Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa peran dan efektivitas deradikalisasi oleh lembaga non-pemerintah, dengan mengambil studi kasus Yayasan Prasasti Perdamaian dan Search for Common Ground, dua lembaga yang aktif bergerak dalam upaya deradikalisasi.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif melalui wawancara terstruktur, observasi dan studi literatur. Dalam penelitian ini diketahui bahwa dua lembaga non-pemerintah tersebut memiliki tingkat penerimaan yang lebih tinggi oleh narapidana terorisme, daripada program deradikalisasi yang dijalankan oleh BNPT. Namun demikian, masalah koordinasi dengan pemerintah, minimnya sumber daya, dan lemahnya monitoring masih memberi hambatan dalam upaya deradikalisasi.
For more than a decade, the issue of radicalism and terrorism continues to get the public's attention from almost all corners of the world. Terrorism has caused a lot of damage to human life. Therefore, it is necessary to properly address the problem. Every element of Indonesian society is basically responsible for efforts to de-radicalization, not just BNPT. Moreover, BNPT has proven to have various obstacles that cannot be faced alone. One element of society that can take an important role in this case is non-governmental institutions.
This study aims to analyze the role and effectiveness of deradicalization by non-governmental institutions, by taking a case study of Yayasan Prasasti Perdamaian and Search for Common Ground, two institutions that are actively engaged in deradicalisation efforts.
This research was conducted with qualitative methods through structured interviews, observation and literature studies. In this study it was known that the two non-government institutions had higher levels of acceptance by prisoners of terrorism, rather than the deradicalisation program run by BNPT. However, the problem of coordination with the government, lack of resources, and weak monitoring still provide obstacles in efforts to de-radicalization.
Peredaran informasi yang begitu masif di media siber yang ada di Indonesia membuat kita terkadang mengalami kesulitan untuk membedakan mana informasi yang benar dan mana yang bohong atau hoax. Pihak-pihak tertentu bahkan sengaja membuat dan menyebarkan informasi hoax dengan tujuan tertentu, salah satunya menyebarkan paham atau ideologi radikalisme untuk tujuan politik. Tidak jarang, informasi hoax tersebut dipercaya oleh masyarakat sebagai suatu kebenaran. Fenomena tersebut dikenal dengan istilah post-truth. Gerakan Pemuda (GP) Ansor adalah salah satu pihak yang telah menyadari bahaya tersebut dan telah melakukan perlawanan dengan membuat produk kontra narasi radikalisme. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dan berparadigma konstruktivis, penelitian ini ingin mencari tahu dan menganalisa secara mendalam bagaimana strategi GP Ansor dalam melakukan kontra narasi radikalisme di media siber tersebut. Sumber data utama penelitian ini adalah wawancara semi terstruktur. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa strategi GP Ansor dalam melakukan kontra narasi radikalisme di media siber ini telah membuahkan hasil yang positif yang sekaligus dapat meminimalisasi kelemahan dan ancaman yang ada.
The massive circulation of information on cyber media in Indonesia sometimes make us difficult to distinguish between the correct information and the lying or hoax one. Certain parties even deliberately make and disseminate hoax information with a specific purpose, one of which is spreading radicalism ideology for political purposes. Not infrequently, the hoax information is believed by the community as a truth. This phenomenon is known as the post-truth. Ansor Youth Movement (GP Ansor) is one of the parties who has realized the danger and has taken the fight by making counter radicalism narrative product. By using descriptive qualitative method and constructivist paradigm, this research wants to find out and analyze in depth how is the GP Ansor's strategy in countering radicalism narratives in the cyber media. The main data sources of this research is semi-structured interviews. The results of this study state that GP Ansor's strategy in countering radicalism narratives in cyber media has produced positive results that can minimize the existing weaknesses and threats.