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Nur Fatina Risinda
Abstrak :

As part of the society, woman who lives in urban slum areas usually did not get much attention of their existence. When we talk about their roles in their life, actually these women have three roles. These three roles are not only reproductive role or dosmectic role, when women should take care of their family and house, but also productive role or the role that makes them to work too as a primer or secondary income-earners, and the third role, the community management (Moser, 1988; 1993, dalam Miraftab, 1995). These women in slum areas became special as their three roles should meet the economic presure and bad condition of their settelement. They should face the truth about patriarchy system in the family, which men (or their husband) is said to have domination, including women space of activities. From the pre-research in 2012, researcher found out that women in slum areas can use even the small space in their house efficiently and effectively. But at that pre-research, researcher did not include about the women point of view of the use of that space with their husband or children. Because of that, this research is about exploring women’s life and apce of activities in slum areas with their roles and activities in spaces in slum areas from gender perspective of how the space is created and used as it related with people around the women’s life, especially their husband, when they use that space. The case studies of this reasearch are slum areas in Bukit Duri, Tebet, South Jakarta, with focus on RT 11 and RT 15 in RW 10. Both RTs is the poorest and always got flooded when the rain season comes because of their location in Kali Ciliwung riverbank. These women who live in this settlements can show us that poor women can live their life in very bad and limited spaces in their settlement for their space of activities. The limited spaces meet a lot of needs of space then relates to the existence of negotiation that women did as the way they form and use the existing spaces for their space of activities. The method that researcher used is ethnograpic method, especially about the relation of people and spaces. The main approach is participant-observation to know these women’s space, people who involved, activities, the objects, actions, events, aims, and feeling in each of their activities (Reeves, Kuper, dan Hodges, 2008). With that method, research can learn how these women and their family, especially their husband, use the space in their house and their society for their activities as part of space negotiation. Research then found out that women in slum areas can balance their three roles and that’s relate to how their face life presure from their husband, children, and the condition of their house and settlement. But at the same time, all of that pressures can make them stronger and can get opportunity to have access of spaces in their house and settlement. This can show us the position of these women in family are not subordinated. Even that position can be seen in how they use the spaces for their activities as a result of space negotiation that women and their husband did. So all of the condition that being thought will make them have a hard time to do their activities is actually can help them balance their roles, which area reproductive role, productive role, and community management role.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rojab Umar Abdillah
Abstrak :
Kampung merupakan embrio dari sebuah kota. Berawal dari sebuah kampung lalu tumbuh menjadi kota metropolitan. Pertumbuhan kota memang berdampak baik namun juga ada dampak buruknya. Kota Semarang dengan populasi 6,6 juta jiwa dalam proses pembangunannya didapati ada empat kampung lama yang digusur oleh developer dalam kurun tahun 2005 hingga 2018, baik itu dibangun hotel maupun apartemen. Keberadaan kampung yang penduduknya berekonomi menengah ke bawah merupakan sasaran empuk bagi developer. Kondisi ini memicu komunitas Peka Kota Hysteria yang fokus pada isu anak muda seni dan perkotan untuk bergerak melestarikan kampung-kampung di perkotaaan salah satunya kampung Bustaman. Penelitian ini mengungkap faktor internal dan eksternal KPK Hysteria dalam melestarikan kampung Bustaman. Serta akan mengungkap strategi yang digunakan oleh KPK Hysteria. Melalui Strategi yang diterapkan yaitu 1. berbasis budaya lokal, 2. pengoptimalan keterlibatan warga kampung Bustaman, dan 3. menggunakan gerakan seni melalui jaringan internal. Tiga hal tadi diterapkan oleh KPK hysteria dengan langkah-langkah yang sistematis. KPK hysteria dinilai mampu dan berhasil melestarikan kampung Bustaman dengan pendampingan selama 6 (enam) tahun. Keberhasilan ini dapat dilihat dari peningkatan modal sosial yaitu: perubahan norma sosial, adanya kontrol sosial, jaringan, trust, dan yang paling dirasakan yaitu peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia khususnya remaja pada kampung Bustaman.
Village is an embryo of a city. Metropolitan city is growing from a village. The city growth has good and bad impacts. Semarang City has 6.6 million population and in the process of its development, four old villages have been evicted by the developer during 2005 to 2018, either for hotel or apartment. A village whose population is middle to lower economy is an easy target for developer. This condition has triggered Peka Kota Hysteria community which focuses on the issue of arts and urban youth to preserve villages in the urban area i.e Bustaman village. This study revealed KPK Hysteria's internal and external factors in preserving Bustaman village and will reveal strategies used by KPK Hysteria. Through the strategy implemented namely 1. Based on local culture, 2. Optimizing the involvement of the resident of Bustaman Village and 3. Using art movement through internal network. These tree strategies are implemented by KPK Hysteria with systematic steps. KPK Hysteria is considered capable and succeeded in preserving Bustaman village with the supporting for 6 years. This success can bee seen from the increasing social captal of Bustaman Village: changes in social norm, the existence of social control, network, trust, and the most impact for the resident is the improvement of Human Resources, especially for the youth in Bustaman village.
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raden Ahmad Nur Ali
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Data dari konsultan Cushman and Wakefield Indonesia pada triwulan 1-2014 menyatakan bahwa tingkat hunian di shopping center strata hanya 69,1%. Kekosongan kios pada shopping center strata dirasakan akan terus meluas, hal ini menyebabkan kerugian bagi pelaku aktivitas di dalam shopping center strata terutama bagi pemilik kios. Penelitian ini mempertanyakan ?pengelolaan dan desain yang seperti apa yang bisa meminimalisir dampak dari permasalahan kios kosong pada shopping center strata? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian ini, saya melakukan pengamatan terhadap dua bentuk desain yang berbeda pada shopping center strata, untuk lebih memahami kenapa kekosongan kios dapat terjadi dan terus berkembang di shopping center strata. Setelah memahami permasalahan kekosongan kios, tahap selanjutnya saya memakai metode kausal komparatif yaitu analisis sebab-akibat yang digambarkan ke dalam skenario pengembangan shopping center strata terhadap kondisi yang sedang terjadi. Analisis tersebut menghasilkan temuan bahwa pengelolaan sebagian jumlah kios pada shopping center strata masih lebih baik daripada tidak sama sekali, dan untuk mengatasi terbatasnya pengelolaan akibat status kepemilikan strata, maka diperlukan perjanjian serah kelola antara pemilik kios dengan pihak pengelola serta perlu adanya sifat fleksibel pada design shopping center strata, sehingga permasalahan kekosongan kios dapat diminimalisir.
ABSTRACT Consultan Cushman and Wakefield Indonesia has noted that in quarter 1-2014 that the occupancy rate in shopping center strata is only 69.1%. the un-opened shop units that plague the shopping center strata in Indonesia, which gives negative impact to the shop owners and the whole shopping center. So this research have questioned ?management and design as what can minimize the impact of problems in un-opened in shopping center strata?. Early investigation reveals that the strata ownership and the layout design of the property are the reasons, which dis-allow the proper management of the shopping center. Investigation for to answer the research question about the problems are in the forms of situational development scenarios that represent intervention to the condition. The finding of the research are: the ability to manage some of the strata shop units is better than none, and to overcome the inability to manage the strata shop units in the shopping center, it is neccesary to include the managing aggreement in the strata title and flexibility in design layout of the shopping center that makes possible to manage the shopping center properly.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oldiazka Syahrida
Abstrak :
Dalam konstelasi politik di Indonesia, etnik Cina tidak pernah memiliki kekuasaan politik dalam skala kelompok, meskipun di skala individu terdapat beberapa orang yang menduduki posisi penting di pemerintahan. Hal ini berkaitan dengan tujuan hidup etnik Cina adalah memfokuskan diri untuk mencapai kesuksesan hidup melalui bidang ekonomi. Dengan pandangan tersebut, tidak jarang menjadikan etnik Cina sebagai ldquo;mangsa rdquo; politik melalui kebijakan-kebijakan etnik yang dibuat oleh penguasa. Dalam skala kelompok etnik Cina, Cina Benteng di Pasar Lama adalah saksi sejarah dari berbagai kebijakan politik etnik di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, antara lain: a menganalisis relasi sosial etnik Cina Benteng dengan anggota etniknya, dengan masyarakat Muslim lokal, dengan kelompok etnik Cina lainnya maupun dengan etnik Cina Benteng yang tinggal di luar Pecinan, serta dengan non-etnik Cina di luar Pecinan; b pembentukan pola penguasaan ruang kota etnik Cina Benteng sebagai wujud adaptasi dalam melestarikan etniknya di Pasar Lama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan etnografi dalam jangka waktu April-Desember 2017. Data primer diperoleh melalui observasi lapang dan wawancara mendalam dan data sekunder melalui artikel jurnal, buku, dan lainnya. Kesimpulannya adalah relasi sosial yang dijalin oleh etnik Cina Benteng mempengaruhi pola penguasaan ruang kota mereka dan menjadikan Pecinan Pasar Lama sebagai Phantasmagoric Multicultural City. ......AbstractUnder the politic constellation in Indonesia, the Chinese ethnic group has never had a political power in group scale, although in individual level there are several people who held an important position in the government. This relates to the indicator of success held by Chinese Ethnic rsquo s, is to be successful through economic aspect. With such view, is not uncommon for them to be a political ldquo prey rdquo through policies made by the government. In group scale of Chinese Ethnics, Cina Benteng in Pasar Lama is a historic witness of various ethnic policies in Indonesia. The goal of this research is a to analyze the social relation between members of Cina Benteng, Cina Benteng and local communities, Cina Benteng and other Chinese Ethnic group outside Chinatown , and also non Chinese Ethnic group outside Chinatown b the creation of mastery of urban space pattern by Cina Benteng. This research is arranged using qualitative method ethnographic approach and conducted from April December 2017. The primary data field observation and in depth interviews , while the secondary data scientific journal, books, and other sources . The conclusion is social relations established by Cina Benteng influence the mastery of urban space patterns and make Pasar Lama Chinatown as Phantasmagoric Multicultural City.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Maudy Clevanya Suprayogi
Abstrak :
Perkembangan kota sering menyebabkan ketidakpedulian mengenai kondisi ekologis kota dan menyebabkan kota menderita karena kurangnya area hijau. Sebagai ruang yang menyediakan fungsi ekologis terhadap sekitarnya, kurangnya ruang terbuka hijau mengakibatkan kurangnya penyerapan tanah, dan menghasilkan ketidakstabilan ekologis. Taman Maju Bersama sebagai program ruang terbuka hijau terbaru yang disediakan oleh pemerintah daerah Jakarta, diharapkan dapat memperbaiki kondisi ekologis lingkungan dan dengan keberadaanya tersebar di seluruh Jakarta, taman-taman tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan perbaikan terhadap kondisi ekologis kawasan kota. Diskusi ini akan membahas satu Taman Maju Bersama yang beroperasi, terletak pada Kampung Pedaengan di Jakarta Timur, untuk mengevaluasi apakah desain mencerminkan prinsip-prinsip Ecological Democracy oleh Randolph T. Hester (2006) untuk menghasilkan fungsi ekologisnya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menyiratkan bagaimana Taman Maju Bersama Pedaengan menyediakan tempat untuk melakukan kegiatan bersama alam yang juga berkelanjutan dan memberi masyarakat rasa memberi masyarakat rasa memiliki dan tanggung jawab terhadap taman sehingga menumbuhkan rasa kesatuan antara masyarakat dan lingkungnannya, yang mengarah pada perbaikan ekologi.
Urban development often leads to the ignorance of the ecological conditions in the city and causes the city to suffer from the lack of green area. As a space that provides ecological functions towards its surrounding, lack of green open spaces resulted in the lack of land absorption, hence ecological instability. Taman Maju Bersama as the newest green open space program provided by Jakartas local government, are expected to be able to improve the ecological conditions of the neighbourhood and with its existence spread throughout Jakarta, the parks are expected to provide improvements towards the ecological conditions of the city. The discussion will address one operating Taman Maju Bersama that is located in Kampung Pedaengan in East Jakarta, to evaluate whether the design reflects the principles of Ecological Democracy by Randolph T. Hester (2006) to generate its ecological functions. Therefore, the study implies how Taman Maju Bersama Pedaengan provides a place to conduct activities alongside nature that is also sustainable and gives the community a sense of belonging and responsibility to the park so that it fosters a sense of oneness between the community and its environment, which leads towards ecological improvement.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizkiyasa Nirmala
Abstrak :
Kegiatan pemasaran merupakan bagian dari proses menjual suatu produk. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan penjual untuk memasarkan produknya adalah dengan menggunakan booth. Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana booth sebagai representasi dari produk yang dijual mampu menarik perhatian calon pembeli. Untuk mencapai tujuan dari skripsi ini maka akan dilakukan pengkajian pada elemenelemen booth berdasarkan teori semiotika Roland Barthes yang membahas tentang kemungkinan makna yang muncul dari suatu tanda, yaitu makna denotatif dan konotatif. Pada akhirnya skripsi ini akan mendeskripsikan bagaimana booth mengkomunikasikan produk yang dijualnya menggunakan tanda-tanda yang akan dimaknai oleh calon pembeli. Sehingga booth dapat memberikan citra tertentu yang menarik bagi calon pembeli. ......Marketing is part of a process selling a product. One of the way, that sellers trying to market its product is by using booth. The goal of this script is to know how booth as a representative from a product to be sold capable of attracting buyers. To achieve this goal from this script, writers are emphasizing the booth elements based on semiotics theory of Roland Barthes which discuss about the possibility of meanings that came up from a sign, which are denotative and connotative meaning. In the end, this script will describe how booth communicate products that ought to be sold using signs that buyers able to understand. Eventually using booth could give certain images that attract prospect buyers.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arunee Sarasetsiri
Abstrak :
Dalam menyampaikan narasi, sebuah film membutuhkan ruang sebagai latar tempat terjadinya peristiwa. Skripsi ini membahas tentang pengaruh teknik pengambilan gambar terhadap penggambaran ruang di dalam film, yang kemudian berpengaruh terhadap pengalaman ruang yang dialami penonton. Penonton mengalami ruang melalui sudut pandang narator atau tokoh di dalam film. Pengalaman ruang dalam film dapat menyampaikan informasi seperti kualitas fisik, letak geografis, konteks sejarah dan sosial-budaya sebuah tempat, suasana, serta penjelasan mengenai karakter tokoh dalam film. Pada studi kasus film Hugo, dilakukan analisis formal dari teknik pengambilan gambar yang digunakan, gambaran ruang yang dihasilkan, hingga pengalaman ruang yang ditimbulkan dan kaitannya dengan narasi film. Penggambaran dan pengalaman ruang dapat menekankan narasi yang disampaikan sehingga membuat penonton lebih memahami dan terhubung dengan film tersebut.
In presenting a narrative, a film needs space as the background setting of events. This thesis discusses the effects of shooting techniques to the depiction of space in the film, which then affects the audience?s experience of that space. Audience experience space through the perspective of the narrator or character in the film. Spatial experience in the film may convey information such as its physical qualities, geographical, historical, sosial and cultural context of a place, mood or atmosphere, as well as description of characters. In the case study of the film Hugo, I do a formal analysis of the shooting techniques, the resulting space imagery, to the spatial experience and its relation to the narrative. Representations and experiences of space in film can emphasize the narrative.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catrin Putri Danik
Abstrak :
Semakin maraknya penggunaan internet mengakibatkan adanya perkembangan akan kebutuhan manusia dalam ruang sosial virtual. Hal ini diiringi dengan munculnya berbagai macam sosial media, yang memiliki ragam dan fungsi yang berbeda-beda. Melihat kritteria third place Oldenburg sebagai salah satu pemenuh kebutuhan manusia akan ruang interaksi sosial lalu melihat bagaimana peran teknologi dalam membentuk virtual third place pada ruang cyber. Dilakukanya studi kasus pada couchsurfing.org yang berfungsi sebagai sosial media yang mampu menghasilkan interaksi sosial di dalamnya. Dengan berkembangnya teknologi, virtual third place hanya mampu menstimulasi aktual third place. Namun virtual third place dapat mendorong munculnya third place pada ruang aktual. ......The widespread of Internet users, lead to the development of human needs in the virtual social space . It is accompanied by the emergence of various kinds of social media, which has a wide and diverse functions. Seeing character Oldenburg third place as one of fulfilling the human need for social interaction space and then see how the role of technology in shaping a virtual third place on cyber space. a case study on couchsurfing.org that have functions as a social medium that is able to generate social interaction within it. With the development of technology, a virtual third place only able to stimulate the actual third place. However, a virtual third place could encourage the emergence of third place on the actual space.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kemunculan hunian ruko yang tertutup dengan jendela berteralis besi, pintu berlapis ganda, dan berkerangkeng milik masyarakat Tionghoa di pusat kota Medan. Penampilan ruko yang demikian memberikan kesan tertutup dan sepertinya ada upaya menghindar atau bersembunyi dari sesuatu yang mengancam (ketakutan – ‘Fear’). Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk mengungkapkan alasan di balik tampilan menutup diri (memagari – ‘Fence’) pada hunian ruko masyarakat Tionghoa kota Medan itu. Adapun pertanyaan yang muncul adalah apakah ada hubungan antara kehidupan masyarakat Tionghoa dengan hunian ruko yang tertutup semacam itu khususnya sesudah tahun 1966 (pasca peristiwa G30SPKI) hingga saat ini? Apakah ada hubungannya antara tampilan ruko dengan jendela berteralis besi, pintu berlapis ganda, dan berkerangkeng sebagai ‘fence’ dengan ‘fear’? Untuk mencari tahu jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut di atas, penulis melakukan metoda pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan permintaan data dari badan pemerintahan, yang semuanya lalu dibahas secara analisis-kritikal. Penulis mendapatkan temuan bahwa faktor ‘fear’ sangat mempengaruhi tampilan hunian ruko masyarakat Tionghoa. ‘Fence’ menjadi strategi hunian yang terbentuk untuk meminimalisir/meresponse munculnya ‘fear’ akibat kehidupan yang keras (tingkat kriminalitas yang tinggi) di kota Medan.
This undergraduate thesis was triggered with iron-fenced-windows, double layer Medan. The appearance of these such sh expression of avoidance or hiding fro writing is to reveal the reason behind th shop-houses. There are some question between Chinese cultural life and the cl 1966 (after G30SPKI) until present? Is t of Chinese shop-houses with iron-fence and iron-fenced cage as ‘fence’ and t questions, some methods are applied in interviews, photo documentation, an government; which all of them are anal finds that ‘fear’ factor is very influenti of Chinese shop-houses in Medan. ‘ minimize / response to ‘fear’ on the sho by its high criminal ratings) in Medan.This undergraduate thesis was triggered by the appearance of Chinese shop-houses with iron-fenced-windows, double layered and barred doors, and iron-fenced cages in Medan. The appearance of these such shop-houses gives impression of closeness and expression of avoidance or hiding from something (‘fear’). The purpose of this writing is to reveal the reason behind the ‘closed’ or ‘fenced’ appearance of Chinese shop-houses. There are some questions to raise whether there is a relationship between Chinese cultural life and the closed shop-houses phenomena especially after 1966 (after G30SPKI) until present? Is there any relationship between the appearance of Chinese shop-houses with iron-fenced-window, double layered and barred doors, and iron-fenced cage as ‘fence’ and the impact of ‘fear’ itself? To answer these questions, some methods are applied into this writing including literature studies, interviews, photo documentation, and also important statistical datas from government; which all of them are analytically and critically discussed. This study finds that ‘fear’ factor is very influential in the formation of ‘defensive’ appearance of Chinese shop-houses in Medan. ‘Fence’ becomes a strategy for Chinese to minimize / response to ‘fear’ on the shop houses caused by the hard life (conditioned by its high criminal ratings) in Medan.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Frist Sunarta
Abstrak :
Pada saat ini feng shui sering kali dianggap sebagai kepercayaan belaka. Salah satu yang menyebabkan hal ini terjadi adalah para pemakainya yang cenderung percaya begitu saja pada feng shui tampa berusaha mengerti alasan dibaliknya. Melalui tulisan ini, saya mencoba mencari tahu ada atau tidaknya alasan-alasan rasional yang mendasari pemikiran feng shui tersebut. Karena feng shui memiliki cakupan yang sangat luas, saya membatasi tulisan ini hanya pada feng shui yang berhubungan langsung dengan elemen arsitektur yang terdapat pada sebuah rumah. Dalam pengumpulan data, saya menggunakan studi kepustakaan serta membandingkan No-Body House yang didesain menurut feng shui dan Koshino House yang didesain menurut budaya tradisional Jepang. Saya menduga, bila feng shui benar-benar berdasar pada rasionalitas akan ditemukan praktik-praktik feng shui secara tak sengaja pada bangunan yang didesain tampa menggunakan feng shui.
At this time feng shui is often regarded as a mere belief. The one that caused this to happen is those who tend to believe in feng shui for granted without trying to understand the reason behind it. Through this article, I tried to find out whether there is any rational reasons underlying the ideas of feng shui. Because feng shui has a very broad scope, I limit this paper only on feng shui that are directly related to architectural elements found in a home. In collecting the data, I use literature study and compare the No-Body House designed according to feng shui and Koshino House designed by Japanese traditional culture. I guess, if feng shui is really based on rationality, I will be found feng shui practices inadvertently in buildings designed without using feng shui.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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