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White, Ben
Bandung: Yayasan AKATIGA, 1998
331.359 8 WHI c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Gallstone is a crystal deposit which is formed in the gallbladder or bile duct. Gallstone is classified into cholesterol stone, pigment stone (black and brown), and mixed stone. Mechanism which underlies the formation of cholesterol or pigment gallstone is different. Information on chemical component of the stone will assist the management and prevention of its recurrence. Analysis of gallstone component can be performed by colorimetry method or even gas liquid chromatography (GLC). Chemical component analysis of gallstone by colorimetry includes examination of cholesterol, bilirubin, and calcium. Stone is classified as cholesterol stone if the cholesterol content is > 80%, pigment stone if cholesterol content is < 20%, and mixed stone if cholesterol content is 25-80%. Gallstone analysis by GLC method is conducted by separation of fatty acid chain and evaluation of fatty acid quantity in the methylester derivatives form, which is fatty acid methyl estered. Fatty acid content in cholesterol stone (310.09 + 49.7 mg/gram) is higher compared to pigment stone (55.59 +7.71 mg/gram). Saturated to unsaturated fatty acid (S/U) ration in cholesterol stone (8.6 + 3.1) is higher compared to pigment stone (4.8 + 1.5).
Jakarta: Interna Publishing (Pusat Penerbitan Ilmu Penyakit Dalam), 2016
611 UI-IJGHE 17:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizka Dwi Putri
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai hubungan antara persepsi siswa terhadap orientasi tujuan guru matematika dan academic selfhandicapping pada siswa SMP kelas 7. Pengukuran persepsi siswa terhadap orientasi tujuan guru matematika dan academic self-handicapping menggunakan alat ukur Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scale (PALS) yang dikembangkan oleh Midgley dkk. (2000). Responden berjumlah 151 siswa SMP kelas 7 yang berasal dari tiga sekolah berbeda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara persepsi siswa terhadap orientasi tujuan guru performance dan academic self-handicapping. Di lain sisi, tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara persepsi siswa terhadap orientasi tujuan guru mastery dan academic selfhandicapping. Hasil belum sejalan dengan teori orientasi tujuan karenaorientasi tujuan mastery dianggap dapat mengarahkan siswa untuk menerapkan cara belajar yang adaptif, sehingga dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut. This research aimed to examine the correlation between student?s perception of mathematics teacher goal orientation and academic self-handicapping on middle school student grade 7th . Student?s perception of mathematics teacher goal orientation and academic self-handicapping were measured by Patterns of Adaptive Learning Scales (PALS) which developed by Midgley etc. (2000). The respondents were 151 middle school students in 7th grade from three different schools. The result of this research showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between student?s perception of mathematics teacher performance?s goal and academic selfhandicapping. On the other hand, there is no significant correlation between student?s perception of mathematics teacher and academic self-handicapping. This result is not consistent with goal orientation theory that proposed mastery as a predictor of adaptive learning style, so further research is needed.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatira Aurelia
Abstrak :
Emerging adulthood (EA) adalah masa transisi seseorang dari remaja ke dewasa. Dengan karakteristik identity exploration dan instability, EA terdorong untuk berinteraksi dengan banyak orang, di mana memahami emosi ekspresi wajah lawan berbicara menjadi sangat penting. Terdapat serangkaian studi terdahulu yang mengkaji terkait bias atensi ekspresi wajah Marah dan Senang dalam sebuah kerumunan (Anger vs Happiness Superiority Effect/ ASE vs HSE). Disayangkan, hasil dari studi terdahulu tidak konsisten menjelaskan ekspresi wajah mana yang lebih kuat dalam menangkap atensi seseorang. Untuk menjembatani hal tersebut, penelitian ini menguji pengaruh Kepuasan Hidup terhadap ASE. Penelitian ini menggunakan Kepuasan Hidup (SWLS) dan pengukuran waktu reaksi saat partisipan (N = 91, 18-29 tahun, belum menikah) merespon ekspresi wajah Marah dan Senang yang dikemas dalam modified emotional stroop task (Preston & Stansfield, 2008). Hasil analisis ANOVA menunjukkan ekspresi wajah marah secara implisit diprioritaskan dalam pemrosesan informasi bila dibandingkan dengan emosi senang. Ditemukan juga bahwa kelompok Kepuasan Hidup rendah menunjukkan ASE yang lebih besar ketimbang kelompok Kepuasan Hidup tinggi. Temuan ini menjelaskan mengapa informasi berisikan emosi marah mendapatkan lebih banyak atensi dari khalayak, daripada emosi senang. Dengan temuan ini, diharapkan EA di Indonesia dapat lebih sadar akan emosi yang ada dalam informasi yang mereka terima dan meningkatkan Kepuasan Hidup mereka. ......Emerging adulthood (EA) is the transition from adolescence to adulthood. With the characteristics of identity exploration and instability, EA is encouraged to interact with many people, where understanding the emotions of the other person's facial expressions is very important. Series of previous studies examined attentional bias of Angry and Happy facial expressions in a crowd (Anger vs Happiness Superiority Effect/ASE vs HSE). Unfortunately, the results from previous studies have not consistently explained which facial expressions are stronger in capturing someone's attention. To bridge this, current study examines the effect of life satisfaction on ASE. This study used Life Satisfaction (SWLS) and reaction time measurements when participants (N = 91, 18-29 years old, not yet married) responded to angry and happy facial expressions in modified emotional stroop task (Preston & Stansfield, 2008). Results of ANOVA analysis show that angry facial expressions are implicitly prioritized in information processing when compared to happy emotions. It was also found that the low Life Satisfaction group showed a greater ASE than the high Life Satisfaction group. This findings explains why information containing angry emotions gets more attention from audiences than happy emotions. With this awareness, it is hoped that EAs in Indonesia can be more aware of the emotions in the information they receive and increase their Life Satisfaction.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Haryadi
Bandung: Yayasan Akatiga, 1995
305.231 Har b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lipschutz, Seymour, 1915-2003
Jakarta: Erlangga, 2004
512.5 LIP s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pocut Aya Sofya
Abstrak :
Masalah: Pemakaian gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan sangat erat hubungannya dengan terjadinya akumulasi plak dan depositnya, yang menjadi tempat menguntungkan untuk pertumbuhan bakteri. Pada gigi tiruan sebagian, penumpukan plak paling banyak terdapat di daerah servikal yang berhadapan dengan gigi penyangga, sehingga bakteri dapat pula berkoloni pada gigi penyangga dan menyebabkan karies gigi.Oleh karena itu sangat diperlukan pembersihan gigi tiruan yang dapat mengurangi pertumbuhan bakteri khususnya bakteri Streptococcus mutans yang berhubungan dengan etiologi karies. Telah terbukti bahwa pembersihan gigi tiruan secara kimiawi yaitu dengan cara perendaman dalam larutan pembersih seperti alkalin peroksida, sodium bikarbonat dan sodium hipoklorid 0,5% lebih efektif menjangkau seluruh permukaan basis gigi tiruan dibandinngkan pembersihan secara mekanik Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui lama perendaman larutan pembersih gigi tiruan yaitu alkallin peroksida, sodium bikarbonat dam sodium hipoklorid 0,5% yang dapat mengurangi jumlah koloni S.mutans pada basis resin akrilik permukaan halus dan kasar. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental laboratoris menggunakan 48 spesimen, 24 spesimen dengan permukaan halus dan 24 spesimen dengan permukaan kasar. Setelah dikontaminasi dengan bakteri S.mutans direndam dalam 3 larutan pembersih dan aquades sebagai kontrol selama 5 dan 10 menit. Selanjutnya spesimen dibiakkan pada agar darah, dimasukkan inkubator dan jumlah koloni dihitung dan dianalisa. Hasil: Dari hasil uji statistik disimpulkan bahwa larutan sodium hipoklorid 0,5% dengan lama perendaman selama 5 menit tidak berbeda bermakna dengan perendaman selama 10 menit pada spesimen resin akrilik heat-cured permukaan halus dan permukaan kasar. Sodium hipoklorid 0,5% paling efektif mengurangi bakteri S.mutans dibandingkan dengan larutan alkalin peroksida dan sodium bikarbonat Kesimpulan: Larutan sodium hipoklorid 0.5% dengan lama perendaman 5 dan 10 menit paling banyak mengurangi jumlah koloni S mutans. ...... Background:The usage of partial removable denture is strongly associated with accumulation of plaque and its deposits, which is an ideal place for bacterial growth. Plaque deposits in partial removable denture commonly found in cervical area adjacent to abutment tooth and caused bacterial colonization on abutment tooth which led to the occurrence of dental caries. That is why application of denture cleaning solution that will reduce bacterial growth, especially Streptococcus mutans which related to caries formation etiology, is crucial. It has been proven that chemical cleansing of denture by soaking the removable denture in chemical cleaning solution such as sodium hypochlorite 0,5% and sodium bicarbonate is more effective the area inaccessible by mechanical cleansing. Objective:To determine the effect of rinsing duration of cleaning solution, such as sodium bicarbonate and sodium hypochlorite 0,5%, to S.mutans bacterial colonies on smooth-surfaced and rough-surfaced acrylic resin plate. Method:This laboratory experiment was conducted using 48 specimens, with 24 smooth-surfaced and 24 rough-surfaced acrylic resin plates. After S.mutans contamination, the specimens were rinsed in 3 different cleaning solution and aquadest which served as control, for the duration of 5 and 10 minutes. Afterwards, the specimens were cultured in blood agar mediums and kept inside incubator for a period of time, and then colonies of S. mutans formed in the medium were counted. Results:Statistical analysis showed that the rinsing of acrylic plate in sodium hypochlorite 0,5% for 5 and 10 minutes significantly reduced S.mutans colonies compared to rinsing in alkaline peroxide and sodium bicarbonate for both the smooth and rough-surfaced specimens. Conclusion:Soaking of acrylic plate in sodium hypochlorite 0,5% for 5 and 10 minutes is the most effective way to reduce S.mutans colonies in both the smooth and rough-surfaced specimens.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Lathifah Tyas Utami
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara strategi koping dan distres psikologis pada mahasiswa FKUI. Penelitian terkait dengan strategi koping serta distres psikologis masih sedikit dibahas pada mahasiswa kedokteran di Indonesia. Hal ini penting untuk diteliti mengingingat banyaknya kompetensi yang harus dipenuhi oleh mahasiswa kedokteran dan dapat menimbulkan stres pada diri mereka. Jika tidak ditangani dengan baik, maka hal tersebut mampu memunculkan distres pada diri individu yang kemudian dapat menghambat pendidikannya. Sebanyak 187 partisipan yang merupakan mahasiswa FKUI mengisi alat ukur Kuesioner Kesehatan Umum untuk mengukur tingkat distres psikologis, dan The Brief COPE untuk mengukur strategi koping. Pengolahan data dilakukan menggunakan teknik statistik pearson correlation menunjukkan tidak terdapat korelasi positif yang signifikan antara strategi coping dengan distres psikologis dengan nilai korelasi yaitu r = 0,035 dan p = 0,637 two tailed. Tidak terdapat korelasi negatif yang signifikan antara jenis koping problem-focused coping dengan distres psikologis, kemudian distres psikologis dan emotion-focused coping juga ditemukan tidak berkorelasi positif secara signifikan. Artinya, semakin tinggi tingkat penggunaan problem-focused coping individu maka semakin tinggi pula tingkat distres psikologis individu tersebut. Terdapat korelasi negatif yang signifikan antara distres psikologis dengan adaptive coping, dan begitu pula pada distres psikologis dan maladaptive coping. Semakin tinggi tingkat penggunaan maladaptive coping maupun adaptive coping maka akan semakin rendah tingkat distres psikologis yang dialami. Namun jika dilihat dari korelasinya maka individu yang menggunakan strategi maladaptive coping memiliki distres psikologis yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan individu yang menggunakan strategi adaptive coping. ...... Indonesian medical students are very prone to stress because of the high standards of competencies that they must fulfill in order to become future doctors. This puts the individuals at risk of further distress that might eventually become a barrier for their education. A lot of research under the topic of psychological distress have not yet focused on Indonesian medical students particular condition. Therefore, it is urgent to dig deeper upon the problem in this current research.This research aims to unravel the relationship between coping strategy and psychological distress in medical students in University of Indonesia. As much as 187 medical students from University of Indonesia participated in the study. They completed a questionnaire on general health Kuesioner Kesehatan Umum in order to measure their level of psychological distress and the Brief COPE to measure their coping strategy.The final data were produced by using Pearson correlation statistics, which showed that there was no significant positive correlation between coping strategy and psychological distress, with r 0,035 and p 0,637 two tailed. There was no signicificant negative correlation between problem focused coping and psychological distress. Furthermore, the positive correlation between psychological distress and emotion focused coping was also found to be insignificant. This means that the more a person uses problem focused coping strategy, the higher the psychological distress level that the person has. There were, however, a significant negative correlation between psychological distress and adaptive coping, and also between psychological distress and maladaptive coping. Both the users of adaptive coping and maladaptive coping seem to have lower levels of psychological distress. However, judging from the correlation, individuals who use maladaptive coping strategy actually have higher levels of psychological distress compared to their counterparts who use adaptive coping.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Unversitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Salatiga: Yayasan AKATIGA, 1996
331.31 DEH (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amrillah M
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang keterlibatan Save the Children (STC) sebagai INGO di konflik Suriah sejak tahun 2012-2015. Pertanyaan penelitian ini adalah bagaimana keterlibatan STC dalam konflik Suriah dalam menjelaskan terkait kemampuan dan bentuk strateginya. Kerangka konseptual yang digunakan pada penelitian kali ini adalah International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO). Konsep ini menjelaskan definisi STC yang memiliki kemampuan berinterkoneksi dan representasi kepentingan. Temuan penelitian ini melihat bahwa kemampuan Interkoneksi STC bertujuan untuk membangun strategi aliansi program, seperti program Open Aid Partnership (OAP). Kemampuan representasi adalah klaim STC atas strategi framing isu yang mereka lakukan di Suriah. Kemampuan STC ini yang direalisasikan dalam bentuk keterlibatan STC seperti advokasi dan capacity building. Kedua bentuk keterlibatan tersebut yang dijadikan program STC diantaranya Child Protection: Every Child has the Rights to be Safe (CP), International Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), dan Open Aid Partnership (OAP). ......This thesis discusses the engagement of Save the Children (STC) in Syrian conflict since 2012-2015. This research asks teh question of how the STC's engagement in Syrian conflict explaining related capabilities and strategies. The conceptual framework used in this research is International Non-Governmental Organization (INGO). This concept explains the definition of STC that has the ability to interconnect and representation. The findings of this study to see that the interconnection ability of STC aims to build a strategic alliance program such Open Aid Partnership (OAP) programe. While representation ability of STC is claming to frame the issues in Syria. This STC capabilities is realized as form of engagement STC such as advocacy and capacity building. Both form of engagement were used as STC programs include Child Protection: Every Child has the Rights to Be Safe (CP), the International Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), and the Open Aid Partnership (OAP).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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