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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Rr. Nurina Ayuningtyas
Abstrak :
Media Industry in Indonesia nowadays has grown so fast, one of these Industries is TV Station. TV Station usually does not make its own program, that's why they need production house to make the program. The program that was made by the production house was sold to the TV station to get broadcasted. On it's principle, the object of this transaction is same product, the TV program. But to decided whether the program is an object of VAT and when the VAT owed depends on the contract that was made by the production house and the TV Station. The method of the research is qualitative approach with descriptive method. The purpose of the research is to find a detailed comprehension about the determination of the obligation of the VAT from the deliverance of the program, especially about the object classification and when the VAT owed. Information was collected using library, field research, and interview with General Tax Directory (DJP), PPFI, 'XX Creative' Production House and 'QQ Cinema' Production House. From the research on the production house, the deliverance mechanism that has been done by the production house and TV Station can be divided into 5 (five); they are fixed purchase system-object of this transaction is the taxable goods; an owed order of service system-object of this transaction is the taxable services; profit sharing system-object of this transaction on tangible and intangible object; rent system-object of this transaction is intangible object; and blocking time-object of this transaction on tangible and intangible object. The selling transaction of this TV program can be defined as VAT owed. To determined the VAT object of the program, can be done by reviewing the article on the contract that regulate the right to have the copyright of the program and when the program was made. If the copyright of the program belong to TV Station, the VAT owed for the tangible object, but if the copyright belong to the production house, the VAT owed for the intangible object. If the program was made by an order from the TV station, the VAT owed for services object. Next, to determine when the program was VAT owed is adjusted with the article on the contract that regulate the deliverance and the payment mechanism.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simorangkir, Mangatur P.
Abstrak :
Self-assessment system that applied by the Indonesian taxation system provides freedom for taxpayer in order to comply with the taxation liabilities independently. While fiscal only represents the controller who must secure that each taxpayer has paid their tax liabilities and gets the rights pursuant to the law and other prevailing regulations. Beside that in order to increase the tax income, the government strives to collect the by either extensive or intensification. Intensification conducted by increasing the tax collector to the same tax subject (already exist). While extensive conducted by increasing the tax subject and object. By abundantly of TV program, urge the writer to know how big the tax potency from the submission of TV program. Production house is a company making a video recording and or a company making video recording with the main activities making recording of broadcasting program, according to the prevailing regulation for the interest of broadcasting institution. Nowadays, many of production houses or PH were established. For them, this is a potential business since there are many TV stations. Tax aspect of TV program will involve more about production houses because full of transaction and cash flow. The main topic in this thesis is to answer the question of how to classify the package program sale services to TV station. The research method used is qualitative method and data collection technique through interview and reference study. Result obtained by using the above mentioned research method is that the taxpayer in submitting package program to TV station is deducted by tax income article 23 of 6% that is as a technical service, while if we see in the taxation regulation there is no regulation about package program sate. And based on the interview, so for taxpayer upon package program sate to the TV station referred to tax of advertising company, when the material of advertising considered the same with the material on making of shows program and the difference only at the duration only. Seen the doubt of taxpayer on the tax payable basis against package program to TV station, it is advised to the Directorate General of Tax in order to make the clear regulation about income tax upon submission of shows program package as well as has been done upon value added tax so doesn't cause incorrect regulation implementation in practice. If that happened, then the goal that want to be achieved by the government/Directorate General of Tax to obtain an addition on tax income will be achieved.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rumintjap, Merdy Ervina
Abstrak :
Berbagai tayangan program acara televisi untuk perempuan ditayangkan. Namun, perempuan masih ditampilkan dalam perspektif yang sama, yaitu tetap berkutat pada stereotip yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan proses tayangan program televisi yang berperspektif perempuan. Studi kasus yang diambil pada tayangan "Perempuan dan Peristiwa" di ANTV. Penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk mengungkapkan berbagai permasalahan yang dialami tim pembuat program "Perempuan dan Peristiwa" di ANTV. Selain itu, penelitian ini melihat bagaimana kemampuan dan ideologi dari pencetus acara untuk menampilkan program yang memberdayakan perempuan. Pendekatan kualitatif berperspektif perempuan dipilih dalam penelitian ini, dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, dan observasi langsung. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan banyak hal yang mempengaruhi perspektif dari pembuat acara yang dikhususkan untuk memberdayakan perempuan. Sebaliknya, masih banyak tim dari sebuah program televisi yang dikhususkan memberdayakan perempuan, justru masih terpaku terhadap stereotip yang ada. Perempuan masih dijadikan objek, selalu ingin menampilkan sisi fisik yang cantik dan menarik tentang perempuan. Sedangkan tayangan yang diharapkan berbeda, dan menjadi bahan masukan buat penonton perempuan hampir tidak ada .
Various kinds of TV programs on women had been showed but women still presented with same perspective that is remain stuck in common stereotype. This research aimed to describe process TV program show on women perspectives. Case study on "Women and Event" taken from ANTV program. Aside above aim, this research to be conducted in order to make known various problems which met by its TV program crews. Other things, this research wants to see the ability and ideology of producer for women empowerment. The writer comes with "qualitative approach" as research approach base by using data collection method through deep interview and direct observation. This research had discovery many things that influenced the perspective of producer that particularly aimed to women empowerment. In contrary, many TV crew members being trapped by common stereotype, in fact their program aimed to empower women. The women remain to be used as object, often the show only to perform the beauty of physical and interesting related. Meanwhile other TV programs which expected to give positive input for women viewers almost none.
T 17924
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isabella Muliawati Fawzi
Abstrak :
Produk Film dan serial TV India sudah bukan hal yang asing lagi di Indonesia. Banyaknya masyarakat Indonesia yang menyukai program India membuat beberapa stasiun TV nasional memutar program bertema India, salah satunya MNC TV. MNC TV bekerja sama dengan PH Shandika Widya Cinema memproduksi program ldquo;Bollywood Update rdquo;. Namun sejalan dengan perkembangannya, kondisi tersebut turut memicu tingginya tingkat persaingan diantara sesama pengusaha dibidang sejenis MNC TV dan PH production house Shandika Widya Cinema harus terus menerus melakukan evaluasi strategi dan terobosan agar mampu bertahan serta terus melakukan pengembangan, merumuskan bentuk strategi baru, agar dapat bersaing. Penelitian ini dimulai dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam mengenai penerapan Manajemen Komunikasi, Komunikasi Pemasaran, Elemen-elemen IMC, dan Program TV Bollywood Update di MNC TV yang diproduksi PH Shandika Widya Cinema. Dari hasil wawancara mendalam terhadap dua narasumber dari PH Shandika Widya Cinema dapat disimpulkan bahwa kewenangan televisi dalam mengambil keputusan lebih besar dibandingkan dengan PH. Untuk itu disarankan agar TV lebih banyak melibatkan PH dalam proses kebijakannya serta mengembangkan segala potensi yang sebenarnya dimiliki oleh program Bollywood Update.Kata kunci: Manajemen Komunikasi, Komunikasi Pemasaran, Elemen-elemen IMC, dan Program TV.
Indian TV serials and Indian movies known as Bollywood is no longer unknown in Indonesia. A lot of Indonesian people watch Indian movies and serials. It makes several national TV station in Indonesia have programs with Indian theme. One of them is MNC TV who collaborated with Shandika Widya Cinema PH production house produced an infotainment program called Bollywood Update that aired on MNC TV. But, unfortunately, the situation had created a high competition tension among players. MNC TV and PH production house Shandika Widya Cinema has to evaluate its strategy to be able to be sustainable and well developed by formulating a new strategy so that they can compete with others.The research begins with in depth interview about the practice of communication management, marketing communication, IMC Elements, and TV Program Bollywood Update on MNC TV which produced by PH Shandika Widya Cinema. From the in depth interview with the two sources from PH Shandika Widya Cinema came to a conclusion that in decision making process TV takes a bigger role than the production house itself. The researcher suggest the TV to involved the production house giving more contributions in the policy process and also develop the potentials that Bollywood Update has.Key words Communication Management, Marketing Communication, IMC Elements, and TV Program.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johanes Bosco Widhi Wicaksono
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Saat ini televisi Indonesia sangat minim menayangkan program anak. Jumlah program anak yang ada tidak bisa memenuhi kebutuhan waktu harian anak menonton, sehingga besar kemungkinan anak menonton tayangan dengan klasifikasi remaja atau dewasa. Selain itu saat ini program anak yang ada didominasi oleh tayangan serial animasi atau kartun yang ternyata belum sepenuhnya aman bagi anak Untuk itu program Jagoan Cilik hadir sebagai altenatif program anak di industri televisi nasional melalui format edutainment yang merupakan program televisi hiburan berbasis edukasi. Program ini memiliki tujuan sosial untuk menambah jumlah tayangan yang aman bagi anak. Untuk pembuatan prototype dilakukan riset khalayak terhadap 30 anak usia 5-8 tahun sebagai target khalayak program. Jagoan Cilik mengajak anak-anak untuk melakukan aksi menyelesaikan misi seputar keahlian unik serta memberi kesempatan penonton untuk terlibat langsung dalam program, yakni dengan mengirimkan karya atau video keahlian tertentu dan yang terpilih berhak menjadi Kapten Cilik (bintang tamu).
ABSTRACT The number of existing children's programs is very few and can not meet the needs of children's daily TV watching, so it is probable that a child watches teen or adult's programs. Besides, existing children's programs are dominated by animated series or cartoons which apparently are not entirely safe for children. Therefore Jagoan Cilik comes as an alternative to children?s programs through edutainment format which is educating yet entertaining at the same time. Social purpose of this program is to increase the number of programs that are safe for children. To create the prototype audience research is conducted to 30 children aged 5-8 as the program's target audience. Jagoan Cilik encourages children to take action completing the mission about unique skills and give the audience an opportunity to be directly involved in the program by submitting a video work or other specific skill works, and the elected one is entitled Kapten Cilik.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugita Lestari
Abstrak :
Strategi spin-off memang sudah lama dilakukan oleh praktisi TV dalam memperpanjang popularitas dari sebuah program drama TV dengan tujuan untuk mempertahankan penonton setia. Strategi ini biasa digunakan untuk program drama TV yang berada pada slot prime-time. Penerapan strategi spin-off pada program reality show masih dikenal baru, tidak banyak program reality show menggunakan strategi ini. Artikel ini membahas penerapan strategi spin-off pada program reality show. Penelitian ini dibatasi pada program reality show Korea New Journey to The West 4 beserta program TV spin-offnya Youth Over Flower: Winner dan Kang s Kitchen. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif interpretif dan teknik studi dokumen serta wawancara mendalam kepada penonton ketiga program TV tersebut, penelitian ini memaparkan bagaimana sebuah program TV spin-off dapat meraih keberhasilannya serta memaparkan sikap penonton terhadap ketiga program TV tersebut. Melalui analisis elemen keberhasilan program TV oleh Perebinossoff, P., Gross, B., & Gross, L. S. (2002) dan Morissan (2011) dan elemen keberhasilan program TV spin-off oleh Kilian & Schwarz (2013), ditemukan bahwa motivasi utama penonton dalam menonton program TV spin-off adalah karena mereka telah terpapar oleh cuplikan atau teaser program melalui program TV utama, penonton lebih menyukai program TV utama dibandingkan dengan program TV spin-off karena penonton merasa ekspektasi mereka kurang terpenuhi oleh program TV spin-off.
The implementation of Spin-off strategy has been long done by TV programming to extend the popularity of a program and maintain the loyal audiences. This strategy always used by a prime-time TV Drama. The implementation of this strategy for a reality TV is still new, theres not many reality TV using this strategy. This article discusses about how the spin-off strategy is implemented in a reality TV program. This study is limited to a Korean reality TV program New Journey to The West 4 and its spin-off Youth Over Flower: Winner and Kangs Kitchen. Using qualitative-interpretive approach and literature study and interview to some audiences, this study explains how a TV spin-off could achieve its successful and alsa explains the feedback from audiences toward these three programs. Through the analysis of the element of success for a TV program and the element of success for TV spin-off, it is found that the main reason to watch a spin-off is because audiences have been introduced by teaser in parent program, audiences much prefer the parent program rather than its spin-off because they expectation cant be fulfill by TV spin-off.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library