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Anung Kusnowo
"The basic principles for the development of laser, an acronym for: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, can be traced back to the paper written by Einstein in 1916 when he considered interaction of radiation and matter. In this paper Einstein predicted the existence of stimulated emission and' calculated the probability of its occurence. However, at thermal equilibrium the probability of absorption is larger than stimulated emission therefore the net effect is that light is always absorbed. The stimulated emission can be observed when some population inversion is generated in the material. In order to induce inverted population, one needs to have a proper understanding of the energy level scheme of the material.
As a number of atomic or molecular spectra were successfully elucidated by workers in microwave spcectroscopy, the possibility of microwave amplification using stimulated emission from a system of inverted population became a subject of serious investigation. Experimentally the first operation of this amplifier was demonstrated by Townes et.al using amonia molecular beam. The name laser, acronym for: microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, was proposed by this group.
In 1958, Schawlow and Townes considered the feasibility of maser action at optical frequencies. In 1960, Maiman succeeded in operating a pulse ruby laser, while Sorokin et.al,demonstrated the infrared pulsed oscilla-Lion using a CaF2 crystal. The first continuous wave laser announced in 1961 by Javan et. Al. Since then, the development of laser progressed rapidly. At present laser oscillation can be obtained in a number of materials such as gas, solid state, semi-conductor, liquid (organic dye) and others. The oscillation wave length of these lasers covers the range from vacuum ultraviolet to far-infrared radiation. Table 1.1. shows the historical sketch of laser developments.
The application of lasers covers a wide area of scientific and technological activities and taking advantages of laser a number of novel techniques have been developed in modern science and engineering. The application of laser may be divided into four categories as shown in Table 1.2 T based on the characteristics of laser radiation. The first is the use of energy density with typical examples in material processing and heating. The second is in the use of spatial characteristics of laser which is highly directional. Interferometric measurement and holography are examples in this category."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1985
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pendahuluan, ditengah tumbuhnya rasa keingintahuan para pemimpin dan pembuat kebijakan. Teknologi Informasi di bidang kesehatan, seperti halnya informatika kesehatan, belum dipahami dengan baik dan bahkan terkadang belum dapat menemukan kata sepakat untuk digunakan oleh para akademisi dan profesional di lapangan. Oleh karena itu penggunaan program aplikasi teknologi informasi kesehatan dan sistem informasi manajemen rumah sakit, sangat penting untuk individu-individu yang bekerja di segmen terbesar dari rumah sakit, yaitu informatika klinis. Menghadapi kasus gawat darurat di Unit Gawat Darurat rumah sa'rit, kebanyakan dokter lebih mengutamakan penanganan klinis dari pada non klinis, demi keselamatan pasien. Salah satu yang sering terabaikan adalah pembuatan rekam medik secara tepat. Namun kenyataannya, rekam medik yang tidak tepat justru kerap menjadi sumber masalah di kemudian hari. Metode Penelitian, kualitatif dengan kuasi eksperimental menggunakan pre test dan post lesi, karena terdapat sistem yang sudah digunakan sebagai pembanding. Hasil Penelitian data empirik membuktikan bahwa dalam sistem pelayanan kesehatan masalah-masalah medical error sering terjadi dengan derajat yang beragam, Patient Safety Indicators (PSP) dikembangkan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah- masalah medik yang berpotensi menimbulkan outeome yang tidak diharapkan. Untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut, diperlukan suatu sistem yang berbasis komputer untuk penunjang suatu keputusan (Decision Support System=DSS), yang diharapkan dapat digunakan oleh seorang atau beberapa orang pemimpin pada setiap tingkatan organisasi di rumah sakit dalam membuat keputusan sebagai dasar untuk pemecahan masalah. Dalam hal ini pengolahan data dibutuhkan untuk, pengumpulan data yang menggambarkan aktivitas , manipulasi data menjadi bentuk yang berguna, menyimpan data sampai digunakan kembali, dan menghasilkan dokumen-dokumen yang dapat digunakan oleh perorangan ataupun kelompok.

Introduction, despite the growing interest by leaders, policy makers, and others, the terminology of health informal ion technology as well as health informatics is poorly understood and not even agreed upon by academics and professionals in the field. To make program application for health informatics technology and health informatics management is most important for individuals who work in the fargesi segment in the hospital, namely clinical informatics. Faced with the emergency cases in the emergency room hospitals, most doctors prefer the clinical treatment then non-clinical, for the safety of patients. One often overlooked is the design of appropriate medical records. But in reality, the medicai records that are not exactly a frequent source of problems later on. Research Methods, qualitative with quasi-experimental using pre test and post test because there is a system designed for comparison. Research Results, empirical data prove that the health care system problems of medicai errors often occur with a degree, Patient Safety Indicators (PSI) has been developed to identify medical problems that potentially lead to unexpected results. To overcome these problems, needs a computer-based system to support the decision (Decision Support System = DSS), which is expected to be used by one or more leaders at every level of organization at the hospital in making decisions as a basis for solving the problem. In this case, the processing of data necessary for, collecting data that describe the activities, manipulating data in a useful form, save the data to be used again, and produce documents that can be used by individuals or groups."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Permasalaban: sistem informasi secara nyata membantu upaya peningkatan mutu suatu rumah sakit. Orientasi pada mutu pelayanan harus terus dik:embangkan, sejalan tuntutan masyarakat yang terus bertambah karena masyarakat akan dengan mudah membandingkan pelayanan yang didapat. Peran alat bantu berupa DSS (Decision Support System) akan sangat berguua dalam menetapkan dan membantu adanya keputusan yang unggul. Rumah Sakit "X" sebagai saJah satu rumah sakit terbesar di Jakarta mempunyai sistem informasi yang mengintegrasikan seluruh data. Selama ini sistem telah berjalan dengan memenuhi fungsinya dalam memproses informasi-infonnasi yang ada, tetapi hal tersebut belum menjamin keamanan informasi yang ada.
Tujuan: mengetahui seberapa jauh penerapan keamanan sistem infurmasi (security system) di Rumah Sakit "X", menganalisis dan mendesain DSS (Decision Support System) untuk audit keamanan sistem informasi Rumah Sakit "X", dan melaksaaakan uji coba DSS (Decision Support System) di Rumah Sakit "X".
Metode Penelitian: analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data kuantitatif deskriptif dengan pengujian DSS audit keamanan sistem informasi Rumah Sakit "X". Peogumpulan data menggunakan instrumen berupa pengisian kuisiODer dan form data pada DSS yang telah dibuat yang sebelumnya dilakukan pelatiban pengguaaan perangkat lunak: tersebut.
Hasil: basil audit keamanan sistem infonnasi Rumah Sakit "X" menggunakan DSS me unjukkan dengan jumlah nilai perolehan 75 (59".4).
Kesimpulan: kondisi keamanan sistem informasi Rumah Sakit "X" masuk dalam kategori kuraag aman, DSS pada audit

Problem Statement: the real information system helps to increase the quality of hospital. The oriented of service must be developed continually. According society needed more service, so that they can be easy to compare the service. The role of the tool DSS (Decision Support System) will be useful to state and help for getting excellent decision. "X" Hospital is one of the biggest hospital in Jakarta has information system that coverage's all data. The system has worked with its function in processing all information but it doesn't guarantee the security system.
Purpose: to know how for the application of security system at "X" Hospital, to analyze and design DSS for security system audit, and try out DSS in "X" Hospital.
Research Method: to analyze data on research using descriptive quantitative for testing DSS security system audit in "X" Hospital, to get data using questioner and form at DSS it has training for using this software.
Result: the result of security system audit in "X" Hospital uses DSS that show the security system at that hospital is unsafe with score 7S (S -"). of security system at "X" Hospital shows unsafe category, Audit DSS at "X" Hospital consist of S steps input, processing. information, analyzing and report DSS has been made it helps and make easier to lalwe audit for security system at "X" Hospital.
Recommendations: to give information about the essential audit for security system, using DSS software for security system information, to increase human resource quality.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agustina Dwi Prastanti
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbedaan variasi nilai kuat arus tabung terhadap kejelasan anatomi tulang wajah dan dosis radiasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental. Data diambil dari empat variasi penggunaan nilai arus tabung (mA) 200 mA, 150 mA, 100 mA dan 50 mA dengan parameter yang lain konstan. Dosis radiasi diukur dengan CTDI. Gambar dinilai oleh responden yang terdiri dari 20 (duapuluh) Dokter Spesialis Radiologi yang tidak menyadari tentang pengaturan kuat arus tabung pada gambar yang dihasilkan. Kualitas gambar dianalisis dengan metode skoring pada 8 (delapan) kriteria anatomi. Palatum, struktur trabekula tulang dan kortex, sinus paranasal, dinding orbita lateral dan medial, orbital roof dan orbital floor, zygomatic, nasal cavity dan ethmoid dinilai dengan skor 1 jika tidak jelas, skor 2 jika jelas dan skor 3 jika sangat jelas. Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan pada keempat kelompok dalam menentukan kejelasan anatomi tulang wajah berdasarkan sistem skoring yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Dosis radiasi dari penilaian CTDI menunjukkan bahwa dosis dapat dikurangi sebesar 75% pada penggunaan kuat arus tabung 50 mA atau 11,40 mGy dari arus protokol standar 200 mA atau 45,61 mGy. Hal ini sangat penting untuk mengurangi resiko kebutaan pada lensa mata.

The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in the variation of tube current of the clarity of the facial bones anatomy and radiation dose. This research is an experimental study. Data were taken from four variations use the value of tube current (mA) 200 mA, 150 mA, 100 mA and 50 mA with the other parameters constant. CTDI measured radiation dose. Images assessed by respondents consisted of 20 (twenty) Radiology Specialists who are unaware of the settings on the tube current of the resulting image. The image quality was analyzed by the method of scoring in 8 (eight) anatomical criteria. Palate, structure of trabecular bone and cortex, paranasal sinuses, lateral and medial orbital wall, orbital roof and orbital floor, zygomatic, nasal cavity and ethmoid assessed with a score of 1 if it is not obvious, a score of 2 if it is clear and score 3 if very clear. There is no significant difference in the four groups in determining the clarity of the facial bones anatomy based on the scoring system used in this study. Radiation dose from CTDI assessment showed that the dose can be reduced by 75% in the use of tube current of 50 mA or 11.40 mGy of 200 mA current standard protocol or 45.61 mGy. It is very important to reduce the risk of blindness in the eye lens.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendrana Tjahjadi
Pulse oximeter telah mendapatkan penerimaan yang luas dalam komunitas medis untuk beberapa alasan. Sejak produksi pertamanya di awal tahun 1980- an dengan mengacu pada hukum Beer-Lambert, pulse oximeter telah diakui dan dipuji karena biaya operasionalnya rendah serta pengoperasiannya yang mudah. Kebanyakan peralatan pulse oximeter tidak membutuhkan komponen perangkat keras yang besar. Peneliti melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan membuat prototipe pulse oximeter genggam yang dilengkapi LCD layar sentuh berbasis Single Board Computer Raspberry Pi B+ yang dapat menampilkan besarnya kadar saturasi oksigen (SpO2), pulse rate (PR) dan photoplethysmography (PPG). Menggunakan perangkat lunak Qt berbasis LINUX sehingga menghasilkan Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) lebih informative. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian laboratorium eksperimental melalui pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer. Peneliti berhasil membuat prototipe pulse oximeter genggam berbasis Raspberry Pi B+ yang dapat menampilkan saturasi oksigen (SpO2) dengan tingkat akurasi 2% dan pulse rate dengan tingkat akurasi 2 bpm serta dilengkapi dengan tampilan grafik photopletysmography.

Pulse oximeter has gained wide acceptance in the medical community for several reasons. Since its first production in the early 1980s with reference to the Beer- Lambert law, pulse oximeter has been recognized and praised for its low operational costs and easy operation. Most pulse oximeter equipment does not require large hardware components. Researchers conducted the research with the aim of making a prototype handheld pulse oximeter based Single Board Computer Raspberry Pi B + and equipped with an LCD touch screen which can display the amount of oxygen saturation levels (SpO2), pulse rate (PR) and photoplethysmography (PPG). Using Qt software based LINUX resulting Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) more informative. This research is an experimental laboratory through a quantitative approach to data collection methods using primary data. Researchers successfully produced a prototype handheld pulse oximeter based Raspberry Pi B + which can display oxygen saturation (SpO2) with 2% accuracy rate and pulse rate with accuracy 2 bpm which is equipped with a graphic display photopletysmography.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Osmalina Nur Rahma
"Prevalensi stroke di Indonesia berdasarkan diagnosis tenaga kesehatan sebesar 7? dan yang mempunyai riwayat gejala sebesar 12,1?. Pemeriksaan awal menggunakan CT Scan menimbulkan dampak radiasi serta membutuhkan biaya operasional yang tinggi, sedangkan prevalensi stroke berdasarkan diagnosis atau gejala lebih tinggi pada kuintil indeks kepemilikan terbawah (13,1?) dan menengah bawah (12,6?).
Penelitian ini mencoba melakukan analisis sinyal EEG secara otomatis berdasarkan data EEG pasien normal dan pasien stroke iskemik akut dengan pemrosesan sinyal digital berupa transformasi Wavelet serta jaringan saraf tiruan jenis feedforward dengan algoritma Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). Jordan mengemukakan bahwa elektroensefalografi dapat membantu mengkonfirmasi atau mendeteksi adanya stroke iskemik akut yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya perlambatan gelombang serta adanya ketidaksimetrisan antara gelombang otak kanan dan kiri.
Penelitian ini menggunakan nilai Delta/Alpha Ratio (DAR), (Delta+Theta)/(Alpha+Beta) Ratio (DTABR) dan Brain Symmetry Index (BSI) sebagai nilai fitur masukan ELM yang diperoleh dengan transformasi Wavelet (Daubechies 4) serta metode Welch untuk mengidentifikasi stroke iskemik akut. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh nilai akurasi di atas 85% dengan nilai sensitivitas di atas 86%

The prevalences of stroke in Indonesia are 7? based on the health professionals? statement and 12.1? based on patients' symptoms' history. Early examination using CT scan causes radiation effects and spent high operational cost while the prevalence of stroke based on diagnosis or symptoms were higher in the lowest (13.1 ?) and mid lower (12.6 ?) quintile of ownership index.
This study tried to analyze the signals of EEG automatically based on training data sets from normal patients and patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) using digital signal processing such as Wavelet transform and feedforward type of neural network with Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) algorithm. It was claimed that electroencephalography could help to confirm or detect acute ischemic stroke which is shown by the presence of the slow wave and the asymmetrical wave of right and left hemisphere.
This study uses Delta Alpha Ratio (DAR), (Delta+Theta)/(Alpha+Beta) Ratio (DTABR) and Brain Symmetry Index (BSI)'s value as the ELM input feature score which were obtained by Wavelet (Daubechies 4) transformation and Welch's method to identify acute ischemic stroke. In this study, the average performances of system test accuracy were above 85% with 86% sensitivity.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Salah satu peralatan medis yang banyak digunakan dalam pelayanan kesehatan adalah inkubator bayi yang berfungsi untuk melindungi bayi selama tahap awal kehidupan. Pengaturan suhu dalam pemakaian inkubator bayi dilakukan pada setting suhu 33°C atau 35°C atau 37°C, disesuaikan dengan kondisi bayi yang akan di lakukan perawatan. Kejadian yang menimbulkan kematian dan cedera pada bayi telah dikaitkan dengan kegagalan sistem kontrol pada inkubator, kerusakan atau cacat desain yang menyebabkan terjadinya kebakaran dan bahaya sengatan listrik, serta tingkat kebisingan yang berlebihan dapat berpengaruh buruk terhadap pendengaran bayi. Untuk mengetahui kinerja dan keselamatan listrik inkubator bayi telah dilakukan analisis pengaruh setting suhu terhadap kinerja dan keselamatan listrik terhadap 6 (enam) unit sampel inkubator bayi dari berbagai merk, dengan rentang produksi tahun 1997 sampai tahun 2013. Metode pengujian kinerja dan keselamatan listrik dengan standar: (AS 2853; 1986), (ANSI/AAMI II36; 2004), (IEC 60601-2-19; 2009), serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh setting suhu terhadap kinerja dan keselamatan listrik inkubator bayi tersebut dilakukan uji statistik multivatiriat. Hasil pengujian kinerja suhu kompartemen, kelembaban udara, aliran udara dan nilai kebisingan serta keselamatan listrik inkubator bayi seluruhnya memenuhi syarat, namun untuk perhitungan nilai ketidak pastian sesuai ISO-GUM (1995) hanya ada tiga inkubator yang memenuhi syarat. Sedangkan hasil pengujian dengan statistik multivatiriat, diketahui bahwa ada pengaruh setting suhu terhadap kinerja inkubator bayi namun tidak ada pengaruh terhadap keselamatan listriknya.

One of the medical equipment that is widely used in health care is a baby incubator that serves to protect the baby during the early stages of life. Temperature regulation in the use of infant incubator conducted at a temperature setting of 33°C or 35°C or 37°C, adjusted to the baby who will be treated. Events that cause death and injury in infants has been associated with failure of the control system in the incubator, damage or design flaw that caused a fire and electrical shock hazards, as well as excessive noise levels can adversely affect the baby's hearing. To determine the performance and safety of baby incubators we analyzed the effect of setting the temperature on the performance and electrical safety for six (6) units of samples of various brands of baby incubator, with a production range of 1997 to 2013. Test methods and performance for electrical safety by using standard: (USA 2853; 1986), (ANSI / AAMI II36; 2004), (IEC 60601-2-19; 2009), as well as to determine the effect of temperature on the performance and setting the electrical safety of the baby incubator done by multivariate statistical test. The results of the performance testing of infant incubator compartment temperature air humidity, air flow and noise as well as the value of the electrical safety all the baby incubator qualify. but with the calculation on the value of uncertainty according to ISO-GUM (1995) there are only three qualified incubator. While the results of statistical testing with multivariate, that there is the influence of the temperature setting on the performance of the baby incubator but no effect on the electrical safety."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Juliaha Greubner
"Penelitian bersifat eksperimen paparan magnet statis pada kelompok kultur kontrol dan paparan dengan variasi rancangan dan waktu paparan untuk mengetahui efek medan magnet statis dengan besaran densitas fluks magnet statik, pada pertumbuhan kultur sel. Paparan medan magnet statis diharapkan mempercepat proliferasi sel sebagai usaha mengatasi kendala efisiensi jumlah sel, mengurangi biaya penggunaan reagen kimia serta memberikan input pada teknologi sel punca.
Pengumpulan data jumlah sel dilakukan dengan pengukuran langsung melalui alat hemositometer dan program MatLab. Distribusi data dilakukan dengan analisa statistik Microsoft Excell dengan percobaan awal sel Neuron tikus. Perhitungan jumlah sel memperlihatkan adanya percepatan proses proliferasi sel dengan bertambahnya paparan densitas fluks magnet statis dari 200 mT, ke 400 mT. Pengamatan juga mendapatkan fenomena kematian kontaminasi mikroba pada kultur dengan paparan singkat magnet namun mikroba yang bertahan hidup beradaptasi dan berkembang pesat setelah terus dipaparkan.
Percobaan sel punca Mesenkim asal darah tepi manusia dilakukan dengan paparan variasi waktu 2, 4, 6, 18 dan 24 jam per hari, dan kultur kontrol tanpa paparan memperlihatkan kenaikan jumlah sel pada paparan dibanding kultur kontrol pada paparan 2 dan 4 jam per hari, serta penurunan pH pada periode paparan maupun hari pengkulturan, juga pola osmolaritas dan kandungan ion yang mengikuti pola proliferasi sel pada periode paparan dan hari pengkulturan yang serupa.
Teknik paparan daerah magnetik dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif teknologi potensial untuk menstimulasi perkembangan sel pada kultur pada teknik in vitro dan menghemat biaya dari kemudahanan pelaksanaannya. Pengembangan lanjut diperlukan untuk mengetahui manfaat penggunaan magnet statis ini dengan variasi besaran dan periode paparan pada jenis jenis sel baik sel punca maupun sel lainnya yang memiliki karakteristik serta sifat yang berbeda satu sama lain.

Neuron rat and peripheral human mesenchymal stem cell culturitation experiments presenting through the static magnets design exposing by comparative observation on control and exposure groups with design variety and time exposure for studying the effect of static magnetic fields. The culture is expected to accelerate cell proliferation, reducing the cost of the chemical reagents and provide an input on stem cell technology.
Cell amount data collection done through Hemocytometer and MatLab program with Microscope Excell statistically analysis. Neuron rat cell initial experiments suggest the existence of an accelerated process on cell proliferation with 200 to 400 mT static magnetic flux density exposured. Observations also obtained the microbial contamination death phenomenon with a short magnet exposured, but then continued surviving and thriving when kept exposing after that.
Peripheral Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell experiments are performed with time variations exposured treatment on 2,4,6,18 and 24 hours per day, and on the control culture groups without exposured. Observations showed the highest enhancement cell amount in culture cells exposure compare to control group are occurred on 2 and 4 hours magnet static exposured per day. The pH decreasing in the period and day of exposure, and the osmolarity pattern as well as the ion content, follow the cell proliferation pattern in the exposure period and culturitation days. Simply cell morphology and orientation observed to compare cell behavior among the control and exposure groups. This research thus requiring further sustainable employment to attempt the result by markers or cell assays identifiers.
Magnetic field exposured might become potential alternative technologies to stimulate cell growth in vitro and cost saving of its simplicity implementation. Further development is necessary to understand the benefits static magnet usage with a magnitude and exposure period variation to other cell types, either on stem cells or other cells with different characteristics and properties.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ernia Susana
"Magnetic resonance imaging selanjutnya disebut MRI merupakan peralatan radiologi diagnostik yang tidak mengandung radiasi pengion. Hal tersebut tidak berarti menjadikan alat ini bebas dari potensi bahaya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendapatkan deskripsi, menganalisa dan menilai penerapan keselamatan lingkungan pada fasilitas MRI 1.5T di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Penelitian didesain dengan metode campuran dengan tehnik purposive sampling. Dilaksanakan pada 4 fasilitas MRI 1.5T di wilayah DKI Jakarta dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 25 (dua puluh lima) orang radiografer yang bertugas di pelayanan MRI. Data kuantitatif diuji dengan menggunakan uji statistik nonparametrik yaitu Cochran’s Q dan Kruskalwalis. Nilai Cochran’s Q hitung>Chi square tabel (66.495>36.415) sehingga H0 ditolak atau terdapat perbedaan pemahaman radiografer. Uji statistik kruskalwalis menunjukkan nilai mean rank antar rumah sakit sumber data bervariasi. Data kualitatif terkait ketersediaan perangkat keselamatan menunjukkan standar American Collage of Radiology (ACR) lebih aplikatif dibandingkan standar Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan (KMK) RI No. 410/MENKES/SK/III/2010 tentang standar pelayanan radiologi diagnostik di sarana pelayanan kesehatan. Keempat rumah sakit sumber data telah memenuhi standar ACR sedangkan standar KMK 410/2010 hanya dapat dipenuhi oleh sebagian. Kepatuhan petugas dalam praktek aman penanganan pasien mandiri di empat rumah sakit sumber data telah memenuhi standar ACR dengan nilai bervariasi.

Magnetic resonance imaging is hereinafter referred to MRI as diagnostic radiology equipment that contains no ionizing radiation. That does not mean to make this tool is free of potential hazards. This study aimed to get a description, analyze and assess the implementation of environmental safety at 1.5T MRI facility in Jakarta. The research is designed with a mix method with purposive sampling technique. Held on 4 (four) 1.5T MRI facilities in Jakarta. The number of respondents as many as 25 (twenty five) radiographers who served in MRI services. The quantitative data were tested using nonparametric statistical test that Cochran's Q and Kruskalwalis . Cochran's Q value count > Chi square table (66 495> 36 415) so that H0 is rejected or there is a difference of understanding radiographer. Kruskalwalis statistical test shows the mean rank among hospitals varied data sources. The qualitative data related to the availability of safety devices demonstrate the American Collage Of Radiology (ACR) standards more applicable than Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan (KMK) RI No. 410/MENKES/SK/III/2010 standard. The fourth hospital data sources meet the standard ACR while KMK 410/2010 standard can only be met by the majority. Compliance officers in the safe practice of self-management of patients in four hospitals have a data source meets ACR standards with varying grades.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Anandito
"Tesis ini membahas analisis dan perancangan Computer Assisted Surgery (CAS) untuk robot ortopedi yang menggunakan metode Rod and Screw Correcive Manipulation (RSCM) dengan tujuan hasil analisis dan perancangan dapat dipergunakan untuk pembuatan prototipe. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tahapan: analisis kebutuhan, analisis sistem dan perancangan sistem.
Hasil penelitian menerangkan bahwa masukan sistem ini didefinisikan sebagai nilai pengukuran yang dilakukan oleh robot ortopedi, dan keluarannya merupakan tampilan pada layar monitor yang memberikan nilai tekanan, besar sudut koreksi tulang belakang dan amplitudo keadaan syaraf. Proses untuk mendapatkan keluaran dibuat sesederhana mungkin sehingga proses berjalan cepat dan tepat.

This thesis discusses the analysis and design of Computer Assisted Surgery (CAS) for orthopedic robot using Rod and Screw Corrective Manipulation (RSCM) methods with the purpose, that the analysis and design can be used for prototyping. This research was carried out in phases: requirements analysis, system analysis and system design.
The results explained that the input defined as the value of measurements made by the orthopedic robot, and its output is the display on the monitor which gives the value of pressure, the angle of correction and the amplitude of spinal nerves. The process to get the output was made as simple as possible so the process goes quickly and accurately.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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