006 statement that the batting average results are more varied within the industry than between industries. Batting averages which indicate the company 39 s ability to manage the three tensions is analyzed at the LQ45 company and compared with each other based on the industry, chief executive officer turnover, and total shareholder return. Based on result on the research conducted, this study shows that the results in line with Dodd and Favaro 2006 statement that the results of the batting average is more varied in the industry than between industries, but in contrast do not have a relationship with TSR. This study also shows differences in the results of the batting average on chief executive officer turnover, which indicates that the variation batting average greater in the industry due to the differences in each company 39 s strategy. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suryani Eka Wijaya
"This research aims to identify tensions in infrastructure development using public-private partnership (PPP) mechanism. The tensions in infrastructure development are identified using a qualitative research methodology, in particular a questionnaire survey to fathom the perceived risks by associated actors and institutions, economic and financial condition, procurement processes, and the relationship between the public and private sectors. This study highlights the role of intermediate agency connecting the role of the government and the private sector. By identifying the potential and the capacity of intermediate agency to connect infrastructure development across different development agenda, the local government should be able to improve the mechanism for PPP infrastructure development scheme."
Jakarta: PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia, 2021
658 JIPM 4:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astri Handayani
"Setiap perusahaan pasti menggunakan rasio-rasio keuangan untuk menganalisis kinerja dan menyusun strategi perusahaan. Tesis ini mengaplikasikan analisis three tensions (Dodd & Favaro, 2006) serta korelasinya dengan rasio ROE, EVA (Stewart, 1991) dan EVA Momentum (Stewart, 2009) pada enam perusahaan makanan dan minuman di Indonesia. Analisis three tensions yang dilakukan terbatas pada profitability vs growth tension dan today vs tomorrow tension. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, MYOR dan SMAR telah cukup berhasil mengelola kedua tension. Namun ADES, DAVO, INDF, dan ULTJ salah memilih tujuan yang mengakibatkan perusahaan terjebak dalam corporate cycle. Dengan penggunaan economic profit alternatif, hasil yang didapatkan konsisten dengan hasil penelitian three tensions Dodd dan Favaro (2006), bahwa batting average berkorelasi positif dengan Total Shareholder Returns (TSR). ROE sebagai rasio pembanding juga berkorelasi baik dengan TSR, namun tidak demikian dengan rasio EVA dan EVA Momentum.
......Every company must use financial ratios to analyze performance and develop corporate strategy. This thesis tried to apply three tensions analysis (Dodd & Favaro, 2006) and its correlation with ROE, EVA (Stewart, 1991) and EVA Momentum ratio (Stewart, 2009) on six food and beverage companies in Indonesia. The three tensions analysis is limited to profitability vs growth tension and tension today vs tomorrow. Found in this thesis, SMAR and MYOR been quite successful in managing the tensions. However, ADES, DAVO, INDF, and ULTJ chose the wrong objective that made the companies trapped in corporate cycle. Using alternative economic profit, the results obtained are consistent with Dodd and Favaro (2006), that batting averages are positively correlated with the Total Shareholder Returns (TSR). ROE as a comparison also correlates well with the TSR, but not so with EVA and EVA Momentum ratio."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Siti Rizqi Ashfina Rahmaddina
Indonesia pernah mengalami pengembangan teknologi yang pesat pada periode Orde Baru. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari meningkatnya ekspor produk berteknologi tinggi dan pembangunan industri pesawat terbang. Akan tetapi, setelah terjadinya krisis finansial Asia yang mengarahkan pada krisis ekonomi dan politik di tahun 1997/ 1998, pengembangan teknologi di Indonesia mengalami kemunduran. Skor inovasi dan daya saing menunjukkan posisi Indonesia yang rendah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini berupaya untuk mencari faktor kausal yang menjelaskan kasus Indonesia. Berbeda dari penelitian sebelumnya dalam pembahasan inovasi politik yang menitikberatkan pada institusi domestik sebagai variabel independen yang menyebabkan suatu negara untuk berinovasi, penelitian ini menggunakan teori ketidakamanan kreatif yang menggugat premis institusi domestik. Penelitian ini kemudian menerapkan metode kualitatif, seperti pengujian kongruen pada teori ketidakamanan kreatif, menggunakan bahan-bahan literatur, dan wawancara dengan aktor-aktor yang terdapat pada sistem inovasi nasional, dari badan pemerintah, sektor swasta atau bisnis, dan universitas. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa rendahnya tingkat dan kapabilitas inovasi teknologi Indonesia setelah berakhirnya Orde Baru disebabkan oleh ketiadaan ketidakamanan kreatif atau singkatnya Indonesia memiliki banyak tensi domestik dibandingkan ancaman eksternal terhadap keamanan dan ekonomi nasional. Hal ini yang menyebabkan Indonesia lebih banyak mengalokasikan fokus pada tensi domestik dibandingkan ancaman eksternal. Sebagai tambahan, ketiadaan ketidakamanan kreatif juga dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya jejaring untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan inovasi.

Indonesia had experienced rapid technological development in New Order regime. It was shown by the increased export of high tech products and built aircraft industry. However, after Asian financial crisis that led to political and economic crisis in 1997 1998 hit Indonesia, the technological development experienced setback. The competitiveness and innovation scores shows Indonesia has been in the low position. This research then seeks further for the causal forces to explain the case of Indonesia. Different from the previous researches in politics of innovation that pinpoints domestic institutions as independent variable to compel nations to innovate, this research employs creative insecurity theory CI that challenges the premises of said domestic institutions. By employing qualitative methods, such as congruence testing to the CI theory, leveraging on literatures, and interviews with actors within Indonesia national innovation system, ranging from government agencies, private or business sectors, and university, this research found that the low rate and capability of Indonesia rsquo s technological innovation after the New Order regime is caused by the absence of creative insecurity or shortly explained that Indonesia rsquo s domestic rivalries or tensions outweigh the external military and economic threats. In addition, the absence of creative insecurity is also influenced by the lack of networks to facilitate innovation. This creates the situation where Indonesia puts more resources to address domestic tensions relative to external threats. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinto Mustika Sari
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk berusaha menerapkan teori dan metode yang dikembangkan oleh Dominic Dodd dan Ken Favaro (2007) dalam bukunya "The Three Tension:Winning The Strugle to Perform Without Compromise", pada perusahaan real estate yaitu PT Bakrieland Development Tbk. Three tensions yang dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah : profitability vs. revenue growth; results today vs. results tomorrow; and the performance of the company as a whole vs. the performance of each part of the company.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa PT Bakrieland Development Tbk masih memiliki kesulitan- kesulitan dalam mengelola ketiga tensions dengan baik, yang tercermin dari skor batting average yang dicapai perusahaan sebesar 0 persen untuk ketiga tensions tersebut dan Total Shareholder Return perusahaan yang masih lebih rendah dari Total Shareholder Return IHSG Property & Real Estate.
......The objective of this research is to apply the theory and method developed by Dominic Dodd and Ken Favaro (2007) in their book The Three Tensions: Winning the Struggle to Perform without Compromise, in a real estate company, PT Bakrieland Development Tbk. The three tensions analyzed in this research are: profitability vs. revenue growth; results today vs. results tomorrow; and the performance of the company as a whole vs. the performance of each part of the company.
The results of this research show that PT Bakrieland Development Tbk still has difficulties in managing the three tensions well, which are reflected from the batting average score reached by the company, which is 0% for the three tensions and Total Shareholder Return of the company that is still lower than Total Shareholder Return of the JCI for Property & Real Estate."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bima Andika
"Indonesia dan Belanda merupakan dua negara yang memiliki ikatan kuat berdasarkan sejarah kolonialisme selama berabad-abad lamanya. Bahkan, sejak Indonesia merdeka pada 1945, kedua negara telah terlibat dalam berbagai dinamika hubungan bilateral yang cukup fluktuatif. Akan tetapi, kuatnya hubungan tersebut berbanding terbalik dengan perkembangan pembahasannya dalam ranah akademis, terutama dalam kajian ilmu hubungan internasional. Penulis meninjau perkembangan literatur mengenai hubungan bilateral Indonesia-Belanda pasca 1945 melalui sembilan belas literatur yang ditinjau berdasarkan metode taksonomi dengan membagi pembahasan menjadi tiga tema besar, yaitu 1) Hubungan Politik; 2) Hubungan Ekonomi; dan 3) Hubungan Sosial Budaya. Tinjauan pustaka ini disusun dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi konsensus, perdebatan, dan kesenjangan dalam literatur terkait topik ini. Selain itu, penulis juga mengamati tren-tren berupa tema penulisan, asal penulis literatur, serta disiplin ilmu yang digunakan. Penulis menemukan bahwa memori masa lalu menghambat hubungan bilateral seiring dengan berjalannya waktu. Hal ini kemudian berkontribusi pula terhadap terhambatnya diskusi akademik mengenai topik tersebut. Tinjauan pustaka ini juga mengidentifikasi Masa Revolusi yang merupakan perang antara Indonesia dan Belanda pada tahun 1945-1949 setelah Indonesia memproklamasikan kemerdekaannya sebagai isu paling dominan dalam pembahasan mengenai hubungan bilateral Indonesia-Belanda pasca 1945. Lalu, celah penelitian yang penulis temukan adalah pembahasan yang cenderung tumpang tindih, minimnya perspektif Indonesia, kurangnya pembahasan mengenai kerja sama bilateral, serta absennya pembahasan mengenai cara Indonesia berurusan dengan trauma kolonialisme.
......Indonesia and the Netherlands are the two countries that have strong ties based on the history of colonialism for centuries. In fact, since Indonesia's independence in 1945, the two countries have been involved in various dynamics of bilateral relations which have been quite volatile. However, the strength of this relationship is inversely proportional to the development of its discussion in the academic realm, especially in the study of international relations. The author reviews the development of literature on bilateral relations of Indonesia-the Netherlands after 1945 through seventeen literatures reviewed based on the taxonomic method by dividing the discussion into three major themes, namely 1) Political Relations; 2) Economic Relations; and 3) Socio-Cultural Relations. This literature review was prepared with the aim of identify the consensus, debate, and gaps in the literature related to this topic. Apart from that, the author also observes trends in the form of writing themes, scholar’s origin, and the disciplines used. The author finds that past memories hamper bilateral relations over time. This then contributes to the inhibition of academic discussion on the topic. This literature review also identified the Masa Revolusi which was a war between Indonesia and the Netherlands in 1945-1949 after Indonesia proclaimed its independence as the most dominant issue in the discussion on the bilateral relations of Indonesia-the Netherlands after 1945. Then, the gaps in the research that the authors found were discussions that tended to overlap, the lack of an Indonesian perspective, the lack of discussion on bilateral cooperation, and the absence of discussion about how Indonesia deals with the trauma of colonialism."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library