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Bambang Giyanto
Abstrak :
Istilah desa sudah dikenal jauh sebelum penjajahan Belanda dimulai, dan sebagaimana dikemukakan oleh bahwa: Tidak dapat diketahui dengan pasti kapan permulaan adanya ?Desa? (Suryaningrat,1992), Sedangkan yang dimaksud Desa adalah suatu kesatuan masyarakat hukum yang mempunyai susunan asli berdasarkan hak asal usul yang bersifat istimewa (Widjaja, 2008). Desa merupakan institusi yang otonom dengan tradisi, adat istiadat dan hukumnya sendiri serta relatif mandiri (Widjaja, 2008). Sebutan Desa sangat beragam di Indonesia, pada awalnya merupakan organisasi komunitas lokal yang batas-batas wilayahnya, dihuni oleh sejumlah penduduk, dan mempunyai adat-istiadat untuk mengelola dirinya sendiri atau self-gouverning community ( Eko, 2008). Dalam perjalanan sejarah bangsa Indonesia sejak jaman penjajahan hingga sekarang, keberadaan Desa diakui dalam berbagai peraturan perundang-undangan. Seiring dengan perkembangan jaman dan tuntutan masyarakat desa dapat diubah statusnya menjadi kelurahan sebagaiaman diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan sesuai dengan usul dan prakarsa Pemerintah desa bersama Badan Permusyawaratan Desa. Pada tahun 2005 sebagian desa di Kabupaten Tangerang diubah statusnya menjadi Kelurahan. Hal yang sama juga di Kota Serang pada tahun 2011 sebagian desa diubah menjadi Kelurahan. Desa dengan Kelurahan adalah berbeda, Desa adalah otonom yang diberi kewenangan untuk mengurus dan mengatur rumah tangganya sendiri, sedangkan kelurahan adalah SKPD Kabupaten/Kota. Dalam perubahan tersebut terjadi pro dan kontra, serta tidak sebagaimana yang diharapkan oleh masyarakat. Sehubungan dengan perubahan status tersebut dilakukan penelitian terhadap perubahan desa menjadi kelurahan suatu kajian kelembagaan. Dalam penelitian ini yang dimaksud dengan kelembagan adalah organisasi, karena istilah kelembagaan dan organisasi penggunaannya dapat dipertukarkan (Uphoff, 1986). Adapun ruang lingkup penelitian ini adalah perubahan struktur, teknologi, produk, orang budaya organisasi dan budaya masyarakat. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus, pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan paradigm penelitian post positivisme, Sebagai unit analisis adalah 5 (lima) kelurahan di Kecamatan Kelapa Dua Kab. Tangerang, dan 3 (tiga) kelurahan di Kecamatan Taktakan Kota Serang. Dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan 4 (empat) temuan pokok sesuai tujuan penelitian. Pertama, proses perubahan desa menjadi kelurahan tidak didasarkan aspirasi masyarakat, melainkan lebih banyak kepentingan politis baik di Tangerang maupun Serang; kedua di Tangerang pelayanan kepada masyarakat diluar jam kerja tidak maksimal, karena hilangnya unsur wilayah dalam struktur organisasi kelurahan, sedangkan di Serang pelayanan kepada masyarakat menjadi maksimal; ketiga, baik di Tangerang maupun Serang, status perangkat desa yang menjadi perangkat kelurahan sampai saat ini belum jelas; keempat, di Tangerang dengan desa berubah menjadi kelurahan, maka terjadi perubahan nilai-nilai di masyarakat, sedangkan di Serang tidak terjadi. Dalam perubahan desa mejadi kelurahan di masa yang akan datang maka di rekomendasikan, pertama perlu dilakukan sosialisasi terlebih dahulu, agar tidak terjadi pro dan kotra di masyarakat; kedua, perlu dipersiapkan desain organisasi kelurahan yang berasal dari desa; ketiga, perlu kejelasan status SDM dalam perubahan desa menjadi kelurahan; keempat, agar nilai-nilai budaya masyarakat desa tidak hilang maka perlu diakomodir pada kelurahan yang berasal dari desa. ...... Desa (village) is a term that has been used for a long time ago prior to the Dutch colonization as stated by Suryadiningrat (1992) that it is unknown when exactly it was first introduced. Desa (village) is a unit of law abiding society that has an original structure based on the privilege rights of origin (Widjaja, 2008). Desa is an autonomous institution with their own traditions, customs and laws, which is relatively independent (Widjaja, 2008). Desa is very diversified in Indonesia. In the beginning it was a local community organization whose territorial boundaries were dwelled by a number of people that had customs to self- govern or self-governing community (Eko, 2008). In the history of Indonesian nation the existence of desa has been acknowledged in various rules of laws ever since the colonization era until today. Along with the progress of the time and the demands, the status of desa community can be transformed into a village administrative unit (kelurahan) as stipulated in the rules of laws based on the proposal and ideas of the village governance along with Village Consultative Board (Badan Permusyaratan Desa). In year 2005 the status of the majority of villages in Tangerang regency were transformed into village administrative unit. In year 2011 the same went for that of Serang city. Desa and village administrative unit are different. The former is an autonomy that is authorized to self-govern their affairs whereas the latter is Regency/City Apparatus Work Unit (SKPD). Such changes raised the case of for and against, and in fact, they are far from their expectations. In relation to that, the research of institutional studies was conducted concerning the changes from desa to village administrative unit. In this research what is meant by institution is organization because both terms can be used interchangeably (Uphoff, 1986). The scope of the research is the changes in structure, technology, products, people, organization and society cultures. This research is a case study adopting qualitative approach with post positivism research paradigm. As the units of analysis, there are 5 (five) village administrative units in KelapaDua district of Tangerang regency, and 3 (three) village administrative units in Taktakan district of Serang city. The research found 4 (four) main findings in line with the purposes of the research. Firstly, the changes from desa to village administrative unit did not come from the society's aspirations, in fact it was dominantly based on political interests both in Tangerang and in Serang.; secondly, in Tangerang the public services outside working hours were not optimum due to the loss of territorial element within the village administrative unit organization, but in Serang the services were optimum; thirdly, either in Tangerang or in Serang, the status of the village apparatus that had been shifted to village administrative unit apparatus was not yet clear ; fourthly, in Tangerang changing values within the society occurred, but not in Serang. In conclusion, for future changes it is, therefore, necessary to give the following recommendations: first, it is necessary to conduct socialization first prior to the changes to avoid the case for and against within the society; second, it is also necessary to prepare organizational design of a village administrative unit that is originallya desa; third, for such changes it is also necessary to have a clear status of the human resources; fourth, in order to avoid the loss of the village communal valuesit is, therefore, necessary to accommodate them in the village administrative unit originated from a desa.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arifin Utha
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis isi kebijakan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural, dan implementasinya di Kabupaten Muna dan Kota Kendari. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena dipandang sebagai pendekatan yang tepat untuk menjawab permasalahan kompleksitas isi kebijakan dan implementasinya di Kabupaten Muna dan Kota Kendari. Data dihimpun dari informan terkait melalui wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan telah terjadi inkonsistensi isi kebijakan di beberapa level mulai dari policy level, maupun organizational level sampai pada operational level, karena ketidaktegasan pembuat kebijakan (aktor kebijakan), dan ketidakjelasan isi kebijakan. Sistem merit belum dijadikan dasar dalam implementasi kebijakan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural di lingkup instansi pemerintah Kabupaten Muna dan Kota Kendari, karena penentuan penetapan calon pejabat struktural tidak dilakukan melalui mekanisme, tidak dilakukannya assesment (penilaian) kompetensi yang sebenarnya, penetapan penempatan pejabat struktuaral tidak didasarkan atas sistem merit, serta adanya indikasi spoils system, nepotisme dan patronage pada penentuan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural di Kabupaten Muna. Sementara, di Kota Kendari, selain spoils system dan nepotisme juga adanya indikasi akomodasi terhadap kepentingan etnisitas dalam penentuan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural, adalah beberapa indikator memperkuat bahwa penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural masih jauh dari prinsip-prinsip sistem merit. Praktik penentuan penempatan pejabat struktural yang terjadi di lingkup instansi pemerintah Kabupaten Muna disamping didasarkan atas kepentingan partai politik, kekuasaan bupati, juga tidak terlepas dari kepentingan keluarga, pertemanan dan kekerabatan. Praktik penentuan penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural di Kota Kendari disamping lebih banyak didasarkan pada kepentingan akomodasi terhadap kepentingan etnisitas, juga tidak terlepas dari kepentingan partai politik, keluarga, pertemanan, kekerabatan, dan kekuasaan walikota. Hal ini pulalah yang merupakan salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh tidak diterapkannya sistem merit dalam penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural di lingkup instansi Pemerintah Kabupaten Muna dan Kota Kendari selama tahun 2008-2011. Implikasi teoritis penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pendekatan sistem merit dalam penempatan PNS pada jabatan struktural akan memperkuat sistem pemerintahan daerah itu sendiri tidak bertentangan dengan azas demokrasi malah saling melengkapi.;
The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of the policy on the placement of civil servants structural position, and its implementation in Muna District and Kendari City. This study used a qualitative approach because the wilderness as the right approach to address the complexi ty of the content of the policy and its implementation in Muna District and Kendari City. Data were collected through interviews of informants related. The results show the contents of the policy inconsistency has occurred at several levels ranging from policy level, and organizational level to the operational level, because indecision policy makers (policy actor), and the vagueness of policy content. Merit System has not been used as a basis for policy implementation civil servant placement on structural positions in the scope of government agencies Muna District and Kendari City, because the determination of the structural determination of official candidates was not made by the mechanism, not doing the assessment (assessment) of actual competence, determination of placement is not based structural officials on the merit system, as well as indications Spoils system, nepotism and patronage in determining the placement of civil servants in a structural position in Muna. Meanwhile, in the Kendari City, besides spoils system and nepotism are also indications of accommodation of the interests of ethnicity in determining the placement of the structural position of civil servants, are some indicators that the placement of civil servants reinforce the structural position is far from the principles of the merit system. Practice determining the placement officer's structural scope Muna Regency besides government agencies based on the interests of a political party, the regent power can not be separated from the interests of family, friendship and kinship. Civil Servant placement determination practices in structural positions in Kendari City besides more based on the interests of property against the interests of ethnicity, can not be separated from the interests of a political party, family, friendship and kinship, and the power of the mayor. This is precisely what is one of the factors that influence non-application of the merit system in the civil service placement on the scope of the structural positions in government agencies Muna Regency and Kendari City during the years 2008-2011. The theoretical implication of this study indicate that the use of the approach in the placement of the merit system in the civil servants in the structural position will strengthen the local governance system itself is not contrary to the principle of democracy instead, The purpose of this study was to analyze the contents of the policy on the placement of civil servants structural position, and its implementation in Muna District and Kendari City. This study used a qualitative approach because the wilderness as the right approach to address the complexi ty of the content of the policy and its implementation in Muna District and Kendari City. Data were collected through interviews of informants related. The results show the contents of the policy inconsistency has occurred at several levels ranging from policy level, and organizational level to the operational level, because indecision policy makers (policy actor), and the vagueness of policy content. Merit System has not been used as a basis for policy implementation civil servant placement on structural positions in the scope of government agencies Muna District and Kendari City, because the determination of the structural determination of official candidates was not made by the mechanism, not doing the assessment (assessment) of actual competence, determination of placement is not based structural officials on the merit system, as well as indications Spoils system, nepotism and patronage in determining the placement of civil servants in a structural position in Muna. Meanwhile, in the Kendari City, besides spoils system and nepotism are also indications of accommodation of the interests of ethnicity in determining the placement of the structural position of civil servants, are some indicators that the placement of civil servants reinforce the structural position is far from the principles of the merit system. Practice determining the placement officer's structural scope Muna Regency besides government agencies based on the interests of a political party, the regent power can not be separated from the interests of family, friendship and kinship. Civil Servant placement determination practices in structural positions in Kendari City besides more based on the interests of property against the interests of ethnicity, can not be separated from the interests of a political party, family, friendship and kinship, and the power of the mayor. This is precisely what is one of the factors that influence non-application of the merit system in the civil service placement on the scope of the structural positions in government agencies Muna Regency and Kendari City during the years 2008-2011. The theoretical implication of this study indicate that the use of the approach in the placement of the merit system in the civil servants in the structural position will strengthen the local governance system itself is not contrary to the principle of democracy instead]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haris Sarwoko
Abstrak :
Berfungsinya peran kelompok manajer dalam pengelolaan organisasi dapat meningkatkan produktifitas. Namun, fungsi tersebut juga menghadirkan fenomena hubungan antara prinsipal dan agen, dimana ada perbedaan kepentingan antara pemilik dan pengelola organisasi yang kemudian menciptakan agency problem, karena pada dasarnya agen memiliki kepentingan sendiri. Di sinilah peran kontrol sebagai penekan agency problem dibutuhkan. Berangkat dari sini penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami mekanisme kontrol dan perilaku rasional agen yaitu dalam praktek pemilihan rektor, praktek pelaporan keuangan, dan praktek kompensasi. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan untuk memahami mekanisme kontrol dan karakteristik perilaku rasional agen di Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah Jakarta. Peneliti merupakan instrumen utama dengan wawancara mendalam sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan mengikuti kaidah Miles dan Huberman. Penelitian menyimpulkan: 1) norma dan nilai-nilai budaya nampak lebih menonjol daripada nilai ekonomi dalam mekanisme kontrol. Norma dan nilai-nilai organisasi telah membatasi perilaku dan menjastifikasi sanksi perilaku apapun yang tidak sesuai di dalam sistem. Terjadi adanya komitmen dan sosialisasi yang relatif tinggi pada sistem dari anggota-anggota organisasi yang secara terus menerus mengorbankan beberapa atau semua kepentingan pribadi untuk menjadi anggota Muhammadiyah; 2) Rasionalitas yang terbangun dalam organisasi merupakan bentuk dari konstruksi mental agen yang didasarkan pada pengalaman sosial, bersifat lokal dan spesifik. Tradisi nilai-nilai Muhammadiyah yang dikembangkan oleh Ahmad Dahlan telah menjadi sumber rasionalisasi tindakan agen terutama dalam mendapatkan legitimasi dari lingkungan. Sekali lagi, norma dan nilai tidak semata digunakan oleh manajemen untuk secara ekslusif mengurangi masalah agensi; tetapi lebih digunakan sebagai alat simbolis, dalam pengertian yaitu menanggapi keinginan organisasi Perguruan Tinggi Muhammadiyah Jakarta untuk meniru praktek-praktek perguruan tinggi lain Muhammadiyah. Sekalipun peniruan ini tidak menghasilkan efisiensi yang lebih baik, perusahaan menggunakan alat simbolis ini sebagai bagian untuk mendapatkan penerimaan dari lingkungan sesuai konteks sosial. Sebagai saran praktis, pengendalian organisasi tidak cukup mendasarkan pada mekanisme kontrol administratif dan akuntansi, namun perlu memperhatikan juga peran kontrol rules dan rasionalitas mimetik sebagai sarana pengendalian tindakan agen. Isomorphisme mimetik dapat menjadi kapital atau aset besar organisasi yang dimiliki oleh Muhammadiyah.
Functioning of the role of group manager in the management of the organization can improve productivity. However, the function is also a phenomena in the relationship between principals and agents, where there is a divergence of interests between owners and managers of organizations who then created the agency problem, because basically the agent has his own interests. This is where the role of control is needed to suppress agency problems. Departure from this idea, the research aim is understanding the mechanisms of control and rational behavior of agents in the practices of elections, financial reporting, and compensation. The qualitative approach is used to understand the control mechanism and the characteristics of rational behavior of agents on Colleges of Muhammadiyah in Jakarta. The researcher is the main instrument with in-depth interviews as data collection techniques. Engineering data analysis follows the rules engineered by Miles and Huberman. The study concludes: 1) the norms and cultural values appear to be more prominent than economic value in the control mechanism. Norms and values restrict the organization's behavior and justify the sanction for any inappropriate behavior in the system. Lack of commitment and socialization occur relatively high on the system of organization members who continually give up some or all personal interests to become a member of Muhammadiyah; 2) The rationality that is developed within the organization is a form of mental construction agent based on social experience, character local and specific. Muhammadiyah values tradition developed by Ahmad Dahlan have become the source of agent, especially in the rationalization measures gain legitimacy from the environment. Once again, the norms and values not only used by management to be exclusively reduce agency problems, but rather used as a symbolic tool, in the sense that the organization wishes to respond to Colleges of Muhammadiyah in Jakarta to imitate the practices of other universities of Muhammadiyah. Although imitation does not produce better efficiencies, organizations are using this as part of a symbolic tool to gain acceptance from the environment to social context. As a practical suggestion, the control of the organization is not enough to rely on administrative controls and accounting mechanisms, but needs to consider also the role of rules and rationality mimetik control as a means of controlling the action of agents. Isomorphisme mimetik can be a great asset to capital owned by the Muhammadiyah organization.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library