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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Apro Mefanda
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang kegiatan berinvestasi oleh perusahaan dana pensiun di Indonesia. Dengan banyaknya dana yang dihimpun dari para peserta dana pensiun dengan tujuan mendapatkan manfaat di masa pensiun, maka perusahaan mempunyai tanggung jawab dalam memberikan imbal hasil yang diharapkan oleh peserta dana pensiun. Dengan menggunakan model risiko portofolio Markowitz, diharapkan perusahaan dapat mengelola risiko investasi dengan baik dan kemudian mendapatkan imbal hasil yang diharapkan. ......This thesis discusses about investment activity by pension fund company in Indonesia. The abundance of funds collected from the participants of the pension fund with the purpose of obtaining benefits in retirement, then the company has a responsibility to give the expected return to participants. Using risk portfolio model by Markowitz, company will be expected to be able to manage investment risk and then get a good expected return.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arniz Dwifahdithia
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas pengaruh piutang reasuransi terhadap risiko kredit reasuransi dan manajemen risiko perusahaan asuransi umum terbuka di Indonesia. Kemampuan reasuradur untuk memenuhi liabilitasnya merupakan faktor penting yang mempengaruhi risiko bawaan perusahaan asuransi umum karena hal ini terkait dengan piutang reasuransi dan risiko kredit reasuransi, yaitu risiko kerugian keuangan yang disebabkan pelanggan atau pihak lawan gagal memenuhi kewajiban kontraktualnya yang dalam hal ini berarti kegagalan reasuradur untuk membayar klaim pemulihan kembali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh piutang reasuransi terhadap risiko kredit reasuransi dan melihat program reasuransi yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan asuransi umum terbuka di Indonesia dengan uji hipotesis dan analisis regresi linier serta analisis kuadran pemetaan piutang reasuransi dan risiko kredit reasuransi. Penelitian ini juga melihat implikasi manajerial terkait pengendalian piutang reasuransi dan risiko kredit reasuransi perusahaan asuransi umum terbuka di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa piutang reasuransi berpengaruh terhadap risiko kredit reasuransi walaupun tidak secara signifikan. Secara keseluruhan terjadi peningkatan angka piutang reasuransi perusahaan asuransi umum terbuka di Indonesia di tahun 2013 jika dibandingkan dengan tahun 2012.
This thesis discusses the effect of reinsurance receivables on reinsurance credit risk and risk management of the general insurance public listed company in Indonesia. Reinsurer's ability to meet its liabilities are important factors that affect the risk of congenital general insurance because it is associated with reinsurance receivables and reinsurance credit risk, i.e the risk of financial loss due to customers or counterparties fail to meet contractual obligations which in this case means the failure of reinsurers to pay recovery claims. This study aims to look at the effect of reinsurance receivables on reinsurance credit risk and the reinsurance program by the general insurance public listed company in Indonesia with hypothesis testing and regression analysis also quadrant mapping analysis of reinsurance receivables and reinsurance credit risk. This study also examines the managerial implications of reinsurance receivables and reinsurance credit risk of the general insurance public listed company in Indonesia. The results showed that the reinsurance receivables affect the reinsurance credit risk, although not significantly. Overall there is an increase in the numbers of reinsurance receivables in the general insurance public listed company in Indonesia at 2013 when compared to 2012. ;This thesis discusses the effect of reinsurance receivables on reinsurance credit risk and risk management of the general insurance public listed company in Indonesia. Reinsurer's ability to meet its liabilities are important factors that affect the risk of congenital general insurance because it is associated with reinsurance receivables and reinsurance credit risk, i.e the risk of financial loss due to customers or counterparties fail to meet contractual obligations which in this case means the failure of reinsurers to pay recovery claims. This study aims to look at the effect of reinsurance receivables on reinsurance credit risk and the reinsurance program by the general insurance public listed company in Indonesia with hypothesis testing and regression analysis also quadrant mapping analysis of reinsurance receivables and reinsurance credit risk. This study also examines the managerial implications of reinsurance receivables and reinsurance credit risk of the general insurance public listed company in Indonesia. The results showed that the reinsurance receivables affect the reinsurance credit risk, although not significantly. Overall there is an increase in the numbers of reinsurance receivables in the general insurance public listed company in Indonesia at 2013 when compared to 2012. , This thesis discusses the effect of reinsurance receivables on reinsurance credit risk and risk management of the general insurance public listed company in Indonesia. Reinsurer's ability to meet its liabilities are important factors that affect the risk of congenital general insurance because it is associated with reinsurance receivables and reinsurance credit risk, i.e the risk of financial loss due to customers or counterparties fail to meet contractual obligations which in this case means the failure of reinsurers to pay recovery claims. This study aims to look at the effect of reinsurance receivables on reinsurance credit risk and the reinsurance program by the general insurance public listed company in Indonesia with hypothesis testing and regression analysis also quadrant mapping analysis of reinsurance receivables and reinsurance credit risk. This study also examines the managerial implications of reinsurance receivables and reinsurance credit risk of the general insurance public listed company in Indonesia. The results showed that the reinsurance receivables affect the reinsurance credit risk, although not significantly. Overall there is an increase in the numbers of reinsurance receivables in the general insurance public listed company in Indonesia at 2013 when compared to 2012. ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mellani Puspitasari
Abstrak :
Tesis ini mengenai penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh dari Pelaksanaan BPJS Kesehatan dan Coordination of Benefit antara BPJS Kesehatan dan Perusahaan Asuransi Komersial terhadap kinerja dari Perusahaan Asuransi Komersial. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena muncul kekhawatiran bahwa dengan pelaksanaan BPJS Kesehatan ini akan mematikan bisnis dari asuransi kesehatan komersial dan pola kerjasama Coordination of Benefit COB yang belum sepenuhnya berjalan dengan baik dapat merugikan perusahaan asuransi komersial. Penelitian ini adalah riset kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif yang memperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa Pelaksanaan BPJS Kesehatan mempengaruhi Kinerja dari Perusahaan Asuransi Komersial yakni pada penurunan jumlah polis dan pendapatan premi terutama pada pasar asuransi kesehatan kumpulan corporate. Selain itu, belum terbukti bahwa Coordination of Benefit mempengaruhi peningkatan biaya yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan. Hasil penelitian juga membuktikan bahwa Coordination of Benefit mempengaruhi produktivitas karyawan perusahaan asuransi komerisial. Walaupun pelaksanaan BPJS Kesehatan mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan, namun perusahaan asuransi komersial tetap masih optimis bahwa prospek bagi asuransi kesehatan swasta masih dapat berkembang lebih baik lagi di masa yang akan datang. ...... This thesis studies on what level the impact of BPJS Kesehatan Coordination of Benefit COB implementation between BPJS Kesehatan and private insurance companies, on the performance of private insurance companies. This study is done based on the concern of BPJS Kesehatan implementation will diminish the market of those companies and the synergy of Coordination of Benefit that is yet to be well functioned can cause losses on private insurance companies. This research is qualitative and quantitative research with descriptive design that has yield the results of BPJS Kesehatan implementation has impacts on the potential performance of private insurance companies, which are decreasing in the number of policies and premium income typically on health insurance industry corporate . And also, it has not been proved that Coordination of Benefit has the effect on increasing the cost of private insurance company. The result also proves that Coordination of benefit has impacts on employee rsquo s productivity of private insurance companies. Despite the BPJS Kesehatan implementation is impacting other companies rsquo performances, private insurance businesses are optimistic that private health insurance will be able better to develop in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Firmandi
Abstrak :
Strategi bersaing telah dipahami memiliki peran dominan bagi perusahaan dalam mencapai keunggulan kompetitif dan kinerja tinggi. Namun demikian, fokus ke arah hal ini sering menemui kendala tidak tercapainya salah satu faktor penting, yaitu kurangnya perhatian perusahaan dalam hal pentingnya "hubungan pelanggan" sebagai sumber untuk kinerja perusahaan. Studi ini menyelidiki keterkaitan antara perusahaan dengan pelanggan melalui eksekusi strategi operasional yang dilakukan oleh agen penjualan untuk meyakinkan pelanggan terhadap preferensi produk dari perusahaan asuransi. Secara khusus, penelitian ini mencoba untuk menganalisis efek moderasi nilai yang terkandung pada penjualan (value-based selling), serta hubungan timbal-balik atasan-bawahan (leader-member exchange), dan keterampilan politik terhadap kinerja penjualan, dalam konteks industri asuransi. Responden utama yang digunakan adalah 165 tenaga penjual dari satu perusahaan asuransi jiwa multinasional terbesar. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) melalui program Lisrel digunakan untuk menganalisis data berdasarkan purposive sampling responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa eksekusi strategi operasional dan strategi penjualan mempengaruhi kinerja penjualan, sementara leader-member exchange memoderasi positif dampak dari eksekusi tersebut pada kinerja penjualan. Namun, penjualan berbasis nilai (value-based selling) memoderasi negatif dampak eksekusi strategi terhadap kinerja penjualan dan keterampilan politik terbukti tidak signifikan untuk memoderasi dampak eksekusi strategi terhadap kinerja penjualan. Penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya hubungan atasan-bawahan untuk pelaksanaan eksekusi strategi operasional dan eksekusi strategi penjualan yang efektif, menghasilkan kinerja penjualan yang lebih baik. Implikasi secara umum, studi ini tidak menunjukkan hubungan kausal antara eksekusi strategi dan kinerja penjualan, sehingga pelaksanaan studi longitudinal di kemudian hari disarankan. Lalu, hasil temuan penelitian mengisyaratkan bahwa perusahaan untuk secara kontinu meningkatkan pelaksanaan eksekusi strategi (operasional dan penjualan), serta kualitas hubungan antara atasan dan bawahan. Studi ini menekankan kembali pentingnya aktivitas operasional yang tepat dari perusahaan dalam implementasi strategi-serta mengklarifikasi pengaruh dari penjualan berbasis nilai terhadap kinerja penjualan. Kontribusi dari penelitian ini adalah pemahaman bahwa eksekusi strategi dapat memperluas pemahaman tentang strategi implementasi sebagai salah satu pilar studi manajemen strategis.
Competitive strategy has been considered as dominant role for a firm in achieving competitive advantage and high performance. Such focus, however, often lacks one important factor, that firm gives less attention in "customer connection" as a source for firm's performance. This study will investigate firm's connection with customers through execution strategy by salespersons in wining customers' preference products from insurance company. Specifically, this research attempts to analyze the moderating effect of value-based selling, leader-member-exchange, and political skills on the impact of strategy execution of the sales force, towards sales performance, in the context of insurance industry. The main respondents are 165 salespersons from one large multinational life insurance company. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) on Lisrel software is used to analyze the purposive sampling data of the respondents. Results show that operational and sales strategy execution affects sales performance, while the leader-member exchange positively moderates the impact of such execution on sales performance. However, value-based selling negatively moderates the impact of strategy execution on sales performance and political skills are found to be insignificant to moderate the impact of strategy execution on sales performance. This research sheds light on the importance of superior-subordinate relationships for effective operational and sales strategy execution, resulting in better sales performance. Being cross-sectional in nature, the study may not demonstrate the causal relationships between strategy execution and sales performance. A longitudinal study in the future is suggested. The findings suggest firms should improve (operational and sales) strategy execution continuously, as well as the quality of the relationship between superiors and subordinates. This study examines operational activities as an important part of strategy implementation-it clarifies the impact of value-based selling on sales performance. The contribution of this research is that strategy execution broadens the understanding of implementation strategy as one of the pillars of strategic management study.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library