Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kekerasan dalam pacaran
antara perempuan remaja akhir yang memiliki stereotip gender dan tidak memiliki
stereotip gender di JABODETABEK. Kekerasan dalam pacaran adalah
penyerangan fisik atau perilaku melukai tubuh, termasuk kekerasan psikologis
dan emosional, verbal atau tersirat, yang terjadi di situasi tertutup maupun umum,
dimana perbedaan utama dengan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga adalah pada
pasangan berpacaran tersebut tidak adanya ikatan darah atau hukum (Ely,
Dulmus, & Wodarski; Burgess & Robert, dalam Schnurr & Lohman, 2008).
Sementara itu, stereotip gender merupakan kumpulan keyakinan dan budaya
mengenai karakteristik, perilaku, dan kepribadian perempuan dan laki-laki
(Archer & Llyod, 2002; Hyde, 2007). Pengukuran kekerasan dalam pacaran
menggunakan alat ukur The Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships
Inventory (CADRI) (Wolfe, 2001) dan pengukuran stereotip gender menggunakan
alat ukur Bem Sex Role Inventory Short-form (BSRI) (Bem, 1981) yang telah
diadaptasi oleh peneliti. Partisipan berjumlah 194 perempuan remaja akhir yang
berusia 15-22 tahun di JABODETABEK. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak
terdapat perbedaan kekerasan dalam pacaran yang signifikan antara perempuan
remaja akhir yang memiliki stereotip gender dan tidak memiliki stereotip gender.
Namun, ditemukan adanya rata-rata nilai kekerasan tertinggi pada responden yang
memiliki stereotip gender (feminine). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, perlu diadakan
program-program intervensi dan edukasi kepada remaja agar mengenali dan dapat
terhindar dari kekerasan dalam pacaran.;This research conducted to find the differences of dating violence between
females in late adolescent with feminine, masculine, androgyny, and
undifferentiated gender stereotype in JABODETABEK. Dating violence
defined as physical assault or acts of bodily harm, including psychological and
emotional abuse, verbal or implied, that take place in private or in social
situations, which primarily differs from domestic violence in that the dating
couple is not bound by blood or law (Ely, Dulmus, & Wodarski; Burgess &
Robert in Schnurr & Lohman, 2008) and gender stereotype defined as a set of
beliefs and cultural characteristics, behavior, and personality in females and
males (Archer & Llyod, 2002; Hyde, 2007). Dating violence measured using an
adaptation instrument, The Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships
Inventory (CADRI) (Wolfe, 2001) and gender stereotype measured using Bem
Sex Role Inventory Short-form (BSRI) (Bem, 1981). 194 females in late
adolescent in JABODETABEK aged 15-22 were assessed. The result shows
that dating violence and gender stereotype has no significant difference between
females with gender stereotype and without gender stereotype. But the highest
means score for dating violence found in females with stereotype gender
(feminine). Based on these result, an intervention and education program for
adolescent is necessary for any prevention against dating violence., This research conducted to find the differences of dating violence between
females in late adolescent with feminine, masculine, androgyny, and
undifferentiated gender stereotype in JABODETABEK. Dating violence
defined as physical assault or acts of bodily harm, including psychological and
emotional abuse, verbal or implied, that take place in private or in social
situations, which primarily differs from domestic violence in that the dating
couple is not bound by blood or law (Ely, Dulmus, & Wodarski; Burgess &
Robert in Schnurr & Lohman, 2008) and gender stereotype defined as a set of
beliefs and cultural characteristics, behavior, and personality in females and
males (Archer & Llyod, 2002; Hyde, 2007). Dating violence measured using an
adaptation instrument, The Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships
Inventory (CADRI) (Wolfe, 2001) and gender stereotype measured using Bem
Sex Role Inventory Short-form (BSRI) (Bem, 1981). 194 females in late
adolescent in JABODETABEK aged 15-22 were assessed. The result shows
that dating violence and gender stereotype has no significant difference between
females with gender stereotype and without gender stereotype. But the highest
means score for dating violence found in females with stereotype gender
(feminine). Based on these result, an intervention and education program for
adolescent is necessary for any prevention against dating violence.]"