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Rumahorbo, Hotma
Abstrak :
Prediabetes merupakan prakondisi Diabetes dengan risiko absolut DMT2 sebesar 2-10 kali. Diabetes merupakan faktor risiko penyakit Jantung dan Stroke yang merupakan penyebab utama kematian di Indonesia. Diabetes dapat dicegah dengan memperbaiki pola makan dan pola latihan fisik penyandang Prediabetes.Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh model pemberdayaan yang dapat memperbaiki pola makan dan pola latihan fisik sebagai upaya mengendalikan glukosa darah penyandang Prediabetes. Pengembangan model segitiga kerjasama (SESAMA) dilakukan dengan studi fenomenologi dan validasi Efektivitas nya dengan quasi experiment wit control group design "selama 16 minggu jumlah sampel penelitian adalah 151 penyandang Prediabetes. Hasil penelitian menunujukan penurunan % AKG sebesar 25.186 % ; risiko pola latihan fisik sebesar 29 kali dan kadar glukosa darah menurun sebesar 5,734 mg/Dl. Direkomendasikan kepada pihak terkait agar model "SESAMA" dapat digunakan sebagai salahsatu model pencegahan diabetes di masyarakat......Prediabetes constitutes a diabetic precondition with absolutely relative risk 2-10 times. Diabetes is the risk factor of heart disease and stroke as the main cause of death in Indonesia. Early handling of Prediabetes is important that take cares in the form of lifestyle shift especially improving eating and physical exercise pattern. The aim of study was to develop empowerment model in improving eating and physical exercise pattern of prediabetes patients in order to control blood glucose level. By Fenomenology study, the empowerment model of segitiga kerjasama (SESAMA) have been developed. The”SESAMA” model is validated in improving eating and physical exercise pattern as well as controlling blood glucose level of Prediabetes patients using quasi experiment with control group design. The validation model conducted for 16-week period with 151 subjects. The result of this study showed that the model could decreased % AKG in amount of 25.186 %, risk of physical exercises pattern 29 times and decreasing of blood glucose level in amount of 5.734 mg/Dl. This study recommended to related parties so that the model ”SESAMA” could be implemented in preventing diabetes patients in community.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leli Mulyati
Abstrak :
Penurunan kesadaran merupakan salah satu kondisi kritis yang perlu mendapatkan penanganan dan intervensi yang cepat dan tepat. Kecepatan dan ketepatan intervensi akan mencegah berbagai komplikasi jangka pendek dan jangka panjang pada pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pengaruh intervensi stimulasi sensori berbasis teori caring dan uncertainty terhadap proses pemulihan pasien penurunan kesadaran. Penelitian ini terbagi atas dua tahap yaitu penelitian kualitatif (fenomenologi dan diskusi kelompok terfokus) yang melibatkan 24 informan, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penyusunan intervensi stimulasi sensori dan penelitian kuantitatif (quasi eksperimen) yang melibatkan 63 responden secara consecutive sampling, yang dibagi dalam kelompok intervensi 1 dan 2 serta kelompok kontrol. Penelitian tahap ini dilakukan di tiga Rumah sakit, 2 di Jakarta dan 1 di Bengkulu. Hasil penelitian tahap satu didapatkan 5 tema dari hasil wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terfokus yang dijadikan sebagai salah sumber untuk menyusun intervensi stimulasi sensori yang dirangkum dalam buku panduan intervensi stimulasi sensori untuk pasien dan perawat dan keluarga. Hasil penelitian tahap dua didapatkan bahwa stimulasi sensori memberikan perbedaan bermakna pada tingkat kesadaran, fungsi sensori dan hemodinamik laju pernapasan dan saturasi okdigen dengan nilai (P<0.05. Tetapi tidak memberikan perbedaan secara bermakna secara uji statistik (P>0.05) pada indikator hemodinamik yang lainnya di antara 3 kelompok terhadap proses pemulihan kesadaran. Meskipun demikian secara klinis terlihat dapat memperpendek masa proses pemulihan kesadaran berdasarkan nilai mean tiap kelompok. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian yaitu intervensi stimulasi sensori dapat mempersingkat proses pemulihan kesadaran pasien. ......Decreased awareness is a critical condition that needs to get fast and appropriate treatment and intervention. Speed ​​and accuracy of intervention will prevent various short-term and long-term complications in patients. This study aims to identify the effect of sensory stimulation interventions based on caring theory and uncertainty on the recovery process of patients with reduced consciousness. This study was divided into two stages, namely qualitative research (phenomenology and focus group discussions) involving 24 informants, then followed by the preparation of sensory stimulation interventions and quantitative research (quasi experiments). involving 63 respondents respectively consecutive sampling, divided into intervention groups 1 and 2 as well as the control group. This stage of the research was conducted in three hospitals, 2 in Jakarta and 1 in Bengkulu. The results of the first phase of the study obtained 5 themes from the results of in-depth interviews and focus group discussions which were used as a source for developing sensory stimulation interventions which are summarized in a sensory stimulation intervention manual for patients and caregivers and families. The results of the second phase of the study found that sensory stimulation provided significant differences in the level of consciousness and hemodynamics of respiratory rate and oxygen saturation with a value of (P<0.05. However, it did not provide significant statistical differences (P>0.05) in sensory function and other hemodynamic indicators among the 3 groups on the process of recovering consciousness. However, clinically it appears to shorten the period of consciousness recovery based on the mean value of each group. The conclusion of the results of the study is that sensory stimulation interventions can shorten the process of restoring patient consciousness.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pengembangan kompetensi dan efikasi diri kepala ruang merupakan elemen krusial dalam peningkatan keselamatan pasien di rumah sakit. Kepemimpinan yang tidak aman dapat mengakibatkan capaian tujuan keselamatan terganggu namun hanya sedikit yang diketahui tentang model safety leadership yang dapat meningkatkan kompetensi dan efikasi diri kepala ruang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan model safety leadership yang menggunakan kerangka kerja teori human caring dan social cognitive, dan menguji efektivitasnya terhadap peningkatan kompetensi dan efikasi diri kepala ruang. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 tahap: tahap pertama: identifikasi masalah melalui wawancara mendalam (penelitian kualitatif), tahap kedua: pengembangan model (integrasi hasil tahap 1, studi literatur dan konsultasi pakar) dan tahap ketiga uji efektivitas model (penelitian kuantitatif dengan non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Pada penelitian kualitatif melibatkan 17 partisipan dan bertujuan mengembangkan model safety leadership berdasarkan human caring theory dan teori social cognitive. Model dikembangkan berdasarkan sintesis studi literatur, temuan studi kualitatif dan konsultasi pakar. Teridentifikasi enam tema yaitu kesadaran tentang keselamatan pasien, caring relationship, pemberdayaan staf, perencanaan keselamatan pasien bersama pasien, kepemimpinan diri dan dukungan rumah sakit. Penelitian kuantitatif bertujuan menguji efektivitas model safety leadership terhadap kompetensi dan efikasi diri kepala ruang dengan desain quasi eksperimen pre dan post terhadap 32 responden pada kelompok kontrol dan 32 responden kelompok intervensi. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan analisis general linear model repeated measured menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model safety leadership terhadap peningkatan sikap safety leadership dalam kurun waktu 8 minggu intervensi dan tidak ada pengaruh model safety leadership terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan, perilaku dan efikasi diri kepala ruang. ......Improving patient safety in hospitals is crucial. Ineffective leadership can prevent safety goals from being met, thereby highlighting the need for strong safety leadership models. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive understanding of leadership models that can enhance the competencies and self-efficacy of head nurses. The main objective of this research was to develop a new safety leadership model that embraces human care and social cognitive theories, with the ultimate goal of strengthening the competencies and self-efficacy of head nurses. The study consisted of three main stages: qualitative interviews, the development of the model through insights from the interviews and a literature review, and an empirical examination of the model’s effectiveness using a quantitative approach. During the qualitative phase, 17 participants developed a safety leadership model based on human care and social cognitive theory. This model incorporated insights from literature reviews, interviews, and expert evaluations. Six crucial dimensions of the model emerged: patient safety awareness, caring relationships, staff empowerment, collaborative patient safety planning, self-leadership, and organizational support. The quantitative phase aimed to measure the effectiveness of the safety leadership model in improving head nurses’ competencies and self- efficacy. This phase involved 32 respondents from both the control and intervention groups. The findings from the analysis revealed that the safety leadership model had a positive impact on improving safety leadership attitudes within an 8-week intervention period. However, there were no significant improvements in knowledge acquisition, behavior, or self-efficacy among head nurses. This study highlights the potential of a safety leadership model based on human care and social cognitive theories to enhance safety attitudes. However, further exploration and refinement are needed to comprehensively address different aspects of leadership effectiveness and patient safety improvement.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library