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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Meliala, Samuel Nathan S.
Pada tracking system berbasis GPS ini dikendalikan oleh mikrokontroler
menggunakan IC ATMega8535 dengan compiler-nya adalah BASCOM-AVR. Untuk
mendeteksi keberadaan kendaraan yang sebelumnya sudah kita letakkan GPS di dalamnya,
saya menggunakan GPS yang bertipe EGT-10. GPS akan memberikan data setiap waktu
yang kita inginkan dan lansung diperoses dan di simpan ATMega8535. Setelah selesai
menggunakan GPS ini, maka kita dapat mengupload semua data yang telah saya simpan di
ATMega8535 ke PC dan dapat kita lihat tracking systemnya dalam tampilan PC secara off
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kanti Laras
"Evaluation of Laboratory Information Tracking System (LITS) at US Namru-2, JakartaU.S. Naval Medical Research Unit No.2 (U.S. NAMRU-2), as medical research institution, needs the information system that can be used for storing and tracking data and specimens from their research. Regarding the importance of the laboratory information storage and tracking system, from 1995 US Namru-2 has used the software, called LITS, as their storage and tracking laboratory information. Although, theoretically LITS can help the laboratory to maintain their data and specimens, there are some hindrances in its implementation, such as unwillingness of the laboratory to switch from their own system to LITS. It is happened because as a new system, feasibility and aptitude function of LITS is yet to comprehend thoroughly.
The objective of this research is to evaluate the implementation of LITS at US Namru-2, particularly to assess information on LITS usage, identify the factor that influence the implementation, and give the recommendation for solving the problems.
Methods used for this research are descriptive-qualitative and quantitative. The output of the research showed 46.4 % of datalspecimens from all study conducted in US Namru-2 from 1991, is already submitted to LITS. Five out of six laboratories in US Namru-2 already used LITS as their data/specimens storage and retrieval, although not completely and only for 1 study. There are some changes in organizational structure, policy, human resource, material and method that need to be done for better using of LITS in US Narnru-2.
Bibliography: 20 (1984 - 1998)"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
T 4016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sirait, Junita Rosalina
"Salah satu aspek terpenting pada suatu terminal bandar udara adalah orientasi penumpang (Wayfinding). Orientasi penumpang dalam wujud sebuah petunjuk informasi yang tepat dan eye-catching merupakan hal vital dalam sebuah penentuan arah yang benar. Hal ini menjadi dasar pemikiran untuk riset selanjutnya yang terdiri dari aspek-aspek penting sebuah papan petunjuk lokasi disertai peletakannya untuk menciptakan sistem wayfinding yang baik.
Pada karya tulis ini, sebuah papan petunjuk lokasi baru yang sesuai dengan karakteristik visual manusia dan teruji oleh sistem eye-tracking dianjurkan penulis. Percobaan yang disertai aplikasi EyeLink Data Viewer tersebut membantu peneliti mengidentifikasi lokasi optimum untuk memaksimalkan tampilan.
Model yang dianjurkan tersebut dapat diaplikasikan pada situasi sebagai peningkatan sistem penunjuk arah pada berbagai lingkungan/ fasilitas umum meliputi terminal pada bandar udara, stasiun, atau mall.
......One of the important features of airport passenger terminal layout is passenger orientation (wayfinding). The common availability of wayfinding which include precise and eye-catching information signs is vital for providing help with finding the right directions. It results a future research which concerns the vital aspects of appropriate directional signage as well as its allocation to build good wayfinding system.
In this paper, a subtituting directional signage which based on human visual characteristics tested by eye-tracking system is being proposed. The eye-tracking trials along with EyeLink Data Viewer allow the designer to identify optimum location for signs in a space to maximize visibility.
The proposed model can be widely applied to practical situations so as to improve the design of signage system in various enclosed environments including airport terminals, multi-function railway stations, and shopping malls."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulianto Setiawan
"Masalah transmisi data merupakan kendala dalam Aplikasi Sistem penjejakan posisi menggunakan GPS. Transmisi data dengan menggunakan layanan SMS (Short Messaging Service) hanya mampu menampung data sebanyak 160 karakter dalam satu kali pengiriman data, ditambah lagi layanan SMS menggunakan system packet switching sehingga tidak real time online. Sebagai alternatif dalam transmisi data, jaringan GSM menawarkan layanan CSD. Layanan ini memiliki fitur - fitur seperti transmisi data real time, kecepatan transmisi data yang cukup tinggi (9.6 kbps), kualitas layanan yang baik, dan biaya yang relatif murah, sedangkan alasan utama penggunaan jaringan GSM untuk layanan CSD (Circuit Switched Data) adalah jaringan GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) memiliki cakupan area yang luas dan mobilitas yang lebih baik.
Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, maka aplikasi sistem penjejakan posisi menggunakan layanan CSD sebagai transmisi data. Aplikasi sistem penjejakan posisi dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu bagian objek dan bagian navigasi. Bagian objek bertugas mengirimkan data - data GPS berupa lintang, bujur, kecepatan, dan arah melalui layanan CSD. Bagian navigasi yang berbasis Visual Basic bertugas untuk membuat sistem pemetaan data GPS yang diterima melalui CSD pada peta digital mapinfo. Diharapkan dengan system pemetaan yang telah dibuat dapat memudahkan pengguna untuk mengamati posisi objek.

Data transmission has became a problem to the application of tracking system using GPS. By using SMS (Short Messaging Service), data that transmit through the network only available for supproting 160 character in certain delivery, in addition SMS service is using packet switching system, in which the data is not transmited real-time online. GSM network offers CSD (Circuit Switched Data) service as an alternative for data transmission. This service have a lot of features such as, real-time transmission data, full speed of data transmission (9,6 kbps), Better quality of service, and inexpensive charge. The main reason of using GSM network as an CSD service is GSM network has broadband wide access and better mobility.
Based on the following idea the application of tracking system is using CSD service as data transmission. The application of tracking system is divided in to two parts, object and navigation. Object part undertake in sending GPS data such as longitude, latitude, velocity and transversal through CSD service. Navigation which based on Visual Basic undertake to develop GPS data mapping system that received through CSD service in to Mapinfo digital map. Expected with the mapping system which have been made able to facilitate user in observing the object position.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhea Junestya Pradipta
"Analisis risiko importasi melalui Sistem Penjaluran Dokumen Kepabeanan pada Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai (DJBC) belum memenuhi ambang batas hit rate best practice sebesar 40 persen. Berdasarkan wawancara dengan pemangku kepentingan dan tim pengembang, terdapat akar permasalahan belum adanya evaluasi implementasi Sistem Penjaluran Dokumen Kepabeanan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor tantangan dan hambatan yang memengaruhi efektivitas Sistem Penjaluran Dokumen Kepabeanan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan faktor tantangan dan hambatan dengan adanya kombinasi Strategy, Technology, Organization, People, Environment (STOPE) Framework serta model Cooper dan Zmud. Faktor tantangan menggunakan 16 kriteria dan enam dimensi sedangkan faktor hambatan menggunakan lima kriteria dan empat dimensi. Pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan survei kepada pengguna Sistem Penjaluran Dokumen Kepabeanan pada kantor pusat dan lima kantor pelayanan besar. Pendekatan kualitatif dilakukan wawancara semi-terstruktur kepada lima narasumber sebagai pengelola Sistem Penjaluran Dokumen Kepabeanan untuk mengetahui tindak lanjut pada faktor hambatan. Jumlah responden sebanyak 118 responden yang dianalisis menggunakan metode Entropi untuk mengetahui bobot pada kriteria. Hasil penelitian ini terpilih lima kriteria dengan lima dimensi pada faktor tantangan meliputi kriteria single window approach dari dimensi Technology, kriteria clear goal/strategy dari dimensi Strategy, kriteria variety of tasked covered dari dimensi Task, kriteria social background dari dimensi Environment, dan kriteria risk management approach dari dimensi Organization. Faktor hambatan terpilih lima kriteria dengan empat dimensi meliputi kriteria ICT infrastructure dari dimensi Environment, kriteria sufficiency of skilled workers dari dimensi People, kriteria security and privacy issues dan e-connectivity project dari dimensi Technology, serta kriteria political commitment dari dimensi Strategy.

The import risk analysis through the Customs Document Tracking System at the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE) has not met the threshold for the best practice hit rate of 40 percent. Based on interviews with stakeholders and the development team, there is a root cause in the absence of an evaluation of the Customs Document Tracking System's implementation. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the challenges and barriers that affect the Customs Document Tracking System's effectiveness. This study proposes the challenges and barriers to system implementation with a combination of the Strategy, Technology, Organization, People, Environment (STOPE) Framework with the Cooper and Zmud models. The challenge factor uses 16 criteria and six dimensions, while the barrier factor uses five criteria and four dimensions. The quantitative approach uses a survey of users of the Customs Document Tracking System at the head office and five principal service offices. The qualitative approach was carried out by semi-structured interviews with five experts as managers of the Customs Document Tracking System to determine the follow-up barrier factors. The respondents were 118 respondents who were analyzed using the Entropy method to determine the criteria' weight. The results of this study selected five criteria with five dimensions on the challenge factors including the single-window approach criteria from the Technology dimension, the clear goal/strategy criteria from the Strategy dimension, the variety of tasked covered criteria from the Task dimension, the social background criteria from the Environment dimension, and the risk management approach criteria from the Organization dimension. In the barrier factors, the researcher selected five criteria in four dimensions, including ICT infrastructure criteria from the Environment dimension, the sufficiency of skilled workers criteria from the People dimension, the security and privacy issues and project e-connectivity criteria from the Technology dimension, as well as the political commitment criteria from the Strategy dimension."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library