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Hanifa Zahra
Abstrak :
Tulang adalah jaringan tubuh yang dapat menyembuhkan dirinya sendiri apabila mengalami kerusakan. Namun pada beberapa kasus cacat tulang, cangkok tulang (bone graft) atau material pengganti tulang dibutuhkan untuk membantu penyembuhan jaringan. Terdapat tiga jenis cangkok tulang yaitu autograf, allograf, dan xenograf. Karena terbatasnya sumber tulang untuk cangkok tulang, peneliti mencari material alternatif sebagai pengganti tulang. Biokeramik telah banyak diteliti karena dinilai sebagai material yang paling menjanjikan sebagai pengganti tulang. Bifasik kalsium fosfat (BCP), tersusun atas hidroksiapatit (HA) dan b-trikalsium fosfat (b-TCP), menunjukkan potensi besar sebagai material pengganti tulang karena sifatnya yang bioaktif, biokompatibel, dan laju degradasi yang cocok dengan laju pertumbuhan tulang. Hidroksiapatit di sintesis dengan metode presipitasi gelombang mikro. Serbuk hidroksiapatit dicampurkan ke dalam larutan polivinil alkohol yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan hidroksiapatit dengan mikrostruktur berpori. Selanjutnya, serbuk hidroksiapatit dipadatkan dan disintering dengan variasi temperatur sintering mulai dari 800 °C hingga 1300 °C untuk mempelajari perubahan fasa dan mikrostruktur dari hidroksiapatit. Fase kristal, gugus fungsi, morfologi, dan sifat mekanik diuji dengan X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared FTIR, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), dan Mikro Vickers. XRD menunjukkan terjadi perubahan fase HA menjadi b-TCP pada temperatur 1000 – 1300 °C. Hasil FTIR menunjukkan tidak ditemukannya gugus vinil yang berarti PVA telah sepenuhnya terdegradasi akibat sintering dengan temperatur tinggi. Pori yang dihasilkan memiliki bentuk spherical-like dengan ukuran yang semakin besar seiring dengan peningkatan temperatur sintering. Nilai kekerasan maksimal sebesar 4,166 GPa dihasilkan oleh hidroksiapatit yang disintering pada temperatur 1200 °C dan kekerasan menurun pada temperatur diatasnya karena peningkatan dekomposisi HA. ......Bone is a tissue that can heal by itself. However, for some cases of bone defects, a bone graft or bone substitute is needed to help bone tissue to heal. There are three kinds of bone grafting which is autograft, allograft, and xenograft. Due to the limited source of bone for bone grafting, researchers eager to find an alternative material for bone substitution. Bioceramic has been widely studied because they are considered the most promising material for bone tissue substitution. Biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP), composed of hydroxyapatite (HA) and b-tricalcium phosphate (b-TCP), has shown great potential as a bone substitute material due to its bioactive, biocompatible properties and the rate of degradation that corresponds to the growth rate of bone. Hydroxyapatite nanocrystal was synthesized through the microwave-assisted precipitation method. Hydroxyapatite powder was later added into a polyvinyl alcohol solution, which is aimed to produced hydroxyapatite with a porous microstructure. Hydroxyapatite powder was compacted and sintered at various temperatures, from 800 – 1300 °C, to study the transformation of phase and microstructure of hydroxyapatite. The crystal phase, functional groups, morphology, and hardness of biphasic calcium phosphate were determined through X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and Vickers Microhardness Tester. XRD result shows that the b-TCP phase appears due to the decomposition of HA at 1000 – 1300 °C. FTIR result shows there is no sign of a vinyl functional group, which means that PVA has fully degraded due to sintering with high temperature. Produced pores have a spherical-like shape and become larger as the sintering temperature reaches up to 1300 °C. The maximum hardness value of 4,166 GPa obtained from the hydroxyapatite sintered at 1200 °C and slightly decreased at 1300 °C due to increased decomposition of HA
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Falah Putra Caesarianto
Abstrak :
Perkembangan terkini dari semen ionomer kaca (SIK) telah menjadikannya sebagai sebuah bahan restorasi gigi yang sangat baik, namun sifat mekaniknya masih perlu ditingkatkan. Sifat mekanik dari semen ionomer kaca dapat ditingkatkan melalui inkorpoasi kristal nano fluorhidroksiapatit, salah satu mineral penyusun jaringan keras gigi sehingga memiliki biokompatibilitas yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis kristal nano fluorhidroksiapatit dengan tingkat fluoridasi yang berbeda melalui metode yang cepat dan efisien serta mengevaluasi pengaruh penambahan kristal nano fluorhidroksiapatit terhadap kekerasan mikro semen ionomer kaca yang telah dimodifikasi melalui inkorporasi kristal nano fluorhidroksiapatit. Kristal nano fluorhidroksiapatit dengan tingkat fluoridasi 0 hingga ~95% disintesis melalui metode presipitasi yang dibantu iradiasi gelombang mikro. Fase kristal, gugus fungsi, morfologi permukaan, dan tingkat fluoridasi dari bubuk yang telah disintesis ditentukan melalui difraksi sinar-X (XRD), spektroskopi inframerah transformasi Fourier (FTIR), mikroskop pemindai elektron (SEM), dan energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer (EDX) secara berturut-turut. Kemudian, bubuk fluorhidroksiapatit yang telah disintesis ditambahkan ke dalam semen ionomer kaca komersial (Fuji IX, GC Gold Label) dengan jumlah sebanyak 5 wt%, 7,5 wt%, dan 10 wt%. Semen ionomer kaca yang tidak mengalami penambahan fluorhidroksiapatit digunakan sebagai kelompok kontrol. Kekerasan mikro dari semen yang telah dikondisikan selama 24 jam di dalam air distilasi bersuhu 37 °C dievaluasi dengan penguji kekerasan mikro Vickers. Metode karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa bubuk yang telah disintesis merupakan fluorhidroksiapatit berukuran nano dengan tingkat fluoridasi yang berbeda. Kekerasan mikro dari semen yang dimodifikasi menunjukkan nilai yang lebih tinggi (54-100 HV) dibanding kelompok kontrol (48,94 HV). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa penambahan fluorhidroksiapatit dengan tingkat fluoridasi yang berbeda pada penambahan sebanyak persentase massa yang sama tidak menghasilkan perbedaan signifikan pada kekerasan mikro semen yang dimodifikasi. Selain itu, kekerasan mikro dari semen yang dimodifikasi akan meningkat dengan penambahan fluorhidroksiapatit maksimum sebanyak 7,5 wt% dan kemudian berkurang dengan penambahan lebih lanjut. ......Recent developments of glass ionomer cement (GIC) have made it to become an excellent dental restorative material, nevertheless, its mechanical properties still need to be improved. The mechanical strength of glass ionomer cement could be enhanced through the incorporation of fluorhydroxyapatite nanocrystal, one of the minerals that compose dental hard tissues and therefore have great biocompatibility. This study aims to synthesize fluorhydroxyapatite with different degrees of fluoridation through a fast and efficient method and to evaluate the effect of fluorhydroxyapatite nanocrystals addition to the microhardness of glass ionomer cement modified by the incorporation of fluorhydroxyapatite nanocrystals. Fluorhydroxyapatite nanocrystals with 0 to ~95% fluoridation degrees were synthesized through a microwave-assisted precipitation method. The crystal phase, functional groups, surface morphology, and fluoridation degrees of the synthesized powder were determined through X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) Spectroscopy, respectively. Thereafter, synthesized fluorhydroxyapatite powder was added to commercial glass ionomer cement (Fuji IX, GC Gold Label) with an amount of 5 wt%, 7.5 wt%, and 10 wt%. The glass ionomer cement which did not undergo fluorhydroxyapatite addition was used as the control group. The microhardness of the cement which has been conditioned for 24 hours in distilled water at 37 °C were evaluated with Vickers Microhardness Tester. Characterization methods revealed that the synthesized powder was nano-sized fluorhydroxyapatite with different degrees of fluoridation. The microhardness of the modified cement exhibited higher values (54-100 HV) compared to the control group (48.94 HV). The results showed that the difference in fluoridation degrees of fluorhydroxyapatite at the addition of the same mass percentage did not produce a significant difference in the microhardness among the modified cement. On the other hand, the microhardness of the modified cement would increase with the addition of fluorhydroxyapatite maximum at 7.5 wt% addition, and then decreases with further addition.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Armando Aldy Ruddyard
Abstrak :
Karbonat hidroksiapatit merupakan suatu jenis biomaterial yang memiliki kompatibilitas tinggi dengan tulang manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh suhu dan waktu sintering untuk mendapatkan karbonat hidroksiapatit yang disintesis dengan metode hidrotermal menggunakan CaCO3 sebagai salah satu komponen. Sampel hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi dengan Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, dan scanning electron microscope. Hasil FTIR menunjukkan bahwa kandungan gugus CO3 pada sampel yang dihasilkan sebanding dengan kuantitas CaCO3 yang digunakan dalam sintesis. Hasil XRD menunjukkan bahwa kandungan karbonat apatit meningkat dan kandungan kalsit menurun dengan meningkatnya suhu dan waktu sintering. Kalsit tidak terlihat pada suhu sintering 900 ̊C dan waktu sintering 2 jam.
Carbonated hydroxyapatite is a biomaterial with high biocompatibility with human bone, moreso than regular hydroxyapatite, making it an acceptable synthetic bone graft material. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of sintering temperature and time on carbonated hydroxyapatite samples synthesized using the hydrothermal method with CaCO3 as one of its components. The samples are then characterized using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, and a scanning electron microscope. IR spectra show that the CO3 content in each sample is proportional to the amount of CaCO3 used in the synthesis of said samples. Diffraction patterns from XRD show an increase in apatite content and a decrease in calcite content as sintering temperature and time increases, with temperature increases having a stronger effect on the samples than time increases. Calcite disappears completely after sintering at 900 ̊C for 2 hours.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rafi Tauchid Nugroho
Abstrak :
Hidroksiapatit adalah material yang banyak digunakan untuk aplikasi implan tulang, karena mempunyai komposisi kimia yang sama dengan tulang manusia. Biphasic Calcium Phosphate (BCP) adalah campuran dari non-resorbable Hidroksiapatit (HA) dan resorbable β-Tricalcium Phosphate (β-TCP). Doping ion magnesium ke dalam HA/β-TCP akan membawa perbaikan pada reaksi biologis. Pada penelitian ini sintesis Mg-HA diiradisi dengan gelombang mikro menggunakan daya 720 watt selama 10 menit, dengan variasi substitusi Mg(OH)2 0.1M, 0.2M, dan 0.3M. Serbuk Mg-HA yang terbentuk disinter pada suhu 1300˚ C selama 3 jam untuk membentuk fasa biphasik Mg-HA/β-tricalcium phosphate kemudia dikarakterisasi dengan XRD. Sintesis nano-komposit Mg-HA/Alginat dilakukan dengan mencampurkan serbuk hasil sintering dengan alginat dan CaCl2 sebagai agen taut silang (cross linker agent). Larutan campuran diaduk menggunakan magnetic stirrer selama 3 jam kemudian dibiarkan selama 24 jam agar pencampuran sempurna. Metode karakterisasi komposit Mg-HA/β-TCP/Alginat menggunakan FTIR dan SEM-EDX. Hasil XRD menunjukan subtitusi Mg mereduksi ukuran kristal, parameter kisi dan indeks kristalinitas. Perlakuan thermal hingga suhu 1300 ˚ C pada HA membentuk dua fasa yaitu HA dan β-TCP. SEM-EDX menunjukan bahwa partikel yang terdapat pada komposit Mg-HA/β-TCP/Alginat berukuran tidak sama mempengaruhi grain growth. ......Hydroxyapatite is a material that is widely used for bone implant applications because it has the same chemical composition as human bone. Biphasic Tricalcium Phosphate (BCP) is a mixture of non-resorbable hydroxyapatite (HA) and resorbable β-Tricalcium Phosphate (β-TCP). Doping of magnesium ion into HA/β-TCP will bring about improvement in biological reactions. In this study, the synthesis of Mg-HA was irradiated with microwaves using 720 watts of power for 10 minutes, with variations of 0.1M, 0.2M, and 0.3M Mg (OH)2 substitution. The Mg-HA powder formed was sintered at 1300˚C for 3 hours to form a biphasic phase of Mg-HA/β-tricalcium phosphate which was then characterized by XRD. The synthesis of Mg-HA/Alginate nano-composites was carried out by mixing the sintered powder with alginate and CaCl2 as a cross-linker agent. The mixed solution was stirred using a magnetic stirrer for 3 hours then left for 24 hours for complete mixing. The characterization method for Mg-HA / β-TCP / Alginate composites used FTIR and SEM-EDX. XRD results showed that Mg substitution reduced crystal size, lattice parameters, and crystallinity index. Thermal treatment up to a temperature of 1300 ˚ C on HA forms two phases, namely HA and β-TCP. SEM-EDX showed that the particles contained in the Mg-HA/β-TCP/Alginate composite had different sizes affecting grain growth.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusnita Rahayu
Abstrak :
Partikel logam mulia dengan permukaan high energy facets diketahui memiliki aktivitas katalitik yang tinggi. Pada penelitian ini berhasil dilakukan sintesis partikel Pt diatas elektroda ITO dengan teknik elektrodeposisi mode Square-Wave Pulse (SWP) dengan variasi parameter potensial atas (0,5, 1,0, 1,5 dan 2,0 V), jenis elektrolit (H2SO4, H2SO4 + KCl dan KCl) serta pulse deposition time (0,05 s dan 0,25 s). Partikel Pt ini kemudian  digunakan sebagai katalis hidrogenasi aseton dibawah pengaruh gelombang mikro. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensial atas hingga 1,5 V menyediakan driving force yang cukup untuk terbentuk partikel dengan kelopak tajam seperti nanoflower. Bentuk permukaan seperti ini merupakan high energy facets yang dikonfirmasi sebagai puncak difraksi (220) dan (311). Laju penumbuhan kristal pada bidang kristal (220) dan (311) juga akibat adanya ion-ion elektrolit HSO4- dan SO42- yang cenderung untuk teradsorpsi secara selektif pada bidang permukaan Pt tertentu yang mendorong pembentukan partikel anisotropik. Penambahan Pulse Deposition Time (t) dari 0,05 s ke 0,25 s menghasilkan ukuran partikel yang lebih kecil. Aktivitas katalitik partikel Pt pada proses hidrogenasi aseton bergantung kepada keberadaan high index facets dan densitas sebaran partikelnya. Diperoleh hasil yang paling tinggi yaitu 30,9% dalam waktu 300 s ketika sintesis menggunakan elektrolit H2SO4 dengan tegangan 1,0 V. 
It is known that noble metal particles with high energy facets have high catalytic activity. In this study, Pt particles were successfully synthesized on ITO electrodes using the Square-Wave Pulse (SWP) electrodeposition technique with variations in the upper potential parameters (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 V, electrolyte type (H2SO4, H2SO4 + KCl and KCl) and pulse deposition time (0.05 s and 0.25 s). Pt particles were then used as catalysts for hydrogenation acetone under the microwaves exposure. The results show that the upper potential of up to 1.5 V provides sufficient driving force for the formation of microflowers with sharp petals such as nanoflower that is confirmed as the diffraction peak of (220) and (311). In addition, the crystal growth rate in the crystal plane (220) and (311) is also due to the presence of electrolyte ions HSO4- and SO42- which tend to be selectively adsorbed in certain Pt surface facets which encourage the formation of anisotropic particles. In addition, the increase Pulse Deposition Time from 0.05s to 0.25s results in smaller particle size. The catalytic activity of Pt particles in the hydrogenation process of acetone depends on the presence of high index facets and its particle density and achieves the highest yield of 30.9% at 275s when using H2SO4 electrolyte with an upper voltage of 1 volt.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnia Nerlika Kusumaningtyas
Abstrak :
Prosedur kateterisasi jantung berkaitan erat dengan penggunaan teknik fluoroskopi dalam waktu relatif lama. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisa dosis radiasi personel kateterisasi jantung berdasarkan koleksi data hasil pantauan berkala Balai Pengamanan Fasilitas Kesehatan Jakarta dari berbagai rumah sakit. Untuk verifikasi, dilakukan pengukuran dosis personel kateterisasi jantung selama berlangsung prosedur Coronary Angiography dan Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Setiap personil menggunakan 4 dosimeter, 2 film badge dan 2 TLD badge, dimana 1 film badge dan 1 TLD badge diletakkan di bawah apron sedangkan yang lain berada di luar apron dekat leher. Dari koleksi data diperoleh informasi dosis personel pengguna film badge per tahun pada umumnya berada dalam rentang (0,10–10) mSv untuk dokter, (0,10–7,20) mSv untuk perawat, dan (0,10–1,30) mSv untuk radiografer. Adapun dosis personel pengguna TLD badge per tahun tercatat (0,01–14) mSv untuk dokter, (0,01–14,50) mSv untuk perawat dan (0,01–2,50) mSv untuk radiografer. Dari hasil pengukuran di 3 rumah sakit diperoleh estimasi dosis efektif per tahun tertinggi dokter dalam rentang (4,96–8,71) mSv, perawat dalam rentang (7,51–37,34) mSv dan radiografer dalam rentang (7,40–25,32) mSv. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan para personel kateterisasi jantung berpotensi menerima dosis tinggi, dapat melebihi nilai batas dosis sebesar 20 mSv/tahun. ...... Cardiac catheterization procedures were closely related to the use of fluoroscopy techniques in a relatively long time. In this study, radiation dose analysis for cardiac catheterization personnel was carried out based on data collected from the results of periodic monitoring of the Jakarta Health Facility Security Center from various hospitals. For verification, dose measurements of cardiac catheterization personnel were performed during the Coronary Angiography and Percutaneous Coronary Intervention procedures. Each personnel used 4 dosimeters, 2 film badges, and 2 TLD badges, where 1 film badge and 1 TLD badge were placed under the apron while the others were outside the apron near the neck. From the data collection, information on the dose of personnel using the film badge per year was generally in the range (0.10–10) mSv for doctors, (0.10–7.20) mSv for nurses, and (0.10–1.30 ) mSv for radiographers. The dose of personnel using the TLD badge per year was recorded (0.01–14) mSv for doctors, (0.01–14.50) mSv for nurses, and (0.01–2.50) mSv for radiographers. From the results of measurements in 3 hospitals, the highest estimated effective dose per year was doctors in the range (4.96–8.71) mSv, nurses in the range (7.51–37.34) mSv, and radiographers in the range (7.40– 25.32) mSv. The measurement results show that cardiac catheterization personnel had the potential to receive high doses, which can exceed the dose limit value of 20 mSv/year.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tamara Rizki Amalia
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Hidroksiapatit (HAp) dengan rumus senyawa kimia Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 merupakan bahan pengganti tulang yang digunakan dalam teknologi alternatif cangkok tulang. Hidroksiapatit memiliki sifat seperti biokompatibilitas, bioaktif dan tidak beracun sehingga aman bagi tubuh manusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variasi pH dan waktu terhadap sintesis hidroksiapatit dengan menggunakan iradiasi gelombang mikro dan sintering. Hasil menunjukan variasi pH dan waktu mempengaruhi ukuran kristal, derajat kristalinitas dan bentuk morfologi. Karakterisasi XRD menunjukan sampel yang diiradiasi oleh gelombang mikro selama 25 menit menghasilkan ukuran kristal tertinggi sekitar 21,60 nm pada pH 7. Proses sintering menghasilkan ukuran kristal tiga kali lipat dan ukuran kristal tertinggi mencapai sekitar 59,07 nm pada pH 11. Karakterisasi XRD juga menunjukan bahwa variasi pH memunculkan fase sekunder berupa chlorapatit. Karakterisasi FTIR menunjukan dengan adanya proses sintering menghilangkan gugus karbonat dan karakterisasi SEM-EDX pada pH 11 yang hanya diiradiasi gelombang mikro menunjukan partikel berbentuk bulat dan beraglomerasi ukuran partikel sekitar 63,43 nm dengan rasio Ca/P adalah 1,59 dan proses sintering menghasilkan bentuk partikel lebih kristalin ukuran partikel mencapai 180,62 nm dengan rasio Ca/P adalah 1,48. Penggunaan suhu tinggi berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan kristal dalam sintesis hidroksiapatit.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Julia
Abstrak :
[Penelusuran kolagen dari lapisan dalam rempela ayam kampung dan ayam negri diidentifikasi dengan cara tanpa perendaman dan dengan perendaman basa NaOH. Sifat fisiokimia kolagen dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) dan Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). Keberadaan kolagen dari sampel tanpa perendaman diketahui dari gugus fungsi molekul khas yang menyerap radiasi infra merah pada bilangan gelombang tertentu. Pada sampel dengan perendaman basa NaOH, memperlihatkan hilangnya gugus amida pada beberapa daerah jangkauan bilangan gelombang. Selain itu, perendaman juga mengurangi semua komponen kolagen dalam sampel. Kolagen yang berasal dari lapisan dalam rempela ayam merupakan kolagen tipe I dari hasil pemeriksaan bobot unit molekul sampel dengan uji SDS PAGE. Bentuk morfologi dari kolagen ini adalah berbentuk serat kecil dengan partikel-partikel kecil yang teramati menutup serat pada perbesaran kecil. Sementara kandungan atom penyusunnya merupakan susunan umum atom yang terdapat pada protein yaitu karbon, oksigen, fosfor dan sulfur dengan sedikit unsur pengotor. ......The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities.;The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities.;The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities.;The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities., The collagen resulted from inner layer of free-range chicken and broiler chicken gizzard were identified by means of submersion with NaOH base and without submersion. The physiochemical of collagen were characterized with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX) andSodium Dodecyl Sulphate – Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS PAGE). The presence of collagens in sample without submersion were observed from typical molecular functional group absorbing infrared radiation at a particular wave number. Futhermore, in the sample with NaOH base submersion demonstrated that the loss of amide groups in some range areas of wave number. In addition, the submersion bring about decreating all component of collagen in sample as well. The collagens derived from inner layer of gizzard chicken were type I of collagen resulted from examination the sample unit weight with SDS PAGE. The morphology of collagens were a small fibers with small particles covered fibers in small magnification. The content of the contituent atoms were general arrangement of atoms in the protein such as oxygen, phospor and sulphur with slight impurities.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Revina Anastasia Sabrina
Abstrak :
Hidroksiapatit (HA) adalah kalsium fosfat dengan rumus kimia Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 yang terkandung dalam tulang manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi daya dan waktu iradiasi gelombang mikro (microwave) dalam mensintesis HA. Proses sintesis dilakukan dengan menambahkan di-ammonium hidrogen fosfat ke dalam larutan kalsium hidroksida. Karakterisasi sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan difraksi sinar-X (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy dan energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX). Peningkatan daya dan waktu iradiasi menyebabkan meningkatnya kristalinitas dan ukuran kristalit. Parameter kisi kristal yang diperoleh memiliki tingkat keakuratan yang tinggi terhadap data HA dari International Center for Diffraction Data PDF No. #9-432. Hasil FTIR menunjukkan adanya kandungan gugus fungsional OH-, PO43-, air, dan karbonat di dalam sampel. Rasio akhir antara konsentrasi kalsium dengan fosfat diperoleh sebesar 1.62. Ukuran partikel mencapai 133.739 nm dengan morfologi yang menyerupai lempeng pendek dan panjang. ......Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a calcium phosphate with a chemical bond of Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2which is contained in human bones. The aim of this work is to know the effect of the variation in power and time of the microwave irradiation in synthesizing HA. The synthesis process was done by adding di-ammonium hydrogen phosphate into calcium hydroxide solution. The characterization of the samples was carried out using x-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX). The increment of the irradiation power and time resulted in the enhancement of the crystllinity and crystallite size of the sample. The lattice parameter of the samples is found to have high accuracy when compared with the HA data from the International Center for Diffraction Data PDF No. #9-432. The FTIR result shows that the samples contained functional groups of OH-, PO43-, water, and carbonat. The final ratio between calcium and phosphate is 1.62. The particle size reached 133.739 nm with the morphology of the samples resembles long and short platelets.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Nabila Hariowibowo
Abstrak :
Magnesium-Hidroksiapatit (MgHA) disintesis dengan mensubstitusi Magnesium (Mg), yang berperan dalam metabolisme tulang, pada Hidroksiapatit (HA), yaitu salah satu komponen utama dari tulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensintesis nano-powder MgHA melalui iradiasi gelombang mikro, dan mengetahui pengaruh dari daya dan waktu iradiasi gelombang mikro terhadap karakteristik MgHA. Sintesis dilakukan dengan mencampurkan larutan diammonium hidrogen fosfat dan larutan magnesium hidroksida ke dalam larutan kalsium hidroksida. Larutan yang telah tercampur diiradiasi dengan gelombang mikro, dengan variasi daya dan waktu iradiasi. Parameter kisi, kristalinitas, ukuran kristalit, gugus fungsi, morfologi, ukuran partikel, dan komposisi MgHA ditentukan dengan menggunakan beberapa metode karakterisasi yaitu; x-ray diffraction (XRD), fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dan energy dispersive x-ray (EDX). Pola XRD menunjukkan bahwa seiring dengan kenaikan daya dan waktu iradiasi, parameter kisi a dan c, indeks kristalinitas dan ukuran kristalit MgHA tereduksi. Hasil FTIR menunjukkan terdapat ikatan antara Mg2+ dengan gugus hidroksil pada daya dan waktu iradiasi maksimum. Hasil SEM dan EDX menunjukkan substitusi Mg2+ mengakibatkan aglomerasi pada partikel dan Ca/P yang dimiliki oleh MgHA kurang dari 1.67, menunjukkan bahwa sebagian Ca2+ telah lepas dari struktur apatit. Penelitian ini menunjukkan daya yang tinggi dan waktu iradiasi yang lebih lama lebih efektif dalam melakukan sintesis MgHA.
Magnesium-Hydroxyapatite (MgHA) is synthesized by substituting magnesium (Mg) into hydroxyapatite (HA). The studys aim was to synthesize MgHA nano-powder via microwave irradiation and determine the effects of the microwave irradiations power and irradiation time variation on the synthesis of the MgHA crystal. The synthesis of MgHA was done by titrating solutions of diammonium hydrogen phosphate and magnesium hydroxide into a solution of calcium hydroxide. The microwave irradiation was done with variations of irradiation power and time. The phase composition, functional groups, morphology, particle size, and the element composition of the MgHA powder was evaluated using the following characterization method; XRD, FTIR, and SEM-EDX. The XRD patterns show that lattice parameters a and c, crystallinity index, and crystallite size of MgHA decreases as the irradiation time increases. The FTIR results show that a stretching mode is caused by the bonding of Mg2+ and the hydroxyl group. The SEM and EDX results shows that the substitution of Mg2+ causes the particles to agglomerate and the Ca/P value of MgHA was determined to be lesser than 1.67, showing that some Ca2+ was released from the apatite. The results show that higher irradiation power and longer irradiation time is more effective in MgHA synthesis.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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