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Muhamad Fadli
Tujuan penelitian ini mengevaluasi perencanaan terapi radiasi kasus nasofaring dengan teknik Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy IMRT dan Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy VMAT menggunakan algoritma Analytical Anisotropic Algorithm AAA dan Acuros External Beam AXB versi 13.0.01. Penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu 1 analisa dose volume histogram DVH di TPS, 2 verifikasi dosis fantom slab memakai film Gafchromic EBT3 dan bilik ionisasi CC13, dan 3 verifikasi fantom rando memakai film Gafchromic EBT3 dan Thermoluniscence Dosimeter TLD . Analisa DVH menghasilkan penyimpangan AXBDm dan AXBDw terhadap AAA pada PTVtulang sebesar -1.5 dan 2.0 , sedangkan pada organ sehat inner ear dan mandibula penyimpangan AXBDm dan AXBDw sebesar 8 . Conformity index AXBDm untuk IMRT dan VMAT adalah 0.58 dan 0.61, sedangkan homogeneity index AAA adalah 0.06 dan 0.05. Deviasi pengukuran dengan slab homogen dan inhomogen menunjukkan Acuros lebih kecil bacaan deviasinya dibandingkan AAA, dengan nilai deviasi 0.10 - 7.78 . Verifikasi dosis titik dengan fantom rando menunjukkan hasil yang acak, nilai deviasi menunjukkan pola yang tidak bisa diprediksi terhadap algoritma mana yang akan menghasilkan deviasi lebih kecil. Pengukuran nilai gamma dengan kriteria 7 /4mm dihasilkan passing rate gamma index untuk IMRT pada AAA, AXBDm, dan AXBDw sebesar 52.7 , 90.7 , dan 63.66 , sedangkan VMAT sebesar 61.51 , 90.09, dan 92.67 .

The purpose of this study to evaluate the radiation therapy planning techniques nasopharyngeal case with Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy IMRT and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy VMAT using algorithm Anisotropic Analytical Algorithm AAA and Acuros External Beam AXB version 13.0.01. The study was divided into three 1 the analysis of dose volume histogram DVH at TPS, 2 verification dose in slab phantom using film Gafchromic EBT3 and ionization chamber CC13, and 3 verification dose in rando phantom use film Gafchromic EBT3 and Thermoluminiscence Dosimeter TLD . DVH analysis resulted in deviations AXBDm and AXBDw to AAA on PTVbone amount 1.5 and 2.0 , whereas in healthy organs mandibula and inner ear and deviation of AXBDm to AXBDw up to 8 . Conformity index AXBDm for IMRT and VMAT is 0.58 and 0.61, while AAA homogeneity index is 0.06 and 0.05. Deviation measurements with homogeneous slab and inhomogen Acuros readings indicate the deviation compared to AAA, with a deviation 0 10 7.78 . . Point dose verification with fantom rando shows random results. Gamma value measurement criteria of 7 4mm generated gamma passing rate index for IMRT for AAA, AXBDm, and AXBDw was.7 , 90.7 and 63.66 , while VMAT was 61.51 , 90.09, and 92.67 ."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi akurasi perencanaan dan
pemberian perlakuan volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) menggunakan
rekomendasi AAPM Task Group (TG) 119 di Departemen Radioterapi MRCCC
Siloam Hospitals Semanggi. TG 119 menetapkan dua tes pendahuluan dan lima
tes menyerupai kondisi klinis, serta confidence limit (CL) sebagai nilai standar
pengujian. Perencanaan intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) dan
VMAT dibuat lokal mengikuti preskripsi dosis dan sasaran perencanaan yang
ditetapkan oleh TG 119, kemudian hasil perencanaan lokal dibandingkan dengan
hasil TG 119. Pengukuran dosis titik dari pemberian perlakuan IMRT dan VMAT
pada daerah dosis tinggi dan rendah diukur menggunakan tiga bilik ionisasi
dengan volume aktif yang berbeda, sedangkan pengukuran dosis penampang
menggunakan detektor 2D array, distribusi dosis penampang dianalisa dengan
kriteria indeks gamma 3 %, 3 mm dan 2 %, 2 mm. CL hasil pengukuran dosis titik
IMRT pada daerah dosis tinggi dan rendah 1.06 % dan 0.82 % (CC01), 1.19 %
dan 1.58 % (CC13), 1.37 % dan 3.02 % (FC65G). Untuk VMAT 1.47 % dan 1.17
% (CC01), 1.71 % dan 1.95 % (CC13), 2.08 % dan 3.96 % (FC65G). Hasil
pengukuran menggunakan bilik ionisasi CC01 dan CC13 mampu memenuhi
kriteria yang ditetapkan TG 119 dibawah 3 %, sedangkan bilik ioisasi FC65G
tidak memenuhi kriteria tersebut. Hasil CL analisa indeks gamma IMRT dengan
kriteria gamma 3 %, 3 mm dan 2 %, 2mm sebesar 3.68 dan 11.71 (96.32 % dan
88.29 % pass), sedangkan untuk VMAT sebesar 1.44 dan 6.33 (98.56 % dan
93.67 % pass), kedua hasil indeks gamma tersebut masuk dalam kriteria TG 119
dibawah 12.4. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, rekomendasi TG 119 dapat
diimplementasikan untuk menguji akurasi perencanaan dan pemberian perlakuan
VMAT, hasil tersebut juga menunjukkan keakurasian yang cukup dari
perencanaan dan pemberian perlakuan VMAT di institusi lokal.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of treatment planning and
delivery of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) using recommendation
of AAPM Task Group (TG) 119 in the Department of Radiotherapy MRCCC
Siloam Hospitals Semanggi. TG 119 establishes two preliminary tests and five
tests resemble a clinical condition, as well as the confidence limit (CL) as a
benchmark data. Dose prescriptions and planning objectives recommended by TG
119 report were followed to generate Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
(IMRT) and VMAT treatment planning, and then the local planning results
compared with the results of TG 119. Point dose measurements were done using
three ionization chambers with different active volume at high dose and low dose
regions. The planar dose measurements were measured using a 2D detector array
and the planar dose distribution was analyzed for percentage of points passing the
gamma criteria of 3 %, 3 mm and 2 %, 2 mm. For IMRT plans, the CLs obtained
for point dose measurement in areas of high and low doses were 1.06 % and 0.82
% (CC01), 1.19 % and 1.58 % (CC13), 1.37 and 3.02 % (FC65G), whereas a
value of 1.47 and 1.17 % (CC01), 1.71 % and 1.95 % (CC13), 2.08 % and 3.96 %
(FC65G) for CL VMAT. Point dose measurement results using ion chamber
CC01 and CC13 were able to meet the criteria set by TG 119 below 3 %, while
for ion chamber FC65G could not meet these criteria. From gamma analysis, CL
IMRT for gamma criteria 3 %, 3 mm and 2 %, 2 mm were 3.68 and 11.71 (96.32
% and 88.29 % pass), while for VMAT were 1.44 and 6.33 (98.56 % and 93.67 %
pass), gamma index results falls within the criteria TG 119 under 12.4. Based on
the results, TG 119 recommendations can be implemented on commissioning
VMAT treatment planning and delivery, these results also indicate adequate
accuracy of VMAT treatment planning and delivery in local institution, The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of treatment planning and
delivery of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) using recommendation
of AAPM Task Group (TG) 119 in the Department of Radiotherapy MRCCC
Siloam Hospitals Semanggi. TG 119 establishes two preliminary tests and five
tests resemble a clinical condition, as well as the confidence limit (CL) as a
benchmark data. Dose prescriptions and planning objectives recommended by TG
119 report were followed to generate Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
(IMRT) and VMAT treatment planning, and then the local planning results
compared with the results of TG 119. Point dose measurements were done using
three ionization chambers with different active volume at high dose and low dose
regions. The planar dose measurements were measured using a 2D detector array
and the planar dose distribution was analyzed for percentage of points passing the
gamma criteria of 3 %, 3 mm and 2 %, 2 mm. For IMRT plans, the CLs obtained
for point dose measurement in areas of high and low doses were 1.06 % and 0.82
% (CC01), 1.19 % and 1.58 % (CC13), 1.37 and 3.02 % (FC65G), whereas a
value of 1.47 and 1.17 % (CC01), 1.71 % and 1.95 % (CC13), 2.08 % and 3.96 %
(FC65G) for CL VMAT. Point dose measurement results using ion chamber
CC01 and CC13 were able to meet the criteria set by TG 119 below 3 %, while
for ion chamber FC65G could not meet these criteria. From gamma analysis, CL
IMRT for gamma criteria 3 %, 3 mm and 2 %, 2 mm were 3.68 and 11.71 (96.32
% and 88.29 % pass), while for VMAT were 1.44 and 6.33 (98.56 % and 93.67 %
pass), gamma index results falls within the criteria TG 119 under 12.4. Based on
the results, TG 119 recommendations can be implemented on commissioning
VMAT treatment planning and delivery, these results also indicate adequate
accuracy of VMAT treatment planning and delivery in local institution]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Helga Silvia
Penelitian yang telah dilakukan ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi dan menganalisis kesesuaian dosis teknik IMRT dan VMAT antara distribusi dosis pada TPS dengan distribusi dosis yang terukur oleh dosimeter film gafchromic EBT2, MatriXXEvolution dan EPID pada kasus kanker KNF, paru dan prostat. Percobaan dilakukan menggunakan Pesawat Linac Varian Rapid Arc dengan TPS Eclips yang dimiliki oleh Rumah Sakit MRCCC SHS. Pengolahan data dari ketiga dosimeter tersebut menggunakan software MATLAB, Omni Pro IMRT dan portal dosimetry. Untuk perbandingan dilakukan analisis data sekunder yang telah dilakukan oleh pihak RS MRCCC SHS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan indeks gamma rata-rata data sekunder pasien masih dalam toleransi dengan nilai >90%. Hasil pengukuran menggunakan film EBT2, MatriXXEvolution dan EPID dengan kriteria gamma 3% / 3mm pada kasus kanker KNF, paru dan prostat menunjukan bahwa indeks gamma yang diperoleh melewati batas toleransi yang diizinkan yaitu lebih dari 90%. Selisih indeks gamma antara dosimetri film gafchromic, MatriXXEvolution dan EPID pada teknik VMAT dan IMRT tidak terlalu jauh, dengan rentang 0,01 – 5,36%. Perbedaan indeks gamma menunjukkan bahwa direkomendasikan pengukuran menggunakan detektor MatriXXEvolution daripada menggunakan film dosimetri EBT2 dan EPID. Selisih persentase rata-rata indek gamma pada teknik IMRT dan VMAT berada pada rentang 0,02 – 5,31%. Selisih antara hasil pengukuran dan data sekunder menggunakan MatriXXEvolution dengan hasil penelitian Miura et al. diperoleh dengan rentang 0 – 6%. Data penelitian ini sangat mendukung penelitian yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya oleh Hussein et al., (2013), Nalbant et al., (2014), Elawady et al, (2014), Pham (2013), Miura et al., (2014).

The purpose of this research was to evaluate and analyze the compatibility dose IMRT and VMAT technique between the dose distribution in the TPS and the dose distributions which measured by the film dosimeter gafchromic EBT2, MatriXXEvolution and EPID in the case of KNF cancer, lung and prostat. The experiments were done by using Varian linac Plane Rapid Arc with TPS Eclips owned by the MRCCC Siloam Hospital Semanggi. The data processed of the three dosimeters were using MATLAB software, Omni Pro IMRT and Dosimetry portal. For the comparative analysis of secondary data has been made by MRCCC SHS. The results showed an average gamma index of secondary data patients within tolerances with values > 90%. The measurement results EBT2 film, MatriXXEvolution and EPID of using criteria gamma 3% / 3mm in the case of NPC cancer, lung and prostate indicates that the gamma index gained over the limit allowed tolerance of more than 90%. Gamma index difference between the film dosimetry gafchromic, MatriXXEvolution and EPID on VMAT and IMRT techniques are not too far away, with a range of 0.01 to 5.36%. Differences show that the gamma index measurement using a MatriXXEvolution better than using EBT dosimetry film 2 and EPID. The difference in the average percentage of gamma index on IMRT and VMAT technique to be in the range of 0.02 to 5.31%. The difference between the measurement results and secondary data using MatriXXEvolution and the results Miura et al. Measurement in the range of 0-6%. Data from this study strongly support previous research by Hussein et al., (2013), Nalbant et al., (2014), Elawady et al, (2014), Pham (2013), Miura et al., (2014)"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Gerak tumor akibat pernapasan pasien merupakan masalah yang signifikan dalam pengobatan radioterapi kanker paru-paru, khususnya teknik radioterapi modern Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) dan Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT). Interaksi gerakan antara gerak target tumor dan MLC (interplay effect) memiliki keterbatasan dalam hal modulasi intensitas radiasi, probabilitasnya hanya sebagian kecil Planning Target Volume (PTV) menerima dosis radiasi sesuai perencanaan dosis Treatment Planning System (TPS) pada waktu tertentu.
Penelitian ini melakukan verifikasi dosimetri antara dosis yang direncanakan TPS dan dosis yang diterima volume tumor, akibat adanya interplay effect pada teknik IMRT dan VMAT. Penelitian menggunakan fantom toraks dinamik in-house dengan target tumor bergerak translasi arah superior-inferior dengan variasi amplitudo dan periode gerak tumor sebesar 9,3 mm dan 2,3 sekon, 20 mm dan 3,44 sekon, 30 mm dan 4,22 sekon. Pengukuran dosis titik dengan meletakkan dosimeter TLD-100 LiF:Mg,Ti dan Film Gafchromic EBT2 pada titik tengah target tumor dan organ at risk spinal cord. Penyinaran teknik IMRT menggunakan 7-field dan teknik VMAT menggunakan Rapidarc partial double arc dengan dosis preskripsi (95%) sebesar 200 cGy per fraksi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kehadiran gerak target tumor paru-paru menyebabkan efek dosimetri yang tidak diinginkan berupa underdosage dalam volume tumor. Deviasi dosis rata-rata pada target tumor antara perencanaan dosis TPS dan hasil pengukuran pada teknik IMRT dengan target tumor bergerak statis, bergerak 9,3 mm, bergerak 20 mm, bergerak 30 mm berturut-turut sebesar 0,3% sampai 0,5%, -2,7% sampai -3,0%, -3,7% sampai -4,6%, dan -6,0% sampai -6,6%, sedangkan deviasi dosis pada teknik VMAT berturut-turut sebesar 0,2% sampai 0,9%, -1,6% sampai -1,9%, -2,9% sampai -3,1%, dan -5,0% sampai -5,3%. Hal berbeda, deviasi dosis untuk organ at risk spinal cord pada teknik IMRT berturutturut sebesar -5,6% sampai -1,0%, -6,8% sampai -6,9%, -3,7% sampai -5,9%, dan 0,7% sampai 1,0%, sedangkan deviasi dosis pada teknik VMAT berturut-turut sebesar -1,4% sampai -3,1%, -3,0% sampai -6,3%, -1,6% sampai -4,2%, dan 0,1% sampai 0,9%. Kenaikan amplitudo gerak target tumor menyebabkan dosis yang diterima volume tumor menurun. Namun sebaliknya, adanya kenaikan amplitudo gerak target tumor menyebabkan dosis yang diterima organ at risk spinal cord meningkat.

Tumor motion due to patient's respiratory is a significant problem in radiotherapy treatment of lung cancer, especially in modern radiotherapy treatment of Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) and Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT). The interplay effect is the effect that may occur as the motion of Linac (primarily the MLC) and motion of the tumor target interferes. At delivery dose treatment, a small part of Planning Target Volume (PTV) does not recover dose according to Treatment Planning System (TPS) Prescription.
This investigation was carried out through dosimetry verification between TPS and actual dose by tumor volume due to the interplay effect in IMRT and VMAT treatment. Tumor target of in-house dynamic thorax phantom was designed in linier sinusoidal motion toward superior-inferior direction with amplitude and period variation of tumor motion of 9,3 mm and 2,3s, 20 mm and 3,44s, 30 mm and 4,22s respectively. For point dose measurement, TLD-100 LiF:Mg,Ti and gafchromic EBT2 film detectors were took placed at midpoint of tumor target and spinal cord. IMRT treatment irradiation was applied by 7-fields and VMAT treatment by partial double arc, with prescription dose (95%) of 200 cGy per fraction.
The results showed that the occurrence of lung tumor target motion causes underdosage dosimetry effect in tumor volume. Mean dose deviation of tumor target between TPS and measurement in IMRT treatment by tumor target moves at condition of static, 9,3 mm, 20 mm and 30 mm were 0,3% to 0,5%, -2,7% to -3,0%, -3,7% to -4,6%, and -6,0% to -6,6% respectively while dose deviation in VMAT treatment were 0,2% to 0,9%, -1,6% to -1,9%, -2,9% to -3,1%, and -5,0% to -5,3% respectively. On the other hand, mean dose deviation of spinal cord in IMRT treatment were -5,6% to -1,0%, -6,8% to -6,9%, -3,7% to -5,9%, and 0,7% to 1,0% respectively and in VMAT treatment were -1,4% to -3,1%, -3,0% to -6,3%, -1,6% to -4,2%, and 0,1% to 0,9% respectively. The increment amplitude of tumor target motion reduced dose received by tumor volume and conversely, increased dose received by spinal cord.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Maulana
Telah dilakukan verifikasi dosis organ target dan jaringan sehat di sekitar target dengan menempatkan TLD Rod LiF100 dan film Gafchromic EBT2 di lubang slab bagian pelvis dari phantom Rando Alderson untuk simulasi kanker prostat. TLD dievaluasi menggunakan TLD Reader Harshaw, sementara Film Gafchromic EBT2 dipindai menggunakan scanner Epson Perfection V700 dengan mode transmisi, red channel dan resolusi 72 dpi. Pengukuran dosis titik dilakukan dengan membandingkan antara dosis yang direncanakan TPS Eclipse ver. 11 dan dosis yang diukur pada target organ target dan organ beresiko menggunakan teknik IMRT dan VMAT. Hasilnya adalah deviasi dosis pada organ target menggunakan teknik IMRT dan VMAT adalah kurang dari 5%. Demikian pula, deviasi dosis pada bladder dan rectum untuk kedua teknik juga kurang dari 5% karena posisinya sangat dekat dengan target volume. Di sisi lain, deviasi dosis di femoral head lebih dari 5% untuk kedua teknik karena lokasinya pada gradien dosis rendah. Selanjutnya, deviasi dosis organ target untuk teknik IMRT cenderung lebih kecil dari teknik VMAT baik untuk TLD dan Film. Perbedaan dosis pada dosis titik organ target antara IMRT dan VMAT kurang dari 1% tetapi terjadi pada dosis yang random untuk organ beresiko. Adapun dosis permukaan pada teknik IMRT cenderung lebih kecil dari teknik VMAT jika kita menggunakan TLD, tetapi dosis pada film EBT2 cenderung sama antara teknik IMRT dan VMAT.

Have been done the dose verification of the target and healthy tissues around by placing the TLD Rod LiF100 and EBT2 Gafchromic film at slab hole of pelvic part of the Alderson Rando phantom for prostate cancer simulation. The Exposed TLDs was evaluated using the TLD Reader Harshaw, while Gafchromic Film EBT2 was scanned using Epson Perfection V700 scanner with transmission mode, red channel and resolution 72 dpi. The point dose measurements were compared between planned dose TPS Eclipse ver. 11 and measured dose at target volume organ and organ at risk for IMRT and VMAT techniques. The result is the dose difference at target volume for IMRT and VMAT are less than 5%. Similarly, the dose difference at Bladder and Rectum for both techniques are also less than 5% due to the position of OAR is very close to target volume. On the other hand, the dose difference at Femoral head are more than 5% for both techniques because the location of OAR already in low gradient dose. Furthermore, the difference dose of the target volume for IMRT technique is tends to be smaller than VMAT either for TLD and film detectors. The dose difference at point dose of target volume between IMRT and VMAT techniqe are less than 1% but it occur in random number for organ at risk. More over, the surface dose of IMRT tend to be smaller than VMAT dose if we are using TLDs, but the dose of EBT2 films tend to be similar between IMRT and VMAT techniques, Have been done the dose verification of the target and healthy tissues around by placing the TLD Rod LiF100 and EBT2 Gafchromic film at slab hole of pelvic part of the Alderson Rando phantom for prostate cancer simulation. The Exposed TLDs was evaluated using the TLD Reader Harshaw, while Gafchromic Film EBT2 was scanned using Epson Perfection V700 scanner with transmission mode, red channel and resolution 72 dpi. The point dose measurements were compared between planned dose TPS Eclipse ver. 11 and measured dose at target volume organ and organ at risk for IMRT and VMAT techniques. The result is the dose difference at target volume for IMRT and VMAT are less than 5%. Similarly, the dose difference at Bladder and Rectum for both techniques are also less than 5% due to the position of OAR is very close to target volume. On the other hand, the dose difference at Femoral head are more than 5% for both techniques because the location of OAR already in low gradient dose. Furthermore, the difference dose of the target volume for IMRT technique is tends to be smaller than VMAT either for TLD and film detectors. The dose difference at point dose of target volume between IMRT and VMAT techniqe are less than 1% but it occur in random number for organ at risk. More over, the surface dose of IMRT tend to be smaller than VMAT dose if we are using TLDs, but the dose of EBT2 films tend to be similar between IMRT and VMAT techniques]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yahya Mustofa
Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy (VMAT) merupakan salah satu modalitas untuk
pengobatan kanker yang mempunyai beberapa teknik penyinaran. Dalam penelitian
dilakukan karakteristik dosimetri dan dosimetri invivo menggunakan TLD-100 rod
dan film gafchromic EBT3 dengan teknik full arc dan half arc VMAT pada fantom
rando kasus kanker parotid kiri dan kanker paru ? paru apeks kiri yang masing -
masing memiliki empat target dengan volume yang berbeda. Evaluasi yang dilakukan
meliputi parameter penyinaran, Homogeneity Index (HI), Conformity Index (CI) dan
deviasi pengukuran dosis menggunakan TLD dan film dengan TPS. Total MU yang
digunakan dan waktu penyinaran, teknik full arc lebih besar dibandingkan teknik half
arc. Selain itu, laju dosis yang diperlukan untuk VMAT teknik full-arc lebih rendah
dibandingkan dengan teknik half arc,Teknik full arc lebih homogen dan konformitas
dibandingkan pada teknik half arc. Pada pengukuran dosis titik menunjukkan bahwa
teknik full-arc dan half-arc mempunyai nilai deviasi yang tidak besar, dan
penggunaan TLD lebih efektif jika dibandingkan dengan film, dimana rata ? rata
deviasi dosis penggunaan TLD antara 3,79 ? 5,76 % untuk target dan 6,38 ? 9,3 %
untuk organ at risk (OAR), dan pada penggunaan film antara 5,69 ? 11,85 % untuk
target dan 34,40 ? 215,76 % untuk OAR.

Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy (VMAT) is one of the modalities for cancer
treatment that have some technique. This study conducted, dosimetry
characterizations and determination dose by TLD and gafchromic EBT3 film with
full arc and half arc VMAT technique at rando phantom for left parotid cancer and
left apex lung cancer case, which each case have four target different volumes.
Evaluation was conducted on the irradiation parameters, homogeneity index (HI),
Conformity Index (CI) and the deviation of dose measurement using TLD and films
with TPS. On VMAT, the total MU which used and the total of delivery treatment
time, on full arc technique is greater than the half arc technique. Results of the study
the dose rate necessary for VMAT technique of full arc lower than the technique of
half arc, VMAT technique full arc more homogeneous and conformity compared to
the technique of half arc. The measurement of the dose point of use TLD is more
effective than the use of the film, where deviations dose average using TLD between
3.79 to 5.76 % for target and 6.36 to 9.3 % for organ at risk (OAR), and the use of
film between 5.69 to 11.85 % for target and 34.4 to 215.76 % for OAR.;Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy (VMAT) is one of the modalities for cancer
treatment that have some technique. This study conducted, dosimetry
characterizations and determination dose by TLD and gafchromic EBT3 film with
full arc and half arc VMAT technique at rando phantom for left parotid cancer and
left apex lung cancer case, which each case have four target different volumes.
Evaluation was conducted on the irradiation parameters, homogeneity index (HI),
Conformity Index (CI) and the deviation of dose measurement using TLD and films
with TPS. On VMAT, the total MU which used and the total of delivery treatment
time, on full arc technique is greater than the half arc technique. Results of the study
the dose rate necessary for VMAT technique of full arc lower than the technique of
half arc, VMAT technique full arc more homogeneous and conformity compared to
the technique of half arc. The measurement of the dose point of use TLD is more
effective than the use of the film, where deviations dose average using TLD between
3.79 to 5.76 % for target and 6.36 to 9.3 % for organ at risk (OAR), and the use of
film between 5.69 to 11.85 % for target and 34.4 to 215.76 % for OAR., Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy (VMAT) is one of the modalities for cancer
treatment that have some technique. This study conducted, dosimetry
characterizations and determination dose by TLD and gafchromic EBT3 film with
full arc and half arc VMAT technique at rando phantom for left parotid cancer and
left apex lung cancer case, which each case have four target different volumes.
Evaluation was conducted on the irradiation parameters, homogeneity index (HI),
Conformity Index (CI) and the deviation of dose measurement using TLD and films
with TPS. On VMAT, the total MU which used and the total of delivery treatment
time, on full arc technique is greater than the half arc technique. Results of the study
the dose rate necessary for VMAT technique of full arc lower than the technique of
half arc, VMAT technique full arc more homogeneous and conformity compared to
the technique of half arc. The measurement of the dose point of use TLD is more
effective than the use of the film, where deviations dose average using TLD between
3.79 to 5.76 % for target and 6.36 to 9.3 % for organ at risk (OAR), and the use of
film between 5.69 to 11.85 % for target and 34.4 to 215.76 % for OAR.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fransisca Yulia Dimitri
Kasus kanker nasofaring memiliki banyak organ at risk diantaranya adalah parotid kanan, parotid kiri, mata kanan, mata kiri dan trakea.Teknik penyinaran yang dapat menekan dosis yang diterima organ at risk adalah volumetric modulation arc therapy VMAT . Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan verifikasi dosis organ at risk pada kasus kanker nasofaring KNF menggunakan planning VMAT dengan teknik single arc dan double arc berdasarkan data klinis. Verifikasi ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan TLD rod dan film gafchromic EBT3 yang diletakkan pada pasien sesuai dengan letak organ at risk yang akan dievaluasi. Terdapat 5 organ at risk yang dievaluasi pada kasus kanker nasofaring diantaranya parotid kanan, parotid kiri, mata kanan, mata kiri dan trakea.Evaluasi yang dilakukan diantaranya perbandingan dosis antar teknik, deviasi pengukuran dosis menggunakan TLD rod dan film gafchromic EBT3 dengan TPS Treatment Planning System . Perbandingan pengukuran dosis rata-rata menggunakan film gafchromic, TLD rod dan TPS dapat dilihat bahwa nilai yang mendekati TPS adalah film gafchromic dengan nilai diferensiasi adalah 0,171 . Hasil pengukuran dosis menggunakan film gafchromic berdasarkan data CT rando dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknik VMAT double arc dengan kolimator dapat membuat organ at risk menjadi lebih aman karena dengan penggunaan kolimator dapat meminimalisasi kebocoran efek tongue and groove. Hasil statistik menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS 16.0 didapat bahwa nilai uji korelasi antara 3 teknik double arc DA , double arc dengan kolimator DAC dan single arc SA menunjukkan korelasi kuat dan signifikan pada keseluruhan organ at risk kecuali parotis kiri pada teknik DA-DAC sedangkan pada teknik DAC-SA menunjukkan korelasi kuat dan tidak signifikan untuk keseluruhan organ at risk. Untuk uji hipotesa dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbedaan rata-rata distribusi dosis antara 3 teknik yang berbeda pada stadium 4 pada film gafchromic adalah signifikan.

The cases of nasopharyngeal cancer have many organs at risk including right parotid, left parotid, right eye, left eye and trachea. The irradiation technique that can suppress the dose received by the organ at risk is volumetric modulation arc therapy VMAT . This research aims to verify dose in the organs at risk in cases of nasopharyngeal cancer NPC using VMAT planning with single arc and double arc techniques based on clinical data. The verification is performed by using TLD rod and gafchromic EBT3 films placed on the patient according to the location of the organs at risk which will be evaluated. There are 5 organs at risk evaluated in the cases of nasopharyngeal cancer such as right parotid, left parotid, right eye, left eye and trachea. The evaluation includes the ratio of dose between techniques, deviation of dose measurement using TLD rod and gafchromic EBT3 films with TPS Treatment Planning System . The measurement ratio of mean dose using gafchromic film, TLD rod and TPS shows that the values close to TPS is gafchromic film detector which its differentiation value is 0.171 . The result of dose measurement using gafchromic film based on the data of CT rando can be concluded that double arc VMAT technique with collimator can reduce the dose in the organ at risk. The statistical result using SPSS 16.0 shows that the correlation test value between 3 techniques such as double arc DA , double arc with collimator DAC and single arc SA shows strong and significant correlation in the whole organ at rialexcept left parotid in the DA DAC technique while in the DAC SA technique shows strong and insignificant correlation in the whole organ at risk. For hypothesis test, it can be concluded that the difference in themean dose distribution between 3 different techniques at stage 4 in gafchromic film is significant."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Zurma
Film gafchromic EBT2 dan EBT3 cocok digunakan untuk jaminan kualitas (QA) pada treatment planning systems (TPS) dan linear accelerator (LINAC) serta verifikasi radioterapi teknik IMRT dan VMAT. Namun generasi selanjutnya dari film gafchromic EBT yaitu EBT2 dan EBT3 ketika dilakukan scanning (pemindaian) menggunakan scanner flatbed masih terdapat artefak geometris yang dahulunya juga ditemukan pada film EBT sehingga memerlukan penanggulangan dan koreksi yang sesuai. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan scanner flatbed Epson expression 10000XL, Epson perfection V700 dan Mikrotek 1000XL plus yang dapat menangkap warna dengan rinci dan presisi. Perangkat lunak yang digunakan dalam koreksi ini adalah FilmQA Pro 2015. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu Koefisien A dan B diterapkan untuk variasi posisi lateral terhadap nilai tanggapan di lokasi yang bersamaan, sehingga pengkoreksian tanggapan artifak lateral dapat dilakukan. Pada dosis maksimum nilai koreksinya <0,5% dan pada kasus <0.2%. Pada pengukuran ulang untuk setiap film, standar deviasi yang diperoleh untuk setiap film sekitar 0.19%. Pengujian dosimetri channel tunggal (merah) sebelum dan sesudah koreksi pada kasus IMRT didapatkan hampir 91% dari piksel memenuhi 3% / 3mm kriteria gamma keseluruhan dengan ambang batas dosis > 10%. Untuk pengujian kasus VMAT, film di scan dengan posisi di pusat scanner dan posisi ektrim tepi scanner, maka pengukuran di channel warna merah 4% lebih tinggi dibandingkan channel warna hijau dan biru. Rata-rata konsistensi pengukuran dosis selama daerah terkena dosis > 100 cGy adalah sekitar 21,8 cGy dan di daerah yang paling dekat dengan tepi scan window sekitar 10 mm dengan perbedaan dosis 35 cGy. Setelah dilakukan koreksi, rata-rata konsistensi dosis pada tiga channel di sekitar daerah terpapar sekitar 5,1 cGy. Perbedaan dosis antar channel sekitar 9 cGy. Hasil ini menunjukkan koreksi respon artefak lateral memang perlu dilakukan. Respon yang diukur tergantung pada posisi film pada pemindai dan dosis yang diberikan. Pengukuran pada channel warna merah menunjukkan sensitivitas yang lebih besar pada dosis rendah, sedangkan respon pada channel hijau atau biru memberikan perpanjangan jangkauan dinamis dari film ke dosis tinggi. Metode triple-channel dosimetri telah terbukti memiliki keuntungan signifikan atas single channel dosimetry dengan akurasi dosimetri yang baik.

The film of gafchromic EBT2 and EBT3 are appropriate for quality assurance (QA) to the radiotherapy technics verification of IMRT and VMAT. In the next generations of EBT which are EBT2 and EBT3, are still attained the geometrical artifacts once scanning by flatbed scanner which is used to be found on EBT film in order to need an overcome ways and an appropriate correction. This research used a flatbed scanner EPSON expression 10000XL, EPSON perfection V700 and Microtech 1000XL plus and FilmQA Pro 2015 as a software for correcting it. The result shows that coefficient A and B were applied for lateral correction artifacts responses can be made. On the maximum dose, it has correction value as much as <0,5% and in case was <0.2%. The deviation standard was approximately 0,19% on re-measure for each film. Prior to the dosimetry measurement of single channel (red) and subsequent to the correction IMRT has got almost 91% of pixel which met with gamma criteria, 3% / 3mm, with dose threshold 10% TH. In the measurement of VMAT‟s case, film scanned on the center of scanner and the extreme position of the scanner edge. Thus, measurement in the red channel was 4% higher than green and blue channel. The average of dose measurement consistency during area exposed to doses > 100 cGy is approximately 21,8 cGy and the closest area with the edge of scan window is around 10 mm at difference doses 35 cGy. After correction, the average of doses consistency was 5,1 cGy on the three channel where exposed. The distinction of doses was approximately 9 cGy among channels. This result stated that the correction of artifacts lateral response is needed to carry on. The method of triple-channel dosimetry has the significant advantage on single-channel dosimetry with a good consistency. Through escalation dose and variation of lateral position, the distinct response would be increased on single-channel which is red channel. The measurement on red channel reveals the highest sensitivity on the slight dose. Whereas, a green or blue channel response provides a dynamic range extension of film to a high dose. Thus, the method of dosimetry triple-channel has the significant contribution of single-channel evidently with a good dosimetric accuracy., The film of gafchromic EBT2 and EBT3 are appropriate for quality assurance (QA) to the radiotherapy technics verification of IMRT and VMAT. In the next generations of EBT which are EBT2 and EBT3, are still attained the geometrical artifacts once scanning by flatbed scanner which is used to be found on EBT film in order to need an overcome ways and an appropriate correction. This research used a flatbed scanner EPSON expression 10000XL, EPSON perfection V700 and Microtech 1000XL plus and FilmQA Pro 2015 as a software for correcting it. The result shows that coefficient A and B were applied for lateral correction artifacts responses can be made. On the maximum dose, it has correction value as much as <0,5% and in case was <0.2%. The deviation standard was approximately 0,19% on re-measure for each film. Prior to the dosimetry measurement of single channel (red) and subsequent to the correction IMRT has got almost 91% of pixel which met with gamma criteria, 3% / 3mm, with dose threshold 10% TH. In the measurement of VMAT‟s case, film scanned on the center of scanner and the extreme position of the scanner edge. Thus, measurement in the red channel was 4% higher than green and blue channel. The average of dose measurement consistency during area exposed to doses > 100 cGy is approximately 21,8 cGy and the closest area with the edge of scan window is around 10 mm at difference doses 35 cGy. After correction, the average of doses consistency was 5,1 cGy on the three channel where exposed. The distinction of doses was approximately 9 cGy among channels. This result stated that the correction of artifacts lateral response is needed to carry on. The method of triple-channel dosimetry has the significant advantage on single-channel dosimetry with a good consistency. Through escalation dose and variation of lateral position, the distinct response would be increased on single-channel which is red channel. The measurement on red channel reveals the highest sensitivity on the slight dose. Whereas, a green or blue channel response provides a dynamic range extension of film to a high dose. Thus, the method of dosimetry triple-channel has the significant contribution of single-channel evidently with a good dosimetric accuracy.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elsi Trisma
"Peningkatan keakuratan dan kepresisian dalam pengobatan radioterapi dapat dilakukan menggunakan teknologi lanjut radioterapi seperti Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy (VMAT). Pemanfaatan teknik VMAT terhadap pemilihan orientasi gantri arc yang bersamaan dengan pergerakan multileaf collimator (MLC) perlu dilakukan verifikasi untuk memastikan ketepatan distribusi dosis pada saat perencanaan dan pengukuran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi dosis radioterapi teknik VMAT partial arc dan full arc berdasarkan struktur target yang disediakan oleh protokol AAPM TG 119 dan diverifikasi menggunakan protokol AAPM TG 218. Phantom dipindai menggunakan CT Simulator, hasil pemindaian dikirim ke Treatment Planning System (TPS) untuk dilakukan perencanaan teknik VMAT dengan variasi gantri arc. Penyinaran pada saat pengukuran dilakukan dengan metode true composite, dengan pengukuran dosis titik menggunakan bilik ionisasi CC13, pengukuran dosis planar field by field menggunakan EPID dan dosis planar composite menggunakan detektor 2D array MatriXXFFF. Kriteria gamma index yang digunakan 3%/2mm dan 2%/2mm. Hasil perencanaan teknik double arc menghasilkan distribusi dosis lebih baik dibandingkan dengan single arc, karena terjadi peningkatan modulasi selama optimasi. Hasil data pengukuran dosis titik lebih tinggi dibandingkan nilai perencanaan di TPS, hal ini karena adanya kebocoran efek tongue and groove pada saat pengukuran. Tingkat kelulusan gamma secara field by field mampu memenuhi kriteri 3%/2mm, namun tidak untuk penyinaran secara composite. Kemudian terjadi penurunan tingkat kelulusan gamma pada kriteria 2%/2mm. Confidence limit yang diperoleh secara universal tidak memenuhi kriteria yang diberikan artinya dosis perencanaan dengan dosis hasil pengukuran tidak konsisten seperti yang direkomendasikan oleh AAPM TG 119 dan AAPM TG 218. Evaluasi dosis VMAT dengan variasi gantri arc secara true composite pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat metode pengukuran yang tidak sesuai dengan alat ukur yang digunakan dan kriteria gamma index yang terlalu ketat, sehingga diperlukan penggunaan alat ukur yang tepat dan parameter verifikasi yang sesuai.

Advanced technology, such as Volumetric Modulation Arc Therapy (VMAT), can enhance the precision and accuracy of radiotherapy treatment. However, the reliability of the dose distribution during planning and measurement, the VMAT technique's gantry arc orientation selection, and multileaf collimator (MLC) movement need to be verified. This study aims to evaluate partial arc and full arc VMAT radiotherapy doses, utilizing the target structure provided by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) TG 119 protocol and verified using the AAPM TG 218 protocol. A CT Simulator scanned the phantom, and the scan results were integrated into the Treatment Planning System (TPS) for VMAT technique planning with varied gantry arc settings. During irradiation and measurement, the true composite method was employed, with point dose measurements using a CC13 ionization chamber, field-by-field planar dose measurements using EPID, and planar composite doses using a 2D array detector MatriXXFFF. The gamma index criteria employed were 3%/2mm and 2%/2mm. The results indicated that planning a double arc technique yielded superior dose distribution compared to a single arc, owing to increased modulation during optimization. Nevertheless, point dose measurement data exceeded the TPS planning values due to the leakage of the tongue and groove effect during measurement. While the field-by-field gamma pass rate met the 3%/2mm criteria, it did not suffice for composite irradiation. Furthermore, there was a further decrease in the gamma pass rate for the 2%/2mm criterion. The universally obtained confidence limit failed to meet the criteria, revealing inconsistencies between the planning dose and the dose measurement results, as recommended by AAPM TG 119 and AAPM TG 218. The evaluation of VMAT doses with gantry arc variations using true composite demonstrated that certain measurement methods did not align with the chosen measuring instrument, and the gamma index criteria proved excessively stringent. Therefore, using appropriate measuring instruments and verification parameters is crucial."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang: Radioterapi baik sebagai terapi tunggal maupun sebagai terapi kombinasi, memegang peranan yang penting dalam penatalaksanaan kanker payudara kiri. Eskalasi dosis dikatakan mampu meningkatkan kontrol dan menurunkan angka kekambuhan namun di sisi lain dapat meningkatkan angka toksisitas. Hingga saat ini masih terus dilakukan studi untuk menganalisis parameter dosimetri diantara teknik Three Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy-Field and Field, Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy, dan Helical Tomotherapy pada kanker payudara di departemen Radioterapi RSUPN-CM.
Metode: Studi eksperimental eksploratorik dengan melakukan intervensi pada 10 data CT plan pasien kanker payudara kiri yang diradiasi di Departemen Radioterapi RSUPN-CM. Dosis 50 Gy diberikan pada PTV dalam 25 fraksi. Cakupan PTV dievaluasi menggunakan Indeks konformitas CI dan indeks homogenitas HI. Menilai perbandingan PTV lokal D98, D95, D2, D50 dan supraklavikula dan menilai organ kritis sekitar target seperti paru kiri ipsilateral V20 le; 30, paru kanan contralateral V5 le; 50, jantung V25 le;10, payudara kanan contralateral Dmean < 5Gy.
Hasil: Dari hasil analisis statistik tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna antara 3DCRT-FIF, VMAT maupun HT dalam mencapai dosis D98 dan D95, pada D50 terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara 3DCRT-FIF dengan VMAT p=0,000, 3DCRT-FIF dengan HT p=0,000, namun tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara VMAT dengan HT p=0,508. Dalam hal ini, ketiga teknik mampu memberikan cakupan dosis minimal yang baik pada volume target, meskipun begitu dari hasil penelitian ini teknik HT mampu memberikan nilai rerata D95 yang superior. Untuk D50 lokal ditemukan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna di 3 kelompok yang ada yaitu antara 3DCRT-FIF dengan VMAT p=0,000, 3DCRT-FIF dengan HT p=0,000, maupun VMAT dengan HT p=0,005. Didapat teknik HT memiliki nilai rerata D50 yang paling baik 50.01 0.25. Untuk D2 dari hasil analisis statistik ditemukan adanya perbedaan yang bermakna di 3 kelompok yang ada yaitu antara 3DCRT-FIF dengan VMAT p=0,005, 3DCRT-FIF dengan HT p=0,005, maupun VMAT dengan HT p=0,005.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna rerata D98 dan D95, namun terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada cakupan dosis D2 dan D50 antara teknik 3DCRT-FIF vs VMAT, 3DCRT-FIF vs HT, dan VMAT vs HT, seluruhnya memperlihatkan perbedaan yang bermakna p < 0,05 . Rerata durasi penyinaran paling tinggi didapatkan dengan teknik HT dan paling rendah pada 3DCRT-FIF.

Background: Radiotherapy as a main or combination therapy, holds an important role in the management of left breast cancer. Dose escalation is said to increase control and lower recurrence rate. On the other hand, dose escalation increases toxicity. Until now there is many study comparing dosimetry parameters between three different techniques; Three Dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy ndash; Field and Field 3DCRT-FIF, Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy VMAT and Helical Tomotherapy HT and in relation to left breast cancer in radiotherapy department RSUPN-CM.
Method: This is an experimental study with intervention on 10 left breast cancer patients, CT planning data. All the subjects underwent radiation in radiotherapy department RSUPN-CM. 50 Gy dose in 25 fractions was given for PTV. Afterwards, PTV coverage was evaluated using conformity index CI and homogeneity index HI . Comparison of critical organs was evaluated using Dmax le; 50 Gy spinal cord, V25 le; 10 heart, V20 le; 30 lung ipsilateral and V5 le; 30 lung contraleteral and Dmean < 5 Gy right breast.
Results: From the statistical analysis there is no difference between 3DCRT-FIF, VMAT and HT in achieving D98 in local PTV. At the D95 value there is a difference between 3DCRT- and VMAT p = 0.022, 3DCRT-FIF with HT p = 0.005, but no value exists between VMAT and HT p = 0.508. In this case, one of the techniques employed gives a good minimum amount of volume targets, although the results of this technique HT are able to provide a superior D95% average. For D50% locally found, there are three groups that exist between 3DCRT-FIF with VMAT p = 0,000, 3DCRT-FIF with HT p = 0,000, and VMAT with HT p = 0,005. HT technique has the highest mean D50 50.01 0.25. For D2 of the analysis results found there were significant differences in 3 groups that existed between 3DCRT-FIF with VMAT p = 0,005, 3DCRT-FIF with HT p = 0,005, and VMAT with HT p = 0,005.
Conclusion: There is no D98% and D95%, but there is still a difference with D2% and D50% between 3DCRT-FIF vs VMAT, 3DCRT-FIF vs HT, and VMAT vs HT, all significant differences (p <0.05). The highest average duration of exposure with HT and lowest on 3DCRT-FIF."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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