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Muhammad Andi Yassiin
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang. Media kontras dapat memberikan efek toksik pada sel tubulus ginjal, menyebabkan suatu kondisi dinamakan contrast induced nephropathy (CIN), yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas, dan memiliki efek yang sama pada pasien dengan gagal ginjal kronik maupun pasien risiko rendah (Laju Filtrasi Glomerolus (LFG) ≥ 60, skor Mehran sebelum tindakan ≤ 5). Dari beberapa penelitian mengenai rasio volume kontras dengan laju filtrasi glomerulus (V/LFG) untuk memprediksi CIN belum ada yang dikhususkan untuk pasien risiko rendah. Metodologi. Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang yang dilakukan di Departemen Kardiologi dan Kedokteran Vaskular FKUI/Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita (RSJPDHK) dengan mengambil data dari rekam medis dan ruang kateterisasi. Durasi data yang diambil adalah Agustus 2015 - April 2016. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan prosedur Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) dari rasio V/LFG. Akan dianalisis nilai Area Under Curve dan mencari titik potong yang direkomendasikan sebagai nilai prediktor optimal dengan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang terukur. Hasil. Dari 223 data yang terkumpul lengkap dan sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi didapatkan jumlah pasien yang mengalami CIN adalah sebesar 11 pasien (4,9%). Didapatkan perbedaan bermakna pada kedua jenis kelompok yaitu pada variabel jenis tindakan (P = 0,04), volume kontras (P = 0,02), dan rasio V/LFG (P = 0,032). Dari kurva ROC didapatkan bahwa rasio V/LFG mempunyai nilai AUC 0,69 (IK 95% 0,53 - 0,86). Dari kurva ROC ditentukan nilai potong yang bermakna dari rasio V/LFG ≥ 1,0 (Sensitifitas 55%, Spesifisitas 78%, Akurasi 77%, Nilai Prediksi Positif 12%, Nilai Prediksi Negatif 97%, P = 0,022). Dengan menggunakan rasio V/LFG ≥ 1 didapatkan insidensi CIN adalah 12% dibandingkan 3% pada pasien dengan V/LFG < 1 (OR 4,33; IK 95% 1,27 - 14, 83); P = 0,022). Kesimpulan. Rasio V/LFG ≥ 1,0 dapat memprediksi kejadian CIN pada pasien risiko rendah yang menjalani tindakan angiografi atau intervensi koroner perkutan elektif
ABSTRACT Background: Contrast media could give toxic effect to renal tubulus, creatining a condition named contrast induced nephropathy (CIN) and is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, and has the same effect in patient with chronic kidney disease or in low risk patients (estimated Glomerolus Filtration Rate (eGFR) ≥ 60, Mehran Score before procedure ≤ 5). From several studies concerning ratio of contrast volume to creatinine clearance (V/CrCl) to predict CIN, there were not any study yet focusing in low risk patients. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia/National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita (NCCHK). The data were retrieved from medical records and catheterization room, since August 2015 -- April 2016. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) is used to analyze the data, and by using Area Under Curve will gives the optimal cut-off for contrast volume to creatinine clearance ratio with measured sensitivity and specificity. Results: From 223 patients the incidence of CIN is 11 patients (4,9%). There is a significant difference from both groups in types of procedure (P = 0,04), contrast volume (P = 0,02), and V/CrCl ratio (P = 0,032). From ROC curve we found that V/CrCl ratio have an AUC 0,69 (CI 95% 0,53 - 0,86). From ROC curve the significant cut-off ratio of V/CrCl is ≥ 1,0 (Sensitifity 55%, Specificity 78%, Accuracy 77%, Positive Predictive Value 12%, Negative Predictive Value 97%, P = 0,022). Using V/CrCl ratio ≥ 1,0 the incidence of CIN is 12%, compared to 3% in patients with V/LFG < 1,0 (odds ratio 4,33; CI 95% 1,27 - 14, 83); P = 0,022). Conclusions: V/CrCl ratio ≥ 1,0 could predict CIN in low risk patients undergoing angiography or percutaneous coronary intervention.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bogie Putra Palinggi
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Pada lesi stenosis bifurcatio arteri koroner, oklusi akut cabang arterikoroner utama dapat terjadi sebagai komplikasi intervensi koroner perkutan. Peranansudut karina sebagai salah satu bagian karakteristik bifurcatio arteri koroner dalammenyebabkan oklusi akut cabang arteri koroner utama pada tindakan intervensikoroner perkutan elektif masih diperdebatkan. Tujuan. Menilai hubungan antara sudut karina bifurcatio arteri koroner sebagai salahsatu bagian karakteristik bifurcatio arteri koroner, terhadap kejadian oklusi akut cabangarteri koroner utama pada intervensi koroner perkutan elektif dengan lesi stenosisbifurcatio arteri koroner.Metode. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang untuk menilai hubunganantara sudut karina bifurcatio arteri koroner terhadap kejadian oklusi akut cabang arterikoroner utama, pada intervensi koroner perkutan elektif dengan lesi stenosis bifurcatioarteri koroner. Pengukuran sudut karina bifurcatio arteri koroner menggunakanperangkat lunak CAAS 5.1. Penilaian oklusi akut cabang arteri koroner utamadilakukan setelah intervensi koroner perkutan elektif.Hasil. Sebanyak 113 lesi pada 108 sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi periodeFebruari 2016 hingga Oktober 2016. Jumlah lesi oklusi akut cabang arteri koronerutama 15 13,3 , dengan median sudut karina bifurcatio arteri koroner 19,17
Background. Side branch occlusion has been implicated as a complication afterpercutaneous coronary bifurcation intervention. The role of carina bifurcation angle asone of the characteristics of the coronary bifurcation lesion in causing side branchocclusion after percutaneous coronary bifurcation lesion intervention is still debated.Objective. To assess the relationship betweeen carina bifurcation angles one of thecharacteristics of the coronary bifurcation lesion and side branch occlusion in electivepercutaneous coronary bifurcation lesion intervention.Methods. This is a cross sectional study to assess the relationship between carinabifurcation angle and side branch occlusion in elective percutaneous coronarybifurcation lesions intervention. CAAS 5.1 software was used to measure carinabifurcation angle. Evaluation of acute occlusion of a side branch conducted afterelective percutaneous coronary intervention.Results. A total of 113 lesions in 108 patients that met the inclusion criteria fromFebruary 2016 to October 2016. Side branch occlusion occurred in 15 lesions 13,3 ,with median carina bifurcation angle 19,170 p
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aprivita Gayatri
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Disfungsi miokardiak subklinis merupakan salah satu konsekuensi berbahaya dari sindrom metabolik, dimana diduga disebabkan oleh resistensi insulin. Kelainan tersebut merupakan kondisi patologis awal, yang berisiko menimbulkan gagal jantung ke depannya. Melalui Two Dimensional-Speckle Tracking Echocardiography 2D-STE dengan parameter Global Longitudinal Strain GLS yang memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifisitas tinggi, disfungsi miokardiak tersebut dapat dideteksi lebih dini. Tujuan Mengetahui hubungan antara resistensi insulin pada sindrom metabolik terhadap disfungsi sistolik VKi subklinis.Metode. Studi ini merupakan studi potong lintang, dengan menggunakan 483 datasekunder dari pegawai RS Jantung Harapan Kita. Dari total data, 119 subjek masuk dalam kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, yang kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan GLS.Subjek tersebut terbagi menjadi dua kelompok non resistensi insulin dan resistensi insulin berdasarkan nilai Homeostasis Model Assessment of Insulin Resistance HOMA-IR dengan nilai cut-off 2.0.Hasil. Terdapat perbedaan nilai GLS yang bermakna antara kelompok resistensi insulin dan non resistensi insulin rerata -18.3 SD 3.05 vs -19.7 2.2 , 95 IK -2.39 ndash; -0.37 , p=0.008 . Variabel resistensi insulin memiliki risiko terbesar diikuti variabel trigliserida adjusted OR 2.8, p=0.009 dan 2.4, p=0.03 secara berurutan terhadap disfungsi sistolik VKi subklinis pada sindrom metabolik. Kesimpulan. Resistensi insulin menunjukkan fungsi sistolik VKi yang lebihrendah secara signifikan yang dinyatakan dengan nilai GLS dibandingkan nonresistensi insulin pada sindrom metabolik. Resistensi insulin dan trigliserida adalah petanda independen disfungsi sistolik VKi subklinis diantara komponen sindrom metabolik lain.Kata kunci. resistensi insulin, HOMA-IR, disfungsi sistolik VKi subklinis, GLS,sindrom metabolik, trigliseridaABSTRACT
Background. Subclinical myocardial dysfunction is a dangerous consequence ofthe metabolic syndrome, which is thought to be caused by insulin resistance. Thedisorder is an early pathological condition, which poses a risk of heart failure in thefuture. Through Two Dimensional Speckle Tracking Echocardiography 2D STE with the Global Longitudinal Strain GLS parameters that have high sensitivityand specificity, these myocardial dysfunctions can be detected earlier.Objective. To determine the relationship between insulin resistance in metabolicsyndrome to subclinical left ventricle systolic dysfunction.Methods. A cross sectional study, using 483 secondary data from employees of theNational Heart Center of Harapan Kita. 119 subjects were included in the inclusionand exclusion criteria, which were performed 2D STE with GLS parameter. Thesubjects were divided into two groups of non insulin resistance and insulinresistance based on the value of Homeostasis Model Assessment of InsulinResistance HOMA IR with a cut off value of 2.0.Results. There were significant differences in GLS values between the insulinresistance group and non insulin resistance mean 18.3 SD 3.05 vs 19.7 2.2 ,95 CI 2.39 0.37 , p 0.008 . Insulin resistance have the greatest risk followedby triglyceride levels adjusted OR 2.8, p 0.009 and 2.4, p 0.03 respectively tosubclinical left ventricle systolic dysfunction in the metabolic syndrome.Conclusion. Insulin resistance showed a lower left ventricle systolic function asexpressed by GLS score significantly than non insulin resistance in the metabolicsyndrome. Insulin resistance and triglycerides are an independent marker ofsubclinical left ventricle systolic dysfunction among other components of themetabolic syndrome.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ina Nadia
Abstrak :
Studi mengenai pemberian klopidogrel sebelum angiografi koroner (pretreatment) pada pasien infark miokard akut dengan elevasi segmen ST (IMA-EST) yang akan menjalani intervensi koroner perkutan primer (IKPP) terbatas, namun dapat disimpulkan bahwa aman dan dapat penurunan angka major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). Pada studi yang dilakukan beberapa tahun terakhir, manfaat pemberian klopidogrel pretreatment dipertanyakan. Studi yang telah ada dilakukan di negara lain berbeda dengan kondisi di Indonesia; terdapat perbedaan karakteristik seperti waktu onset nyeri dada hingga pasien sampai ke fasilitas kesehatan primer, loading antiplatelet, serta dilakukan tindakan IKPP yang lebih panjang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pemberian klopidogrel pretreatment  dengan TIMI-flow pasien IMA EST yang menjalani IKPP. Studi potong lintang retrospektif terhadap 220 pasien IMA EST dilakukan di rumah sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita sejak tanggal 1 Januari - 30 Oktober 2018 dengan membagi subjek dalam kelompok klopidogrel pretreatment (600 mg klopidogrel diberikan > 120 menit sebelum angiografi koroner) dan kelompok yang diberikan < 120 menit. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa klopidogrel pretreatment merupakan prediktor utama yang mempengaruhi TIMI flow sebelum tindakan IKPP (OR 0.273, 95% CI 0.104-0.716; p=0.008). Pemberian klopidogrel pretreatment berhubungan dengan TIMI flow sebelum tindakan IKPP, namun tidak berpengaruh terhadap TIMI setelah dilakukan tindakan IKPP.  ......Immediate antiplatelet administration is the standard therapy used in acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Studi on clopidogrel pretreatment are limited, but it can be concluded that was safe, also reduced the number of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE). Recently, pretreatment with P2Y12 are questioned. There are differences in the background and the conditions between the studies that have been conducted and the condition in Indonesia; such as duration of angina onset until arrive at primary health care, time of loading antiplatelet and longer ischemic time. This study sought to evaluate the association between clopidogrel pretreatment and TIMI flow of patients with acute STEMI undergoing primary PCI. Single-center retrospective cross sectional study of 220 patients with acute STEMI were conducted in National Centre of Cardiovascular Harapan Kita, Indonesia from 1 January-30 October 2018. Subjects are devided into two groups: clopidogrel pretreatment (≥ 120 minute from coronary angiography conducted) and non pretreatment group (<120 minute). Multivariate analysis revealed that clopidogrel pretreatment is the main predictor of preprocedural TIMI grade flow (OR 0.273, 95% CI 0.104-0.716; p=0.008). Clopidogrel pretreatement was associated with TIMI flow grade pre intervention, but not with TIMI flow grade post intervention.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Darwin Maulana
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Ginjal merupakan target organ hipertensi yang cukup sering terjadi. Deteksi kerusakan ginjal menjadi salah satu hal yang direkomendasikan dalam penatalaksanaan hipertensi terbaru. Indeks resistif renalis IRR yang diperkenalkan pada beberapa dekade terakhir dipercaya dapat mendeteksi lebih awal kerusakan ginjal serta dapat mengevaluasi hasil pengobatan hipertensi yang diberikan. Penelitian terdahulu telah membuktikan terdapat hubungan antara nilai IRR dengan tekanan darah serta kejadian mikroalbuminuria pada populasi pasien hipertensi tidak terkontrol dan hipertensi resisten, tetapi hingga saat ini belum ada penelitian yang menilai hubungan tersebut pada hipertensi terkontrol. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan nilai IRR dengan kadar albuminuria pada pasien hipertensi terkontrol. Metode: Pasien hipertensi terkontrol akan menjalani pemeriksaan duplex renalis untuk mendapatkan nilai IRR. Luaran kerusakan ginjal sebagai target organ hipertensi dinilai dengan pemeriksaan albuminuria melalui rasio albumin kreatinin urin (UACR). Hasil: Terdapat 47 pasien yang menjadi subjek penelitian. Rerata nilai IRR pada subyek penelitian ini adalah 0,68 ± 0,07 dan rerata kadar UACR adalah 6,0 (1-122) mg/g. Tidak didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara nilai IRR dengan kadar albuminuria pada pasien hipertensi terkontrol (P=0,18 dengan nilai koefisien korelasi r=0,20). Faktor-faktor lain seperti usia, jenis golongan serta jumlah antihipertensi serta lama pengobatan hipertensi tidak berhubungan dengan kadar albuminuria. Kesimpulan: Nilai IRR tidak berhubungan dengan kadar albuminuria pada hipertensi terkontrol.
Background: Kidney is a target organ hypertension is quite common. Detection of kidney damage is one of the things that is recommended in the management of recent hypertension. The renalis resistive index IRR introduced in the last few decades is believed to detect early kidney damage and can evaluate the results of treatment of hypertension given. Previous research has shown there is a correlation between RRI value with blood pressure and incidence of microalbuminuria in patient with uncontrolled and resistent hypertension, but until now there has been no study that assesses the relationship in patient with controlled hypertension. Objectives: To investigate the relationship between RRI value with albuminuria levels in patient with controlled hypertension. Methods: Patients with controlled hypertension will undergo duplex renalis examination to obtain an RRI score. The outcome of renal impairment as a target organ of hypertension was assessed by albuminuia examination through urine albumin creatinine ratio (UACR) Results: There were 47 patients who became the subject of the study. The average RRI value in this study subjects was 0.68 ± 0.07 and UACR value was 6,0 (1-122) mg/g. There was no significant relationship between IRR and albuminuria levels in hypertensive patients with controlled blood pressure (P = 0.18 with correlation coefficient r = 0.20). Other factors such as age, class type and number of antihypertensives and length of treatment of hypertension are not associated with albuminuria levels. Conclusion: RRI values has no relationship with albuminuria levels in patient with controlled hypertension.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andy Kristyagita
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Hipertensi berkontribusi secara bermakna terhadap morbiditas dan mortalitas kardiovaskular (KV) di dunia. Dua penyebab terpentingnya adalah asupan garam dan disfungsi endotel yang dapat dinilai menggunakan flow-mediated dilatation (FMD). Modifikasi keduanya dapat menurunkan morbiditas dan mortalitas hipertensi. Diet rendah natrium DRN belum diterapkan secara optimal di dunia karena keterbatasan produk garam rendah natrium. Belum ada studi tentang perbandingan efek diet rendah natrium yang bervariasi terhadap perbaikan fungsi endotel yang dinilai melalui FMD pada subjek hipertensi derajat I, khususnya di Indonesia. Metode: Uji klinis ini dilaksanakan di RSJPD Harapan Kita terhadap 52 subjek hipertensi derajat I (26 laki-laki dan 26 perempuan), berusia 25 - 59 tahun, dan berindeks massa tubuh 18,5 - 29,99 kg/m2. Subjek dieksklusi jika berpenyakit atau berfaktor risiko KV, memiliki penyakit liver, kanker, alergi rumput laut, infeksi berat, atau dalam terapi KV, hormonal, steroid, atau terapi herbal rutin. Data primer didapat dari anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik. Subjek-subjek dirandomisasi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu kelompok DRN dengan kadar natrium 21 - 23% dan kelompok DRN dengan kadar natrium 38 - 40%, kedua diet diberikan dalam bentuk kuah. Nilai FMD diukur sebelum intervensi dan 60 menit setelahnya. Hasil: Karakteristik dasar, termasuk diameter arteri brakialis prakompresi dan pascakompresi serta FMD, tidak berbeda bermakna di antara kedua grup. Pada kelompok DRN 38 - 40%, nilai FMD pada menit ke-60 pasca-intervensi menurun dibandingkan nilainya pra-intervensi, tetapi perbedaan tersebut tidak bermakna median [kisaran]: 7,92 [0,00 - 17,50]; p>0,05). Pada kelompok DRN 21 - 23%, nilai FMD pada menit ke-60 pasca-intervensi meningkat dibandingkan nilainya pra-intervensi, tetapi perbedaan tersebut juga tidak bermakna 7,65 [1,36 - 19,51]; p>0,05). Simpulan: Nilai FMD pasca-intervensi tidak berbeda bermakna antarkelompok. Ketidakbermaknaan perbedaan nilai-nilai FMD dalam penelitian ini mungkin disebabkan oleh aspek-aspek internal subjek yang memengaruhi fungsi endotel dan prosedur evaluasi FMD.
Background: Hypertension contributes significantly to cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality in the world. Two of its most important causes are salt intake and endothelial dysfunction which can be assessed using flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) test. Modification of both may decrease its morbidity and mortality. Low-sodium diet (LSD) has not been optimally implemented in the world due to the limited low-sodiumsalt products. There has been no study regarding the effects of low-sodium salt with various sodium concentrations on FMD of grade-I-hypertension subjects, especially in Indonesia. Methods: This clinical trial was conducted at the NCC Harapan Kita on 52 grade-Ihypertension subjects 26 men, 26 women , aged 25 - 59 years old, with body mass index of 18.5 - 29.99 kg/m2. Subjects were excluded if they had CVD, CV risk factors, liver disease, cancer, seaweed allergy, severe infection, or on routine CV-, hormonal-, steroid, or herbal-therapy. Primary data were collected from anamnesis and physical examinations. We randomly assigned the subjects into two groups, i.e. the group LSD with natrium concentration of 21 - 23% and the group of LSD with natrium concentration of 38-40% . Both diets were given in a soup form. The FMD values were measured before the intervention and 60 minutes after it. Results: Baseline characteristics, including pre-compression and post-compression brachial artery diameter and baseline FMD, were not significantly different between both groups. At group LSD 38 - 40%, FMD value at 60 minutes post-intervention was decreased compared to its baseline value, but the difference was not significant median [range]: 7.92 [0.00 mdash;17.50]; p>0.05). At group LSD 21 - 23%, FMD value at 60 minutes post-intervention was increased compared to its baseline value, but the difference was also not significant 7.65 [1.36 mdash;19.51]; p>0.05). Conclusion: The post-intervention FMD values were not significantly different between both groups. The non-significant differences between FMD values in this study may be due to the subjects' internal aspects influencing endothelial function and FMD evaluation procedure.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Rizki Maulana
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Intervensi endovaskular aorta perkutan rutin dilakukan dan menjadi pilihan tatalaksana invasif aneurisma atau diseksi aorta serta penyakit katup aorta. Komplikasi vaskular pasca intervensi sering terjadi pada pasien dengan diameter arteri femoralis komunis yang lebih kecil. Namun terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari diameter arteri femoralis komunis antara populasi Kaukasia dan Asia terkait komplikasi vaskular. Pada populasi Indonesia belum ada data terkait diameter arteri femoralis komunis dengan komplikasi vaskular. Tujuan: Mengetahui diameter minimal arteri femoralis komunis sebagai prediktor komplikasi vaskular pasca intervensi endovaskular aorta perkutan pada populasi Indonesia. Metode: Pasien yang dilakukan intervensi endovaskular aorta perkutan, diukur diameter arteri femoralis komunis dengan CT scan. Pasien dievaluasi kejadian komplikasi vaskular selama perawatan pasca tindakan. Hasil: Terdapat 101 pasien dengan 135 arteri femoralis komunis yang menjadi sampel penelitian. Dibagi menjadi dua kelompok ukuran diameter arteri femoralis komunis berdasarkan median 7,6 mm, yaitu diameter ≥7,6 mm dan diameter <7,6 mm. Dari analisis multivariat, tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kategori diameter arteri femoralis komunis dengan komplikasi vaskular pasca intervensi endovaskular aorta perkutan (p 0,38). Variabel lain yang berhubungan dengan kejadian komplikasi vaskular adalah jenis kelamin perempuan (p 0,03) dan RSAF ≥0,82 (p <0,001). Kesimpulan: Diameter arteri femoralis komunis tidak dapat menjadi prediktor kejadian komplikasi vaskular pasca intervensi endovaskular aorta perkutan pada populasi Indonesia karena berdasarkan analisis multivariat tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna.
Background: Percutaneus endovascular aorta repair has been routinely performed and become the primary choice of invasive therapy for aortic aneurism, aortic dissection and aortic valve disease. The occurrence of vascular complications resulting from intervention, often occurs in patients with smaller common femoral artery. However there is a significant difference in the diameter of common femoral artery between the Caucasian and Asian populations related to the incidence of vascular complications. Objectives: To investigate the minimal diameter of common femoral artery as a predictor of vascular complications after percutaneus endovascular aorta repair in the Indonesian population. Methods: Patients who performed percutaneus endovascular aorta repair, measured the diameter of the common femoral artery with a CT scan and than evaluated for the occurrence of vascular complications after procedure. Results: 101 patients with 135 common femoral arteries are divided into two groups based on median of common femoral arteries (7,6 mm), diameter ≥7,6 mm and diameter <7,6 mm. From multivariate analysis, there is no significant association between the common femoral artery diameter and vascular complications after percutaneous aortic endovascular repair (p 0,38). Other variables that related to the incidence of vascular complications were female (p 0.03) and RSAF ≥0.82 (p <0.001). Conclusion: Diameter of common femoral artery can not be used as predictor of vascular complications after percutaneus endovascular aorta repair in the Indonesian population because based on multivariate analysis there was no significant relationship.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nitia Almaida Asbarinsyah
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Gangguan pada regulasi transportasi natrium di ginjal merupakan salah satu patofisiologi hipertensi yang penting. Transportasi natrium diregulasi oleh jalur natriuresis dan antinatriuresis, salah satunya adalah dopamin, yang bekerja melalui G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). GPCR pada ginjal diatur oleh gen GRK4. Adanya polimorfisme GRK4 A486V akan meningkatkan aktivitas gen tersebut dan menurunkan fungsi dari reseptor dopamin sehingga terjadi retensi natrium. Dari berbagai studi dengan melibatkan hewan dan manusia, didapatkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara polimorfisme GRK4 A486V dengan hipertensi dan sifat sensitif garam. Stratifikasi risiko dan potensi preventif serta terapeutik menjadi alasan dilakukannya sejumlah studi pada gen GRK4 A486V ini. Hingga saat ini, belum ada penelitian yang memperlihatkan frekuensi dan hubungan antara polimorfisme pada gen GRK4 A486V dengan hipertensi pada populasi di Indonesia. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan antara polimorfisme A486V pada gen G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 4 (GRK4) dengan hipertensi pada masyarakat rural di desa Gunung Sari, Bogor-Indonesia. Metode: 412 subyek yang terdiri dari 211 subyek dengan hipertensi dan 201 subyek normotensif sebagai kontrol, menjalani pemeriksaan polimorfisme GRK4 A486V dengan menggunakan metode Taqman. Hasil: Setelah disesuaikan dengan usia, indeks massa tubuh, lingkar pinggang, dan status diabetes mellitus, didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara polimorfisme GRK4 A486V dengan kejadian hipertensi (OR 1.7; 95 IK 1,1-2,7) Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan antara polimorfisme GRK4 A486V dengan kejadian hipertensi pada populasi desa Gunung Sari, Kabupaten Bogor, Indonesia
Background: Many studies have focused on the abnormal renal handling of natrium chloride in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension. Natrium transport is regulated by natriuretic and antinatriuretic pathways, one of them is dopamine, which exert their effects via G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). GPCRs in renal mainly regulated by GRK4 gene. GRK4 A486V polymorphism gene will increase it activity and down regulating dopamine receptor, and attenuate natrium retention. From many studies, GRK4 A486V polymorphism is associated with hypertension and salt sensitivity depending on ethnic and geographic region. Salt sensitivity is a trait in which blood pressure "changes parallel to changes in salt intake". It is counted as a risk factor for cardiovascular mortality and morbidity, independent of and as powerful as blood pressure. Risk stratification and therapeutic potential regarding salt sensitivity, have become the reasons of recent studies on this gene. No published study of GRK4 A486V polymorphism on hypertension is available in Indonesia. Objective: This study sought to determine the association of GRK4 A486V gene polymorphism and hypertension in rural population of Gunung Sari Village, Bogor-Indonesia. Methods: 412 subjects containing of 211 hypertensive subjects and 201 normotensive subjects as a control group, underwent GRK4 A486V polymorphism examination using Taqman method. Results: After adjustment of age, body mass index, waist circumference, and diabetes mellitus, there was an association between GRK4 A486V polymorphism with hypertension (OR 1,7; 95 CI 1,1-2,7) Conclusion: There is an association between GRK4 A486V gene polymorphism and hypertension in rural population of Gunung Sari Village, Bogor-Indonesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prafithrie Avialita Shanti
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Stenosis Mitral (SM) tinggi prevalensinya di negara berkembang karena erat terkait dengan prevalensi penyakit jantung demam rematik (PJR). Pasien SM sedang-berat terdapat peningkatan regio turbulensi dan shear stress mengakibatkan kerusakan endotel pembuluh darah sehingga meningkatkan resiko tromboemboli. P-selectin merupakan molekul adhesi berperan dalam proses inflamasi dan sebagai faktor protrombotik yang diekspresikan secara cepat. Indeks volume atrium kiri (IVAK) merupakan parameter superior untuk mengukur fungsi atrium kiri dengan ekokardiografi. Metode. Penelitian potong lintang melibatkan 20 pasien SM sedang-berat dengan MVA <1.5 cm2 yang menjalani Komisuratomi Mitral Transvena Perkutan (KMTP) yang diambil secara konsekutif pada bulan Mei 2013 sampai Oktober 2013 di Pusat Jantung Nasional Harapan Kita Jakarta. Pasien diambil sampel darah pra dan pasca KMTP untuk diperiksa kadar P-Selectin. Kemudian hasilnya dianalisa secara statistik. Hasil. Dalam studi ini, tidak didapatkan asosiasi antara IVAK dengan ekspresi kadar P-selectin pra dan pasca KMTP. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai pra KMTP β= -0.103 (95% CI -0.251,0.045) p=0.16 dan pasca KMTP β= 0.009 (95% CI -0.155,0.172) p=0.91. Setelah dilakukan regresi linier dengan penyesuaian (adjusted) terhadap variabel perancu yakni usia, jenis kelamin, dan atrial fibrilasi tetap tidak didapatkan asosiasi antara IVAK dengan kadar P-selectin dengan nilai pra KMTP β= -0.154 (95% CI -0.340,0.032) p=0.09 dan pasca KMTP β= -0.049 (95% CI -0.250,0.152) p=0.61. Kesimpulan. Tidak ada perbedaan nilai P-selectin pra dan pasca KMTP. Nilai IVAK yang sudah jelek tidak berhubungan dengan kadar P-selectin pra dan pasca KMTP pada pasien SM.
Background. The prevalence of Mitral stenosis (MS) remains significant in developing countries related to prevalence of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD).In moderate-severe MS patients enormous increase in turbulent region and shear stress causing dysfunction of vascular endothelial, as consequence it increase the risk of thromboembolic complication. Pselectin is an adhesion molecule that play role in inflammation process, it express rapidly in minutes. Left Atrial Volume Index (LAVI) is superior parameter compare with other echocardiography two dimension method to assess left atrial function. Methods. Study was designed as cross-sectional study involving 20 MS moderate-severe patients with MVA< 1.5 cm2 who performed successful Percutaneous transvenous Balloon Mitral Valvulotomy (PBMV). Samples were taken consecutively from May 2013 to October 2013 at the National Cardiovascular Center Harapan Kita Jakarta. Blood samples of Pselectin were collected pre and post PBMV. The result was statistically analyzed by using echocardiography data of LAVI prior PBMV to describe any association between expression of P-selectin and atrial function. Result. In our study, we found no association between LAVI and expression of P-selectin level pre and post PBMV MS patient. This data describe in each of value of pre PBMV β= - 0.103 (95% CI -0.251,0.045) p=0.16 and post PBMV β= 0.009 (95% CI -0.155,0.172) p=0.91 After we performed linear regression with adjusted confounding variable including sex, age, and atrial fibrillation, still we found no association between LAVI and P-selectin level. This data describe in each of value of pre PBMV β= -0.154 (95% CI -0.340,0.032) p=0.09 and post PBMV β= -0.049 (95% CI -0.250,0.152) p=0.61. Conclusion. We found there is no difference in P-selectin level pre and post PBMV. There is no association between poor LAVI value and expression of P-selectin pre and post PBMV in MS.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ulaan, Julio
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Obesitas merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan utama yang banyak ditemukan di negara maju maupun negara berkembang. Obesitas menjadi salah satu faktor risiko timbulnya penyakit kardiovaskular. Diketahui bahwa populasi obesitas memiliki kadar plasma BNP yang rendah dibanding kelompok normal. BNP adalah suatu hormon yang disintesis oleh miosit atrium yang berperan dalam meregulasi hemodinamik tubuh. Selain itu BNP memiliki efek anti fibrosis dan anti hipertrofi pada jantung. Dipikirkan bahwa adanya gangguan sintesis BNP di miosit jantung sebagai salah satu penyebab. Maka, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat profil ekspresi mRNA BNP, NPR-A dan NPR-C pada populasi obesitas. Metode: Studi potong lintang dilakukan di Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita (RSJPDHK). Jaringan miosit tersimpan yang sudah dilakukan ekstraksi RNA dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok berdasarkan IMT, kelompok obesitas (IMT ≥27) dan kelompok normal (IMT <27) dan sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. RNA kedua kelompok dilakukan sintesis cDNA, ekstraksi protein dan Real-Time PCR untuk mendapatkan mean ΔCt. Kemudian dilakukan penghitungan menggunakan metode Livak untuk mendapatkan nilai ekspresi relatif mRNA. Data kemudian di analisis statistik menggunakan SPSS 20. Hasil Penelitian: Sebanyak 48 pasien diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini dengan jumlah kelompok normal 34 orang dan kelompok obesitas 14 orang. Hasil ekspresi mRNA BNP, NPR-A dan NPR-C lebih rendah pada kelompok obesitas dibanding kelompok normal. Namun, tidak didapatkan perbedaan bermakna ekspresi mRNA BNP (p 0,768), NPR-A (p 0,838) dan NPR-C (p 0,768) antara kelompok obesitas dibanding kelompok normal. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini tidak menemukan perbedaan ekspresi mRNA BNP, NPR-A dan NPR-C yang bermakna antara kelompok obesitas dengan kelompok normal.
Background: Obesity is presenting as a significant health problem across the world. Obesity is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The plasma level of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) has been identified to be lower in obese people compare to normal. As we know, BNP is one of the cardiac hormones synthesized by atrial myocyte that plays a role in hemodynamic regulations. In addition, BNP exerts its anti fibrotic and anti hypertrophic effects in the heart. It has been hypothesized that one of the possible mechanism responsible for this inverse relationship is the impaired synthesize of BNP by cardiomyocytes. Therefore, the aim of our study is to evaluate the mRNA expression profile of BNP, Natriuretic peptide receptor type-A (NPR-A) and Natriuretic peptide receptor type-C (NPR-C) in cardiomyocytes of obese population. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita (RSJPDHK). Cardiomyocytes that have been performed the RNA extraction proses were divided into 2 groups, Obese group (BMI ≥27) and Normal group (BMI <27), according to BMI and inclusion and exclusion criteria. Synthesize cDNA, protein extraction and Real-Time PCR were performed in order to have the mean of ΔCt. Livak method was used to determine the relative expression mRNA value. SPSS 20 for Windows was used for the purpose of statistical analyses. Results: 48 patients were included in this study that consist of 34 patients in normal group and 14 patients in obese group. The mRNA expression of BNP, NPR-A and NPRC were lower in obese group compared to normal group. However, there was no significant difference between groups. Conclusion: In conclusion, there is no significant difference of mRNA expression of BNP, NPR-A and NPR-C between obese and normal group.;Background: Obesity is presenting as a significant health problem across the world. Obesity is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. The plasma level of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) has been identified to be lower in obese people compare to normal. As we know, BNP is one of the cardiac hormones synthesized by atrial myocyte that plays a role in hemodynamic regulations. In addition, BNP exerts its anti fibrotic and anti hypertrophic effects in the heart. It has been hypothesized that one of the possible mechanism responsible for this inverse relationship is the impaired synthesize of BNP by cardiomyocytes. Therefore, the aim of our study is to evaluate the mRNA expression profile of BNP, Natriuretic peptide receptor type-A (NPR-A) and Natriuretic peptide receptor type-C (NPR-C) in cardiomyocytes of obese population. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Rumah Sakit Jantung dan Pembuluh Darah Harapan Kita (RSJPDHK). Cardiomyocytes that have been performed the RNA extraction proses were divided into 2 groups, Obese group (BMI ≥27) and Normal group (BMI <27), according to BMI and inclusion and exclusion criteria. Synthesize cDNA, protein extraction and Real-Time PCR were performed in order to have the mean of ΔCt. Livak method was used to determine the relative expression mRNA value. SPSS 20 for Windows was used for the purpose of statistical analyses. Results: 48 patients were included in this study that consist of 34 patients in normal group and 14 patients in obese group. The mRNA expression of BNP, NPR-A and NPRC were lower in obese group compared to normal group. However, there was no significant difference between groups. Conclusion: In conclusion, there is no significant difference of mRNA expression of BNP, NPR-A and NPR-C between obese and normal group.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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