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Andree Kurniawan
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Pada penderita thalassemia yang telah lama mendapat transfusi, nilai hemoglobin pasca transfusi tidak bertahan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Telah dilaporkan mengenai terbentuknya aloantibodi dan autoantibodi pada penderita thalassemia, yang kemungkinan menyebabkan hemoglobin tidak bertahan pasca transfusi.

Tujuan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kegagalan mempertahankan hemoglobin pasca transfusi pada penderita thalassemia, terkait dengan terbentuknya aloantibodi dan autoantibodi terhadap eritrosit.

Metodologi. Studi potong lintang di poliklinik Hematologi Onkologi Medik IPD RSCM bulan Juli-September 2012 pada penderita thalassemia dewasa yang tergantung transfusi, tanpa penyakit autoimun lain. Dilakukan pemeriksaan sampel darah dengan teknik column gel aglutination untuk melihat adanya aloantibodi dan autoantibodi. Sebelas sel panel reagen digunakan untuk mendeteksi dan mengidentifikasi aloantibodi. Aloantibodi dan autoantibodi positif didefinisikan sebagai pemeriksaan IAT dan DAT yang positif. Dilakukan analisis bivariat antara aloantibodi dan autoantibodi dengan jenis kelamin, jenis rhesus, kadar feritin, jenis kelasi besi, dan aloantibodi.

Hasil. Dari 88 subjek, didapatkan 37,5% subjek nilai hemoglobin pasca transfusi tidak bertahan seperti yang diharapkan. Dari 33 subjek tersebut didapatkan aloantibodi dan autoantibodi positif masing-masing 78,6% dan 72,7%. Dari 24 pasien dengan autoantibodi didapatkan 25% dengan derajat hemolitik yang secara klinis bermakna. Aloantibodi positif berhubungan dengan terbentuknya autoantibodi (p < 0,000). Aloantibodi positif [odss ratio (OR) = 26,32; p < 0,000), autoantibodi positif (OR = 11,99; p < 0,000), dan feritin > 3000 ng/ml (OR = 6,36; p < 0,042) berhubungan dengan kegagalan mempertahankan hemoglobin pasca transfusi.

Simpulan. Proporsi hemoglobin pasca transfusi tidak bertahan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan pada penderita thalassemia dewasa sebesar 37,5%. Proporsi terbentuknya aloantibodi dan autoantibodi pada kelompok tersebut sebesar 78,6% dan 72,7%. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kegagalan mempertahankan hemoglobin pasca transfusi adalah aloantibodi positif, autoantibodi positif, dan feritin > 3000 ng/ml. Aloantibodi positif berhubungan dengan terbentuknya autoantibodi.
Background. In transfusion dependent thalassemia patients who has got repeated transfusion for a period of time, the haemoglobin level after transfusion could not be maintained appropriately to be expected. The production of erythroyte alloantibody and autoantibody in transfusion dependent thalassemia patients has been reported before. These antibodies were probable related to the failure on maintaning haemoglobin level after transfusion.

Objective. To find related factors of failure on maitaining haemoglobin level after transfusion in adult transfusion dependent thalassemia patients related to erythroyte alloantibody and autoantibody production.

Material and Methods. Cross sectional study of adult transfusion dependent thalassemia patient without others autoimune disease at Haematology and Medical Oncology outpatient clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital from July to September 2012 was done. The specimen was subjected to erythroyte alloantibody and autoantibody evaluation by column gel agglutination technique. Eleven cell reagent panel were used in screening and identification of alloantibody and autoantibody respectively. Positive alloantibody is defined as positivity of indirect antiglobulin test and positive autoantibody is defined as positivity of direct antiglobulin test. Statistic analysis between erythrocyte alloantibody and autoantibody positivity and sex, type of rhesus, feritin level, type of iron chelation, and alloantibody were done.

Results. From 88 subjects, there were 37,5% thalassemia patients that did not maintain haemoglobin level after transfusion. From 33 of those subjects, there were 78,6% subjects with alloantibody and 72,7% subjects with autoantibody. From 24 patients with autoantibody, there were 25% subjects with severe hemolytic anemia that clinically significant. Positif alloantibodi related to autoantibody production (p < 0,000). Positive alloantibody [odds ratio (OR) = 26,32; p < 0,000], positive autoantibody (OR = 11,99; p < 0,011), and feritin level > 3000 ng/ml (OR = 6,36; p < 0,042) related to failure on maintaining haemoglobin level.

Conclusion. The proportion of failure on maintaining haemoglobin level in adult thalassemia patients were 37,5%. The proportion alloantibody and autoantibody production in adult thalassemia patients that failure on maintaining haemoglobin level were 78,6% and 72,7% respectively. Related factors of those were positive alloantibody and autoantibody, and feritin level > 3000 ng/ml. Positive alloantibody related to autoantibody production.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faizal Ablansah Anandita
Abstrak :
PENDAHULUAN: Batubara merupakan pemasok energi primer terbesar di Indonesia dan melibatkan jutaan pekerja. Seperti yang dibuktikan oleh penelitian, pekerja tambang batu bara memiliki risiko kardiovaskular ganda, dari bahaya di tempat kerja mereka dan risiko medis mereka sendiri sebagai individu. Metode deteksi dini dan penilaian risiko diperlukan untuk memprediksi kelainan EKG di masa mendatang. Saat ini, dunia kedokteran memiliki EKG yang banyak digunakan sebagai metode skrining untuk mendeteksi penyakit kardiovaskular dan skor risiko framingham untuk menilai risiko kardiovaskular 10 tahun mendatang. TUJUAN: Penelitian ini akan menganalisis hubungan antara kelainan EKG dengan skor risiko framingham pada pekerja tambang batubara. METODE: Kami mengumpulkan hasil medical check-up pekerja tambang batubara pria dengan EKG normal pada tahun 2018. Menggunakan kode minnesota, kami menentukan kategori kelainan EKG pada hasil tahun 2021, kemudian membandingkannya dengan pekerja tipe penanganan batubara dan skor framingham pada tahun 2018 sebagai faktor medis utama. HASIL: Dari 755 laki-laki pekerja batubara dengan EKG normal pada tahun 2018, 158 (20,9%) ditemukan kelainan EKG pada tahun 2021. Studi multivariat kohort menunjukkan bahwa jenis pekerja batubara dianggap sebagai penentu, tetapi skor risiko framingham masih memiliki pengaruh tertinggi (p multivariat < 0,002). KESIMPULAN: Framingham risk score dapat menjadi metode untuk memprediksi EKG abnormal. ......INTRODUCTION: Coal mining is the largest primary energy supplier in Indonesia and involving millions of workers. As study proven, coal mine workers have a double cardiovascular risk, from their workplace hazard and their own medical risks as individuals. A early detection and risk assessment method is needed to predict ECG abnormalities in the future. In meantime, we have ECG which is widely used as screening method detecting cardiovascular disease and framingham risk score to assess cardiovascular risk 10 years future. AIM: This study will analyze relationship between ECG abnormality and framingham risk score on coal mine worker. METHOD: We collected the results of the medical check-up of male coal mine workers with normal ECG in 2018. Using minnesota code, we determine ECG abnormality categories in 2021 result, then compare it with coal handling type worker and framingham score in 2018 as main medical factor. RESULT: From 755 male coal worker with normal ECG in 2018, 158 (20,9%) found with ECG abnormalities in 2021. Cohort’s multivariate study shows that type of coal worker are considered as determinant, but framingham risk score still has the highest influence (p multivariate <0,002). CONCLUSION: Framingham risk score can be method for predicting abnormal ECG.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Diandra Sari
Abstrak :
Obesitas merupakan masalah utama pada kesehatan masyarakat dunia yang diketahui juga sebagai salah satu faktor risiko penyakit perlemakan hati non alkoholik(NAFLD). Sistem penilaian untuk mendeteksi NAFLD telah dikembangkan dan divalidasi di Indonesia. Namun, pola makan orang obesitas yang mungkin memberikan pengaruh terhadap NAFLD masih belum diketahui. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi asupan sukrosa pada obesitas dewasa di Jakarta dan hubungannya dengan skor NAFLD. Ini adalah studi potong lintang berbasis komunitas di antara orang dewasa dengan indeks massa tubuh (BMI)>25 kg/m2 antara September dan Oktober 2018 di Jakarta, Indonesia. Asupan sukrosa dinilai menggunakan food recal l2x24 jam, dihitung berdasarkan tabel komposisi makanan Indonesia dan Amerika dengan menggunakan Nutrisurvey 2007.Skor NAFLD terdiri dari enam faktor risiko, yaitu BMI>25 kg/m2, jenis kelamin laki-laki, usia>35 tahun, trigliserida>150 mg/dL, kadar kolesterol lipoprotein kepadatan tinggi<40 mg/dL untuk pria atau <50 mg/dL untuk wanita, dan kadar alanin aminotrans feraseserum >35 U/L. Dari 102 subjek yang terdaftar, 75 orang(73,5%) adalah wanita. Median dari total skor NAFLD adalah 6,7 dengan rentang dari 3,6 hingga 10,2. Median asupan karbohidrat total adalah 179,6 (54,1-476,8) g/hari, dan median total asupan sukrosa adalah 47,0 (13,7-220,5) g/hari. Asupan sukrosa lebih tinggi signifikan pada responden dengan skor NAFLD >6,7 dibandingkan <6,7. (47,8 vs. 45,3 g; p=0,042; Mann-Whitney U test). Analisis multivariat mengonfirmasi adanya hubungan asupan sukrosa dan skor tinggi perlemakan hati non alkoholik. Kesimpulan: Asupan sukrosa tidak memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan skor NAFLD pada penyandang obesitas dewasa, namun bermakna jika dikaitkan dengan skor tinggi perlemakan hati non alkoholik. Dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk pengembangan variabel tambahan pada skor NAFLD. ......Obesity is a major problem in a world public health which is also known as one of the risk factors of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). An assessment system for detecting NAFLD has been developed and validated in Indonesia. However, the diet pattern of obese people who might have an effect on NALFD is still unknown. This study evaluated sucrose intake among obese adults in Jakarta and ints association with NAFLD score. This was a community-based cross sectional study among adults with body mass index (BMI) >25 kg/m2 between September and Oktober 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Sucrose intake was assessed using 2x24-hour food recall, calculated based on the Indonesian and American food composition tables using dietary software Nutrisurvey. The NAFLD score consists of six risk factors, i.e. BMI >25 kg/m2, male sex, age >35 years, triglycerides >150 mg/dL, high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels <40 mg/dL for men or <50 mg/dL for women, and serum alanine aminotransferase levels >35 U/L. A total of 102 subjects were recruited; 75 (73.5%) of them were women. The median of total NAFLD scores was 6.7, ranging from 3.6 to 10.2. Median total carbohydrate intake was 179.6 (54.1-476.8) g/day, while the median total sucrose intake was 47.0 (13.7-220.5) g/day. Sucrose intake was significantly higher in patients with NAFLD score >6.7 than <6.7 (47.8 vs. 45.3 g; p=0.042; Mann-Whitney U test). Multivariate analysis confirmed the association of sucrose intake and higher total NAFLD score. Conclusions: Sucrose intake and NAFLD score have no significant association among obese adults. Further research is needed to develop additional variables on NAFLD score.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anugrah Dwi Handayu
Abstrak :
Amplifikasi DNA virus hepatitis B (VHB) dari sampel plasma sulit dilakukan apabila kadar DNA VHB <10.000 kopi/ml. Sehingga, langkah awal ekstraksi menjadi penting bagi keberhasilan amplifikasi dan sekuensing. Peningkatan konsentrasi DNA dalam jumlah yang cukup dan berkualitas baik memerlukan metode isolasi yang optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan teknik isolasi DNA yang optimal untuk menghasilkan DNA VHB dalam jumlah yang cukup sehingga dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi perubahan genetik gen polimerase VHB terkait resistensi obat antivirus pada kasus hepatitis B kronik. Optimasi prosedur penanganan sampel untuk mengekstraksi partikel DNA VHB dilakukan dengan mengisolasi sampel plasma dengan kadar virus 105 kopi/ml menggunakan delapan perlakuan yang berbeda yaitu 1 ml dan 200 µL plasma disentrifugasi 4000xg selama 20 menit pada suhu 25°C (P1 dan P2), 1 ml dan 200 µL plasma disentrifugasi 16000xg selama 1 jam pada suhu 4°C (P3 dan P4), 1 ml plasma disentrifugasi 21000xg selama 1 jam pada suhu 4°C (P5), 1 ml plasma dalam PEG6000 20% diinkubasi semalaman pada 2-8°C kemudian disentrifugasi 21000xg selama 1 jam pada suhu 4°C (P6), 1 ml plasma dalam PEG6000 20% dan NaCl 0.5M diinkubasi semalaman pada 2-8oC kemudian disentrifugasi 21000xg selama 1 jam pada suhu 4°C (P7), dan 200 µL sampel plasma tanpa penambahan perlakuan (P8). Kadar virus diukur menggunakan kuantitatif realtime PCR, dan hasil dari setiap perlakuan sampel dibandingkan dengan kontrol (P8). Uji simulasi dilakukan pada sampel plasma dengan kadar virus 105; 104; 103 dan 102 kopi/ml yang diberikan perlakuan 3 (P3) yang dipilih berdasarkan hasil sebelumnya, DNA kemudian disekuensing untuk dianalisis mutasi resistensinya terhadap obat antivirus dan hasilnya dibandingkan dengan sampel yang tanpa diberikan perlakuan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan konsentrasi DNA pada rerata sampel yang diisolasi menggunakan P3 jika dibandingkan dengan kontrol (P8). Sedangkan hasil sekuensing untuk analisis mutasi pada gen polimerase terkait resistensi terhadap obat antivirus dapat dilakukan pada sampel dengan kadar virus 105; 104; 103 kopi/ml baik yang diberikan perlakuan maupun tanpa perlakuan. Namun, sampel dengan kadar virus 102 kopi/ml hanya dapat dianalisis mutasi resistensinya pada sampel yang ditambahkan perlakuan 3 (P3). Kesimpulan: 1 ml plasma yang disentrifugasi 16000xg selama 1 jam pada suhu 4°C (perlakuan 3) merupakan metode isolasi DNA yang mampu meningkatkan perolehan DNA secara optimal dari sampel plasma penderita hepatitis B kronik, sehingga analisis resistensi terhadap obat antivirus menggunakan teknik in-house assay dapat di lakukan pada sampel dengan kadar virus <10.000 kopi DNA/ml. ...... The amplification of hepatitis B virus DNA from plasma samples is difficult when HBV DNA levels <10.000 copies/ml. Thus, the initial step of extraction become crucial for the success of amplification and sequencing. Increasing concentrations of DNA in sufficient quantity and good quality need an optimal isolation method. The aim of this study is to obtain an optimal DNA isolation technique and generate HBV DNA in sufficient quantities, so that it can be used to detect genetic changes of HBV polymerase gene related to drugs resistance on chronic hepatitis B. The optimization of sample handling procedure for extracting HBV DNA particles were performed by isolating plasma samples with viral load 105 copies/ml using eight different kinds of treatment are 1 ml and 200 µL of plasma was centrifuged at 4000×g for 20 minutes at 25°C (P1 and P2); 1 ml and 200 µL of plasma centrifuged at 16000×g for 1 hour at 4°C (P3 and P4); 1 ml of plasma centrifuged at 21000×g for 1 hour at 4°C (P5); 1 ml of plasma in 20% PEG6000 were incubated overnight at 2-8°C then centrifuged at 21000xg for 1 hour at 4°C (P6), 1 ml of plasma in 20% PEG6000 and 0.5M NaCl were incubated overnight at 2-8oC then centrifuged at 21000xg for 1 hour at 4°C (P7), and 200 µL of plasma without treatment (P8). Hepatitis B virus level were measured using quantitative real-time PCR, and the results of each treatment compared to the control samples (P8). Simulation test performed on plasma samples with grading of virus level (i.e 105; 104; 103 and 102 copies/ml) were given treatment 3 (P3) were selected based on previous results, the DNA was sequenced and then analyzed for drugs resistance and the results were compared with samples without treatment. Result showed that an increasing in average concentration of DNA samples was isolated using the P3 when compared with controls (P8). While the results of sequencing for analysis of mutations in polymerase gene associated with drugs resistance can be performed on samples with virus level 105; 104; 103 copies/ml were given either treatment or no treatment. However, samples with virus level 102 copies/ml can be analyzed only on treatment samples. Conclusion: 1 ml plasma were centrifuged at 16000xg for 1 h at 4°C (treatment 3) is a DNA isolation method that can improve the recovery of optimal DNA from plasma samples of patients with chronic hepatitis B, so that the analysis of drug resistance using in-house assay techniques can be done on samples with virus levels <10,000 copies/ml.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fandy Erlangga Putra
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Di Indonesia diperkirakan ada 100 pasien kanker baru per 100.000 penduduk setiap tahun dan nyeri menjadi salah satu masalah utama yang dihadapi pasien dengan kanker. Paint Management Index (PMI) adalah suatu instrumen untuk menilai tingkat kesesuaian terapi nyeri kanker yang dibuat berdasarkan panduan terapi nyeri kanker WHO dan Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR). Kesesuaian terapi nyeri dinyatakan baik bila pemberian obat analgesik sesuai dengan kualitas nyeri yang dikeluhkan pasien. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan dan latar belakang dokter PPDS dengan tingkat kesesuaian terapi nyeri pada pasien kanker berdasarkan PMI. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Populasi penelitian adalah pasien kanker yang berobat rawat jalan maupun rawat inap di RSCM. Sampel diambil dengan metode consecutive. Data penelitian didapatkan melalui wawancara Subjek penelitian. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji chi-square dan nilai p yang dianggap bermakna apabila kurang dari 0,05. Hasil: Sampel sebanyak 98 pasien kanker dengan rerata usia 47,2 ± 13,4 tahun dan jenis kelamin terbanyak adalah perempuan (52%). Lokasi kanker tertinggi pada daerah genital (23,5%) dengan stadium kanker terbanyak pada stadium 3 (38,7%). Median intensitas nyeri sebelum dan sesudah terapi ada pada skala nyeri 4 (1-9) dan 1 (0-6). Latar belakang pendidikan dokter berasal dari 5 departemen dengan tahun pendidikan terbanyak pada tahun ketiga (54,1%). Proporsi kesesuaian terapi Antinyeri (Skor PMI ≥ 0) sebesar 54,1%. Hubungan antara kesesuaian terapi nyeri dengan latar belakang pendidikan dokter PPDS (p<0,001) dan tahun pendidikan (p=0,022). Simpulan: Proporsi kesesuaian terapi nyeri pada pasien kanker di RSCM sebesar 54,1% dan terdapat hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan dan latar belakang pendidikan dokter PPDS dalam kesesuaian terapi nyeri kanker.
ABSTRACT Background: In Indonesia, there are an estimated 100 new cancer patients per 100.000 populations every year and pain becomes one of the major problems faced by patients with cancer. Paint Management Index (PMI) is an instrument to assess the suitability of cancer pain therapy which is based on the WHO cancer pain treatment guidelines and Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR). Suitability of pain therapy is considered good when giving analgesics according to the pain quality which complained by the patient. Aim: To know the relationship between level of education and background of doctors who participate in specialist medical education program with the suitability of pain therapy in cancer patients based on PMI. Method: This study used a cross-sectional design. The study population was outpatients or inpatients with cancer at the RSCM. Samples were taken with consecutive sampling. Data were obtained through interview with the subjects. Data were analyzed using chisquare test and p values were considered significant if lower than 0.05. Result: There were 98 cancer patients with a mean age of 47.2 ± 13.4 years and most were female (52%). Highest location of cancers was in the genital area (23.5%) and cancer stage mostly in stage 3 (38.7%). Median of pain intensity before and after the therapy were 4 (1-9) and 1 (0-6) respectively. Doctors? educational background came from 5 different departments with the highest level of education was in the third year (54.1%). Suitability of anti-pain therapy (PMI Score ≥ 0) was 54.1%. The relationship between the suitability of pain therapy by doctors who participate in specialist medical education program (p <0.001) and level of education (p = 0.022). Conclusion: Suitability of anti-pain therapy in cancer patients in RSCM was 54,1% and there was association between the suitability of pain therapy by doctors who participate in specialist medical education program and level of education.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Pasien dengan karsinoma sel hati (KSH) umumnya baru datang berobat ketika kanker sudah mencapai tahap lanjut, dengan pilihan terapi sangat terbatas. Belum diperoleh adanya marker prediktor yang akurat untuk dapat mengindentifikasi kelompok pasien mana yang dapat diuntungkan bila pasien diterapi. Tujuan. Menganalisis peran indeks status inflamasi sebagai prediktor kesintasan satu tahun pada pasien karsinoma hepatoselular tahap lanjut yang tidak menjalani terapi. Metode. Penelitian ini memiliki desain kohort retrospektif dengan menggunakan data sekunder pada subjek dengan KSH tahap lanjut yang tidak menjalani terapi di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo dan Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais. Rasio neutrofil limfosit (RNL) dan Indeks imun-inflamasi sistemik (IIS) dievaluasi kemampuan diskriminasinya sebagai prediktor kesintasan satu tahun berdasarkan Area Under Receiving Operator Curve (AUROC). Ditentukan titik potong optimal terbaik untuk RNL dan IIS berdasarkan indeks Youden, dilanjutkan dengan analisis kesintasan berdasarkan titik potong optimal. Variabel perancu dianalisis menggunakan analisis multivariat cox regression. Hasil. Sebanyak 196 subjek dimasukkan ke dalam analisis data. Kesintasan satu tahun adalah sebesar 6,6% (SE±2%), dengan median kesintasan 56 hari (IK 95% 46-67). RNL memiliki kemampuan diskriminasi berdasarkan AUROC terhadap prediksi kesintasan hidup satu tahun pada pasien dengan KSH tahap lanjut yang tidak menjalani terapi sebesar 0,667 (IK 95% = 0,536-0,798, p = 0,044), dengan titik potong optimal RNL untuk membedakan kesintasan adalah 3,7513. IIS memiliki kemampuan diskriminasi berdasarkan AUROC sebesar 0,766 (IK 95% = 0,643-0,889, p = 0,001), dengan titik potong optimal untuk membedakan kesintasan adalah 954,4782. IIS memiliki superioritas dalam kemampuan diskriminasi berdasarkan AUROC (p = 0,0415). Kesimpulan. Kemampuan diskriminasi IIS berdasarkan AUROC lebih baik dibandingkan dengan RNL dalam memprediksi kesintasan hidup satu tahun pada pasien dengan KSH tahap lanjut yang tidak menjalani terapi. ......Background. Patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) generally only come for treatment when the cancer has reached an advanced stage, with very limited treatment options. There has not been an accurate predictor marker to be able to identify which group of patients can benefit if the patient is treated. Aim. Analyzing the role of the inflammation status index as a predictor of one-year survival in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma who did not undergo therapy. Method. This study has a retrospective cohort design using secondary data on subjects with advanced HCC who did not undergo therapy at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and systemic immune-inflammation index (SII) were evaluated for their role as predictors of one-year survival based on Area Under Receiving Operator Curve (AUROC). Best optimal cutoff for NLR and SII were decided based on Youden index, resumed by survival analysis based on those cutoffs. Confounding factors were analyzed with multivariate cox regression analysis. Results. A total of 196 subjects were included in the data analysis. One year survival was 6.6% (SE±2%), with a median survival of 56 days (95% CI 46-67). The NLR had a discriminatory ability based on AUROC to predict one-year survival in patients with advanced HCC who did not undergo therapy of 0.667 (95% CI = 0.536-0.798, p = 0.044), with the optimal cut-off point for NLR to differentiate survival was 3.7513. SII has a discriminatory ability based on AUROC of 0.766 (95% CI = 0.643-0.889, p = 0.001), with the optimal cut-off point to distinguish survival is 954.4782. SII had superiority in the discriminatory ability (p = 0.0415). Conclusion. The discriminatory ability based on AUROC of SII was better than that of NLR in predicting one-year survival in patients with advanced HCC who did not undergo therapy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Napitupulu, Evie Rosa Widyawanti
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Penyakit hepatitis C kronik merupakan masalah kesehatan global yang dapat menyebabkan morbiditas serta mortalitas yang tinggi pada kondisi sirosis dan karsinoma hepatoseluler. Adanya terapi sofosbuvir-daclatasvir yang bersifat pangenotipik diharapkan dapat mengatasi penyakit ini. Namun, didapatkan hasil pencapaian SVR 12 yang bervariasi dan lebih rendah pada genotipe 3 dibandingkan genotipe 1. Di Indonesia sendiri belum ada data mengenai pencapaian SVR 12 pada kedua genotipe ini yang menggunakan terapi sofosbuvir-daclatasvir. Tujuan: Mengetahui pencapaian SVR 12 pasien hepatitis C Kronik genotipe 3 dibandingkan genotipe 1 yang mendapatkan terapi sofosbuvir-daclatasvir. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi kohort retrospektif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang melibatkan 209 pasien hepatitis C kronik genotipe 3 dan 1. Dilakukan analisis dengan membagi pasien menjadi dua kelompok yaitu genotipe 3 dan 1 serta dibandingkan dengan pencapaian keberhasilan SVR 12 menggunakan uji chi-square. Faktor sirosis hepatis dan usia yang dianggap dapat memengaruhi keberhasilan SVR 12 dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji chi-square kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis regresi logistik. Hasil: Sampel berjumlah 209 pasien yang terdiri dari 45 pasien genotipe 3 dan 164 pasien genotipe 1. Pencapaian keberhasilan SVR 12 pada genotipe 3 dan 1 yaitu 84,4% dan 98,8%. Kelompok pasien genotipe 3 memiliki keberhasilan SVR 12 lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok pasien genotipe 1 dengan adjusted OR=0,065 (IK95% 0,013-0,330) dan ARR 14,4%. Sirosis hepatis dan usia tidak memengaruhi keberhasilan SVR 12 (p=1,00 dan p=0,72). Sejumlah 5 dari 9 pasien yang mengalami kegagalan memiki koinfeksi dengan HIV. Simpulan: Pasien hepatitis C kronik genotipe 3 yang menggunakan terapi sofosbuvir-daclatasvir memiliki keberhasilan SVR 12 lebih rendah dibandingkan genotipe 1.
Background. Chronic hepatitis C is a global health problem with high morbidity and mortality in the condition of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. sofosbuvir-daclatasvir is pangenotypic therapy that expected to overcome this disease. However, the achievement of SVR 12 was varied and lower in genotype 3 compared to genotype 1. In Indonesia, there is no data about achievement SVR 12 in both genotypes using sofosbuvir-daclatasvir. Objectives. To know SVR 12 achievement between genotype 3 and 1 chronic hepatitis C patients that using sofosbuvir-daclatasvir therapy. Methods. This study is a retrospective cohort using secondary data of 209 hepatitis C chronic genotype 3 and 1. Samples were divided into two groups according to its genotype and compared with achievement of SVR 12 then analyzed using chi-square test. Hepatic cirrhosis and age factors that are considered to affect the achievement SVR 12 were analyzed using chi-square test and logistic regression test. Results. 209 patients participated in this study consisting of 45 genotype 3 and 164 genotype 1. Achievement of SVR 12 succeed in genotypes 3 and 1 were 84,4% and 98,8%. Genotype 3 patients had lower SVR 12 achievement compared to genotype 1 patients with adjusted OR=0,065 (95% CI 0,013-0,330) and ARR 14,4. Hepatic cirrhosis and ages did not affect SVR 12 (p= 1.00 and 0,72, respectively). Five from nine patients who failed have co-infection with HIV. Conclusions. Chronic hepatitis C patients using sofosbuvir-daclatasvir theraphy had lower SVR 12 achievement in genotype 3 than genotype 1.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stephanie Dewi
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Sindrom frailty berkaitan dengan angka morbiditas dan kematian yang lebih tinggi, sehingga dipakai sebagai prediktor kesehatan pada orang usia lanjut (usila). Polifarmasi sebagai salah satu faktor risiko sindrom frailty, dapat berkaitan dengan obat PPI yang sering diberikan pada usila, atas indikasi adanya keluhan gangguan saluran cerna bagian atas. Sampai saat ini belum ada penelitian yang mempelajari hubungan PPI jangka panjang dan sindrom frailty pada usila. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan data mengenai penggunaan PPI jangka panjang (≥ 6 bulan) terhadap risiko sindrom frailty pada usila.

Metode : Desain studi kasus kontrol dengan kriteria inklusi subjek penelitian 60 tahun ke atas dan berstatus kognitif baik. Kriteria ekslusi adalah data yg tidak lengkap atau terdapat kontraindikasi PPI. Kasus adalah usila terdiagnosis Frailty menurut FI-40 item dan kontrol adalah usila yang tidak frailty berdasarkan instrumen yang sama. Pengambilan data primer termasuk status frailty telah dilakukan bulan Maret-Juni 2013 oleh Seto E dan Sumantri S. Pengambilan data sekunder yang digunakan pada penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober- November 2014 dari data primer tersebut, ditambah dengan data dari rekam medis poliklinik Geriatri dan poliklinik diabetes RS Cipto Mangunkusumo.

Hasil : Didapatkan 225 subjek (75 kasus:150 kontrol), 59,6% berjenis kelamin perempuan (rerata usia 72,14 tahun; simpang baku ± 6,4 tathun) dan 47,1% berpendidikan tinggi. Subjek yang berpendidikan rendah, berstatus cerai mati, berstatus nutrisi lebih buruk, tidak mandiri, memerlukan caregiver, hidup tidak berkecukupan dan kondisi kesehatan yang lebih buruk lebih banyak didapatkan pada kelompok frailty dibandingkan kelompok yang tidak frail. Proporsi pengguna PPI Jangka Panjang sebesar 40,9%. Penggunaan PPI jangka panjang meningkatkan risiko sindrom frailty (Crude OR 2,15; IK 95% 1,22-3,78; p<0,007) dengan adjusted OR 1,83 (IK 1,0-3,36) terhadap variabel nutrisi dan merokok.

Kesimpulan : Penggunaan PPI jangka panjang (≥ 6 bulan) secara independen meningkatkan salah satu risiko sindrom frailty pada usila.
Background: Frailty syndrome as being used as the newest elderly health predictor, associated with higher morbidity and mortality. PPI are often used in elderly due to presence of upper gastrointestinal complaints, and related with polypharmacy as one of the risk factor for frailty syndrome. No study has studied the relationship of long term PPI and frailty syndrome in elderly. The objective of the study is to find whether long term use of PPI (≥ 6 months) would increase the risk of frailty syndrome in the elderly.

Methods: A case control study includes subjects 60 years and above with good cognitive status. All subject with history of hypersensitivity of PPI is excluded. Elderly diagnosed as frailty based in FI-40 item is defined as cases, while individuals that are not frailty are classified as the control. Primary data (included frailty status) was collected on March-June 2013 by Seto E and Sumantri S, et al. Secondary data used in the current study was gathered on October-November 2014, from the primary data above and from the medical record taken from geriatric and diabetic outpatient clinics Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.

Result: There were 225 subjects collected (75 cases : 150 controls), 59,6% were female (mean age 72,14 years old, SD ± 6,4 years) and 47,1% with higher education. Lower education, divorced, poor nutrition, dependent, needed caregiver, economicaly insufficient, more comorbidity and poor health condition are seen in frailty group.The proportion of long term PPI use were 40,9%. Long term PPI medication increase the risk of frailty syndrome (Crude OR 2,154; CI 95% 1,225-3,778; p<0,007) with adjusted OR 1,83 (CI 95% 1,02-3,37) after adjusting to nutrition and smoking variables.

Conclusion: Long term use of PPI significantly increase the risk of frailty syndrome compared to the non-users.;Background: Frailty syndrome as being used as the newest elderly health predictor, associated with higher morbidity and mortality. PPI are often used in elderly due to presence of upper gastrointestinal complaints, and related with polypharmacy as one of the risk factor for frailty syndrome. No study has studied the relationship of long term PPI and frailty syndrome in elderly. The objective of the study is to find whether long term use of PPI (≥ 6 months) would increase the risk of frailty syndrome in the elderly. Methods: A case control study includes subjects 60 years and above with good cognitive status. All subject with history of hypersensitivity of PPI is excluded. Elderly diagnosed as frailty based in FI-40 item is defined as cases, while individuals that are not frailty are classified as the control. Primary data (included frailty status) was collected on March-June 2013 by Seto E and Sumantri S, et al. Secondary data used in the current study was gathered on October-November 2014, from the primary data above and from the medical record taken from geriatric and diabetic outpatient clinics Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Result: There were 225 subjects collected (75 cases : 150 controls), 59,6% were female (mean age 72,14 years old, SD ± 6,4 years) and 47,1% with higher education. Lower education, divorced, poor nutrition, dependent, needed caregiver, economicaly insufficient, more comorbidity and poor health condition are seen in frailty group.The proportion of long term PPI use were 40,9%. Long term PPI medication increase the risk of frailty syndrome (Crude OR 2,154; CI 95% 1,225-3,778; p<0,007) with adjusted OR 1,83 (CI 95% 1,02-3,37) after adjusting to nutrition and smoking variables. Conclusion: Long term use of PPI significantly increase the risk of frailty syndrome compared to the non-users., Background: Frailty syndrome as being used as the newest elderly health predictor, associated with higher morbidity and mortality. PPI are often used in elderly due to presence of upper gastrointestinal complaints, and related with polypharmacy as one of the risk factor for frailty syndrome. No study has studied the relationship of long term PPI and frailty syndrome in elderly. The objective of the study is to find whether long term use of PPI (≥ 6 months) would increase the risk of frailty syndrome in the elderly. Methods: A case control study includes subjects 60 years and above with good cognitive status. All subject with history of hypersensitivity of PPI is excluded. Elderly diagnosed as frailty based in FI-40 item is defined as cases, while individuals that are not frailty are classified as the control. Primary data (included frailty status) was collected on March-June 2013 by Seto E and Sumantri S, et al. Secondary data used in the current study was gathered on October-November 2014, from the primary data above and from the medical record taken from geriatric and diabetic outpatient clinics Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Result: There were 225 subjects collected (75 cases : 150 controls), 59,6% were female (mean age 72,14 years old, SD ± 6,4 years) and 47,1% with higher education. Lower education, divorced, poor nutrition, dependent, needed caregiver, economicaly insufficient, more comorbidity and poor health condition are seen in frailty group.The proportion of long term PPI use were 40,9%. Long term PPI medication increase the risk of frailty syndrome (Crude OR 2,154; CI 95% 1,225-3,778; p<0,007) with adjusted OR 1,83 (CI 95% 1,02-3,37) after adjusting to nutrition and smoking variables. Conclusion: Long term use of PPI significantly increase the risk of frailty syndrome compared to the non-users.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imelda Maria Loho
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Pada tahun 1998-1999, kesintasan pasien karsinoma hepatoselular (KHS) yang berobat di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) sangat rendah karena sebagian besar datang dalam stadium lanjut dan hanya sedikit pasien yang dapat memperoleh terapi paliatif atau kuratif. Dalam tiga tahun terakhir, RSCM telah memiliki fasilitas tatalaksana KHS yang lebih baik, namun dampaknya terhadap perbaikan kesintasan pasien KHS belum diketahui.

Tujuan: Mengetahui perbandingan kesintasan satu tahun pasien KHS yang berobat di RSCM pada periode 2013-2014 dengan periode 1998-1999.

Metode: Data 114 pasien KHS yang berobat di RSCM pada periode 2013-2014 dan data sekunder penelitian 77 pasien KHS di RSCM pada tahun 1998-1999 dikumpulkan secara retrospektif lalu dilakukan penilaian karakteristik dan perbandingan kurva kesintasan dengan menggunakan metode Kaplan-Meier yang dilanjutkan dengan uji log-rank.

Hasil: Terdapat peningkatan hepatitis B sebagai etiologi KHS dari 32,5% pada 1998- 1999 menjadi 67,5% pada 2013-2014. Insidens pasien yang meninggal selama pengamatan adalah 57% (95% interval kepercayaan (IK) = 48-66%) pada periode 2013-2014 dan 61% (95% IK = 49-73%) pada periode 1998-1999. Median kesintasan secara keseluruhan adalah 141 hari. Meskipun terdapat perbaikan dalam fasilitas tatalaksana KHS, angka kesintasan satu tahun pada kedua periode tidak berbeda secara signifikan (29,4% pada 2013-2014 dan 24,1% pada 1998- 1999, p=0,913). Hal ini tampaknya disebabkan karena surveilans KHS pada populasi risiko tinggi masih rendah.

Simpulan: Tidak ada perbedaan kesintasan satu tahun pasien KHS pada periode 2013-2014 dengan periode 1998-1999.
Background: In 1998-1999, the survival of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital was very poor because most patients came in advanced stage and only few patients could receive palliative or curative treatment. In the last three years, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital has improved its facilities for HCC treatment. It is unclear whether this effort has resulted in improvement of patients? survival.

Objectives: To compare one-year survival rate of HCC patients between two periods (2013- 2014 and 1998-1999).

Method: We analyzed retrospectively 114 HCC patients who came to our department in 2013-2014 and 77 patients in 1998-1999. We compare the clinical characteristics and treatment between two periods and then we analyze the survival of both groups using Kaplan-Meier method and compare them using log-rank test.

Results: There was an increase in hepatitis B prevalence as the etiology of HCC from 32,5% in 1998-1999 to 67,5% in 2013-2014, causing hepatitis B as the main etiology of HCC in 2013-2014. Incidence rate of patients who died in 2013-2014 was 57% (95% confidence interval (CI) = 48-66%) and in 1998-1999 was 61% (95% CI = 49-73%). Overall median survival was 141 days. Despite improvement in treatment facilities, no significant difference was found in one-year survival rate (29,4% in 2013-2014 versus 24,1% in 1998-1999, p=0,913). It seems that this result was caused by low level of surveillance in high-risk population.

Conclusion: No improvement was seen in one-year survival rate of HCC patients between 2013-2014 and 1998-1999.;Background: In 1998-1999, the survival of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital was very poor because most patients came in advanced stage and only few patients could receive palliative or curative treatment. In the last three years, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital has improved its facilities for HCC treatment. It is unclear whether this effort has resulted in improvement of patients? survival. Objectives: To compare one-year survival rate of HCC patients between two periods (2013- 2014 and 1998-1999). Method: We analyzed retrospectively 114 HCC patients who came to our department in 2013-2014 and 77 patients in 1998-1999. We compare the clinical characteristics and treatment between two periods and then we analyze the survival of both groups using Kaplan-Meier method and compare them using log-rank test. Results: There was an increase in hepatitis B prevalence as the etiology of HCC from 32,5% in 1998-1999 to 67,5% in 2013-2014, causing hepatitis B as the main etiology of HCC in 2013-2014. Incidence rate of patients who died in 2013-2014 was 57% (95% confidence interval (CI) = 48-66%) and in 1998-1999 was 61% (95% CI = 49-73%). Overall median survival was 141 days. Despite improvement in treatment facilities, no significant difference was found in one-year survival rate (29,4% in 2013-2014 versus 24,1% in 1998-1999, p=0,913). It seems that this result was caused by low level of surveillance in high-risk population. Conclusion: No improvement was seen in one-year survival rate of HCC patients between 2013-2014 and 1998-1999.;Background: In 1998-1999, the survival of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital was very poor because most patients came in advanced stage and only few patients could receive palliative or curative treatment. In the last three years, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital has improved its facilities for HCC treatment. It is unclear whether this effort has resulted in improvement of patients? survival. Objectives: To compare one-year survival rate of HCC patients between two periods (2013- 2014 and 1998-1999). Method: We analyzed retrospectively 114 HCC patients who came to our department in 2013-2014 and 77 patients in 1998-1999. We compare the clinical characteristics and treatment between two periods and then we analyze the survival of both groups using Kaplan-Meier method and compare them using log-rank test. Results: There was an increase in hepatitis B prevalence as the etiology of HCC from 32,5% in 1998-1999 to 67,5% in 2013-2014, causing hepatitis B as the main etiology of HCC in 2013-2014. Incidence rate of patients who died in 2013-2014 was 57% (95% confidence interval (CI) = 48-66%) and in 1998-1999 was 61% (95% CI = 49-73%). Overall median survival was 141 days. Despite improvement in treatment facilities, no significant difference was found in one-year survival rate (29,4% in 2013-2014 versus 24,1% in 1998-1999, p=0,913). It seems that this result was caused by low level of surveillance in high-risk population. Conclusion: No improvement was seen in one-year survival rate of HCC patients between 2013-2014 and 1998-1999., Background: In 1998-1999, the survival of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital was very poor because most patients came in advanced stage and only few patients could receive palliative or curative treatment. In the last three years, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital has improved its facilities for HCC treatment. It is unclear whether this effort has resulted in improvement of patients? survival. Objectives: To compare one-year survival rate of HCC patients between two periods (2013- 2014 and 1998-1999). Method: We analyzed retrospectively 114 HCC patients who came to our department in 2013-2014 and 77 patients in 1998-1999. We compare the clinical characteristics and treatment between two periods and then we analyze the survival of both groups using Kaplan-Meier method and compare them using log-rank test. Results: There was an increase in hepatitis B prevalence as the etiology of HCC from 32,5% in 1998-1999 to 67,5% in 2013-2014, causing hepatitis B as the main etiology of HCC in 2013-2014. Incidence rate of patients who died in 2013-2014 was 57% (95% confidence interval (CI) = 48-66%) and in 1998-1999 was 61% (95% CI = 49-73%). Overall median survival was 141 days. Despite improvement in treatment facilities, no significant difference was found in one-year survival rate (29,4% in 2013-2014 versus 24,1% in 1998-1999, p=0,913). It seems that this result was caused by low level of surveillance in high-risk population. Conclusion: No improvement was seen in one-year survival rate of HCC patients between 2013-2014 and 1998-1999.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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