Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan suatu studi analitik observasional potong lintang antara dua kelompok. 33 pria dengan diagnosis alopesia androgenetik dan 33 pria tanpa alopesia androgenetik diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini. Diagnosis alopesia androgenetik ditegakkan secara klinis. Kadar feritin serum dan total besi rambut pasien dibandingkan antara dua kelompok dan dikorelasikan dengan dengan diameter dan densitas rambut.
Hasil: Sebanyak 66 SP mengikuti penelitian dengan median usia 37-38 tahun. Feritin serum dan besi total rambut pada kelompok alopesia androgenetik lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok non-alopesia. Median 232 ng/mL, dan 222 ng/mL, Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kedua kelompok (p = 0,758). Kadar besi total pada kelompok AAG lebih rendah dibandingkan non-alopesia. (22,65 ng/mL dan 39,67 ng/mL, p= 0,102). Terdapat korelasi positif lemah pada kelompok alopesia androgenetik derajat < 4 terhadap diameter rambut.
Kesimpulan: Kadar serum feritin dan besi total rambut pada pria non-alopesia lebih tinggi dibandingkan pria dengan alopesia androgenetik, namun tidak bermakna secara statistik. ......Background: Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is the most common nonscarring hair loss disorder in men due to susceptibility to testosterone. AGA is amultifactorial disease, due to genetic, hormonal and environmental influence. AGA causes cosmetic disturbances that affects confidence and quality of life. In women, it has been proven correlation between low ferritin serum and AGA occurrences, however not many studies have proven likewise in men. Till now, not many data provides sufficient correlation between ferritin levels and hair iron concentration in men with control group, associated with hair diameter and density. This study aims to compare the differences of serum ferritin and hair iron content between two populations.
Method: This is a cross-sectional analysis of two groups, 33 AGA men and 33 men without AGA were included in this study. Serum ferritin and hair level of iron were measured. Diagnosis of AGA was made clinically. Difference of serum ferritin and hair level of iron was analyzed and correlated with hair diameter and density.
Result: 66 men were included in this study. Median age was 37-38 year-old. Ferritin serum (232 ng/mL) and hair iron (39,67 ng/mL) was slightly higher in control group as compared to alopecia androgenetic group (ferritin 222 ng/mL and hair iron 22,65 ng/mL), but there was no statistically significant result (p = 0,758 and p = 0,102). Hair iron level correlates weakly positive with hair diameter in subgroup analysis.
Conclusion: Serum ferritin and hair iron level in non-alopecia population is higher compared to alopecia androgenetic men, but statistically insignificant
Nama : Yenny Rachmawati
Program studi : Dermatologi dan Venereologi
Judul : Perbandingan Efektivitas serta Keamanan antara Krim Pelembap Niasinamid 4% dan Virgin Coconut Oil 30% untuk Pencegahan Sekunder Dermatitis Tangan Akibat Kerja pada Perawat Intensive Care Unit : Uji Klinis Acak Tersamar Ganda
Latar belakang: Dermatitis tangan akibat kerja (DTAK) sering terjadi pada perawat Intensive Care Unit (ICU) terutama pada individu yang rentan akibat pajanan iritan berupa hand rub alcohol dan aktivitas cuci tangan berulang. Penggunaan pelembap adalah salah satu rekomendasi untuk perawatan kulit pada DTAK. Niasinamid memiliki efek antiinflamasi dan dapat memperbaiki fungsi sawar kulit. Vigin coconut oil (VCO) kaya akan kandungan lipid dan asam laurat, serta memiliki efek oklusif. Sampai saat ini belum ada panduan dan referensi jenis pelembap untuk pencegahan sekunder pada DTAK.
Tujuan: Mengetahui perbandingan efektivitas serta keamanan antara krim pelembap niasinamid 4% dan VCO 30% untuk pencegahan sekunder dermatitis tangan akibat kerja pada perawat ICU.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis acak tersamar ganda terhadap perawat ICU dengan DTAK pada bulan September hingga Oktober 2019. Pasien yang memenuhi kriteria penerimaan dan bersedia mengikuti penelitian, mendapat niasinamid 4% atau VCO 30% sesuai dengan randomisasi blok. Pengolesan pelembap dilakukan dua kali sehari selama 28 hari. Perbaikan klinis dinilai dengan parameter skor Hand Eczema Scoring Index (HECSI) dan penilaian sawar kulit dinilai dengan transepidermal water loss (TEWL) serta hidrasi kulit dengan skin capasitance (SCap) pada hari ke-14 dan hari ke-28. Keamanan dinilai berdasarkan efek samping selama penelitian.
Hasil: Didapatkan 46 SP pada masing-masing kelompok niasinamid 4% dan VCO 30%. Terdapat penurunan skor HECSI pada kedua kelompok perlakuan di hari ke-14 dan hari ke-28. Median skor HECSI di kelompok niasinamid 4% dan VCO 30% pada hari ke-14 yaitu 6,5 dan 6 (p 0,160), serta pada hari ke-28 yaitu 4 dan 3 (p 0,046). Pada hari ke-28, perbedaan skor HECSI kedua kelompok secara statistik bermakna, namun secara klinis tidak bermakna. Terdapat penurunan nilai TEWL pada kedua kelompok perlakuan di hari ke-14 dan hari ke-28 dibandingkan baseline, namun pada area palmar di kelompok niasinamid 4% terdapat sedikit peningkatan nilai TEWL pada hari ke-28. Terdapat peningkatan nilai SCap pada kedua kelompok perlakuan di hari ke-14 dan hari ke-28 dibandingkan baseline. Kedua pelembap dapat ditoleransi dengan baik dengan efek samping minimal.
Kesimpulan: Niasinamid dan VCO efektif memperbaiki klinis DTAK pada perawat ICU, walaupun tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara krim pelembap niasinamid 4% dengan VCO 30% untuk pencegahan sekunder dermatitis tangan akibat kerja pada perawat ICU
Kata kunci: dermatitis tangan akibat kerja, efektivitas, keamanan, pelembap, niasinamid 4%, VCO 30%
Name : Yenny Rachmawati
Study Program : Dermatologi dan Venereologi
Title : Comparison of the Effectiveness and Safety between Moisturizing Cream Containing Niacinamide 4% and Virgin Coconut Oil 30% for Secondary Prevention of Occupational Hand Dermatitis in Intensive Care Unit Nurses: a Double Blind Randomized Clinical Trial
Background: Occupational hand dermatitis (OHD) often occurs in intensive care unit (ICU) nurses, especially in individuals who are vulnerable due to irritant exposure e.g. hand rub alcohol and repeated hand washing activities. The use of moisturizer is one of the recommendations for skin care in OHD. Niacinamide which has anti-inflammatory effects and can improve the skin sawar function. Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is rich in lipids and lauric acid, and has an occlusive effect. Until now there are no guidelines and reference types of moisturizers for secondary prevention in OHD.
Objective: To assess the difference of effectiveness and safety between moisturizing cream containing niacinamide 4% and VCO 30% for secondary prevention of occupational hand dermatitis in ICU nurses
Methods: A double blind randomized controled trial was performed in ICU nurses with OHD during September–October 2019. Patients who fulfilled inclusion criteria and willing to be involved in the study were allocated to niacinamide 4% or VCO 30% based on block randomization. Moisturizer were applied twice daily for 28 days. Measurement of Hand Eczema Scoring Index (HECSI) scores were conducted to evaluate the clinical improvement . Measurement of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) were conducted to evaluate the barrier skin and skin capacitance (SCap) values were conducted to evaluate skin hydration on 14th and 28th day. Safety were assessed based on side effects during research.
Results: There were 46 subjects in each arms of intention, the niacinamide 4% arm and in the VCO 30% arm. There were a decrease in HECSI scores in both treatment groups on 14th and 28th day. The median score of HECSI in niacinamide 4% and VCO 30% on 14th day were 6.5 and 6 (p 0.160), and on 28th day were 4 and 3 (p 0.046). On 28th day, the difference in HECSI scores of the two groups were statistically significant, but clinically not significant. There were a decrease in TEWL values in both treatment groups on 14th and 28th day compared to baseline, but there were a slight increase in TEWL values in the palmar area in the niacinamide group on 28th day. There were an increase in SCap values in both treatment groups on 14th and 28th day compared to baseline. Both moisturizers were well tolerated with minimal side effects.
Conclusion: Niacinamide 4% and VCO 30% were effective in improving clinical OHD in ICU nurses, although there were no significant difference between moisturizing cream containing niacinamide 4% and virgin coconut oil 30% for secondary prevention of occupational hand dermatitis in ICU nurses.
Keywords: occupational hand dermatitis, effectiveness, safety, moisturizer, niacinamide 4%, VCO 30%