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Kurniawan Suriya
Abstrak :
Ruang lingkup: Benzena, bahan kimia yang berdampak negatif terhadap kesehatan dalam jangka panjang, pada saat ini masih banyak digunakan di industri percetakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur, pendidikan, status kawin, masa kerja, kebiasaan merokok dan lokasi kerja di lingkungan terpajan benzena dengan tingginya fenol urin. Metodologi: Penelitian ini menggunakan disain krosseksional dan melakukan perhitungan Odd Ratio ( OR ), untuk itu digunakan metode kasus-kontrol. Sebanyak 65 subjek penelitian didapat yang terdiri atas 32 dari lingkungan kerja terpajan tinggi dan 33 dari lingkungan kerja terpajan rendah. Data diperoleh dengan Cara wawancara terstruktur, pemeriksaan fisik dan pemeriksaan sampel urin yang dikumpulkan setelah 8 jam kerja. Hasil penelitian: Kadar uap benzena di lingkungan kerja terpajan tinggi lima kali lebih tinggi dari NAB yang ditetapkan, sedangkan di lingkungan kerja terpajan rendah < 1/10 NAB. Penelitian ini tidak menemukan adanya hubungan bermakna ( p = 0,485 ) antara pajanan uap benzena dengan peningkatan kadar fenol urin. Hanya dua responden dari kelompok terpajan rendah mempunyai kadar normal fenol urin. Kesimpulan: Tidak terbukti adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara peningkatan kadar fenol urin pekerja di lokasi kerja dengan faktor-faktor umur, pendidikan, status kawin, masa kerja, dan kebiasaan merokok. Pajanan terjadi tidak hanya di lokasi kerja terpajan tinggi tapi juga di lokasi kerja terpajan rendah, Walaupun kadar uap benzena di lingkungan kerja terpajan rendah < 1 ppm , kadar fenol urin pekerja di lokasi tersebut rata-rata di atas normal. Karena tingginya kadar uap benzena di lingkungan kerja, manajemen perusahaan perlu menerapkan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3). Hal ini perlu diperhatikan oleh Hiperkes, Dinas Kesehatan, Departemen Tenaga Kerja, Departemen Kesehatan, Departemen Perindustrian dan Perdagangan dan K3 untuk mencegah dan mengurangi dampak negatif jangka panjang pada pekerja di percetakan tersebut.
Analysis of The Relationship of Urinary Phenol With The Exposure of Benzene Volatile on The Workers at a Printing Company in JakartaScope: Benzene, a chemical substance which has long-term negative impacts on health is still widely used in printing industry. The goal of this study is to find the relationship between age, education, marital status, working period, smoking habit and workplace at the environment exposed to benzene with the increase of urinary phenol. Methodology: This study used cross sectional design. Since Odd Ratio (OR) was also calculated, case-control method had been used. A total number of 65 respondents consisting of 32 workers worked at high-exposed workplace and of 33 workers worked at low-exposed workplace. The data were obtained from structured interview, physical examination and test of urine collected after 8 working-hours. Results: Benzene volatile at the high-exposed workplace is fivefold higher than TLV (threshold limit value), meanwhile at the low-exposed one is less than 1110 of TLV. This study did not find a significant relationship ( p = 0,485 ) between exposure of benzene volatile with the increase of urinary phenol. Only two respondens of low-exposed workplace have normal urinary phenol Conclusion: No relationship was found between the increase of urinary phenol with workplace and all those factors mentioned above. The exposure happened not only at high-exposed but also low-exposed workplace. Although the benzene-volatile at low-exposed workplace is less than 1 ppm, the average of workers' urinary phenol is above normal ( 28,39 mg/1) Due to high exposure of benzene volatile at workplace, the management of this printing industry should apply the Occupational Health and Safety. This should also be noticed by the Industry Hygiene and Occupational Health, Health Service, Departement of Workers, Departement of Health, Departement of Industry and Trade and Occupational Health and Safety to prevent and decrease long-term negative impacts on workers at this company.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Krisnawati F.
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Hipertensi dapat terjadi pada semua orang termasuk para karyawan. Salah satu faktor risiko hipertensi antara lain adalah faktor stresor di lingkungan kerja. Oleh karena itu perlu diidentifikasi faktor stresor kerja dan faktor lainnya yang berpengaruh terhadap risiko hipertensi. Metode. Desain penelitian ialah nested case-control. Kasus adalah karyawan yang menderita hipertensi atau sedang makan obat antihipertensi. Satu kasus dipadankan dengan dua orang kontrol menurut tahun kasus didiagnosis hipertensi dan menurut jenis kelamin. Kontrol dipilih di antara karyawan yang tidak pernah menderita hipertensi. Semua faktor risiko pada kasus dan kontrol dihitung sampai saat kasus didiagnosis hipertensi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di antara karyawan kantor pusat PT A Jakarta bulan Mei 2004 dengan jumlah karyawan 255 orang. Hasil. Diperoleh 70 kasus hipertensi dan 140 kontrol. Subjek berumur 25 sampai 65 tahun. Risiko hipertensi berkaitan dengan stresor beban kualitas berlebih, stresor beban kuantitas berlebih, pengembangan karir, umur tua (55-65 tahun), obesitas, merokok, dan adanya riwayat hipertensi di antara keluarga. Sedangkan faktor ketaksaan peran, konflik peran, dan tsnggung jawab tidak terbukti mempertinggi risiko hipertensi. Jika dibandingkan dengan stresor beban kualitas ringan, siresor beban kualitas sedang tinggi mempertinggi risiko hipertensi 7 kali lipat [rasio odds (OR) suaian = 7,47; 95% interval kepercayaan (Cl) = 1,40-39,76]. Selanjutnya jika dibandingkan dengan stresor beban kuantitas ringan, stresor beban kuantitas yang sedang - tinggi mempertinggi risiko hipertensi 4 kali lipat (OR suaian = 4,10; 95% CI =1,06-15,90). Kesimpulan. Stresor beban kualitas berlebih, stresor kuantitas berlebih dan stresor pengembangan karir (moderat) mempertinggi risiko hipertensi, oleh karena itu stresor tersebut perlu dicegah.
Job Stressors and Other Risk Factors Related to Hypertension Risk Among PTA Employees in Jakarta Background. Every one including employees may suffer hypertension. Several risk factors including job stress are related to hypertension. Therefore, it is beneficiary to identifies the risk factors. Methods. This study used nested case-control design. Case was defined as an employee who had hypertension, or those who were under antihypertension treatment. One case was matched with two controls that never had hypertension and by gender. All risk factors were counted as of reference date for cases. This study has been done on 255 subjects among center office PTA employees in Jakarta in May 2004. Results. There were 70 cases and 140 controls aged 25 to 65 years. Hypertension was related to quality job overload , quantity job overload, career development, elder age, obesity, current and past smoking habits, and present offamily history on hypertension. However, it was noted that role ambiguity, role conflict, and responsibility did not increase the risk of hypertension. Compared with those who had mild qualitative job stressor, those who had moderate or heavy qualitative job stressor had a seven folds risk having hypertension [adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 7.47; 95% confidence interval (Cl) = 1.40-39.76]. In addition, relative to those who had mild quantitative job stressor, those who had moderate or heavy ones had four times increased risk to have hypertension (adjusted OR = 4.10; 95% C1=1.06-15.90). Conclusion. Moderate or heavy qualitative job stressor, moderate or heavy quantitative job stressor and career development increase the risk of hypertension, therefore these stressors need to be prevented.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Janti Undari
Abstrak :
Latar belakang dan Tujuan Rumah sakit tidak bisa dipisahkan dari peran para perawatnya. Kini rumah sakit lebih rnenyarupai suatu industri kesehatan dengan segala tuntutan maupun dampaknya, antara lain stres kerja yang berinteraksi dengan faktor-faktor sosiodemografis, kardiavaskuler, dan lingkungan dapat menjadi salah sate penyebab timbulnya hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hipertensi dikaitkan dengan faktor stresor kerja dan faktor lain yang berhubungan pada perawat di suatu rumah sakit di Jakarta Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan disain potong lintang, dengan pendekatan analisa rev-Iasi Cox. N1mgal:km1 diagnose hiperteasi sesuai kritaria dalarn The Seventh Report of The Joint National Committee On Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, And Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC VII). Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi karakteristik sosiodemograli, karakteristik lingkungan kerja, pengukuran tekanan darah, pengukuran indeks masa tubuh (oleh Laboratory Unit SEAMED-TROPMED RCCN - UI), dan pengukuran sires kerja dengan menggunakan kuesioner Survai Diagaastik Sires. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada 233 perawat suatu tumah sakit di Jakarta, tahun 2006. Hasil Dari 233 subjek penelitian 85 orang dikeluarkan dengan kriteria prahipertensi, selanjutaya dari pengoiahan 148 subjek diperoleh 37 (15,8%) subjek dengan hipertensi stadium 1 & 2. Risiko hipertensi berkaitan dengan stresor kerja ketaksaan peran secara moderat (RR suaian=1,95; 95%CI=0,98-3,86; p=0,055). Faktor yang berpengaruh secara bermakna terhadap risiko hipertensi meliputi: jenis kelamin dimana laki-laki memiliki risiko hampir 4 kali lipat menderita hipertensi dibandingkan perempuan (RR suaian=3,85; 95%CI=1,90-7,80; p=0,000); indeks masa tubuh berlebih 1 gemuk memiliki risiko 2,25 kali lipat untuk menderita hipertensi dibandingkan normal (RR suaian=2,25; 95%CI=1,08-4,69; p=0,030); serta masa kerja lebih dari 21 tahun berisiko 2,32 kali lipat untuk menderita hipertensi dibandingkan mereka yang mesa kerjanya kurang dari 10 tabun (RR suaian2,32; 95%CI=1,03-5,17; p O,007), sedangkan mesa kerja lebih dad 10 tahun-20 tahun (RR suaian'2,22; 95%CI=0,91-5,41; p=1,101) dan adanya keluarga sedarah yang menderita hipertensi (RR suaian=1,76; 95%CI=0,88-3,51; p=0,105) berpengaruh secara moderat (p< 0,25). Kesimpulan Stresor kerja ketaksaan peran mempertinggi risiko hipertensi secara moderat, faktor sosiodemografis lebih berperan oleh karena itu perlu intervensi yang tepat untuk mencegahnya.
Background Hospital service including nursing service as one of its major role, is now changing from just health and care of patients into health industries with high demznds and responsibilities. This situation an create job stresses, which may produce hypertension when interacted with sociodemographic, genetic, cardiovascular and environmental factors. The objective of this study is to obtain the relationship between hypertension and job stress and other associated factors among nurses in X hospital. Methods This study used cross-sectional methods with Cox's-regression analyses, for 233 nurses in a semi military hospital in Jakarta, in 2006. Hypertension was diagnosed in accordance to The Seventh Report of The Joint National Committee On Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, And Treatment Of High Blood Pressure (INC V'1) criteria. Collected data included sociademographic-environmental characteristics, BP and BMI measurements (HMI measured by Laboratory Unit SEAMEO-TROPMED RCCN - UI), and job stressors characteristics measured with an Indonesian version of The `Survei Diagnostik stres' questionnaire. Adjustments were made far possible confounders. The analyses were repeated for stratified categories of role ambiguity, gender, BMI, and familial traits for hypertension. Results The study revealed that from 233 subject 37 (15,8%) was diagnosed for hypertension stage 1 & 2. The analyses was on 148 subjects as 85 were excluded due to being diagnosed for Prehypertens ion. A moderate relationship was found between the risk of hypertension and the role ambiguity as job stresor (RR adjuste&1,95; 95%CI=0,98-3,86; per,055). Other factors showed strong relationship with hypertension due to job stresses are: "gender. malt has nearly 4 times to get risk of hypertension compared to female (RRa' 3,85; 95%CI=1,90-7,80; p=0,000); 2 BMI greater than 25 kgfm2 (RRa-2,25; 95%CI=1,08-4,69; p=0,030); 33 working at the same place more than 20 years (RRa=,32; 95%CI=1,03-5,17; p-A007). On the other hand working more than 10 years (RRa 2,22; 95%CI=0,91-5,41;p=0,101) and familial trait for hypertension (R.Rt 1,76; 95%CI=0,88-3,51; p=0,105) show a moderate relationship to hypertension due to job stress. Conclusion: Role ambiguity as a part of job stressors moderately increases the risk of hypertension, while genetic - sociodemographicfactors play more important roles in increasing the risk. Therefore, intervention is greatly needed to manipulate genetic-sociodemogragphic factors to prevent hypertension with its side effects. Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; BM1, body mass index; SEAMEO-TROPMED RCCN - UI, Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization -- Tropical Medicine and Public Health regional Center fo Community Nutrition - University of Indonesia; RRa, relative risk adjusted.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmaniwati Sulaiman
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Hubungan antara pajanan timbal ditempat keija dengan peningkatan tekanan darah masih diperdebatkan. Oieh karena itu perlu dilakukan identifikasi faktor pajanan plumbum terhadap hipertensi. Metode. Desain penelitian ialah cross sectional Dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui risiko hipertensi pada pekeija yang terpajan timbal dalam darahnya. Data diambil berdasarkan kuesioner, pemeriksaan tekanan darah dan tinggi/berat badan. Pb darah diperiksa berdasarkan AAS(Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry)-GV(Graphite Vamis). Penelitian dilaksanakan di antara karyawan yang positif kadar timbal dalam darahnya pada bagian welding dan painting pabrik motor PT X di Jakarta bulan Mei 2007 dengan jumlah responden 101 orang. Hasil. Diperoleh 18 orang penderita hipertensi dari 101 responden yang positif kadar timbal dalam darahnya. Jenis pekeijaan, lama bekerja, kebiasaan merokok, minum kopi, makan ditempat kega, cuci tangan sebelum makan tidak terbukti mempertinggi risiko hipertensi. Sedangkan umur, pendidikan, status gizi, penggunaan alat pelindung diri serta kadar timbal dalam darah berhubungan dengan risiko hipertensi (p<0,25). Berdasarkan hasil analisa multivariat didapatkan bahwa kadar timbal dalam darah yang rendah merupakan faktor protektif terhadap risiko menderita hipertensi 2,27 kali lipat dibandingkan yang kadar timbal tinggi [p=0,19 OR 2,27; 95%interval kepercayaan (CI) 0,66-7,78]. Kesimpulan. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan pajanan kronis timbal dalam darah tidak meningkatkan risiko terjadinya hipertensi pada pekeija yang terpajan timbal. Kadar timbal yang rendah memperkecil risiko menderita hipertensi. ......Background. To assess the relation between occupational lead exposure and elevated blood pressure was debated. Therefore, it is beneficiary to identify the risk factors. Methods. This study used cross sectional. To know the risk factor for hypertension in responden who had blood lead Data were collected by using questionaire, including standard measurement of blood pressure, body height/weight, and blood lead was analyzed by AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry)-GV(Graphite Varnis). This study was conduted on 101 responden who work in welding or painting of motorcycle factory in Jakarta. Results. Among 101 blood lead positive, there were 18 responden with hypertension. After considering all posible confounding variables, multivariate regression analyses demonstrated that age, education, body mass index, and masker used was not significant predictor for hypertension. And the blood lead low level (<3,99pg/dl) is protective factor for hypertension risk[p=0,19 OR 2,27; 95%interval kepercayaan (CI) 0,66-7,78]. Conclusions. The present study suggest that long term lead exposure, blood lead level, was not related to blood pressure change among workers who had been exposed at work to occupational lead. And the blood lead low level (<3,99pg/dl) is protective factor for hypertension risk.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satrio Sukmoko
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Menurut hasil survey Kesehatan Rumah Tangga (SKRT) Indonesia 1992, angka kematian akibat penyakit kardiovaskular telah menduduki urutan teratas. Obesitas berhubungan dengan peningkatan mortalitas kardiovaskular. Pengaruh peningkatan berat Madan sebagai faktor independen komorbiditas terhadap kelainan struktur dan fungsi jantung ini belum dapat dibuktikan. Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan adanya peningkatan massa ventrikel kiri pada wanita obes sebagai bagian yang menentukan fungsi ventrikel kin. Metode. Sebanyak 90 subyek penelitian terdiri dari 45 orang obes (BMI > 25 KgIM2) dan non obese (BM <25 kgfM2) sebagai kontroi. Dengan menggunakan M mode Ekokardiografi dilakukan pengukuran massa ventrikel kin jugs dilakukan pemeriksaan CT Abdomen untuk menilai ketebalan lemak viseral. Faktor lain seperti tekanan darah, resistensi insulin, dan lingkar pinggang juga dievaluasi. Hasil. Didapatkan perbedaan bermakna massa ventrikel kin antara kelompok obes dan non obes (P=0,000), juga tekanan darah sistolik (P-0,005), tekanan dash diastolik (P=0,006), lingkar pinggang (P=0,000), lemak viseral (P=0,000), HOMA-IR (P=0,000). Penelitian ini membuktikan korelasi yang bermakna antara massa ventrikel kin dengan ketebalan lemak viseral (r = 0,67 , P = 0,000), dengan IMF (r = 0,67 , P = 0,000), dengan lingkar pinggang (r = 0,69 , P = 0,000), dengan HOMA-IR (r = 0,57 , P = 0,000). Kesimpulan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pertama yang mengkorelasikan antara massa ventrikel kiri dengan peningkatan tebal lemak viseral, IMT, lingkar pinggang dan HOMA-IR pada populasi wanita Indonesia usia produktif. Lebih jauh pads penelitian ini memperlihatkan hubungan antara obesitas dengan peningkatan kelainan kardiovaskular.
Background. Based on Indonesia Household Health Survey 1992, the leading cause of death is cardiovascular diseases. Obesity is related to the increase of cardiovascular mortality rate. The role of body weight as an independent co-morbidity factor for structure abnormality and cardiac function has not been proven yet. Objective . This study aims to measure left ventricular mass of obese women which partly determines the function of left ventricular. Method. The total study subjects is 90, which consists of 45 obese women (BMI > 25 KgIm2) and 45 non-obese women (BMI < 25 Kg/m2) as control group. They are evaluated by M mode echocardiography and CT Scan abdomen to measure visceral fat, blood pressure, insulin resistance and waist circumference. Both groups were correlated. Result. There are significant differences in left ventricular mass of obese and non-obese group (P = 0.000), systolic blood pressure (P = 0.000), diastolic blood pressure (P = 0.006), waist circumference (P = 0.000), visceral fat (P = 0.000), and HOMA-IR (P = 0.000). With bivariant analysis, it comes to a conclusion that there are significant correlation between left ventricular mass and visceral fat (r = 0.67, P = 0.000); between BMI and left ventricular mass (r = 0.67, P = 0.000); between waist circumference and left ventricular mass (r = 0.72, P = 0.000); and also between HOMA-IR and left ventricular mass (r = 0.57, P = 0.000). Conclusion . This is the first study that correlation between increasing of left ventricular mass and visceral fat, BMI, waist circumference and HOMA-IR on The Indonesian Women Population. So far, this study shows a relationship between obesity and high cardiovascular risk.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vidhia Umami
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Mortalitas pasien yang menjalani hemodialisis (HD) paling tinggi pada tiga bulan pertama. Data mengenai insidens dan prediktor mortalitas dini pada pasien HD sangat terbatas. Suatu model prediksi dapat menjadi alat bantu yang sederhana untuk mengetahui pasien yang berisiko tinggi sehingga pada akhirnya upaya pencegahan dapat dilakukan. Tujuan. Mengetahui insidens dan prediktor mortalitas 3 bulan pada pasien hemodialisis baru dan membuat suatu model prediksi. Metode. Penelitian dengan disain kohort retrospektif terhadap 246 pasien PGTA yang baru menjalani HD di Unit HD RSCM antara Januari 2011-Januari 2012. Dilakukan analisis chisquare untuk mendapatkan nilai OR (Odds Ratio) terhadap variabel usia, pembiayaan, jenis HD, akses pembuluh darah, anemia, hipoalbuminemia, kelainan EKG, kardiomegali, komorbid, waktu rujukan ke nefrologis, dan kepatuhan. Prediktor yang bermakna kemudian dimasukkan pada model regresi logistik untuk mendapatkan sistem skor. Hasil dan Pembahasan. Sebanyak 78 (31,7%) dari 246 pasien meninggal dalam 3 bulan pertama. Terdapat 5 variabel yang berhubungan dengan terjadinya mortalitas 3 bulan yaitu usia > 60 tahun, hemoglobin <8 g/dl, albumin serum <3,5 g/dl, kelainan EKG, dan akses femoral. Skor prediksi untuk prediktor usia, hemoglobin, albumin serum, kelainan EKG, dan akses pembuluh darah berturut-turut sebesar 1, 3, 1, 3, 1. Jumlah skor kemudian dikategorikan menjadi risiko rendah (skor 0-3), sedang (skor 4-6), dan tinggi (skor 7-9). Tiap kelompok memiliki prediksi mortalitas 3 bulan berturut-turut sebesar 1,23%, 26,69%, dan 86,04%. Kesimpulan. Insidens mortalitas 3 bulan pada pasien HD baru sebesar 31,7%. Usia > 60 tahun, hemoglobin <8 g/dl, albumin serum <3,5 g/dl, kelainan EKG, dan akses femoral merupakan prediktor yang bermakna terhadap terjadinya mortalitas dalam 3 bulan pertama HD.
Background. Mortality risk among hemodialysis (HD) patients was known to be highest in the first three months of dialysis. There were only limited data about the incidence and predictors to this early death. A prediction model could be a simple tool to know high risk patients to early death then the prevention efforts, as a final point, can be done. Aims. To determine the incidence and predictors for 3-month mortality among incident hemodialysis patients and develop a prediction scoring system. Methods. A retrospective cohort study to 246 patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) starting hemodialysis in Hemodialysis Unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between January 2011 and January 2012. The chi-square analysis was used to estimate Odds Ratio (OR) of age, payment, type of dialysis, femoral access, haemoglobin level, serum albumin level, abnormality of ECG, cardiomegaly by chest x-ray, comorbidity risk, time of referal to nephrologist, and adherence. Prediction score model was made for statistically significant factors in logistic regression analysis. Results. Seventy-eight of 246 patients (31,7%) die within the first three months of hemodialysis. There were 5 variables correlated to 3-month mortality included age >60 years, hemoglobin <8 g/dl, serum albumin <3,5 g/dl. The prediction score for those factors were 1, 3, 1, 3, and 1, respectively. The total score then categorized the risk into low- (score 0-3), medium- (score 4-6), and high- (score 7-9) risk. The prediction of 3-months mortality for each group were 1,23%, 26,69%, and 86,04% respectively. Conclusion. The incidence of 3-month mortality in incident hemodialysis patients was 31,7%. Age >60 years, hemoglobin <8 g/dl, serum albumin <3,5 g/dl, abnormality of ECG, and femoral access were predictors to 3-months mortality.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Misbahul Munir
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Suhu di area hot pres dalam kisaran 1650 C-185 0 C. Tingkat beban kerja ringan sampai dengan sedang, lama kerja 8 jam per hari. Upaya perlindungan tidak selalu bisa dicapai akibat faktor alam, teknis maupun faktor individu. Efek tekanan panas terhadap tubuh memberikan reaksi vasodilatasi pembuluh darah dan efek berkeringat. Belum ada data yang memberikan gambaran efek tekanan panas dalam jangka panjang terhadap fungsi ginjal. Diperlukan upaya deteksi secara dini untuk menghindari efek kerusakan ginjal yang bersifat permanen. Metode : Penelitian ini dilakukan secara potong lintang. Responden dipilih secara rendom. Tekanan panas diukur dengan alat Quest temp 34. Kadar cystatin C serum dianalisa dengan metode PENIA yang dijabarkan dalam estimasi laju filtrasi glomerolus dengan metode CKD EPI. Berat jenis urin diukur pada awal kerja dan akhir shift kerja. Variabel lainnya diperoleh melalui pemeriksaan fisik dan wawancara. Outcome didefiniskan sebagai gangguan ginjal yaitu kenaikan atau penurunan estimasi laju filtrasi glomerulus dibadingkan dengan nilai rerata sesuai usia dengan standar deviasi sebesar 15 ml/menit. Faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi gangguan ginjal diperoleh dari analisa multivariat dengan regresi logistik menggunakan SPSS 17,5. Hasil : Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 101 responen di area dengan tekanan panas antara 28,50 C-31,50 C (ISBB). Prevalensi gangguan ginjal sebesar 17,9%(hyperfiltrasi sebesar 16% dan hipofiltrasi 1,9%). Lama terpajan >15343 jam memiliki risiko terjadinya gangguan ginjal sebesar 7 kali lipat (OR 7,919) dibandingakan dengan lama terpajan ≤15343 jam dengan nilai p 0,001. Pada uji multivariat diperoleh faktor usia >29 tahun merupakan faktor risiko. Terjadi peningkatan risiko 16 kali lipat (OR16,39) pada pekerja dengan usia > 29 tahun dengan nilai p 0,000. Kesimpulan : Prevalensi gangguan ginjal (abnormal eLFG) pada pekerja hot press sebesar 17,9% (hyperfiltrasi sebesar 16% dan hipofiltrasi 1,9%). Usia merupakan faktor dominan gangguan ginjal. Usia >29 dan memiliki risiko 16 kali lipat lebih tinggi sedangkan lama terpajan >15343 jam memiliki risiko 7 kali lipat (OR 7,919).
ABSTRACT Background: Temperature in hot press area in the range 1650 C-185 0 C. Workers performed of activity with mild to medium load for 8 hours per day. Protective measures can not always be achieved due to natural factors, technical and individual factors. The effects of heat stress on the body to react vasodilatation and sweating effect. No data that gives an explanation of the effects of heat stress in the long term on kidney function. Early detection efforts are needed to avoid the effects of permanent kidney damage. Metode: The motode of this study is a cross-sectional basis. Respondents were selected rendom. Heat stress was measured by Quest temp 34. Cystatin C serum level was analyzed by the method PENIA which described into glomerular filtration rate estimate by the method of CKD EPI. While the urine specific gravity was measured at the beginning and end of the work shift work. Other variables obtained through physical examination and interviews. Outcome of renal disorder is defined as an increase or decrease in filtration rate estimation glomerular which is compared to an average value according to age with a standard deviation of 15 ml / min. Dominant factor affecting kidney disorders derived from multivariate logistic regression analysis using SPSS 17,5. Result: The study was conducted on 101 responen who work in areas with hot pressure between 28.50 C to 31.50 C (WBGT). The prevalence of renal disorder was 17.9%(16% classified as hyperfiltration and 1,9% as hypofiltration). Period of long term exposure > 15343 hours had a risk of kidney disorder by 7-fold (OR 7.919 with p value of 0.001. In multivariate analysis obtained risk >29 years of age is the dominant factor of risk to kidney disorders. Occurred 16-fold increased risk (OR16,39) in workers with age> 29 years with p value of 0.000. Conclusion: The prevalence of kidney disorder to hotpress workers at 17.9% (16% classified as hyperfiltration and 1,9% as hypofiltration). Period of long term exposure > 15343 hours had a risk of kidney disorder by 7-fold (OR 7.919). Dominant factor related to kidney disorder is age.>29 years. Occurred 16-fold increased risk (OR16,39) in workers with age> 29 years.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Santi Indrawati
Abstrak :
Latar belakang : Pekerja yang bekerja di lingkungan panas mempunyai resiko tinggi mengalami gangguan ginjal akibat dehidrasi kronis. Gangguan ginjal dapat dicegah jika kelainan dapat dideteksi dan diterapi sejak awal dimana resiko kesakitan dan kematian juga akan berkurang. Pemeriksaan yang biasa dilakukan dalam praktek sehari-hari pada saat ini adalah dengan kreatinin. Namun pemeriksaan kreatinin baru menunjukkan kelainan pada penurunan LFG lanjut. Cystatin C dikatakan bisa mendeteksi gangguan ginjal lebih awal sebelum kadar kreatinin meningkat sehingga dapat segera dilakukan tindakan pencegahan untuk menghindari kerusakan ginjal lebih lanjut. Metode penelitian:` Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain Cross sectional. Dilakukan pada 94 pekerja laki-laki yang dipilih secara random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan laboratorium. Kadar cystatin c serum diukur dengan metode Immunonephelometri, kreatinin diukur dengan metode enzymatik, kemudian dihitung estimasi Laju Filtrasi Glomerulus berdasar Cystatin C dan kreatinin dengan metode CKD EPI. Hasil penelitian dilakukan analisa univariate dan bivariate. Hasil: Didapatkan prevalensi Gangguan Fungsi Ginjal dari Pemeriksaan Cystatin C pada Pekerja terpapar panas dengan Laju Filtrasi Glomerulus normal sebesar 17 %. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia dan gangguan ginjal (p=0,000) dengan OR 13,22. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara masa kerja dengan gangguan ginjal (p = 0,043) dengan OR 6,67. Kesimpulan: LFG dengan Cystatin C dapat mendeteksi lebih dini gangguan ginjal sebelum kreatininnya meningkat dengan prevalensi 17% sehingga dengan upaya promotif dan preventif yang dilakukan diharapkan dapat mencegah gangguan ginjal lebih lanjut.;
Background: Workers who work in hot environments have a high risk of having renal disorders due to chronic dehydration. Renal disorders can be prevented if the abnormality can be detected and treated early in the beginning where the risk of morbidity and mortality is lower, as well. The common test conducted in daily practice today is the creatinine clearance test. However, creatinine clearance test shows abnormalities only in an advance reduced GFR. Cystatin C is known to be able detecting renal disorders in early stage before the creatinine level increases so that precautions can be taken to prevent a more advance renal damage. Study Method: This study used a cross sectional design. It was conducted to 94 workers whom selected with random sampling. Data was collected by interview, physical examination, and laboratory tests. Serum level of Cystatin C was measured by the method of immunonephelometry. Creatinine was measured by enzymatic method and subsequently, Glomerular Filtration Rate was estimated based on cystatin and creatinine using CKD EPI method. Univariate and bivariate analysis was performed to the results. Result: The study suggest that there is prevalence of renal disorders based on Cystatin C test in heat-exposed workers with normal glomerular filtration rate by 17%. There is a significant association between age and renal disorder (p = 0,000) with OR 13.22. There is a significant relation between period of employment with renal disorder (p = 0,001) with OR 6.57. Conclusion: Cystatin-based GFR is able to detect renal disorder at early stage before the creatinine level increases with prevalence of 17% so that further renal damage is expected to be able prevented with promotion and prevention attempts. ;Background: Workers who work in hot environments have a high risk of having renal disorders due to chronic dehydration. Renal disorders can be prevented if the abnormality can be detected and treated early in the beginning where the risk of morbidity and mortality is lower, as well. The common test conducted in daily practice today is the creatinine clearance test. However, creatinine clearance test shows abnormalities only in an advance reduced GFR. Cystatin C is known to be able detecting renal disorders in early stage before the creatinine level increases so that precautions can be taken to prevent a more advance renal damage. Study Method: This study used a cross sectional design. It was conducted to 94 workers whom selected with random sampling. Data was collected by interview, physical examination, and laboratory tests. Serum level of Cystatin C was measured by the method of immunonephelometry. Creatinine was measured by enzymatic method and subsequently, Glomerular Filtration Rate was estimated based on cystatin and creatinine using CKD EPI method. Univariate and bivariate analysis was performed to the results. Result: The study suggest that there is prevalence of renal disorders based on Cystatin C test in heat-exposed workers with normal glomerular filtration rate by 17%. There is a significant association between age and renal disorder (p = 0,000) with OR 13.22. There is a significant relation between period of employment with renal disorder (p = 0,001) with OR 6.57. Conclusion: Cystatin-based GFR is able to detect renal disorder at early stage before the creatinine level increases with prevalence of 17% so that further renal damage is expected to be able prevented with promotion and prevention attempts. , Background: Workers who work in hot environments have a high risk of having renal disorders due to chronic dehydration. Renal disorders can be prevented if the abnormality can be detected and treated early in the beginning where the risk of morbidity and mortality is lower, as well. The common test conducted in daily practice today is the creatinine clearance test. However, creatinine clearance test shows abnormalities only in an advance reduced GFR. Cystatin C is known to be able detecting renal disorders in early stage before the creatinine level increases so that precautions can be taken to prevent a more advance renal damage. Study Method: This study used a cross sectional design. It was conducted to 94 workers whom selected with random sampling. Data was collected by interview, physical examination, and laboratory tests. Serum level of Cystatin C was measured by the method of immunonephelometry. Creatinine was measured by enzymatic method and subsequently, Glomerular Filtration Rate was estimated based on cystatin and creatinine using CKD EPI method. Univariate and bivariate analysis was performed to the results. Result: The study suggest that there is prevalence of renal disorders based on Cystatin C test in heat-exposed workers with normal glomerular filtration rate by 17%. There is a significant association between age and renal disorder (p = 0,000) with OR 13.22. There is a significant relation between period of employment with renal disorder (p = 0,001) with OR 6.57. Conclusion: Cystatin-based GFR is able to detect renal disorder at early stage before the creatinine level increases with prevalence of 17% so that further renal damage is expected to be able prevented with promotion and prevention attempts. ]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aji Prabowo
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Prevalensi penyakit ginjal kronik di Indonesia termasuk 60 besar negara dengan prevalensi penyakit ginjal kronik stadium akhir tertinggi dan menimbulkan biaya kesehatan nomor dua terbesar. Prevalensi tersebut lebih tinggi pada pekerjaan agrikultural, salah satunya adalah petani. Petani merupakan pekerjaan berisiko tinggi dengan pajanan pestisida, panas, logam berat dan zat lainnya sehingga dapat menimbulkan gangguan fungsi ginjal. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui prevalensi gangguan fungsi ginjal serta faktor risiko yang berhubungan pada petani padi di Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Metode. Penelitian dengan desain potong lintang dilakukan pada Oktober 2017-Januari 2018 dengan pengambilan sampel menggunakan random cluster sampling. Penelitian dilakukan dengan wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, dan pemeriksaan darah Cystatin C dan Asetilkolinesterase AChE Eritrosit, urin rutin dan urin kadmium. Analisis data dilakukan dengan program SPSS Statistics 20.0. Hasil. Sebanyak 100 subjek, petani padi, dianalisis untuk mendapatkan prevalensi gangguan fungsi ginjal dan faktor risiko yang berhubungan. Sebanyak 55 subjek 55 mengalami gangguan fungsi ginjal. AChE eritrosit dan kadmium urin tidak berhubungan dengan gangguan fungsi ginjal. Faktor risiko individu yang berhubungan dengan gangguan fungsi ginjal yaitu indeks massa tubuh abnormal dengan OR sebesar 2,51 95 CI 1,04-6,09 dan proteinuria p= 0,031 . Faktor risiko dominan gangguan fungsi ginjal pada petani padi adalah masa kerja lebih dari 10 tahun dengan OR sebesar 4,292 95 CI 1,014-18,170. Simpulan. Prevalensi gangguan fungsi ginjal pada petani padi sebesar 55 . Faktor risiko dominan gangguan fungsi ginjal pada petani padi adalah masa kerja di atas 10 tahun. Perlu dilakukan tindakan preventif dan promotif segera untuk mencegah perburukan fungsi ginjal pada petani padi.
Background. Indonesia is the top 60 countries with a high prevalence of end stage chronic kidney disease and it accounts for the second highest national health cost. The prevalence is higher in the agricultural work population. Farmers are occupations at risk of exposure to pesticides, heat, heavy metals and other substances that can cause impaired renal function. The goal is to know the prevalence of renal function disorder and related risk factors among rice farmers in West Java. Methods. A cross sectional study was conducted on October 2017 January 2018 using random cluster sampling method. All subject underwent interviews using questionnaires, physical examination, Erythrocyte Acetylcholinesterase AChE , urine routine and urine cadmium tests. Data analysis was performed by SPSS Statistics 20.0 for univariate, bivariate and multivariate. Result. 100 subjects included were analyzed. Fifty five subjects 55 had kidney function disorder. The AChE and cadmium urine were not associated with kidney function disorder. Risk factors associated with kidney function disorder were abnormal body mass index with OR of 2, 51 95 CI 1.04 6.09, p 0,038 and proteinuria p 0.031 . The dominant risk factor for kidney function disorder in rice farmers was more than 10 years of working with OR of 4,292 95 CI 1.014 18,170, p 0,048. Conclusion. The prevalence of kidney function disorder in rice farmers was 55 . The dominant risk factor for kidney function disorder among rice farmers was more than 10 years of working. The promotive and preventive action should be done immediately to prevent kidney function worsen.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mirza Fajar Wicaksono
Abstrak :
Latar belakang dan Tujuan Indonesia saat ini masih mcnggunakan bensin bertimbal dengan tingkat pencemaran timbal di udara tinggi. Jakarta Barat merupakso wilayab di DKI Jakarta yang paling padat dilalul kendaraan bermotor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya hubungan kadar timbal di dalam darah terbadap terjadinya hipertensi pada polisi yang bekerja di jalan dan faktor-faktor lain, seperti obesitas, riwayat keluarga hipertensi, kebiasaan merokok. konsmnsi kopi, perilaku memakai masker dan olahraga dengan terjadinya hipertensi. Metode penelitian Penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayab kerja polsek Jakarta Barat. Populasi penelitian adalah polisi yang bekerja di jalan. Disain penelitian adalah studi Cross Sectional, dengan analisis kasus konlrol, 30 kasus dan 60 konlrol dillrutsertakan ) da1am penelitian ini. Kastt; diperoleh dengan cam consecuiive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, pengukuran berat badan, pengukuran tinggi badan, pengukuran tekanan darab dan analisis kadar timbal dalam darah. Hasil penelitian Rerata kadar timbal di dalam darah adalab 19.83 , dengan nilai median 18.80. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antarn faktor obesitas (OR = 5,1) riwayat keluarga hipcrtensi (OR=l7,68) dan kadar Pb dalam darab (OR=4,5) dengan kejadian hipertensi. Kesimpulan dan Saran Ada pengarah kadar timbal di dalam darah, dengan kejadian hipertensi. Saran yang diajukan adalah melakukan pemeriksaan kadar timbal dalam darah minimal sekali setahun, termasuk melakukan upaya penurunan pajanan timbal, dan menurunkan berat badan polisi yang bekerja di jalan.
Tile Background and Tbe Objectives Most of the cities in Indonesia are still using head gases which causes high lead level pollution. West Jakarta is one of the .areas that high burden of motor vehicles and is among the worst polluted area in Jakarta city. The aim of this study is to identify the relation of blood lead levels and hypertension among traffic police and other related factors such as obesity ,family history of hypertension, smoking,. consumption of coffee, use of mask as protection and physical exercise. The Research Method This research was carried out in the work territory Sector Police West Jakarta. The research population was traffic police assigned on the road. A cross sectional study design was used with case control analysis. Sixty cases and 30 controls Were recruited for this study Cases were recruited consecutively. Data was'collected by interviews, physical examination and measuring blood lead level. The Conclusion and the Reccomendation A significant relationship was'found between blood lead level and hypertension incident. Police with the blood lead level ?: 18,80 JWdL had a risk almost of 6,5 times higher to get hypertension. It is recommended that blood lead level should be measured at least once a year and reduce police weight that worked in the road.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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