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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nia Kurniatillah
Status gizi ibu hamil berperan penting dalam kondisi kehamilan dan bayi yang
akan dilahirkan. Masih tingginya kasus risiko KEK pada ibu hamil di Kota
Cilegon terutama di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Jombang memerlukan upaya-upaya
terobosan diantaranya melalui upaya perbaikan dan peningkatan pelayanan gizi.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan predisposing factor,
enabling factor, need factor terhadap perilaku Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Gizi oleh
ibu hamil dengan risiko KEK di Klinik Gizi Puskesmas Jombang.
Desain penelitian ini adalah non eksperimen dengan pengumpulan data secara
cross sectional pada data primer yang terdiri dari 178 responden. Penelitian
dilakukan pada bulan Maret-Juni 2014, menggunakan kuesioner yang diisi oleh
responden. Analisis data dilakukan adalah analisis univariat, analisis bivariat
menggunakan chi square, dan analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik
ganda model prediksi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi perilaku Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Gizi yang
tidak baik lebih besar yaitu 62,4%. Faktor predisposing diantaranya paritas,
pengetahuan, sikap, faktor enabling diantaranya dukungan suami, pendapatan
keluarga, kepemilikan asuransi, dan faktor need berhubungan signifikan dengan
Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Gizi. Variabel pengetahuan merupakan faktor dominan
setelah dikontrol oleh pendapatan keluarga, kepemilikan asuransi, kebutuhan,
paritas, sikap, dan dukungan suami.

Nutritional status of pregnant women is important condition for pregnancy and
the baby born. The high risk CED cases of among pregnant women in Cilegon,
especially in Jombang health center area, required measured in improved
nutritional health services.
This study aims to determine the influence of predisposing factors, enabling
factors and need factors toward nutritional service utilization behavior by the
pregnant women with risk CED in clinical nutrition Jombang health center.
This study was non experimental design using cross sectional methode approach
in data collection primary data was taken from 178 respondents who were total
population. The study was conducted in March-June 2014, using questionnaires
completed by respondents. Data were analyzed througt univariate, bivariate
using chi square, and multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression with
prediction model.
The Results showed that the poor utilization behavior is more than half of the
respondents (62,4%). Predisposing factors such as parity, knowledge, attitudes,
enabling factors such as support of her husband, family income, insurance
ownership, and need factors are associated with nutritional service utilization.
Knowledge is found as the must dominant variable measured of utilization in
clinical nutrition after controlled by family income, insurance ownership, need,
parity, attitudes, and support of her husband ."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk menilai risiko keselamatan pipa transmisi minyak/ main oil line (MOL). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan menggunakan metode semi kuantitatif. Penelitian ini mengamati pipa 24? dan 20?, mulai dari lapangan C sampai ke terminal pengumpul sejauh kurang lebih 20 km. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan mengacu kepada perhitungan penilaian risiko pada pipa yang dikembangkan oleh Kent. Muhbauer. Variabel yang dimasukkan ke dalam perhitungan adalah indeks kerusakan pihak ketiga, indeks korosi, indeks desain dan indeks kesalahan operasional. Dari hasil data yang dikumpulkan dan perhitungan, terlihat bahwa dapat disimbulkan bahwa variabel indeks desain adalah faktor yang paling besar pengaruhnya terhadap risiko keselamatan pipa, yang kemudian diikuti oleh indeks pihak ketiga dan indeks kesalahan operasi. Nilai faktor dampak kebocoran terbesar berada pada daerah yang dekat dengan hunian penduduk. Hal ini diakibatkan aktifitas penduduk dapat menyebabkan pipa menjadi retak/bengkok sehingga kebocoran pada pipa dapat terjadi. Dalam rangka menjaga keselamatan jalur pipa minyak sepanjang 20 km, maka perlu dilakukan tindakan-tindakan pemeliharaan yang berhubungan dengan masing-masing variabel.

The aim of this study is to analyze the oil transmission pipeline/main oil line risk for safety. This study is analytic descriptive research by using quantitative method. This study is observing the 24? and 20? pipeline, starting from field C up to collecting terminal 20km long. The data tabulation will be referring to the pipeline risk assessment methodology, which was developed by Kent. Muhbauer. The variables, which are, use such as third party index, corrosion index, design index and incorrect operational index. The result of data collecting and calculation shows that the index design is the most significant value that can interfere to the pipeline safety risk, than followed by third party index and in correctional operation index. The leak impact factor biggest value were lies near the local resident. The local resident activity can cause the pipeline become dent/cracked so the pipeline leakage can be happened. In order to keep the safety of 20 km oil pipeline, then the maintenance activity should be done according to each variable.
Depok: Fakulitas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Ani
"Penyakit hiperkolesterolemia, hipertensi dan perilaku merokok merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) yang menjadi penyakit pembunuh nomer satu di dunia (Dilley: 2000). Berdasarkan penelitian eksperimental, epidemiologi, dan klinis menyatakan bahwa peran kolesterol tinggi, dan kebiasaan merokok berpengaruh pada kejadian Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Allen : 2001). Berdasarkan data hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan di perusahaan PT ZA dibandingkan dengan kondisi wilayah Kalimantan Selatan bahwa faktor risiko PJK (kolesterol total, perilaku merokok dan tekanan darah) masih cukup tinggi sehingga dilakukan kegiatan intervensi promosi kesehatan. Intervensi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penurunan tingkat risiko Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) setelah dilakukan dilakukan intervensi promosi kesehatan media kelompok A dan media kelompok B pada pekerja tambang di PT ZA Kalimantan Selatan Tahun 2014. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian kuasi eksperimental.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah adanya penurunan yang signifikan antara hasil pengukuran kadar kolesterol total sebelum intervensi dengan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok A, adanya penurunan yang signifikan antara hasil pengukuran perubahan perilaku merokok sebelum intervensi dengan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok A dan pada kelompok B, tidak ada penurunan yang signifikan pada tekanan darah sistolik sebelum dan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok A, sebaliknya ada penurunan yang signifikan pada tekanan darah sistolik sebelumm dan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok B, adanya penurunan yang signifikan antara hasil pengukuran perubahan tekanan darah diastolik antara sebelum intervensi dengan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok A dan kelompok B, adanya perbedaan yang signifikan pada penurunan faktor risiko PJK antara sebelum dengan sesudah intervensi pada kelompok A dan kelompk B, adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara penggunaan media A lebih efektif dari pada media B pada kegiatan intervensi penurunan faktor risiko dan penurunan kolesterol total. Kegiatan intervensi promosi kesehatan menggunakan media booklet, penyuluhan, konseling gizi, seminar kesehatan mampu memberikan perubahan yang positif pada perubahan perilaku kesehatan.

Disease hypercholesterolemia, hypertension and smoking behavior is a risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD), which became the number one killer disease in the world (Dilley: 2000). Based on experimental research, epidemiology, and clinical states that the role of high cholesterol, and smoking habits affect the incidence of coronary heart disease (Allen: 2001). Based on data from the health examination at company PT ZA compared with South Kalimantan condition that CHD risk factors (total cholesterol, smoking and blood pressure) is still high enough to do health promotion interventions. This intervention aims to determine the degree of reduction in risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) after the media health promotion intervention group A and group B media in miners in South Kalimantan PT ZA Year 2014. Kind of research is quantitative quasiexperimental research design.
These results are a significant decrease between total cholesterol measurement results before the intervention to after intervention in group A, a significant decrease between the results of measurements of changes in smoking behavior before the intervention to after intervention in group A and in group B, there was no reduction significant in systolic blood pressure before and after the intervention in group A, whereas no significant reduction in systolic blood pressure sebelumm and after intervention in group B, a significant decrease between the results of measurements of diastolic blood pressure changes between the pre-intervention to post-intervention in group A and group B, a significant difference in the reduction in CHD risk factors between the before to after intervention in group A and B batches, there are significant differences between the use of a more effective medium than in medium B in the intervention and risk factor reduction in total cholesterol reduction. Health promotion interventions using media booklet, counseling, nutrition counseling, health seminars able to deliver positive changes in health behavior changes.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aji Muhawarman
Komunikasi adalah faktor penting dalam keberhasilan implementasi
kebijakan dan program pemerintah. Untuk itu peneliti akan menganalisis
formulasi kebijakan komunikasi dalam mendukung pelaksanaan program
pembangunan kesehatan di Indonesia. Beberapa temuan dari riset nasional seperti
Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2012, dan Riset Kesehatan
Dasar 2013, diperkuat dengan sejumlah penelitian lainnya serta pemberitaan di
media yang menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat kebijakan dan program kesehatan
yang belum berhasil mencapai target yang antara lain disebabkan tidak
berjalannya fungsi komunikasi secara optimal sehingga masyarakat belum bisa
memahami dan mendukung kebijakan dan program kesehatan pemerintah.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif,
pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, focus group
discussion (FGD) dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan fakta
bahwa fungsi komunikasi yang dijalankan unit hubungan masyarakat di
Kementerian Kesehatan belum berjalan optimal oleh karena belum adanya
pedoman yang mengatur fungsi komunikasi secara terintegrasi dan komprehensif
dalam hal kelembagaan, kegiatan, tata laksana kerja dan sumber daya. Peneliti
menyarankan kepada sejumlah pihak terkait terutama Pusat Komunikasi Publik
Kementerian Kesehatan agar segera menyusun pedoman komunikasi atau
kehumasan yang dapat mengatur seluruh aspek komunikasi yang diperlukan
dalam meningkatkan pelaksanaan tugas dan fungsi selaku hubungan masyarakat,
selain itu juga memperkuat sumber daya agar lebih memadai. Peneliti juga
merekomendasikan kepada Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika dan
Kementerian PAN dan Reformasi Birokrasi agar menyiapkan berbagai upaya
untuk memperkuat posisi dan peranan hubungan masyarakat dalam pembangunan

Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s;Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s;Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s;Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s;Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s, Communication is an important factor in the successful of the
implementation of government policies and programs. Therefore researcher will
analyzes the formulation of communication policy in support of the
implementation of health development program in Indonesia. Some findings in the
national research such as Indonesia Demographic Health Survey (IDHS) in 2012,
and the Basic Health Research in 2013, reinforced by a number of other studies
and news in the media indicate that there are health policies and programs that
have not succeeded in achieving the targets achievements as one of the result is
due to the ineffectiveness of the communication function so that people cannot
understand and will not support the government health policies and programs.
This research uses qualitative methodology with descriptive type, where
data collection is done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussion
(FGD), and literature studies. Results of this research found that communication
functions executed by the public relations unit of the Ministry of Health has not
run optimally because of the lack of an integrated and comprehensive guidelines
governing the communication functions in terms of institutional, activities,
governance and resources. Researcher suggests to the number of related parties,
especially to the Center for Public Communication of the Ministry of Health to
immediately formulate guidelines for communications or public relations to
regulate all aspects of communication required in advancing the implementation
of tasks and functions as public relations, and also strengthens the resources to be
more adequate. Researchers also recommend to the Ministry of Communications
and Informatics and the Ministry of Empowerment of State Apparaturs and
bureaucracy reform to prepare a variety of efforts to strengthen the position and
role of public relations in national development s]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ummi Kalsum
"Disertasi ini membahas pengembangan indikator antropometri baru yaitu rasio LiLA terhadap panjang lengan atas (PLA) serta model prediksi risiko Kurang Energi Kronis (KEK) pada wanita usia subur (WUS) suku Melayu. Disain studi cross sectional menggunakan sebagian data Riskesdas 2013 dan data primer. Sampel 1009 WUS berusia 18-49 tahun (tidak hamil) di Kota Makassar dan Kabupaten Tana Toraja, Selawesi Selatan. Hasil studi menemukan formula yang optimal adalah Rasio LiLA/ PLA < 4,25 untuk mendeteksi risiko KEK, lebih baik validitasnya (Sn= 80%; Sp=84%) dibandingkan validitas LiLA menggunakan baku Indeks Massa Tubuh. Prevalensi KEK pada WUS 9,9% (IMT< 18,5); Risiko KEK 22,4 % (Rasio LiLA/ PLA < 4,25). Validitas LiLA < 23,5 cm sudah baik (Sn= 76%; Sp=87,2%), tetapi titik potong optimal untuk skrining adalah <=24,0 cm (Sn= 90%; Sp= 77%) untuk mendeteksi risiko KEK WUS. Faktor risiko KEK: umur, paritas, penggunaan alat kontrasepsi, penyakit infeksi, aktifitas fisik, pekerjaan, status kawin dan sosial ekonomi. Penyakit infeksi berat (POR= 2,79) sebagai faktor risiko dominan; sedangkan faktor protektif dominan adalah penggunaan alat kontrasepsi hormonal (POR= 0,43). Diperlukan komunikasi, informasi, edukasi pada WUS untuk menerapkan pedoman gizi seimbang, pola hidup sehat serta pencegahan penularan penyakit infeksi seperti TB, Malaria dan Hepatitis serta penanganan yang tepat untuk mencegah KEK.

This study examined the development of new anthropometric indicator was the ratio of MUAC to upper arm length (UAL) and the prediction model of the risk of Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) in Malay women of reproductive age. Crosssectional study design using part of the data Riskesdas 2013 and primary data. Samples were 1009 women aged 18-49 years (not pregnant) in Makassar and Tana Toraja South of Sulawesi. The study found that the optimal formula was MUAC/ UAL <4.25 to detect a risk of CED, better validity (Sn= 80%; Sp= 84%) compared to MUAC with the gold standard was Body Mass Index (BMI). Prevalence of CED on women of reproductive age 9.9% (BMI <18.5); Risk of CED 22.4% (MUAC/ UAL <4.25). The validity of MUAC <23.5 cm was good but the optimal cut point for screening the risk of CED was <=24 cm (Sn= 76%; Sp= 87.2 %). CED risk factors were age, parity, contraceptive use, infectious diseases, physical activity, job, marital status and socioeconomic. The dominant risk factor was severe infectious disease (POR= 2.79) while the dominant protective factor was the use of hormonal contraceptives (POR= 0.43). It needs communication, information and education to applying balanced nutrition guidelines, healthy lifestyles and the prevention of transmission of infectious diseases such as TB, Malaria and Hepatitis as well as adequate treatment to prevent CED."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wachyu Sulistiadi
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang penerapan kebijakan kawasan tanpa rokok (KTR) pada tingkat kabupaten/kota di Indonesia dengan menggunakan model prediksi implementasi. Tujuannya adalah untuk menganalisis dinamika penerapan KTR di level kabupaten/kota yang diformulasikan dalam berbagai format kebijakan, mulai dari keputusan bupati/walikota sampai dengan dalam bentuk peraturan daerah, yang telah diberlakukan selama belasan tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif, untuk menganalisis, menginterpretasi dan menghasilkan model prediktif mengenai kebijakan KTR data primer dan sekunder tingkat nasional dan lokal yakni empat wilayah yang dijadikan sebagai sampel penelitian yaitu: Kota Palembang, Kabupaten Karawang, Kabupaten Lombok Utara, dan Kota Mataram. Adapun analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis uji-T, cross-tab, dan regresi logistik; dan didukung dengan metode analisis kualitatif untuk pengayaan hasil yang komprehensif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan model prediksi penerapan kebijakan kawasan tanpa rokok dengan dukungan dan demand dari daerahnya bisa terwujud jika faktor dukungan pajak rokok tinggi, tidak memiliki pertanian tembakau dan faktor demand hipertensi penduduknya tinggi, penduduk miskin lebih rendah, pendidikan masyarakatnya lebih tinggi, jumlah merokoknya lebih tinggi, pengeluaran merokoknya lebih tinggi dan angka harapan hidupnya lebih tinggi. Adanya dukungan di daerah komitment dan keberanian dari kepala daerahnya dalam kepedulian dan menyelamatkan kesehatan masyarakatnya merupakan dukungan yang cepat dalam menerapkan kebijakan kawasan tanpa rokok. Dengan pemetaan kuadran wilayah kabupaten kota dapat diupayakan penerapannya melalui skenario strategi jangka panjang dan jangka pendek dalam peta jalan lima tahun selama satu periode pemerintahan harus bisa menerapkan kebijakan peraturan daerah kawasan tanpa rokok.

This study discusses the implementation of Smoke Free Zone policy (KTR) at the district / city in Indonesia using a predictive model implementation. The goal is to analyze the dynamics of the implementation at the district level KTR / city policies formulated in a variety of formats, ranging from decision regent / mayor up to in the form of local regulations, which have been imposed on a dozen years. This study uses quantitative and qualitative approach, to analyze, interpret and generate predictive models regarding policies KTR primary data and secondary of national and local levels that are four areas that serve as the research sample are: Palembang City, Karawang District, North Lombok District and Mataram City. The analysis used was a T-test analysis, cross-tabs, and logistic regression; and supported by qualitative analysis method for enrichment comprehensive results.
The results showed that the application of the model prediction with the smoking area policy support and demand from the region could be achieved if factors support higher cigarette taxes, do not have a tobacco farm and demand factors hypertension high population, poverty is lower, the higher education community, the number of smoking higher, the higher the smoking spending and higher life expectancy. There is a supported in the commitment and courage of the head region in and save the health care community is quick support in implementing the policy of no-smoking areas. With a district-quadrant mapping can be pursued through the implementation of long-term strategic scenarios and short-term five-year roadmap for the period of administration should be able to implement the policy of nosmoking areas of local regulations."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Irianto
Program pembangunan kesehatan ibu di desa merupakan upaya untuk mendekatkan akses ibu pada pelayanan kesehatan sehingga diharapkan memperkecil terjadinya kematian ibu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan keberadaan bidan berdomisili di desa dalam melakukan rujukan komplikasi maternal melalui tempat kematian ibu sebagai ukuran kinerja rujukan. Sampel sebanyak 3493 kematian ibu yang merupakan separuh dari populasi dalam Sensus Penduduk Tahun 2010 tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, selanjutnya dianalisis regresi logistik multivariat untuk mengetahui peranan masing-masing faktor terhadap tempat kematian ibu. Hasil analisis menemukan bahwa setelah dikontrol faktor lain keberadaan bidan berdomisili di desa meningkatkan kemungkinan ibu meninggal di rumah sakit atau dapat mencegah kematian terjadi di rumah. Sedangkan faktor lain yang berperan yaitu anjuran merujuk dan akses. Untuk itu disarankan agar kebijakan penempatan bidan berdomisili di desa perlu didukung oleh semua pihak.

Maternal health programs in rural development is an attempt to get closer access to maternal health services that are expected to reduce the occurrence of maternal deaths. This study aims to determine the contributions of midwives who the same place villages the mother stay in refferal maternal complication by place of death as measure of refferal performance. Sampels are 3493 of maternal deaths, it?s a half of populations SP-2010. Analisys by multivariate logistic regression to determine of role each factors to maternal mortality place. The results, where midwives stay in the village increases the likelihood mother died in the hospital or prevent deaths occurred at home. Another factors to contributions to maternal mortality place are access (place, distance, regional). It is recommended to suport the placement midwives to stay at village policy.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lisana Karomah
"Latar Belakang: Higiene sanitasi dan tingkat kontaminasi Escherichia coli pada makanan di tempat wisata perlu diukur sebagai dasar pertimbangan dalam upaya pengendalian kontaminasi makanan untuk menjamin kesehatan para pengunjung
Tujuan: Tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan antara higiene sanitasi terhadap tingkat kontaminasi Escherichia coli pada makanan dan minuman di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain studi potong lintang Sebanyak 24 Tempat Pengolahan Makanan terpilih diambil secara total sampel Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner dan uji laboratorium Setelah itu dilakukan analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan menghubungkan variabel independen dengan variabel dependen
Hasil: Hasil studi menunjukkan sebagian besar responden memiliki pengetahuan kurang baik 58 3 perilaku baik 75 0 tempat pembuangan sampah tidak memenuhi syarat 70 8 sanitasi peralatan pengolahan makanan tidak memenuhi syarat 62 5 penyimpanan bahan makanan dan makanan jadi memenuhi syarat 54 2 dan tingkat kontaminasi Escherichia coli memenuhi syarat 91 6 Hasil uji bivariat menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik antara seluruh variabel independen dan variabel dependen
Kesimpulan: Higiene sanitasi makanan tidak berhubungan dengan tingkat kontaminasi Escherichia coli pada makanan dan minuman di Taman Margasatwa Ragunan

Background: Hygiene sanitation and levels of Escherichia coli contamination in food in tourist spot need to be measured as a basis for consideration in an effort to control food contamination to ensure the health of visitors
Objectives: The main objective of this research was to determine the relationship between hygiene sanitation against contamination levels of Escherichia coli in food in the Ragunan Zoo
Methods: The study was cross sectional study design A total of 24 canteen selected taken place in the total sample Data was collected using a questionnaire and laboratory test After that the univariate and bivariate analysis was done by linking the dependent and independent variables
Results: The study showed that most respondents have a poor knowledge 58 3 good behavior 75 0 not eligible landfills 70 8 not eligible sanitary food processing equipment 62 5 eligible storage of foodstuffs and food 54 2 and the level of Escherichia coli contamination was eligible 91 6 Bivariate test results showed no statistically significant association between all independent variables and the dependent variable
Conclusion: Food sanitation hygiene is not related to the level of Escherichia coli contamination in food and beverages in the Ragunan Zoo
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesia menjadi negara ketiga dengan konsumsi tembakau terbesar di dunia dan terus meningkat prevalensinya Paparan asap rokok akan membahayakan bagi orang lain perokok pasif akan menjadi korban dari perilaku merokok yang semena mena Kawasan Tanpa Rokok merupakan peraturan yang harus diterapkan berdasarkan UU Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 Tentang Kesehatan Tempat Belajar mengajar menjadi salah satu Kawasan Tanpa Rokok yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah Universitas Indonesia sebagai institusi pendidikan yang menjadi contoh dan peduli lingkungan sudah mentapkan UI sebagai kawasan Tanpa Rokok berdasarkan SK Rektor UI Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan Kawasan Tanpa Rokok di universitas Indonesia Tahun 2015 Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan mertode wawancara mendalam dan observasi dengan pendekatan kerangka kerja logis Hasil penelitian adalah Kawasan Tanapa Rokok UI belum memiliki indikator yang sesuai dengan peraturan kementerian kesehatan dan belum optimal dalam pelaksanaannya Faktor kendala utama adalah tidak adanya komitmen konsistensi ketegasan penegakan peraturan kejelasan tanggung jawab dan wewenang Pelaksana Tugas Harian KTR UI sehingga akan berdampak pada alokasi anggaran dan aktivitas dalam pelaksanaan kawasan tanpa rokok serta output yang dicapai.

Indonesia in the third position country with the world 39 s largest tobacco consumption Exposure to cigarette smoke will harm to others passive smokers will become victims of smoking behavior is arbitrary Smoking Area is a rule that should be applied based on Law Number 36 Year 2009 on Health University become one of the smoke free area decided by the Government University of Indonesia as an educational institution have a regulation to be smoke free campus The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation Smoking Area in the university of Indonesia Year 2015 This is qualitative research with in depth interviews and observations methods with the logical framework approach Results of the study were smoke free area in UI doesn rsquo t have indicators in accordance with the rules and the health ministry has not been optimal in practice The main limiting factor is the lack of commitment consistency and the clear of responsibility and authority of the ldquo Pelaksana Tugas Harian KTR UI rdquo so that it will have an impact on the budget allocation the activity in the implementation of non smoking area as well as the output achieved."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library