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Ditemukan 47 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Wahyu Yuliasari
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh leader-member exchange, psychological capital dan motivasi terhadap kinerja tenaga penjual PT. ABC wilayah Indonesia Timur melalui intervensi coaching sebagai usaha untuk meningkatkan kinerja tenaga penjual. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah alat ukur leader-member exchange yang diadaptasi dari Liden dan Maslyn (1998), kemudian alat ukur psychological capital yang di adaptasi dari Luthans (2007),serta alat ukur motivation trait questionnaire yang diadaptasi dari Heggestad and Kanfer (2000). Hasil regresi berganda terhadap 74 tenaga penjual bisnis unit mikro wilayah Indonesia Bagian Timur menunjukkan adanya pengaruh antara psychological capital dan motivasi terhadap kinerja sebesar 51.4% (R² = 0.514). Dari hasil analisis regresi berganda dengan metode step wise, personal mastery dan hope merupakan dimensi yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan. Dengan demikian, perlunya dikembangkan intervensi coaching sebagai salah satu cara meningkatkan personal mastery dan hope yang pada akhirnya akan berdampak pada meningkatnya kinerja tenaga penjual bisnis mikro di PT. ABC wilayah Indonesia Bagian Timur.

The research is conducted to find the influence of Leader-Member Exchange, Psychological Capital and Motivation to Sales Performance, by Coaching program intervention as the effort to increase sales's performance at PT.ABC in The Area of Eastern Indonesia. Measurement scale that is used in this research are leadermember exchange scale, adapted and translated from Liden and Maslyn (1998); psychological capital scale adapted and translated from Luthans (2007); and also motivation trait questionnaire adapted and translated from Heggestad and Kanfer (2000). Multiple Regression analysis that is conducted to 74 sales of micro business, shows that psychological capital and motivation are influance to employee's performance with score 51.4% (R2 = 0.514). Derived from Multiple regression analysis with step wise method, personal mastery and hope are most significant dimensions that is affected to the sales's performance. Accordingly, the coaching intervention was designed to increase personal mastery and hope of sales micro business that will ultimately impact to the incremental of sales performance in micro business at PT. ABC East Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulinda Dwintasari
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara traits dan creative selfefficacy (CSE) pada guru TK. Traits adalah dimensi dari perbedaan kecenderungan individu untuk menunjukan pola pemikiran, perasaan dan tindakan yang konsisten (McCrae dan Costa, 2003). Sementara itu, CSE merupakan keyakinan yang sementara pada individu mengenai kemampuan dirinya untuk melakukan tugas spesifik tertentu yang membutuhkan produksi solusi-solusi baru, orisinal, atau sesuai.
Pengukuran traits menggunakan alat ukur IPIP (Goldberg, 1999) dan pengukuran CSE menggunakan alat ukur Revised Model Creative Thinking Self-Efficacy (CTSE) II & Creative Performance Self-Efficacy (CPSE) II Inventories (Abbott, 2010) yang telah diadaptasi oleh peneliti. Partisipan berjumlah 112 orang guru TK yang berusia 20-60 tahun.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan negatif signifikan antara trait neuroticism dan CTSE, serta terdapat hubungan positif signifikan antara trait extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, dan conscientiousness dengan CTSE dan CPSE. Namun demikian, pada trait neuroticism tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan dengan CPSE. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, perlu dilakukan screening kepribadian ketika perekrutan guru TK. Selain itu, guru TK juga dapat diberi intervensi sejak dini untuk meningkatkan CSE.

This research was conducted to find the correlation between nature traits and creative self-efficacy (CSE) in kindergarten teachers. Traits is dimensions of individual differences in tendencies to show consistent patterns of thoughts, feelings and actions (McCrae & Costa, 2003). Meanwhile CSE is an individual's state-like belief in his or her own ability to perform the specific tasks required to produce novel original, or appropiate solutions (Abbott, 2010).
Traits was measured using an adaptation instrumen named IPIP (Goldberg, 1999) and CSE was measured using an adaptation instrument named Revised Model Creative Thinking Self-Efficacy (CTSE) II & Creative Performance Self-Efficacy (CPSE) II Inventories (Abbott, 2010). The respondent of this research are 112 kindergarten teachers.
The results of this research show that trait neuroticism negative correlated significantly with CTSE and the trait extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness and conscientiousness positive correlated significantly with CTSE and CPSE. But there is no significant correlation between trait neuroticism and CPSE. Based on these results, kindergarten ought to held a personality screening in teacher's recruitment and give intervention, such as training or seminar to teachers that can increase creative self-efficacy.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudith Gunawan
"Turnover tinggi pada Generasi Y menjadi masalah serius bagi perusahaan. Berdasarkan tinjauan pustaka, peneliti menemukan salah satu penyebab turnover pada Generasi Y yaitu perbedaan antar generasi (Generasi X dan Generasi Y) yang dapat memicu konflik karena perbedaan work ethics (Society for Human Resource Management, 2004). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan work ethics pada kedua generasi tersebut. Secara teoritis, work ethics adalah suatu kumpulan sikap dan keyakinan individu terkait pekerjaannya (Miller dkk., 2002). Konstruk work ethics terdiri dari tujuh dimensi, yaitu hard work, centrality of work, self-reliance, wasted time, delay of gratification, leisure dan morality/ethics. Hasil pengolahan data menggunakan independent sample t-test, dari 303 responden karyawan Generasi X dan Generasi Y, diukur dengan Multidimensional Work Ethics Profile – Short Form (MWEP-SF), pada sektor aneka industri dan pertambangan, dua dimensi work ethics, yaitu leisure dan delay of gratification terbukti signifikan mempengaruhi perbedaan work ethics di tempat kerja. Sementara itu, lima dimensi work ethics, yaitu hard work, centrality of work, self reliance, wasted time dan morality/ethic tidak signifikan mempengaruhi perbedaan work ethics pada Generasi X dan Generasi Y.

High Generation Y turnover of poses serious problems for the companies. Previous researches show that one of the causes is differences between generations (Generation X and Generation Y) due to differences in work ethics (Society for Human Resource Management, 2004). This study aims to determine differences of work ethic between Generation X and Generation Y. Work ethics is defined as dividual attitudes and beliefs related to work (Miller et al., 2002), consists of seven dimensions: hard work, centrality of work, self-reliance, wasted time, delay of gratification, leisure and morality/ethics. 303 subject (102 of Generation X and 201 of Generation Y) filled out the Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile - Short Form (MWEP-SF). Independent sample t-test showed that Generation X’s score significantly different in leisure and delay of gratification significantly differs in work ethics. There are no significant differences on the remaining dimensions (hard work, the centrality of work, self-reliance, wasted time and morality/ethics) between Generation X and Generation Y.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marella, Angie Michaela
"Kekurangan jumlah pemimpin yang kompeten dari Generasi Y kerap kali menjadi masalah serius bagi organisasi saat ini. Hal ini disebabkan oleh angka turnover Generasi Y yang lebih tinggi daripada Generasi X. Peneliti menduga salah satu penyebab terjadinya krisis kepemimpinan di organisasi dan tingginya turnover pada Generasi Y adalah adanya perbedaan motivasi memimpin antara karyawan Generasi X dan Generasi Y. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan motivasi memimpin pada kedua generasi tersebut. Secara teoritis, motivasi memimpin adalah konstruk perbedaan individu yang memengaruhi keputusan pemimpin atau calon pemimpin untuk menjalankan pelatihan kepemimpinan, dan peran serta tanggungjawab pemimpin dan yang memengaruhi intensitasnya dalam berusaha memimpin dan bertahan sebagai pemimpin. Konstruk motivasi memimpin terdiri dari tiga dimensi, yaitu affective-identity, social-normative, dan noncalculative. Hasil pengolahan data menggunakan independent sample t-test, dari 221 responden (Generasi X = 120; Generasi Y = 101), diukur dengan Kuesioner Motivation To Lead, menemukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan motivasi memimpin yang signifikan antara karyawan Generasi X dan Generasi Y, yaitu t (219) = 7.110, p < 0.05. Motivasi memimpin Generasi X terbukti secara signifikan lebih tinggi daripada Generasi Y dan hasil tersebut konsisten pada masing-masing dimensi, yakni dimensi affective-identity t (219) = 4.182, p < 0.05; dimensi social-normative t (219) = 3.888, p < 0.05; dan dimensi noncalculative t (219) = 7.518, p < 0.05. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah praktisi SDM dapat merekrut calon karyawan yang memiliki motivasi memimpin sesuai kebutuhan organisasi dan mengadakan program pengembangan SDM untuk karyawan yang berpotensi menjadi pemimpin.;Having competent leaders from Generation Y often becomes a serious issue for organizations today. This is caused by the rate of turnover on Generation Y that is higher than Generation X. Researcher supposes one of the causes is the difference on motivation to lead between employee in the Generation X and Generation Y employee. This study aims to determine differences in motivation to lead among both generations. Theoretically, motivation to lead is an individual differences construct that affects a leader‟s or leader-to-be‟s decisions to assume leadership trainings, roles, and responsibilities, and that affects his or her intensity of effort at leading and persistence as a leader. The construct of motivation to lead consists of three dimensions, i.e affective-identity, social-normative, and noncalculative. 221 respondents (120 of Generation X dan 101 of Generation Y) filled out Motivation To Lead Questionnaire. Independent sample t-test showed that there is significant difference in motivation to lead among Generation X and Generation Y employee, i.e t (219) = 7.110, p < 0.05. Generation X‟s motivation to lead is significantly higher than Generation Y and these result is consistent in each dimensions, i.e affective-identity dimension t (219) = 4.182, p < 0.05; social-normative dimension t (219) = 3.888, p < 0.05; and noncalculative dimension t (219) = 7.518, p < 0.05. The implications of this research are HR practitioners can recruit prospective employees who have the motivation to lead according to the needs of the organization and conduct human resources development programs for employees with leadership‟s potential.;Having competent leaders from Generation Y often becomes a serious issue for organizations today. This is caused by the rate of turnover on Generation Y that is higher than Generation X. Researcher supposes one of the causes is the difference on motivation to lead between employee in the Generation X and Generation Y employee. This study aims to determine differences in motivation to lead among both generations. Theoretically, motivation to lead is an individual differences construct that affects a leader‟s or leader-to-be‟s decisions to assume leadership trainings, roles, and responsibilities, and that affects his or her intensity of effort at leading and persistence as a leader. The construct of motivation to lead consists of three dimensions, i.e affective-identity, social-normative, and noncalculative. 221 respondents (120 of Generation X dan 101 of Generation Y) filled out Motivation To Lead Questionnaire. Independent sample t-test showed that there is significant difference in motivation to lead among Generation X and Generation Y employee, i.e t (219) = 7.110, p < 0.05. Generation X‟s motivation to lead is significantly higher than Generation Y and these result is consistent in each dimensions, i.e affective-identity dimension t (219) = 4.182, p < 0.05; social-normative dimension t (219) = 3.888, p < 0.05; and noncalculative dimension t (219) = 7.518, p < 0.05. The implications of this research are HR practitioners can recruit prospective employees who have the motivation to lead according to the needs of the organization and conduct human resources development programs for employees with leadership‟s potential."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marlentilova Lucyana
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Merina Indah Lestari
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai pengaruh consumers’ susceptibility to interpersonal influence terhadap materialisme pada remaja. Pengukuran consumers’ susceptibility to interpersonal influence menggunakan alat ukur SUSCEP Scale (Bearden, Netemeyer, & Teel, 1989) dan pengukuran materialisme menggunakan alat ukur Material Values Scale Short Form (Richins, 2004b). Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 200 remaja.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan consumers’ susceptibility to interpersonal influence secara signifikan mempengaruhi materialisme remaja (β= .530, t(183)= 8.796, p<.01.). Dengan demikian, semakin tinggi consumers’ susceptibility to interpersonal influence yang dimiliki seseorang, maka semakin tinggi pula materialisme yang ia miliki. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, remaja perlu diintervensi sejak dini untuk mengantisipasi consumers susceptibility to interpersonal influence yang dapat mempengaruhi materialisme pada mereka.

This research was conducted to find the influence of consumers susceptibility to interpersonal influence on materialism in adolescents. Consumers’ susceptibility to interpersonal influence was measured using SUSCEP Scale (Bearden, Netemeyer, & Teel, 1989) and materialism was measured using Material Values Scale Short Form (Richins, 2004b). The respondent of this research are 200 adolescents.
The main results of this research show that consumers susceptibility to interpersonal influence significantly influence acolescents materialism (β= .530, t(183)= 8.796, p<.01.). That is, the higher consumers susceptibility to interpersonal influence of one's own, the higher showing materialism. Based on this result, adolescents need to intervened early to anticipate consumers susceptibility to interpersonal influence which can influence materialism in adolescents.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurani Arimbi Cahyono
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh materialisme terhadap Public Self-Consciousness pada mahasiswa konsumen luxury fashion brand. Materialisme didefinisikan sebagai keyakinan yang dianut seseorang tentang seberapa pentingnya kepemilikan di dalam hidup mereka (Richins & Dawson, 1992). Public Self-Consciousness didefinisikan sebagai kecenderungan seseorang untuk menyadari bahwa dirinya adalah obyek sosial (Fenigstein, Scheier, & Buss, 1975). Responden penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa konsumen luxury fashion brand di wilayah Jabodetabek yang berjumlah 185 orang.
Materialisme diukur menggunakan Materialism Value Scale (Richins & Dawson, 1992) yang direvisi menjadi MVS Short Form oleh Richins (2004a) dan public self consciousness diukur menggunakan The 7-items Public Self-Consciousness Scale (Fenigstein, Scheier & Buss, 1975).
Hasil utama penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa materialisme dapat mempengaruhi skor public self-consciousness secara signifikan, b = .416, t(183) = 6.190, p<.01 Selain itu, materialisme juga dapat secara signifikan menjelaskan proporsi varians skor public self-consciousness, R2 = .173, F(1,183) = 38.313.
Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, perlu adanya evaluasi terhadap pola asuh orang tua, pengarahan terhadap mahasiswa konsumen luxury fashion brand supaya kelak dapat menjadi konsumen yang cerdas, dan perusahaan luxury fashion brand sebaiknya terus melakukan inovasi pada strategi pemasaran supaya dapat bertahan dalam menghadapi persaingan pasar luxury fashion brand.

The general purpose of this research was to determine the influences of materialism on public self-consciousness in luxury fashion brand college student consumer. Materialism is defined as a centrally held belief about the importance of possessions in one’s life (Richins & Dawson, 1992). Public self consciousness is defined as an awareness of the self as a social and public object (Fenigstein, Scheier, & Buss, 1975). Respondents of this research were undergraduate college students in Jabodetabek area, with amounts 185 people.
Materialism was measured using Materialism Values Scale (Richins & Dawson, 1992) which revised become MVS Short Form by Richins (2004a) and Public self-consciousness was measured using The 7-items Public Self-Consciousness Scale (Fenigstein, Scheier, & Buss, 1975).
The main result of this research shows that materialism is significantly predicted public self-consciousness scores, b = .416, t(183) = 6.190, p<.01. Furthermore, materialism also explained a significant proportion of variance in public self-consciousness scores, R2 = .173, F(1,183) = 38.313.
Based on these results, evaluation is important to the parents’ parenting, direction is needed to guide luxury fashion brand college students, so that they become smarter consumer later, and luxury fashion brand company should make an innovation on marketing strategies in order to face luxury fashion brand market competition.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Akbar Mahayudana
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai hubungan antara media influence dan materialisme pada remaja. Pengukuran media influence menggunakan alat ukur Multidimensional Media influence Scale atau MMIS (Cusumano dan Thompson, 2001) dan pengukuran materialisme menggunakan alat ukur Material Values Scale Short Form (Richins, 2004b). Partisipan penelitian ini berjumlah 200 remaja. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara kerentanan konsumen terhadap pengaruh interpersonal dan materialisme (R=0.488; p<.01, signifikan pada L.o.S 0.01). Artinya, semakin tinggi media influence yang dirasakan seseorang, maka semakin tinggi pula materialisme yang ia miliki.

This research was conducted to find the correlation between media influence and materialism in adolescents. Media influence was measured using Multidimensional Media influence Scale or MMIS in short (Cusumano dan Thompson, 2001) and materialism was measured using Material Values Scale Short Form or MVS Short Form (Richins, 2004b). The participants of this research are 200 adolescents. The main results of this research show that consumers’ susceptibility to interpersonal influence positively correlated significantly with materialism (R=0.488; p<.01, significant at L.o.S 0.01). That is, the higher media influence of one’s own, the higher showing materialism."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purwaningsih Ratna Saridewi
"Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh efektivitas komunikasi interpersonal pegawai dalam tim terhadap teamwork di Pusdiklat X. Alat ukur efektivitas komunikasi interpersonal diadaptasi dari alat ukur yang digunakan oleh Loina (2012) berdasarkan aspek efektivitas komunikasi interpersonal yang dikemukakan oleh DeVito (1989, 2009, 2010). Alat ukur teamwork menggunakan alat ukur five functional team dari Lencioni yang telah diadaptasi oleh Delta (2012). Hasil uji regresi sederhana menunjukkan adanya pengaruh signifikan efektivitas komunikasi interpersonal pada pegawai dalam tim terhadap teamwork di Pusdiklat X dengan koefisien determinasi 0,239 (p<0,01).
Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa skor efektivitas komunikasi interpersonal dalam tim mampu memprediksi skor teamwork sebesar 23,9%. Intervensi Team Communication Training dirancang untuk meningkatkan efektivitas komunikasi interpersonal dan teamwork. Uji Wilcoxon’s signed rank test dilakukan untuk melihat efek intervensi. Nilai z untuk efektivitas komunikasi interpersonal dalam tim sebesar - 2,941 (p<0,05) dan teamwork sebesar - 2,352 (p<0,05). Hal ini menunjukkan peningkatan skor secara signifikan pada skor efektivitas komunikasi interpersonal dalam tim dan teamwork.

This thesis was performed to find out the influence of the effectiveness of employees interpersonal communication in the team for the teamwork effectiveness at Pusdiklat X. The interpersonal communication effectiveness measurement tool was adapted from the measurement tool used by Loina (2012), based on aspects of interpersonal communication effectiveness expressed by DeVito (1989, 2009, 2010). The instrument tool for measuring teamwork effectiveness used the five functional team questionnaire from Lencioni, had been adapted by Delta (2012). A simple regression test results showed the existence of significant influence of the effectiveness of interpersonal communication on the employees in the team of teamwork effectiveness at the Pusdiklat X with coefficients of determination of 0,239 (p<0,01).
Thus it can be concluded that the effectiveness of interpersonal communication in the team was able to predict the teamwork effectiveness score of 23.9%. The Intervention using Team Communication Training was designed to improve the effectiveness of interpersonal communication and the effectiveness of teamwork. The test of Wilcoxon signed rank was used to see the effects of the intervention. The score of z for the effectiveness of interpersonal communication in team = -2,941 (p<0,05) and the teamwork effectiveness = -2,352 (p<0,05). The final score strongly indicated the increasing of interpersonal communication effectiveness score in teamwork effectiveness significantly.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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