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Ditemukan 34 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Giftson Ramos Daniel
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peredaran informasi hoax melalui media sosial serta langkah dari Kemkominfo untuk mengatasi informasi hoax tersebut, pada Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2017 serta Pilpres 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori komunikasi massa, teori normatif teori new media, serta teori intelijen untuk membahas langkah deteksi dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan cara pengumpulan data melalui studi literature dan studi lapangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah informasi hoax di media sosial pada momentum Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2017 dan Pilpres 2019, mayoritas berisi tentang konten propaganda dalam bidang politik dan SARA. Mitigasinya masih mengandalkan pelaporan dari masyarakat tentang adanya informasi hoax terutama di media sosial. Kemkominfo juga bekerjasama dengan beberapa pihak terkait seperti Dewan Pers, Kepolisian serta Bawaslu DKI Jakarta dan Bawaslu RI. Upaya preventif atau deteksi dini oleh Kemkominfo semakin berkembang dengan menggunakan teknologi Artificial Intelligence berupa Mesin AIS. Mesin ini mampu melakukan penapisan terhadap informasi-informasi hoax baik di media sosial maupun situs. Pengoperasian mesin ini semakin rutin menjelang momentum Pilpres 2019. Selain menggunakan teknologi AI, upaya deteksi dini yang dilakukan sebagai langkah terakhir adalah dengan melakukan pembatasan akses internet, seperti yang terealisasi pada pengumuman hasil Pilpres 2019 yaitu 22 Mei 2019. Upaya deteksi dini melalui Mesin AIS sudah cukup efektif meski belum mampu mengendalikan secara penuh informasi hoax yang beredar. Upaya pembatasan akses internet memang cukup efektif menurunkan angka hoax, namun pelaksanaannya masih menuai pro dan kontra, sehingga perlu kajian lebih mendalam dalam pengaplikasian metode ini. ......This thesis research aims to determine the hoax diaspora through social media and preventive solution of Ministry of Communication and Information to overcome hoax information, in the DKI Jakarta 2017 Election and Presidential Election in 2019. This research uses mass communication theory, normative theory, new media theory and intelligence theory. This research uses qualitative methods by collecting data through literature and field observation. The result are the hoax information in social media especially in DKI Jakarta 2017 Election, contains political and ethnicity propaganda. The problem solving of The Ministry of Communication and Information, still relief on reporting act from the public about hoax information. The Ministry of Communication and Information cooperate with several stakeholders such as Dewan Pers, Police Department and Bawaslu. Artificial Intelligence Technology, is able to filter hoax information in social media and websites. This technology is used to filter hoax information in Presidential Election 2019. Moreover, The Ministry of Communication and Information, have an early detection effort besides the Artificial Intelligence Technology. The last step is to limit the internet access. This purpose is to reducing hoax information. Key Words : Hoax, Social Media, Early Detection
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anak Agung Bagus Oka W
Abstrak :
Penelitian berawal dari adanya kendala pada lanjutan program joint development & production (JDP) Korean-Indonesia Fighter (KFX/IFX) karena banyak pro dan kontra dari berbagai sudut pandang. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan sudut pandang lebih jauh dari sisi competitive intelligence agar bisa memberikan pertimbangan layak atau tidaknya program ini untuk dilanjutkan oleh Indonesia. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini melakukan wawancara terhadap sejumlah narasumber yang mewakili sudut pandang pelaku industri dan instansi pertahanan Indonesia. Penelitian ini juga dilengkapi dengan data sekunder melalui sejumlah dokumen terkait dan penelitian yang pernah dilakukan sebelumnya tentang program JDP-KFX/IFX. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa adanya titik terang kelanjutan program yang terindikasi melalui flight test KF-21 Boramae di bulan September 2022 sebagai bentuk kuatnya komitmen yang dimiliki Indonesia dan Korea Selatan dalam melanjutkan program pengembangan pesawat tempur KFX/IFX. Program ini jika dijalankan dengan pendekatan yang sesuai akan mendatangkan banyak nilai bagi Indonesia. Dari sisi teknologi pertahanan JDP KFX/IFX ini adalah bagian dari upaya atau strategi yang baik untuk menghasilkan transfer teknologi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan PTDI dalam membuat pesawat, khususnya pesawat tempur yang berdampak langsung pada daya saing penjualan produk pertahanan Indonesia di masa yang akan datang. Program JDP KFX/IFX termasuk memperkecil jarak dengan industri pertahanan yang lebih maju. Faktor great power competition pada program JDP KFX/IFX juga akan memberikan implikasi yang sangat besar pada penambahan nilai ketahanan nasional Indonesia secara keseluruhan. ......The research started with the existence of obstacles in the continued Korean-Indonesia Fighter (KFX/IFX) joint development & production (JDP) program because there were many pros and cons from various points of view. This research aims to provide a further perspective from the point of view of competitive intelligence in order to be able to give consideration to whether or not this program is appropriate for Indonesia to continue. Using a qualitative approach, this study conducted interviews with a number of sources representing the perspectives of industry players and the Indonesian defense agencies. This research is also equipped with secondary data through a number of related documents and previous research on the JDP-KFX/IFX program. The results of this study found that there was a bright spot for the continuation of the program as indicated by the KF-21 Boramae flight test in September 2022 as a form of the strong commitment that Indonesia and South Korea have in continuing the KFX / IFX fighter development program. This program, if carried out with the right approach, will bring a lot of value to Indonesia. From a defense technology standpoint, the JDP KFX/IFX is part of a good effort or strategy to generate technology transfer to increase PTDI's ability to make aircraft, especially combat aircraft, which has a direct impact on the competitiveness of Indonesian defense product sales in the future. The JDP KFX/IFX program includes closing the gap with more advanced defense industries. The great power competition factor in the JDP KFX/IFX program will also have enormous implications for adding to the value of Indonesia's national resilience as a whole.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Nurpatria
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk dapat memahami serta mendapatkan manfaat dalam menjawab permasalahan maupun kendala – kendala Indonesia dalam merealisasi penguasaan teknologi pembuatan dan pengembangan program kendaraan taktis bagi kepentingan pembangunan ekonomi, pertahanan dan keamanan nasional Indonesia dengan menggunakan beberapa sudut pandang teori dari persaingan supply chain global dari Porter, teori keamanan kawasan (Regional Security Complex Theory) Barry Buzan, teori strategi Ketahanan Nasional dan berdasarkan pada konsep Pancagatra dan teori sistem dunia oleh Wallerstein. Penelitian ini disusun dengan metode kualitatif eksploratif. Temuan dari penelitian ini ternyata terdapat kendala – kendala yang dihadapi oleh para pelaku industri swasta dan BUMN dalam melakukan produksi dan mengembangkan kendaraan taktis. Kendala yang dimaksud adalah pengembangan kendaraan taktis masih berfokus pada desain dan persenjataan, sedangkan untuk penguasaan akan teknologi, pengembangan mesin masih sangat bergantung terhadap teknologi impor yang dikembangkan dari negara lain, hal ini juga disebabkan oleh kurangnya Riset dan Development (R&D) di industri pertahanan nasional. Selain itu kendala berikutnya adalah kendaraan taktis memerlukan sumber daya teknologi yang tinggi. Kemudian masih rendahnya kemampuan sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya produk pada industri komponen dalam negeri. Teknologi kendaraan taktis yang dinamis juga membuat Indonesia semakin jauh tertinggal. Terakhir, belum adanya dukungan dan upaya pemerintah yang nyata terhadap perkembangan industri komponen kendaraan taktis dalam negeri. Begitu pentingnya penguasaan teknologi industri terdapat sejumlah cara untuk dapat meningkatkan kemandirian, salah satu cara dengan melakukan Industrialisasi Substitusi Impor (ISI). Kebijakan ISI dianggap cara tepat untuk meningkatkan daya saing industri nasional dalam menghadapi dinamika tantangan di era globalisasi saat ini dari perdagangan bebas yang semakin kompetitif ......This study aims to be able to understand and get benefits in answering Indonesia's problems and constraints in realizing mastery of technology for the manufacture and development of tactical vehicle programs for the interests of Indonesia's economic development, defense and national security by using several theoretical points of view from global supply chain competition from Porter, Regional Security Complex Theory Barry Buzan, theory of the National Resilience strategy and based on the concept of Pancagatra and the theory of world systems by Wallerstein. This research was compiled using an exploratory qualitative method. The findings of this study turned out to be obstacles faced by private industry players and SOEs in producing and developing tactical vehicles. The obstacle in question is that the development of tactical vehicles still focuses on design and weaponry, while for mastery of technology, engine development is still very dependent on imported technology developed from other countries, this is also due to the lack of Research and Development (R&D) in the national defense industry. In addition, the next obstacle is that tactical vehicles require high technological resources. Then there is still a low ability of human resources and product resources in the domestic component industry. The dynamic tactical vehicle technology also makes Indonesia even further behind. Finally, there is no real government support and efforts for the development of the domestic tactical vehicle component industry. So important is the mastery of industrial technology there are a number of ways to be able to increase independence, one way is by industrializing import substitution (ISI). The ISI policy is considered the right way to increase the competitiveness of national industries in the face of the dynamics of challenges in the current era of globalization from increasingly competitive free trade.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmat Gemelizar Debe
Abstrak :
Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, pesawat udara nir awak (PUNA) atau drone, telah berkembang dan menyebar dengan cepat di seluruh dunia baik militer maupun sipil. drone, menjadi hal yang krusial dalam perang modern. Militer di seluruh dunia sedang mencoba untuk meningkatkan kemampuan teknologi drone. Drone tidak lagi digunakan sebagai alat reconnaissance maupun airstrike semata namun dapat mengoordinasi satuan tempur dalam suatu peperangan. Tulisan ini akan berusaha mengurai fenomena pfroliferasi drone bersenjata, bagaimana penyebaran terjadi dalam sistem internasional termasuk di Indonesia. Penulisan ini juga mencari korelasi antara penggunaan dan pengembangan drone bersenjata terhadap ketahanan nasional Indonesia menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan berlandaskan teori Kekuatan Udara dikaitkan dengan konsep Inovasi Pertahanan, konsep Dirgantara Nasional dan Konsep Ketahanan Nasional. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa inovasi pertahanan berupa pengembangan PUNA MALE Elang Hitam berklasifikasi kombatan dilakukan sebagai upaya penguatan ketahanan nasional pada sektor pertahanan, namun dalam upaya tersebut ternyata dihadapi sejumlah ancaman, gangguan, hambatan dan tantangan yang harus di hadapi. Kemandirian alutsista menjadi salah satu indikator yang dapat mempengaruhi ketahanan nasional pada sektor pertahanan. Untuk itu, kemandirian industri pertahanan harus terus didukung oleh seluruh pemangku kepentingan. Penelitian ini selain dapat menambah khazanah teoritis terkait kedirgantaraan dan pertahanan, diharapkan dapat memberikan masukkan dan rekomendasi terhadap seluruh pemangku kepentingan agar proliferasi maupun inovasi teknologi drone bersenjata bisa terlaksana dengan maksimal. ......In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) or drones, have developed and spread rapidly throughout the world both military and civilian. drones, are crucial in modern warfare. Militaries around the world are trying to improve the capabilities of drone technology. Drones are no longer used as a reconnaissance or airstrike tool, but can coordinate combat units in a war. This paper will attempt to unravel the phenomenon of the proliferation of armed drones, how the spread occurs in the international system, including in Indonesia. This paper also seeks a correlation between the use and development of armed drones on Indonesia's national resilience using qualitative methods based on Air Power theory associated with the concept of Defense Innovation, the concept of National Dirgantara and the Concept of National Resilience. The results of this study show that defence innovation in the form of the development of the Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle “Black Eagle” was carried out as an effort to strengthen national resilience in the defense sector, however, the development turned out to be faced with a number of threats, disturbances, obstacles and challenges that must be faced. The independence of defense equipment is one of the indicators that can affect national security in the defense sector. For this reason, the independence of the defense industry must continue to be supported by all stakeholders. The results of this study, apart from being able to add to the theoretical value related to aerospace and defense, are expected to provide input and recommendations to all stakeholders so that the proliferation and innovation of armed drone technology in Indonesia can be carried out optimally.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iskandar Zulkarnain
Abstrak :
[Selama ini, TNI Angkatan Laut dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas pertahanan diluar negeri berdasarkan pada kepentingan misi damai sesuai dengan mandat PBB dan ternyata TNI Angkatan Laut juga memiliki tugas diluar mandat PBB dalam operasi keamanan laut untuk memberikan jaminan keamanan maritim untuk kepentingan pelayaran bagi kapal-kapal dagang berbendera Indonesia di wilayah perairan internasional. Salah satu kontribusi pemerintah Indonesia terhadap jaminan keamanan maritim adalah melibatkan TNI Angkatan Laut dalam pembebasan kapal Sinar Kudus diluar batas yurisdiksi nasional. Dalam tesis ini akan mempertanyakan : 1. Bagaimana peran Militer, Polisionil dan diplomasi TNI Angkatan Laut dalam penanganan keamanan maritim khususnya keamanan maritim internasional, 2. Apa faktor-faktor yang menentukan kepentingan Indonesia dalam melibatkan TNI Angkatan Laut diwilayah perairan internasional, 3. Bagaimana implikasi penanganan keamanan maritim TNI Angkatan Laut terkait pembebasan kapal Sinar Kudus dan kontribusinya dalam perspektif ketahanan nasional. Dalam mengelaborasi permasalahan tersebut digunakan teori ketahanan nasional, keamanan maritim dan konsep universal angkatan laut. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif analisis deskriptif dengan menghimpun data-data primer dan sekunder juga melakukan wawancara mendalam terhadap narasumber. Sementara temuan yang di peroleh dari tesis ini adalah: 1. Bahwa partisipasi TNI Angkatan Laut yang selama ini melaksanakan tugas operasi diluar negeri lebih banyak dilandasi pada permintaan dari otoritas PBB. Sementara konteks dalam penanganan pembebasan sandera kapal Sinar Kudus pemerintah Indonesia melalui TNI Angkatan Laut tanpa menggunakan mandat PBB dan atas dasar kepentingan nasional, 2. Ternyata tugas-tugas TNI Angkatan Laut dapat memungkinkan untuk melakukan operasi ekspedisi jarak jauh dan memungkinkan TNI Angkatan Laut melaksanakan kegiatan ekspedisi jarak jauh sebagai bentuk dari fungsi-fungsi TNI Angkatan Laut yang bersifat internasional sesuai dengan konsep universal Angkatan Laut, 3. Kontribusi yang dilakukan oleh TNI Angkatan Laut dapat memperkuat ketahanan nasional, melalui jaminan keamanan maritim dalam rangka mendukung aktifitas perdagangan melalui laut. Adapun yang disimpulkan dari tesis ini adalah partisipasi TNI Angkatan Laut dalam misi keamanan tidak dibatasi oleh mandat PBB namun dapat dilakukan atas dasar kepentingan pertahanan dan keamanan nasional, meskipun berada diatas kapal berbendera Indonesia dan diluar kedaulatan Indonesia yang berimplementasi menjadi Angkatan Laut kelas dunia. ......During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ;During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ;During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ;During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ;During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy., During this time, the Indonesia Navy in carrying out duties overseas defense based on the interests of peace missions in accordance with the UN mandate, and it turns out the Indonesia Navy also has a duty beyond the UN mandate in marine security operations to provide maritime security for the benefit of the cruise ships Indonesian trade flag in international waters. One of the Indonesian government's contribution to maritime security is involved in the liberation of the Indonesia Navy ship Sinar Kudus beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this thesis would question: 1. How does the role of military, constabulary and diplomacy the Indonesia Navy for maritime security, especially in the handling of international maritime security, 2. What are the factors that determine interest in engaging the Indonesian Navy in the region of international waters, 3. How implications handling the Indonesia Navy maritime security-related release of the ship Sinar Kudus and its contribution to national security perspective.In theory used to elaborate the issue of national security, maritime security and naval universal concept. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by collecting primary data and secondary also conducted in-depth interviews of the informant. While the findings of this thesis in perole is: 1. Whereas the participation of the Indonesia Navy who had been carrying out tasks more overseas operations based on a request from the United Nations authority. While the context of the handling of the hostage ship Sinar Kudus, Indonesian government through the Indonesia Navy without using a UN mandate and on the basis of national interest, 2. Turns tasks can allow the Indonesia Navy to conduct expeditionary operations remotely and allows the Indonesia Navy conducts expeditions as a form of remote functions the Navy that is international in accordance with the concept of universal Navy, 3. Contributions are made by the Indonesia Navy to strengthen national defense, maritime security through in order to support trading activities by sea. As inferred from this thesis is the Navy's participation in security missions are not restricted by UN mandate, but can be done on the basis of the interests of national defense and security, despite being above and beyond Indonesian-flagged vessels Indonesian sovereignty implementation into world class navy ]
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Byt Yundarwin
Abstrak :
Pertahanan negara pada hakekatnya adalah fungsi pemerintahan yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan potensi dan kekuatan pertahanan negara untuk menangkal dan mengadapi ancaman terhadap kedaulatan negara, keutuhan wilayah dan keselamatan bangsa. Pemerintah membutuhkan kebijakan, peraturan perundang-undangan dan industri pertahanan yang memiliki pengelolaan manajemen yang baik dan kemampuan teknologi produksi persenjataan untuk menjamin ketersediaan alat peralatan pertahanan (Alpalhan) dalam rangka menjalankan kewajiban tersebut. Tujuan dari tesis ini adalah menganalisa upaya pemerintah dalam pemberdayaan industri pertahanan nasional berdasarkan kebijakan dan peraturan perundang-undangan. Selain itu, juga meneliti tentang kemampuan komponen teknologi yang dimiliki PT. Dahana, khususnya untuk produksi bahan peledak militer yang telah digunakan oleh TNI Angkatan Udara, yaitu Bomb P-100L. Model teknometrik digunakan didalam penelitian ini. Model teknometrik digunakan didalam penelitian ini untuk mengukur kemampuan komponen teknologi yaitu technoware, humanware, infoware dan orgaware. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode campuran dengan tipe rancangan sekuensial eksploratori. Metode kualitatatif digunakan untuk menganalisis upaya pemerintah memberdayakan industri pertahanan nasional untuk mencapai kemandirian produksi. Sedangkan metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk menganalisis kemampuan komponen teknologi yang dimiliki oleh PT. Dahana dalam rangka mencapai kemandirian produksi. Hasil analisis menyatakan bahwa keberhasilan pemerintah dalam pemberdayaan industri pertahanan adalah dengan terus menopang industri pertahanan melalui kebijakan-kebijakan dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang jelas dan memiliki kepastian bagi semua pihak. Pada analisis kemampuan komponen teknologi PT. Dahana, hasil analisis menyatakan bahwa klasifikasi kemampuan komponen teknologi yang dimiliki PT. Dahana secara keseluruhan adalah semi modern. Dalam rangka untuk mencapai kemandirian produksi, PT. Dahana harus terus melakukan pengembangan terutama pada kontribusi teknologi yang dinilai rendah. ......National defense is a government's functions related to the utilization of defense potential and defense strength to deter any threats on national sovereignty, territorial integrity and the national security. To implement these obligations, The goverment needs some policies, legal binding and supported by the national defense industry who has a good management and technological capabilities to produce armament in fullfilment of the defense equipment. This thesis will analyze the various aspects of government efforts to empower the national defense industry through some policies and legal binding. It is also analyze the capabilities of the technology component measurement in the PT. Dahana, specifically for the military explosive of Bomb P-100L production that only used by the Indonesian Air Force. The technometric model is used in this measurement. Technometric method will measures the values of all technology component capability based on technoware, humanware, infoware and orgaware. In this research, author uses mixed method with exploratory sequential. The qualitative method used to analyze the government efforts to empower the national defense industry to achieve self reliance production. The quantitative method used to anayze the capability of technology components of PT Dahana within empowerment of the national defense industry to achieve self reliance production. The results of this research states that the government's empowerment efforts to support the national defense industry should be continued through policies and legal binding as clear as possible and have certainty for all parties. The result of the research of the capability of technology component PT. Dahana states that the classification has been in semi modern. Based in this value, the development of PT. Dahana could have done with more focused, especially on low level of the contribution of the technology that has been assessed.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizky Hendra Kurniawan
Abstrak :
Framework manajemen insiden merupakan sebuah tools yang dapat digunakan sebagai early warning system dalam mengatasi permasalahan penerapan teknologi informasi di ranah siber. Framework ini juga dapat menjadi sumber informasi intelijen yang bersifat terbuka dan dapat digunakan untuk mengukur sejauh mana tingkat kematangan manajemen insiden yang telah dilakukan oleh institusi/perusahaan di Indonesia. Dalam lingkup  nasional, framework ini juga dapat digunakan untuk melihat sejauhmana kemampuan Indonesia dalam menghadapi terjadinya insiden siber. Hal ini sangat penting mengingat framework manajemen insiden belum diterapkan secara masif oleh institusi/perusahaan di Indonesia, sehingga masih banyak terdapat celah-celah kerawanan yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh penyerang dalam melakukan cipta kondisi terhadap insiden keamanan siber. Oleh karena itu, penulis melakukan penelitian terkait penerapan framework manajemen insiden ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan berupa mix-method, dimana merupakan perpaduan dari metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Selain itu, teknik analisis data yang digunakan berupa comparative analysis dan content analysis. Hasil dari penelitian ini diantaranya: (1) Nilai koefisien potensi ancaman terhadap pengelolaan intelijen keamanan siber adalah 15.86. Nilai tersebut termasuk dalam kategori tinggi (high); (2) Kerangka kerja (framework) manajemen insiden yang dihasilkan terdiri dari 354 aktifitas manajemen insiden, yang dapat diimplementasikan oleh institusi/perusahaan, dan terbagi dalam 50 kategori pada framework manajemen insiden. Selain itu, distribusi aktifitas dalam framework terdiri dari 12.4% berasal  dari SIM3 Model, 42.1% berasal dari Joao Model, dan 70% berasal dari CREST Model. .......The incident management framework is a tools that can be used as an early warning system to overcome problems in the implementation of information technology. This Framework also used for measuring the maturity level of incident management that has been carried out by institutions in Indonesia. We can used it as an open intelligence of information source. Within national scope, this framework used for knowing Indonesia's ability to deal with cyber incidents. This is very important thing considering that the incident management framework has not been implemented massively by institution in Indonesia. This causes many vulnerabilities than can be exploited by an attacker for creating new conditions in cybersecurity incident. Therefore, author employed mix-methode research, which is the combination between qualitative and quantitative research. The data analysis techniques used were comparative analysis and content analysis. The result of this research are: (1) coefficient value of potential threat to cybersecurity intelligence management is 15.86. This value is included in high category; (2) This research produces a incident management framework that consisting of 354 incident management activity, which are divided into 50 incident management category. Furthermore, the distribution of incident management activity are consist of 12.4% SIM3 Model, 42.1% Joao Model, and 70% CREST Model.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Krido Pramono
Abstrak :
Efektifitas operasi intelijen secara langsung berkaitan dengan perilaku petugas intelijen dan tergantung pada sikap moral dan nilai mereka. Kekhususan operasi intelijen dapat menyebabkan dilema moral dalam perilaku petugas. Metode operasi lembaga intelijen mencakup elemen taktis etis dan elemen yang bertentangan dengan prinsip etika yang diterima secara umum dapat mengerdilkan nilai-nilai demokrasi dan nila-nilai mendasar yang didukung oleh negara. Penelitian ini menganalisis masalah etika yang dihadapi dalam proses menggunakan prinsip-prinsip HUMINT dan metode just intelligence dengan menggunakan studi kasus dalam penanganan gerakan Organisasi Papua Merdeka. Subyek penelitian tentang penanganan gerakan separatisme di Papua yang menganalisis etika human intelligence secara evaluatif internal masih sangat terbatas. Tesis ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis teoritis terhadap model perilaku integral awal dari petugas intelijen berdasarkan konteks pilihan dan implikasi operasional yang dapat mendorong diskusi ilmiah tentang subjek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelangsungan operasi intelijen di Papua memenuhi unsur legalitas dan sesuai standar prinsip Just Intelligence Model. Kendati demikian, untuk memaksimalkan penanganan ancaman Organisasi Papua Merdeka perlu dilakukan kolaborasi kemampuan Human Intelligence seluruh lintas lembaga intelijen dalam satu komando yang integratif. ......The effectiveness of intelligence operations is directly related to the behavior of intelligence officers and depends on their moral attitude and values. The specificity of intelligence operations can cause moral dilemmas in the behavior of officers. The method of operation of an intelligence agency includes ethical tactical elements and elements that are contrary to generally accepted ethical principles that can undermine democratic values ​​and fundamental values ​​supported by the state. This study analyzes the ethical problems encountered in the process of using the HUMINT principles and the just intelligence method by using case studies in handling the Free Papua Movement (OPM). Research subjects on handling separatist movements in Papua who analyze ethics of human intelligence in an internal evaluative basis are still very limited. This thesis uses a qualitative approach with a theoretical analysis of the initial integral behavioral models of intelligence officers based on the context of choice and operational implications that can encourage scientific discussion of research subjects. The results showed that the continuity of intelligence operations in Papua fulfills the element of legality and conforms to the Just Intelligence Model principles. However, to maximize the handling of the threat from Free Papua Organization, it is necessary to collaborate on the capabilities of Human Intelligence across all intelligence agencies in one integrated command.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang aspek geopolitik jalur lintas damai melalui alur pelayaran timur-barat di Laut Jawa. Dalam penelitian ini dibahas tentang dinamika yang terjadi di rute timur-barat Laut Jawa, perkembangan geopolitik perairan-perairan strategis di sekitar Laut Jawa dan pengaruh lintas damai di Laut Jawa terhadap Ketahanan Nasional. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa Indonesia harus mempertimbangkan posisi strategis Laut Jawa dalam penentuan kebijakan lintas damai di Laut Jawa; Indonesia tetap harus bisa menjamin keamanan pelayaran lintas damai dengan kehadiran Angkatan Laut sebagai kekuatan pendukungnya; terkait dengan tuntutan untuk dibukanya jalur lintas ALKI timur-barat di Laut Jawa Indonesia harus bisa melakukan diplomasi ulang. ......This thesis discusses the geopolitical aspects of the innocent passage through the east-west sea lanes in the Java Sea. In this study discussed the dynamics of the 'east-west' route in the Java Sea, geopolitical developments in the strategic waters around the Java Sea and the influence of innocent passage in the Java Sea on National Resilience. This research is qualitative descriptive interpretive. The research was conducted qualitatively with the study of documents relating to the innocent passage through Java Sea during the period 2000 to 2012. The data were collected by means of deep interview. The researcher found that Indonesia should consider the strategic positioning of the Java Sea to Indonesia, in determining the policy of innocent passage through the Java Sea; Indonesia needs to be able to ensure the safety of innocent passage by Navy presence as a supporting force, in case of the demand for the opening of the east-west routes of the archipelagic sea lanes in the Java Sea, Indonesia should be able to perform further diplomacy.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Isak Rapang
Abstrak :
Tesis ini berupaya memberikan gambaran tentang penanggulangan IUU Fishing di Indonesia dalam mendukung ketahanan ekonomi nasional. Potensi sumber daya perikanan Indonesia yang diperkirakan sekitar 6,5 juta ton/tahun merupakan salah satu sumber roda penggerak perekonomian nasional. Namun sangat ironis sekali potensi tersebut belum sepenuhnya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kesejahteraan rakyat sehingga dimanfaatkan oleh asing melalui aktifitas IUU Fishing baik oleh KII dan KIA. Penelitian ini menyatakan faktor-faktor dan modus IUU Fishing di Indonesia, Penerapan Monitoring, Controling dan Survaillance dan dampak penanggulangan IUU Fishing bagi ketahanan ekonomi nasional. Beberapa teori pendukung yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori autopsi perikanan yang di sampaikan oleh Smith dan Link yang menyampaikan bahwa untuk mencegah terjadinya IUU Fishing maka perlu dilaksanakan pembedahan terhadap akar permasalahan dan kebijakan yang selama ini kurang tepat dalam menyelesaikan persoalan-persoalan bidang perikanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis bersifat deskriptif yang dilandasi dengan teori-teori yang relevan dan temuan dilapangan baik berdasarkan studi kepustakaan dan wawancara dengan pejabat di Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan RI, TNI AL dan Bakorkamla, untuk selanjtnya dilaksanakan reduksi data , display data dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa penanggulangan IUU Fishing di Indonesia yang dilaksanakan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan RI melalui mekanisme Monitoring, Controling dan Survaillance sesuai protapprotapnya serta penegakan hukum. Perlu dukungan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai serta dukungan anggaran sesuai kebutuhan dan kerjama sama dengan instansi pemerintah lainnya maupun negara-negara tetangga yang tergabung dalam organisasi perikanan regional dalam penanggulangan IUU Fishing di Indonesia sehingga sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan dapat dimanfaatkan bagi kesejahteraan rakyat dan berkonstribusi bagi ketahanan ekonomi nasional.
This thesis seeks to give an ilustration about prevention of IUU fishing in Indonesia to support the national economic resilience. The potential of fishery recources in Indonesia that has been estimated around 6,5 million tonnes per year which is one of driving wheels of the national economic. But, what an ironic that the potential have not been fully utilized for the welfare of people and has been used by the foreigners through IUU fishing activities neither KII nor KIA. This research state the factors and modus of IUU fishing in Indonesia, Monitoring using, Controling, survaillance, and the IUU fishing prevention impact for the national economic resilience. Several of the supporting theory which have been used in this research is fishery autopsy theory which has been delivered by Smith and Link that said taht to prevent the happening of IUU fishing then it should be carried out surgery of the root causes and policies that have been less precise in solving all the problems at fishery subject. This research used the qualitative oncoming and descriptive analysis which have been based with the relevant theory that found neither in field nor the literature study and interview with the officer in archipelago and fishery minister of Indonesia, TNI AL, and Bakorkamla, for the next will continue the data reduction, data display, and take the conclution. From this research, can conclude that the prevention of IUU fishing in Indonesia which have been done by directorate general supervision of marine resources and fishery, archipelago and fishery minister of Indonesia through the Monitiring mecanism, Controlling, and Survaillance, according to the protaps and law enforcement. Need a support of facilities and infrastructures that enough and budget support according to necessary and cooperation with the other goverment instantion nor neighbour countries that include in region fishery organization in IUU fishing prevention in Indonesia so that the archipelago and fishery recources can be utilized for people welfare and contribute for the national economic resilience.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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