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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Robbi Nurdin Hidayat
Abstrak :
Dalam melakukan interaksi, penutur memiliki tujuan tertentu. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penutur terkadang mengucapkan tuturan yang tidak sesuai dengan prinsip kerja sama, sehingga penutur melakukan pelanggaran bidal percakapan. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah pelanggaran bidal percakapan yang sengaja (Flouting the Maxims) dilakukan oleh kedua tokoh utama (Harold dan Kumar), sehingga menimbulkan variasi tujuan dari pelanggaran tersebut. Penelitian ini menganalisis percakapan dalam film Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan alasan melakukan pelanggaran bidal dalam percakapan, mengungkapkan tujuan dan implikasi dari pelanggaran bidal, dan mengetahui hubungan antara konteks dan pelanggaran bidal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dan bersifat deskriptif karena sumber data analisis merupakan percakapan yang digambarkan dengan kata-kata atau kalimat. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui teknik pengamatan dan pencatatan. Data dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 31 penggalan percakapan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan teori Grice (1975) yaitu prinsip kerja sama bidal percakapan dengan menjelaskan konteks dan pelanggaran bidal. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini ditemukan 47 pelanggaran bidal. Kemudian, variasi tujuan yang ditemukan dari pelanggaran bidal percakapan dikelompokkan ke dalam 5 kategori yaitu Ekspresif seperti menyenangkan hati, lelucon atau gurauan, menghibur, menenangkan, meminta maaf, menjaga perasaaan, dan mengutarakan sesuatu, Komisif seperti memendam kekesalan, menghindari bahaya, melindungi, menjaga reputasi, dan menyembunyikan, Representatif seperti meminta bantuan, menyatakan putus asa, menolak, meyakinkan, menghindari amarah, dan menunjukkan, Direktif seperti memberitahukan, menyatakan kejujuran, menyatakan keberanian, meminta penjelasan, menyelamatkan diri, menegaskan, memprediksi, dan meminta klarifikasi, dan Indirektif seperti mengabaikan dan mengalihkan pembicaraan. Korelasi yang muncul antara konteks dan pelanggaran bidal adalah sebab-akibat.
In a conversation, speakers have a certain purpose. To achieve the purpose, they sometimes intentionally flout the maxims by saying something unmatched with the topic of the conversation. This is called flouting the maxims in Co-operative Principle concept. The problem of this research is flouting the maxims deliberately to achieve the purpose of the conversation by analyzing the context and the flouts of the maxims. This research analyzes utterances on the movie Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. This research aims to find out flout of the maxims on the movie, reveal the implication and the purpose of flouting the maxims, and know the correlation between context and flouting the maxims. This is a qualitative and descriptive research because the data and the result of the research are not presented in forms of numbers or statistic. Moreover, the source of data analysis is conversation explained in words or sentences form. Observing and note taking are the methods in collecting the data. The data in this research are 31 conversations and each of the conversation is supported by its context. Theory used in this research is Co-operative Principle, Implicature, and Conversational Maxims introduced by Grice (1975). By analyzing the situation and flouting the maxims, the writer found 47 violations. The writer also concludes there are variations of purposes found in this research which are classified into 5 categories. First is Expressive such as to please someone, joking, entertain, calm someone down, apologize, save face, and say something. Second is co missive such as to hide a fact, prevent, protect, and keep reputation. Third is Representative such as to ask for help, desperation, refuse, convince, and show something. Fourth is Directive such as to inform, be honest, express braveness, and clarifying. Fifth is Indirect such as to ignore and shift a talk. From these results, it concludes that speakers flout the maxims to achieve a purpose in a conversation. The correlation between context and flouts of the maxims is cause-effect relation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Kartika Amalia
Abstrak :
Tujuan tugas akhir penerjemahan beranotasi ini adalah untuk memberikan pertanggungjawaban atas padanan yang saya pilih dalam menerjemahkan buku Just Tell Me What to Say. Masalah penerjemahan yang saya temukan dikelompokkan menjadi lima bagian, yakni istilah psikologi perkembangan, nama diri, nama jenis, idiom, dan metafora. Semua masalah itu dipecahkan melalui pemilihan metode dan prosedur yang tepat. Metode penerjemahan yang saya gunakan adalah metode komunikatif agar pesan yang dialihkan berterima dalam budaya BSa dan mudah dipahami oleh pembaca sasaran. Prosedur penerjemahan yang sesuai, seperti transferensi, naturalisasi, transposisi, calque, penerjemahan berkonteks, dan sebagainya, digunakan untuk menanggulangi masalah yang ditemukan dalam menerjemahkan buku ini. Survei, wawancara, penelusuran pustaka, dan pemanfaatan media internet ditempuh guna menghasilkan terjemahan yang lazim dalam budaya BSa. Dari penelitian ini, saya menyimpulkan bahwa pemilihan metode, prosedur, dan langkah penerjemahan yang tepat dapat memecahkan masalah penerjemahan. Selain itu, faktor kelaziman juga harus dipertimbangkan agar terjemahan berterima di dalam budaya BSa.
The objective of this annotated translation is to give justification of the equivalences choosen in translating the book Just Tell Me What to Say. The problems found in the translation are divided into five categories namely development psychology terms, proper names, common nouns, idioms, and metaphors. All problems are solved by choosing suitable translation method and procedures. Translation method used in this translation is communicative method which makes the transferred message is acceptable in TL culture and easily comprehended by the target readers. Appropriate translation procedures, such as transference, naturalization, tranposition, calque, contextual conditioning, and so forth, are used to overcome the problems. Survey, interview, book review, and internet browsing are conducted in order to produce a natural translation in TL culture. From this research, it can be concluded that the appropriate translation methods, procedures, and steps can overcome translation problems. In addition, naturalness must also be considered to make the translation acceptable in TL culture.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiwin Purbaningrum
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas hubungan antara penggunaan strategi komunikasi dengan tingkat pengalaman menggunakan bahasa Inggris oleh pemelajar ESL. Data penelitian diambil dengan cara merekam tugas wicara di depan umum sebanyak dua kali. Subjek penelitian yang berjumlah dua puluh mahasiswa merupakan mahasiswa program studi bahasa Inggris semester V. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif analitik dengan beberapa penghitungan sederhana yang menunjukkan frekuensi penggunaan strategi komunikasi. Teori yang digunakan dalam menganalisis data penelitian adalah taksonomi yang dibuat oleh Dornyei dan peneliti proyek Nijmegen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga jenis strategi komunikasi yang digunakan oleh pemelajar, yaitu strategi pencapaian, strategi pemanfaatan waktu untuk berpikir, dan strategi penghindaran. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa terdapat kecenderungan bahwa pemelajar dengan pengalaman menggunakan bahasa Inggris lebih tinggi menggunakan strategi komunikasi lebih sedikit dan sebaliknya. Tujuan penggunaan strategi alih kode oleh pemelajar juga bervariasi. Pemelajar dengan tingkat pengalaman berbahasa Inggris lebih tinggi menggunakan strategi komunikasi ini dengan tujuan tertentu, misalnya untuk memberikan efek humor dan meningkatkan kejelasan pesan yang disampaikan. Penelitian dengan jumlah subjek lebih besar perlu dilakukan agar hasil penelitiannya dapat digeneralisasikan. ......This thesis discusses the relationship between the use of communication strategies and students? English language experience as their second language. Research data (both audio and visual) were collected by recording the speeches by students during public speaking classes which were conducted twice. The twenty research subjects were English department students in the fifth semester. This research used qualitative and analytical approach combined with quantitative analysis to count the frequency of communication strategies employed by the students. The latest taxonomy of communication strategies designed by DŐrnyei and Nijmegen projects were used to analyze the data. The result showed that students used three types of communication strategies, namely achievement strategies, stalling or time-gaining strategies, and topic avoidance strategies. The analysis also uncovered that students with higher experience in using English used fewer communication strategies compared to those with lower level of experience. Surprisingly, although there was no difference in the choice of communication strategies, there was a clear difference in the purpose of using code switching strategies by these two types of students. Students with higher English language experience tended to use this strategy for particular purposes, such as to create humoristic effect and to make the message much clearer to the interlocutors. Given the limited number of subjects, this research could be the basis for further studies involving more subjects to ensure the generalizability of the results.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Medina Basaib
Abstrak :
[ABSTRAK Sebagai salah satu band perintis punk, Sex Pistols kerap dijadikan simbol pergerakan punk di Inggris pada akhir dekade 1970. Sex Pistols dihubungkan dengan pergerakan melawan pemerintah, dan sebagai akibatnya mereka dilarang untuk tampil selama beberapa waktu. Lirik lagu-lagu Sex Pistols saat itu dirasa membawa pengaruh buruk terutama bagi pendengarnya karena dianggap menyebarkan ideologi tertentu. Sebagai produsen sebuah wacana, penulis lirik dapat menuangkan ideologinya dalam lirik sebagai media untuk menyampaikan aspirasinya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana ideologi tersebut disampaikan melalui lirik lagu dan pengaruhnya terhadap pendengar lagu-lagu Sex Pistols. Penulis menggunakan kajian analisis wacana kritis Fairclough dalam menganalisis hubungan antara sebuah wacana dengan ideologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pilihan kata yang digunakan penulis lirik berpengaruh terhadap penyebaran ideologi tertentu kepada pendengarnya. Selain itu, lagu-lagu yang penulis kaji pun mempunyai kesamaan, yaitu merupakan kritik terhadap kondisi sosial-politik pada masa itu.
ABSTRACT ;As one of the punk pioneers, Sex Pistols was associated with punk movement at The United Kingdom in the 1970?s era. Sex Pistols then was connected to some strikes against the government and they got banned many times. Sex Pistols songs lyrics were considered as bad influence because of the song writer?s ideology. As the producer of a discourse, the song writers were able to put their ideology in the lyric. This study aims to find out how the ideology was put in the lyric and what it brings to Sex Pistols? listeners. This study applies Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough in order to find out the connection between a discourse and ideology. The result shows that the song writers? choice of words effectuate the diffusion of ideology to their listeners. Also, the songs that were analysed have something in common, which is all of them are critics toward social and political condition at that time. ;As one of the punk pioneers, Sex Pistols was associated with punk movement at The United Kingdom in the 1970?s era. Sex Pistols then was connected to some strikes against the government and they got banned many times. Sex Pistols songs lyrics were considered as bad influence because of the song writer?s ideology. As the producer of a discourse, the song writers were able to put their ideology in the lyric. This study aims to find out how the ideology was put in the lyric and what it brings to Sex Pistols? listeners. This study applies Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough in order to find out the connection between a discourse and ideology. The result shows that the song writers? choice of words effectuate the diffusion of ideology to their listeners. Also, the songs that were analysed have something in common, which is all of them are critics toward social and political condition at that time. ;As one of the punk pioneers, Sex Pistols was associated with punk movement at The United Kingdom in the 1970?s era. Sex Pistols then was connected to some strikes against the government and they got banned many times. Sex Pistols songs lyrics were considered as bad influence because of the song writer?s ideology. As the producer of a discourse, the song writers were able to put their ideology in the lyric. This study aims to find out how the ideology was put in the lyric and what it brings to Sex Pistols? listeners. This study applies Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough in order to find out the connection between a discourse and ideology. The result shows that the song writers? choice of words effectuate the diffusion of ideology to their listeners. Also, the songs that were analysed have something in common, which is all of them are critics toward social and political condition at that time. , As one of the punk pioneers, Sex Pistols was associated with punk movement at The United Kingdom in the 1970’s era. Sex Pistols then was connected to some strikes against the government and they got banned many times. Sex Pistols songs lyrics were considered as bad influence because of the song writer’s ideology. As the producer of a discourse, the song writers were able to put their ideology in the lyric. This study aims to find out how the ideology was put in the lyric and what it brings to Sex Pistols’ listeners. This study applies Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough in order to find out the connection between a discourse and ideology. The result shows that the song writers’ choice of words effectuate the diffusion of ideology to their listeners. Also, the songs that were analysed have something in common, which is all of them are critics toward social and political condition at that time. ]
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library