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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ayu Herzanita Yufrizal
"Universitas Indonesia telah menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan, Kesehatan Kerja dan Lingkungan (SMK3L) namun belum optimal. Fenomena yang terjadi pada penerapan SMK3L di UI antara lain pemenuhan SMK3L tingkat fakultas hanya 7 dari 17 fakultas yang memenuhi persyaratan, pada pemenuhan aspek K3L pada gedung dan pedoman K3L kontraktor, hanya 6 dari 17 fakultas yang telah memenuhi persyaratan. Selain itu hanya 4 dari 14 fakultas yang telah memiliki unit K3L secara formal, dan hanya 2 dari 14 fakultas yang telah memiliki sertifikasi SMK3. Komunikasi menjadi penyebab utama terjadinya kesenjangan dalam penerapan SMK3L di UI. Pada penelitian ini akan mengembangkan sistem komunikasi antar stakeholder pengelola SMK3L di Kawasan UI berbasis WBS dan BIM. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus. Tahapan penelitian dimulai dari identifikasi stakeholder pengelolaan SMK3L, perencanaan komunikasi antar stakeholder, luaran dari proses ini adalah alur komunikasi, yang akan menjadi input pengembangan sistem komunikasi. Identifikasi bahaya dan risiko dilakukan berdasarkan WBS, dan dibantu oleh pemodelan BIM. Pada pemodelan BIM ini dapat diinput data safety plan kemudian diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem komunikasi. Penggunaan BIM dalam sistem komunikasi memudahkan stakeholder yang terlibat pada proses pra-konstruksi dan konstruksi untuk mengidentifikasi bahaya dan risiko. Sehingga setiap stakeholder memiliki persepsi yang sama terhadap bahaya dan risiko pada setiap item pekerjaan. Penggunaan sistem komunikasi membuat komunikasi antar stakeholder menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien sehingga berdampak pada naiknya kinerja keselamatan.

Universitas Indonesia has implemented Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Management System (OHSEMS) however the application has not fully optimized yet. The phenomenon occurred during the application of OHSEMS at UI cover the fulfillment of OHSEMS only 2 out of 17 faculties meet the requirements, in fulfilling the OHSE aspects in buildings and contractor OHSE guidelines only 6 out of 17 faculties meet the requirements. In addition, only 4 out of 14 faculties have a formal HSE unit, and only 2 out of 14 faculties have OHSMS certification. Communication is the main cause problem for the implementation of OHSEMS at UI. This study will develop a communication system between stakeholders who manage OHSEMS in the UI Region based on WBS and BIM. The research method used is a case study. The research stage starts from the communication of stakeholders in the management of OHSEMS, the external planning of this process is the communication flow that will be the input for system development. Hazard and risk identification was carried out based on the WBS, and assisted by BIM modeling. In this BIM modeling, data security plans can be entered and then integrated into the communication system. The use of BIM in system communication makes it easier for stakeholders involved in the pre-construction and construction processes to identify hazards and risks. So that every stakeholder has the same perception of the hazards and risks in each work item. The use of a communication system makes communication between stakeholders more effective and efficient so that it has an impact on increasing safety performance."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qanita Fauzia
"Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak pada seluruh aktivitas kehidupan termasuk bidang pendidikan. Seluruh praktik di perguruan tinggi termasuk pembelajaran ditiadakan diganti dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh atau daring. Pegawai perguruan tinggi juga merasakan adanya peningkatan beban kerja dan perubahan kondisi kerja. Pandemi ini mengubah mekanisme kerja seperti implementasi kebijakan baru, aturan pembatasan kontak fisik yang kemudian memungkinkan adanya konflik antara pekerjaan dengan gaya
hidup yang dijalankan. Salah satu gaya hidup baru yang perlu diadopsi yaitu perilaku pencegahan COVID-19. Selama pandemi COVID-19, perguruan tinggi tetap memberlakukan work from office bagi pegawai sehingga risiko terjadinya penularan COVID-19 di lingkungan kerja tetap ada. Tentunya perilaku pencegahan COVID-19 menjadi aspek penting yang perlu menjadi perhatian karena merupakan cara terbaik berperang melawan COVID-19. Dalam teori health belief model disebutkan bahwa praktik perilaku kesehatan bergantung pada keyakinan yang dianut individu yaitu perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefit, perceived barrier, selfefficacy dan cues to action. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah menganalisis hubungan faktor perilaku pencegahan dengan perilaku personal higiene pegawai perguruan tinggi.
Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan penyebaran kuesioner pada 179 pegawai perguruan tinggi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan pada bulan April 2022.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived barrier, self-efficacy, dan cues to action merupakan tiga komponen prediktor perilaku personal higiene pegawai. Beberapa rekomendasi dari hasil penelitian di antaranya menggencarkan sosialisasi kebijakan serta protokol kesehatan dengan konten yang dapat memotivasi self-efficacy serta menurunkan persepsi hambatan pegawai terhadap perilaku personal higiene positif, menyebarkan
infografis dan media promosi yang menarik, memastikan ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana pendukung (fasilitas cuci tangan, hand sanitizer, masker, sarung tangan, cairan disinfektan maupun APD lainnya), serta menunjuk duta prokes di kalangan pegawai untuk kemudian memberlakukan mekanisme pemberian apresiasi bagi pegawai yang telah rajin mempraktikkan perilaku personal higiene positif

The COVID-19 pandemic impacts all life activities, including the education sector. All university practices have been removed and replaced with online learning. Academic staff feel an increase in workload and changes in working conditions. This pandemic has changed work mechanisms, such as implementing new policies and rules for limiting physical contact, allowing for conflicts between work and the lifestyle that is carried out.
One new lifestyle that needs to be adopted is COVID-19 prevention behavior. During the COVID-19 pandemic, universities continue to enforce work from the office for employees; hence the risk of COVID-19 transmission in the work environment remains.
Of course, COVID-19 prevention behavior is an important aspect that needs attention because it is the best way to fight against COVID-19. The health belief model theory stated that the practice of health behavior depends on the beliefs held by the individual, namely perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefit, perceived barrier,
self-efficacy, and cues to action. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between preventive behavior factors and personal hygiene behavior of academic staff.
This study used a cross-sectional study design with questionnaires distributed to 179 academic staff. Data collection was carried out in April 2022. The study results show that perceived barriers, self-efficacy, and cues to action are significant and directly affected employee personal hygiene behavior. Some recommendations from the results include
intensifying the dissemination of health policies and protocols with content that can motivate self-efficacy and reduce employee perceptions of barriers, distributing interesting infographics and social media campaign, ensuring the availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure (hand washing facilities, hand sanitizers, masks, gloves, disinfectant liquid, and other PPE) as well as appointing health care ambassadors
among employees to then implement a mechanism for giving appreciation to employees who have been diligent in practicing positive personal hygiene behavior.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pengembangan kompetensi dan efikasi diri kepala ruang merupakan elemen krusial dalam peningkatan keselamatan pasien di rumah sakit. Kepemimpinan yang tidak aman dapat mengakibatkan capaian tujuan keselamatan terganggu namun hanya sedikit yang diketahui tentang model safety leadership yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi dan efikasi diri kepala ruang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model safety leadership yang menggunakan kerangka kerja teori human caring dan social cognitive, dan menguji efektivitasnya terhadap peningkatan kompetensi dan efikasi diri kepala ruang. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 tahap: tahap pertama: identifikasi masalah melalui wawancara mendalam (penelitian kualitatif), tahap kedua: pengembangan model (integrasi hasil tahap 1, studi literatur dan konsultasi pakar) dan tahap ketiga uji efektivitas model (penelitian kuantitatif dengan non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Pada penelitian kualitatif melibatkan 17 partisipan dan bertujuan mengembangkan model safety leadership berdasarkan human caring theory dan teori social cognitive. Model dikembangkan berdasarkan sintesis studi literatur, temuan studi kualitatif dan konsultasi pakar. Teridentifikasi enam tema yaitu kesadaran tentang keselamatan pasien, caring relationship, pemberdayaan staf, perencanaan keselamatan pasien bersama pasien, kepemimpinan diri dan dukungan rumah sakit. Penelitian kuantitatif bertujuan menguji efektivitas model safety leadership terhadap kompetensi dan efikasi diri kepala ruang dengan desain quasi eksperimen pre dan post terhadap 32 responden pada kelompok kontrol dan 32 responden kelompok intervensi. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan analisis general linear model repeated measured menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model safety leadership terhadap peningkatan sikap safety leadership dalam kurun waktu 8 minggu intervensi dan tidak ada pengaruh model safety leadership terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan, perilaku dan efikasi diri kepala ruang.

Improving patient safety in hospitals is crucial. Ineffective leadership can prevent safety goals from being met, thereby highlighting the need for strong safety leadership models. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive understanding of leadership models that can enhance the competencies and self-efficacy of head nurses. The main objective of this research was to develop a new safety leadership model that embraces human care and social cognitive theories, with the ultimate goal of strengthening the competencies and self-efficacy of head nurses. The study consisted of three main stages: qualitative interviews, the development of the model through insights from the interviews and a literature review, and an empirical examination of the model’s effectiveness using a quantitative approach. During the qualitative phase, 17 participants developed a safety leadership model based on human care and social cognitive theory. This model incorporated insights from literature reviews, interviews, and expert evaluations. Six crucial dimensions of the model emerged: patient safety awareness, caring relationships, staff empowerment, collaborative patient safety planning, self-leadership, and organizational support. The quantitative phase aimed to measure the effectiveness of the safety leadership model in improving head nurses’ competencies and self- efficacy. This phase involved 32 respondents from both the control and intervention groups. The findings from the analysis revealed that the safety leadership model had a positive impact on improving safety leadership attitudes within an 8-week intervention period. However, there were no significant improvements in knowledge acquisition, behavior, or self-efficacy among head nurses. This study highlights the potential of a safety leadership model based on human care and social cognitive theories to enhance safety attitudes. However, further exploration and refinement are needed to comprehensively address different aspects of leadership effectiveness and patient safety improvement."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Faridah
"Latar Belakang:Mortalitas dan morbiditas pasien di rumah sakit masih tinggi akibat kurangnya keselamatan pasien. Strategi terpenting untuk meningkatkan keselamatan pasien adalah denganmembangun budaya keselamatan pasien. Tujuandari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur pengaruh model budaya positif keselamatan pasien “IDA” terhadap pelaksanaan keselamatan pasien di rumah sakit. Metode.Design adalahaction riset yang terdiri dari: Tahap pertama adalah identifikasi masalah, tahap kedua adalah pengembangan model, tahap ketiga evaluasi efektivitas model. Data dikumpulkan secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Kualitatif dengan FGD dan wawancara pada 26 pimpinan dihasilkan empat tema. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan instrumen safety attitude questionnaire, quality and safety self efficacy scale, hospital survey on patient safety culture, safety motivation questionnaire scale, safety consciousness scale, dan kuesioner pelaksanaan keselamatan pasien. Tahap dua pengembangan model hasil dari elaborasi tiga teori dan penerapannya dilaksanakan pada 192 orang perawat pelaksana dan 18 orang kepala ruangan di tiga rumah sakit yang telah terakrediatsi paripurna. Tahap tiga diukur efektivitas model pada pelaksanaan keselamatan pasien pada 192 responden kelompok intervensi dan 191 responden kelompok kontrol, sampel diambil dengan cluster random sampling. Hasil Penelitian: Model budaya positif keselamatan pasien “IDA” berpengaruh terhadap dimensi individu: pengetahuan perawat, sikap, motivasi, kesadaran, safety self efficacydan pelaksanaan keselamatan pasien (p<0,05) dan terhadap dimensi individu kepala ruangan: pengetahuan dan sikap kepala ruangan (p<0,05). Pengaruh positif juga terhadap dimensi organisasi dan dimensi lingkungan. Sebagai dampaknya maka terdapat perbedaan secara bermakna pada sasaran keselamatan pasien sebelum dan setelah dilakukan intervensi model “IDA”. Model “IDA” juga diukur efektivitasnya terhadap kelompok kontrol dan semua variabel berbeda bermakna (p<0,05). Kesimpulan dan Saran: model “IDA” berpengaruh terhadap perilaku keselamatan pasien dan capaian sasaran keselamatan pasien oleh perawat. Model “IDA”perlu diterapkan dirumah sakit agar keselamatan pasien tercapai.

Background: The mortality and morbidity of patients in the hospital are still high due to the lack of patient safety. The most important strategy for improving patient safety is to build a culture of patient safety. The purpose of this study was to measure the effect of a positive culture model of patient safety "IDA" on the implementation of patient safety in hospitals. Method.Design is an action research consisting of: The first stage is problem identification, the second stage is the development of the model, the third stage is the evaluation of the effectiveness of the model. Data were collected quantitatively and qualitatively. Qualitative with FGD and interviews with 26 leaders resulted in four themes. Quantitative research using the instrument safety attitude questionnaire, quality and safety self-efficacy scale, hospital survey on patient safety culture, safety motivation questionnaire scale, safety consciousness scale, and patient safety implementation questionnaire. The second stage of the development of the model results from the elaboration of three theories and its application was carried out on 192 implementing nurses and 18 heads of rooms in three hospitals who had been fully accredited. Stage three measured the effectiveness of the model in the implementation of patient safety in 192 respondents in the intervention group and 191 respondents in the control group, the sample was taken by cluster random sampling. Results: The positive culture model of patient safety "IDA" affects the individual dimensions: knowledge of nurses, attitudes, motivation, awareness, safety self efficacy and implementation of patient safety (p <0.05) and on the individual dimensions of the head of the room: knowledge and attitude of the head. room (p <0.05). The positive influence is also on the organizational and environmental dimensions. As a result, there are significant differences in patient safety goals before and after the "IDA" model intervention. The effectiveness of the "IDA" model was also measured against the control group and all variables were significantly different (p <0.05). Conclusions and suggestions: the "IDA" model affects the implementation and achievement of patient safety goals. The "IDA" model needs to be applied in hospitals so that patient safety is achieved."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herlina J EL Matury
"ABSTRAK Disertasi ini membahas model faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi depresi, kecemasan
dan stres pada mahasiswa S1. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan disain cross
sectional. Hasil factor analysis pada sumber masalah, didapat sumber masalah ada 3
faktor yaitu komunikasi dan adaptasi, personal dan emosional. Hasil structure equation
modeling, bahwa faktor sumber masalah dan faktor harga diri berhubungan signifikan
terhadap terjadinya depresi, kecemasan dan stres pada mahasiswa S1. Sumber masalah
merupakan faktor yang paling mempengaruhi depresi, kecemasan, dan stress pada
mahasiswa S1. Hasil penelitian menyarankan perlu ditambahkan program/kegiatan
seperti pelatihan, seminar, talk show, dan diskusi tentang peningkatan harga diri
ABSTRACT This dissertation discusses the model of factors that influence depression, anxiety and
stress in undergraduate students. This research is quantitative with cross sectional
design. The results of factor analysis on the source of the problem, the source of the
problem is that there are three factors, namely communication and adaptation, personal
and emotional. The results of structure equation modelling, that the problem and selfesteem
factors are significantly relate to depression, anxiety and stress in undergrasuate
students. The problem is the most affects depression, anxiety, and stress in
undergrasuate students. The results of the study suggest that programs / activities need
to add such as training, seminars, talk shows, discussions, about increasing student selfesteem.

Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amelia K
"Bencana menyebakan kematian, kehilangan dan kesakitan meningkat. Di Indonesia pada tahun 2018 saja terdapat 5.395 jiwa meninggal dan hilang; luka 19.610 orang; penduduk yang terdampak dan mengungsi 603.873 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan model pelatihan keperawatan yang dapat meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan menangani kegawatdaruratan pascagempa. Penelitian memakai metode riset operasional dengan dua tahap penelitian. Tahap I: pengembangan model melalui penelitian phenomenology dengan metode wawancara mendalam diikuti diskusi kelompok terfokus (FGD), studi literatur dan konsul pakar. Tahap II: validasi model dengan desain true eksperimental blok control alokasi. Wawancara mendalam mendapat 9 partisipan dan FGD 10 partisipan. Didapatkan Model Pelatihan ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, kesiapan dan kesediaan perawat. Intervensi dilakukan selama satu bulan dengan jumlah sampel total 124 perawat. Pelatihan memakai zoom meeting serta aplikasi ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ yang diunduh di Play Store. Uji T-test dan General Linear Model repeated measure membuktikan Model Pelatihan ‘Aku Sigap Bencana” meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan, pengetahuan, kesiapan dan kesediaan (p value < 0,05) dan memiliki ketahanan lebih lama (p value <0,05). Faktor perancu tidak mempengaruhi hasil yang didapat (p value > 0,05). Rekomendasi Model ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ dapat dipakai untuk pelatihan perawat di Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Rumah Sakit diseluruh Indonesia agar kemampuan menangani korban dan kesediaan hadir pascagempa meningkat.

Disasters can lead to death and loss. In 2018, Indonesia suffered 5.395 death and loss, 19.610 people were injured, and 603.873 lived in shelters. This study aimed to develop a training model to increase nurses’ preparedness in responding to post-earthquake emergency situations. An operational research method used consisting of two stages. Stage I: training model development using phenomenology with interviews and then followed by focus group discussions, literature review and expert consultation. Stage II: model validation using a true experiment with allocated block design. A total of nine interview participants and ten focus group discussion was included in this study. A training model named ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ developed to increase the knowledge, preparedness, and readiness of nurses. The training intervention was carried out for a month and included 124 nurses. It was delivered using zoom meeting and an application of ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ that can be downloaded from the Play Store. T-test and General Linear Model repeated measure approved that ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ significantly increased knowledge, preparedness, readiness and willingness of nurses (p value < 0,05) and have longer resilience (p value <0,05). Confounding factors were not influence the result (p value > 0,05). The training model ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ can be used to train nurses working at primary care centres and hospitals across Indonesia to increase nurses’ knowledge and willingness in responding to post-earthquake emergency situations."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Budiyanto
"Industri perkapalan adalah sebuah industri padat modal dan padat karya yang ikut menopang perkembangan Industri di Indonesia. Industri perkapalan melakukan kegiatannya yaitu pembuatan kapal dan reparasi kapal dan memiliki resiko yang beragam, salah satu resiko yang penting adalah resiko penurunan kualitas lingkungan galangan kapal akibat banyaknya kapal yang direparasi di atas Dok.
Manajemen resiko di Industri galangan Kapal adalah manajemen pengalihan resiko yang mampu mengelola bahaya potensi resiko lingkungan dalam bentuk Asuransi Lingkungan Analisa pengalihan resiko lingkungan ditentukan dari faktor-faktor analisa resiko (nilai resiko) estimasi resiko (karakteristik resiko) dan permodelan asuransi lingkungan (preventive cost & risk based margin) dengan menggunakan metode SAST (Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing) dan metode PPA (Participatory Perspectives Analysis) dan hasilnya faktor resiko terbesar adalah faktor penggerak yaitu risiko pencemaran galangan akibat sandblasting dalam proses reparasi kapal yang diikuti faktor pengungkit yaitu limbah cat, karat, tritip dan lain-lain.
Model asuransi lingkungan progresif adalah yang terbaik untuk pengalihan resiko lingkungan di dalam reparasi kapal dengan membangun instalasi Dok yang ramah lingkungan yaitu Instalasi Graving Dok. Waterblasting dan cat antifouling yang ramah lingkungan dan pembebanan preventive cost terhadap stakeholder atau dapat menggunakan rumus atau formula biaya premi Asuransi Lingkungan yang dibebankan kepada kapal-kapal yang melakukan kegiatan reparasi di atas Dok.

The shipyard industry is a capital- and labour-intensive industry, which also supports Indonesia?s industrial development. In carrying out its activities, which include shipbuilding and ship repair works, the shipyard industry is challenged by a number of risks, one of the crucial ones being the risk of deterioration of the shipyard environmental quality due to the great number of ships repaired in the docks.
Risk management practice in the Shipyard Industry involves transferring risks to manage potential environmental risk threats through the use of Environmental Insurance. Environmental risk transfer analysis is determined by risk analysis factors (risk values), risk estimates (risk characteristics), and environmental insurance modeling (preventive cost & risk-based margin) using SAST (Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing) and PPA (Participatory Perspectives Analysis) methods. The results demonstrate that the biggest risk factor - also a driving factor - is the risk of shipyard contamination due to the sandblasting process in a series of activities in ship repair, followed by leverage factors, which are paint wastes, rust, barnacles, and others.
The most suitable progressive environmental insurance model for environmental risk transfer within the scope of ship repair suggests the installation of environmentally friendly docks, namely Graving Docks. Water blasting, the use of environmentally friendly antifouling paints, or charging preventive costs to stakeholders may be calculated based on the Environmental Insurance premium calculation formula and are charged to ships repaired on such docks.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Rumah sakit adalah sebuah institusi yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan. Dalam pelayanan kesehatan tersebut rumah sakit dituntut untuk menjaga keselamatan pasiennya. Dalam proses ini peran perawat dirasa sangat penting karena memiliki waktu yang lebih lama dalam perawatan pasien dibandingkan tenaga kesehatan lainnya. Pada tahun 2018 masih ada indikator keselamatan pasien yang belum mencapai standar meliputi ketepatan memasang gelas identitas pasien, verifikasi terhadap pelaporan melalui telepon dalam waktu 24 jam, penandaan sisi operasi, kepatuhan cuci tangan dan kejadian pasien jatuh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan kinerja perawat dalam upaya keselamatan pasien rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Imanuel Bandar Lampung Tahun 2019. Desain penelitian ini adalah crosssectional dan data dikumpulkan dari pengisian kuesioner terhadap 143 perawat ruang rawat inap. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa variabel motivasi (p-value = 0.001) dan status kepegawaian (p-value = 0.047) memiliki hubungan paling dominan dengan kinerja perawat. Motivasi yang baik mempunyai peluang 3.210 kali lebih besar memengaruhi kinerja perawat dibandingkan motivasi yang kurang baik dan status pegawai tetap mempunyai peluang 0.311 kali lebih besar memengaruhi kinerja perawat dibandingkan pegawai tidak tetap.

The hospital is an institution that organizes health services. In these health services hospitals are required to maintain the safety of their patients. In this process the role of the nurse is considered very important because it has a longer time in patient care than other health workers. In 2018 there are still patient safety indicators that have not reached the standards including the accuracy of installing patient identification glasses, verification of telephone reporting within 24 hours, marking the operation side, hand washing compliance and falling patient events. This study aims to determine the factors most related to the performance of nurses in the effort of inpatient safety at Imanuel Bandar Lampung Hospital in 2019. The design of this study was cross-sectional and data were collected from questionnaires for 143 inpatient nurses. The results of multivariate analysis showed that motivation variables (p-value = 0.001) and employment status (p-value = 0.047) had the most dominant relationship with nurse performance. Good motivation has a 3,210 times greater chance of affecting nurse performance than poor motivation and permanent employee status has a 0.311 times greater chance of affecting nurse performance than non-permanent employees."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Hadianto
"Latar belakang riset ini adalah meningkatnya frekuensi dan intensitas banjir akibat perilaku masyarakat namun kurang diimbangi dengan kesiapsiagaan masyarakat terutama di hilir Sungai Ciliwung. Rumusan masalah riset menunjukkan bahwa faktor kesiapsiagaan lebih banyak berfokus pada pengetahuan dan sikap sedangkan faktor rencana darurat, peringatan dini, mobilisasi sumber daya dan pengalaman masih jarang diteliti. Riset ini bertujuan untuk membangun model kesiapsiagaan masyarakat hilir Sungai Ciliwung berbasis perilaku berwawasan lingkungan. Metode riset menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif, melalui wawancara dengan otoritas setempat serta pemberian kuesioner kepada 397 kepala keluarga di Kelurahan Bidara Cina. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa kesiapsiagaan dipengaruhi oleh pengetahuan, rencana darurat, peringatan dini, dan sikap namun dilemahkan oleh mobilisasi sumber daya, dan pengalaman. Masyarakat merasa sudah berpengalaman dan cenderung mengandalkan mobilisasi sumber daya dari pemerintah sehingga menjadi kurang siap siaga. Kesimpulan riset adalah diperlukannya kesiapsiagaan berbasis perilaku berwawasan lingkungan di tingkat keluarga untuk meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan banjir.

The background of the research is increasing flood frequency and intensity caused by human behavior but not followed by community preparedness. The problem of the research showed that preparedness focused more on knowledge and attitude but not on emergency plan, early warning, resources mobilization and experience factor. The objective of the research was to develop flood preparedness model for the community based on environmentally responsible behavior. The method of the research was quantitative and qualitative through interviews with local authorities and distribution of questionnaires to 397 households at Bidara Cina, East Jakarta. The results indicated preparedness influenced by knowledge, attitude, emergency planning and early warning but weakened by resources mobilization and experience. The community relied on their experience having flood and resources mobilization by the governmental thus causing low preparedness. The conclusion of the research is a necessity of preparedness based on environmentally responsible behavior to improve flood preparedness."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Konsep penanggulangan bencana saat ini adalah paradigma pengurangan risiko.Setiap individu, masyarakat di daerah diperkenalkan dengan berbagai ancaman (hazards) dan kerentanan (vulnerability) yang dimiliki, serta meningkatkan kemampuan (capacity) masyarakat dalam menghadapi setiap ancaman. Sehingga studi ini bertujuan mengkaji model pengendalian risiko dispersi gas amonia.
Disain studi adalah cross sectional. Analisis model pengukuran dan struktural menggunakan comfirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Nilai validitas dan reliabilitas hasil uji kesesuaian/Goodness of Fit (GOF) adalah good fit untuk konstruk dari model.Kuesioner disebarkan secara cluster, terdapat 626 responden (area risiko 0- 2600 meter). Dibagi menjadi 293 responden pada zona dalam (area risiko 0-1300 meter) dan 333 responden zona luar (area risiko >1300-2600 meter).
Model pengukuran menghasilkan 5 variabel eksogen (kondisi lingkungan, sosial, ekonomi, biologi dan kapasitas) yang saling berhubungan langsung membentuk variabel endogen risiko dispersi gas amonia. Faktor kondisi lingkungan terdiri dari zona bahaya dan jarak rumah ke jalan raya.Faktor sosial yaitu pelatihan dan pekerjaan.Faktor ekonomi yaitu kecukupan akomodasi, pendapatan, asuransi dan pendidikan.Faktor kapasitas yaitu pengetahuan tentang bahaya, pengetahuan tentang peringatan dini, pengetahuan tentang evakuasi dan perilaku tanggap darurat. Faktor biologi yaitu usia> 65 tahun, anggota keluarga dengan penyakit kronis dan anggota keluarga berkebutuhan khusus. Risiko dispersi gas amonia pada rumah tangga area risiko 0-2600 meter ada pengaruh kontribusi dari 47% faktor sosial, 37% faktor ekonomi, 29% faktor kapasitas dan 9% faktor kondisi. Risiko dispersi gas amonia zona dalam (area risiko 0-1300 meter ada pengaruh kontribusi darifaktor sosialberkontribusi 63%, faktor ekonomi 64%, faktor kapasitas 57% dan biologi 2,3%. Selanjutnya risiko dispersi gas amonia pada rumah tangga area risiko >1300-2600 meter ada pengaruh kontribusi dari 2 (dua) faktor yaitu faktor kondisi 99% dan faktor kapasitas (12%).
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan model risiko dispersi gas amonia dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan faktor yang berkontribusi membentuk risiko dispersi gas amonia sehingga dapat menjadi upaya pengendalian dengan memperhatikan faktor yang berkontribusi tersebut. Rekomendasi kepadaPemerintah Daerah untuk menetapkan peta rawan bencana menjadi peraturan daerah yang berkekuatan hukum dan pemberlakuan peraturan tentang tata ruang (daerah pemukiman), standar keselamatan (pemantauan penggunaan teknologi) dan penerapan sanksi terhadap pelanggar. Mengkoordinasi antara Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah
(SKPD), Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran/ Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD), dan dinas terkait untuk evakuasi (akomodasi), kelancaran akses jalur evakuasi. Menyelenggarakan sosialisasi, pendidikan dan pelatihan mengenai kesiapsiagaan bencana dispersi gas amonia kepada masyarakat melalui perkumpulan/organisasi di masyarakat. Rekomendasi kepada perusahaan antara lain : Membuat peta rawan bencana dan Emergency Respon Plan (ERP) baik internal maupun eksternal; Melakukan perawatan dengan inspeksi rutin berbasis risiko untuk memastikan kehandalan peralatan sistem pendingin amonia; Semua pekerja dalam operasional tangki sistem pendingin amonia selalu dilakukan dengan mengikuti Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), peraturan keselamatan, audit keselamatan; Mengingat sifat gas amonia yang tidak berwarna tetapi sangat beracun serta luasan area risiko yang berdampak perlu adanya sensor untuk gas amonia sebagai alat ukur dan monitoring. Selanjutnya rekomendasi kepada masyarakat agar mengembangkan dan berperan aktif dalam desa siaga bencana (kesiapsiagaan bencana berbasis masyarakat);

The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness).;The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness).;The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness)., The concept of disaster management nowadays is risk reductionsparadigm. Each individual, residents are introduced to various threats and vulnerabilities owned, as well as increased capacity in facing any threats. This study aims to assess the risk control model of ammonia gas dispersion.
The designstudy was cross sectional using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) as the measurement model and structural analysis. Validity and reliability value for Goodness of Fit (GOF) test is good fit for construct of the model. Questionnaires were distributed by cluster, there were626 respondents (risk area 0-2600 meters) divided into 293 and 333 respondents in the inner and outer zones (risk area >1300-2600 meters).
Measurement model produces 5 directly interconnected exogenous variables (environmental, social, economic, biological and capacity condition) to form an endogenous variable risk of ammonia gas dispersion. Environmental conditions consist of danger zone and distance from home to road. Social factors consist of training and job. Economic factors consist of accommodation, salary, assurance and education. Capacity factors consist of hazard knowledge, early warning knowledge, evacuation knowledge and emergency response behavior.Biological factors consist of age >65 year old and family member with chronic disease and disability. The model goodness of fit test result was compatible for RMSEA, CFI, IFI, CN, SRMR, GFI and AGFI. It indicates that the models can describe the ammonia gas dispersion riskformed factors. Social factorscontribute61% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagasdispersion, related toeconomic factors(42%), capacityfactor(36%)andconditionfactor(5.7%). Riskdispersionof ammoniagasin thezoneindicateseconomic factorsaccounted for64% of thetotalrisk ofammoniagas
dispersionincludingsocial(63%), capacity(57%) andbiology(2.3%). While theouterzone ofthe conditionfactor(99%) to be importantin the risk ofammoniagasdispersionandcapacity factor(1%).
This study concludes dispersion risk modelsof ammonia gas in this study indicate risk factors that contribute to form ammonia gas dispersion to be a control effort by noticing the factors that contribute as following; recommend to the Regional Government to establish hazard maps into a legally binding regional regulations and enforcement of regulations on spatial (residential areas), safety standards (monitoring the use of technology) and the imposition of sanctions against offenders. Coordinate between work units (SKPD), Fire Department / Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), and related agencies for evacuation (accommodation), the smooth evacuation route access. Organize socialization,
education and training on disaster preparedness ammonia gas dispersion to the public through associations / organizations in the community. Recommendations to the company include: Creating a hazard map and Emergency Response Plan (ERP) both internally and externally; Perform routine maintenance with risk- based inspections to ensure equipment reliability ammonia refrigeration systems; All workers in the operational tank ammonia cooling system is always done by following the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), safety rules, safety audits; Given the nature of ammonia gas that is colorless but highly toxic as well as the extent of the risk areas that impact the need for a sensor for ammonia gas as a means of measuring and monitoring. Further recommendations to the community are to develop and play an active role in disaster preparedness village (community-based disaster preparedness).]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library