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Oni Fariza
Abstrak :
Pemanfaatan bahan bakar biodiesel di Indonesia sudah menjadi prioritas dalam pengembangan energi baru dan terbarukan. Berbagai kendala yang dihadapi dalam produksi seperti bahan baku dan kualitas produk serta pemanfaatannya mendapat dukungan dari berbagai institusi untuk dapat diatasi bersama. Salah satu kendala pemanfaatan biodiesel adalah dimana bahan baku yang potensial untuk dikembangkan di Indonesia yang termasuk non-edible oil memiliki kualitas buruk untuk parameter stabilitas oksidasi. Tanaman jarak pagar merupakan salah satu contoh bahan baku yang potensial namun memiliki nilai stabilitas oksidasi yang di bawah standar SNI. Usaha untuk meningkatkan stabilitas oksidasi tanaman jarak sudah dilakukan antara lain dengan penambahan antioksidan. Antioksidan yang selama ini digunakan adalah antioksidan sintetis seperti BHA, BHT, TBHQ dan PG. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada pengembangan antioksidan alami yaitu eugenol dan α-tocopherol untuk meningkatkan stabilitas oksidasi biodiesel dari tanaman jarak pagar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan antioksidan eugenol dapat meningkatkan stabilitas oksidasi dari biodiesel minyak jarak. Untuk meningkatkan nilai stabilitas oksidasi biodiesel dari 5.3 jam hingga memenuhi SNI 7182-2012 yaitu 6 jam, diperlukan penambahan antioksidan eugenol minimal 1000 ppm. Penambahan antioksidan α-tocopherol pada konsentrasi 500 ? 3000 ppm menurunkan nilai stabilitas oksidasi biodiesel.
Utilization of biodiesel fuel in Indonesia has become a priority in the development of new and renewable energy. Various obstacles encountered in the production of such raw materials and product quality as well as its utilization has the support of various institutions to be addressed together. One obstacle is that the use of biodiesel feedstock potential to be developed in Indonesia, which includes nonedible oil has poor quality for oxidation stability parameter. Jatropha is one of potential raw material but has a value of oxidation stability under the ISO standard. Efforts to improve the oxidation stability of Jatropha has been done such as by the addition of antioxidants. Antioxidant that has been used is synthetic antioxidants such as BHA, BHT, TBHQ and PG. This study focused on the development of natural antioxidants eugenol and α-tocopherol to improve the oxidation stability of biodiesel from jatropha. The results showed that the addition of eugenol antioxidants can increase the oxidation stability of jatropha biodiesel. To increase the value of the oxidation stability of biodiesel from 5.3 hours to meet the SNI 7182-2012 which is 6 hours, required the addition of eugenol at least 1000 ppm. The addition of the antioxidant α-tocopherol at a concentration of 500 - 3000 ppm decrease the value of the oxidation stability of biodiesel., Utilization of biodiesel fuel in Indonesia has become a priority in the development of new and renewable energy. Various obstacles encountered in the production of such raw materials and product quality as well as its utilization has the support of various institutions to be addressed together. One obstacle is that the use of biodiesel feedstock potential to be developed in Indonesia, which includes nonedible oil has poor quality for oxidation stability parameter. Jatropha is one of potential raw material but has a value of oxidation stability under the ISO standard. Efforts to improve the oxidation stability of Jatropha has been done such as by the addition of antioxidants. Antioxidant that has been used is synthetic antioxidants such as BHA, BHT, TBHQ and PG. This study focused on the development of natural antioxidants eugenol and α-tocopherol to improve the oxidation stability of biodiesel from jatropha. The results showed that the addition of eugenol antioxidants can increase the oxidation stability of jatropha biodiesel. To increase the value of the oxidation stability of biodiesel from 5.3 hours to meet the SNI 7182-2012 which is 6 hours, required the addition of eugenol at least 1000 ppm. The addition of the antioxidant α-tocopherol at a concentration of 500 - 3000 ppm decrease the value of the oxidation stability of biodiesel.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
BF Erich Wijaya
Abstrak :
Tesis ini mempelajari mengenai pengaruh injeksi ekstrak Andaliman dan Alpha-Tocopherol sebagai green corrosion inhibitor pada baja API 5L dalam larutan HCl 1M. Dengan pengujian weight loss diperlihatkan bahwa inhibitor campuran antara ekstrak Andaliman dan Alpha-Tocopherol mampu menurunkan laju korosi dengan efisiensi 92.07 pada konsentrasi inhibitor 2 ml Andaliman 0.5 ml Alpha-Tocopherol. Dari pengujian polarisasi ditunjukkan bahwa inhibitor campuran antara ekstrak Andaliman dan Alpha-Tocopherol menggeser kurva polarisasi kearah atodik dan katodik mixed type inhibitor , yang menunjukkan ciri utama sebagai inhibitor dari bahan organik. Pengujian dengan FTIR dan GCMS memperkuat dugaan bahwa inhibitor ekstrak Andaliman dan Alpha-Tocopherol sebagai inhibitor adsorpsi/film forming. ......This thesis is intended to study the influences of Andaliman extract and Alpha- Tocopherol injection as green corrosion inhibitor for API 5L steel in HCl 1M solution. By weight loss analysis, it show that mixed inhibitor from andaliman extract and Alpha-Tocopherol can reduce corrosion rate with efficiency up to 92.07 % under inhibitor injection about 2 ml Andaliman + 0.5 ml Alpha- Tocopherol. By polarization, it is shown that inhibitor shift polarisation curves for both of anodic and cathodic polarisation (mixed type inhibitor), shows that inhibitor have characteristic as inhibitor from organic material. By FTIR and GCMS analysis can be concluded that inhibitor from Andaliman and A- Tocopherol act inhibition by adsorption/film forming corrosion inhibitor.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sasqia Avila
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian berbagai konsentrasi -tokoferol 1,2 mM, 2,4 mM, dan 4,8 mM terhadap kualitas spermatozoa sapi peranakan ongole pascapengeringbekuan. Dua ekor sapi jantan peranakan ongole PO dijadikan sebagai donor semen. Semen ditampung dari dua ekor sapi peranakan ongole PO secara bergilir, setiap seminggu sekali untuk masing-masing sapi selama tiga minggu. Sampel semen sapi PO diencerkan menggunakan pengencer Tris-Kuning telur TKT 20 dan penambahan -tokoferol. Kelompok kontrol 0 mM , semen diencerkan dalam TKT 20 tanpa penambahan -tokoferol, sedangkan pada kelompok perlakuan semen diencerkan dalam TKT 20 dengan penambahan -tokoferol sebesar 1,2 mM; 2,4 mM; dan 4,8 mM. Semen yang telah diencerkan diekuilibrasi lalu dibekukan dalam nitrogen cair dan dikeringbekukan dengan freeze dryer selama 24 jam. Parameter kualitas spermatozoa yang dievaluasi pascapengeringbekuan meliputi integritas membran, abnormalitas, dan integritas DNA. Hasil uji ANAVA satu faktor yang dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata P.
The research was conducted to assess the effect of tocopherol in various concentration 1,2 mM, 2,4 mM, and 4,8 mM on spermatozoa quality of ongole crossbreed cattle postfreezedrying. Ongole crossbreed cattle serve as donors of semen. Semen was collected from two Ongole crossbreed cattle, once every week for each cattle for three weeks. The semen samples were diluted in Tris egg yolk TEY 20 extender and the addition of tocopherol. The control group 0 mM semen diluted in without tocopherol, while in the treatment group, semen diluted in TEY with the addition of tocopherol 1,2 mM 2,4 mM and 4,8 mM. Semen has been diluted equilibrated and then frozen in liquid nitrogen and dried with a freeze dryer for 24 hours. The parameters of quality of spermatozoa are evaluated include motility, viability, membrane plasma integrity, acrosomal integrity, and DNA integrity. One factor ANOVA test result followed by Tukey test showed significant difference P
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sumi Hudiyono PWS
Abstrak :
Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai kondisi oksidasi terhadap penurunan kandungan sterol dari lemak coklat (BC) murni dan yang ditambah dengan 100 ppm (RTc), 750 ppm (RTm) �?�-tokoferol, 5,00 ppm Cu(II) atau Fe(III). Oksidasi dilakukan pada temperatur 45, 60 atau 90 oC tanpa sinar atau pada temperatur kamar dengan adanya sinar (L). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan temperatur lebih meningkatkan laju oksidasi dibanding sinar. Laju penurunan kandungan sterol sedikit berbeda antar jenis sterol. Secara umum penambahan �?�-tokoferol akan menghambat laju oksidasi, namun penambahan sangat berlebih malah bertindak sebagai prooksidan. Penambahan Cu(II) dan Fe(III) mempercepat laju oksidasi, dimana sifat katalis Cu(II) sedikit lebih kuat dibanding Fe(III). Analisis dengan ANOVA dua arah menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan kondisi dan lama oksidasi berpengaruh terhadap kandungan sterol secara signifikan, kecuali pengaruh lama oksidasi untuk kondisi Tm-L.
The influence of different oxidation condition to the sterolic content of cocoa butter. The influence of different oxidation conditions to the variation of sterolic compound of refined cacao butter (BC) was observed. BC was also treated by addition of 100 ppm (RTc), 750 ppm (RTm) �?�-tocopherol, 5.00 ppm Cu (II) or Fe(III). Oxidation was carried out at 45, 60 or 90oC in the dark or in day light at room temperature (L). The analysis showed that the temperature is more accelerate oxidation rate than light at room temperature. The disappearance rate of sterol is slight difference among each other. In general, addition of �?�-tocopherol inhibited the degradation of sterol, but in excess it was seem to be a prooxidant. The other hand Cu (II) or Fe (III) was a catalyst where the influence of Cu (II) was stronger than Fe (II). Two ways ANOVA shown that the condition and time of oxidation influenced sterol content significantly, except for time oxidation of Tm-L condition.
Depok: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thadeus, Maria Selvester
Abstrak :
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian: DaIam kehidupan sehari-hari penggunaan minyak jelantah berasal dari restoran makanan cepat saji dan hotel, umum digunakan oleh pedagang gorengan. Pemanasan minyak goreng berulang kali menyebabkan oksidasi dan polimerisasi asam lemak yang dikandungnya. Oksidasi Iemak ini akan menghasilkan senyawa peroksida yang merupakan radikal bebas yang akan menyebabkan kerusakan membran sel. Vitamin C dan vitamin E telah diketahui merupakan antioksidan yang berperan dalam melindungi sel terhadap daya destruktif radikal bebas. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat efek pemberian vitamin C dan vitamin E pada kerusakan. hati, jantung dan aorta yang ditimbulkan akibat pemberian minyak jelantah dengan angka peroksida 125-130 meq/kg, dengan dosis 10 ul/g BB selama 12 minggu pada mencit jantan (Mus musculus L) galur Swiss derived Lima kelompok masing-masing terdiri dari 8 ekor mencit dengan diet standar, yaitu kelompok kontrol (K), kelompok perlakuan dengan minyak jelantah (MJ), kelompok perlakuan dengan minyak jelantah dan suplemen vitamin C 2.5 mg/hr (MJC); kelompok perlakuan dengan suplemen vitamin E 0.1 mg/hr (MJE); kelompok perlakuan dengan suplemen kombinasi vitamin C dan vitamin E (MJCE). Pada minggu ke-13 dilakukan eutanasia dan dilakukan pembedahan untuk melihat perubahan histopatologik hati, jantung dan aorta dengan pulasan HE dan pulasan elastika Verhaeff?s. Hasil dan kesimpulan: Ditemukan perubahan gambaran histopatologik berupa bendungan hati, peningkatan apoptosis, perlemakan, penipisan miokardium dan `hilangnya gelombang tunika elastika aorta. Bendungan hati ditemukan pada semua kelompok, terrnasuk kelompok konrol walaupun derajatnya lebih ringan (Kruskal Wallis, p=0.048). Pelebaran vena sentralis ditemukan pada kelompok perlakuan, walaupun tidak berbeda bermakna. Perlemakan ditemukan pada seluruh kelompok perlakuan dengan derajat yang lebih berat terutama pada kelompok MJE dan MJCE. (Kruskal Wallis, p=0.001), menunjukkan vitamin E tidak memberikan daya proteksi pada hati. Peningkatan derajat apoptosis sel hati terutama di zona 1 menunjukkan berbeda bermakna (Kruskal Wallis, p=0.006). Ditemukan penipisan miokardium yang berbeda bermakna pada seluruh kelompok perlakuan dengan atau tanpa suplemen (Anova,P=0.000) Ditemukan pula korelasi terbalik antara penipisan miokardium dengan pelebaran diameter ventrikel yang berbeda bermakna (Pearson, r = - 0.437). Kelainan dinding aorta berupa ketidak-teraturan putusnya gelombang tunika elastika ditemukan berbeda makna (Kruskal Wallis, p=0..000) antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan baik yang mendapat suplemen maupun tidak, dengan derajat yang lebih berat terutama pada kelompok MJC dan MJCE, menunjukkan vitamin C tidak memberikan proteksi pada aorta. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pencekokan minyak jelantah mengakibatkan perlemakan hati, peningkatan derajat apoptosis zona 1, penipisan miokardium dan hilangnya gelombang sampai putusnya tunika elastika aorta Pemberian vitamin C, vitamin E dan kombinasi keduanya tidak dapat memperbaiki kerusakan akibat pemberian minyak jelantah secara menyeluruh. Daya proteksi vitamin C lebih baik pada jaringan hati dan vitamin E lebih baik pada jantung dan aorta.
Scope of study and method: In everyday life, re-use cooking oil from hotel or fast food restaurants was commonly used by deep-fried food vendors on the street. Heating of cooking oil caused oxidation and polymerization of its lipid component. This process resulted in lipid peroxide, free radical which produced cell membrane damage. Vitamin C and vitamin E have been known as anti-oxidant that protects cells from free radical destruction. This study was carried to observe the effect of vitamin C and vitamin E or its combination supplementation for 12 weeks on liver, myocardium and aorta from damaging effect of re-use cooking oil intake of 10 ul/g BW with peroxide number 125-130 mEg/kg, in male M musculus strain Swiss-derived. Five groups of 8 mice with standard diet were studied_ control, treated with re-use cooking oil only (MI}, treated with re-use cooking oil with 2.5 mg/day vitamin C supplementation (MJC), treated with re-use cooking oil with 0.1 mg/day vitamin E supplementation (MJE) and treated with combination vitamin C and vitamin E (MICE), in week 13, the mice were sacrificed and histopathological changes in liver, heart and aorta were studied using HE and elastic Verhoeff's staining. Result and Conclusion Histopathological changes of venous congestion, increase of apoptotic rate and steatosis were found in liver. Thinning of myocardium, ventricle dilatation, and disruption of elastic fibers of aorta were found. Liver veins congestion were found in all group although in control it was milder (Kruskal Wallis, p=0.048). Central veins dilatation was found in all groups (Ml, MJC, MIE and MJCE) although it was not significantly different. Steatosis were found in all groups, which were more severe in groups MJE and MJCE (Kruskal Wallis, p=0.001), showing that vitamin E did not give protection to liver. There was significant increase of apoptotic rate in zone 3 in all (Kruskal Wallis, p=0.006). Significant thinning of Myocardial was also found in all groups wit or without therapy (Anova, p= 0.011). Significant inverse correlation was found in heart myocardial thinning and ventricle dilatation (Pearson, r==-0,437). Elastic fibers degradation and break-down were found in control and MJ (Kruskal Wallis, pA31.000). In the other groups (MJC, MJE and MICE) degradation of aorta elastic fibers were also found. From this study, it is concluded that intake of re-use cooking oil contributed to steatosis and increase of zone 3 apoptosis rate in of the liver, and caused thinning of heart myocardium with ventricle dilatation, and degradation of aorta elastic fibers. Vitamin C, vitamin E supplementation or its combination could not protect liver, myocardium or aorta from damaging effect(s) of re-use cooking oil intake.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zakiyah Azzahra
Abstrak :
Jerawat (acne vulgaris) adalah penyakit pada kulit yang dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri patogen Cutibacterium acnes. Asam glikolat diketahui memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap C. acnes. Untuk meningkatkan efektivitasnya, asam glikolat dapat dienkapsulasi oleh niosom dengan menggunakan surfaktan Span® 60 dan tokoferol asetat. Membran bilayer yang mengandung tokoferol asetat diketahui dapat digunakan untuk aplikasi penyembuhan luka. Pada penelitian ini, niosom dibuat dengan metode hidrasi lapis tipis dengan berbagai variasi formula. Efisiensi enkapsulasi untuk niosom asam glikolat tanpa tokoferol asetat sebesar 66,41%, niosom dengan 5%mmol tokoferol asetat sebesar 44,13%, dan niosom dengan 10%mmol tokoferol asetat sebesar 43,86%. Hasil karakterisasi dengan particle size analyzer (PSA) menunjukkan bahwa niosom pada penelitian ini memiliki ukuran ³ 1000 nm dengan nilai potensial zeta pada kisaran -3 mV hingga -0,8 mV. Uji aktivitas antimikroba niosom terhadap C. acnes dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode broth dilution. Niosom yang memiliki aktivitas antimikroba terbaik adalah niosom tanpa tokoferol asetat dengan nilai %inhibisi 96,3%. ......Acne vulgaris or simply acne is a skin disease that can be caused by pathogenic bacteria, Cutibacterium acnes. Glycolic acid is known to have antibacterial activity against C. acnes. To enhance its activity, glycolic acid can be encapsulated by niosome using surfactant Span® 60 and tocopherol acetate. It is known that bilayer membrane containing tocopherol acetate can be used for wound healing application. In this research, niosomes were prepared using the thin-film hydration method with several variations of the formula. Results of the encapsulation efficiency of glycolic acid niosome without tocopherol acetate is 66,41%, niosome with 5%mmol tocopherol acetate is 44,13%, and niosome with 10%mmol tocopherol acetate is 43,86%. Results of the characterization using particle size analyzer (PSA) in this research shows that the particle size of the niosome is ³ 1000 nm with the zeta potential value range from -3 mV to -0,8 mV. The antimicrobial activity of niosomes against C. acnes was tested using the broth dilution method. Niosome with the best antimicrobial activity is glycolic acid niosome without tocopherol acetate with 96,3% %inhibition value.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Reza Pahlevi
Abstrak :
Penelitian mengenai potensi antioksidan alfa-tokoferol terhadap tingkat maturasi dan kualitas oosit domba garut (Ovis aries) pascakriopreservasi menggunakan metode slow freezing telah dilakukan. Sebanyak 138 oosit yang memiliki kualitas A dan B dimaturasi dalam medium TCM-199 dengan penambahan antioksidan alfa-tokoferol pada konsentrasi 0 mM, 100 mM, 150 mM, dan 200 mM. Oosit hasil maturasi in vitro tersebut, kemudian dikriopreservasi serta diamati tingkat maturasi dan kualitasnya. Pengamatan tingkat maturasi dilihat berdasarkan pembentukan badan polar I. Pengamatan kualitas oosit meliputi kondisi morfologi dan viabilitas menggunakan pewarna Hoechst dan propidium iodide. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan signifikan antarkonsentrasi secara statistik (P > 0,05), namun terdapat kecenderungan konsentrasi 150 mM memiliki persentase tertinggi terhadap tingkat maturasi oosit in vitro (88,57%); viabilitas (82,86%); dan kondisi morfologi (82,86%). Dengan demikian, 150 mM alfa-tokoferol merupakan konsentrasi terbaik yang mampu mempertahankan stabilitas oosit pascakriopreservasi.
The study of the potential alpha-tocopherol antioxidants towards garut sheep (Ovis aries) oocyte maturation and quality post-cryopreservation using slow freezing method has been conducted. A total of 138 oocytes which have A and B qualities, were maturating in TCM-199 medium with the addition of alpha-tocopherol antioxidants at concentrations of 0 mM, 100 mM, 150 mM, and 200 mM. Oocytes from in vitro maturation are then cryopreserved and the maturity and quality was observed. Observation of oocyte maturation was seen based on the formation of the polar body I. Observation of oocytes quality includes morphological condition and viability by Hoechst and propidium iodide dyes. This experiment showed that there was no statistically siginificant difference between concentrations (P > 0.05), but there is a tendency of 150 mM have the highest percentage of oocyte in vitro maturation (88.57%); viability (82.86%); and morphological condition (82.86%). In conclusion, presence of 150 mM alpha-tocopherol was the optimal concentration that is able to maintain the oocyte membrane stability post-cryopreservation.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library