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Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mohammad Airul Mutaqin
Berdasarkan PERMEN 22/2011, pemerintah telah menetapkan jumlah
penyelenggara multipleksing sebanyak 6 LPM (Lembaga Penyelenggara
Multipleksing) untuk setiap zonanya dengan total jumlah kanal yang dapat
diakomodasi kurang lebih sebesar 72 slot. Namun, pada kenyataannya
pendudukan kanal penyelenggara multipleksing oleh LPS (Lembaga Penyiaran
Swasta) saat ini jauh dari optimal. Pendudukan kanal LPM , masih ditempati oleh
LPS yang masih memiliki afiliasi dengan dengan penyelenggara multipleksing.
Di samping itu, adanya gugatan dari Asosiasi TV Lokal Indonesia. Komunitas ini
memandang Permen Kominfo No. 22/2011 hanya melanjutkan sistem penyiaran
(digital) yang monopolistis, Jakarta sentries dan jauh dari kepentingan rakyat
Indonesia secara umum.
Dengan mengambil sampel kota penelitian untuk luar wilayah, yang tidak
menjadi sengketa oleh ATVLI dan MA di atas. Penelitian ini menganalisis
kelayakan percepatan analog switch-off untuk sampel kota Makassar, Ambon dan
Sorong dengan memanfaatkan BHP penggunaan frekuensi Digital Dividend di
wilayah tersebut untuk membantu biaya-biaya yang dibutuhkan dalam
penyelenggaraan mux.
Adapun skenario dalam penelitian ini adalah membandingkan penentuan jumlah
penyelenggara multipleksing sesuai dengan PERMEN 22/2011 dengan jumlah
penyelenggara multipleksing berdasarkan jumlah IPP (Izin Penyelenggaraan
Penyiaran) yang aktif di wilayah kota Makassar, kota Ambon dan kota Sorong.
Ditemukenali dalam penelitian ini, bahwa percepatan analog switch-off yang
dilakukan oleh pemerintah dengan penetapan jumlah multipleksing berdasarkan
jumlah IPP aktif lebih layak dari pada penetapan jumlah multipleksing
berdasarkan PERMEN 22/2011.

Based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011, the government has
regulated on multiplexing providers for 6 LPM (Providers of Multiplexing) every
zone, and total accommodated channel are approximately 72 slots. However, in
fact, currently channel occupation for multiplexing providers by LPS (Private
Broadcasting Institution) is less than its optimum level. LPM?s channel
occupation is still occupied by LPS that affiliated with LPM.
Nevertheless, there are some lawsuits from Indonesia Local Television
Association (ATVLI) that regards the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011 is
only to continue monopolistic digital broadcasting systems, to be centered in
Jakarta and no regards to the interests of Indonesia people in general.
This research conducted to analyze the analogue switch-off acceleration using
sampling from municipal city that?s not contrained by law, by involving Digital
Dividend Spectrum fee to reduce cost/expenses of the implementation mux.
Scenario of this study is to compare the regulation of multiplexing providers that
based on active broadcasting licenses (IPP) in Makassar, Ambon and Sorong. It
is found in this study that analog switch-off acceleration that conducted by the
government with multiplexing regulation that based on active IPPs shall be more
feasible than to regulate multiplexing that based on the Ministry Regulation
Number 22 / 2011.;Based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011, the government has
regulated on multiplexing providers for 6 LPM (Providers of Multiplexing) every
zone, and total accommodated channel are approximately 72 slots. However, in
fact, currently channel occupation for multiplexing providers by LPS (Private
Broadcasting Institution) is less than its optimum level. LPM?s channel
occupation is still occupied by LPS that affiliated with LPM.
Nevertheless, there are some lawsuits from Indonesia Local Television
Association (ATVLI) that regards the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011 is
only to continue monopolistic digital broadcasting systems, to be centered in
Jakarta and no regards to the interests of Indonesia people in general.
This research conducted to analyze the analogue switch-off acceleration using
sampling from municipal city that?s not contrained by law, by involving Digital
Dividend Spectrum fee to reduce cost/expenses of the implementation mux.
Scenario of this study is to compare the regulation of multiplexing providers that
based on active broadcasting licenses (IPP) in Makassar, Ambon and Sorong. It
is found in this study that analog switch-off acceleration that conducted by the
government with multiplexing regulation that based on active IPPs shall be more
feasible than to regulate multiplexing that based on the Ministry Regulation
Number 22 / 2011.;Based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011, the government has
regulated on multiplexing providers for 6 LPM (Providers of Multiplexing) every
zone, and total accommodated channel are approximately 72 slots. However, in
fact, currently channel occupation for multiplexing providers by LPS (Private
Broadcasting Institution) is less than its optimum level. LPM?s channel
occupation is still occupied by LPS that affiliated with LPM.
Nevertheless, there are some lawsuits from Indonesia Local Television
Association (ATVLI) that regards the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011 is
only to continue monopolistic digital broadcasting systems, to be centered in
Jakarta and no regards to the interests of Indonesia people in general.
This research conducted to analyze the analogue switch-off acceleration using
sampling from municipal city that?s not contrained by law, by involving Digital
Dividend Spectrum fee to reduce cost/expenses of the implementation mux.
Scenario of this study is to compare the regulation of multiplexing providers that
based on active broadcasting licenses (IPP) in Makassar, Ambon and Sorong. It
is found in this study that analog switch-off acceleration that conducted by the
government with multiplexing regulation that based on active IPPs shall be more
feasible than to regulate multiplexing that based on the Ministry Regulation
Number 22 / 2011., Based on the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011, the government has
regulated on multiplexing providers for 6 LPM (Providers of Multiplexing) every
zone, and total accommodated channel are approximately 72 slots. However, in
fact, currently channel occupation for multiplexing providers by LPS (Private
Broadcasting Institution) is less than its optimum level. LPM’s channel
occupation is still occupied by LPS that affiliated with LPM.
Nevertheless, there are some lawsuits from Indonesia Local Television
Association (ATVLI) that regards the Ministry Regulation Number 22 / 2011 is
only to continue monopolistic digital broadcasting systems, to be centered in
Jakarta and no regards to the interests of Indonesia people in general.
This research conducted to analyze the analogue switch-off acceleration using
sampling from municipal city that’s not contrained by law, by involving Digital
Dividend Spectrum fee to reduce cost/expenses of the implementation mux.
Scenario of this study is to compare the regulation of multiplexing providers that
based on active broadcasting licenses (IPP) in Makassar, Ambon and Sorong. It
is found in this study that analog switch-off acceleration that conducted by the
government with multiplexing regulation that based on active IPPs shall be more
feasible than to regulate multiplexing that based on the Ministry Regulation
Number 22 / 2011.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rezi Muharmen
Berdasarkan Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 38P/HUM/2012 tanggal 3 April 2012 yang disampaikan pada tanggal 26 September 2013, memerintahkan pencabutan Peraturan Menteri Komunikasi dan Informatika Nomor 22/PER/M.KOMINFO/11/2011 tentang Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran Televisi Digital Terestrial Penerimaan Tetap Tidak Berbayar (Free to Air) setelah munculnya gugatan dari Asosiasi TV Lokal Indonesia. Lalu pemerintah kembali mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri komunikasi dan Informatika Republik Indonesia nomor 32 tahun 2013 tentang Penyelenggaraan Penyiaran TV Secara Digital Dan Penyiaran Multipleksing Melalui Sistem Terestrial. Dalam peraturan ini jadwal Analog Switched Off (ASO) tidak disebutkan lagi dan juga peraturan ini hanya menetapkan implementasi TV Digital Free to Air di Indonesia menggunakan sistem terrestrial.
Penelitian ini melakukan analisis antara implementasi TV Digital dengan sistem terrestrial dengan sistem multiplatform yaitu kombinasi antara terrestrial dan satelit dengan menggunakan metodelogi Net Benefit Analysis. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, terbukti implementasi TV Digital dengan sistem terrestrial tidak layak diimplementasikan untuk seluruh wilayah Indonesia, namun hanya bisa diimplementasikan di wilayah yang sebagian besar sudah tercover oleh infrastruktur eksisting. Sedangkan wilayah yang sebagian besar belum tercover oleh infrastruktur eksisting, lebih layak digunakan sistem multiplatform atau kombinasi antara terrestrial dan satelit.

Based on the Kep. Mahkamah Agung Number 38 p/HUM/2012 at 3 April 2012 wich was delivered on 26 September 2013, ordered the removal of the Permen Number 22 / PER / M.KOMINFO / 11/2011 on the Implementation of Digital Television Terrestrial Broadcasting Reception Stay There Paid (Free to Air) after the emergence of a lawsuit from the Association of Indonesian Local TV. Then the government again issued a Permen number 32 / PER / M.KOMINFO / 2013 on the Implementation of Digital TV Broadcasting In multiplexing Through And Broadcasting Terrestrial Sistem. In this regulation schedule Analog Switched Off (ASO) is not mentioned again and also the regulation merely sets the implementation of the Free to Air Digital TV in Indonesia using terrestrial sistem.
This research analyzes between implementation of Digital TV with terrestrial sistems and implementation of Digital TV with multi-platform sistem that is a combination of terrestrial and satellite by using Net Benefit Analysis methodology. Based on conclusion of the research, proven implementation of Digital TV with terrestrial sistem is not feasible to implement for the entire territory of Indonesia, but can only be implemented in the area that most are already covered by existing infrastructure. While most of the region that have not been covered by the existing infrastructure, is more appropriate to use multiplatform sistem or a combination of terrestrial and satellite.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Franke Ann Hirt
Kondisi infrastruktur telekomunikasi di Indonesia adalah belum merata. Terbitnya perpres no 96 tahun 2014 tentang Rencana Pitalebar Indonesia menjadi kesempatan untuk bisa membangun infrastruktur telekomunikasi dengan menekankan pada coverage dan kualitas. Daerah rural menjadi tujuan utama pembangunan broadband. Metode yang digunakan adalah subsidi beberapa komponen jaringan pada pembangunan BTS dan Ran Sharing dalam tesis ini berfokus pada tower sharing. Dimana model subsidi dari Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah ditambah dengan metode tower sharing, bias menghasilkan nilan NPV yang layak pada pembangunan BTS di tahun kelima di Kabupaten Buton sudah memungkinkan untuk dicabut subsidinya karena profit cummulative sudah sangat layak secara bisnis. Sementara pembangunan BTS di Kabupaten Morotai, semua scenario pembangunan bernilai positif, sehingga bias disimpulkan bahwa operator tidak perlu subsidi untuk membangun BTS di wilayah Kabupaten Morotai.

The condition of the telecommunications infrastructure in Indonesia is not evenly distributed. The isuuance of Presidential Regulation No. 96 of 2014 concerning Indonesian Broadband Plan could be an opportunity to build a telecommunication infrastructure with emphasis on coverage and quality. Rural areas became the main objective of development of broadband. The method used is subsidizing several network components in the construction of BTS and Ran Sharing in this thesis focuses on tower sharing. Where a model of subsidies from the Central Government and Local government coupled with tower sharing method, can generate NPV decent value and on the construction site i the fifth year in Buton already allows for subsidies revoked because cumulative profit already very viable business. As for the construction of base stations in the District of Morotai, all development scenario is positive, so that it can be concluded that operator does not need subsidies to build base station in the district of Morotai.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ambros Magnus Rudolf Mekeng
Indonesia saat ini sedang mengalami spektrum crunch atau krisis spektrum, di mana kebutuhan akan spektrum terus meningkat, sementara ketersediaan spektrum semakin terbatas. Salah satu solusi dari persoalan tersebut adalah dengan menambahkan bandwith spektrum. Spektrum yang berpotensi sebagai tambahan ada pada frekuensi 2520-2670 MHz (Band frekuensi 2.6 GHz ) dengan lebar pita sebesar 150 MHz. Hal yang mendasari ini adalah adanya target peningkatan penetrasi broadband di Indonesia dan rekomendasi ITU bahwa Frekuensi 2.6 GHz sudah diidentifikasi sebagai band IMT yang disetujui hampir semua negara untuk digunakan sebagai terrestrial data, serta adanya keinginan dari operator telekomunikasi Indonesia untuk menyelenggarakan layanan LTE pada frekuensi 2.6 GHz sebagaimana direkomendasikan oleh ITU.
Melihat fenomena di atas, penulis mengajukan penelitian tentang implementasi metode spektrum redeployment pada frekuensi 2.6 GHz di Indonesia karena saat ini frekuensi tersebut digunakan untuk layanan televisi satelit berbayar. Model redeployment dirancang dalam tesis ini agar frekuensi 2.6 GHz dapat dimanfaatkan untuk layanan broadband, khususnya LTE. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan pendekatan Net benefit terhadap model spektrum redeployment untuk mengetahuai berapakah nilai ekonomi dari metode ini bila diterapkan di Indonesia, dan apakah terdapat kondisi win-win solution jika diterapkan model tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapat bahwa, angka positif paling besar terdapat pada altrnatif dua yaitu dengan skenario pemberian subsidi pada LNB. Dimanauntuk lima tahun masa studi didapat net benefit sebesar 1,92 ? 2,13 trilyun yang berarti alternatif ini memiliki nilai keekonomian yang tinggi bagi pendapatan negara. Model Spektrum redeployment juga bersifat win-win solution karena terdapat kompensasi berupa spektrum pengganti untuk layanan eksisting (Spektrum KU-Band) dan subsidi LNB, sehingga penyedia layanan eksisting tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya redeployment.

Indonesia is currently "spectrum crunch" or spectrum crisis, where demand for spectrum continues to increase, while the more limited availability of spectrum. One solution of the problem is to add bandwidth spectrum. Additional spectrum potentially is the frequency of 2520-2670 MHz (2.6 GHz frequency band) with a bandwidth of 150 MHz. The basis of this is the target of increasing broadband penetration in Indonesia and ITU that the frequency of 2.6 GHz has been identified as a band IMT approved almost all the countries to be used as terrestrial data, and the desire of the Indonesian telecommunications operators to conduct LTE services at a frequency of 2.6 GHz as recommended by the ITU.
Above the phenomenon, We propose a research model of redeployment frequency of 2.6 GHz in Indonesia because the frequencies currently used for satellite pay television services. Redeployment models designed in this thesis that the frequency of 2.6 GHz can be used for broadband service, particularly LTE. Calculations of the Net benefit approach to the model of spectrum redeployment to know what is the economic value of this method when applied in Indonesia , and whether there is a win-win condition when applied the model. Results of this study found that , most large positive number contained in altrnatif two with the scenarios of subsidies to LNB . Where for five -years study period obtained a net benefit of 1.92 to 2.13 trillion, which means that this alternative has a high economic value to country income. Model of Spectrum redeployment is also win- win solution because the model makea spectrum of replacement compensation for the existing services ( KU - Band Spectrum ) and subsidies LNB , so that existing service providers do not need to pay redeploymenteployment.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ambros Magnus Rudolf Mekeng
Indonesia saat ini sedang mengalami spektrum crunch atau krisis spektrum, di mana kebutuhan akan spektrum terus meningkat, sementara ketersediaan spektrum semakin terbatas. Salah satu solusi dari persoalan tersebut adalah dengan menambahkan bandwith spektrum. Spektrum yang berpotensi sebagai tambahan ada pada frekuensi 2520-2670 MHz (Band frekuensi 2.6 GHz ) dengan lebar pita sebesar 150 MHz. Hal yang mendasari ini adalah adanya target peningkatan penetrasi broadband di Indonesia dan rekomendasi ITU bahwa Frekuensi 2.6 GHz sudah diidentifikasi sebagai band IMT yang disetujui hampir semua negara untuk digunakan sebagai terrestrial data, serta adanya keinginan dari operator telekomunikasi Indonesia untuk menyelenggarakan layanan LTE pada frekuensi 2.6 GHz sebagaimana direkomendasikan oleh ITU.
Melihat fenomena di atas, penulis mengajukan penelitian tentang model redeployment frekuensi 2.6 GHz di Indonesia karena saat ini frekuensi tersebut digunakan untuk layanan televisi satelit berbayar. Model redeployment dirancang dalam tesis ini agar frekuensi 2.6 GHz dapat dimanfaatkan untuk layanan broadband, khususnya LTE. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan pendekatan Net benefit terhadap model spektrum redeployment untuk mengetahuai berapakah nilai ekonomi dari metode ini bila diterapkan di Indonesia, dan apakah terdapat kondisi win-win solution jika diterapkan model tersebut.
Hasil dari penelitian ini didapat bahwa, angka positif paling besar terdapat pada altrnatif dua yaitu dengan skenario pemberian subsidi pada LNB. Dimana untuk lima tahun masa studi didapat net benefit sebesar 1,92 ? 2,13 trilyun yang berarti alternatif ini memiliki nilai keekonomian yang tinggi bagi pendapatan negara. Model Spektrum redeployment juga bersifat win-win solution karena terdapat kompensasi berupa spektrum pengganti untuk layanan eksisting (Spektrum KU-Band) dan subsidi LNB, sehingga penyedia layanan eksisting tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya redeployment.

Indonesia is currently "spectrum crunch" or spectrum crisis, where demand for spectrum continues to increase, while the more limited availability of spectrum. One solution of the problem is to add bandwidth spectrum. Additional spectrum potentially is the frequency of 2520-2670 MHz (2.6 GHz frequency band) with a bandwidth of 150 MHz. The basis of this is the target of increasing broadband penetration in Indonesia and ITU that the frequency of 2.6 GHz has been identified as a band IMT approved almost all the countries to be used as terrestrial data, and the desire of the Indonesian telecommunications operators to conduct LTE services at a frequency of 2.6 GHz as recommended by the ITU.
Above the phenomenon, We propose a research model of redeployment frequency of 2.6 GHz in Indonesia because the frequencies currently used for satellite pay television services. Redeployment models designed in this thesis that the frequency of 2.6 GHz can be used for broadband service, particularly LTE. Calculations of the Net benefit approach to the model of spectrum redeployment to know what is the economic value of this method when applied in Indonesia , and whether there is a win-win condition when applied the model.
Results of this study found that , most large positive number contained in altrnatif two with the scenarios of subsidies to LNB . Where for five -years study period obtained a net benefit of 1.92 to 2.13 trillion, which means that this alternative has a high economic value to country income. Model of Spectrum redeployment is also win- win solution because the model make a spectrum of replacement compensation for the existing services ( KU - Band Spectrum ) and subsidies LNB , so that existing service providers do not need to pay redeployment.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamdi Arfa
"Rencana Pitalebar Indonesia (RPI) 2014-2019 melalui PP. Nomor 96 Tahun 2014 merupakan cita-cita pemerintah mewujudkan Indonesia yang terkoneksi ke jaringan internet dengan target penetrasi 71% (urban) dan 49% (rural) terhadap rumah tangga untuk fixed broadband pada tahun 2019. Pengembangan broadband di Indonesia masih terfokus pada mobile broadband, padahal kecepatan broadband ditopang oleh fixed broadband. Salah satu solusi teknologi masa depan fixed broadband yaitu Fiber to The Home (FTTH). Namun, tantangan dalam implementasi fixed broadband adalah tingginya biaya komponen pasif sehingga meningkatkan risiko investasi.
Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis terhadap model penyelenggaraan fixed broadband yang dibangun berdasarkan skenario pendanaan broadband menggunakan kajian tekno ekonomi dan analisis risiko. Analisis dilakukan dari sudut pandang Operator Company (OpCo), Network Company (NetCo), dan Pemerintah selaku stakeholder pada daerah penelitian Balikpapan (sub-urban), Denpasar (urban), dan Tangerang Selatan (dense-urban).
Kajian kelayakan penyelenggaraan fixed broadband menunjukkan bahwa untuk OpCo dapat menggunakan skenario sewa komponen pasif kepada NetCo dan melakukan investasi pada perangkat aktif saja. Sedangkan, NetCo dapat menggunakan skenario sharing cost antara NetCo, subsidi pemerintah, atau gabungan dari kedua skenario untuk mereduksi biaya investasi. Agar dapat mendatangkan manfaat bagi Pemerintah Daerah, kontribusi subsidi yang dilakukan tidak hanya dibebankan pada Pemerintah Daerah.

Indonesia Broadband Plan (IBP) 2014-2019 through PP. No. 96 Year 2014 is to realize the government's goal that Indonesia are connected to the Internet with network penetration target of 71% (urban) and 49% (rural) compared to households for fixed broadband in 2019. The development of broadband in Indonesia is still focused on mobile broadband. Actually, broadband speeds is supported by fixed broadband. One of fixed broadband future-proof solution technology is Fiber to The Home (FTTH). However, the challenges in the implementation of fixed broadband is the high cost of passive components that increase the risk of investment.
In this research, analysis of the implementation models of fixed broadband is built based on broadband funding scheme using techno economic assessment and risk analysis. The analysis is done from point of view: Operator Company (OpCo), Network Company (NetCo), and the Government as stakeholders in the research area; Balikpapan (sub-urban), Denpasar (urban), and Tangerang Selatan (dense-urban).
Feasibility studies showed that the implementation of fixed broadband from OpCo?s view can use the lease passive components scenario at NetCo and investing in active devices only. Meanwhile, NetCo can use cost sharing between them, government grant, or a combination of both scenarios to reduce investment costs. In order to bring benefits to the Local Government, the contribution of grant do not only charged on Local Government.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jeni Achmat Rinaldi
Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggal di kota semakin tinggi disertai meningkatnya urbanisasi. Menurut United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA), 2011 menyatakan bahwa saat ini terdapat lebih dari 50% (3,3 miliar) populasi dunia hidup di daerah perkotaan, dan diperkirakan akan bertambah menjadi 5 miliar penduduk pada tahun 2030.
Dalam penelitian ini dirancang sebuah Pengembangan Model E-health di Indonesia menggunakan framework yang terdiri dari 6 layer yaitu layer hard infrastructure, layer city system, layer soft infrastructure, layer ecosystem, layer people dan layer goal. Model ini diharapkan menjadi model dalam pengembangan konsep e-health di Kabupaten Bogor, sehingga proses pembangunan tidak serta merta mengambil model di negara lain
Tesis ini juga melakukan analisis Cost Net Benefit dengan memperhitungkan layer hard infrastucture dan menggunakan 3 skenario yaitu skenario 1 implementasi e-health menggunakan dana APBD menghasilkan nilai NVP ≤ 0 ( -Rp. 3.868 milyar untuk wireline dan ?Rp. 2.194 milyar untuk wireless), IRR (-24% untuk wireline dan -9% untuk wireless) < MARR dan CBA < 1, skenario 2 implementasi e-health menggunakan dana APBD dengan memperhitungkan jumlah UPK menghasilkan bahwa jumlah UPK yang dapat di implementasi yaitu untuk wireline 106 UPK dan wireless 139 UPK, skenario 3 implementasi e-health menggunakan dana APBD dan jika ada bantuan menghasilkan bahwa dana bantuan minimal sebesar Rp. 938 juta untuk wireline dan Rp. 532 juta untuk wireless.

Population growth in urban area increasing as well as urbanization. According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA) 2011 states that there are currently more than 50% (3.3 billion) the world's population live in urban areas, and is expected to increase to 5 billion people by 2030
This study propose e-health development model using a framework consists of six layers, that is layer of hard infrastructure, city system layer, layer soft infrastructure, ecosystem layer, layer and layer people goal. This model is expected to be a model in the development of the concept of e-health in Bogor regency, so that the development process using model from another country as reference but adjusted with condition in Indonesia especially Bogor regency
This thesis also conducts Net Benefit Cost analysis taking into account the layer of hard infrastructure and use 3 scenarios that is scenario 1 implementation of e-health use APBD, the result NVP ≤ 0 (-Rp. 3,868 billion for wireline and -Rp. 2,194 billion for wireless), IRR (-24% to -9% for wireline and wireless) < MARR and CBA < 1, scenario 2 the implementation of e-health use APBD and calculating the amount of UPK, the result that amount of UPK can be implementation that is 106 UPK for wireline and 139 UPK for wireless, scenario 3 the implementation of e-health use APBD and if there is help generate that funding of at least Rp. 938 million for wireline and Rp. 532 million for wireless."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Kusumawati
"Peningkatan trafik mobile data di Indonesia diprediksi oleh CISCO akan meningkat sebesar 12 kali lipat pada tahun 2020. Trafik tersebut diprediksi akan terus bertambah dengan meluasnya pemanfaatan teknologi IoT secara masif sebagai salah satu tren teknologi masa depan. Pemanfaatan teknologi IoT di Indonesia digunakan untuk mendukung program smart city di berbagai kota dan diperkirakan akan berimplikasi pada kenaikan trafik. Sementara itu, Indonesia diperkirakan akan kekurangan spektrum mobile broadband sebesar 500 MHz pada tahun 2020. Implementasi teknologi IoT untuk mendukung smart city diperkirakan akan memperbesar defisiensi spektrum tersebut. Hingga saat ini belum ada penelitian yang menghitung prediksi jumlah kebutuhan spektrum untuk layanan IoT di Indonesia. Forum bersama industri elektronik di India IESA TIE IoT Forum telah melakukan prediksi jumlah kebutuhan spektrum untuk layanan IoT. Dalam rangka mendukung program pengembangan smart city di India, IESA TIE IoT Forum merekomendasikan alokasi spektrum tambahan sebesar 10 ndash; 20 MHz spesifik untuk layanan IoT. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung prediksi kebutuhan spektrum untuk layanan IoT dengan studi kasus Jakarta Smart City menggunakan metode perhitungan yang digunakan oleh IESA TIE IoT Forum. Hasil penelitian ini adalah kebutuhan spektrum untuk layanan IoT meningkat 17,27 dalam kurun waktu 2016-2021 dengan kebutuhan spektrum sebesar 18,67 MHz untuk skenario 1 dan 19,91 MHz untuk skenario 2. Kebutuhan spektrum tersebut dapat diantisipasi oleh regulator dengan memperhatikan ketersediaan alternatif spektrum saat ini, peluang industri dan inovasi IoT dalam negeri serta kebutuhan regulasi terkait IoT seperti standarisasi perangkat, harmonisasi spektrum dan sistem keamanan data.

In Indonesia, mobile data traffic is predicted by CISCO will increase significantly by 12 times in the period of 2015 ndash 2020. The traffic is predicted will grow continuously by widespread utilization of IoT technologies on a massive scale as one of the future technology. IoT is used to support the smart city program in various cities in Indonesia and expected to have implications in traffic growth. Meanwhile, Indonesia is expected to experience deficiency of 500 MHz spectrum for mobile broadband services in 2020. IoT implementation to support smart city is predicted to enlarge spectrum deficiency. There has been no study which calculates spectrum needs for IoT services in Indonesia. Electronics industrial collaboration forum in India IESA TIE IOT Forum has made predictions of spectrum need for IoT services. In order to support smart city in India, IESA TIE IoT forum proposed to allocate additional spectrum of 10 ndash 20 MHz specific for IoT services. This research aims to calculate spectrum need for IoT services in case of Jakarta Smart City. The results are spectrum need for IoT services increase by 17.27 in the period of 2016 ndash 2021 with the spectrum needs of 18.67 MHz for scenarios 1 and 19.91 MHz for scenarios 2. The spectrum needs should be anticipated by regulator to consider the availability alternative spectrum, opportunity and innovation IoT industry in Indonesia and the needs of regulations related to IoT for instance standardization of devices, spectrum harmonization and data security systems."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rama Krisna Prasetia
Layanan panggilan darurat adalah kontak yang dapat dihubungi dalam keadaan darurat oleh masyarakat umum untuk mendapatkan bantuan dari berbagai pihak seperti polisi, pemadam kebakaran dan pertolongan medis atau pengangkutan evakuasi ke Rumah sakit. Salah satu faktor terpenting dalam mitigasi bencana adalah penyampaian informasi, sistem aduan yang baik dalam keadaan darurat untuk perlindungan publik sangat dibutuhkanPemerintah berencana membuat sebuah layanan panggilan darurat dengan 1 satu nomor panggil, beberapa skema penyediaannya antara lain dengan ldquo;Skenario Beli rdquo; atau ldquo;Skenario Sewa rdquo; , jumlah rata-rata panggilan digunakan untuk menentukan kebutuhan bandwidth yang diperlukan dan hasil analisa keekonomian, ldquo;Skenario Beli rdquo; lebih baik karena memliki Ratio B/C >1 lebih besar dibanding ldquo;Skenario Sewa rdquo; serta memiliki nilai Opex yang lebih rendah pertahunnya.

Emergency call services is an available contact number that can be reach by public citizent in emergency situation to accomodate services from public Instutions such as Police Departement, Fire Departement, and Medical Services nor Hospital Evacuation Services. The most important thing in disaster mitigation process is fast delivery information, the eficiency of emergency service system is the main needs of public security.The Indonesian Ministry of Communication Informatics Technology, leading the development of all emergency call services in one single number, the several schemes provide such as ldquo Buy Scenario rdquo or ldquo Lease Scenario rdquo , the average total call is used to decide the bandwidth needs, and the result statement in economic analysis. The ldquo Buy Scenario rdquo is a better option which already have B C 1 ratio is bigger then ldquo Lease Scenario rdquo which also contain the smaller opex score each year. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Osphanie Mentari Primadianti
"Long Term Evolution (LTE) merupakan evolusi dari teknologi Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) menuju Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) kemudian High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) dengan peningkatan kecepatan dari Kbps menuju Mbps. Kebutuhan akan kecepatan tinggi dan sifat konsumtif akan paket data yang terus meningkat, sehingga diperlukanlah kesiapan regulasi. Dalam memperbesar kapasitas diperlukan teknologi LTE dengan frekuensi yang lebih tinggi seperti frekuensi 5GHz.
Di Indonesia, PM no 35/2015 dan PM no 28/ 2015 mengenai aturan untuk teknologi Short Range Distance di frekuensi 5 GHz dan batasan band. Di Indonesia, LTE memerlukan penyusunan skema baru di frekuensi tidak berlisensi dan lisensi di frekuensi 5 GHz. Dengan menggunakan metode Regulator Impact Analysis yaitu analisis hasil ujicoba pada frekuensi 5GHz, indepth interview stakeholder dan tekno ekonomi untuk mengukur kelayakan implementasi teknologi ini.
Tesis ini merumuskan skema baru pada frekuensi 5-5,3 GHz dengan bandwidth 40 Mhz, teknik time division duplexing (TDD), modulasi 256 QAM, antenna 4T4R berdasarkan hasil uji coba yang menggunakan teknologi Listen Before Talk dan indepth interview stakeholder, dan teknologi ini layak dilanjutkan dengan nilai NPV 247 Milyar, IRR sebesar 48% dan payback period selama 2.69 tahun.

Long Term Evolution (LTE) is an evolution from technology Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) then Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) and then High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), which is enhancement of speed from just a few Kbps to Mbps. Necessity of the high speed and consumption of the data packets always continue increasing, so it requires readiness of regulation. Enlarge capacity requires new LTE with higher frequency such as frequency at 5 GHz.
In Indonesia, PM no. 35/2015 and PM no. 28/2015 is regulated technology Short Range Distance in frequency 5 GHz and limitation band. In Indonesia, LTE need new scheme Unlisenced and licensed at Frequency 5 GHz. New scheme with Regulatory Impact Analysis method is analysis result of trial at frequency 5Ghz, indepth interview of stakeholders and techno economy for measuring the feasibility of this implementation.
This thesis formulates a new scheme at frequencies from 5-5.3 GHz with bandwidth of 40 MHz, TDD duplexing technique, 256 QAM modulation, antenna 4T4R based on performance of the trial, which is use Listen Before Talk technology and indepth interview stakeholders, and the new scheme feasible for implementating with 247 billion NPV, IRR of 48% and the payback period being 2.69 years.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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