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Suci Fitriyanti
Abstrak :
Malnutrition has been responsible, directly or indirectly, for 60% of the 10.9 million deaths annually among children under five. Over two-thirds of these deaths, which are often associated with inappropriate feeding practices, occur during the first year of life (WHO, 2003). In UNICEF conceptual framework, two immediate causes of malnutrition are inadequate dietary intakes and diseases, and the underlying causes that lead to those two are inadequate access to food in the household, insufficient health services and an unhealthy environment, and inadequate care for children and women (UNICEF, 1998). Inadequate dietary intake is influenced by inappropriate feeding practice. Children who are not breastfed have repeated infections and grow less well than children who at least receive some breast milk (Daelmans and Saadeh, 2003). From six months onward, a child must have complementary food at six-month point, since breast milk alone no longer meets all nutritional needs. Delaying the switch over much beyond six months of age can cause a child's growth to falter. Thus, for optimal growth and development, a child needs to be fed frequently with energy-rich, nutrient-dense foods (UNICEF, 1998). However, the complementary foods do not easily fulfill the nutrient requirement a child needs. Problem nutrients are those for which there is the greatest discrepancy between their content in complementary foods and the estimated amount required by the child (WHO, 1998). Three strategies for obtaining needed amounts of problem nutrients are: optimization of nutrient intake from locally available food, micronutrient supplementation, and fortification of processed complementary foods (Dewey and Brown, 2003). The 541" World Health Assembly in 2001 not only recommended exclusive breastfeeding for six months as a global public health recommendation, but also recommended the widest possible use of indigenous nutrient-rich foodstuffs to improve complementary foods and feeding practice (Daelmans and Saadeh, 2003). In response to that recommendation, this study was aimed to develop a feasible dietary guideline for complementary feeding of infants aged 6-11 months that will used local food available. There have been some researches about developing dietary guideline in other countries for certain age group. This study was planned to develop a dietary guideline in one area of Indonesia where many of its children in the age group of 6-11 month were under nourished.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Otte Santika
Abstrak :
Adequate nutrition during the first 2 year of life is important to ensure optimal physical and mental development of infants and young children. Therefore sustainable adequate nutrient intake is critical in childhood.

In 2002, WHO urges all countries to promote improved CF practices to ensure optimal health, growth and development of young children. Research is needed in priority areas including examining the use of LP for developing context-specific complementary feeding guidelines.

Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG), which promote culturally acceptable and affordable changes to local complementary feeding practices, will enhance chances for sustainable improvements in childhood nutritional status. As basis for documenting and understanding the dietary data for developing FBDG, several approaches can be used. Survey approach is usually used for developing FBDG; however this approach requires plenty of resources. In developing countries where resource is scare, rapid assessment procedure (RAP) method can be used as alternative. This method is rapid, and low in cost. Both approaches can be used in developing FBDG based on LP.

The objective of this study was to compare FBDG of complementary feeding for children age 9-11 months old based on Rapid Assessment Procedure (RAP) result and survey approach.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karina Rahmadia Ekawidyani
Abstrak :
Anak sekolah menghabiskan sebagian besar aktivitas sehari-hari di sekolah. Mereka memerlukan asupan gizi yang cukup untuk pertumbuhan, pemeliharaan tubuh, dan aktivitas sehari-hari. Makanan jajanan dapat memenuhi sebagian kebutuhan gizi mereka, walaupun keamanannya masih diragukan karena mengandung kontaminan kimia. Studi ini menilai kontribusi makanan jajanan terhadap asupan gizi dan pajanan kontaminan di antara anak-anak sekolah di Kecamatan Senen. Studi ini merupakan studi potong lintang dengan metode pengambilan contoh secara purposif untuk sekolah dan acak untuk siswa kelas 4 dan 5 SD. Beberapa metode yang digunakan antara lain wawancara terstruktur, daftar ceklis makanan, 3 hari recall 24 jam, pengukuran antropometri, dan analisis kimia kontaminan. Makanan jajanan berkontribusi sekitar seperlima hingga sepertiga terhadap asupan gizi sehari. Kontaminan yang ditemukan adalah formaldehid, siklamat, dan timbal. Sebagian subjek terpajan formaldehid (9.2% jika menggunakan batas aman WHO, 77.6% jika menggunakan batas aman BPOM) dan siklamat (11.8%) di atas batas aman individual mereka.
School children spent most of their daily activity at school. They need adequate nutrient to provide their growth, body maintenance and daily activities. Street food can provide some nutrient for their daily need, although its safety is still doubtful due to presence of chemical contaminants. This study assessed the contribution of street food to nutrient intake and contaminant exposure among school children in Senen subdistrict, Jakarta, Indonesia. A cross sectional study was done with purposive sampling of school and students from grade 4-5 selected randomly. Several methods were used, such as structured interview, food checklist, repeated 24 hour recalls, anthropometric measurement and chemical analysis of contaminants. Street food contributed about one fifth to one third to nutrient intake. Contaminants found in this study were formaldehyde, cyclamate and lead. Some subjects were exposed to formaldehyde (9.2% using WHO cutoff, 77.6% using NADFC cutoff) and cyclamate (11.8%) above their individual safety level.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Handayani Utami
Abstrak :
Salah satu strategi untuk meningkatkan asupan gizi ada!ah melalui makanan pendamping AS! dengan biaya rendah, menggunakan makanan lokal yang tersedia dan pengolahan makanan sederhana, Kami menyajikan basil dari studi fonnatif pengembangan resep makanan pendamping AS! lokal padat gizi untuk bayi 9-11 bulan. Penelitian dilakulom di Lombok Timur pada bulan Februari 2010. Pengumpulan data termasuk survey pasar, wawancara kelompok dengan pengasuh dan kader, uji coba resep, pengernbangan resep dan 7 hari uji coba penerimaan resep di rumah tangga. Resep yang dicoba oleh sebagian besar rumah tangga di dusun dekat dan jauh pasar adalah bakso ikan dan cap cay, sedangkan resep yang paling sediklt dicoba adalah resep abon hati ayam. Terdapat potensi untuk memperoleh manfaat dari rnodifikasi resep lokal pada kecukupan gizi pada bayi 9-11 bulan.
One of the strategy to improve the intake of problem nutrients was through the low cost complementary foods, using locally available foods and simple food processing. We present results from a formative study on the development of modified local nutrient-dense complementary foods for 9-11 month old infants. The study was conducted in East Lombok on February 2010. The data collection including a series of market survey, group interview with caregivers and cadres, recipe trials, recipe development, and 7-day HH acceptability trial. The recipe that mostly tried by the household in near and far market hamlet was fish meatballs and cap cay. while the least recipe tried was chicken liver abon. This study suggested that there would be potential lo benefit from the modified recipes on nutrient adequacy among 9-11 mo infants.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tujuan dari studi potong lintang ini adalah untuk membandingkan konsumsi pangan wanita usia reproduktif (19-49 tahun) yang gemuk dan normal di daerah Kebon Melati, Mangga Dua Selatan dan Pegangsaan yang termasuk daerah kumuh di Jakarta Pusat. Asupan energi total, karbohidrat dan protein jumlahnya lebih tinggi secara signifikan pada wanita yang gemuk sedangkan pada asupan protein dan densitas energi tidak ditemukan perbedaan yang signifikan. Selain itu ditemukan juga dua pola pangan yang secara subyektif diberi nama: pola "lebih sehat" dan pola "kurang sehat". Namun demikian tidak dapat disimpulkan mana di antara kedua pola tersebut yang menjadi pola konsumsi pada wanita yang gemuk dan normal karena tidak ditemukan hubungan antara antara pola konsumsi pangan dengan status kegemukan. Dalam studi ini juga ditemukan bahwa hubungan antara asupan energi dan status kegemukan tidak dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor individu lainnya. ...... The objective of this cross sectional study was to compare food consumption among obese and normal women of reproductive age (19-49 years) in Kebon Melati, Mangga Dua Selatan and Pegangsaan as representative of urban slum areas in Central Jakarta. Energy, carbohydrate and fat intakes in obese women were significantly higher, while protein intake and energy density were not statistically significant. Two dietary patterns were also found, subjectively named: the "more healthy" pattern and the "less healthy" pattern, but it cannot be concluded which of the dietary patterns characterized the diets of obese and normal women since there was no significant association between the dietary patterns and obesity status. This study also found that association of energy intake and obesity was not influenced by other factors.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai validitas dari FPA1 sebagai alat ukur estimasi porsi di antara wanita usia subur (WUS)2 dan bayi usia 6-11 bulan. Asupan makanan dari WUS dan bayi usia 6-11 bulan ditimbang menggunakan metode WFR3, dan 24 hour food recall dengan bantuan FPA1 dan food model 3- dimensi pada responden yang sama pada hari berikutnya. FPA1 mencakup 86.24% dari semua makanan yang ditimbang. uji statistik Wilcoxon’s signed-rank menunjukkan bahwa estimasi ukuran porsi menggunakan FPA1 pada sebagian besar jenis makanan tidak berbeda secara statistik dengan berat porsi yang sebenarnya metode WFR3 dibandingkan dengan estimasi porsi dengan bantuan food model 3-dimensi.
This study aimed to assess the validity of FPA1 as tools of portion size estimation among WRA2 and infants aged 6-11 months. Food intake of WRA2 and infants age 6 – 11 months were weighed using WFR3, and then 24 hour food recall using FPA1 and three dimension food models conducted in the same respondents on the day after. FPA1 covered 86.24% of all weighed food items. Wilcoxon’s signedrank test on the most of food items showed that estimated portion size using FPA1 were statistically similar with the actual portion size using WFR3 compared to estimated using food model.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sistha Adipraniastuti
Abstrak :
Objective of this study is to develop Food Photographs Application (FPA) as a tool for portion size estimation. Cross sectional study performed in two stages; development and user opinion. Input for FPA improvement from experts are should be community based and include mixed food with various food portions. FPA1 developed in software, contains; 201 food items in 354 items of food portion with various HH measurement unit. After FPA1 developed, 62.9% of dieticians, 82.9% of enumerators, and 42.9% of clients choose FPA1 rather than existing tools because FPA1 is more portable, have more complete food variation, various food portion and HH measurement unit.
Objective of this study is to develop Food Photographs Application (FPA) as a tool for portion size estimation. Cross sectional study performed in two stages; development and user opinion. Input for FPA improvement from experts are should be community based and include mixed food with various food portions. FPA1 developed in software, contains; 201 food items in 354 items of food portion with various HH measurement unit. After FPA1 developed, 62.9% of dieticians, 82.9% of enumerators, and 42.9% of clients choose FPA1 rather than existing tools because FPA1 is more portable, have more complete food variation, various food portion and HH measurement unit.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renny Permatasari
Abstrak :
Makanan terfortifikasi yang merupakan salah satu pendekatan berdasar makanan dapat dijadikan salah satu intervenesi untuk mengurangi angka kejadian pendek sedang pada anak dibawah lima tahun. Pada studi ini, level fortifikasi dihitung berdasarkan kesenjangan antara kebutuhan nutrisi dan pengoptimalan makanan pendamping yang dikembangkan berdasarkan pendekatan linear programming. Studi ini dibagi menjadi tiga fase; 1) pengembangan rekomendasi makanan pendamping menggunakan perangkat lunak OPTIFOOD , 2) pengembangan biskuit terfortifikasi, dan 3) uji penerimaan biskuit dengan desain tiga lengan silang acak. Lima puluh satu anak ikut serta pada uji penerimaan. Tepung jagung, tepung kacang kedelai, dan bubuk daun kelor digunakan sebagai bahan baku utama biskuit. Sembilan zat gizi ditambahkan sebagai fortifikan yang ditambahkan pada high nutrient dense fortified biscuit (zatbesi, seng, kalsium, B1, B3,B6 asam folat, B12, dan vitamin A) dan delapan zat gizi (kecuali vitamin A) ditambahkan pada standard nutrient dense fortified biscuit. Anak-anak dapat mengonsumsi 80%, 75%, dan 70% biskuit tidak terfortifikasi, standard nutrient dense fortified biscuit, and high nutrient dense fortified biscuit. Kebanyak pengasuh menyukai aroma dan warna dari biskuit tetapi kurang menyukai teksturnya (dengan nilai uji pengindaraan berurutan 2.08 dan 2.20). tidak ada perbedaan yang nyata pada ketiga jenis biskuit tersebut.
Fortified food as one of food based approach can be used as intervention to reduce prevalence of moderate stunting. In this study, fortificant level was calculated based on the gap between requirement nutrient intakes (RNI) and optimized complementary feeding developed using linear programming approach. This study was divided into three phases; 1) developing optimized complementary feeding recommendation using OPTIFOOD software, 2) developing the fortified biscuits, 3) biscuit acceptability trial with three arms randomized cross over design. Fifty one children participated in acceptability trial. Corn flour, soy flour, moringa leaves powder were used as the main ingredients of biscuits. Nine nutrients (iron, zinc, calcium, B1, B3,B6, folate, B12, Vit A) were added as fortificants in high nutrient dense fortified biscuit and eight nutrients (except Vit A) were added in standard nutrient dense fortified biscuit. The children could consume 80%, 75% and 70% of unfortified, standard nutrient dense fortified biscuit, and high nutrient dense fortified biscuit respectively. The majority of caregiver liked the aroma and color of biscuits but less of texture for standard and high nutrient dense fortified biscuit (with organoleptic score 2.08 and 2.20, respectively). There was no significant difference among the three types of biscuits.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khin Mittar Moe San
Abstrak :
Studi komparasi potong lintang untuk menginvestigasi hubungan antara kegemukan dan inflamasi kronis derajat rendah, yang diukur melalui indeks diet inflamasi (DII), telah dilakukan pada guru wanita di Yangon, Myanmar (128 guru normal, 116 guru obese) Nilai rerata DII adalah 0.9 ±1.9 (0.91±1.92 dan 0.81±1.88 pada subyek obese dan non-obese, p=0.29). Guru dengan kegemukan beresiko 5.5 kali lebih besar untuk memiliki CRP >3mg/dl (p-value 0.02; 95%CI 1.24 - 24.07). Studi ini menemukan bahwa subyek obese mengkonsumsi lebih sedikit makanan yang bersifat anti-inflammasi seperti bawang dan antioksidan yang berimplikasi pada pencegahan dan pengendalian kegemukan dan penyakit tidak menular di Myanmar.
A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the association between obesity and chronic low-grade inflammation measured by dietary inflammatory index (DII) among school teachers in Yangon, Myanmar. The mean ± SD of DII was 0.9±1.9 (obese 1.07 ± 1.92, non-obese 0.81± 1.88, p=0.29). Obesity was significantly associated with increased risk of having high CRP (OR= 5.5, 95% CI 1.24-24.07, p=0.02). This study found lower intakes of anti-inflammatory food parameters like onion and some antioxidants in obese (n=116) than non-obese (n=128), which have implication for prevention and control of obesity and non- communicable diseases in Myanmar population., A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate the association between obesity and chronic low-grade inflammation measured by dietary inflammatory index (DII) among school teachers in Yangon, Myanmar. The mean ± SD of DII was 0.9±1.9 (obese 1.07 ± 1.92, non-obese 0.81± 1.88, p=0.29). Obesity was significantly associated with increased risk of having high CRP (OR= 5.5, 95% CI 1.24-24.07, p=0.02). This study found lower intakes of anti-inflammatory food parameters like onion and some antioxidants in obese (n=116) than non-obese (n=128), which have implication for prevention and control of obesity and non- communicable diseases in Myanmar population.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sreymom Oy
Abstrak :
Ketidakcukupan asupan pada remaja putri meningkatkan reiko anemia yang berkontribusi pada siklus kekurangan gizi antar generasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Pedoman Gizi seimbang (FBR ? Food-Based Recommendation) dengan menggunakan pendekatan linier ( Linear Programming) untuk mengoptimalkan diet remaja putri. Responden dari studi ini adalah remaja putri usia 15-18 tahun. Pola makan diperoleh dari 69 remaja anemia dan 78 remaja non-anemia; dengan metode penimbangan makanan, Recall 24 jam dan Food Record. Kalsium dan zat besi merupakan zat gizi bermasalah pada kelompok non-anemia; sedangkan kalsium, besi, folat, dan vitamin A pada kelompok anemia. Tujuh rekomendasi makanan (FBRs) yang disusun dapat memenuhi kecukupan 8 dari 11 nutrisi. Perlu dilakukan studi intervensi untuk menilai efektivitas FBRs ini sebelum dianjurkan untuk implementasi secara luas.
Inadequate intake during adolescence leads to high risk of anemia contributing to intergenerational cycle of malnutrition. This study aimed to develop Food-based Recommendation (FBR) using Linear Programming approach to optimize girls? diet. Food patterns were assessed from 69-anemic and 78-non-anemic girls aged 15-18y using weighed record, 24-h recall and food record. Calcium and iron; and calcium, folate, vitamin A and iron were problem nutrients among non-anemic and anemic groups respectively. The seven FBRs ensure the dietary adequacy for nine of twelve nutrients. Intervention study is needed to assess the effectiveness of these FBRs before they are recommended for public dissemination.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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