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Ikhlas Tunggal Mulyandari
Abstrak :
Mempersiapkan kehidupan remaja sebagai fase unik perkembangan manusia merupakan suatu investasi berdampak besar bagi berbagai aspek kehidupan. Salah satu fase masa transisi kehidupan pada periode perkembangan remaja yaitu membentuk sebuah keluarga. Remaja perlu dipersiapkan mengenai hal-hal dalam merencanakan pernikahan sesuai siklus kesehatan reproduksi. Perencanaan kehidupan berkeluarga diantaranya merencanakan usia menikah, jumlah anak yang diinginkan, jarak kelahiran antara 2 anak, serta keinginan memakai alat/ cara KB di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat hubungan keterpaparan informasi dengan perencanaan kehidupan berkeluarga pada remaja di Indonesia. Desain penelitian cross-sectional menggunakan data survei RPJMN tahun 2015 Modul Remaja. Sampel penelitian ini yaitu remaja laki-laki dan perempuan belum kawin usia 15-24 tahun di Indonesia. Keterpaparan informasi yang berperan dalam perencanaan kehidupan berkeluarga yaitu keterpaparan informasi KB, keterpaparan informasi KRR, serta keterpaparan informasi GenRe. Media yang efektif diakses remaja untuk memperoleh informasi diantaranya media elektronik televisi, website/internet , media cetak koran/majalah, poster , dan media luar ruang spanduk, billboard/baliho . Sosialiasi GenRe perlu lebih digencarkan kepada masyararakat luas khususnya remaja. Pemanfaatan berbagai jenis media serta keterlibatan pihak lain dibutuhkan dalam upaya optimalisasi penyebarluasan informasi terkait KB, KRR, dan GenRe. ...... Preparing adolescent life as a unique phase of human development is an investment has a major impact on many aspects of life. One phase of the transition of life in the period of adolescent development is to form a family. Adolescents need to be prepared on matters in marriage planning with reproductive health cycle. Planning in family life including planning the age of marriage, the number of children, the birth spacing, and the desire to use kind of family planning in the future. This study aims to see the relationship of information exposure and adolescent planning in family life in Indonesia. Cross sectional research design using RPJMN survey data 2015 Adolescent Module. The sample of this research is never married men and women 15 24 years old in Indonesia. Exposure of information that plays a role in adolescent planning in family life is exposed to family planning KB information, exposed to adolescent health reproductive KRR information, and exposed to GenRe information. The effective media used by adolescents to get information is electronic media television, website internet, print media newspapers magazines, posters, and outdoor media banners, billboards. Socialization of GenRe needs to be more intensify to the community, especially adolescent. Utilization of various types of media and involvement of any partners needs to optimize dissemination of information related to KB, KRR, and GenRe.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asti Dewi Rahayu Fitrianingsih
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas hubungan pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi, penggunaan NAPZA dan keikutsertaan remaja dalam pusat informasi konseling remaja PIK-R/M dengan perilaku seks pranikah remaja di indonesia dengan menggunakan data survei indikator RPJMN remaja 2015 dengan desain cross sectional dimana sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 42.243 remaja usia 15-24 tahun dan belum menikah. Hasil penelitian menyarankan dibutuhkkan informasi tentang masalah perilaku seksual pranikah remaja dengan memberikan informasi terutama tentang pengetahuan tentang masa subur dan perempuan dapat hamil meskipun sekali melakukan hubungan seks, serta instansi terkait diharapkan melakukan aktivitas pencegahan, pemberatasan dan rehabilitasi penyalahgunaan NAPZA sehingga perilaku seks pranikah tidak meningkat.
The focus of this study is Relationship Knowledge about Adolescent Reproduktive Helath, The Participation of Adolescent in the Information Center Counseling and The Use of Drugs with Premarital Sex in Indonesia using the data survey of Indicator of Long Term Develpoment 2015. This study used cross sectional design and got 42.243 respondents 15 24 years old and unmarried.. The study results suggest it takes information about premarital sexual behavior problems by providing information the fertile period knowledge and a woman can get pregnant even though once having sex. In Addition, relevant agencies are expected to perform the activities of prevention, eradication and rehabilitation in the case of misuse of Drugs, so that the behaviou of premarital sex is not increased.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rafif Diyartazhar
Abstrak :
Konsumsi energi dari sistem pengkondisian udara pada gedung perkantoran menempati urutan tertinggi pada konsumsi energi keseluruhan dari gedung tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan heat pipe heat exchanger (HPHE) pada sistem heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) office building dan menganalisis penggunaan korelasi Sp number. HPHE yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan straight HPHE yang terdiri dai 6 baris yang terdiri dari empat heat pipe pada tiap baris. Temperatur fresh air divariasikan pada temperatur 30, 35, 40 dan 45  °C dengan kecepatan udara masuk pada sisi evaporator (ve,in) sebesar 1,0; 1,5 dan 2,0 m/s. Penelitian dilakukan pada model sistem HVAC office building dengan beban ruangan pada chamber pengujian divariasikan pada nilai 200 dan 300 W. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan Nilai efektifitas terbesar 40,324% pada kecepatan udara inlet (vin) 1,0 m/s dengan temperatur fresh air 45 °C dan beban ruangan sebesar 200 W. Heat recovery HPHE terbesar mencapai 398,72 W pada variasi kecepatan udara inlet 2,0 m/s dengan temperatur fresh air 45 °C dan beban ruangan 200 W. Nilai absolute error terkecil dari penggunaan korelasi Sp number terdapat pada variasi kecepatan udara inlet 2,0 m/s dengan beban ruangan 300 W, yaitu sebesar 11% dan absolute error terbesar pada variasi kecepatan udara inlet 1,0 m/s dengan beban ruangan 200 W, yaitu sebesar 51,17%.


The energy consumption of the air conditioning system in an office building ranks highest in the overall energy consumption of the building. This study aims to determine the effect of using a heat pipe heat exchanger (HPHE) on the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) office building system and analyze the use of Sp number correlation. The HPHE used in this study is a straight HPHE consisting of 6 lines consisting of four heat pipes in each row. The temperature of fresh air was varied at temperatures of 30, 35, 40 and 45 °C with the air velocity entering the evaporator side (ve, in) of 1.0; 1.5 and 2.0 m/s. The research was conducted on an office building HVAC system model with room loads in the testing chamber varied at values of 200 and 300 W. The experimental results show the greatest effectiveness value is 40.324% at the inlet air velocity (vin) 1.0 m/s with a fresh air temperature of 45 °C. and room load of 200 W. The largest HPHE heat recovery reached 398.72 W at a variation of the inlet air velocity 2.0 m/s with a fresh air temperature of 45 °C and a room load of 200 W. The smallest absolute error value from the use of the Sp number correlation was found in the variation of the inlet air velocity of 2.0 m/s with a room load of 300 W, which is 11% and the largest absolute error in the variation of the inlet air velocity of 1.0 m/s with a room load of 200 W, which is 51.17%.


Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farhan Aditya Wibowo
Abstrak :
Sistem HVAC pada office building berperan penting untuk menyediakan kenyamanan yang ideal bagi pengguna di dalamnya. Hal ini menyebabkan besarnya konsumsi energi di sektor perkantoran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas dan heat recovery dari penggunaan heat pipe heat exchanger dan return air. Volume return air yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini sebesar 30% dan HPHE yang digunakan berjumlah dua modul yang terdiri dari 3 baris heat pipe per modul. Pada inlet evaporator dialiri udara dengan variasi temperatur: 30, 35, 40, dan 45°C, serta dengan kecepatan 1,0; 1,5; dan 2,0 m/s. Beban pada ruangan bervariasi 200 dan 300W. Hasil dari percobaan ini mendapatkan nilai efektifitas HPHE terbesar pada percobaan temperature udara masuk 45oC; vin 1m/s; vout 2m/s; dan beban ruangan 200W yaitu sebesar 0,403 atau 40,3%. Heat recovery HPHE terbesar didapatkan pada percobaan temperature udara masuk 45oC; vin 2m/s; vout 2m/s; dan beban ruangan 200W yaitu sebesar 398,720W. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan return air memengaruhi temperatur inlet evaporator. ......HVAC systems in office buildings play an important role in providing ideal comfort for users in the building. This causes a large amount of energy consumption in the office sector. This study aims to determine the effectiveness and heat recovery from the use of heat pipe heat exchangers and return air. The return air volume used in this study was 30% and the HPHE used was two modules consisting of 3 lines of heat pipe per module. At the inlet of the evaporator, air flows with variations in temperature: 30, 35, 40, and 45°C, and with a speed of 1.0; 1.5; and 2.0 m/s. The load on the room varies between 200 and 300W. The results of this experiment get the greatest HPHE effectiveness value at the 45oC intake air temperature experiment; vin 1m/s; vout 2m/s; and 200W room load that is equal to 0.403 or 40.3%. The largest HPHE heat recovery was found in the 45oC intake air temperature experiment; vin 2m/s; vout 2m/s; and the room load is 200W, which is 398,720W. The results of the study indicate that the use of return water affects the inlet temperature of the evaporator.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Berdasarkan statistik BNPB, Jawa Tengah menjadi Provinsi dengan bencana longsor terbanyak di Indonesia sepanjang tahun 2021–2023 sebanyak 1283 peristiwa, dengan 427 di antaranya terjadi di Kebumen. Pada Kampus Lapangan Geologi Karangsambung, Kab. Kebumen, Jawa Tengah sejumlah lahan telah ditimbun tanah untuk rencana pembangunan dengan longsoran rotasi yang pernah terjadi. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan identifikasi potensi longsor beserta geologinya di daerah Karangsambung pada area timbunan tanah baru. Penelitian ini melibatkan studi lapangan dengan metode geolistrik resistivitas dan data SPT untuk mengetahui kekuatan daya dukung tanah. Penelitian mencakup enam lintasan sepanjang 195–245 meter dengan spasi elektroda 5 meter dan konfigurasi Wenner-Schlumberger. Keluaran yang diperoleh berupa penampang resistivitas 2D yang dikorelasikan dengan data SPT, plan map 3D, serta model resistivitas 3D. Hasil penampang resistivitas 2D menunjukkan bahwa terdapat zona resistivitas tinggi 270–13.293 Ωm di daerah timur laut penelitian. Zona resistivitas tinggi ini merupakan rekahan batulempung selebar 5–13 meter di permukaan dengan ketebalan 10–15 meter yang di bawahnya merupakan intrusi batu andesit. Selain itu umumnya daerah penelitian terdiri atas lempung lanauan padat di permukaan dengan ketebalan 3–33 meter dan resistivitas 0,5–90 Ωm, serta lempung pasiran yang sangat padat di bawahnya dengan ketebalan lebih dari 15 meter dan resistivitas 0,01–30 Ωm. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut terdapat potensi longsor di timur laut daerah penelitian yang melewati lintasan LKR01, LKR02, dan LKR03, tepatnya pada zona resistivitas tinggi. Keberadaan potensi longsor ini diharapkan dapat menjadi acuan terkait pengawasan pembangunan di Kampus Lapangan Geologi Karangsambung. ...... Based on BNPB statistics, Central Java is the province with the most landslide disasters in Indonesia throughout 2021-2023 with 1283 events, 427 of which occurred in Kebumen. At the Karangsambung Geological Field Campus, Kebumen Regency, Central Java, a number of lands have been stockpiled for development plans with rotational landslides that have occurred. Therefore, an identification of landslide potential and its geology in Karangsambung area in the area of new landfill was conducted. This research involved field study using geo-electrical resistivity method and SPT data to determine the bearing capacity of the soil. The research included six passes along 195-245 meters with 5 meters electrode spacing and Wenner-Schlumberger configuration. The output is 2D resistivity cross section correlated with SPT data, 3D plan map, and 3D resistivity model. The 2D resistivity cross section results show that there is a high resistivity zone of 270-13,293 Ωm in the northeast area of the study. This high resistivity zone is a fractured claystone 5-13 meters wide at the surface with a thickness of 10-15 meters under which is an andesite intrusion. In addition, the study area generally consists of dense silt loam at the surface with a thickness of 3-33 meters and a resistivity of 0.5-90 Ωm, and very dense passive loam underneath with a thickness of more than 15 meters and a resistivity of 0.01-30 Ωm. Based on these results, there is a potential for landslides in the northeast of the research area that passes through the LKR01, LKR02, and LKR03 tracks, precisely in the high resistivity zone. The existence of this landslide potential is expected to be a reference related to development supervision in Karangsambung Geological Field Campus.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atik Retnowati
Abstrak :
Marasmiellus is a tropical and subtropical genus which consists of more than 400 species. The genus plays important roles in ecosystem as a decomposer, and not many information on its economic value. Several monographs of the genus have been published based on morphological data from several tropical forests (neotropics, Africa, Srilanka), and no report on the Indonesian Marasmiellus. At present, taxonomic problem occurs in the genus related to the position of Marasmiellus juniperinus as a type genus in the phylogenetic tree based on Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region. Marasmiellus juniperinus nested into different clade from other Marasmiellus species, and it was clustered in Gymnopus clade. Since Marasmiellus has never been reported from Indonesia and the taxonomic problem occurs at the genus, thus the objectives of this study are 1) To describe the species of Marasmiellus found in Java and Bali; 2) To provide an identification key to sections and species; 3) To analyse the phylogenetic relationship within the genus Marasmiellus in Java and Bali based on morphological and molecular characters performed by Maximum Parsimony method; 4) To clarify the relationship of the genus Marasmiellus and M. juniperinus to its closely related genera with inclusion of more Marasmiellus spp. based on ITS region of rDNA sequence data; and 5) To describe novel species of Marasmiellus based on morphological and molecular data. Java and Bali were chosen as research sites in this study due to several reasons. First, historically most of Indonesian reported agarics were collected from Java, particularly from Mount Gede-Pangrango, Cibodas and Bogor Botanical Gardens. Second, forest degradation is going rapidly in Java and Bali. As a result Indonesia is loosing habitats of Marasmiellus. This study was divided into three topics according to the purposes of this study. The first topic entitled Species of Marasmiellus in Java and Bali. The study was carried out in Herbarium Bogoriense, The Botany Division, Research Center for Biology, The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). Herbarium materials are kept in Herbarium Bogoriense (BO) and Harry D. Thiers Herbarium, San Francisco State University (SFSU), SF, CA, USA. Materials used in this research were collected in 1998-2010 from 10 different locations in Java and Bali which consisted of 22 sites. A representative material of Marasmiellus juniperinus, as a type genus, was borrowed from the Herbarium of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA (TENN). The identification results revealed that there were 35 known species; one species as a new combination; 17 undescribed species. Those 35 species consist of 25 species of Marasmiellus found in Java, 7 species found in Bali, and 3 species found both in Java and Bali. All described species were treated based on infrageneric classification of Singer (1973) which divided the genus into 10 sections based on morphological characters. Based on Singer?s infrageneric classification Marasmiellus in Java and Bali belonged to 5 sections, i.e sect. Marasmiellus, sect. Rameales, sect. Dealbati, sect. Candidi, and sect. Stenophylloides. The second topic entitled Phylogenetic study of the genus Marasmiellus based on morphological and molecular analysis. Thirty five morphological characters of 37 taxa were scored manually for phylogenetic analysis based on morphological characters. Those taxa consisted of 35 species of Marasmiellus in Java and Bali found (topic 1), a type species of Marasmiellus (M. juniperinus), and Crinipellis brunneipurpurea as an outgroup. Matrix data was analyzed by Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (PAUP) program. The topology of phylogenetic tree based on morphological data was compared to topology of phylogenetic tree based on molecular data. The phylogenetic tree based on morphological and molecular characters showed that Marasmiellus spp. were divided into four major clades. Each clade consisted of several Singer?s sections. This result indicated that the sections within Singer?s infrageneric classification were polyphyletic. Morphological and molecular phylogenies resulted in this study did not support traditional classification, i.e. Singer?s classification of Marasmiellus. The phylogenetic relationship of Marasmiellus taxa, Gymnopus and its closely related genera were analyzed using molecular data of ITS rDNA. Forty one sequences based on ITS region representing of 36 species of Marasmiellus were used for phylogenetic analysis. Nine sequences of Marasmiellus were generated from this study, and 32 sequences were obtained from the international DNA database (GenBank). The phylogenetic tree showed that Marasmiellus taxa were divided into 4 clades. The taxa of Marasmiellus and Gymnopus were clustered together in three of four clades. The type species, Marasmiellus juniperinus was located within the same clade as Gymnopus fusipes. This result indicated that the genus Marasmiellus was polyphyletic. The third topic entitled Description of a novel species, Marasmiellus javanicus, based on morphological and molecular analysis. Marasmiellus javanicus is one of the 17 new species in this study, and it was described by using the integrated morphological and molecular data. Marasmiellus javanicus was described as a new species based on 5 specimens found in Bogor Botanical Garden, West Java. Morphologically it was similar to M. hondurensis (Murrill) Singer which was collected from Belice in 1906 by Peck (Singer 1973). The characters similarities of M. javanicus and M. hondurensis were off-white, same size of width, convex with flattened disc of pileus; subdistant lamellae; tomentose and insititious stipe; cutis with diverticulate of pileipellis, and presence of stipe vesture. Marasmiellus hondurensis was different from M. javanicus in having longer stipe (6?22 mm diam), fusoid basidiospores, Rotalis-type of cheilocystidia, and M. hondurensis was found on dicotyledon plant. At present, there is no sequence based on ITS rDNA of M. hondurensis. Thus, genetically M. hondurensis was unable to be compared to M. javanicus. To know the closest species of M. javanicus, phylogenetic tree of Marasmiellus was constructed. Phylogenetic tree showed that the most closely related species to M. javanicus was M. mesosporus. Marasmiellus javanicus and M. mesosporus have ITS rDNA 94% sequence similarity. They differ in 27 nucleotides which were 7 insertion and deletion, and 24 of substitution (A↔G=11, C↔T=13). This study showed that integrated morphological and molecular data are required to identify the Marasmiellus.
Depok: 2012
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library