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Tan Lina
"Tujuan: mengetahui pengaruh pemberian diet rendah kalori seimbang yang dihitung berdasarkan defisit 1000 kkal/hari dari diet dan olahraga erobik yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan maksimal berolahraga masing-masing individu terhadap berat badan (BB), indeks massa tubuh (MT), tebal lipatan Kulit total (TLK), massa lemak (ML), profil lipid, dan volume oksigen maksimal (VO2max).
Tempat : Pusat kebugaran Fit'n Chic, Kelapa Gading.
Metodologi : Setelah mendapat persetujuan etik dari Panitia Penilai Etik Penelitian, FKUI diperoleh 26 orang perempuan peserta program penurunan berat badan yang bersedia mengikuti penelitian Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimental pre- dan pasca- tes dengan menggunakan subyek yang sama sebagai kontrol dan perlakuan. Masing-masing individu mendapat diet rendah kalori seimbang dan olahraga erobik selama 12 minggu. Diet rendah kalori seimbang diberikan berdasarkan pengurangan pemberian kalori/defisit sebesar 1000 kkal/hari dengan perhitungan diet dikurangi rata-rata antara 600 sampai dengan 800 kkal dan energi yang dikeluarkan selama olahraga erobik yang diprogramakan rata-rata antara 200 sampai dengan 400 kkal. Sebelum diberikan olahraga erobik dilakukan tes Cooper untuk menilai kemampuan maksimal masing-masing individu dalam berolahraga. Olahraga erobik diberikan dengan intensitas 60-80% kemampuan maksimal, frekuensi 5 kali seminggu, lama 60 menit. Diet yang diberikan rata-rata 900 - 1100 kkal/hari.
Hasil : Terjadi penurunan berat badan secara bermakna (p < 0,05) dari 73,6 ± 11,17 kg menjadi 64,9 ± 10,08 kg (penurunan 11,81%); Penurunan IMT secara bermakna (p < 0,05) dari 29,62 ± 4,53 menjadi 26,10 ± 4.0 kg/m2 (perubahan 11,88%); Penurunan TLK secara bermakna (p < 0,05) dari 103,31 ± 18,39 mm menjadi 64,53 ± 14,13 mm (perubahan 37,54%); penurunan ML secara bermakna (p < 0,05) dari 35,60 ± 3,07 menjadi 24,96 ± 4,46 % (perubahan sebesar 29,89%); penurunan TG secara bermakna (p < 0,05) dari 126,23 ± 44,82 menjadi 109,89 ± 32,89 mg/dL (perubahan 12,94%); penurunan KT secara bermakna (p < 0,05) dart 206,15 ± 22,93 menjadi 182,12 ± 14,09 mg/dL (perubahan 11,66%); penurunan LDL secara bermakna (p < 0,05) dart 130,77 ± 25,11 menjadi 109,27 ± 17,83 mg/dL (perubahan sebesar 16,44%). Terjadi peningkatan VO2max secara bermakna (p < 0,05) dari 27,87 ± 2,75 menjadi 33,70 ± 2,75 ml/kg BB/min (perubahan 20,92%). Terjadi sedikit peningkatan HDL sebesar 0,62 mg/dL (1,24%) yang secara statistik tidak bermakna.
Kesimpulan: Dengan diet rendah kalori seimbang dan olahraga erobik dengan dosis yang disesuaikan kemampuan masing-masing individu sangat efektif untuk menurunkan berat badan, IMT, tebal lemak bawah kulit, persentase massa lemak, memperbaiki profil lipid, dan meningkatkan VO2maks.

Objective: To determine the effects of balanced LCD and endurance exercise with appropriate individual maximal capacity on body weight, body mass index (BM), total skin fold (TSF), percent body fat (BF), lipid profiles, and V02 max
Location: Fit'n Chic fitness centre, Kelapa Gading.
Methods: Twenty six overweight women were studied in a pre and post test, using control group as the same subjects as the treatment group. Subjects received a balanced LCD and endurance exercise for 12 weeks. Balanced LCD was given based on energy deficit 1000 kkal/day from diet and exercise. Deficit from diet was 600 to 800 kkal. The calorie from the diet was given within 900 - 1100 kkal/day and energy expenditure from endurance exercise was 200 to 400 kkal. All subject bad to undergo Cooper test for designing the intensity of the endurance program. Endurance exercise 60 - 80% V02max for 60 minutes, 5 days a week. The procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical Committee of the Department of Medicine, University of Indonesia.
Results: Balanced LCD and endurance exercise, decreased body weight 8,7 kg (11,81%) (p< 0,05) from 73,6 ± 11,17 to 64,9 t 10,08 kg BM1 decreased 11,88% (p < 0,05) from 29,62 t 4,53 to 26,10 ±4.0 kglm2), TSF decreased 37,54% (p < 0,05) from 103,31 t 18,39 to 64,53 ± 14,13 mm , percent BF decreased 29,89% (p < 0,05) from 35,60 t 3,07 to 24,96 ± 4,46 % , TG decreased 12,94% (p < 0,05) from 126,23 t 44,82 to 109,89 t 32,89 mg/dL, total cholesterol decreased 11,66% (p < 0,05) from 206,15 ± 22,93 to 182,12 ± 14,09 mg/dL, LDL decreased 16,44% (p < 0,05) from 130,77 ±25,11 to 109,27 ± 17,83 mg/dL, VO2max increased significantly (p < 0,05) before 27,87 ± 2,75 , after 33,70 t 2,75 ml/kg BW/min (changed 20,92%). IIDL increased not significantly (p > 0,05) from 32 ± 14 to 37 ± 16 mg/dL. The balanced LCD and endurance exercise with exact dose appropriate to individual performance resulted in significant weight loss, reduced BMI, TSF, percent BF, and improved lipid profiles and VO2max."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gracia J. M. T. Winaktu
Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian makanan tambahan yang berupa karbohidrat serta cairan dan elektrolit terhadap perubahan kemampuan fisik atlet.
Tempat Pelatnas Dayung, Jatiluhur, Purwakarta
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian : Perahu tradisional/perahu naga merupakan salah satu jenis olahraga yang sudah membawa harum nama bangsa Indonesia. Kemampuan fisik atlet yang prima dapat menunjang peningkatan prestasi, tetapi jika pertandingan dilakukan berulang-ulang dan dalam waktu yang relatif singkat maka prestasi tersebut akan menurun, oleh sebab itu dianjurkan memberikan makanan tambahan untuk mengurangi penurunan prestasi tersebut. Olahraga dayung (perahu tradisional/perahu naga) merupakan olahraga kombinasi antara ketahanan fisik (endurance) dan kekuatan serta kecepatan (power), maka sangat membutuhkan karbohidrat sebagai sumber energi utama. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian makanan tambahan yang berupa karbohidrat, cairan dan elektrolit terhadap perubahan kemampuan fisik. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu studi eksperimental pre- dan pasca- tes dengan menggunakan subjek yang sama sebagai kontrol dan perlakuan. Tes kemampuan fisik dilakukan di darat (tes dragon eigotneter dan tes lari metode Balke) dan di air (tes louring), pada saat perlakuan diberikan makanan tambahan (apel dan atau pisang) serta minuman karbohidrat dan elektrolit dengan jumlah asupan energi antara 404,18 - 415,19 Kkal sedangkan asupan karbohidrat antara 97,13 - 103,65 g.
Hasil : Asupan karbohidrat sebelum perlakuan 59,7 % sedangkan sesudah perlakuan 61,4 %. Kadar ureum darah sesudah perlakuan (27,96 mgldL) lebih rendah daripada sebelum perlakuan (36,91 mg/dL), hingga juga kadar CK darah sesudah perlakuan (55,55 mg/L) lebih rendah daripada sebelum perlakuan (64,23 mg/L). Kadar hematokrit sesudah perlakuan (45,32 vol %) lebih rendah daripada sebelum perlakuan (46,50 vol %), begitu juga kadar Na darah sesudah perlakuan (142,23 mg/L) lebih rendah daripada sebelum perlakuan (145.50 mg/L), sedangkan kadar K darah sesudah perlakuan (4,35 mg/L) lebih tinggi daripada sebelum perlakuan (3,93 mg/L). Perubahan berat badan sesudah perlakuan (0,02 kg), lebih sedikit daripada sebelumnya (0,50 kg) dan dengan uji staristik didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna (p = 0,013). Dari hasil tes kemampuan fisik di darat maupun di air ternyata dengan pemberian makanan tambahan kecepatan awal dan akhir sesudah perlakuan lebih cepat daripada sebelum perlakuan, begitu juga waktu tempuh awal dan akhir sesudah perlakuan sesudah perlakuan lebih singkat daripada sebelum perlakuan.
Kesimpulan : Pengaruh pemberian makanan tambahan dalam bentuk karbohidrat serta cairan dan elektrolit sangat berpengaruh terhadap simpanan karbohidrat mot, pencegahan dehidrasi. pencegahan penurunan prestasi pada pertandingan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang dan dalam waktu singkat serta dapat memenuhi kebumhan nutrisi makanan utama.

To identify the effects of carbohydrate, fluid and electrolyte of supplementary feeding on the performance of athletes. Jatiluhur National Training Center for Dragon boat, Purwakata.
Methods Dragon boat is one of the branches of sport, which has brought fame to Indonesia internationally. Athletes' physical performance very much enhances their sport performance. Taking part in races repeatedly, particularly in a short span of time will decrease their performance. However. Supplementary food can tackle this problem. Dragon boat is a sport which requires the combination of endurance and power. Therefore it demands carbohydrate as the main source of energy. The purpose of this research is to identify the effects of supplementary foods, either food or drink, such as carbohydrate, fluid and electrolyte on the physical changes of the athletes. It is a pre- and post-experimental test, using the control group as the same subjects as the treatment group. The physical performance test was conducted in land (dragon ergometer and running test of Balke Method), and on water (touring test). During those tests. administration of apples and 1 or bananas as supplementary food and sports drink containing carbohydrate, fluid and electrolyte were given
The energy intake ranged from 404,18 to 415,19 Kcal. The intake for carbohydrate was between 97.13 to 103,65 g.
Results : Carbohydrate intake before treatment was 59,7 % and after treatment was 61,4 %. Blood ureum level after treatment (27,96 mg/dL) was lower than before treatment (36,91 mg/dL). Blood creatine kinase level after treatment (55,55 mg/dL) was lower than before treatment (64,23 mg/dL). Hematocrite after treatment (45,32 vol %) was lower than before treatment (46,50 vol %). Sodium level after treatment (142,23 mg/L) was lower than before treatment (145,50 mg/L.). Potassium level after treatment (4,35 mg/L) was higher than before treatment (3,93 mg/dL). Changes of weight also accrued after treatment (0,02 kg), a little lower than before treatment (0,50 kg). By means of statistical test was found that the statistical significance was p = 0,013. The results of the physical performance test in land and on water have shown that supplementary feeding enhances the speed at the beginning and end of treatment than before the treatment. Also, the time distance needed at the beginning and the end of the races was shorter than before treatment.
Conclusions : Supplementary feeding in the form of carbohydrate, fluid and electrolyte has great influences on the storage of muscle carbohydrates, dehydration prevention, in the races which are carried out repeatedly in a short span of time. It can meet the nutrient requirement adequacy of main dish as well.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarashvati Adi Sasongko
There is a growing interest in physical fitness lately, for physical fitness is believed to be important throughout life, to develop and maintain functional capability, to meet the demands of living and to promote optimal health (ACSM, 1968.). Physical fitness implies health plus, that is the extent to which a child or an adult is free from illness and free to work or play with maximum vigor and endurance (HALSEY & FOSTER, 1973). The interest in the physical fitness of children has also been increasing since the past decade (BARR-OR, 1989).
As a matter of fact, being physically fit is relative to the tasks in which the individual must engage. For physical fitness is mostly related to muscular work, it should be noted that some degree of muscular activity is indeed required in all kinds of work, even the most intellectual occupations. Therefore, its importance is undoubtedly true in all walks of life (ASTRAND & RODAHL, 1987).
In order to attain the desired physical performance, i.e. being fit, the human body, a biological machine, needs food for fuel. It is thus logical to expect that nutrition may well play a role in physical performance (THITGEY, CATALDO, ROLFES, 1987). Some studies have indeed supported the assumption. SATYANARAYANA et al (1977) demonstrated the relationship between body size and work output in male industrial workers. Several other studies on young boys and adolescents showed similar relationship. The subjects, recorded as having been malnourished in their early childhood, failed to perform as expected (SATYANARAYANA et al, 1979; SPURR, et al, 1983). It is then generally considered that individuals with low body weight and height may not have reached their full genetic potential as a consequence of inadequate food intake in early childhood, leading to lower capacity to perform their daily tasks.
While some findings have shown the adverse effect of under nutrition on the physical performance of the individuals later in life, little is known as to how far nutrition influences physical fitness during childhood. The idea is, the earlier the adverse effect is detected, and the sooner actions can be made. Unfortunately, data about this subject are scanty. Some experts, however, have put forward the emphasis on the well-being of a specific group - the school children, in particular those at elementary schools (ADAMS et al, 1961; AGARWAL et al, 1987).
It has been long recognized that the elementary school period is the most decisive stage in a person's life as it is at this particular time that many important norms are implanted on the learners. Moreover, the elementary school years are nutritionally significant because this period is a preparation for the rapid growth of adolescence (Mc WILLIAMS, 1974; WENCK, BAREN, DEWAN, 1984).
In the case of nutrition and physical fitness of elementary school children, the whole school community - parents, teachers, and school children -- is concerned. This is in line with the Alma Ata Declaration which states that people have the right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of their healthy care (WHO, 1978). This concept has been adopted by the Indonesian government and it is reflected in the Indonesian National Health System (MINISTRY ON HEALTH R.I., 1982). The WHO-based declaration reflects the growing conviction that an individual choice of healthy lifestyle is the key factor and that emphasis should be placed on the positive actions that individuals and communities could take to maintain and promote health (STROOT, 1989). As a rule, healthy lifestyle is best to be taught during the elementary school period; but actions, nevertheless, can be expected when base-line information has been available. Only then it is hoped that parents will be convinced that "academic" performance, which has sometimes been overemphasized, would? "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Emir Haidar
"Dari laporan UNICEF dan SMERU Institute pada tahun 2021, salah satu masalah yang dialami oleh anak dengan disabilitas adalah munculnya stigma dari lingkar terkecil anak penyandang disabilitas terhadap perilaku tidak lazim anak penyandang disabilitas yang disebabkan oleh ketidakmampuan untuk anak penyandang disabilitas untuk berkomunikasi. Permasalahan tersebut memiliki peluang untuk terjadi pada anak penyandang disabilitas pada area di sekitar site. Dengan keadaan tersebut, muncul ide untuk meminimalisir stigma terhadap anak penyandang disabilitas dan ide untuk memperkenalkan kemampuan asistif sederhana. Usulan yang muncul adalah dengan mendirikan sebuah Support Center dan Nursery bagi anak penyandang disabilitas berusia 3-6 tahun pada area Neighborhood Center Manggarai.

From UNICEF and SMERU report of children with disabilities in Indonesia in 2021, one of the case of children with disabilities is stigmatization of children with disabilities from surrounding family. This stigmatization come from unusual behaviour of children with disabilities because they can’t communicate with others. That problem has a chance for happen in children with disabilities surrounding Manggarai Area. With that condition, I have ideas to minimalized stigmatization to children with disabilities and to introduce simple assistive abilities for children with disabilities surrounding Manggarai Area. These ideas manifested into a design of support centre and nursery for children with disabilities around 3-6 years old in Neighbourhood Centre Manggarai area.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Josephine Livina
"Balai Kemitraan Polisi dan Masyarakat (BKPM) Manggarai tampil sebagai pelopor era baru dalam pemolisian masyarakat. BKPM inovatif ini menggunakan pendekatan bangunan hijau, mengutamakan ventilasi alami dan mengurangi jejak karbon. Dengan mengurangi kebutuhan sistem HVAC, penggunaan energi bangungan turun sebesar 55% dan dapat menjadi proyek percontohan untuk gedung publik yang hijau. BKPM menawarkan suasana yang ramah dengan ruang publik terbuka yang dirancang untuk mendorong hubungan yang kuat antara masyarakat dan kepolisian. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menghubungkan skala pejalan kaki di lantai dasar dengan plaza yang menghadap ke skala kota, menciptakan ruang yang inspiratif namun nyaman bagi publik. Dengan bekerja secara kolaboratif dan transparan, BKPM bertujuan untuk membangun kepercayaan dan memberdayakan masyarakat untuk menciptakan Manggarai yang lebih aman dan dinamis.

The Manggarai Police Community Partnership Bureau (PCPB) stands as a beacon of a new era in community policing.  This innovative Bureau utilizes a green building approach, prioritizing natural ventilation and reducing its carbon footprint. By reducing the need for mechanical HVAC system, the energy usage is down by 55% and can be a pilot building system for public buildings. Furthermore, the PCPB utilize a solar panel system and passive cooling system. PCPB embraces a welcoming atmosphere with open public spaces designed to foster strong connection between the community and the police by connecting the ground pedestrian scale with the plaza viewing the city scale, making an inspiring yet comfortable space for the public By working collaboratively and transparently, PCPB aims to build trust and empower the community to create a safer, more vibrant Manggarai.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanifa Diba Subandrio
"Persil Empat (4) pada pengembangan TOD Harmoni Kelompok Sudut diperuntukkan sebagai area komersil. Tipologi Bioskop dipilih sebagai magnet penarik massa. Program ruang dimodifikasi dengan menggunakan prinsip disprogramming antara dua tipologi ruang yang berbeda agar penggunaan fasilitas dapat maksimal. Tipologi ruang yang digabung adalah bioskop dan teater seni tampil.

Plot Four (4) in the development of the Sudut Group Harmony TOD is designated as a commercial area. Cinema Typology was chosen as a mass attracting anchor. The space program is modified by using the principle of disprogramming between two different room typologies so that the use of the facilities can be maximized. The combined space typologies are cinemas and performing arts theaters."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Auliana Khasana
"Pengembangan TOD Sawah Besar bertujuan sebagai pengembangan berbasis ‘community oriented development’. Tidak hanya berfokus untuk menarik komunitas pendatang dari luar kawasan  Sawah Besar, tetapi juga dapat merespon kebutuhan komunitas eksisting sekitar, sehingga dapat menarik  komunitas sekitar untuk datang ke kawasan perencanaan. Berbatasan langsung dengan area padat penduduk, beberapa area pada kawasan pengembangan TOD Sawah Besar memiliki peran sebagai ‘gerbang’ kawasan dengan peruntukan fungsi yang dapat menarik minat dan juga mewadahi kebutuhan masyarakat sekitar kawasan pengembangan, sehingga diperlukan fungsi yang bertugas menjadi ruang inklusif bagi masyarakat sekitar dan pendatang. Balai Edukasi dan Kreasi Komunitas Terpadu diharapkan dapat memberikan diharapkan dapat menjadi activity generator serta daya tarik bagi kawasan perancangan, agar dapat memenuhi konsep yang direncanakan.

The development of TOD Sawah Besar aims to be a community oriented based development. Not only does it focus on attracting communities from outside the Sawah Besar area, but it can also respond to the needs of the surrounding existing community, so that it can attract the surrounding community to come to the development area. Directly adjacent to a densely populated area, several areas in the Sawah Besar TOD development area have a role as a 'gateway' area with designated functions that can attract interest and also accommodate the needs of the community around the development area, so that a function is required to serve as an inclusive space for the surrounding community and comer. The Integrated Community Creative and Education Center is expected to be able to provide an activity generator and an attraction for the design area, so that it can fulfill the planned concept."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kenzy Arandha Irdham
"Berlokasi strategis di masterplan kawasan distrik TOD Harmoni, Harmonity Community Mall adalah sebuah Community Mall untuk berbagai macam UMKM FnB (Food and Beverage) maupun Retail dengan konsep open-air design dan penggunaan material berkelanjutan yang berperan sebagai ruang interaksi dan transaksi serta sebagai magnet untuk user dari luar maupun dalam kawasan masterplan

Strategically located in the master plan of the TOD Harmoni district area, Harmonity Community Mall is a Community Mall for various kinds of FnB (Food and Beverage) and Retail with an open-air design concept and the use of sustainable materials which act as a space for interaction and transactions as well as a magnet for users from outside or inside the master plan area"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alexander Bramantyo Dimas Pradipta
"Kawasan TOD (Transit Oriented Development) merupakan kawasan yang terintegrasi dengan angkutan umum massal yang terintegrasi dengan angkutan umum yang mendorong pergerakan pejalan kaki, pesepeda, penggunaan angkutan umum dan pembatasan kendaraan bermotor. Pemerintahan Jakarta telah menentukan beberapa titik kawasan yang telah memenuhi prinsip dasar TOD dan memiliki potensi khusus dari hadirnya kawasan TOD. Salah satu kawasan yang ditetapkan kawasan TOD adalah Mangga Besar, dengan Lokasari sebagai pusat atraksi. Lokasari, dalam merespon Mangga Besar sebagai kawasan TOD, menjadi ikon baru Mangga Besar. Melihat  kawasan Mangga Besar sebagai area TOD, muncul potensi-potensi bisnis untuk menghidupkan kawasan Mangga Besar, khususnya memberikan wajah baru terhadap Lokasari, dengan mengisi pusat aktivitas dan kegiatan yang berorientasi kepada sosial, ekonomi, dan budaya. Pusat aktivitas dan kegiatan tersebut terbagi menjadi beberapa kluster, dimana setiap kluster terdiri dari beberapa bangunan atau objek. Salah satu pusat aktivitas yang diusulkan adalah aktivitas untuk merasakan gastronomy experience dengan menyantap hidangan eksotis.

The TOD (Transit Oriented Development) area is an integrated area with mass public transportation that promotes pedestrian and bicycle movement, encourages the use of public transportation, and restricts motorized vehicles. The Jakarta government has identified several areas that meet the basic principles of TOD and have specific potential due to the presence of TOD zones. One of the designated TOD areas is Mangga Besar, with Lokasari as its focal point. In response to Mangga Besar being designated as a TOD area, Lokasari has emerged as a new icon of Mangga Besar. Viewing the Mangga Besar area as a TOD zone reveals potential business opportunities to revitalize the area, particularly by giving Lokasari a fresh identity through the establishment of activity centers and events that are socially, economically, and culturally oriented. These activity centers and events are divided into clusters, with each cluster comprising multiple buildings or objects. One proposed activity center is dedicated to providing a gastronomy experience by indulging in exotic dishes."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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