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Stefanus Sutopo
Abstrak :
Kanker serviks adalah salah satu penyakit malignansi yang cukup berbahaya, dengan 500.000 kejadian baru dan 240.000 kematian setiap tahunnya. Walau etiologi intinya, human papillomavirus (HPV), telah diketahui sejak tahun 1990-an, sepertinya terdapat kofaktor-kofaktor yang mendorong kejadian penyakit ini. Salah satu yang menarik untuk diteliti adalah Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Pada penelitian ini, 20 sampel swab serviks dari pasien dengan kanker serviks (positif HPV risiko tinggi), sementara 48 sampel swab serviks dari pasien dengan penyakit non-kanker serviks (negatif HPV). EBV dideteksi menggunakan uji real time PCR, sementara level DNA EBV dihitung berdasarkan persamaan Livak. Hubungan infeksi EBV sebagai kofaktor terhadap infeksi HPV dianalisis menggunakan statistik. Secara kualitatif, ditemukan bahwa populasi subyek positif EBV memiliki risiko sekitar 2,388 kali lebih mungkin menderita infeksi HPV dibandingkan populasi negatif EBV. Secara kuantitatif, jumlah DNA EBV pada populasi subyek dengan kanker serviks dan positif EBV sekitar 71 kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan populasi subyek dengan kanker serviks dan negatif EBV. Secara statistik, hubungan infeksi EBV sebagai kofaktor terhadap infeksi HPV secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif tidak bermakna (p > 0,05). Penelitian dengan populasi yang lebih besar dan multicenter dibutuhkan untuk menyokong hasil penelitian ini.
Cervical cancer is one of the most dangerous malignant diseases, with around 500,000 new cases and 240,000 deaths each year. Although its main etiology, HPV, has been associated clearly with it since the 1990s, there appears to be various cofactors driving the pathophysiology of this disease, with one of the most interesting ones being EBV. In this study, 68 cervical swab samples with known HPV DNA content is analysed for the presence of EBV DNA. 2-by-2 table analytic statistics with various methods are then conducted to understand the connections between these two pathogens and the patients disease. It is found that in this sample population, patients with HPV are around 2.388 times more likely to be infected by EBV. The amount of EBV DNA in the case population is also found to be around 71 times more than in the control population. However, both results are statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the results found shows interesting proof for the complicicity of EBV in the pathophysiology of cervical cancer, although statistically insignificant. Studies with a larger population and multicentered approach are needed to support the findings of this study.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Irfan Ata Ul Awal
Abstrak :
Influenza masih menjadi perhatian utama dalam bidang kesehatan karena penyakit ini masih menimbulkan ratusan ribu korban jiwa di seluruh dunia dan memiliki sifat sangat mudah menular. Penyebaran virus influenza bergantung pada berbagai faktor, namun efek dari faktor-faktor tersebut belum sepenuhnya dipahami terutama di wilayah tropis seperti Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami peranan faktor fisika berupa faktor iklim dan cuaca terhadap persebaran virus influenza terutama pada saat pemanasan global seperti saat ini. Data influenza diambil dari data puskesmas sentinel yang dihimpun oleh WHO dan data faktor fisika diambil dari BMKG. Perangkat lunak Microsoft Excel dan SPSS versi 20 digunakan untuk melakukan analisis deksriptif, uji korelasi dan regresi pada data yang diperoleh. Analisis deskriptif tahunan menunjukkan  pola prevalensi influenza A dan B cenderung dipengaruhi oleh kelembaban dan curah hujan. Hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan tidak ada faktor fisika yang memiliki korelasi yang konsisten terhadap prevalensi influenza A dan B. Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa pergerakan prevalensi virus influenza tidak hanya dibentuk oleh satu faktor namun dibentuk oleh kontribusi beberapa komponen faktor fisika. Selain itu, pola influenza tahunan juga menunjukkan terjadi fenomena rebound pada virus influenza B pada tahun 2016 terjadi bersamaan dengan rebound kelembaban dan curah hujan. ......Influenza is still a major concern in health care because these diseases still cause hundreds of thousands of casualties around the world and very contagious.  Spread of influenza virus depends on several factors, however the exact effect of those factors is not yet fully understood , especially in tropical countries like Indonesia. This study is aimed to understand effects of climate factors dynamics to spread of influenza virus, especially in era of global warming. Influenza data for this study is taken from sentinel data gathered by WHO while climate and weather data is taken from Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Fisik (BMKG). Microsoft Excel and SPSS Version 20 is used to run descriptive, correlation and regression analysis on collected data. Descriptive analysis shows that yearly prevalence of influenza virus has pattern that follows humidity and rainfall pattern. Correlation analysis shows that there are no physical factors that have consistent correlation with prevalence of influenza A and B.  Result of correlation and regression analysis confirm that the movement of the prevalence of influenza is not only determined by single factor but rather determined by several physical factors at once. In addition, there is rebound phenomenon observed on influenza B in 2016 and at the same time there are also rebound on humidity and rainfall.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Univeritas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grariani Nufadianti
Abstrak :
Uveitis adalah inflamasi intraokular yang terjadi pada saluran uvea mata ataupun jaringan yang berada di dekatnya, diantaranya retina atau vitreous. Uveitis merupakan penyebab kebutaan nomor tiga di dunia dengan prevalensi tertinggi pada kelompok umur pekerja aktif 20-50 tahun . Selama ini diagnosis uveitis infeksi dan non-infeksi di Indonesia ditegakkan secara klinis dan didukung pemeriksaan serologi darah. Pemeriksaan antibodi pada cairan akuos dan serum serta marka genetik, khususnya HLA B-27 belum pernah dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan alternatif pendukung diagnosis klinis yaitu pemeriksaan deteksi molekuler HLA B-27 dan deteksi antibodi dengan perhitungan koefisien Goldmann-Witmer. Subjek penelitian adalah pasien uveitis aktif di Poliklinik Infeksi dan Imunologi RSCM Kirana yang berjumlah 79 orang. Berdasarkan koefisien Goldmann-Witmer, mikroba penyebab uveitis adalah Toxoplasma gondii dan virus Varicella zoster. Gen HLA-B27 ditemukan pada enam subjek penelitian dan terdapat kesesuaian dengan kasus uveitis non-infeksi tetapi belum dapat dibuktikan kemaknaannya secara statistik.
Uveitis is an intraocular inflammation which occurs on the uvea or its surrounding tissue such as retina or vitreous. Uveitis is known as the third major cause of blindness in the world with the highest prevalence is productive age group 20 50 years old . To date, infectious and non infectious uveitis stipulation in Indonesia is based on clinical examination and serology test. The aqueous and serum antibody titer measurement as well as genetic marker examination, especially on HLA B27, has never been done before. In this research we perform HLA B27 detection through molecular analysis and antibody titer measurement to know the Goldmann Whitmer coefficient. Sample size used in this research is 79 patients with active uveitis obtained from ldquo Poliklinik Infeksi dan Imunologi RSCM Kirana rdquo . The analysis of Goldmann Whitmer coefficient showed that the pathogens responsible for uveitis are Toxoplasma gondii and Varicella zoster. HLA B27 were found in six patients and there is similiarity between non infectious uveitis but this value does not have prove statistically.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nita Nurhidayati
Abstrak :
Latar belakang : Cytomegalovirus (CMV) merupakan salah satu infeksi oportunistik pada pasien dengan sindrom immunodefisiensi (AIDS). Gejala klinis dan CT scan tidak dapat menegakkan diagnosa definitif ensefalitis CMV. Oleh karena itu diperlukan uji alternatif untuk menegakkan diagnosis infeksi CMV pada pasien HIV dengan infeksi otak. Salah satu uji yang sensitif dan spesifik adalah Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction (rPCR). Tujuan : Mendapatkan uji deteksi molekular CMV pada pasien HIV dengan tersangka infeksi otak. Metode : Penelitian dilakukan dalam 3 tahap. Tahap 1 adalah optimasi konsentrasi primer, probe, suhu annealing, volume elusi ekstraksi DNA, dan volume cetakan. Tahap 2 adalah uji spesifisitas (reaksi silang) dan uji sensitivitas (ambang batas deteksi DNA) rPCR dan tahap 3 adalah penerapan uji rPCR yang sudah dioptimasi terhadap sampel plasma, urin, dan LCS. Hasil : Kondisi optimal uji rPCR telah diperoleh dengan konsentrasi primer dan probe 0,1 μM, dengan kondisi suhu reaksi rPCR: aktivasi enzim pada 950C selama 3 menit; 45 siklus pada 950C selama 15 detik (denaturasi) dan 560C selama 1 menit (annealing dan ekstensi). Volume elusi ekstraksi DNA yang optimal untuk ketiga jenis sampel (LCS, plasma dan urin) adalah 40 μL, dan volume cetakan rPCR untuk LCS, plasma, dan urin, masing-masing adalah 5, 4, dan 3 μL. Uji rPCR mampu mendeteksi DNA pada 50.000 jumlah kopi/mL dan tidak bereaksi silang dengan Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Candida spp, Toxoplasma gondii, EBV,HSV,dan VZV. Penerapan uji rPCR pada sampel klinis memberikan hasil negatif pada semua sampel LCS, 72,22% positif pada sampel plasma, dan 72,22% positif pada sampel urin. Kesimpulan: Telah dilakukan optimasi uji rPCR dengan minimal deteksi DNA CMV 50.000 jumlah kopi/mL dan tidak bereaksi silang dengan mikroorganisme yang berpotensi menyebabkan positif palsu (false positive).ABSTRACT
Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of opportunistic infections in patients with Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Clinical manifestations are not typical, and CT scans can not define encephalitis CMV specifically. Therefore, it is important to apply an alternative assay for sensitive and specific detection of CMV infection in HIV patients with suspected central nervous system (CNS) infections. One of the assays is real time polymerase chain reaction (rPCR). Objective: To obtain a molecular assay for detection of CMV in HIV patients with suspect CNS infections. Methods: This study was conducted in three phases. The first is optimization of concentrations of primers, probe, annealing temperature, final elution of DNA extraction, and volume of PCR template. The second is determinations of sensitivity (minimal detection of DNA) and specificity (cross-reaction) of the optimized rPCR, and the third is application of the rPCR for clinical samples of plasma, urine, and liquor cerebrospinal (LCS). Results: The rPCR reaction showed optimal concentrations of primers and probe at 0.1 μM, with thermal cycler: 950C for 3 min (enzyme activation), followed by 45 cycles of 950C for 15 sec (denaturation) and 560C for 1 min (annealing and extension). Final elution of DNA extraction was 40 μL and volume of PCR templates for urine, plasma, and LCS was 3, 4, and 5 μL, respectively. The rPCR had minimal detection of DNA at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Candida spp, Toxoplasma gondii, Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). Application of rPCR for clinical samples showed that the rPCR yielded 72.22% positive for plasma or urine, and negative for all LCS samples. Conclusion: The rPCR has been optimized in this study with minimal DNA detection at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with other microorganisms that are potential to cause false positive results.;Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of opportunistic infections in patients with Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Clinical manifestations are not typical, and CT scans can not define encephalitis CMV specifically. Therefore, it is important to apply an alternative assay for sensitive and specific detection of CMV infection in HIV patients with suspected central nervous system (CNS) infections. One of the assays is real time polymerase chain reaction (rPCR). Objective: To obtain a molecular assay for detection of CMV in HIV patients with suspect CNS infections. Methods: This study was conducted in three phases. The first is optimization of concentrations of primers, probe, annealing temperature, final elution of DNA extraction, and volume of PCR template. The second is determinations of sensitivity (minimal detection of DNA) and specificity (cross-reaction) of the optimized rPCR, and the third is application of the rPCR for clinical samples of plasma, urine, and liquor cerebrospinal (LCS). Results: The rPCR reaction showed optimal concentrations of primers and probe at 0.1 μM, with thermal cycler: 950C for 3 min (enzyme activation), followed by 45 cycles of 950C for 15 sec (denaturation) and 560C for 1 min (annealing and extension). Final elution of DNA extraction was 40 μL and volume of PCR templates for urine, plasma, and LCS was 3, 4, and 5 μL, respectively. The rPCR had minimal detection of DNA at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Candida spp, Toxoplasma gondii, Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). Application of rPCR for clinical samples showed that the rPCR yielded 72.22% positive for plasma or urine, and negative for all LCS samples. Conclusion: The rPCR has been optimized in this study with minimal DNA detection at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with other microorganisms that are potential to cause false positive results.;Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of opportunistic infections in patients with Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Clinical manifestations are not typical, and CT scans can not define encephalitis CMV specifically. Therefore, it is important to apply an alternative assay for sensitive and specific detection of CMV infection in HIV patients with suspected central nervous system (CNS) infections. One of the assays is real time polymerase chain reaction (rPCR). Objective: To obtain a molecular assay for detection of CMV in HIV patients with suspect CNS infections. Methods: This study was conducted in three phases. The first is optimization of concentrations of primers, probe, annealing temperature, final elution of DNA extraction, and volume of PCR template. The second is determinations of sensitivity (minimal detection of DNA) and specificity (cross-reaction) of the optimized rPCR, and the third is application of the rPCR for clinical samples of plasma, urine, and liquor cerebrospinal (LCS). Results: The rPCR reaction showed optimal concentrations of primers and probe at 0.1 μM, with thermal cycler: 950C for 3 min (enzyme activation), followed by 45 cycles of 950C for 15 sec (denaturation) and 560C for 1 min (annealing and extension). Final elution of DNA extraction was 40 μL and volume of PCR templates for urine, plasma, and LCS was 3, 4, and 5 μL, respectively. The rPCR had minimal detection of DNA at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Candida spp, Toxoplasma gondii, Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). Application of rPCR for clinical samples showed that the rPCR yielded 72.22% positive for plasma or urine, and negative for all LCS samples. Conclusion: The rPCR has been optimized in this study with minimal DNA detection at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with other microorganisms that are potential to cause false positive results.;Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of opportunistic infections in patients with Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Clinical manifestations are not typical, and CT scans can not define encephalitis CMV specifically. Therefore, it is important to apply an alternative assay for sensitive and specific detection of CMV infection in HIV patients with suspected central nervous system (CNS) infections. One of the assays is real time polymerase chain reaction (rPCR). Objective: To obtain a molecular assay for detection of CMV in HIV patients with suspect CNS infections. Methods: This study was conducted in three phases. The first is optimization of concentrations of primers, probe, annealing temperature, final elution of DNA extraction, and volume of PCR template. The second is determinations of sensitivity (minimal detection of DNA) and specificity (cross-reaction) of the optimized rPCR, and the third is application of the rPCR for clinical samples of plasma, urine, and liquor cerebrospinal (LCS). Results: The rPCR reaction showed optimal concentrations of primers and probe at 0.1 μM, with thermal cycler: 950C for 3 min (enzyme activation), followed by 45 cycles of 950C for 15 sec (denaturation) and 560C for 1 min (annealing and extension). Final elution of DNA extraction was 40 μL and volume of PCR templates for urine, plasma, and LCS was 3, 4, and 5 μL, respectively. The rPCR had minimal detection of DNA at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Candida spp, Toxoplasma gondii, Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). Application of rPCR for clinical samples showed that the rPCR yielded 72.22% positive for plasma or urine, and negative for all LCS samples. Conclusion: The rPCR has been optimized in this study with minimal DNA detection at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with other microorganisms that are potential to cause false positive results.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Effendi
Abstrak :
Sifilis merupakan penyakit multistadium yang ditularkan terutama melalui hubungan seksual. Saat ini penggunaan uji polymerase chain reaction (PCR) untuk Treponema pallidum telah banyak digunakan dan diharapkan mampu mengurangi masalah dalam uji diagnostik sifilis. Hasil uji PCR Treponema pallidum dipengaruhi oleh jenis spesimen, metode PCR dan gen target. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menilai penggunaan darah dan serum untuk uji multiplex nested PCR dengan gen target 23S rRNA Treponema pallidum. Studi potong lintang dilakukan dari bulan April 2015 - April 2016. Pengambilan sampel secara konsekutif dari pasien dengan gambaran klinis sifilis sekunder yang datang ke poliklinik Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS) di Jakarta. Uji PCR dilakukan terhadap 122 spesimen klinis (61 darah dan 61 serum). Uji serologi rapid plasma reagin (RPR) dan Treponema pallidum Haemagglutination Assay (TPHA) dilakukan pada semua serum. Hasil positif uji PCR darah sebesar 22,95% dan serum sebesar 6,56%, sedangkan hasil positif uji serologi sebesar 68,85%. Pada hasil uji serologi positif, proporsi hasil positif uji multiplex nested PCR Treponema pallidum darah sebesar 30,95% dibandingkan serum 9,52%. Uji PCR terhadap darah mampu mendeteksi 3,25 kali lebih tinggi daripada serum. Penggunaan darah memberikan nilai kepositivan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan serum pada uji multiplex nested PCR Treponema pallidum menggunakan gen target 23S rRNA
Syphilis is a multistage disease transmitted primarily through sexual intercourse. Nowadays, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for Treponema pallidum has been widely used and expected to overcome problems in diagnostic test for syphilis. The PCR Treponema pallidum are influenced by type of specimens, PCR methods and gene targets. This study is aim to assess the use of blood and serum using multiplex nested PCR Treponema pallidum targeting 23S rRNA. Cross-sectional study was conducted from April 2015 - April 2016. Sampling was carried out consecutively from patients with clinical features of secondary syphilis who came to sexual transmitted infection (STI) clinics in Jakarta. PCR test performed on 122 clinical specimen ( 61 blood and 61 serum). All serum were tested with RPR and TPHA assay. The positive results of PCR test on blood was 22,95% and serum was 6,56%, while the positive results of serology was 68,85%. On positive serological test results, the proportion of positive results of multiplex nested PCR Treponema pallidum on blood was 30,95% compared to serum 9,52%. PCR test on blood is able to detect 3,25 times higher than serum. The use of blood give a higher positivity compared to serum in multiplex nested PCR Treponema pallidum using 23S rRNA gene target.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ellen Maidia Djatmiko
Abstrak :
Munculnya varian virus influenza yang berpotensi menimbulkan pandemi merupakan kejadian yang tidak terduga dan jarang terjadi. Penanganan dalam situasi seperti ini membutuhkan produksi vaksin skala besar dalam waktu singkat seperti pada kasus virus influenza H1N1 pdm09. Salah satu strategi yang dapat dilakukan adalah produksi vaksin subunit dengan memanfaatkan sistem ekspresi ragi untuk memproduksi protein antigen rekombinan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengekspresi protein fusi HA1-MA2-NS1 rekombinan untuk pengembangan vaksin subunit. Plasmid pPICZαA-HA1-MA2-NS1 linear diintegrasikan ke dalam genom Pischia pastoris strain GS115 melalui rekombinasi homolog. Proses transformasi ini dilakukan dengan metode elektroporasi dan menghasilkan 13 klon ragi yang mengandung multiple integran gen fusi HA1-MA2-NS1. Analisis bioinformatika menduga protein fusi memiliki berat molekul 75-85 kDa. Visualisasi protein pada supernatan dan pelet dengan SDS-PAGE memperlihatkan adanya pita protein dengan ukuran yang diharapkan. Hasil western blot pada pellet mendeteksi ukuran protein target antara 42-135 kDa. Pemurnian protein fusi dengan NI-NTA gagal dilakukan dan diduga karena sedikitnya jumlah protein fusi yang terbentuk sehingga tidak terdeteksi pada visualisasi SDS-PAGE. ...... The emergence of influenza virus variants that could potentially cause a pandemic is an unforeseen occurrence and rare. Handling a situation like this requires a large-scale vaccine production in a short time as in the case of the H1N1 virus pdm09. One strategy that can be done is a subunit vaccine production by utilizing a yeast expression system to produce recombinant protein antigens. The purpose of this study was to express a recombinant proteins of fusion HA1- MA2-NS1 for subunit vaccine development. PPICZαA HA1-MA2-NS1 linear plasmid integrated into the genome Pichia pastoris strain GS115 through homologous recombination. This transformation process is carried out by electroporation method and generating 13 yeast clones containing multiple genes HA1-MA2-NS1 integrant. Bioinformatics analysis of protein suspect fusion protein has a molecular weight of 75-85 kDa. Visualization of proteins in the supernatant and pellet by SDS-PAGE showed protein bands with sizes expected. But western blot results in the pellet detect the target protein size between 42-135 kDa. Purification of fusion proteins with NI-NTA were failed due to small amount of fusion protein that undetected on SDS-PAGE visualization.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arfi Kurniawan
Abstrak :
Penyakit tuberkulosis (TB) merupakan penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infeksi TB telah menjadi masalah kesehatan utama di seluruh dunia. Peningkatan jumlah kasus TB disebabkan oleh munculnya TB yang resisten terhadap obat (MDR-TB/ Multi Drugs Resistant) dan koninfeksi dengan HIV. BCG merupakan vaksin yang tersedia saat ini, efisien melindungi manifestasi penyakit parah pada anak, tetapi vaksin ini tidak mencegah pembentukan TB laten atau reaktivasi penyakit paru pada orang dewasa. Protein rpfB M.tuberculosis merupakan faktor virulensi dan resusitasi dari dormansi M. tuberculosis. Protein ini diketahui berperan dalam pemecahan peptidoglikan dari dinding sel bakteri dan menstimulasi pertumbuhan bakteri dan resusitasi dari keadaan laten. Hal ini menjelaskan bahwa protein rpfB mempunyai sifat imunogenik yang tinggi dan berpotensi untuk dikenali oleh sistem imun dan dikembangkan strategi vaksin yang berbasis vaksin subunit yang dapat digunakan untuk menstimulasi sel T. Strain yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah strain Beijing yang diisolasi di Indonesia dan strain H37Rv sebagai kontrol. Strain Beijing diketahui bersifat lebih virulen, relatif resisten terhadap obat dan cenderung menyebabkan penyakit paru pada orang dewasa dibandingkan strain lain. Gen rpfB strain Beijing dan H37Rv diamplifikasi dengan teknik PCR dan diinsersikan ke dalam vector pGEX-6P-1. Plasmid rekombinan pGEX 6P-1-rpfB ditransformasi ke E.coli BL21 untuk diekspresikan. Protein rpfB diekspresikan dengan induksi IPTG. E.coli BL21 berhasil ditransformasi dengan plasmid rekombinan dengan arah orientasi yang benar. Analisis epitop sel T CD4+ dan CD8+ memperlihatkan tidak ada mutasi yang ditemukan pada asam amino yang menjadi epitop pengenalan sel T CD4+ dan CD8+. Protein rpfB rekombinan berhasil diekspresikan pada E.coli BL21. Hasil ekspresi protein rpfB menunjukkan pita protein yang berada pada ukuran 66 kDa. Analisis western blot mengkonfirmasi kebenaran protein rpfB dengan antibodi anti-GST. ......Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogen. TB infection has been a major threat to global health. The wide spread of TB cases attributed by TB drug resistant (MDR-TB/ Multi Drugs Resistant) and HIV coinfection. BCG is a current available vaccine for TB, is efficient for protection manifestations of childhood disease, but it has failed to prevent latently TB form or reactivation adult pulmonary. rpfB protein need for virulent and resuscitation from dormant Mtb. rpfB protein is known to involved in peptidoglycan cleaveage from bacteria cell wall and stimulate bacteria growth and resuscitation of latently. It suggests that rpfB protein has highly immunogenic characteristic and potent to recognized immune respons and to be developed vaccine strategy based on subunit vaccine which can use to stimulate T cells. Strains that used in this research, consist of Beijing strain that isolated from Indonesia and H37Rv strain as control. Beijing strain is known more virulent, relatively resistant to drug and tend to caused adult pulmonary disease compared to other strain. rpfB gene of Beijing strain and H37Rv amplify by PCR and insert to pGEX-6P-1 vector. Recombinant plasmid (pGEX-6P-1-rpfB) is transformed to Escherichia coli BL21 for protein expression. rpfB protein expressed by IPTG induction. E.coli BL21 was successed to transformed with recombinant plasmid in correctly orientation. Epitope analysis of CD4+ T cell and CD8+ T cell shown no mutation found in amino acid that encoded recognized epitope of CD4+ T cell and CD8+ T cell. Recombinant protein has been expressed in E.coli BL21. The result of expression showed the molecular weight of protein band is in 66 kDa. Western blot analysis confirmed correct rpfB protein using anti-GST antibody.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shellwyrina D.H.
Abstrak :
Tuberkulosis penyakit infeksi yang mematikan terutama di negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Upaya pencegahan dengan vaksinasi BCG yang dapat meningkatkan respon imun masih belum maksimal. Faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan vaksin adalah status imun host, genetik dan kualitas/kuantitas vaksin. Indonesia sebagai negara kaya tanaman obat, misalnya pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) digunakan sebagai antimalaria serta meningkatkan imun tubuh. Penelitian ini menilai efek ekstrak akar pasak bumi sebagai imunomodulator terutama IFN-ɣ, TNF-α dan IL-10 pada mencit yang diberi vaksin BCG. Eksperimental in vivo dan in vitro darah mencit di kultur pada medium RPMI dengan stimulasi PHA dan BCG. Analisis tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna (p≥0,05) diantara kelompok perlakuan, analisa dari nilai median terlihat adanya efek ekstrak pasak bumi terhadap peningkatan TNF-α, dan tidak berpengaruh terhadap produksi IFN-γ dan IL-10 pada mencit yang divaksin BCG. Ekstrak akar pasak bumi mempengaruhi respon imun tubuh mencit yang diberi vaksin BCG, walau tidak besar maknanya.
Tuberculosis is a deadly infectious disease that occurs mainly in developing countries, including Indonesia. Preventive efforts by BCG vaccination to improve the immune response is still not maximum. Factors that affect the success of vaccine are the host immune system, the host genetic and the quality/quantity of the vaccine. Indonesia is rich in medicinal plants, one of those is Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) that is widely used as antimalaria and to improve immunity. The research assessed the effects of extracts of Pasak Bumi roots as immunomodulator by measuring IFN-ɣ, TNF-α and IL-10 on mice that were given with BCG vaccine. In vivo and in vitro experiments of mice blood cultured in RPMI medium stimulated with PHA and BCG. The result has shown no significant difference (p≥0,05) among the treatment group, result of median values has shown the effect of Pasak Bumi extract to an increase of TNF-α, and has no effect on the production of IFN-γ and IL-10 in mice vaccinated BCG. Extract of pasak bumi roots affects the immune response of mice that have got BCG vaccine, although it has no significant meaning., Tuberculosis is a deadly infectious disease that occurs mainly in developing countries, including Indonesia. Preventive efforts by BCG vaccination to improve the immune response is still not maximum. Factors that affect the success of vaccine are the host immune system, the host genetic and the quality/quantity of the vaccine. Indonesia is rich in medicinal plants, one of those is Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) that is widely used as antimalaria and to improve immunity. The research assessed the effects of extracts of Pasak Bumi roots as immunomodulator by measuring IFN-ɣ, TNF-α and IL-10 on mice that were given with BCG vaccine. In vivo and in vitro experiments of mice blood cultured in RPMI medium stimulated with PHA and BCG. The result has shown no significant difference (p≥0,05) among the treatment group, result of median values has shown the effect of Pasak Bumi extract to an increase of TNF-α, and has no effect on the production of IFN-γ and IL-10 in mice vaccinated BCG. Extract of pasak bumi roots affects the immune response of mice that have got BCG vaccine, although it has no significant meaning.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristina Joy Herlambang
Abstrak :
Status gizi pada ibu hamil mempengaruhi komposisi mikrobiota usus ibu yang secara tidak langsung akan mempengaruhi pembentukan mikrobiota usus anak. Penelitian ini adalah suatu studi potong lintang yang mencari korelasi peningkatan berat badan dan lingkar lengan atas dengan jumlah Bifidobacterium dan Lactobacillus pada 52 ibu hamil trimester ketiga. Penelitian dilaksanakan di 10 Puskesmas Kecamatan Jakarta Timur selama bulan Februari?April 2015. Uji korelasi peningkatan BB dengan jumlah Bifidobacterium (r = 0,119, p = 0,4) dan dengan jumlah Lactobacillus (r = -0,009, p = 0,951). Korelasi LLA dengan jumlah Bifidobacterium (r = -0,211, p = 0,134) dan dengan jumlah Lactobacillus (r = - 0,013, p = 0,926). Dengan demikian, penelitian ini belum dapat membuktikan bahwa terdapat adanya korelasi antara peningkatan BB dan LLA dengan jumlah Bifidobacterium dan Lactobacillus pada kehamilan trimester ketiga.
Maternal nutritional status influences maternal gut microbiota composition, which in turn shapes the infant?s gut microbiota composition. Recent studies have shown that gut microbiota regulates obesity by increasing energy harvest from diet and by regulating peripheral metabolism. This cross-sectional study reports the correlation of maternal weight gain and mid-upper arm circumference with Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus on 52 third-trimester pregnant women. The study was done on February?April 2015 in 10 Primary Health Care Centres in East Jakarta. Correlation of maternal weight gain with Bifidobacterium (r = 0.119, p = 0.4) and with Lactobacillus (r = -0.009, p = 0.951). The correlation of MUAC with Bifidobacterium (r = -0.211, p = 0.134) and Lactobacillus (r = -0.013, p = 0.926). Thus, this study has not proven any correlation between maternal weight gain and MUAC with Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus count.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitrahwati Sudarmo
Abstrak :
Pneumocystis jirovecii adalah penyebab infeksi oportunistik di saluran pernapasan bawah pada individu dengan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang lemah, terutama pada pasien HIV. Pemeriksaan infeksi P.jirovecii di Indonesia masih berdasarkan pemeriksaan klinis dan mikroskopis, yang memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama, kurang sensitif dan spesifik. Karena alasan tersebut dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan uji molekuler real time PCR (rPCR) yang lebih sensitif dan spesifik. Uji rPCR telah berhasil dioptimasi dengan kemampuan deteksi minimum DNA 6,55 copy/μl dan tidak bereaksi silang dengan mikroorganisme yang diuji pada penelitian ini. Dibandingkan dengan uji mikroskopis, uji rPCR memberikan hasil positif 20% lebih tinggi daripada uji mikroskopis. Uji rPCR dapat mendeteksi P.jirovecii pada sampel klinis sputum dan sputum induksi dari pasien HIV dengan pneumonia dengan jumlah sel CD4+ > 200 maupun ≤ 200. Oleh karena itu, uji rPCR yang telah dioptimasi dalam studi ini dapat mendeteksi P.jirovecii pada sampel klinis sputum dan sputum induksi dari pasien HIV dengan pneumonia dengan jumlah sel CD4+ > 200 maupun ≤ 200
Pneumocystis jirovecii is the cause of opportunistic infections in the lower respiratory tract in individuals with weakened immune systems, especially in patients with HIV. Examination P.jirovecii infection in Indonesia was based on clinical and microscopic examination, requiring considerable time, less sensitive and specific. Because of these reasons in this study developed a molecular test real time PCR (rPCR) is more sensitive and specific. rPCR test has been successfully optimized with minimum DNA detection capabilities 6.55 copy/μL and do not cross-react with the microorganisms were tested in this study. Compared with microscopic test, test rPCR gives positive result 20% higher than the microscopic test. rPCR test can detect P.jirovecii on clinical samples of sputum and sputum induction of HIV patients with pneumonia with CD4+ cell counts > 200 or ≤ 200. Therefore, rPCR test which has been optimized in this study can detect P.jirovecii in clinical sputum samples and sputum induction of HIV patients with pneumonia with CD4+ cell counts > 200 or ≤ 200
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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