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Abstrak :
Hasil-hasil investigasi epidemiologi akan sangat membantu para dokter hewan untukmemperoleh informasi dalam penanganan suatu penyakit. Demikian pula investigasi epidemiologi pada manajemen orangutan di Kebun Binatang Ragunan, akan sangat bermanfaat memberikan informasi dan data di dalam menyelenggarakan pengelolaan orangutan di Kebun Binatang Ragunan. Data tingkah laku orangutan di dalam kandang, sistem perkandangan, mutu dan jumlah pakan yang diberikan, catatan tentang status kesehatan, uji tuberkulinasi, hematologi normal, elektrokardiogram normal, kimia klinik normal, prosedur kontrasepsi, kesemuanya ini bisa dipakai di dalam pengelolaan kesehatan orangutan di Kebun Binatang Ragunan. Populasi orangutan kalimantan di alam makin lama makin menurun, antara lain disebabkan oleh perburuan liar. Oleh karena itu bagaimanapun juga usaha reintroduksi harus dilakukan secara berkesinambungan pula. Untuk tujuan itu diperlukan generasi orangutan yang memenuhi sarat untuk di reintroduksikan ke alam. Jadi Kebun Binatang harus mampu menghasilkan generasi orangutan yang sehat, tidak berpenyakit menular, tidak mengidap endoparasit, ektoparasit, serta tetap memiliki sifat-sifat alaminya. Orangutan termasuk anggota kera besar yang mempunyai kantung udara luas dan berkelok-kelok, sehingga memudahkan terjadinya infeksi yang bersifat kronis. Pada umumnya radang kantong udara pada orangutan kalimantan di Kebun Binatang Surabaya dart Kebun Binatang di Luar Negeri kesemuanya bersifat kronis. Dan eksudatnya dapat diisolasi bakteria Pseudomonas aerugenosa, Proteus vulganis, Escherechia coll. Bakteri-bakteri ini pada umurnnya bukan patogen juga terhadap manusia, tetapi pada isolasi kuman dari eksudat radang kantong udara pada orangutan jantan di Kebun Binatang Ragunan juga ditemukan bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae yang sangat patogen terhadap manusia, satwa liar, hewan ternak dan hewan kesayangan. Bahkan Streptococcus pneumoniae ini bisa menular dari satwa kepada manusia yang disebut zoonosis dan dari manusia ke satwa yang disebut anthropozoonosis. Radang kantong udara pada orangutan Kalimantan di Kebun Binatang Ragunan dan Kebun Binatang Surabaya ini, baru pertama kali dilaporkan di Indonesia. Ditemukannya bakteri Streptococcus pneumoniae di eksudat radang kantong udara pada orangutan di Kebun Binatang Ragunan juga baru pertama kali dilaporkan. ...... Kalimantan orangutan ( Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus, Hoppius, 1763) is member of the great ape group which is endemic in Kalimantan island of Indonesia. Its fur color is reddish, dark or light brown. The fur is quite long and dense, especially at the shoulders and arms. Its head rump length (HRL) is approximately 1.25 - 1.5 meters (exceptionally, the HRL might reach 1.8 meters). The average body weight of the female is about 40 kg and of the male is about 75 - 100 kg. The orangutans is highly adapted to an arboreal mode of life, therefore it is considered as the true arboreal member of the great ape group. It explores the jungle of Kalimantan by swinging from branch to another branch of the tree. Its swinging movement is supported by its arms, which are longer and stronger than the arms of the other great apes. Its arms spread is about 2.25 meters. Most of the males have large cheek flanges which consist of fibrous tissue, at the side of the face. The width and length of the cheek flanges mature male is about 10 centimeters and 20 centimeters respectively. It also has a throat sac, which is called "air sac". The sac is extremely developed and can take in several litters of air. Due to the drastic decrease of its in situ population, caused by illegal hunting and other reasons, the orangutan has been considered as an endangered species (IUCN - Appendix I) and its existence has been strictly protected by law (Fauna Protection Ordinance, 1931 - Stbl 134 and 226). Recently, reintroduction program has been considered as an effective approach to conserve the orangutan population in its in situ habitat. This program begins with the breeding program of the orangutan in the captive environment which is a simulated environment of its native habitat. The goal of captive breeding program is to bear the offspring of the orangutan which will be reintroduced to its native habitat later on, in healthy condition, free from infectious deseases, endo and ecto parasites and still bears its natural behavior. The Zoological Park would be the right institution to conduct the program. The captive (ex situ) breeding program of the orangutan has been being conducted by the Ragunan Zoological Park in Jakarta to study epidemiological, behavior, and other biological aspects of the orangutan in order to support the reintroduction program. Specifically, the study has examined and or investigated the medical records, feed and nutrition, behavior, tuberculin test, contraceptive procedure, normal electrocardiogram, normal hematology, clinical chemistry, caging contruction and management (include sanitation), preventive and curative disease treatment and raising procedure. The medical data, which has been collected for five years, indicated that the orangutan raised in the open cages was healthier than the one raised in the close cages. It was observed that the former group was rarely infected by any diseases. The investment of the open cage was more expensive than the close cage during construction period, but relatively very small cost was needed for maintenance in the long run. The air sacullitis case among the orangutan in Kalimantan has never been reported. This disease is a chronic disease. However, the case was reported among the orangutan raised in the foreign countries. It was reported that the case was caused by the Pseudomonas sp, Proteus sp and by Ischerechia call. These bacteria are not pathogen. The examination of air saculitis exudate derived from the orangutan raised in the Ragunan Zoo, has been sucsesful in isolating the Streptococcus pneumoniae. This bacteria is pathogen and anthropozoonosis to human and to other wild or domesticated animals.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suhartati M. Natsir
Abstrak :
Penelitian foraminifera bentik telah dilakukan tanggal 19 November - 3 Desember 1995 di Delta Solo dan Porong Jawa Timur untuk mengetahui distribusi dan kelimpahan foraminifera bentik dan untuk mengetahui foraminifera aglutinin di Delta Solo dan Porong. Untuk itu telah diambil sampel sedimen dengan menggunakan Van Veen grab di 15 stasiun pada masing-masing delta, kemudian dianalisis di laboratorium.Untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara komunitas foraminifera bentik dan beberapa faktor lingkungan yang berpengaruh dalam kehidupan biota ini, maka dilakukan juga pengukuran terhadap sifat fisik perairan seperti kedalaman , salinitas, PH dan turbiditas. Hasil analisa laboratorium kemudian dibagi ke dalam 3 kategori yaitu melimpah, umum dan jarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi dan kelimpahan foraminifera bentik dan untuk mengetahui foraminifera aglutinin di Delta Solo dan Porong. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat 53 spesies foraminifera bentik dengan jumlah individu 7288 yang termasuk dalam 10 famili di Delta Solo dan 37 spesies dengan jumlah individu 6223 yang termasuk dalam 9 famili di Delta Porong. Seluruh spesies yang dijumpai di dua delta tersebut termasuk dalam subordo Rotaliina, 1VIilioliina dan Textulariina. Spesies yang melimpah di Delta Solo adalah Ammonia beccarii dan Asterorotala trispinosa yang dijumpai di semua stasion penelitian. Terdapat 35 spesies yang termasuk kategori umum dan 16 species pada kategori jarang. Di Delta Porong dijumpai 6 spesies dalam kategori melimpah yaitu Ammonia beccarii, Asterorotalia trispinosa, Ammobcculites agglutinans, Haplophragmoides canariensis, Textularia pseudogramen dan Trochammina amnicola. Sedangkan spesies yang umum 16 species dan 15 species yang tergolong jarang. Sebaran dan kelimpahan foraminifera bentik di Delta Solo dan Porong dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor lingkungan terutama jenis substrat, pH dan turbiditas. Hasil pengamatan terhadap foraminifera aglutinin menunjukkan keadaan sebaliknya dan hasil foraminifera bentik secara umum, yaitu Delta Porong lebih kaya akan species dibandingkan dengan Delta Solo. Di Delta Solo di jumpai 5 species yang hanya dijumpai di II stasiun, sedangkan di Delta Porong dijumpai 6 jenis yang dijumpai di semua stasiun penelitian. Hal ini kemungkinan besar dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungan perairan dan keadaan delta tersebut.
Solo and Porong Deltas, located in East Java, have different morphological forms. The differences in morphological forms are due to the variation in the sediment types. Solo River which flows from Mount Lawu and Mount Merapi in Central Java supplies a large number of sediment to Solo Delta. The type of sediment of Solo Delta is dominated by clay, silt and fine sand. Porong River receives water from Brantas River which originates from Mount Semeru and Mount Arjuno. The type of sediment of Porong Delta is dominated by sand. Benthic foraminiferans, which live and grow at the bottom of the sediment, are sensitive to environmental changes. Distribution and abundance of benthic foraminifera depend on some environmental factors, and that various ecological factors influence each other. From 15 stations observed in Solo Delta and 15 stations in Porong Delta there was a difference either in the species number or in the number of individuals found. The species are belong to 3 subordos, i.e Rotaliina, Milioliina and Textulariina. The main difference between the two deltas was the abundance of species. The number of species found in Solo Delta were 53 and the number of individuals were 7288, while in Porong there were 37 spesies with 6223 individuals. The predominant species found in almost all stations in two deltas were Ammonia beccarii and Aslerorotalia trispinosa. In Solo Delta the common species found were Ammonia umbonata, Amphistegina lessonii, Bucella frigida, Elphidium crispum, E. craticulatum, E. advenum, E. lessonii, Calcarina calcar,Chrysalidinella dimorpha, Quinqueloculina sp, Q.semirrulum, Q. intricata, Nonion sp, Nonion depressulum, Triloculina trio ata, Reuse/la simplex, Pseudorotalia schroeteriana, Spiroloculina communis, Ammobaculites agglutinans, Textularia pseudogramen. The less common species found were Buliminella elegantissima, B. basicostata, Cymbaloporetta squwnmosa, Cibicides lobatum, Hauerina braayi, Heterostegina depressa, Lagena laevis, Lagena grad/lima, Loxostomum lobatum, L. limbatum, Massilina milled, Operculina ammonoides, Triloculina trigonula, Ammotium cassis, Haplophragmoides canariensis and Textularia sagittula. In Porong Delta, besides Ammonia beccarii and Asterorotalia trispinosa other species which were found abundant in almost all of the stations were Ammobaculites agglutinans, Haplophragmoides canariensis, Textularia pseudogramen and Trochammina amnicola. The latest species are agglutinated foraminifera which live well at the sandy sediment dominating Porong Delta.The common species were Adelosina semistriata, Ammotium cassis, Elphidium advenum, E craticulatum, E. lessonii, Pseudorotalia shroeteriana, Heterostegina depressa, Flintina bradyana, Operculina ammonoides, Quinqueloculina seminulum, Q. lamarchiana, Nonion sp, Reusella simplex, Triloculina tricarinata, spiroloculina commis, Textularia sagittula. The rare species found were Amphistegina lessonii, Calcarina calcar, Cibicides praecinctus, Crysalidinella dimorpha, Loxoslomum lobatum, L. limbatum, Miliolinella subrotunda, M sublineata, Nonion depressulum, N. cf asterizans, Qrbitolites duplex, Quinqueloculina cultrata, Q. venusta, Q. granulocostata, Triloculina trigonula. The range of salinity in Solo Delta was 15 - 32 %o and in Porong Delta was 10 - 30 %o. Previous researchers showed that foraminiferan species adapt and produce well at salinity between 15 - 40 %o. That means that the salinity in Solo Delta is probably more suitable for foraminifera than in Porong Delta. The everage pH in Solo Delta was 7,86 while in Porong Delta was 8,20. According to some researchers, foraminiferans were found abundant in lower pH. Turbidity in Solo Delta was between 33,0 - 87,5 NTU, while in Porong Delta areas was between 37,8 - 200 NTIJ. That means that the water in Solo Delta was clearer than in Porong Delta. Water clearance influences penetration of sunlight , and results in decreasing photosynthesis activities of plankton which leads to food deficiency. According to previous researchers the population of some foraminiferans decreases at zones with high turbidity. Those above factors might influence the distribution and abundance of the benthic foraminifera, of both deltas. The study of aglutinated foraminiferan was done simultaneously with the study of distribution and abundance of benthic foraminiferans in Solo and Porong Delta. From 15 stations studied in each delta 5 species were found in Solo Delta and 6 species were found in Porong Delta. All species belongs to 3 families, namely Lituoliidae, Textulariidae and Trochanuniniidae. The 5 species found in Solo Delta were Ammobaculites agglutinans, Ammotium cassis, Haplophragmoides carurriensis, Textularia pseudogramen and T. sagittula. In Porong Delta, besides those 5 species, another species, i.e. Throcarnmrna amnicola, was also found. In general, Porong Delta is richer than Solo Delta in number of species and number of individuals of species. This might be due to the differences in types of sediment and water conditions of both deltas.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Indonesia memiliki jumlah jenis dan potensi produksi rotan yang tertinggi di dunia. Namun, pemanfaatannya masih sangat terbatas pada sejumlah jenis tertentu saja. Keterbatasan ini disebabkan karena kurangnya informasi mengenai sifat-sifat dasar rotan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat-sifat dasar rotan yang meliputi; struktur anatomi, kandungan kimia, keawetan dan keterawetan tiga jenis rotan. Jenis rotan yang diteliti ialah rotan sampang (Korthalsia junghunii Miq), rotan bubuay (Plectocomia elongala Bl) dan rotan seuti (Calamus ornatus BI) yang diambil dan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada bagian kulit batang rotan ditemukan lapisan epidermis dan endodermis. Yellow caps hanya ditemukan pada ratan sampang dan rotan bubuay. Diameter ikatan pembuluh ketiga jenis rotan tidak berbeda nyata (P>O.05). Begitu juga dengan diameter metaxylem dan diameter phloemnya. Tetapi diameter protoxylem ketiga jenis rotan berbeda nyata (PABSTRACT Despite large number of rattan species found in Indonesia, the number of species used for commercial purposes are very limited. There is no doubt that this is partly due to limited information on basic, both physical and chemical, properties of less-or non commercial species. It is known that the basic properties of rattan species contribute to their physical strength and also to their natural resistance against insect attacks. To provide this basic information, a study of anatomical features and chemical contents of rattan species is, therefore, a necessity. In this research, three species of rattan, i.e. sampang (Korthalsia junghunii Miq.), bubuay (Plectocomia elongata Bl.), and seuti (Calamus ornatus Bl.), collected from Gunung Halimun National Park, West Java, were used for the study. The two former species are non-commercial species and the latter represents a commercial species, as a comparison. Anatomical features of rattan stems were observed under a light microscope. Microtome and maceration techniques were used in preparing the samples. Chemical contents of the rattan stems were analyzed by SII procedures. The resistance of rattan species and the effectiveness of permethrin solutions (0.01, 0.03, and 0.09 ppm) as preservatives against the powder post beetle (Dinoderus mirzutus Fabr.) were also conducted in the laboratory. Five dried stems of each rattan species (2 cm length) were soaked in each concentration for two hours. The sterns were left in a dry room for 30 days. They were also steamed (ca. 20 minutes) and dipped into 3 % of CaOCI2.4H20 solution as they would be used for making furniture. Ten adult beetles were introduced into individually treated stems which was covered with a glass tube. The same procedure was applied to the control, but without adding the preservative. A fifteen days experiment was carried out to find out the stem weight loss and the degree of beetle attacks. The number of insect death was also counted for each treatment during the experiment. Anatomical features of rattan stems showed that Yellow caps on epidermis layers were only found in sampang and bubuay. The shapes of vascular bundles in sampang, bubuay, and seuti were rhomboidal, rounded, and oval, respectively. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the diameter of vascular bundles among the three species observed. A significantly longer fiber sheath (P<0.05) was found in bubuay. The diameter of lumen of bubuay was also significantly bigger (P<0,05) than two other species. However, sampang had a significantly thicker fiber cell wall (P0.05) among the three rattan species. A significantly bigger diameter of protoxylem (P<0.05), however, was observed in seuti. Chemical analyses of the rattan stems showed that the three species contained a nearly similar amount of holocellulose, a-cellolose, tannin, and starch. The higherst lignin content was found in sampang, followed by bubuay and seuti. This difference probably makes sampang stems stronger than bubuay and seuti. Higher degree of resistance against powder beetles was shown by sampang. Its stems significantly received lower degree of attack (P<0.05) and lower weight loss (P<0.05) than two other species tested A significantly higher percentage mortality of beetle (P<0.05) was also observed in sampang. High lignin content may be responsible for the sampang resistance. The higher mortality of beetles in sampang may be due to its lower content of starch It was clearly shown, from the experiment, that the starch content tended to correlate negatively with the beetle mortality. Low starch contents in the stems resulted in high beetle mortality. Permethrin was not only toxic to powder post beetle, but it also reduced the beetle attacks. All rattan stems were prevented from further damage by permethrin treatments. Increasing the permethrin concentration significantly reduced the degree of beetle attack and the stem weigth loss, and increased the beetle mortality (P<0.05). Total mortalities of beetles were found on stems treated with 0.09 ppm of permethrin solution. From the result it can be concluded that sampang, categorired as non-commercial species, anatomically seems to be the strongest among the three rattan species studied, followed in order by seuti and bubuay. Sampang is also naturally more resistant againts the powder post beetle than two other species. It is recommended to treat the rattan stems with at least 0.09 ppm of permethrin solution to give a full protection from powder post beetle attacks.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahnuri Mufti
Abstrak :
One of the influential factors in the prevention of the destruction and decline of biodiversity is human resources. There is an opinion that human beings or human resources are highly influenced by its level of education. In order to improve any efforts for biodiversity to survive, human responsibility and awareness are needed, especially in rehabilitation of nature source and quality of society education, starting from basic level, in order to strengthen the idea if both responsibility and awareness.

The knowledge of nature has appeared through basic and higher levels education. However, it falls to present very basic information for student to understand the link of nature and the survival of the national. Mean while teachers unsuccessfully teach students to comprehend what are being taught, especially to apply the materials. It becomes worst when less attention for students to train them selves are given. As a consequence, students are not capable to operate any function of natural resources in everyday life. Students are mostly taught such cognitive knowledge rather than any significant applications.

This results in the student being unable to fully comprehend the importance of conserving biodiversity properly.

The Research is purpose to know :

1. The student?s perception and comprehension on the idea of biodiversity conservation. All students are rounded from basic level around Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, West Java. 2. The student?s perception and comprehension on the idea of biodiversity conversation. All students are rounded from basic level around West Java Area.

The Research obtained are expected to be able to answer such as the following questions:

1. Are there any differences on the students perception of biodiversity conservation between the students from big city and Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Area. 2. Are there any differences on students comprehension of biodiversity conservation between students from big city and Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Area. 3. Are there materials of biodiversity conservation integrated on the curriculum of basic level of education, and how to perform it.

The Mount Halimun National Park which is situated about 100 km distance from West Jakarta is surprisingly more familiar to the Junior High School students of West Jakarta than to those who live within a radius of less than 25 kilometers from the Park. Indeed, students, students from both area responses similarly that conservation is very importance. They also have similar perception on how to cover any problems. They face on their studies on the conservation.

The Research moreover find that students difference on understanding the terms dealing with conservation. The number of the student who agree and disagree in naming the animal to be protected.

Analyzed results of test which have been carried out are able to indicate the effectively of the teaching process. If furthermore shows that students of SLTP around Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun from the sample taken have the score average of 13,534 among them are only 45,1% capable to answers questions about conservation, on the contrary of 21,5% score average and 71,5% of the students around Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun who answered correctly. So there is a significant difference between the two areas.

The Role of the Biology teachers are quite influential on the views of the students regarding biodiversity, In general, the SLTP teachers of the school around Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun are mostly non native of the area. They have limited knowledge about the Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, and its surroundings.

Keeping in mind the importance of biodiversity as a renewable natural resources which can be utilized as an asset to continuous national development, an efforts has been made during the 1994 GBPP to include the topic of biodiversity in the curriculum. This decision was made as a follow up to the biodiversity Action Plan for Indonesia. Which has preceded by the United Nations Conservation on biodiversity. In which it is stated that biodiversity is a topic to be taught at schools in section 13 of the 1994 law No.5.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risha Safitri Hasanah
Abstrak :
Gadget menjadi suatu barang yang populer saat ini, termasuk pada anak-anak. Menggunakan gadget secara berlebihan dikhawatirkan akan menyebabkan anak tidak memiliki waktu untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara penggunaan gadget dan aktivitas fisik anak usia sekolah. Penelitian ini melibatkan 101 responden siswa sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Pasar Rebo Jakarta Timur yang dipilih menggunakan teknik cluster sampling dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Hasil uji chi-square menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara penggunaan gadget dan aktivitas fisik nilai p= 0,082 . Hal ini dapat terjadi karena setiap anak memiliki perbedaan kebiasaan, meskipun anak suka bermain gadget tetapi anak juga tetap dapat aktif melakukan aktivitas fisik. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan kepada orang tua untuk membatasi penggunaan gadget pada anak dan menganjurkan anak untuk tetap aktif melakukan aktivitas fisik.
Gadgets has become popular across generation. Children who overuse of gadgets may spent less time on physical activities. Aim of this research is to identify the correlation of gadgets usage and physical activity of school age children. This research is using cross sectional design with cluster sampling method to 101 respondents in Kecamatan Pasar Rebo Jakarta Timur elementary school. Correlation test using chi square showed that there is no correlation between gadget use and physical activity among school age children p value 0,082 . Variation of children rsquo s behavior may affect the result, children can use excessive gadgets and still physically active. This research recommend that parents should limits on the time that children gadget use throughout the day and encourage to be physically active.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tatang Mitra Setia
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini di lakukan di Pusat Penelitian Ketambe, Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser, Aceh Tenggara dari bulan November 1988 hingga Oktober 1991 dan dilanjutkan lagi bulan Januari-Februari 1993 dan bulan Juni-Juli 1993. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hirarki pada orangutan jantan dewasa serta pengaruhnya terhadap perilaku betina dewasa dan mengetahui bagaimana tanggapan orangutan jantan dan betina dewasa setelah mendengar suara seruan panjang dari jantan dewasa lain. Orangutan yang diamati terdiri dari 6 ekor jantan dewasa dan 5 ekor betina dewasa. Pencatatan data secara focal animal instantaneous per menit dan ad libitum. Hirarki dan peringkat ditentukan berdasarkan kalah dan menang setelah terjadi pengejaran dan perkelahian. Perilaku betina yang diamati adalah: inisiatif betina mendekati jantan; jumlah betina di sekitar jantan dan lamanya betina bersama jantan. Data seruan panjang yang diamati adalah laju seruan panjang orangutan jantan dewasa dan tanggapan orangutan terhadap seruan panjang berupa arah pergerakan individu setelah 30 menit mendengar seruan panjang. Hasil menyimpulkan ada hirarki dominansi non-linier di antara jantan dewasa dan hanya ada satu jantan dewasa dominan dengan peringkat paling atas. Orangutan betina dewasa: lebih berinisiatif mendekati; lebih banyak di sekitar; dan lebih lama menggunakan waktunya bersama orangutan jantan dewasa peringkat atas. Orangutan jantan dewasa peringkat atas lebih sering mengeluarkan seruan panjang. Orangutan jantan dewasa pada umumnya menjauhi sumber seruan panjang sedangkan orangutan betina dewasa akan mendekati sumber seruan panjang.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library