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Fahmi Zaglulsyah
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang untuk mengetahui gambaran audiogram dan emisi otoakustik pada pekerja pabrik tekstil PT "X" Banten yang terpajan bising dengan menggunakan pemeriksaan audiometri dan DPOAE. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan hasil prevalensi gangguan pendengaran pada pajanan bising dengan audiometri nada murni sebesar 73% (66 percontoh) dari 90 percontoh, sedangkan pada DPOAE ditemukan sebesar 47,8% (43 percontoh ) dari 90 percontoh. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi logistik, percontoh dengan jenis kelamin laki-laki merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh pada proses terjadinya gangguan fungsi pendengaran. Berdasarkan analisis Kappa R, pemeriksaan audiometri dan DPOAE di frekuensi 4000 Hz dan 6000 Hz terdapat adanya hubungan yang bermakna dan mempunyai kesesuaian yang lemah.
ABSTRACT This study is a cross-sectional study to describe the audiogram and emission otoakustik textile factory worker PT "X" Banten are exposed to noise by using audiometric examination and DPOAE In this study, the prevalence of hearing loss results in exposure to noise by pure tone audiometry by 73% (66 tokens) of 90 tokens, whereas the DPOAE was found to be 47.8% (43 tokens) of 90 tokens. Based on the results of logistic regression analysis, tokens with male gender is the most influential factor in the occurrence of auditory dysfunction. Based on the analysis of Kappa R examination and DPOAE at frequency 4000Hz and 6000HZ there a meaningful relationship and have weak compliance.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Mandu Chairani
Abstrak :
Ruang Lingkup dan Metodologi Penelitian: PT. X adalah cabang dari perusahaan multinasional yang memproduksi sepatu basket, sepatu bola, sepatu multifungsi dan sepatu anak-anak. Pemakaian mesin alat kerja dan mekanisme dalam industri dapat menimbulkan kebisingan di tempat kerja. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengetahui intensitas bising lingkungan tempat kerja, prevalensi dan faktor-faktor apa saja yang menyebabkan gangguan pendengaran akibat bising. Metoda penelitian berupa studi cross sectional. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 180 tenaga kerja yang terpajan bising lebih dari 85 dB. Mereka telah bekerja kurang lebih 5 tahun dan berumur antara 21 - 40 tahun. Data penelitian didapat dari medical check up, kuesioner, wawancara dan observasi ke tempat kerja. Hasil Penelitian dan Kesimpulan: Intensitas bising lingkungan tempat kerja di atas 85 dB ditemukan di bagian sewing, assembling, outsole, power house, rubber, phylon, EVA, mesin penghancur, PU, 1P dan CPED. Kasus gangguan pendengaran akibat bising pada tenaga keija yang terpajan bising di atas 85 dB sebesar 11,7%. Faktor-faktor seperti umur, masa keija, pengetahuan, sikap, perilaku dan jenis ruangan tidak berhubungan dengan gangguan pendengaran akibat bising (p > 0,05). Sedangkan faktor-faktor seperti intensitas bising (p = 0,016) dan tempat tinggal (p = 0,039) berhubungan dengan gangguan pendengaran akibat bising. Secara statistik terbukti odd ratio intensitas bising sebesar 4,654, artinya risiko terjadinya gangguan pendengaran akibat bising pada intensitas bising yang tinggi (94 - 108 dB) adalah 4,654 kali lebih besar dibanding dengan intensitas bising yang lebih rendah (85 - 93 dB) dan odd ratio tempat tinggal sebesar 3,454, artinya risiko terjadinya gangguan pendengaran akibat bising di mess karyawan adalah 3,454 kali lebih besar dibanding dengan di luar mess.
Prevalence And Analysis The Factors That Related With Noise Induced Hearing Loss Among The Workers That Noise Exposured Louder Than 85 Db In X Shoes Factory, Banten, 2003Scope and Methodology PT. X is a branch of multinational that produce basketball shoes, soccer shoes, multifunction shoes and baby shoes. Using work equipment and mechanism in industry cause noise exposure in workplace. This case study done with goal to know what areas and number of worker who exposed to the noise level louder than 85 dB in workplace, also the prevalence and the factors that related with noise induced hearing loss. The research method is a cross sectional study. Sample consist 180 workers who exposed to noise louder than 85 dB. They had been worked about 5 years and their ages varied from 21 to 40 years old. Data were collected from medical check up results, questioners, interview and observation of the working condition. Result and Conclusions: The noise level louder than 85 dB in workplace found at sewing, assembling, outsole, power house, rubber, phylon, EVA, smashed machine, PU, IP and CPED. Noise induced hearing loss case among worker with noise exposured louder than 85 dB is 11,7%. The factors such as age, time work, knowledge, attitude, manner and the kind of room were not related with noise induced hearing loss (p > 0,05). But some factors such as noise level (p = 0,016) and type of residence (p = 0,039) were related with noise induced hearing loss. Statistically proven that odd ratio of noise level is 4,654, it means the likelyhood of risk noise induced hearing loss for exposure to higher noise level (94 - 108 dB) is 4,654 compared to low noise level (85 - 93 dB) and odd ratio of type of residence is 3,454, it means the likelyhood of risk noise induced hearing loss in boarding house is 3,454 compared to beside boarding house.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gregorius Ben Prajogi
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Derajat supervisi yang tepat tidak hanya mendorong pencapaian kompetensi peserta didik namun juga menjamin pelayanan kesehatan yang aman dan berkualitas. Namun demikian, hingga saat ini masih ditemukan berbagai kendala dalam penerapannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh pemahaman mendalam mengenai kebutuhan, kondisi dan tantangan yang dihadapi terkait pentahapan kompetensi dan supervisi dalam pendidikan profesi dokter spesialis, sebagai masukan dalam pengembangan kurikulum. Metode: Penelitian dijalankan menggunakan desain kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi untuk mempelajari secara mendalam pentahapan kompetensi dan kewenangan sebagai suatu fenomena berdasarkan pengalaman pihak-pihak yang terlibat secara langsung dalam pendidikan profesi dokter spesialis. Peneliti menggunakan metode pengumpulan data berupa wawancara semi-terstruktur dan focus group discussion untuk mendalami pandangan stakeholder, pengelola, pelaksana pendidikan dan peserta didik mengenai konsep kompetensi, kewenangan dan pentahapan, kebutuhan akan pentahapan kompetensi dan kewenangan, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi, pola implementasi, masalah dan tantangan yang dihadapi dalam implementasi, serta bentuk implementasi yang diharapkan. Hasil: Telah dilakukan wawancara dan FGD terhadap 26 narasumber, yang mewakili pihak fakultas, pengelola program studi, staf dan peserta didik dari kelompok keilmuan surgikal, medikal dan penunjang. Pandangan mengenai kompetensi erat kaitannya dengan sistem pentahapan, pemberian kewenangan dan supervisi yang dilakukan. Faktor penentu keberhasilan implementasi meliputi perumusan kompetensi dan unit kewenangan yang jelas, dukungan staf, sistem evaluasi yang valid dan terpercaya, serta sudut pandang yang integratif. Sistem asesmen konvensional masih belum memadai sebagai sumber informasi pengambilan keputusan terkait pentahapan dan supervisi. Beban kerja yang tinggi, khususnya administratif, disadari sebagai tantangan terbesar dalam penerapan supervisi yang efektif pada saat ini. Kemandirian disadari sebagai unsur penting dalam pencapaian kompetensi peserta didik, tingkat kemandirian dalam pendidikan perlu disesuaikan dengan regulasi dan sistem pelayanan kesehatan saat ini. Kesimpulan: Sistem supervisi yang lebih baik dibutuhkan untuk menyeimbangkan antara keselamatan pasien dengan kebutuhan pencapaian kompetensi selaras dengan sistem pendidikan di universitas dan regulasi rumah sakit. ...... Introduction: Proper supervision not only promotes the competency development of residents but also the delivery of safe medical care. However, challenges have frequently been identified in its implementation. In this study we attempted to explore the needs, patterns and challenges in the implementation of competency leveling, as inputs for future curriculum development. Methods: This is a qualitative study with phenomenological approach to explore in depth the issue of competency levels and supervision as a phenomenon from the perspectives of the parties directly involved in residency training. Through semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions, we explored the view on the concept of competencies, supervision and leveling; the expressed needs regarding supervision and leveling; factors affecting implementation patters; challenges in its implementation; and the ideal form according to the perspectives of the parties involved. Results: Through interview and FGD with 26 respondents representing the faculty, program directors, staffs and residents from surgical, medical and diagnostic disciplines, we identified that the concept of competencies were closely related to how training programs implement their system of leveling and supervision. Success factors included properly defined competencies and units of supervision, support from staff members, availability of valid and reliable system of assessment, and an integrative view of the system. Conventional assessment methods were inadequate in supporting entrustment decision making. Excessive workload, mainly administrative, were identified as the biggest challenge in implementing effective supervision. Independence was identified as an important part in the development of resident's competence, but the most appropriate system which incorporates demands from regulations and existing healthcare system still needs to be developed. Conclusion: Further curriculum development will need to find the best fit between the current university-based course organization and the unique needs of competency based postgraduate medical education with its characteristics as a workplace-based training.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mamahit, Andy Ardhana
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Latihan Modifikasi Manuver Epley (MME) saat ini telah dikembangkan sebagai satu metode latihan mandiri untuk penderita Vertigo Posisi Paroksismal Jinak (VPPJ) selain latihan Brandt Daroff (BD). MME bertujuan mengembalikan sisa otolit yang belum kembali ke utrikulus, sedangkan BD lebih berperan pada proses adaptasi sistem vestibuler. Berbagai penelitian sebelumnya lebih banyak melihat pengaruh dari latihan Brandt Daroff daripada membandingkan antara pengaruh latihan BD dan MME. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh latihan BD dan MME, serta membandingkan pengaruh kedua latihan terhadap perbaikan gejala dan gangguan keseimbangan pada penderita VPPJ. Metode : Terdapat 23 sampel, 12 pasien diberikan latihan BD dan 11 dengan latihan MME. Perbaikan dari keluhan dan gejala klinis dievaluasi dengan Symptoms Severity Score (SSS Score) sedangkan untuk perbaikan gangguan keseimbangan postural secara objektif dilihat dari hasil posturografi. Latihan BD dilakukan mandiri di rumah dilakukan 5 kali dalam satu sesi, 2 sesi tiap hari selama 4 minggu atau 2 hari bebas keluhan vertigo, sedangkan latihan MME dilakukan tiga kali sehari, diulangi setiap hari hingga 24 jam bebas keluhan vertigo. Hasil : Pada evaluasi minggu kedua dan keempat dengan SSS Score dan minggu keempat dengan posturografi didapatkan perbaikan pada kedua kelompok, tetapi secara statistik tidak bermakna (p>0,05) jika dibandingkan nilai tersebut diantara kedua kelompok. Diskusi : Pada penelitian ini, latihan BD dan MME dapat memberikan perbaikan keluhan dan gejala klinis, serta keseimbangan postural, tetapi untuk melihat perbandingan pengaruh diantara kedua kelompok masih diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut hingga jumlah sampel terpenuhi.
Introduction: Modified Epley Maneuver (MME) exercise has now been developed as a self-training method for patients with Benign Paroxysmal Positioning Vertigo (BPPV) besides Brandt Daroff (BD) exercise. MME exercise aims to restore the rest otolit returned to the utricle, whereas BD bigger role in the adaptation of the vestibular system. Various previous studies have looked at the effects of Brandt Daroff exercises rather than comparing the effects with MME exercise. The purpose of this study was to look at the effects of BD and MME exercise, as well as to compare the effects of both exercises to improve the symptoms and balance disorder in BPPV patients. Methods: There were 23 samples, while 12 patients were given BD exercise and 11 with MME exercise. Clinical signs and symptoms improvement were evaluated with the Symptoms Severity Score (SSS Score) while for repairs postural balance disorders objectively viewed from the posturography results. BD exercises conducted independently at home five times in one session, two sessions per day for four weeks or two days with no vertigo complaints, while the MME exercises done three times a day, repeated every day for four weeks or up to 24 hours of non-complaint of vertigo. Results: In the evaluation of the second and fourth week of the SSS score and the fourth week with posturography results obtained improvement in both groups, but were not statistically significant different (p> 0.05) when compared to the value between the two groups. Discussion: In this study, BD and MME exercise can provide improved clinical signs and symptoms, as well as postural balance, but to see a comparison of the effect between the two groups further research is still needed until the number of samples met.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rossa Martiastini Ajiati
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Sonotubometri merupakan tes fungsi ventilasi TE berdasarkan prinsip kerjanya merupakan tes fungsi ventilasi tuba Eustachius yang paling fisiologis, mudah dikerjakan, tidak memerlukan tekanan udara yang ekstrim, tidak invasif, dapat dikerjakan pada membran timpani yang perforasi maupun intak dapat dikerjakan. Dalam menilai fungsi ventilasi TE, terdapat 3 parameter yang menjadi acuan yaitu amplitudo peningkatan suara yang terekam, frekuensi dan durasi pembukaan lumen TE. Sedangkan timpanometri menilai fungsi ventilasi TE berdasarkan perubahan pada tekanan telinga tengah. Tujuan: Mengetahui kesesuaian sonotubometri dan timpanometri sebagai pemeriksaan fungsi ventilasi tuba Eustachius pada subjek dewasa pendengaran normal. Metode: Penelitian cross sectional ini dilakukan di Poliklinik Neurootologi dan Rinologi THT pada bulan Desember 2015-Januari 2016 pada 40 subjek dewasa pendengaran normal dilakukan pemeriksaan fungsi ventilasi tuba menggunakan sonotubometri dengan perasat menelan air selama 10 detik dan menggunakan timpanometri setelah perasat Toynbee dan Valsalva dengan timpanometri. Hasil: Dilakukan analisa perbandingan dengan uji Mc Nemar dan kesesuaian dengan uji Kappa. Didapatkan perbedaan proporsi serta kesesuaian yang lemah antara nilai fungsi ventilasi TE yang diperiksa dengan sonotubometri dan timpanometri Kesimpulan: Sonotubometri dapat menjadi metode pilihan dalam menilai fungsi ventilasi TE karena mekanisme kerja yang menilai fungsi ventilasi TE secara langsung dan paling fisiologis
Background: Sonotubometry is ventilation function test of Eustahian tube that has the most functional mechanism, non invasif, easy-performed, no extreme of air pressure and can be performed in intact or perforation timpanic membran. For ventilation function of Eustachian tube evaluation, there are 3 komponen measurement as parameter. These are increase of acoustik intensity so called amplitudo, frequency and the duration of Eustachian tube opening. While tympanometry measure the ventilation function of Eustachian tube based on the change of middle ear pressure Objective: to examine the conformity between sonotubometri and tympanometry as a test tool of Eustachian tube ventilation function in adult subject with normal hearing. Methods: This cross sectional research was performed on 40 subject who has normal hearing and then performed sonotubometri using 10 seconds wet swallong and timpanometri examination after Toynbee-Valsava manuver. The result of examination was statistically analyzed by Mc Nemar and Kappa.Results: Tthere was statistically significant of different proportion and weak conformity between Eustahian tube ventilation function based on sonotubometri and tympanometry.Conclusion: Sonotubometry can be an option for evaluation of eustahian tube ventilation function according to the physiologically and directly evaluation of the mechanisme.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sesanti Hayuning Tyas
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Terapi oksigen hiperbarik (TOH) telah direkomendasikan sebagai terapi adjuvan dari terapi utama steroid pada tuli mendadak, dengan mekanisme peningkatan oksigenasi jaringan dan penekanan inflamasi dan edema akibat iskemia. Belum didapatkan penelitian tentang perbandingan ambang perfrekuensi dan signal to noise ratio (SNR) antara terapi steroid metil prednisolon (MP) dibanding kombinasi MP dan TOH pada tuli mendadak. Penelitian uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal ini dilakukan di Poliklinik Neurotologi Departemen THT-KL FKUI/RSCM dan Unit Hiperbarik RSAL Mintohardjo pada bulan Juni-Desember 2013, melibatkan 20 subjek tuli mendadak, dengan 10 subjek kelompok terapi MP dan 10 subjek kelompok terapi MP dan TOH. Analisis dilakukan pada pemeriksaan audiometri nada murni pada 9 frekuensi dan Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission (DPOAE) pada 5 frekuensi, pada awal terapi dan hari ke-15. Penelitian ini tidak mendapatkan perbedaan perubahan ambang perfrekuensi dan SNR yang bermakna secara statistik antara kedua kelompok, didapatkan kecenderungan perubahan ambang perfrekuensi yang lebih besar pada frekuensi 1000, 2000, 4000, 10000, 12000 dan 16000 Hz pada kelompok MP dan TOH, dan perubahan SNR yang lebih besar pada frekuensi 12000 Hz pada kelompok MP dan TOH. Tidak didapatkannya perbedaan perubahan ambang perfrekuensi dan SNR yang bermakna, dimungkinkan karena penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pendahuluan. Penelitian juga membatasi analisis hingga terapi hari ke-15, sedangkan subjek tuli mendadak di Poli Neurotologi THT-KL RSCM sedianya dilanjutkan evaluasi hingga hari ke-90 (3 bulan). Penelitian lebih lanjut dengan besar subjek yang sesuai serta waktu evaluasi yang lebih lama, diharapkan dapat lebih menganalisis kecenderungan perubahan ambang perfrekuensi dan SNR yang lebih besar pada kelompok MP dan TOH.
ABSTRACT Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been recommended as an adjuvant therapy of primary steroid therapy in sudden deafness, the mechanism by increasing of tissue oxygenation and suppression of inflammation and edema due to ischemia. Differences in frequency threshold and signal to noise ratio changes between methyl prednisolone (MP) therapy with MP and HBOT on sudden deafness, has not been obtained. This single-blind randomized clinical trial study was conducted at the Neurotology clinic of CMH ENT Department and Hyperbaric Unit of Mintohardjo Navy Hospital in June-December, 2013, involving 20 sudden deafness subjects, with 10 subjects in MP therapy group and 10 subjects in MP and HBOT group. Analysis was performed on pure tone audiometric examination at 9 frequencies and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission (DPOAE) at 5 frequencies, at the start of therapy and day 15. This study does not get the statistically significant difference in frequency threshold and SNR changes between the two groups, it was found that the tendency of changes in frequency threshold was greater in frequencies 1000, 2000, 4000, 10000, 12000 and 16000 Hz in the MP and HBOT group, and the change in SNR was greater in frequency of 12000 Hz in the MP and HBOT group. The statistically significant difference in frequency threshold and SNR changes between the two groups does not obtained, possible because this study is preliminary research. The study also restrict the analysis to the 15th day of therapy, while the subject of sudden deafness in Neurotology Clinic of CMH ENT Department originally continued evaluation until the 90th day (3 months). Further studies with larger appropriate subject and a longer evaluation period, is expected to further analyze trends and greater changes in frequency threshold and SNR in the MP and HBOT gorup.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggina Diksita Pamasya
Abstrak :
Gangguan pendengaran akibat stroke yang terjadi pada jalur auditorik merupakan aspek yang sedikit sekali dieksplorasi pada pasien pasca stroke dan berpotensi menimbulkan dampak pada fungsi dan kualitas hidup. Pendengaran memfasilitasi komunikasi verbal sehingga hal ini penting untuk memberikan penatalaksanaan yang sesuai dan maksimal. Untuk mengukur proporsi gangguan pendengaran dan gangguan komunikasi verbal pada pasien pasca stroke dapat dilakukan pemeriksaan audiometri nada murni, audiometri tutur, dan audiometri tutur dalam bising untuk mengkaji bagaimana gangguan pendengaran berkorelasi dengan karakteristik demografik dan karakteristik klinis serta faktor yang mempengaruhi. Penelitian potong lintang ini dilakukan di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta pada bulan November 2014 sampai Mei 2015, melibatkan 40 subyek pasien pasca stroke otak (eksklusi afasia, gangguan fungsi luhur dan gangguan kognitif) yang terdiagnosis dari pencitraan tomografi komputer kepala. Sebanyak 40% mengalami gangguan pendengaran sensorineural (ringan 37,5% dan sedang 20%). Gangguan pendengaran sentral didapatkan 12,5 dan campuran (sensorineural dan sentral) sebanyak17,5%. Didapatkan gangguan komunikasi verbal dalam suasana tenang dan bising 12,% sedangkan gangguan dalam suasana bising sebanyak 32,5%. Berdasarkan nilai odds rasio didapatkan kecenderungan faktor risiko usia lebih dari 60 tahun, letak lesi kortikal dan atau subkortikal serta vaskularisasi lesi dapat mempengaruhi gangguan pendengaran dengan atau tanpa disertai gangguan komunikasi dan secara statistik bermakna.
Hearing loss due to stroke which disturb the auditoric path is less known, and may potentially effect the function and quality of life. Hearing facilitates a good speech hence it is important to give appropriate and optimal treatment. To measure the proportion of hearing loss and speech disorder in post stoke patient, we did pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and word in noise and to analyze how it could correlate with demographic, clinical characteristic and other factors. This cross sectional study was conducted in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital Jakarta which started from November 2014 to May 2015, involving 40 samples after stroke patient (with the exclusion of aphasia and cognitive disorder) which were diagnosed with brain CT scan. Fourty percents patients had sensoryneural hearing loss (mild 37,5% and moderate 20%,). Central Hearing loss was found in 12.5% patients and mixed (sensorineural and sentral) hearing loss was found in 17.5%. Speech disorder in quite and noise background was found in 12.5% patients and disorder in noise background was found in 32.5% patients. Based on the odds ratio it is found that age older than 60 year old, cortical and or subcortical lesion, and vascularization of the lesion is the risk factor that can influence hearing disorder with or without speech disorder and it is statistically significance.;Hearing loss due to stroke which disturb the auditoric path is less known, and may potentially effect the function and quality of life. Hearing facilitates a good speech hence it is important to give appropriate and optimal treatment. To measure the proportion of hearing loss and speech disorder in post stoke patient, we did pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and word in noise and to analyze how it could correlate with demographic, clinical characteristic and other factors. This cross sectional study was conducted in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital Jakarta which started from November 2014 to May 2015, involving 40 samples after stroke patient (with the exclusion of aphasia and cognitive disorder) which were diagnosed with brain CT scan. Fourty percents patients had sensoryneural hearing loss (mild 37,5% and moderate 20%,). Central Hearing loss was found in 12.5% patients and mixed (sensorineural and sentral) hearing loss was found in 17.5%. Speech disorder in quite and noise background was found in 12.5% patients and disorder in noise background was found in 32.5% patients. Based on the odds ratio it is found that age older than 60 year old, cortical and or subcortical lesion, and vascularization of the lesion is the risk factor that can influence hearing disorder with or without speech disorder and it is statistically significance., Hearing loss due to stroke which disturb the auditoric path is less known, and may potentially effect the function and quality of life. Hearing facilitates a good speech hence it is important to give appropriate and optimal treatment. To measure the proportion of hearing loss and speech disorder in post stoke patient, we did pure tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and word in noise and to analyze how it could correlate with demographic, clinical characteristic and other factors. This cross sectional study was conducted in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital Jakarta which started from November 2014 to May 2015, involving 40 samples after stroke patient (with the exclusion of aphasia and cognitive disorder) which were diagnosed with brain CT scan. Fourty percents patients had sensoryneural hearing loss (mild 37,5% and moderate 20%,). Central Hearing loss was found in 12.5% patients and mixed (sensorineural and sentral) hearing loss was found in 17.5%. Speech disorder in quite and noise background was found in 12.5% patients and disorder in noise background was found in 32.5% patients. Based on the odds ratio it is found that age older than 60 year old, cortical and or subcortical lesion, and vascularization of the lesion is the risk factor that can influence hearing disorder with or without speech disorder and it is statistically significance.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adisti Mega Rinindra
Abstrak :
Tumor di Cerebellopontine Angle CPA terjadi sekitar 5-10 dari seluruh tumor intrakranial. Gejala yang muncul bervariasi sesuai ukuran dan lokasi lesi. Keluhan yang paling sering terjadi adalah ganggguan pendengaran dan tinitus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data gambaran gangguan pendengaran sensorineural pada pasien tumor CPA di poli THT RSCM berdasarkan audiometri nada murni dan Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry BERA serta mengetahui gambaran tumor CPA pada MRI di RSCM. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian dengan studi potong lintang cross sectional yang bersifat deskriptif analitik. Subjek penelitian diambil semua total sampling yaitu sebanyak 104 pasien, berasal dari data sekunder pada periode Juli 2012 hingga November 2016 dan 30 pasien di antaranya memenuhi kriteria penerimaan. Karakteristik pasien tumor CPA di poli THT FKUI RSCM sebagian besar berjenis kelamin perempuan, dengan usia rerata dewasa tua 41-60 tahun dan keluhan paling banyak berupa tinitus dan gangguan pendengaran asimetri berupa gangguan pendengaran sensorineural sangat berat pada 10 subjek. Hasil BERA ipsilateral terganggu pada 29 subjek dan BERA kontralateral terganggu pada 17 subjek. Terdapat 24 dari 30 subjek memberi gambaran tumor berukuran besar, dan lokasi tumor telah meluas di intrakanal hingga ekstrakanal pada 19 subjek.Kata kunci: audiometri nada murni, Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry BERA , gangguan pendengaran sensorineural, tumor cerebellopontine angle CPA , Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI "hr>" "b>ABSTRACT
" Tumors in cerebellopontine angle CPA occurs approximately about 5 10 of all intracranial tumors. Symptoms are varies according to the size and location of the lesion. Unilateral hearing loss and tinnitus are the most frequent symptoms. The aim of the is study is to obtain data of sensorineural hearing loss in CPA tumor patients in dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital CMH using pure tone audiometry and BERA, also to obtain data of tumor imaging in MRI. This is a cross sectional study descriptive analytic. Subjects of this study was collected using total sampling method from secondary data from July 2012 to November 2016. Thirty patient from 104 patients met the inclusion criteria. Characteristics of the CPA tumor patients in the ENT CMH outpatients clinic mostly female, with a mean age of middle age patients 41 60 years and most clinical presentation is tinnitus and severe assymmetry sensorineural hearing loss in 10 subjects. From 30 subjects, 29 subjects had impaired BERA in ipsilateral and contralateral BERA impaired in 17 subjects. There are 24 from 30 subjects had a large sized tumor and location of the tumor has spread in intracanal until extracanal in 19 subjects.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library