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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Tiska Frahmawati
This research is motivated by the finding that grade VIII teachers have not found a learning approach that is suitable for learning Environmental Education (PLH). Class management is teacher-centered so students are less active, creative, lack understanding of material, and lack of enthusiasm because PLH subjects are relatively new to the West Java region, teachers do not yet have relevant educational background, lack of textbooks, appropriate learning resources with standard competencies and basic competencies. Based on the odd semester PLH learning outcomes data students get an average value of 69.00. In the classical learning capacity absorption has not reached 75 of those specified. This study aims to find suitable PLH learning design so that it can improve understanding of learning material, student enthusiasm in preserving the surrounding environment. Expected quality competency. student-centered, so students are active, creative, collaborating, discussing, and percentage to solve a problem. Appraisal or assessment will be given to the learning process for students who are active and creative in order to foster enthusiasm for learning and individual and chiropractic completeness in PLH learning."
Bogor: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pakuan, 2017
370 JPLH 5:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tatan Abdullah
Environmental problems such as pollution, damage to natural resources, depreciation of forest reserves, destruction of various biological species, erosion, flooding and even types of diseases that develop at this time can no longer be said to be merely natural, because humans provide a factor a very significant cause is variable for environmental events. There is no denying that environmental problems are born and developed because human factors are far greater and more complex than the natural factors themselves. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive method in the subject's natural constituents with research informants taken by purposive sampling, they are the people who know the most information about the Implementation of Environment-Based Policies and curricula, such as Principals, Wakasek, Teachers, School Committees, Administration , and students. From this research, it is obtained an illustration that: 1). Environment-based policies are carried out referring to the school's vision and mission and school strategic plan; 2) Environmental based curriculum is carried out in an integrated manner into various teaching materials or teaching materials in normative, adjective and productive subjects; 3) improve the conditions of teaching and learning environment that are more comfortable and conducive for school residents; 4) increasing efforts to avoid various risks of negative environmental impacts in the future. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the Implementation of Environment-based Policy and Curriculum in Realizing the Care and Cultured Schools in Sukabumi City 3 Vocational Schools runs well and is able to improve environmentally-cultured activities and behavior in an effort to manage effective learning activities as a basis the success of the education of the living environment carried out at school."
Bogor: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pakuan, 2017
370 JPLH 5:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Kurniawan
"Objective of research is to improve environmental learning in school. Research was carried out in the second grade. Method used by action researchin classroom. Results of the study concluded three things: a) learning model cooperative implementation of modifications to the Team Games Tournament (TGT), Numbered Heads Together (NHT), and Mind Map can create learning outcomes achieved; cycle 1 with an average value of 78 with learning 61% and in cycle 2 with an average value of 84 with 82%, results in affective learning cycle 1 with an average achieved 62 with tiredness learn 100%, and in cycle 2 with an average rating of 67.9 with tiredness learn 100%, b) the implementation of cooperative learning model modification TGT, NHT, and Mind map successfully delivers solutions in improving students enthusiasm in learning activities with enthusiasm the students achieve up to 90%, and c) teachers are able to implement Cooperative learning model modification of TGT, NHT, and Mind Map that leverages learning Interactive media White boards (IWBs) and Mouse Mischief to good use.The result of processing and analysis it was found that the use of cooperative learning model modification of TGT, NHT, and mind map that leverages learning Interactive media White boards (IWBs) and Mouse Mischief can improve learning and Environmental Education students get good results and active/antuasias while learning."
Bogor: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pakuan, 2018
370 JPLH 6:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurcahyani Dewi Retnowati
Tanaman jahe banyak dibudidayakan di Indonesia dan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kesehatan. Salah satu produk hasil olahan jahe berupa jahe instan. Proses pembuatan jahe instan yang mudah dapat dilakukan oleh semua orang, khususnya anak-anak Panti Asuhan. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan anak-anak Panti Asuhan dapat membuat jahe instan sendiri, menjual, dan melakukan perhitungan analisis usaha sehingga anak-anak Panti Asuhan menjadi lebih mandiri. Proses pelatihan pembuatan jahe instan dan analisis usaha dilaksanakan di Panti Asuhan Al-Ikhlas Ngentak Pelem RT.13 Baturetno Banguntapan Bantul Yogyakarta. Metode yang dilakukan dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan ini adalah dengan penyuluhan dan praktek secara langsung pembuatan jahe instan dan perhitungan analisis usaha. Tahapan kegiatan ada 3 macam yaitu penjelasan tentang tanaman jahe dan khasiatnya, pembuatan produk jahe instan, dan mengajarkan perhitungan analisis usaha dan sedikit tentang pemasaran produk. Target luaran yang ingin dicapai pada pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu mitra mampu membuat jahe instan dan analisis usaha."
Yogyakarta: Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto, 2019
600 JPM 2:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr. Rita Rosiana
Jakarta: FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2014
650 ESENSI 4:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
This research was acorrelation study consisted of two independent variables, namely knowledgeof disasters and headman leadership in addressing flood, and thedependent variable, namelythe citizen's behavioral in flood awareness. Results of this studyyielded threeconclusions, namely: 1) correlation between knowledge of the disaster with the citizen's behavioral in flood awareness with acorrelation coefficient (ry1) of 0643 and the coefficient of determination (r²y1) of 0.413.2) correlation between eadership of the headman in addressing flood with citizen's behavioral in flood awareness, with a correlation coefficient (ry2) of 0.950 and a coefficient of determination (r²y2) of 0.902. 3) correlation between knowledge of disasters and leadership headman in addressing flood together with citizen's behavioral in flood awareness with a correlation coefficient (ry12) of 0.950 and a coefficient of determination (r ²Y12) of 0.903."
Bogor: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pakuan, 2017
370 JPLH 5:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asti Tyas Nurhidayati
Guru merupakan profesi yang sangat mulia, karena salah satu tugas guru yaitu membantu dalam mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Sebagai guru dalam kesehariannya untuk mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, membutuhkan adanya peralatan penunjang yang dapat digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar di bidang yang diampunya. Peralatan penunjang yang dibutuhkan dapat berupa perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menyusun bahan ajar yang menarik bagi perserta didiknya. Oleh sebab itu, guru selaku pendidik harus memiliki keterampilan memanfaatkan perangkat keras dan lunak kmputer dengan baik agar dapat membuat bahan ajar yang interaktif di era digital ini, salah satunya bahan ajar yang berbasis multimedia menggunakan perangkat lunak Microsoft Power Point. Tujuan pendampingan pembuatan bahan ajar bagi guru ini adalah memberikan bekal keterampilan bagi guru agar dapat memanfaatkan penggunaan Microsoft Power Point untuk menghasilkan bahan ajar yang interaktif sehingga dapat lebih menarik minat belajar siswasiswi. Dengan demikian, pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dengan judul "Pendampingan Pembuatan Bahan Ajar Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) Salsabila Al Muthi'in Berbasis Multimedia dengan Menggunakan Microsoft Power Point" memberikan manfaat yang signifikan bagi peningkatan keterampilan guru dalam memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komputer."
Yogyakarta : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Adisutjipto, 2018
600 JPM 1:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Pusat Studi Sumber Daya Manusia (PSSDM), 2015
923.259 8 FAH
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library