Novi Kurnia
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Malnutrisi rumah sakit (MRS) adalah penurunan berat badan selama perawatan di rumah sakit. MRS diketahui memperpanjang lama rawat, meningkatkan morbitas dan mortalitas, namun faktor-faktor yang berasosiasi dengan terjadinya MRS pada pasien bedah anak, masih belum diketahui.
Metode penelitian: Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui angka kejadian MRS pada pasien bedah anak, dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berasosiasi dengan terjadinya MRS. Dilakukan pengamatan terhadap 50 pasien bedah anak yang dirawat di ruang rawat BCh RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangukusumo Jakarta selama Juli-Desember 2015. Data usia, jenis penyakit, status gizi awal, jenis perawatan, lama puasa, lama operasi, lama rawat, dan jenis operasi dicatat. Dilakukan analisis untuk mencari asosiasi antara variabel-variabel tersebut dengan MRS.
Hasil penelitian: Didapatkan angka kejadian MRS sebesar 40%. Dari variabel kategorik (usia, jenis perawatan, jenis diagnosis, status gizi awal dan jenis operasi) hanya jenis operasi yang berasosiasi dengan MRS (p = 0,013). Sedangkan antara variabel numerik (lama puasa, lama operasi, lama rawat) hanya lama rawat pascaoperasi yang berasosiasi dengan MRS (p = 0,009).
Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa beban tindakan operatif berasosiasi dengan angka kejadian MRS, MRS berasosiasi dengan peningkatan masa rawat pascapembedahan.
Background: Hospital malnutrition is defined as weight loss during hospitalization. Hospital malnutrition is known to increase length of stay, mortality and morbidity, however the factors associated with the development of hospital malnutrition, especially in pediatric surgery patient population, has not been clearly recognized.
Method: This study was done to evaluate the occurence of hospital malnutrition in pediatric surgery population and to identify the factors associated with hospital malnutrition. Primary data was gathered from 50 pediatric surgery patients hospitalized in BCh ward of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital (CMNGH) within July-December 2015. Data on age, diagnoses, nutrition status at admission, whether any procedure was done during hospital stay, fasting duration, operation duration, length of stay and classification of surgical procedure done were compiled. Analysis was done to identify the association between these variables and hospital malnutrition.
Result: The occurence of hospital malnutrition among pediatric surgery population in 2015 was 40%. Among the categorical variables (age, diagnoses, nutrition status at admission, whether any procedure was done during hospital stay, classification of surgical procedure) only the classification of surgical procedure was found to be significantly associated with hospital malnutrition (p = 0,013). Meanwhile, among the numerical variables (fasting duration, operation duration, length of stay) only postoperative length of stay was associated with hospital malnutrition (p = 0,009).
Conclusion: It can be inferred that the burden of surgery is associated with hospital malnutrition, and in turn hospital malnutrition is associated with increased postoperative length of stay.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library