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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Diki Anugrah Hardi
Abstrak :
Sistem pengolahan sampah Kota Padang menggunakan sistem konvesional. Sistem konvensional dapat menyebabkan degradasi lingkungan. Mengacu permasalahan yang ada, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji sistem pengolahan sampah Kota Padang yang berkelanjutan. Aspek keberlanjutan terdiri atas ekonomi, lingkungan, dan sosial. Kajian ekonomi menggunakan metode analisis biaya-manfaat, sedangkan kajian lingkungan fokus pada emisi gas rumah kaca. Kajian sosial yang dilakukan adalah kajian perilaku masyarakat dalam bentuk operasional pengetahuan dan sikap. Untuk memperkuat ketiga kajian tersebut dilakukan kajian menggunakan metode AHP. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengembangkan tiga skenario. Skenario 1 terdiri atas teknologi pengomposan, daur ulang, dan sanitary landfill. Skenario 2 terdiri atas daur ulang dan sanitary landfill yang dilengkapi pemanfaatan energi listrik dan skenario 3 terdiri atas insinerator dan sanitary landfill. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui sistem pengolahan sampah Kota Padang yang berkelanjutan adalah skenario 1. Skenario 1 dapat menghemat biaya 46,21% dan mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca sebesar 5,93% dibanding kondisi business as usual (BAU). Tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat pada teknologi pengomposan adalah 92,62% dan daur ulang 86,22%. Sikap dan keinginan berpartisipasi masyarakat Kota Padang pada pengomposan adalah 94,10% dan daur ulang sebesar 95,02%.
Waste treatment system in Padang City using conventional systems. Conventional systems can lead to environmental degradation. Referring to the problems, the purpose of this research is to assess the sustainable waste treatment system in Padang City. Sustainable aspect consist of three major aspect: the economic, social and environments. Economic assessment using cost-benefit analysis, while the environmental studies focus on greenhouse gas emissions. Social studies is the society behavior in operational knowledge and attitudes. This study is using AHP method to compare those three assessment result. Research was performed by developing three types of scenarios. First scenario consists of composting technology, recycling, and sanitary landfill. Second scenario consists of recycling and sanitary landfill which include the utilization of electrical energy and third scenario consists of incinerators and sanitary landfills. Based on the research results, the appropriate sustainable waste processing system in Padang City is the first scenario. The first scenario able to save 46.21% cost and reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to 5,93% compared to condition of Business As Usual (BAU). The level of public knowledge on composting technology is 92.62% and recycling technology of 86.22%. Attitudes and desire of societies participation in composting technology is 94.10% and recycling technologies is 95,01%.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cashman, John R.
Lancaster: Technomic Publishing Company, 1986
658.567 CAS m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bernadus Santoso
Abstrak :
Air adalah sumberdaya yang terbaharui dengan daur hidrologi dan proses pemurnian, selama alam untuk membersihkan air tidak terlampaui. Mengacu pada Undang-Undang Lingkungan Hidup No. 4 tahun 1982,i ndustri tekstil salah satu car a yang di tempuh adalah dengan membuat Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui secara rinci desain, karakter, serta kemampuan instalasi pengolah limbah PT. Uni teas . Lokasi penelitian terletak di 01. Paya Tajur No. A, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengamati dan mempelajari cara kerja Instalasi Pengolah Air Limbah, kemudian dengan menggunakan, data sekunder PT. Unit dapat dihitung biaya pengolahan limbah cair per m3nya. Dan dari data sekunder laboratoriurn BBIHP diketahui kadar parameter air limbah. Hipotesis pertama mengatakan bahwa kualitar air limbah akan mejadi lebih baik setelah menjalani pengolahan. Uji terhadap rata-rata kadar sebelum dan setelah pengolahan menunjukkan perbedaan untuk nilai padatan tersuspensi, DOD, COD, minyak dan lemak. Sedangkan untuk parameter lain secara statistik tidak berbeda. Hipotesa kedua menyatakan: bahwa semakin besar biaya pengolahan limbah, semakin baik limbah yang dibuang sekitar pabrik. Dari pengamatan langsung di lapangan hal ini terbukti sebab, air limbah yang diolah sama sekali tidak mengganggu masyarakat. Alat pengol ah limbah cair ini telah bekerja sesuai perencanaan yaitu untuk menurunkan kadar BOD, COD, dan TSS. Akhirnya perhi tungan analisis biaya menunjukkan bahwa pengeluaran pengolahan limbah saat ini hanya 1% dari nilai produk. ......Water pollution in water bodies is caused by industrial waste. It could damage the water for its usage. Properly, water serve as renewable resources under going hydrology cycles and purifying processes} if the natural purifying capability of the water has not been exceed. The environmental Law number 4} 1982, compels each industry to control its waste. One method that could be implemented is the construction of a waste control instrument. This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the waste water control instrument, owned by PT. Unite. This plant is located in 01. Paya Tajur No. A, Bogor, West Java. The study was conducted reach and studying how to operate waste water control instrument. By secondary data from PT. Unitex can be calculate cost of purifying waste water per m3. The first hypothesis states that quality of the waste water improved after treatment. The T-test conducted for ' the average concentration before and after treatment, showed a significant- difference for suspended solids, ROD, COD, and detergent. Other parameters observed, showed no statistically significant differences. The second hypothesis states that higher cost of waste treatment, higher good for liquid waste. The waste water treatment instrument performed according to its specifications, i.e. reducing the concentration of ROD, COD, and TSS. Finally from calculated cost analysis due for instrument water treatment is only 10/10 from price.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Sesilia
Abstrak :
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini terjadi krisis energi. Terjadi peningkatan penggunaan batubara secara besar-besaran beberapa tahun terakhir ini. Dibutuhkan bahan bakar alternatif pada unit pembangkit tenaga listrik. Dalam studi ini dilakukan untuk mengoptimalisasikan bahan sisa atau biasa disebut dengan biomassa menjadi bahan yang berguna untuk kehidupan sehari-hari. Data penggunaan biomassa di unit pembangkit tenaga listrik sudah banyak dilaporkan oleh banyak peneliti dan praktisi. Tetapi datanya sangat terbatas. Dalam thesis ini pengolahan biomassa akan menggunakan proses Hydrotermal Waste Treatment. Sampel data diambil dari daerah DKI Jakarta untuk dijadikan percontohan pembuatan pembangkit listrik tenaga uap berbahan bakar biomassa olahan. Karakteristik penggabungan pembakaran hidrotermal pada Limbah Padat Perkotaan dan batubara Indonesia sangat mempengaruhi pembakaran. Pencampuran antara batubara dan limbah akan dicampur dengan tingkatan 10%, 20%, 30% dan 50% (dalam berat.%). Dari hasil pencampuran didapati bahwa pada pencampuran limbah sebesar 20% dalam pengujian pengapian, karbon dan burnout adalah pencampuran yang sangat optimal. Bahkan ada yang lebih baik daripada campuran batubara Indonesia, yang menunjukkan kelayakan untuk membantu mengurangi konsumsi batubara Indonesia dengan hidrotermal menggunakan Limbah Padat Perkotaaan. Dengan menggunakan teknologi pengkonversian energi, maka energi ini dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan energi listrik dan limbah padat perkotaan sebagai sumber bahan bakar utama dari PLTU.
ABSTRACT In recent years the energy crisis occurs. There is an increased use of coal on a large scale last few years. It takes an alternative fuel in the power plant unit. In this study conducted to optimize the residue or commonly called biomass into useful materials for everyday life. Data on the use of biomass in power generation units has been widely reported by many researchers and practitioners. But the data are very limited. In this thesis will use a biomass processing Hydrotermal Waste Treatment process. Samples of data taken from the Jakarta area to be used as a pilot manufacturing of steam power plant of processed biomass fuel. Incorporation combustion characteristics of hydrothermal on Municipal Solid Waste and Indonesian coal greatly affect combustion. Mixing between coal and waste will be mixed with a level of 10%, 20%, 30% and 50% (by weight.%). From the results of mixing was found that the mixing of waste by 20% in testing ignition, carbon and burnout is a very optimal mixing. In fact, there is have better than the mix of Indonesian coal, which demonstrate the feasibility to help Indonesia reduce coal consumption by hydrothermal using urban Solid Waste. By using energy conversion technologies, then this energy can be used to generate electrical energy and municipal solid waste as a primary fuel source of the power plant., In recent years the energy crisis occurs. There is an increased use of coal on a large scale last few years. It takes an alternative fuel in the power plant unit. In this study conducted to optimize the residue or commonly called biomass into useful materials for everyday life. Data on the use of biomass in power generation units has been widely reported by many researchers and practitioners. But the data are very limited. In this thesis will use a biomass processing Hydrotermal Waste Treatment process. Samples of data taken from the Jakarta area to be used as a pilot manufacturing of steam power plant of processed biomass fuel. Incorporation combustion characteristics of hydrothermal on Municipal Solid Waste and Indonesian coal greatly affect combustion. Mixing between coal and waste will be mixed with a level of 10%, 20%, 30% and 50% (by weight.%). From the results of mixing was found that the mixing of waste by 20% in testing ignition, carbon and burnout is a very optimal mixing. In fact, there is have better than the mix of Indonesian coal, which demonstrate the feasibility to help Indonesia reduce coal consumption by hydrothermal using urban Solid Waste. By using energy conversion technologies, then this energy can be used to generate electrical energy and municipal solid waste as a primary fuel source of the power plant.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aswita Wulandari
Abstrak :
Jepang mengimpor 440,000 ton kopi setiap tahunnya. Dilihat dari perspektif teknik lingkungan, limbah kopi dengan jumlah yang besar akan berakhir di landfill atau incinerator. Tiap pabrik kopi menghasilkan 10-20 ton limbah kopi per-hari. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi potensi biogas dari limbah kopi dan Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) yang sesuai untuk Anaerobic Digestion (AD) limbah kopi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) Assay untuk investigasi potensi biogas dan bioreaktor anaerobik kontinyu sebagai simulasi AD. Metana yang diperoleh dari kandidat terbaik adalah 0.03 m3 CH4 (STP) / kg VSinitial dengan laju konversi metana sebesar 61%. Limbah kopi harus diolah terlebih dahulu hingga mempunyai 78% kadar air dan TS yang 8% lebih tinggi daripada inokulumnya (sludge teh) yaitu masing-masing 1.27% dan 1.19%. Reaktor yang dijalankan dengan HRT 8 hari (Kondisi 2) hasilnya lebih stabil dibandingkan HRT 4 hari (Kondisi 4 hari). Karena ada beda yang signifikan antara dua kondisi, tiap kondisi dapat diulas secara terpisah. Berdasarkan grafik dari pengamatan reaktor, HRT 8 hari (Kondisi 2) dinilai lebih stabil daripada HRT 4 hari (Kondisi 1). Pada akhirnya, terbukti bahwa pengolahan dengan HRT lebih lama lebih baik daripada HRT yang pendek.
Japan imports 440,000 tons of coffee annually. From environmental engineering point of view, considerable amount of coffee waste will end up overwhelmingly in landfills or incinerator. Each coffee factory generates 10-20 tons of coffee waste per day. The purpose of this research are to investigate the biogas potential of coffee waste and suitable Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) for Anaerobic Digestion (AD) of coffee waste. This research was approached using Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) assay for biogas potential investigation and anaerobic bioreactor continuous experiment for simulation. Methane yield obtained from the best candidate was 0.03 m3 CH4 (STP) / kg VSinitial with methane conversion rate at 61%. Coffee waste should be pre-treated until it has 78% moisture content and 8% higher TS from the inoculum (tea sludge) which is 1.27% and 1.19% respectively. Reactor run under HRT 8 days (Condition 2) produced more stable result compared to HRT 4 days (Condition 1). Since there was a significance difference between both condition, each condition could be reviewed independently. Based on the resulting graph from reactor observation, HRT 8 days (Condition 2) was found more stable, thus, more preferable than HRT 4 Days (Condition 1). In the end, it was proved that high OLR treatment can perform better in longer HRT.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riezka Yunita Handinie
Abstrak :
Kegiatan pengolahan limbah industri merupakan upaya pelestarian lingkungan hidup di Indonesia. Melalui Pasal 6 Ayat 1 huruf a angka 5 dan Pasal 9 Ayat 1 huruf c angka 6 UU No. 7 Tahun 1983 sebagaimana telah beberapa kali diubah terakhir dengan UU No. 36 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pajak Penghasilan UU PPh beserta Peraturan Menteri Keuangan PMK turunannya, pemerintah telah mengatur biaya-biaya kegiatan pengolahan limbah industri berupa biaya pengolahan limbah dan biaya cadangan penutupan dan pemeliharaan tempat pembuangan limbah untuk usaha pengolahan limbah industri. Biaya-biaya tersebut dapat menjadi biaya pengurang dalam perhitungan PPh Badan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi biaya-biaya tersebut dalam PPh Badan suatu perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama ini implementasi biaya pengolahan limbah sebagai biaya pengurang PPh Badan masih dalam koridor yang sesuai dengan UU PPh. Hal ini juga diterapkan di Kawasan Industri Jababeka Cikarang setiap tahun rata-rata 17 dari biaya-biaya operasional lainnya. Namun, besaran biaya cadangan memang tidak diatur secara spesifik menggunakan presentase tertentu. Peraturan lingkungan hidup yang dijadikan sebagai dasar peraturan belum mengatur secara rinci mengenai biaya cadangan sehingga kurang sesuai dengan asas pemungutan pajak dalam asas kemudahan administrasi ease of administration yaitu asas kepastian certainty . Melalui Pasal 6 UU PPh, Kawasan Industri Jababeka Cikarang merasa peraturan ini sudah cukup membantu dan memiliki dampak yang positif selama biaya pengolahan limbah selalu deductible menurut pajak. Melalui Pasal 9 UU PPh, pihak perusahaan belum menerapkannya sehingga belum dapat dilihat dampak yang nyata.
Industrial waste management activities is an effort to conserve the environment in Indonesia. Through Article 6 Paragraph 1 letter a number 5 and Article 9 Paragraph 1 letter c number 6 of Law Number 7 Year 1983 as has been several times amended the latest by Law Number 36 Year 2008 on Income Tax and its derivative Minister of Finance Regulation PMK , the government has regulated the costs of industrial waste management activities in the form of waste treatment costs and backup cost of the closure and maintenance of a landfill for industrial waste management business. These costs can be deductible in the calculation of corporate income tax. This study aims to analyze the implementation of these costs in corporate income tax. This research uses qualitative approach. The results showed that the implementation of waste treatment costs as the cost of deducting corporate income tax is still in the corridor in accordance with the Income Tax Law. It is also applied in the Jababeka Industrial Estate Cikarang every year an average of 17 of other operational costs. However, the amount of the backup cost is not specifically regulated using a certain percentage. The environmental regulations that are used as the basis for the regulation have not been set in detail about the backup cost so that they are less in line with the principle of tax collection in the principle of ease of administration ie certainty. Through Article 6 of the Income Tax Law, Jababeka Industrial Estate Cikarang feels this regulation is sufficiently helpful and has a positive impact as long as the cost of waste treatment is always deductible by tax. Through Article 9 of the Income Tax Law, the company has not implemented it so that it can not be seen the real impact.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Sara Yuniandari
Abstrak :
Pertambahan jumlah penduduk Indonesia berbanding lurus dengan kebutuhan manusia yang berakibat pada kenaikan jumlah industri yang menghasilkan limbah padat. Limbah padat industri dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai Alternative Fuel and Raw Material (AFR) untuk industri semen. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode perancangan yang bertujuan untuk merancang platform pengolahan limbah padat industri menjadi AFR dengan pengolahan yang tepat dan estimasi biaya yang sesuai. Jenis limbah yang digunakan dalam perancangan adalah Bottom Ash & Fly Ash, Contaminated Goods, Oil Sludge, Waste Paint, dan WWT Sludge. Limbah yang digunakan harus memenuhi kriteria limbah yang dapat diterima menjadi AFR. Beberapa kriteria tersebut antara lain nilai kalor, kadar air, kadar sulfur, kadar klorin, dan kadar merkuri. Untuk memenuhi kriteria tersebut dilakukan pengolahan dengan cara pencacahan dan pencampuran limbah dengan efisiensi pengolahan 95%. Kebutuhan AFR yang dibutuhkan oleh PT. ITP Tbk adalah sebesar 300 ton/ hari. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut, maka dilakukan pengolahan yang terbagi menjadi 2 shift, dengan waktu operasional setiap shiftnya adalah 7 jam. Dengan kapasitas pengolahan limbah sebesar 13 ton/ jam, maka dalam 1 hari pengolahan tersebut dilakukan sebanyak 28 batch/ hari. Apabila kapasitas pengolahan limbah sebesar 9 ton/ jam, maka dalam 1 hari pengolahan tersebut dilakukan sebanyak 26 batch/ hari. Mesin pengolahan yang digunakan adalah primary shredder dan secondary shredder. Alat pendukung lainnya yang digunakan antara lain forklift dengan kapasitas 8 ton, wheel loader dengan kapasitas 9 ton, belt conveyor, dan hopper. Untuk perhitungan estimasi biaya yang dilakukan dalam perancangan platform pengolahan limbah menjadi AFR dengan kapasitas pengolahan 13 ton/ jam terdiri dari biaya investasi sebesar Rp. 46.929.923.400,00,- biaya tenaga kerja sebesar Rp. 8.536.916.760,00,- biaya operasional sebesar Rp. 5.517.993.520,- dan biaya pemeliharaan sebesar Rp. 738.759.020,-. Apabila kapasitas pengolahan 9 ton/ jam maka biaya investasi sebesar Rp.,00,- biaya tenaga kerja sebesar Rp. 9.136.916.760,00,- biaya operasional sebesar Rp. 6.278.356.720,- dan biaya pemeliharaan sebesar Rp. 665.830.556,-.
Indonesia's population growth is diectly proportional to human needs which results in an increase in the number of industries that produce solid waste. Industrial solid waste can be used as Alternative Fuel and Raw Material (AFR) for the cement industry. The study was conducted with a design method that aims to design an industrial solid waste treatment platform into AFR with appropriate processing and appropriate cost estimates. The types of waste used in the design are Bottom ash & fly ash, contaminated goods, sludge oil, waste paint, and WWT sludge. The waste used must meet the acceptance criteria that can be used as AFR. Some of these criteria include heating balue, water content, sulfur content, chlorine levels, and mercury levels. To fulfill the criteria, processing is carried out by shredding and mixing waste with a processing efficiency of 95%. AFR needs needed by PT. ITP Tbk is 300 tons/ day. To meet these needs, the processing is divided into 2 shift, with the operational time of each shift being 7 hours. With a waste treatment capacity of 13 tons/ hour, 28 batches/ day will be processed in 1 day. The processing machine used is the primary shredder and secondary shredder. Other supporting tools used include 8 tons of forklift, 9 tons of wheel loaders, conveyor belts, and hoppers. For the calculation of the estimated cost carried out in the design of a waste processing platform to become an AFR with a processing capacity of 13 tons/ hour an investment cost of Rp. 46.929.923.400,00,- labor costs of Rp. 8.536.916.760,00,- operational costs of Rp. 5.517.993.520,- and maintenance costs of Rp. 738.759.020,-. If the processing capacity is 9 tons/hour, the investment cost is Rp.,00,- labor costs of Rp. 9.136.916.760,00,- operational costs of Rp. 6.278.356.720,- and maintenance costs of Rp. 665.830.556,-.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
In this handbook, the editors systematically present the maximum possible number of known eco-materials, including ”cyclic” materials; materials for ecology and environmental protection; materials for society and human health; and materials for energy based on two main criteria: their sources and their functions. Eco-materials (also called “environmentally friendly materials” or “environmentally preferable” materials) are materials that enhance, or refrain from damaging, the environment throughout their life cycles. The chapters are written by global leaders in their fields. The book will cater to the strong and ever-increasing demand for energy, benign materials, and cost efficiency. Eco-materials is arguably one of the most important fields of modern science & technology.
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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