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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ha Thi Anh Dao
Abstrak :
A study on microbiological quality of street foods in comparison with home-prepared and hotel-restaurant foods was carried out at Hai Ba Trung and Hoan Klein districts in Hanoi, Vietnam from December 1994 to March 1995. Ninety samples of the most common meals were collected, and 35 food handlers were interviewed. The microbiological analyses were carried out according to methods of enumeration of mesophilic aerobic bacteria and enumeration of coliform bacteria at the Microbiological Laboratory of the National Institute of Nutrition (NINVietnam).

Greatest numbers of microbial counts were found in the samples obtained from street source. In Bun cha and Bun nem obtained from street vendors, E.coli was present in 60% of the samples, aerobic plate counts (APCs) were up to 107 and coliform counts ranged from 10 to 10$ per gram of food. On the other hand, "mixed rice" dishes which are served hot had a low bacterial contamination. Microbiological quality of hotel-restaurant foods was superior to the street foods. Comparison between street foods and home-prepared foods demonstrated significant differences in APCs of "mixed rice" dish (which consists of cooked rice, fried egg and vegetable soup with P = 0.020) and Bun cha (P = 0.046). Further analyses on the comparison between "mixed rice" dishes from the same source did not show significant differences in microbial counts. Likewise, there were no significant differences between home prepared and hotel foods. However, there was a tendency that hotel-restaurant dishes had lower microbial counts.

This study has suggested that the importance of using potable water and proper food handling practices were viewed as essential. Given that street foods are consumed by the main-stream working people in Hanoi, there are urgent needs to improve the microbiological quality of street foods. Actions should be taken to introduce the knowledge on food hygiene priority to street vendors and their customers. More research is necessary to identify the causes of the problem using HACCP (Hazards Analysis and Critical Control Points).
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akosua T.O. Asante
Abstrak :
Street food is recognized as very important in the urban food supply. However due to the unsanitary conditions associated with most street food vending sites, the consumption of street foods is viewed as a potential health hazard. A cross sectional study was carried out from January to April, 1996 in order to assess the variability in the microbiological quality of different types of street foods in four urbanization areas (Atmajaya, Jl. Kendal, Thamrin and Pasar Jatinegara) of Jakarta. The possible influence of location and other related factors on the microbiological quality of street foods were also investigated. A total of 101 food samples, comprising of 11 food items (meals, meat, vegetable, staple and side dish) a beverage and ice were taken from the four locations and analyzed for Aerobic Plate Count (APC), Total Coliforms and E.coli using the pour plate and the most probable number techniques respectively.

By using Aerobic Plate Counts as an Indicator, it was found that 6% of the overall food items had counts 105. In contrast E.coli was found in a larger number of the food items (25%). The highest bacterial counts were found in Nasi Rames (Rice, Fried Beef, Vegetables and Chili sauce (self made), 50% of the samples contained APC > 105 and 62.5% had E.coli present in them. Ayam and lkan goreng (Fried Chicken and Fried Fish) were comparatively safer food items. None of the samples contained E.coli and APC ranged from 103 to 104.

Comparison between food types (high protein, low protein and meal} in the degree of bacterial contamination, showed significant differences between the meal and the high protein groups in the levels of Total Coliforms and E.coli Contamination (p<0.05). The meal group had higher bacterial counts. Further, foods that were composed of a larger number of ingredients had significantly higher counts of Coliforms than those with a single major ingredient. Statistical significant differences were found between the four urbanization areas in terms of APC counts (p<0.01) and Total Coliforms (p<0.05). These differences were attributable to the availability of basic facilities and sanitary conditions.

The results indicate that handling practices, environmental sanitation and potable water supply are important factors influencing the microbiological quality of street foods.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Retno S. Lukito
Abstrak :
The recommendation and estimation of human energy and dietary requirement until today has been based only on the physiological needs of food nutrients. The fact that food is also an integral part of socialization process seemed to be ignored. In some communities beside having a social function, food is also used non-physiologically such as in religious ceremonies. It was hypothesized that for communities like Bali Island where food is used extensively for non-physiological purpose, such as in religious ceremonies, the present recommendation is still inadequate as--it failed to consider the food needed for that purpose. Furthermore it was believed that the quality and quantity of food used for that practice depends on the socio-economic status of the households.
The general objectives of this study was to observe the non-physiological. usage of food in Balinese household, in order to calculate the total food requirement of households for both physiological and social needs and to obtain information on the religious and cultural background or explanation of the practice.
The results of semi-structured interviews and observations on 60 households from two villages in Tabanan Districts, Bali, indicated that there were no statistically significant relationship between the quality and quantity of food used non-physiologically and the socio-economic status of the households. Based on the three alternate days 24-hour recall, it was calculated that the food used for' non-physiological purpose in terms of kcal amounted to 3.6 % of the total daily average energy intake of households in village Timpag and 4.1 % of households in Pandakbandung village. Based on observation, Focus Group Discussion and in-depth interview with selected key informants it was estimated that in term of energy, the average daily usage of food for non-physiological purpose for the whole year, were more than 641 kcal which equals to more than 7.5 % of aver-age daily calorie intake of-the sample households.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Fadiati
Abstrak :
Sebagian beaar keglatan pembangunan adalah mengolah Biuaber alam dan mengubah lingkungan. Menurut Sallm (1990:28), perubahan lingkxmgan dapat memutuskan mata rantai dalam berbagai elklue yang hldup dalam ekosistem, eehingga mengganggu keeelarasan hubungan manusla dengan lingkungannya. Karena itu eangatlah penting agar proses pembangunan dllakukan dengan memelihara keutuhan berfungsinya berbagai siklue yang hidup dalam ekosistem ini. Sehubiuigan dengan hal tersebut, maka sasaran pembangionan diutamakan pada peningkatan kualitaa hldup. Dengan demikian diharapkan 4 akan lahir manuaia-manusia yang berkualitae yang dapat mengisi kegiatan pembangunan dengan bijaksana, arif dan bertanggung j awab, sehingga pembangunan dapat terus berlanjut. Anak adalah generasi penerus bangsa dan modal dalam pembangunan yang akan memelihara, mempertahankan, melaksanakan, dan mengembangkan hasil pembangunan serta yang akan melanjutkan upaya dalam menjaga keseimbangan lingkungan hidup. Untuk memenuhi fungsi tersebut diperlukan kesehatan fisik dan mental. Kesehatan fisik berhubungan erat dengan kondisi gizi seseorang. Namun kenyataannya, kondisi gizi anak dewasa ini sangat memprihatinkan. Laporan UNICEF menyebutkan 1/4 jut a anak di dunia meninggal eetiap minggu, dan jutaan lagi hanya mampu bertahan hidup selama setengah masa kehidupan mereka, karena menderita kekurangan gizi dan keaehatan yang buruk (Grant, 1992:5). Padahal menurut Salim (1988:12), salah satu cara meningkatkan kualitas hidup adalah meningkatkan kualitas diri manusia secara fisik dan nonfisik. Bersifat fieik antara lain adalah gizi. Sehubungan hal tereebut, Strong dalam pidato di Konferenei Lingkungan dan Pembangunan Sedunia tahun 1992, mengatakan upaya mengurangi keeakitan dan kekurangan gizi pada anak sangat penting, bukan hanya untuk kepentingan sendiri tetapi juga*sebagai sarana untuk membantu mengurangi tekanan penduduk dan memungkinkan pembangunan lingkungan dapat berkelanjutan dalam abad ke-21 dan setelah itu (Strong dalam Grant, 1992:21). Banyak faktor yang berhubungan dengan statue gizi seorang anak. Pengetahuan glzl yang dimiliki ibu mempunyai hubungan erat dengan status gizi anaknya. Dalam teori saluran dari Lewin disebutkan bahwa ibu rumah tangga atau anggota keluarga lain yang mengendalikan arus makanan mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam pengelolaan makanan keluarga (Lewin dalam Khumaidi, 1986:36). Mar'at (1981:13) mengatakan, pengetahuan dan perasaan yang merupakan kluster dalam sikap akan menghasilkan tingkah laku tertentu. Selain itu Suriasumantri (1990:42), menambahkan semakin tinggi tingkat pengetahuannya maka semakin tinggi pula tingkat penalarannya. Faktor lain yang berhubungan dengan status gizi adalah konsumsi sehari-hari. (Khumaidi, 1989:84) mengatakan, konsumsi makanan merupakan kebutuhan pokok yang harus dipenuhi untuk dapat mempertahankan dan melaksanakan kewajiban hidup. Jumlah yang diperlukan hanya secukupnya, bila kurang atau lebih dari kebutuhan akan berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan. Selain itu Syarief (1992:5)
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amatus Bille
Abstrak :
The relationship between serum vitamin A level and protein-energy status of 61 children in Jakarta was studied. The children 1 - 6 years old either received vitamin A supplements at various times, or never received any vitamin A supplements at all.

There was a high prevalence of PEM among the sample and their energy and vitamin A consumption were low, though protein intake was adequate.

The serum vitamin A levels of PEM children who received vitamin A supplements tended to decline more rapidly with time after supplementation compared to their non-PEM counterparts.

A positive correlation, though weak, was also observed between serum vitamin A level and Wt/Age of the children.

It was thus concluded that the fast decline in serum vitamin A level of PEM children could predispose them to vitamin A deficiency despite vitamin A supplementation. It was also suggested that further investigation is needed on the relationship between Wt/age and serum vitamin A level, because if such a relationship is established, Wt/age could be a very useful index for identifying children who are "at risk" of developing vitamin A deficiency.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library