ABSTRAKPada proyek Distributed Engineering (DE) diperlukan metode estimasi waktu
yang tepat dalam schedule develpment, mengingat banyaknya sumber risiko
yang ada. Tujuan dari tesis ini adalah untuk mendapatkan faktor risiko dan
tingkat signifikansinya terhadap kinerja waktu proyek DE. Faktor tersebut
setelah melalui proses proses qualitative & quantitative risk analysis akan
disusun dalam knowledge database yang diaplikasikan menjadi IT based
information system sehingga terbentuk sistem informasi yang fleksible dengan
output rekomendasi tindakan/respon risiko yang menjadi bahan dalam schedule
development. Framework analisa terdiri dari tiga komponen: (1) pengumpulan
informasi risiko (2) analisa risiko (3) pembuatan knowledgebase dan IT based
information system.
ABSTRACTA Distributed Engineering Project (DE) will require appropriate time estimation
method during schedule development, considering lot of time risks that will be
present. The purpose of this tesis is to obtain the risk factor and its level of
significancy against time performence of DE project. These factors, after
passing qualitative and quantitative risk analyses process will be arranged in the
knowledge database that will be forming an IT based information system and
producing a flexible information system with output of recommendation
action/risk response that in further stage become schedule development
matgerial. Analysis framework consists of three components: (1) risk
information register (2) risk analysis (3) knowledgebase and IT based
information system development."