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Mursid Fadli
Keberhasilan proses haemodialisis ditentukan oleh terpenuhinya dosis HD sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasien. Pemberian dosis HD yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasien dapat dinilai dari adekuasi atau kecukupan haemodialisis yang dicapai pasien HD. Dengan nilai Qb yang berbeda memberi pengaruh terhadap bersihan ureum yang dicapai. Penelitian ini diharapkan berguna dalam pengaturan dan pemantauan terhadap Qb sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan kecukupan dialisis pasien dan terciptanya kualitas hidup pasien yang lebih baik.
Tujuan :
Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran bagaimana korelasi antara Qb dengan adekuasi haemodialisis pada pasien dengan Arterovenous Fistula (AVF) yang matur. Selain itu mengidentifikasi karakteristik pasien (umur, jenis kelamin dan berat badan interdialisis), Qb pasien dengan AVF yang matur, mengidentifikasi adekuasi haemodialisis yang dicapai oleh pasien dengan AVF yang matur, menganalisa korelasi antara Qb dengan adekuasi haemodialisis pada pasien AVF yang matur dan menganalisa korelasi antara faktor perancu dengan adekuasi haemodialisis pada pasien dengan AVF yang matur.
Metode :
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan studi cross-sectional. Hasil tersebut ditulis dalam lembar pengumpulan data. Selanjutnya dilakukan pengolahan data hasil observasi dengan menggunakan penghitungan secara statistik melalui SPSS 20.0. Pengambilan sampel dengan tehnik total sampling yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Penelitian dilakukan di Divisi Vaskular & Endovaskular FKUI-RSCM Jakarta dan ruang haemodialisa RSCM dan dilakukan pada bulan September sampai November 2015.
Hasil :
Hasil analisis hubungan antara Qb dengan adekuasi haemodialisis (nilai Kt/V) menunjukkan hasil yang tidak signifikan, dimana p value sebesar 0,227 (p > 0,05). Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara Qb dengan adekuasi haemodialisis (p = 0,227).
Kesimpulan :
Tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara Qb dengan adekuasi haemodialis (nilai Kt/V). Pada penelitian ini terdapat banyak kekurangan diantaranya penilaian adekuasi haemodialisis hanya dengan melihat hasil Kt/V tanpa dilakukan pengukuran URR. Keterbatan lain yaitu ruang HD RSCM menggunakan membran dialyzer jenis low flux, hal ini tentunya mempengaruhi pencapaian bersihan ureum yang pada akhirnya berpengaruh terhadap pencapaian adekuasi haemodialisis.ABSTRACT
The success of the process is determined by the fulfillment hemodialysis HD dose according to the patient's needs. HD dosing according to patient needs can be assessed from the adequacy or adequacy of hemodialysis patients who achieved HD. Qb different with giving effect to the urea clearance is achieved. This study is expected to be useful in setting up and monitoring of the Qb so as to optimize the adequacy of dialysis patients and the creation of quality of life of patients better.
This study is expected to provide an overview of how the correlation between Qb and adequacy of hemodialysis in patients with Arterovenous Fistula (AVF) that mature. Besides identifying patient characteristics (age, sex and weight interdialisis), Qb patients with AVF were mature, identify the adequacy of hemodialysis achieved by patients with AVF were mature, analyzing the correlation between Qb and adequacy of hemodialysis in patients with AVF were mature and analyzing the correlation Among the factors confounding the adequacy of hemodialysis in patients with AVF were mature.
This research is a quantitative approach cross-sectional study. The result is written in the data collection sheets. Furthermore, the data processing of observation results using statistical calculation by SPSS 20.0. Sampling with total sampling technique that met the inclusion criteria. The study was conducted at the Division of Vascular & Endovascular Faculty of medicine-RSCM Jakarta and space Haemodialisa RSCM and conducted from September to November 2015.
The results of the analysis of the relationship between Qb and adequacy of hemodialysis (value Kt / V) showed significant results, where the p value of 0.227 (p> 0.05). Results of this study concluded that there was no significant relationship between Qb and adequacy of hemodialysis(p=0.227).
There is no significant relationship between Qb and adequacy haemodialis (value Kt / V). In this study, there are many shortcomings including hemodialysis adequacy assessment just by looking at the Kt / V without a measurement of URR. Another Keterbatan namely HD space RSCM use dialyzer membrane type of a low flux, it is certainly affect the achievement of urea clearance which ultimately affect the achievement of the adequacy of hemodialysis.;Background:
The success of the process is determined by the fulfillment hemodialysis HD dose according to the patient's needs. HD dosing according to patient needs can be assessed from the adequacy or adequacy of hemodialysis patients who achieved HD. Qb different with giving effect to the urea clearance is achieved. This study is expected to be useful in setting up and monitoring of the Qb so as to optimize the adequacy of dialysis patients and the creation of quality of life of patients better.
This study is expected to provide an overview of how the correlation between Qb and adequacy of hemodialysis in patients with Arterovenous Fistula (AVF) that mature. Besides identifying patient characteristics (age, sex and weight interdialisis), Qb patients with AVF were mature, identify the adequacy of hemodialysis achieved by patients with AVF were mature, analyzing the correlation between Qb and adequacy of hemodialysis in patients with AVF were mature and analyzing the correlation Among the factors confounding the adequacy of hemodialysis in patients with AVF were mature.
This research is a quantitative approach cross-sectional study. The result is written in the data collection sheets. Furthermore, the data processing of observation results using statistical calculation by SPSS 20.0. Sampling with total sampling technique that met the inclusion criteria. The study was conducted at the Division of Vascular & Endovascular Faculty of medicine-RSCM Jakarta and space Haemodialisa RSCM and conducted from September to November 2015.
The results of the analysis of the relationship between Qb and adequacy of hemodialysis (value Kt / V) showed significant results, where the p value of 0.227 (p> 0.05). Results of this study concluded that there was no significant relationship between Qb and adequacy of hemodialysis(p=0.227).
There is no significant relationship between Qb and adequacy haemodialis (value Kt / V). In this study, there are many shortcomings including hemodialysis adequacy assessment just by looking at the Kt / V without a measurement of URR. Another Keterbatan namely HD space RSCM use dialyzer membrane type of a low flux, it is certainly affect the achievement of urea clearance which ultimately affect the achievement of the adequacy of hemodialysis."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendra Wibowo
"Pendahuluan: Pemasangan kateter vena sentral berhubungan dengan resiko tinggi terjadinya komplikasi, meliputi stenosis vena sentral. Angioplasti perkutan (PTA) merupakan tindakan yang paling direkomendasikan untuk tatalaksana stenosis vena sentral karena angka keberhasilan yang tinggi. Walaupun demikian, patensi primer setelah tindakan PTA sangat bervariasi. Penelitian tentang prediksi patensi setelah tindakan PTA pada kasus stenosis vena sentral sangat terbatas. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini untuk mencari informasi mengenai patensi primer setelah tindakan PTA beserta factor-faktor yang memengaruhinya di RSUPN Ciptomangunkusumo.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi kohort, dilakukan di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo pada Januari sampai April 2019. Studi ini meliputi pasien dengan stenosis vena sentral yang dilakukan tindakan PTA tanpa stent antara Januari 2014 sampai Feburari 2018. Keluaran studi ini merupakan patensi primer setelah tindakan angioplasty perkutan tanpa stent. Variabel independen pada studi ini meliputi usia, jenis kelamin, komorbiditas (hipertensi, gagal jantung kronik, dan diabetes mellitus), arter-vena fistula (AVF) ipsilateral, kadar HbA1c, lokasi kateter, sisi tubuh pemasangan kateter, tipe kateter, dan frekuensi pemasangan kateter. Metode total sampling digunakan dan data diambil melalui rekam medis. Data dianalisa menggunakan program SPSS 20.0.
Hasil: Studi ini meliputi 43 sampel. Kadar HbA1c, AVF ipsilateral, sisi tubuh pemasangan kateter dan frekuensi pemasangan kateter berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat patensi primer (p<0.05). Analisa Multivariat dengan regresi logistic menunjukkan bahwa komorbiditas, frekuensi pemasangan kateter > 2 kali, sisi tubuh kiri pemasangan kateter, dan tipe kateter short term meningkatkan kemungkinan terjadinya patensi primer yang lebih dini. Sebaliknya peningkatan kadar HbA1c dan AVF ipsilateral menurunkan resiko terjadinya patensi primer yang lebih dini.
Kesimpulan: Kadar HbA1c > 7%, AVF ipsilateral, sisi tubuh pemasangan kateter, dan frekuensi pemasangan kateter berhubungan dengan patensi primer yang lebih dini setelah tindakan PTA pada pasien dengan stenosis vena sentral.

Introduction: Central vein catheter (CVC) is associated with higher risk of complications, including central vein stenosis (CVS). Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) is the most recommended modality to treat CVS due to high technical success rate. However, patency after PTA procedure is still very variable. Studies on patency predictors after PTA in CVS patients are still very limited. Therefore, this study aims to find out the primary patency after PTA in CVS patients as well as the contributing factors in RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Method: This was a retrospective cohort study, done in RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo from January to April 2019. Included patients were hemodialysis patients diagnosed with CVS after PTA, proven by clinical symptoms and diagnostic studies, from January 2014 to February 2018 who were treated with percutaenous angioplasty without stent. Studied outcome is primary patency after percutaneous angioplasty without stent. Independent variables of this study are age, gender, comorbidities (hypertension, chronic heart failure, and diabetes mellitus), AVF existence, HbA1c level, catheter insertion location, side of catheter insertion, catheter material, and frequency of catheter insertion. Total sampling method was used and data were taken from patients' medical records. Data were analysed using SPSS 20.0 software.
Results: This study included 43 subjects. It is shown that HbA1c level, ipsilateral AVF, side of catheter insertion and catheter insertion frequency have significant association with primary patency (p<0.05). Multivariate analysis with logistic regression showed that comorbidities, catheter insertion frequency of >2 times, left side of catheter insertion and short term catheter material increase the probability of short primary patency. Meanwhile, increased HbA1C and ipsilateral AVF decrease the risk of short primary patency. However, no variable has independent association with primary patency.
Conclusion: HbA1c level of > 7%, ipsilateral AVF, side of catheter insertion, and catheter insertion frequency are associated with early primary patency after PTA in hemodialysis patients with CVS.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Umayah Asnandri
"Pendahuluan: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pendahuluan untuk mengetahui pengaruh tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik terhadap maturasi arteriovenous fistula (AVF) pada pasien gagal ginjal kronis stadium akhir dengan diabetes melitus tipe 2, sehingga nantinya dapat dijadikan pertimbangan dalam pembuatan akses AVF di divisi Bedah Vaskular RSCM.
Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain historical cohort di Divisi Vaskular Departemen Ilmu Bedah FKUI-RSCM, Jakarta. Dengan dilakukan consecutive sampling, semua penderita penyakit ginjal kronik stadium akhir dengan diabetes melitus tipe 2 yang direncanakan untuk hemodialisis dengan akses vaskular AVF brakiosefalika.
Hasil: Didapatkan 64 subjek gagal ginjal kronik dengan diabetes melitus tipe 2 menjalani prosedur pemasangan akses brakiosefalika. Sebanyak 75% yang matur dari keseluruhan subjek yang diikutsertakan. Rerata tekanan sistolik pra bedah antar kedua kelompok menunjukan angka maksimal berada di 165,15 mmHg dan minimum 123.19 mmHg pada kelompok matur dan angka maksimal berada di 164,65 mmHg dan minimum 125,26 mmHg pada kelompok tidak matur dengan nilai p = 0,922. Rerata tekanan diastolik prabedah antar kedua kelompok dimana angka maksimal berada di 93,04 mmHg dan minimum 72,6 mmHg pada kelompok matur dan angka maksimal berada di 90,34 mmHg dan minimum 75,78 mmHg pada kelompok tidak matur. Sehingga secara statistik tidak memberi kemaknaan (p = 0,982).
Kesimpulan: Tekanan darah sistolik-diastolik pra bedah tidak memiliki kemaknaan terhadap maturitas AVF brakiosefalika pada penderita penyakit ginjal kronik stadium akhir dengan dibetes melitus tipe 2.
Kata Kunci: tekanan darah sistolik-diastolik, maturitas AV fistula, brakiosefalika, diabetes melitus.

Introduction: This study is a preliminary study to see the effect of systolic and diastolic blood pressure on arteriovenous fistula maturation (AVF) in end-stage chronic renal failure patients with type 2 diabetes melitus, in the future this study can be considered as reference in making AVF access in the Vascular Surgery division of RSCM.
Methods: This study was conducted with a historical cohort design at the Division of Vascular Surgery Department of the Faculty of medicine University Indonesia- Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. We are using consecutive sampling, all patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease with type 2 diabetes melitus that have planned for hemodialysis with brachiocephalic AVF vascular access.
Result: There were 64 subjects with chronic renal failure with type 2 diabetes melitus undergoing brachiocephalic access insertion procedures. There are 75% of mature subjects were enrolled. The mean preoperative systolic pressure between the two groups showed the maximum number was 165.15 mmHg and minimum was 123.19 mmHg for the mature group, and we also found the maximum number is 164.65 mmHg and the minimum 125.26 mmHg for the immature group with P value 0.922 (P=0.922). The mean preoperative diastolic pressure between the two groups, where the maximum number was 93.04 mmHg and the minimum 72.6 mmHg for the mature group and the maximum number is 90.34 mmHg and the minimum 75.78 mmHg for the immature group. The result was statistically not significant with P value 0.982 (P=0.9820). Conclusion: Preoperative systolic-diastolic blood pressure has no significance meaning on the maturity of the brachiocephalic AVF in patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease with type 2 diabetes melitus.
Keywords: Systolic-diastolic blood pressure, AV fistula maturity, brachiocephalica, end-stage chronic kidney disease, diabetes melitus.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Wisnu Pamungkas
"Pendahuluan: Iskemia tungkai kritis (ITK) merupakan penyakit vaskular yang memiliki risiko mortalitas dan amputasi yang tinggi. Insidens dari penyakit arteri perifer (PAP) khususnya ITK di Amerika mencapai 500-1000 kasus per 1 juta orang setiap tahunnya. Intervensi endovaskular (EVI) merupakan salah satu metode terapi ITK yang menjadi pilihan utama karena secara signifikan menurunkan risiko amputasi dan meningkatkan limb salvage. Penatalaksanaan menggunakan EVI terbagi menjadi balloon angioplasty dan stent angioplasty. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari metode EVI dalam pemyembuhan luka akibat ITK.
Metode: Dilakukan studi cross sectional dengan 90 subjek ITK yang menjalani intervensi endovaskular berupa balloon angioplasty dan stent angioplasty di Rumah Sakit dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dari Januari 2013 hingga Juli 2017. Lama penyembuhan luka diantara kedua metode dianalisis menggunakan uji T tidak berpasangan dengan nilai p<0,05 dianggap bermakna secara statistik. Data yang diambil berupa metode EVI, lama penyembuhan luka, dan data karakteristik subjek (usia, riwayat amputasi, IMT, riwayat merokok, DM, lokasi pembuluh darah, dan profil darah).
Hasil: Persebaran data lama perawatan pada kelompok balloon angioplasty dan stent angioplasty menunjukan hasil yang normal dengan rerata 84,8 ± 2,423 hari dan 59,93 ± 2,423 hari dengan perbedaan rerata 25 hari. Perbedaan rerata antara kedua faktor bermakna secara statistik (p<0,05). Kejadian amputasi pada kelompok balloon angioplasty dan stent angioplasty adalah 22 dan 16 kejadian dengan perbedaan yang tidak bermakna secara statistik (p<0,05).
Kesimpulan: Metode stent angioplasty lebih baik dibandingkan metode balloon angioplasty dalam hal lama penyembuhan luka pada pasien ITK.

Introduction: Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is a vascular disease that has a significant amputation and mortality risk with diabetes mellitus, the most significant risk factor in CLI, is very common among Indonesian. Endovascular intervention (EVI) is preferred in treating CLI because it is non invasive and effective. Balloon angioplasty and stent angioplasty are the most common method of EVI in Indonesia. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of balloon angioplasty and stent angioplasty on wound healing in CLI.
Method: A cross sectional study enrolled 90 subjects of CLI who underwent endovascular intervention using balloon angioplasty and stent angioplasty from January 2013 to July 2017 in dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta. The wound healing period between balloon angioplasty and stent angioplasty were analyzed using unpaired T-test with p<0,05 considered as statistically significant. Data of intervention method, wound healing period, and subjects characteristic data (age, amputation, BMI, smoking habit, DM, occlusion site, and blood profile) were obtained.
Result: The wound healing period in balloon angioplasty and stent angioplasty distributed normally. Mean value of wound healing period in balloon angioplasty and stent angioplasty is 84,8 ± 2,423 and 59,93 ± 2,423 days with mean difference of 25 days. The difference of wound healing period in both group is statically significant (p<0,05). The amputation event in balloon angioplasty and stent angioplasty is 22 and 16 event with no difference statistically.
Conclusion: Stent angioplasty is better method than balloon angioplasty for wound healing in patients with CLI.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simbolon, Prabowo Wirjodigdo
"Diperkirakan sekitar 15% penderita diabetes akan mengalami diabetic foot ulcer (DFU). Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) terbukti lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan perawatan konvensional. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko yang memengaruhi lama rawat DFU dengan NPWT. Penelitian ini merupakan studi retrospektif dengan desain cross sectional analitik pada 105 subjek yang dirawat pada Januari 2016 sampai Desember 2018 di RS dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Lama rawat DFU dengan NPWT adalah 19,9 ± 19,3 hari. Faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi lama rawat adalah riwayat ulkus (r = 0,01; p = 0,034), kedalaman luka (r = 0,292; p = 0.003), Hb (r = 0,05; p = 0,039), HbA1c (r = 0,06; p = 0,033), albumin (r = 0,06; p = 0,017), PCT (r = 0,10; p = 0,035), dan lama menderita DM (r = 0,193; p = 0,009). Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lama rawat DFU dengan NPWT dipengaruhi oleh faktor sitemik (lama menderita DM, Hb, HbA1c, albumin, dan PCT) dan faktor lokal (riwayat ulkus sebelumnya dan kedalaman luka). Kedalaman luka merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungan positif terhadap lama perawatan DFU pasca NPWT (r = 0,292, p = 0,003). Intervensi pada faktor risiko patut dilakukan untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan NPWT dan mengurangi lama perawatan.

It is estimated that around 15% of diabetic patients will experience diabetic foot ulcer (DFU). Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) is proven to be more effective than conventional treatments. This study was conducted to determine the risk factors that affect the length of stay of DFU with NPWT. This research is a retrospective study with a cross-sectional analytic design of 105 subjects treated in January 2016 to December 2018 at dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. The average length of stay of DFU with NPWT was 19.9 ± 19.3 days. Risk factors affecting the length of stay were history of ulcers (r = 0.01; p = 0.034), wound depth (r = 0.292; p = 0.003), Hb (r = 0.05; p = 0.039), HbA1c (r = 0.06; p = 0.033), albumin (r = 0.06; p = 0.017), PCT (r = 0.10; p = 0.035), and duration of DM (r = 0.193; p = 0.009). This study showed that the length of stay of DFU with NPWT was influenced by systemic factors (duration of DM, Hb, HbA1c, albumin, and PCT) and local factors (history of previous ulcers and wound depth). Depth of the wound was themost positively related factor to the length of stay in DFU post NPWT (r = 0.292; p = 0.003). Interventions on the risk factors may amplify the result of NPWT and reduce the length of treatment."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margaretta Limawan
Latar belakang. Diabetes mellitus DM merupakan salah satu penyakit kronis yang komplikasinya masih menjadi masalah besar di Indonesia. Salah satu komplikasi DM yang paling sering dan sering berakhir dengan kecacatan adalah kaki diabetik. Angka amputasi di Indonesia khususnya di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo RSCM masih cukup tinggi dibandingkan dengan negara lain di Asia. Salah satu faktor predisposisi amputasi kaki diabetik adalah perfusi jaringan yang dapat diukur dengan ankle brachial index ABI . Studi sebelumnya menunjukkan hubungan signifikan antara ABI dengan kejadian amputasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan nilai ABI dengan besarnya risiko terjadinya amputasi minor dan mayor pada penderita kaki diabetic dalam populasi kami.Metode. Kami melakukan studi retrospektif pada 84 subjek dengan kaki diabetik yang diamputasi di RSCM selama periode 1 Januari 2013 sampai dengan 31 Desember 2014. Karakteristik subjek dan vaskular termasuk diantaranya ABI dianalisa secara statistik.Hasil. Kami dapatkan sepsis dengan adjusted OR 95 CI : 0,023 0,004 sampai 0,157 dan nilai ABI yang memiliki adjusted OR 95 CI : 2,89 1,33 sampai 6,29 merupakan variabel yang bermakna dengan kejadian amputasi pada pasien kaki diabetik.Kesimpulan. Subjek dengan nilai ABI 1,3 secara independen.
. Diabetes mellitus is one of the chronic diseases in which the complication is still a major problem in Indonesia. One of the most frequent complications of diabetes mellitus and often ends up with a disability is diabetic foot. The number of amputation in Indonesia, especially in dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital RSCM is quite high compared to other countries in Asia. One of predisposing factors of diabetic foot amputation is the tissue perfusion that can be measured by the ankle brachial index ABI . All the studies carried out abroad and in RSCM show a significant relationship between ABI and the incidence of amputation. This study aims to determine the relationship of ABI score with the magnitude of minor and major amputation risks in patients with diabetic foot.Method. The retrospective study was conducted in 84 patients with diabetic foot that were amputated at the RSCM during the period of January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014. Samples were taken consecutively. Statistical analysis is done to find out a relationship between predisposing factors with the incidence of minor and major amputations in patients with diabetic foot. Chi Square test or Fisher, as well as multivariate analysis using logistic regression is used. The significance if p was "
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tom Christy Adriani
"Objektif: Diabetic Foot Ulcer DFU merupakan komplikasi Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 DMT2 yang dapat berujung pada disabilitas dan kematian. Kondisi vaskularisasi yang tidakadekuat dapat mempengaruhi proses penyembuhan pada DFU. Studi terbarumenunjukkan TGF-?1 mempunyai peran dalam proses penyembuhan luka danmenghasilkan neuropati, penyebab utama terjadinya DFU. Oleh sebab itu, studi inimelakukan investigasi terhadap ekspresi dari polimorfisme TGF-β1 dalam hubungannyapada kejadian DFU pada DMT2.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus kontrol untuk membandingkan polimorfismeTGF-?1 gen 1800469 C>T dan gen 1982073 C>T pada DMT2 di RS CiptoMangunkusumo RSCM Jakarta Juni hingga Desember 2016. Teknik PCR digunakanuntuk membandingkan hasilnya pada grup DMT2 dengan DFU dan DMT2 tanpa DFU.
Hasil: Terdapat 197 pasien secara keseluruhan yang terbagi atas 96 pasien dengan DFU dan 101pasien kontrol grup tanpa DFU. Distribusi allel dari TGF- ?1 1800469 C>T adalah 54,3 dan T 45,7 , sedangkan distribusi TGF-β1 1982073 C>T adalah C 72,3 dan T 27,7 .Dengan kata lain, polimorfisme TGF-β1 mempunyai peran dalam pembentukan danproses penyembuhan DFU pada pasien DMT2.
Kesimpulan: Didapatkan hubungan bermakna pada gen RS1982073 sebagai factor pencegah danRS1800469 sebagai factor resiko terjadinya DFU.

Objective: Diabetic Foot Ulcer DFU is one of the complication of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus T2DM that can lead to disability and death. Inadequate vascularization condition willaffect healing process of DFU. Recent study showed, TGF 1 has a role in the processof wound healing and process of resulting neuropathy, the most common cause of DFU.Therefore, we investigated the expression of polymorphism TGF 1 in relation of theoccurance of DFU in T2DM.
Methods: We designed a case control study to investigate the polymorphism TGFβ1 gene1800469 C T and 1982073 C T in T2DM in Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital RSCM Jakarta from june to December 2016. We used PCR techniques and comparedthe results in group of T2DM patients with DFU as the case study and without DFU asthe control group.
Results: There were 197 patients, 96 patients with DFU and 101 patients control without DFU.49,8 is male and 50,2 female with mean age about 56 years. Distribution of wildtype genotype TGFβ1 1800469 C T wild type CC were found in 44,8, the number ofmutant heterozygote CT was 10,8 and mutant homozygote is 11,3. Distribution ofTGF B1 1982073 C T wild type CC was 32,5, mutant heterozygote is 38,9 andmutant homozygote 25,1.
Conclusion: Were found meaning relationship in gene RS1982073 as inhibitor factor and geneRS1800469 as risk factor of the DFU in T2DM patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simbolon, Prabowo Wirjodigdo
"Latar belakang: Diperkirakan sekitar 15% penderita diabetes akan mengalami diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) dalam masa hidupnya. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) terbukti lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan perawatan konvensional. NPWT menciptakan lingkungan luka yang lembab, peningkatan aliran darah lokal dan merangsang jaringan granulasi sehingga mempercepat penyembuhan luka. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko yang memengaruhi lama rawat DFU dengan NPWT.
Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini merupakan studi retrospektif dengan desain cross sectional analitik pada 105 subjek yang dirawat pada Januari 2016 sampai Desember 2018 di RS dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Karakteristik dan demografi pasien dan faktor risiko diambil dari rekam medik. Durasi perawatan dari aplikasi pertama NPWT hingga luaran sebagai hasil, kemudian dianalisis terhadap faktor risiko yang memengaruhinya.
Hasil Penelitian: Lama rawat DFU dengan NPWT adalah 19,9 ± 19,3 hari. Faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi lama rawat adalah riwayat ulkus (r = 0,01; p = 0,034), kedalaman luka (r = 0,292; p = 0.003), Hb (r = 0,05; p = 0,039), HbA1c (r = 0,06; p = 0,033), albumin (r = 0,06; p = 0,017), PCT (r = 0,10; p = 0,035), dan lama menderita DM (r = 0,193; p = 0,009).
Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lama rawat DFU dengan NPWT dipengaruhi oleh faktor sitemik (lama menderita DM, Hb, HbA1c, albumin, dan PCT) dan faktor lokal (riwayat ulkus sebelumnya dan kedalaman luka). Kedalaman luka merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungan positif terhadap lama perawatan DFU pasca NPWT (r = 0,292, p = 0,003). Intervensi pada faktor risiko yang dapat diperbaiki sebelum penggunaan NPWT patut dilakukan untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan NPWT dan mengurangi lama perawatan.

Background: It is estimated that around 15% of diabetic patients will experience diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) in their lifetime. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) is proven to be more effective than conventional treatments. NPWT creates a moist wound environment, increases local blood flow and stimulates tissue granulation thereby accelerating wound healing. This study was conducted to determine the risk factors that affect the length of stay of DFU with NPWT. Knowing this risk factors may be helpful for optimizing management strategy.
Methods: This research is a retrospective study with a cross-sectional analytic design in 105 subjects treated in January 2016 to December 2018 at RS. dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Patient characteristics, demographics and risk factors were taken from medical records. The length of stay of the patient from the first application of NPWT to its outcomes was the main result, then the correlation to the risk factors that influence it was analyzed.
Results: The length of stay of DFU with NPWT was 19.9 ± 19.3 days. Risk factors affecting the length of stay were history of ulcers (r = 0.01; p = 0.034), wound depth (r = 0.292; p = 0.003), Hb (r = 0.05; p = 0.039), HbA1c (r = 0.06; p = 0.033), albumin (r = 0.06; p = 0.017), PCT (r = 0.10; p = 0.035), and duration of DM (r = 0.193; p = 0.009).
Conclusions: This study showed that the length of stay of DFU with NPWT was influenced by systemic factors (duration of DM, Hb, HbA1c, albumin, and PCT) and local factors (history of previous ulcers and wound depth). The depth of the wound was the most positively related factor to the length of stay in DFU post NPWT (r = 0.292; p = 0.003). Interventions on the risk factors that can be corrected before the application of NPWT may amplify the result of NPWT and reduce the length of treatment.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Willy Muljono
"Latar belakang: Ulkus Kaki diabetik atau Diabetic Foot Ulcer merupakan salah satu komplikasi yang berat, karena sering kali ulkus kaki diabetik berakhir dengan amputasi kecacatan dan kematian. USG Doppler merupakan modalitas yang mudah tersedia dan non invasif untuk evaluasi arteri ekstremitas inferior dan dapat mendeteksi tingkat keparahan gangguan aliran darah atau Penyakit Arteri Perifer (PAP) dengan sensitivitas 42,8% dan spesifisitas 97,5%. WHO merekomendasikan klasifikasi Perfusion, Extent/Size, Depth/Tissue Loss, Infection, Sensation (PEDIS) sebagai sarana penegakan diagnosis dan membantu menentukan tatalaksana kaki diabetik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat korelasi skor PEDIS dalam menilai gangguan aliran arteri tungkai berdasarkan spektral USG Doppler pada penderita ulkus kaki diabetik di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta. Subjek dan Metode: Subjek penelitian adalah pasien ulkus kaki diabetes yang dirawat di Divisi Bedah Vaskular dan Endovaskular FKUI-RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta dan memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan perhitungan menggunakan sensitivitas estimasi sebesar 80%, error absolut (d=5%), prevalensi estimasi 51,8% maka besar sampel minimal adalah 76. Setelah itu diperoleh data berupa skor PEDIS dan hasil spektral USG pada arteri femoralis, arteri poplitea, arteri dorsalis pedis dan arteri tibialis posterior. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan 81 orang subjek dengan 52 orang (64%) jenis kelamin laki-laki, 29 orang (36%) perempuan dan rata-rata usia 59,8+10,5 tahun. Profil gula darah sewaktu subjek median 265 mg/dl dengan kisaran antara 105-571 mg/dl. Pada tabel 3 dalam menentukan Cut Off skor PEDIS menggunakan kurva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic), didapatkan Cut Off arteri poplitea >10, sedangkan arteri dorsalis pedis dan arteri tibialis posterior >8.

Main topics: Diabetic Foot Ulcer or Diabetic Foot Ulcer is one form that is severe, because often diabetic foot ulcers end with disability amputation and death. Doppler ultrasound is an easily available and unlimited modality for lower limb risk and can detect the severity of arterial disease or peripheral arterial sensitivity (PAP) with a sensitivity of 42.8% and specificity of 97.5%. WHO that performs Data Perfusion, Area/Size, Depth/Tissue Loss, Infection, Sensation (PEDIS) as a means of enforcing the diagnosis and helps determine the management of diabetic foot. This study was conducted to look at the PEDIS score in assessing the disturbance of limb arterial flow based on Doppler ultrasound in patients with diabetic foot ulcer at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta. Subjects were patients with diabetic foot ulcers performed in the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine-Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta and fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. This research was conducted by calculating using an estimation sensitivity of 80%, absolute error (d = 5%), the largest prevalence of 51.8%, then the minimum sample size was 76. After that data was obtained in the form of PEDIS scores and spectral results of ultrasound in the femoral artery, arteries poplitea, dorsalis pedis artery and posterior tibial artery. This study collected 81 subjects with 52 people (64%) male gender, 29 people (36%) women and an average of 59.8 + 10.5 years. The blood sugar profile was median 265 mg/dl with a range of 105-571 mg/dl. In table 3 in determining the PEDIS score Cut-Off using the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, obtained Cut-ff popliteal artery> 10, while the dorsalis pedis artery and posterior tibial artery> 8."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library