Marella, Angie Michaela
"Kekurangan jumlah pemimpin yang kompeten dari Generasi Y kerap kali menjadi masalah serius bagi organisasi saat ini. Hal ini disebabkan oleh angka turnover Generasi Y yang lebih tinggi daripada Generasi X. Peneliti menduga salah satu penyebab terjadinya krisis kepemimpinan di organisasi dan tingginya turnover pada Generasi Y adalah adanya perbedaan motivasi memimpin antara karyawan Generasi X dan Generasi Y. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan motivasi memimpin pada kedua generasi tersebut. Secara teoritis, motivasi memimpin adalah konstruk perbedaan individu yang memengaruhi keputusan pemimpin atau calon pemimpin untuk menjalankan pelatihan kepemimpinan, dan peran serta tanggungjawab pemimpin dan yang memengaruhi intensitasnya dalam berusaha memimpin dan bertahan sebagai pemimpin. Konstruk motivasi memimpin terdiri dari tiga dimensi, yaitu affective-identity, social-normative, dan noncalculative. Hasil pengolahan data menggunakan independent sample t-test, dari 221 responden (Generasi X = 120; Generasi Y = 101), diukur dengan Kuesioner Motivation To Lead, menemukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan motivasi memimpin yang signifikan antara karyawan Generasi X dan Generasi Y, yaitu t (219) = 7.110, p < 0.05. Motivasi memimpin Generasi X terbukti secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada Generasi Y dan hasil tersebut konsisten pada masing-masing dimensi, yakni dimensi affective-identity t (219) = 4.182, p < 0.05; dimensi social-normative t (219) = 3.888, p < 0.05; dan dimensi noncalculative t (219) = 7.518, p < 0.05. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah praktisi SDM dapat merekrut calon karyawan yang memiliki motivasi memimpin sesuai kebutuhan organisasi dan mengadakan program pengembangan SDM untuk karyawan yang berpotensi menjadi pemimpin.;Having competent leaders from Generation Y often becomes a serious issue for organizations today. This is caused by the rate of turnover on Generation Y that is higher than Generation X. Researcher supposes one of the causes is the difference on motivation to lead between employee in the Generation X and Generation Y employee. This study aims to determine differences in motivation to lead among both generations. Theoretically, motivation to lead is an individual differences construct that affects a leader‟s or leader-to-be‟s decisions to assume leadership trainings, roles, and responsibilities, and that affects his or her intensity of effort at leading and persistence as a leader. The construct of motivation to lead consists of three dimensions, i.e affective-identity, social-normative, and noncalculative. 221 respondents (120 of Generation X dan 101 of Generation Y) filled out Motivation To Lead Questionnaire. Independent sample t-test showed that there is significant difference in motivation to lead among Generation X and Generation Y employee, i.e t (219) = 7.110, p < 0.05. Generation X‟s motivation to lead is significantly higher than Generation Y and these result is consistent in each dimensions, i.e affective-identity dimension t (219) = 4.182, p < 0.05; social-normative dimension t (219) = 3.888, p < 0.05; and noncalculative dimension t (219) = 7.518, p < 0.05. The implications of this research are HR practitioners can recruit prospective employees who have the motivation to lead according to the needs of the organization and conduct human resources development programs for employees with leadership‟s potential.;Having competent leaders from Generation Y often becomes a serious issue for organizations today. This is caused by the rate of turnover on Generation Y that is higher than Generation X. Researcher supposes one of the causes is the difference on motivation to lead between employee in the Generation X and Generation Y employee. This study aims to determine differences in motivation to lead among both generations. Theoretically, motivation to lead is an individual differences construct that affects a leader‟s or leader-to-be‟s decisions to assume leadership trainings, roles, and responsibilities, and that affects his or her intensity of effort at leading and persistence as a leader. The construct of motivation to lead consists of three dimensions, i.e affective-identity, social-normative, and noncalculative. 221 respondents (120 of Generation X dan 101 of Generation Y) filled out Motivation To Lead Questionnaire. Independent sample t-test showed that there is significant difference in motivation to lead among Generation X and Generation Y employee, i.e t (219) = 7.110, p < 0.05. Generation X‟s motivation to lead is significantly higher than Generation Y and these result is consistent in each dimensions, i.e affective-identity dimension t (219) = 4.182, p < 0.05; social-normative dimension t (219) = 3.888, p < 0.05; and noncalculative dimension t (219) = 7.518, p < 0.05. The implications of this research are HR practitioners can recruit prospective employees who have the motivation to lead according to the needs of the organization and conduct human resources development programs for employees with leadership‟s potential."
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library